THE DAILY CAPITAL JOI'RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEB, 29, 1916. SEVEN SI DELINQUENTTAX LIST (Continued from Page i?ix.) Oak's Ailil.. Snlem ii.o; Pierce, Grace G K. V lot 7, block 12, Oak's A.M.. Salem . . L " l'ogne. it. F, 20 10-101) acres in fee. 24. T. 0, 8. R. 3 W ties. in vol. 10(1, page 127 Record of Deeds S2.:1 lV:liie. M. ft.. 4.47 acres in Set'. 21. T. 0, S. R. 3 V des. in vol. 100, pace 4:!. Record of Deptls 10.20 rogue. M. K., fr. lot 1, block 24. Salem 42.70 IYi'smill, Enos. lot 1. Muck .12. I Highland Add., Snlem 3.0.", IVesnoll, Enos, lot 2. block 32. . . j Highland Add., Snlem 3.03! riigh, W. D.. fr. of Mock 2. j Knight's Add.. Snlem 27.4o . rngh. W. D., W. ,a lot 1. Mock I f, Yew Park Add., Salem 54.90 Puli, W. D.. E. i,i lot 1, block 5, Vew Park Add., Salem 2.0S 'i.h. W. I).. X. of lot 1 and K Vi of lot 2. block 6, Vew j Park Annex, Salem 40.511 Knn.lnll, B. T., lot 12, block 1, Randall Add., Silcm 4.."W Randall. I!. T. (Drown, Win. K.) ! lot-2. block' 1, Hand ills Add., j Salem 1.30' l!:ip. C It.. Fr. of acre in Sec. 33 Si 34, T. 7, S. II. 3 '., des. in vol. 121. pane 37 s, Record of Deeds 7.02 HatclitTe. A. .1.. Fr. of block 27. Sub. Div. of block 27. I'ni versity Add.. Salem 21.10 l.'anzau, Dorothy V.. (trustee) I!") acres in See. 30, T. 3 S. I. 2 V.. des. in vol. 107, pride 2 In, Record of Deeds... 34.0" Hanan, Dorothy V. (trustee) 42 ores in See. 1, T. 4 S. R. 3 VY., des. in vol. 110, page 4S7 b'ecor.l of Deeds 21.07 lieardea, Kmino A., lot 7, K lot N, block 3, (jueeu Ann Add., Salem Reeves, .1. W., Fr. of block 11. ilevers Add., Salem Reeves, .1. W., W. (.. block 11, .Meyers Add.. Salem Reeves," K. K I'r. of acre in Sec. II. T. 10, S. It. 3 W., des. in vol. 120, page 30, Record of Deeds Kelimcl, C. A. A .1., lot 3, block 3, Dweiis Add., Salem Ttliodes. M. ,r., I'r. lots 8 & 0. block 2, Cartwriglits Add., Salem liichnrt. Cyrus, lot 14, block 1, Hroadway Aibl., Salem Ricor.l, (leu. (Counter, A.,) W. of block 43, North Salem Roberts, (has. '.., 0 03100 acres in Sec. 3 & 4. T. 10, S. 1!. 2 V., des, in vol. 100, page :'.:'. (ex. vol. 11."), page 83) Rec ord of Deeds Robertson, 1!. I'., strip 30 ft. wide WW ft. long, adjoining I 'otters Add. on south Robertson, H. C, lot (i, block 1. Owens Add., Salem Robertson. I). C, lot 7, block 1. Owens Add., Salem Robertson. IV C, lots 1 & 2, block 13, Turner Robertson, I!. ('., lots 1 & 2, 7 & S block (i, Western Add., Turn er Robertson, F. I!., 2 acres in Sec. IS, T. .".. S. !,'. I V des in vol.' 110, pnge 7, Record of Deeds Robins, Winwood, lots 5 Si li, block 10. Vew I 'ark Annex .... Rollins, Winwood, 03 acres in Sec. 23 Si 24. T. S. S, R. 3 W. Robins, Miss E. (I., 30.'i 40-lOn in Sec. 3."i 30, T. 3, S. Jf. 3 W., des. in vol. .120, page 100, Record of Deeds Robins, Miss K. G.. 30 acres in Sec. 31. T. .3, S. R 2 W., des. in vol. 120, page 100, Record of Deeds Robnett. M. K lot I, block 7, llrooklvn Add., Salem Roney, L. X. & (). (I., 4s 31100 acres in See. 24, T. 7, S. R. 3 W., des. irt vol. 131, page 237 Record of Deeds Rosheiiu, Mabel A., Fr. of acre in Sec. 33. T. 0, 8. li. 1 W.. des. in vol. lis, p.ige 237, Record of Deeds Rowland, 1!. I-'., I'r. lot 4, un numbered block Rowland. ('. II., Fr. of lot 3, all of lot 4, block 31, Caiversitv Add.. Salem Rowland, C. If., l-'r. block 3.1. Cap. Park Add., Salem Rowland. C. II.. lot 1 & X. 'j lo.t 2. block SO, Salem Rowland. C. II., l-'r. block SO. Salem Rowland, C. II., IV. block SO, Salem Rowland. C. II., lot S, block SO. Salem Rawlev, F.rastus M. & Mnrv A.. I SI-100 acres in Sec. , T. S. ft. 1 W des. in vol. 131 page 10(1, Record of Deeds ... Roval, C. C S3 acres in Sec. 2. t. S, S. ft. 2 F... des. in vol. 133, pane 31, (ex. vol. 133. page 3N0) Record of Deeds.... 21.2S Rvan. John M., 14';. acres in Sec. 10 & II. T. 7, S. R. 3 V ties, in vol. 03. page 30. Record of Deeds 27.00 Rvan, li. R. & L. I'., lot 2. & Fr. lots t & 3, block 40. Sa ltan Rvan. R. R. & I.. 1'.. I'r. lots S Si 0, block 82. Salem Ry in, R. It. ft I,. I'., lot 0, & I'r. lot 7. block 7S, Salem Ryan. W. A., lots 1 to , block I, Prospect Park Add.. Salem Rvan. W. A., lots 11 to 3s block I. Prospect Park Add.. Salem Rvan. W. A., lots 1 to 20, block '2. Prospect Park Add.. Salem Ryan. W. A., lots 2S to 3S. block J, Prospect Park Add.. Salem Ryan. W. A., lots 1 to 21. block Prospect Park Add.. Salem Ryan. W. A., lots 23. to 3t. block Prospect Park Add., Silem Ryan. W. A., lots 1 to 14, block 4. Prospect Park Add.. Salem Ryan. W. A., lots IS & 10. and 20 to ,'!s, block 4. Trospect Park Add'., Salem Ryan. W. A., lot 3, block 3, Riv erside Add., Salem Ryan. W. A., lot 4. block 3, Riv erside Add., Salem Ryan. W. A., lot 3. block 3, Riv erside Add., Salem Ryan, W. A., lot In, block 14, Riverside Add., Salem Rvan, W. A., lot 11. block 14. Riverside Add., Salem Sell ir. Alfred, et. al.. lot 7. block 10. Nob Hill Add.. Salem felnieider, Mrs. Toeresa, lot S, lienedietine Add Nctt, .1. II.. lot S. block I. Mel- wood Add.. Salem 13.23 42.70 4S.S0 1.27 33.07 28.44 12.20 12.20 1.07 2.43 ..10.7S 33.33 IS. to 10.10 -K43 10.07 43.20 172.S0 2v33 1.S3 170.37 20.7S 30.30 33.3 1 27.43 10.77 14.10 .12.20 27.43 14.33 Scott, ,T. H.. lot 9, block 2 Mel wood Add.. Malcm Salem Rank &. Trust Co.. lot 24, block 2, Burlington, Ore Salem Rank & Trust Co.. lot 1, block 3, ltiirlington, Ore Salem Hank & Trust Co., lot ", block 3, Hiirlington, Ore Salem Hank A Trust Co., lot 1:'. block 3, Hurlington, Ore Salem Hank & Trust Co. (.r. I). Turner) lot 0, block 4, Hurling ton Add., Salem Salem Hank (k Trust Co. (John son, C. 1..) lot 7, block li. Sub. Div. blocks 3 to 7, Nob Hill Annex, Salem S.ilem Hank i Trust Co.. lot -i iv X. I-., lot 0, block 0, Sub. Div. blocks 3 to 7. Nob Hill Annex, Salem Salem Hank Si Trust Co. (Mili um. A. N. i C. R.) K, V. of lot 0. all lot 10, block 0. Sub. Div. blocks 3 to 7, Nob Hill Annex. Salem Salem Hank & Trust Co. (Spvk er. K. K.) S. v. Kit s. all lot 0, block 7, Sub. Div. block 3 to 7. Nob Hill Annex, Snlem .... Salem Hank Trust Co., X. of lot 13. block 7. Sub. Div. ot blocks 3 to 7. Nob Hill Annex, Salem Salem Hank A Trust Co.. lot 14, S. l.. lot 13, block 7, Sub. Div. blocks 3 to 7, Nob Hill Annex. Salem Salem Trust Co., l-'r. .. of bluck 00, Salem H.ilem Trust Co., lot 10. block 2S, Cap. Park Add., Saicm.... Salem Trust Co.. lot 11. block 21, Cap. Park Add., Salem.... Santa. K. F. & K., lot 9, & Fr. lot 10, block 1, Hroadway Add., Salem .'. Urgent, A.. Fr. block 2, Brook lyn Add., Salem S loaders. C. H., lot S, A I'r. lot 11, block I, ttrondway Add.. Salem .'. Sauter, K. .1. (K. K. Cole) I'r. lot 2, block 17, Fairmouut Park Add., Salem Sauter, K. A M. ,f., 13V, acres in Sec. 31. T. 8, 2 W., des. in in vol. 124, page 328, Record of Deeds Sauter, E. J., I'r. lot 20, Maple (Ilea Sauter, K. J., I'r. lot 21, Maple lllen Sauter. K. .1., Ft. lot 22, Maple (ilea Sinter, K. .1., l-'r. lot 23, Maple lllen Senmster. A. 1... lot 0. block 3, Hurlington Add., Salem Settlemeier. I-'. W., 21-. acres in 7.03 3.91 S.Sl 3.03 3.03 420.04 I 70.30 1 I 1is.s3j 2.07; 8.20 J 8.20 j 3.0S cm I 0.13 1 4.31 i i 7 30 4.12 3.03 .3.03 .l..'l 1.10 S 30 Sec. 7, T. 3, S. R. 1 W des. in vol. 117, page 113, Record of Deeds Settlemeier, 1". W 100 acres in Sees. IS A 7, T. 3, S. 1!. 1 V des. in vol. Imi, page 174, Rec ord of Deeds Settlemeier, 1-'. W., 20 acres in Sec, 12, T. 3, S. R., 2 W., des. in vol. OS, page 43, Record of Deeds Settlemeier, 1 W 33 acres in Sec. 13, T. 3, S. R. 2 , des. in vol. 117, page 113, Record of Deeds '. '. Settlemeier. I-'. W., 71 7-100 acres in Sec. IS, T. 3, S. R. 1 V., des. in vol. 87, page 133, (ex. vol. 117, page 12, and vol. 113, ae 320, and vol. 130, page Hil ) Record of Deeds "... Settlemeier, 1'. , 74 41-100 acres iu Sec. 13, T. 3, S. R. 2 W., des. in vol. 108, 40U Record of Deeds Settlemeier, . W.. lot 1, block 1, Park Add.', Woodburn Settlemeier, 1". W., lots 2 to 3. block 1. Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier, F. W lot 2, block 2, Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier. V. W., lot 3, block 2, Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier, F. W.. lot 0. block 2, Pnrk Add.. Woodburn Settlemeier, V. W.. lot 7, block 2, Park Add.. Woodburn Settlemeier, F. W lot 8, block 2, Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier. F. W.p lot 0. block 2, Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier, F. W., lot 10. block 2, Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier. F. W., lot 11. block 2. Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier, F. W., lot 12. block 2, Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier. F. W., lot 13, block 2, Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier. F. V lot 4, block 4, Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier, F. V.. lot 3, block 4. Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier. F. W.. lot 0. block 4. Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier, F. W lot 7, block 4. Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier, F. W., lot 8. block 4, Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier. F. W., lot 0, block 4, P.irk Add., Woodburn Settlemeier. F. , lot 10. block 4. Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier, V. W.. lot 4, block 3, Park Add., Woodburn Settlement-. F. W lot 3, block 3. Purl; Add., Woodburn Settlemeier, F. W block 0. Park Add.. Woodburn Settlemeier, F. W., lots 1 A 2, block 7, Park Add., Woodburn Settlemeier, F. W block 8, Park Add.. Woodburn Settlemeier, V. W., lots 2, 3 A 4. block 0. Park Add.. Woodburn Settlemeier, F. W., lots 1 & 2, block 10, Park Add., Wood burn Settlemeier, F. W lots 1. 2 A 3. block 11, Park Add.. Wood burn Siiea. Patrick .1., K. ' of S. 11. 1; A .V. W. v, or S". K. , A N. K. l4 of S. W. Ij. See. 10, T. 8, S. K. 2 F... Sheppard, Fred. S. "j lots 32, 33 A 34, Sunnfysido Fruit Farms No. 8 Shields, J. A. A Simpkins, Pliro 11a. 2o acres in Sec. 2. T. 10, 5. I,'. 3 W., des. in vol. 120, page 03l Record of Deeds... Shoales, S. A I'... 100 acres in Sec. 21. T. 7, S. R. 1 F.., des. in vol. 00, pige 301. Record of Deeds, and vol. HI, page 211. Record of Deeds Simon, C. W., 43-100 acre in Sec 34. T. 7, S. R. 3 W.. des. in vol. 113, page 204 (ex. vol. 123, pane 303) Record of Deeds Smith. C. J., W. l... of X. K. 'i A F. ' of X. W. ,, Sec. 23, T. - S. R. I F. Smith. C. J.. K. ... of X. F.. A X. K. 1, of S. F.. i, Sec. 2::. T. S. It. 1 K Smith. C. J.. X. W. ' Sec. 23, 20.38 3.31 2.31 4.37 1.00 3.04 47.27 10.29 10.30 2.71 30.30 3.03 9.13 12.00 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 24.40 23.0.00 227.08 27.00 OS.40 143.33 133.23 9.09 2.41 2.4! 2,41 2.43 2.41 2.44 2.41 2.43 2.41 2.41 2.44 2.41 2.43 2.41 2.14 2.41 2.13 2.42 O .H 14.33 4.S3 7.27 4.81 44.23 303 11.38 T. 8, S. B. 1 E Smith. Dr. E. O., Fr. block 3, Hi lbs Add., Xehaba Smith, Geo. M.i lot 8, block tl. Knglewcod Add., Salem Smith. Ueo. M., lot 0, block 0, Knglewood Add., Salem .- Smitii. Geo. Si Marie. 2 acres in See. 14, T. 7. S. R. 3 W.. des. in vol. 101, page 2V.i (ex. vol. 124, page lis) Record of Deeds Smith. Geo. A Marie, lot 4, block 1, Fairgrove Add., Salem Smith, Geo. & Marie, lot 6,1. lock 1. Melwood Add.. Salem Smith. Geo. Si M.irie, lot 7, block 1. Melwood Add., Salem Smith. II. II. (Dorrance, J. E.i I'r. lots 7 A 8. block 12, Depot Add.. Salem Smith, II. X. A S. E., 80 acres in Sec. 10, T. 4, S. ii. 1 W., des. in vol. 103. page 320, Rec ord of Deeds Smith. M. E., lots 13 A 14, block 3, Hroadway Add. Salem .... Smoiise, A. S., lot 2. block 3. Englewood Add., Salem Snv.ler, Laura B., Fr. of aero in Sec. 20, T. 7, S.. R. 3 W'., des. in vol. lis, page 320. Record of Deeds Spence, J. S. A II.. 12 32-100 acres in Sec. 22. T. C, S. R. 2 W., des. in vol. lis, page 383, Record of Deeds Spier, R. F., block 1. Mill Add.. Neliama Squier. W. II. A M. J... lot 2. block 9, Southwest Add., Sa lem Ste.irns. G. L., Fr. of lot 3, Port land Truck Gardens 23.30 ' .82 8.3U S.01 47.8S .70 Swartz, Ralph, lot 2, block 2, Boises 1st Add., Salem 3.03 9.33 4.7.83 21.33 10.08 4, Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland 11, Portland 12, Portland 13, Portland 14, Portland 13, Portland Hi, Portland 17, Portland 18, Portland 1st "ii"," 1st ......... 1st lot 4, Add., lot ' 3, Add., lot 0, Add.. , 80 acres R. 1 E., 137, Rec- 31.19 9. 13 28.20 13.28 Stearns, G. L., lot Truck Gardens .... Stearns. G. L., lot Truck Gardens .... Stears, G. I, lot Truck Gardens .. Stearns, 0. L., lot Truck Gardens .... Stearns, G. L., lot Truck Gardens Ste.irns, G. L lot 10, Portland Truck Gardens Stearns, G. L., lot Track Gardens Stearns, G. E., lot Truck Gardens . Stearns, G. L lot Truck Gardens . Stearns, G. L., lot Truck Gardens . Stearns, G. E., lot Truck Gardens . Stearns, G. E., lot Truck Gardens . Stearns, G. E lot Truck Gardens . Stearns, G. E., lot Truck Gardens . Steel. Chas., lot 7, block 7, Brooklyn Add., Salem Steeman, Mrs. W. II., block 2, Toozes Woodburn Steeman, Mrs, W. block 2, Toozes Woodburn Steeman, Jlrf. W. block 2, Toozes, Woodburn Steen. A. M., Fr. of block 1, Salem Stenslnnd. A. II. A A., in Sec. 13, T. 8, S. des. in vol. 1 Hi, page ord ot Deeds Stevenson, O. S., lots 4 S: 3, block 3, St. Alexis Add., Butte ville Stew.irt, Josie E lot 4, block 1, Oaks Add., Snlem Stewart, Josie I.., l"t 0, block 1, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie E., lot 4, block 2, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie L., lot 3, block 2, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie E., lot 12, block 2, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart. Josie 1.., lot 13, blck 2, Oaks Add., Salem Stew.irt, Josie 1.., lot 4, block 3, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie I... lot 3, block 3, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie E lot 0, block 3, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie E., lot 4, block 4, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie E., lot 3, block 4, Oaks A.ld., Salem Stewart. Josie U. lot 13, block 4, Oaks Add., Salem .... Stew.irt, Josie E., lot 14, 4, Oaks Add., Salem .... Stewart, Josie E., lot 13, 4, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart. Josie I... lot 3, block Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie E lot 7, block Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie E., lot 8, block 3, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart. Josie L.. lot 4, blockO, Oaks Add., Salem Stew.irt, Josie I... lot u, block 0, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie I.., lot 0, block 0, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie I-., lot 13, block 7, Oaks Add., Snlem Stewart, Josie E., lot 14, block 7, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart. Josie E., lot 13, block 7, Oaks Add., Snlem Stewart, Josie E., lot 14, block 8, Oaks Add., Salem Stew.irt, Josie I.., lot 13, block, 8, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie E., lot 1, block II, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart. Josie E., lot 2, block 11, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie 1.., W. !j lots 7 A 8, block 12, Oaks Add., Sa lem Stewart, Josie E., lot 1, block i:;. Oaks Add.. Snlom Stewart, Josie 1 13. Oaks Add., Stew.irt, Josie I 13, Orks Add., Stewart, Josie I... lot 4, 13, Onks Add., S.ilem . Stewart, Josie E.. lot 3, I."., Oaks Add., Salem . Stewart. Josie I... lot 0 13, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie E.. lot 7, block El, Ouks Add.. Salem Stewart, Josie E., lot 8, block 13, Oaks Add.. Salem Stewart. Joie E.. lot 1, block 14, Oiks Add.. Salem . Stewart, Josie E., lot 2 14, Oaks Arid., Snlem . Stewart, Josie E., lot 3, 14, Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie E., lot 4, block 14, Oaks Add.. Salem .. Stewart. Josie I.., lot 3, 14, Oaks Add.. Snlem Stewadt. Josie E.. lot !, block II. Oaks Add., Salem Stewart, Josie E., lot 1 14. Oaks Add., S.ilem Stewart, .lo.-ie I... lot 1 1 1, Oaks Add., Snlrm 8.78 1 nn 28.07 3.44 3.71 3.72 3.37 3.38 2.70 3.37 3.38 3.03 3.11 3.71 3.71 3.48 . 3.01 4.03 1.83 1.27 1.20 1.27 30.30 17.31 1.33 1 2.20 11.44 12.20 12.20 12 20 12.20 12.20 Story, Andrew, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, Tract is. Wise Acres Stoiv, A. (Morris. J. D.) lots 11. 12, 13 k 14, Trad IS, WUe Acres Stroud, Frank J.. 140 acres in Sec. 0. T. 8, S. R. I W... Stuart-Ferguson Timber Co., lot 13, Vallev Fruit Farms No. 2 Sullivan, Sarah F., lots 2 Si 3, block 2, Mill City Sullivan, Sar.ih F., lots 1 A 2, block 0, Mill Citv Swales, Alfred, S. ' W. I;, See. 22. T. 8, S. R. 1 E Swartz, R. & X., lot 10, East Si.lo Fruit Farms ... Swartz, Simon, 7 acres in Sec. 10, T. 7, S. R. 2 W., des. in vol. 73, page 443, Record of Deeds Swattz, Simon, lots I A 2. East Side Fruit Farms Swartz, Simon, lot 12, block .li, Hurlington Add., Salem Tinner, K. E., lot I. block 2:'., Vew Park Annex No. 2, Xew Plat. Salem Tanner. E. E, lot 2. block 23, Vew Park Annex No. 2, New Plat, Snlem Tanner, E. E., lot 4, block 23, Vew Park Annex Xo. 2, Xew Plat, Salem , Tanner, K, E., lot 3, block 23, Vew Park Annex Xo. 2, Xew Plat Snlem Tanner, E. E., lot 0, block 2:'., Yew Park Annex No. 2, New, Salem - Tanner, E. K., (Wait, X. A.) lot' 3, block 23, Yew Park Annex Xo. 2, Xew Plat, Salem Tomlinson, Lottie, Fr. of acre in Sec. .18, T. 3, S. R. 1 W., des. in vol. 9, page 423, (ex. vol. 114, page 581) Record of Deeds" Traders Trust Co. of Oregon I'ud. Int. in lots 4. & 3, El man Dorf Acres :. Trullinger, C. IE, 203 4-10 acres in Sec. 24, T. 4, S. R. 1 W., des. in vol. 1, pHge 107, reg-. titration of title Trulliuger, C. II., lot 2, Will Acres Trullinger, ('. If., 33 acres in Sec. 23, T. 4, S. R. 1 W., den. iu vol. 113, pago 382, Record of Deeds Tuffli, II. & K., lot 9, block 4, Cip. St. Add., Salem Tuffli, II. & K., lot 3, block 3, Cap. St. Add., Salem Tuffli, H. & K., lot 0, block 1, Cap. St. Add., Salem , Turner, C. L., lot Fr. lots 2 A 3 block 32, North Salem Turner, J. D., lots 8 A 9, Han shaw l-'ruit Farms I'niversal Cons't Co., 2 37-100 acres in See. 3, T. 8, S. R. 3 W., des. in vol. 123, pngo 43, Record of Deeds Vandervort, H. II., Frs. of lots 7 A 8, block 2, University Add., Salem Van Eaanen, John, acre in Sec.' 14, T. 7, H. R. 3 W Van E.ianen, .1. A ,T., V. acre iu Sec. 14, T. 7, S. It, 3" W., des. iu vol. 128, page 1 IS, Record of Deeds Van Orsilal, J. P., 10 83-100 acres in Sec. 2, T. 3, S. li. 2 W., des. in vol. 119, pago 04, Record of Deeds 8.41 5.22 30.00 2.97 2.82 4.70 20.0S 30.00 18.30 0.73 ; 30.10 33.07 9.19 . 3.81 Classified Advertising Page .Alleged Backmailer j Fights Extradition! Sacramento, Cnl., Feb. 20. Mrs. Isa bel I'layl.'iirg'.s fight against extradi tion to the state of Washington to face, a charge of conspiracy in-lue to start at the governor's office tomorrow, the reipiisition by Governor Lister of Wash ington, being received at the CtiMfor ilia chief executive's office today. ! Mrs. Clavburg was arrested in Los Angeles. Her attorneys are planning a hard fight against extradition. The arrest of the woman on the! charge of conspiring with Lillian Peter-i son and Louis P. Sicliler to extort inon-' ev from wealthy Seattle men by means ( of photographs showing the men in ; " compromising positions." with tliej women, caused a recent sensation, I THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people DOPE IN THE SPUDS Talerpiaoa EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 137 North High Main 1200 LAUNDRIES . Salcin Steam Laundry, 130 Souta Liberty - Hal tl PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial Street Mi 111 TRANSFER AND DRAYAQE Salem Truck A Dray Co., corner State and Front itreeta Mala II block biock lot Salem ... .., lot 3, Kalcm ... block 'block biock block biock block blo.-k blo.-k block block 7. Johnsons Add.. Silverton Verrier, W. If., 2") acres in Sec. M, T. 7, S. K. 1 L Veason, John (estate) 13 ncrea in See. 27 & 114, T. 4, S. Ii. 1 W Voget, Anna (J. W. & W. Al bers) lots 7 Si H, block 27, Cap. Park Add., Salem Voget, Tred. Fr. of lots 7 & !, block 38, University Add, Sa lem Voget, 1-'. A. Si F., lots 1 to .1, Si 0 to , block 4, Sub. Div. of block "I", Siniisons A, I, I Snlem 12.H01 Voget, I- A. & !'., lots !1 to ii, blwk 4, Sub. Div. of block I, Simpsons Add., Snlem Voget, J. II., 13 (21l)0 acres iu Sec. 22 Si 23, T. (i, S. 11. 2 W., des. in vol. 77, page 231, anil vol. 7.), page ."43 (ex vol. lis, page 171, olili & x: and ex. I.nbish Logan liecord of Deeds Voget, .1. !.. to acres in Sec. 27, T. li, S. It. 2 W., des. iu vol. 112, page 3HII (ex. vol. 123. page .112) If rd of Deeds Voget, J. (I., lot 1. block 10. 12.2U Jeff Myers Add., Salem Voget, J. (!., lot 7, block In, 12.20 Jeff Myers Add.. Salem Voget, J. (I., lot H, block Id, Jeff Mvers Add., Snlem Voget, .1. I!., lot S, block II, Jeff Myers Add., Salem Vose, K. II., I'r. of acre in Sec. 2li, T. f, S. R. 3 K, des. in vol. 1211, page 2!", Record of Deeds Wi.aser, ' block 1, Siiaws 1st Add., Seotts Mills Wait, II. W. Si Julia l, .'2 aires in See. IS, ", 1 W des. I in vol. 131, page 117, Record 12.20 of Deeds I Waldo Hills Orchard Co. (Chase, 12.20! A. C.) Fr. lot 1 10, to be known I as A. C. Itohrnstert Orchards.... 11.43 1 Waldo Hills Orchard Co. (Stov er, C. I .) lots 71 Si 72, HI 6i fcS, to be known as A. C. liohrnstcrt Co. Orchard) .... Waldo Hills (India rd Co., lots I, 2, 3, 4 4c Kr. IS, to be known as A. C. iiolimstert Co., Orchards Waldo Hills Onrird Co., lots HI, 20, 2.'i, 2H Si Fr. 27, to be known as A. ('. liohrnstcrt Co. Or. -liar. Is Waldo Hills Orchnrd Co., lots lit, li.",, lit, fl.1, !Hi, 117, III, 112 Si I'r. 1 10, to be known as A. C. Hohrns'edt Co. Orch ards Waldo Hills Orchard Co., lots 73, -74, 7.1. 7ti, 77. 7M, 7!, So, SI, H2, S3, S4, S.l, Sli, lit, II. 1, 117, 12(1, 12S, Uit, to be known as A. C. Koiirnslort Orchards Waldo Hills Orchard Co., lots 103, lot, 1117, ins, Hill, to be known as A. C. liolirnstedt Orchards Waldo Hills Orchard Co., lots 130, 131, 132, 133, 134 Si Fr. lot 12.", to be known .is A. C. Orchards Wallace, M. J., (heirs) lot 2, block It, Condits Add., Salem. .. Wallace, T. H. Si K. F.., lot II, block 3. L.ldvs Add., S.ilem .... Wallace, T. H. ii K. K., lot 12, 1.1.,,-L 3 I'M, hi A.I.I S:. I,.... 12.20 Walling. Lorin'. S. W. 'i of X, 11.44 10.08 7.C.2 7.03 7.112 7.03 0.1. 7 9.1.7 0.10 0.1.1 9.M fl.1.1 0.1.1 12.2" 12.20 12.20 4..1S i 12.1MS 1 12.0fi 3.23 1 1.48 101.20 C.S0 50.10 ' 0.10 7.62 C.10 1S.30 8.10 10.00 70.01 3.0.1 12.81 31.3.1 9.70 7.0-1 24.1.1 14.18 11.44 12.20 13.73 17.00 10.07 11.14 0.1.1 11.43 12.20 1.10 1.0.1 03.83 4.20 11.8.1 2I.H7. 20.30 21.07 7 1.S2 10.12 27.08 1.3S 3.0.1 .1.0.1 San Francisco, Feb. 20. Morphinej alleged to have been served with masli-j ed potatoes made Mike Ades ' business 1 so good that the police grew suspicious.! That's why Mike faced .1 eimrge of, violating the state poison law today. I DENTISTS W. Vi, Sec. 1, T. 0, S. K. 3 K. Waters, F. W lot 0, block -4, Cardwell Add., Salem Waters, F. W. (Kyan, L. S.) Lot 7, Ireton Fruit F.irnis .... Watson, Addie J., lot 14, block 5, Brooklyn Add., Salem West, A. L., 11 acres in See. 20, T. 8, S. It. .'1 W., des. iu vol. 104, pnge 270, Record of Deeds West. A. L., 3(i acres In Sec. 20 & 27, T. 8, S. R. it W., des. in vol. 77, page 00, Record of Deeds West, A. L., lots 8 & ," Sun nysido Fruit Farms No. 6 West Woodburn Fruit Farm & Land Co., (Derring, K. L.) 8 ncres, lot 2.1, West Woodburn Fruit Farms West Woodburn Fruit Farm & Land Co., (Lauritwn, ('. O.) 13.3,1 acres, lot 2, West Wood burn Fruit F.irms West Woodburn Fruit Farm k Land Co. (Wolfe, Albert) 8 acres, lot 24. West Woodburn Fruit Farms White, W. J., Fr. block 4(1, Sa lem Whitney, ('. K lot 2, block 10, Highland Add., Salem Whitney, C i:. & Sarah W'., lot 5, block 3, Comptoiis Add., Salem Whitmty, C. 10. & Sarah W., lot 0, block 3, Coinplons Add., Salem Wliitney, C F.. & S. M., lot 2, Smitii Fruit Farms No. 1 Whitney, John W., (estate) lots i to 42, Wliitneys Petini na Acres Whitnev. O. ('., lots 1 & 2, block 12, Jeff Mvers Add.. H.ilem Willets, L. H. '& K.. lot I, block 3, Kddvs Add., Salem Willets. L. II. & K lot 2, block 3, F.dd.vs Add., Salem Mills, Davis, Fr. of block 10, Noli Hill Annex, Salem Wilson, A., lot .', block 2, Cap. St. Add., Salem Wilson, Alfred, X. 'j of block I'., block 74, North Snlem Wilson, Alfred, I'), 'j mlock K. block 7-1, North Salem Wilson, Clara A., S. .10 ft, of lots 1 to 3, block 4, Heeds Add., Salem Willson, II. A. St F... lot ltd, F.wald Fruit Farms Wilson lnv't do., 300 Ut-KKI acres in Sec. IS. T. 0, S. R, 4 I-:., des. in vol. 120, page 470, Record of Deeds Wilson. R. J., lots 1 2, blo.'k I, Fairgrove Add., Salem Winslow, W. C, lot S, block 7, Vew Park Annex. Salem Wliiteriiiute, I). J. & ('., lot 0, block 3, Salem Heights Add., Snlem Wisdom, I... 8 SO-100 acres in See. 10, T. 4, S. R. 1 W des. in vol. I 111. page 327, Record of Deeds ..: Wisler. F.liznn M., X. K. Vi of X. K. ", Sec. 10, 7, 1 K,.... Wolfe, P. II., lot 10, block 2, Snlem Heights Add., Salem Wood, .losephin.', lot 4, block I, FrickevK Add., Salem .. Woods, J. ' L. Si Preston, 233 ' .11-1110 acres in Sec. 33, 34 & 3.1, T. 0, S. It. 2 W Wolff, V. II.. lots 1, 4, .1, Si 7. Kizer Fruit Farm Tracts... Zooke, I'. K. (Minier, .1. W.) lot S, McDonald Fruit Tr.icts 8.2-1 0.10 4.03 1.S3 12.11 101.00 44.00 0.00 1(1.30 0.00 99.13 22 12 2.29 18.30 1S.09 178.03 2.28 9.13 3.0.1 3.05 3.S1 11.10 12.00 20.50 122.10 4. .18 15.2.1 3.58 9.35 15.00 4.02 101.25 27.00 18.30 VM. KSCM, Sheriff and Tax Collector of Marion County, Oregon. AUCTIONEERS F. X. WOODRV, ' The People's Ans tionecr" forCilv.and State, 1 make a specialty of Household Furniture and Live Stock Stiles. , F111111 sales cnuiliictc, I anywhere iu the slate Your patronage is solicited. Satis faction guaranteed. Note: House hold furniture, bought for cash or sold on commission. Residence 1215 X. Commercial, Salem, Oregon, Phone .111. DR. O. A. OLSON, DEjNTIST t Administers Nitrous Ozid and Ogygen' ( Boom 214. Phonc440. Masonic Temple. Salem,Ore. The Capital Journal -Till do your Job nd social printing. 0HIHOPRACTIC-SPINOLOOI3T NURSERIES. HIE FRUITLAND NURSERY City yard, High and Ferry streets. Roman strain Franquctl waluuts grafted on California black, 8 to 10 feet, $1 eac'a. Italian prunes. Call and inspect our general stock before buying. Phone 23F21. tf WILLAMETTE VALIJ3Y NURSERY City sales yard, between Center and Chomeketi streets, North Commer cial. We have a few Italian prune trees left which wc will close out at special prices. Also a fine lot of Oregon Champion gooseberries, and goneral lino of nursery stock, Orders taken for top grafting at reasonable prices. .T. J. Mathis, Prop., Route 6, Salem. Phone 2.10-R. Mir2-I SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone llaia 2247. Reaidonce Main 2272. LODGE DIRECTORY ' ""is- "l ' " ' l'JJLu" ! j i. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at 8 In the McCornack ball, corner Court and Liberty streets, R. O. Donaldson, M. W.j 9. A. McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, Financier. DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Divenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and have got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and gut well. Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building, tybone Main 87. Residence Main 828-R. CLEANERS AN19 DYERS APBAREL- SERVICE COMPANY 133 South High street. We clean, press, repair, remodel and re-line clothing and furs. Careful 'Attention given all work. We call ind deliver. Phone 728. UNDERTAKERS WEBB ft CLOUOH CO. C. B. Webb, A. M. Hough morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 490 Court street. Miia 120, Main 988. RIGDOXRICHARDaOX CO, d-Vneril directors ind undertaken, 252 Norti High street. Day and night phone 183. OSTEOPATH SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications first Friday In each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Tcmplo. Chas. M. Carter, W, M.j S. Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. ft A. M. Stated communications third Friday in each month it 7:30 p. m. in tho Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolam, W. M.j Ernest II. Choatc, secretary. SALEM HUMAXE SOCIETY D. D. Kcoler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruolty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to tho secretary for investigation. R. N. OF A. "Oregon Grape Camp," No. 1300, meets every Thursday ev ening in McCornack building, court and Liberty streets; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Hchaupp, 1701 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recorder, 1296 North Commci3ial. . Phone 1430-M. DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican School of Osteopathy, Kirks ville, Mo. Post graduate and special ized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat acnto and chronie dis eases, Consultation free. Lady at tendant. Office 505-508 V. 8. Na tional Bank Building. Phone 859. Residence 340 North Capital street. Phone 300. MISCELLANEOUS XOTICE J. C. O Relley and W. U Baker, of the Modern Shoe Repair company hive dissolved partnership. Signed. W. L. Baker. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from all points east, on all household goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated carload service. Cipital City Trans fer Company,, ageats for Pacific Coast Forwarding Co., 161 S. Cain mereial street. Phone Main 933. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. THOB. K. FORD Over Lidd tt Bosh Bank, Salem, Oregoi DE MOLAY COMMANDER Y, No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Fri day in each month at 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. Lot L. i'earce, E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P. McCornirk building. Tuesday even ing of each week at 7:30. J. G. Heltzel, C. C.j W. B. Oilson, K. of R. and S. CHADWIi i; CHAPTER, -No. 37, O. . 8 Regular meeting every first .ind third Tuesday at 8 p. m. in tho Ma sonic Temple. Minnie Mocller, W. M.; Ida M. Babcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock in McCornack block. B. W. Macey, 0. C; L. S. Geer, clerk. C07 Court trcet. Phono 503. MONEY TO LOAN 7 ON GOOD REAL E8TATB SECURITY HOMER H. SMITH MCCORNACK BUILDING The Oregon Wholesale asd Retail Hide and Junk Co. Has moved from their former location, 430 Court street, to 107 South Com mercial. (The old stand of the Lawr ence Grocery, corner Ferry and Com mercial streets) and are open for busi ness at that place. Highest prices piid for hides, wool, copper, brass, Iron, etc. Before selling elsewhere, consult ui for prices. D. Samuel, proprietor. Phone, 300; Res. Phone, 1737-W. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. For water service apply at offiee. "His navahle monthly in advance. FOR SALE SHOW CASE FOR HALF Length 10 feet, round front, l'rico 1.1. Ward K. Richardson, 2305 X. Front. Feb20 MULTNOMAH ROYAL AW. H CHAP TER. No. 1. R. A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday In each month at! 8 p. m. in tho Masonic Temple. Hay I F. Rich inlson, Ex. High Priest; Rus sell M. Brooks, secretary. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERIC A Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 0240, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in McCornack , ball corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service. Geo. Reinohl, V. C; J. A. Wright, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly, No. 84, meets every Wednesday, at 8 p. m. in Moose hall. C. O. Mat lock, M. A.; C. Z. Randall, secretiry, Salem Bank of Commerce. HODHOX COUNCIL, Xo. 1, K. ft 8. M. Stated assembly first Monday in each month, Masonic Tempi. N. P. Rasmuxscn, Thrico Illustrious Mas ter; Glenn C. Xilcs. recorder. L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. TOR RENT BLACK HOUSE FOR HALE Weight 1130, works single or double, a good road horse. Ward K. Richardson, I 2305 North Front. Feb2U IpOlt HALE A few Rhode Island White Co. krels. Eggs $1.30 and $2.00 I for 13. Booking orders to ship Inter. State when. Jas, Olmsteid, UcMiun I ville, Oregon. Marl I : ! FOR HALE .122 1-2 acres miles I from Salem. Good gravel road. 1 I 12 miles from station on S, I'. Main j Line. Excellent soil, price li.l.fti) ' per lure. H.pinre Deal Realty Co., i 202 I'. H. Lank HI. In. tf. FURNISHED APARTMENTS For rent, very reasonable. Phone 100J. FURNISHED Hoi SE For rent, strict ly modern 13. Phone 1737W, or call evenings, 300 Mission street. Feb29 HorMKEKl'INO ROOMS For rent OAK suite upstairs n ml one downstairs, 42 S. High St., Phone I 123. Mar. I. WANTED HORSE wanted. About t.'.O or 1300 to work single. Cor. S..('m'l mid Jef ferson Road, Mar. 1. If the carrier doea not give ferric notify the office. SALEM FENCE m3 STOVE WORKS B. B. FLEMING, Prog. Denot American Feace Oates, Plain and Barbed Wire. Paints, Oils and Vamlahei. Rooflnf, Posts, Hop Hooka. 40 Years Making Stoyca Stores rebuilt and repaired. Itotee bought and lold. KO Court Street. Phone 134 t Back of Chicago tor. 8