Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 29, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Interesting New Displays of Spring Merchan
dise Throughout Salem9 s Big Store
New Spring Footwear. New Spring two tone Taffetas. New Crepe De Chines
and Tub Silks. New Spring Wash Materials. New Spring Hats 'for Men. New
Silk Hosiery. New Laces and Embroideries. New Suits for Boys.
No. 784th Wednesday Suprise Sale March 1st.
An Offering of Splendid 50 inch Lace
Edged Centerpieces at 90c each
Here's an extra value offering of pretty round Centerpieces prettily made with
lace insertion design in center and a wide lace edge. One of these would look fine
on your round dining table. They would cost almost double this price in some
stores. Special for next Wednesday, Meyers price. 90c each
Sale Starts at 8:30. See the window display.
"No phone or mail orders taken for these.
Company Must Correct This
and Perform Other Condi
tions of Contract
Millinery Department Space on second floor For
Rent Inquire at Office.
Salem's Big
Department Store
The flerniaii American Investment 1
company, through Julius Voget, will he'
notified that, the water supply nt the
Me Kin ley school is not sufficient and
not i" accordance with the eontraet, ac
cording to a resolution passed at the'
meeting of the school hoard List even !
ing. The board also insists that im-j
mediate steps be taken to not only so-'
lire a sufficient supply of water but
that it is also elear and not muddy wat-:
er. ;
The same company will also be noti-i
fied that the streets have not beeiij
prided nor sidewalks built, Recording to
agreement. The board claims that at
the time the lot was purchased, it was
agreed that tile street south of the'
school house was to be graded and cer,
tu in sidewalks constructed.
In order t list c the principals md heads
of .departments may have opportunity
to visit other schools, the board grant
ed one day during the school year, when
teachers will be given leave of absence.'
Miss May Hopkins was elected teach
er in the Fnglish department, on t'nei
recommendation of Superintendent O.1
M. Klliott. I
Admiral Wants Navy j
Equal to England's
All Around
w U
Washington, Kel). 2!). i Explaining!
his demand for a I'nited States nnvv
i equal to England's. Admiral Knight
, told the house naval committee today
evening at 7:1") the Hon. W. II. II. Du-!thnt the Monroe doctrine, the "open
fur of Portland and -Mr. Percy A. Cup-! door" in China, maintenance of the
per of Salem will discuss Rural Credits, j Panama canal, or exclusion of Asiatics
lioth of these gentlemen 'nave drawn up might, drag this country into war at
measures to be presented to the legisla-anv time.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, (its gloss
es correctly. U. 8. Bank. lildg.
The Salem Festival chorus will bold
mi extra rehearsal tomorrow evening at
7:il0 o'clock at the Presbyterian church, will move this week to the Prank Dur-
Thft chorus is preparing to give its an-ibiu farm on Howell Prairie, lie will
I he Km
Ideiiigo Miller.
nual conceit, the loth or 10th of March.
Sr. Stono'i drug store.
E. L. Stiff Si Son pay the highest
After rising to a levol of 20.2 feet! pines for used furniture.
above low water mult this lnnnlh, tin
highest for seven years, the river closes
its February record today with a gunge
of exactly 3 feet above low waler. '
Sr. Stone's trmg store.
tire at the next, session. I his meeting
! is free to the public and ladies are espe
cially invited, also .members of the
I grange ami or tne .igrieumire depart
ment of the Salem Commercial cluii.
Two more robberies were reported to
the police thise morning making three
in all that were committed best night.
Paul Monarch's place on North Com
mercial street, was entered and robbed
of about $! in change. Compton's
racket store on Court street wn-.s also
led as steward .it the club by j entered through a rear window and
The first arrest under the ordinance
requiring second hand dealers and paw n
brokers to report their purchase's to the
police was made yesterday when Fred!
Shindler. a second hand dealer, was
Arrangements for his Poi'l j brought to the station on u charge of
New and second hand furniture of all
kinds at K. 1.. Stiff & Son.
Fred Gary, who has been steward at
the Klk club for the past three years,
Bonjamin Brick returned this morn
ing from Portland where iie made
I "The United States," lie said,
, "stands for more policies irritable to
, other world powers, than does any
! other nation. They probably w ill draw
! us into a conflict.
I "Division of the Atlantic, fleet so
as to send part of it to the Dacil'ie
; would be the most fatal thing we
l could do at this time.
I "I believe the war will leave Eng
land with fewer ships than heretofore.
If she wins, she will have no other
enemy in sight. If, however, we draw
n i close to her naval strength, she
may start a building program."
"Are we menacing to Kngland any
way. ''' asked Representative Callaway.
"I think we are," the admiral
answered, "but I beg to be excused
from explaining why."
land stnrs who will appear at tno ; purchiising some nose bags from (). P.
.noose cnicmniinieni i nurs.iay evening, st. Clair and failing to report the pur-
hase. Shindler entered a plea of not
Clearance Sale I
50c Tea, sale price per
Pound 35c
Best llardwheat Flour,
sale price, sack
Best White Soap, sale
price, 7 bars 25c
Toilet Paper, sale price,
6 rolls 25c
Brazil Coffee, sale price,
2 pounds 35c
Peanut Butter, sale
price, 2 pounds . . . 25c
Tomatoes, sale price, 4
cans 25c
Italian Prunes, sale
price, 5 pounds . . . 25c
Potatoes, sale price, per
ck $1.45
This sale will continue
for 10 days.
Damon Son
S35N.Com'l. Phone G3
cents. Hotcakes
.loss Cicorge, -liJ
at the oper.i house
Regular meals 20
and coffee 10 cents.
Special meetings will begin Friday of
this week at the Salvation .iriny head
quarters on Court street. The liov. I!.
V. Shaver of the Niizareno church will'
speak at the hall tonight and the Hev.l
.1. C. Sjoucer, of the Leslie M. K. church
Wednesday evening.
Special sale, large Juicy oranges, reg
ular Tide oranges for .Vie, while they last.
Nichols Grocery, 2-17 N. Conimerei.il,
Mrs. E. Hodin, of this city, recently
from Snlina, Kansas, underwent, an op
era I ion yesterday at the Salem hospital
for the removal of a catar.ict from the
eye. The operation was successfully
performed by Dr. M. C. Findley. Mrs.
llcdin has been visiting here for sev
eral months from Snlina, Kansas, and
has recently decided to remain here
Order your pure milk, cream and
Maple drove butter from Maple tlrovo
Dairy, 11M5 South Commercial. Phone
l-'08. tf
Arrangements were being made today
tor another gniue at the commercial
club this evening to be plaved between
the chess and checker club players and
line commercial club experts. The chess
jnnd checker club will be represented in Salem and in the
I chess by .I N'. Smith C. (I (livens, P.L,,,, l,,ll,l.kl.r ,.,,,
it., i in ii i s, itHijwi .Minor mm n. r.. I'en
inisnn. In checkers, the club will pliv
'.I. li. Peetz, Dave Drager, llenrv Hill,
I A I llutchcson, K. 11. dory aud 11. N.
Nichols Grocery will sell 50c oranges
for ;i,"ie Wednesday and Thursday only.
Call and try them. L'17 N. Commercial,
Phone lid.
Big sale on oranges for Wednesday
and Thursday, reeuinr ,")0c oranges for
:i.ie per down. Nichols Grocery, 247 N.
Commercial. Phone lid.
.Jefferson, Or.,
Feb. 20. Jefferson
guilty 1 his case wns called in police High school won the debating chain-
c.onrt before Judge Klgin this after-; pionship of the North Willamette dis
noon. O. P. St. Clair was tried in Jus-1 trict by defeating Woodhurn and F.sta
tice court yesterday afternoon on ncadn High schools last Friday evening,
charge of larceny of Hie nose lings but The affirmative team of each school
the charge against him was dismissed. , traveled. Jefferson won both debates
o I bv unanimous decisions. The Jefferson
E. Cooke Patton was feeling in rather affirmative team composed of Mary
a reminiscent mood today after reading chute, Levant Pease ami Carl Hooth,
timt February 211 was io be observed i ,i,.fcated Woodburn negative, composed
everywhere as "liicycle day." lae,,, -m.,v,.u i;nnick. Lawrence and
--..HI, Ul'lllglllg 111111 . . i .. rni, I-.,
nee even at the age " ' a unanimous decs on. H Ls
envied by the bovsi tncuda debaters were Carl Kiinmel,
distinction of owning the first veloci
pede in Snleui belongs to K. Cooke Pat
ton, vouched for by Mr. Patton himself.
It was about -10 ye.trs ago when his
father bought him the three wheeled
rider at a cost of )22..')0, bringing him I
into unusual proiuine
ol five, lie was so
thnt the following week Warner Iirey
mnu, bought one for his son Carl ami
the next week Harry Cann was ruling
the streets. The three boys were en
vied of every voungster in town and
daily give exhibitions of riding speed
around Willson park. The distinction
of owning the first two wheel rider be
longed to lien Taylor, who made the bi
cycle himself. j
Checker and chess playing by wire is'
the latest in this form of amusement,'
and President Hoy Bryant, of the Sn-,
lem Chess and Checker club is irrang
ing plans for a game between the Sn-
lem and Portland players, to be played
entirely by wire. Operators will be
placed in the commercial club rooms in'
rooms nt the chess
of Portland and the
labs will ldav. e.ich move being sent
by telegraph. Fifteen players will takej
part in the game from each club. The
Salem Chess and Checker club will fur-1
nish five I'hess players and five check-!
er players, while the coinmerciol club'
will We called on for five chess players.'
Mr. Bryant has not fully completed j
arrangements for this g.uno by wire
but it will probably be played early in:
Miss Harriett Montgomery and fam
ily wish to extend their sincere thanks
to their friends for the kindness and
sympathy shown during the illness and
death of their sou aud brother A, L.
Our Spring Goods Are Coming
and Arriving Almost Daily
Spring Shoes and
Shirts Are Here
Packard Shoes for Men all styles and all sizes, in-
eluding the English walking shoe. Prices within the
reach of ail $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00
When you want Shoes ofQualitysay "Packard", the
Shoe with a reputation.
Men's Shirts
Spring Styles
Our leader, : The Silver Brand this season's de
The Ide Shirt none better worn the world over
$1.50 to $2.00
141 North Commercial Street
Salem, Oregon
se s!
$ $
if if se $ sje :'f Js
!f SjS Sf
Many Willing to Share
Widow's Ranch and Life
: I
Siniins, at Woodlmrn, ny a unanimous
decision. Jefferson's negative team,!
composed of Kenneth Armstrong, Hazel
Freeman and Milton .Mason, defeated
Kstacada's affirmative team at .leffer
l.lovd F.walt and Paul Frazie.r.
Officers Whit and Victor, of the
llilfllt relief of the Si. leni n, ,!;,... I',.r..
went to Albany today to testify before
' the grand jury in the'ense of John Fish
! er and John lirown, who are. charged
I with robbing a butcher shop in A Hum v.
I Fisher and Hrown were taken from the
, Oregon Klectrie. train tvy the Salem of
ficers niul when searched they carried
a haul wrapped up in a butcher's apron
and nome knives and a steel f ir .sharpen
ing incni.
Notice. Rllvr Ktt rwl. w n w
O. W. I will collect assessments and "r, ftr six rounds each,
duns hereafter at ti;t.ri North Coinmer-1 ",m rfmine to ne in tne pin ot comii-
vim sneer, seeoiiii iioor north of Marion,
MpiHie. r.ftie S. Wright, clerk.
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
Mary Uoedigheimor. today filed a suit
for a divorce from her husband, Simon
Boedigheiiner, on the grounds of cruel
and inhuman treatment. The couple
were married in September, 1008, and
have two children, Mina Boedigheiiner,
a daughter, aged seven years, and T.or
ence, ii son, aged four years. The plain
tiff alleges that her husband spent most
of his time hanging around saloons
and that he drunk to excess and when
under the influence of liquor was quar
relsome and feared by the family. She
further states in her complaint that
her husband forced her children by a
former niarringo to leave home and
chased them out of the house into the
rain and threw their clothes out after
them. She seeks a clear title .to 4ii
acres of land that- she owned at the
tune of her second marriage and to
three lots in Sublimity. Carey F. Mar
tin is attorney for the plaintiff.
111 Hi,
Tin ner, Monday, Feb-,
William Strode, in his
ruarv L'H,
I lioth year.
Funeral services will be held Wed
i nesd.iy afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
I home of Mrs. S. A. Woods. Burial w ill
.be in the Cornelius cemeterv.
' Billy Murry To
Meet Winner of
. Hagen-Sommers Go
San Francisco, Fen. 20. Suitors f'-i
the hand of Mrs. Ada Wanen, atten
tion! Put on your prettiest tie, shine, you -shoes
and start, "looking pretty."
For the North Dakota widow, wl'
wants a husband to look after hersel.'
and ranch is Jjoiug to choose her mat 1
Today 'she gave notice through ('lib'''
of Police White, who has been actin,;
as cupid's agent in this bit of match
making. She will appear at the polic :
station to look over her prospect iv
husbands, who have written from a'
Xot only are Salem sport fans cu I most every part of California asking f' r
i edge for the coming smoker to be staged her hand.
jin Ryan's hall Wednesday night but Five new applications for a job
.Manager Bobby F.vans today received a, husband came to the chief today. Bn!
letter from Kd Harris, manager of 'Mrs. Warren isn't satisfied with mei
Romeo ll.igen, who says that a mini- proposals. She wants to see what she '".
her of Portland boxing fans will make getting. So those who haven't writte
the trip to the capital city to see the' to her still have a chance to mak
boys in action. Fred T. Merril, promot-! good. Mrs. Warren has explained thi
or and manager of the Ttose City Ath-jsi,0 nants a man who. knows how t
jletie club, is to bring a party to tlicwr nj isn't afraid to tackle a plow.
mate!! in nis niacnine ana a nuinner oi
others will make use of tiie trains to (
w.itch Mascott and Bennett and Som-j
iiiers ami itagen, eacn go ior eigni
I The fact that Portland fans are at
tracted to Salem indicates the class of
the card that is to be put on by Man-
. .iger Kvans. Komeo Hagen is working
out in Portland for his coming contest
with Soniiners and Sommers and Mas
cott are both training nt Kletts. Ila
gen's manager writes that the baker
boxer is in the pink of condition and
A foreclosure suit was filed today by
Cnace Louisa Hottinger. by Minnie Hot
tinger against Minnie P. Smith and oth
ers to collect on a note for $1,200 of
which $1,131.57 and interest is claimed
to be due and owing The note is se
cured bv a mortgage on lots 1 and 5,
block 3 "and lot li, block 2 Hugh Owens
addition to Salem. In addition to a
judgment in the sum of 1,134.57 and
interest the plaintiff seeks $17.20 for
taxes and $200 attorney's fees. Carson
& Brown appear for the plaintiff.
I confident of winning the newspaper de
F. E. I.a Foiut today filed a damage cisiou ami Sommers has something- of
suit against the Southern Pacific, Ore-1 , similar idea except that Al figures
gon & California Railway company and that the headlines will read, "Soni
Maiion county. He alleges that while jiueis Beats Hagen."
driving his auto truck over a bridge Alec Tinmbetus and Karl Zimmerman
which was owned by the county on the each have a large following of friends
S. P. right of wav that the structure in Portland who will probably make
I fell and his machine was injured to the the trip to Salem to w.itch the coming
extent ot .'.'!MI ami- that, tie lost $00
by being unable to use it while it wies
'tnivoit ny Iho wintipr is lo-nnlised
match with Abie Cordon in Portland.
Big Time at Elks' Club
Two of the best boxing mntches ever
pulled off in this city will take place at
the Hlks' club Thursday night. Mascot
and Mascow nn.l F.v.ins and Summer
This will be regular election night
and a banquet will follow the evening's
checks hero recently, has been arrested
In I.i'wiston, Tdaho, according to the in
formation received here today by Chief
of Police Welsh. O'Neil miide a spe
cialty of $'.'7 checki and passed two
of them in Halein, he also passed them
in Aberdeen and other towns in Wash
ington, nil fer the same sum. The bad
cheeli artist is said to have left a trail
liberally sprinkled with spurious- paper
which made it possible to track him.
At the Unitarian church Wednesday;
Aberdeen, Wash., Feb. 20.
Several lumber mills today an
nounced an increase of wages
beginning tomorrow. It wns also
stilted that four logging camps
which have been vhut down for
many mouths will be sfnrteit
early in March. Five hundred
men will be given employment
iu these camps.
Phone 700
Oood Oarage In connection foi
storage of can.
Seasonable Bates.
218 Bute stieet.
I lillilt.vimt n.r rnnnira Ali-Vnv,- .0- "f,.
Nary represent the plaintiff."
I P. A. Voght today filed a suit in the
: riniuit court against, the Abiqua I.um-
nor company asking that a receiver be
appointed to handle the affairs of the
company He states in his complaint
that the corporation, of which the head
offices are located nt Woodburn. is
j capitalized nt $100,000 and has valuable
timber holdings but that the mills have
not been running. Mr. Vogt asserts
that he has claims against the companv
amounting to $1,000, V. J. Krchbiel, of
$10,000, and the Bank of Woodburn,
for $12,000, !Tnd that unless the mill
is operated that the creditors will be
obliged to foreclose on the property
to the great Ions of the ftockholders of
which the plaintiff is one. Carson &
Brown are handling the case for the
Kach of the three matches on Wednes
day night's card is a headliner at any
smoker and with three on at the same
smoker Maiuger Kvans does not hesi
tate to promise the fans a real run for
their money.
To add to the rivalry between Som
niers and Hagen, Fred T. Merril will se
lect the winner to meet Billy Mnrrnv iu
Portland about March 17 for the big
smoker to be held in that citv.
The huge ndvance s.ile of tickets in
dicates that a record crowd will be on
hand. Tickets are now on Sale at Kletts
and at Watt Shipps.
rsew Today Ads work while you
sleep will have results for you in the i Wus in a virtu.il
Something Doing Every
Night Balance of Week
This week promises to be a pretty
busv one after business hours. Tonigm,
Kdgar B. Piper, managing editor of tli"
Oregonian, speaks at 0:30 o clock be
fore the Six o'clock club in the parlor
of the First Methodist church. Wed
nesday evening the men may choose be
tween a boxing match at Ryafi's had
and the discussion of rural credits ;u
the Pnitariiin church. Thursday even
ing the Moose lodge put on their only
and great show, to be followed by i
dance at the Moose hall. Friday even
ing, besides a lecture at the Salem pub
lie library, a concert will be given :
the opera house by Mine. Powell for lb
benefit of the university library an-l
the dance at the armory, given by th"
Cherriiiiis complimentary to Company
M. Ami just to close the week, Lama .'
Tooze will speak Saturday evening i-'
the auditorium of the commercial chU',
of his experiences while traveling wito
the Ford peace party and will jl-i
.utswer questions as to his impressioi -.
while traveling in (he war zone.
New York, Feb. 20. Writing iier son,
the editor of The Fatherland, -Mr,.
Laura Viereck, a native of San Frnr
cisco, declared the authorities of both
Falmouth and the Downs stripped lie.-,
en route to Berlin on the Holiand-Ain-
encan liner .Nieiiwe Amsterdam. Si'"
ollapse after leaving
1 the llnwns.
Nice Line
j A marriage license has beci issued at
i the office of the county clerk to Clyde
j C. Claggett, a farmer residing on route
i eight, Salem, and Louise Drnhr, also of
The road viewers yesterday finished
the survey of the proposed road peti
tioned for by Oeorge W. Knight and
other near Hubbard. This was the road
petition that resulted in tnnnn ,im.
age uit against the county which was
compromised and settled. The road is
now marked out and ns soon as the
deeds are given to the county by the
abutting property owners the road will
be constructed. The road connects
with the northwestern citv limits
Masonic Bldf .
New Today ads costs vou less than
you thiuk worth more than you
l realize.
We have made arrangements to secure them daily
by express direct from the fishing grounds.
Smelt will be plentiful the next few weeks, and are
much cheaper than any other fish or meat you can
Reduce the Cost of Living Expenses
Serve smelt. Who doesn't like a dish of these dainty
little fish, nicely browned.
Order them of
Ward K. Richardson
Phone 491 2395 Front St.