Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 29, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Sale Commences at 9 A. M.
We Announce the Opening
f Our
ixoeomy easement
Tomorrow Wednesday' March 1st
We have combined this Economy and
And you will find many extreme values in the Basement.
Tomorrow the Economy Basement offers you a
Remnant Day
This includes Silk, Velvet, Embroider', Laces, Wool, Ginghams, Percales, Etc.,
Tomorrow Only, All Remnants 5c
Also the following Specials Silks and Cotton Waists, values to $2.50, now JQC eac,
Men's and Boys' White Shirts, now jqc
Wool Capes, 10c each; Dressing Sacques, 10c each; Boys' Caps and a few Hats for
Men, 10c each; Children's Dusters, 10c each; Children's Dresses, 10c each; Separ
ate Jackets, 10c each.
Also Children's Coats, values to $5.00, now $1,98
Dress Skirts, values to $7.50, now $1.80
And a world of other bargains.
A Big New Assortment of
In Oar 5c, 10c and 15c
v .
While the coming of "Fog O' My
Heart" ia initself a matter of genuine
theatrical moment, the faot that it will
he presented by the lioston cant, which
Oliver Morosco, the producer claims is
the best cast ever assembled for his
production of the M.uinors' comedy,
lends added expectancy to its engage
ment. "1'ek O' My Heart " will be the
attraction at the Grand March 4.
With Florence Martin in the title role
Miss Madeline L 'Estrange as Mrs. Chi-
f ' . And
Chester, Lillian Kemble Cooper, as Ethel
her daughter, the snobbish Kgnish so
ciety girl, Vork Erskine as Alnne her
brother, an English cad, Eilmund Dalby
as Christian Hrent, Charles Uenlon as
Montgomery Hawks, the solicitor, and
Fred L. Tiden as Jerry, the nobleman,
the final engagement hero will beyond
doubt be one of the interesting attrac
tions of the current season. M.iil orders
can be filled now. The box office saje
will open on .
The Freshman Glee has been post
poned to March 1.-,, the. time will "be
well used as several of the classes
were not ipiito ready for the contest
and the additional time will heli them
out. 1
Is Growing Rapidly In Mem
bers and Enthusiasm
Would Beautify City
If the suggestion of A. H. Lee, secre
tary of the state fair hoard is followed,
the ramping grounds near the fair
grounds will not hereafter be used as
a cow pasture. The new secretary stat
ed this in an address last evening be
fore the Salem Floral society, held in
the auditorium of the Commercial elub.
That Certain ground along the railroad
part of the state fair grounds, should
be given to tho Floral society for them
to beautify, not only from an artistic
standpoint, but for the advertising ef
fect upon tourists passing through, was
another suggestion of Mr. Lea.
Working with the Floral society, he
said that the fair grounds would in
many ways be beautified. One of these
was the changing of a low muddy spot
on tne grounus into a pond, parVrt with
flowers and another was the filling of
several old wells, to be planted over
with flowers, working with the society.
Judge William Galloway in a short
talk, referred to the time when he was
president of the state fair board and
the proposition of selling the land for
10 an acre was being favorably con
sidered. The judge said that it was his
deciding vote that saved tho fair
grounds for tho state. He was in fa
vor of the extension of a good road to
the grounds from Capital street and
thought that if the property owners
would co-operate, the state and city
wouia ao tnoir snare.
Mrs. Edyth Tozier Wethnrred, who
presided at tho meeting, supported Sec
retary A. II. Lea in his ideas of im
proving conditions in the camping
grounds and the giving of the Floral
society the privilege of beautifying the
grounds near ,tho fouthen Pacififc
Besides the addresses the evening's
program included a vocal solo by Miss
Marguerite Flower, n violin solo bv Miss
Pearl George, a reading by Miss Pauline
Remington and violin solo by Miss
Edna Renison.
The next meeting of the society will
be held nt the Commercial club rooms
Monday evening, March 13, and a pro
gram of interest will be arranged. A
the annual dues are only 23 cents, pub
lic spirited citizens arc coming to the
sunnorr or tne society as a matter of
civic pride. Members added last even-
in a were:
Ivan Gk Martin. Willn TTnli..;,i
Oscnr L. Dunlnn, Phil Asr.inwnlt. O. W.
Johnson. Fav H. Coll ins. Znideo Vnlmcr
Dan F. Langeuberg, Mrs. J. A. Todd
nniinni uiiunwnv. .Mrs. AVillin.ni Cml
loway. La Moinc It. Clark. S. E. Rhodes.
Daisy M. Carter. Ottmnr IT t ,,.v t.
A. L. Johnson, R. T. McTntyre, Ivan O.
.ncuonaiu, M. r. Kiick, Perry Pickett
Mrs. C. T. Follrich, Mrs. S. McElnen.!
Mrs. W. V. Johnson.
Robbers Make Quick
Change In Store of
G. W. Johnson & Co.
The store of fi. W. Inl,
J41 AOrtll ( OmmPhiHd utt-an. n.nu
ed last night by robbers who outfitted
themselves f'rnm head tn fnnt n. k..i
$20 in cash in the pockets of their new
sun, and departed, leaving their cast
off garments on the floor. Entrance
was gained by prying open a rear win
dow. The heavy steel cl isps of the fire
windows were sprung out enough to ad
mit the body of a man and then the
window was .jimmied. The night, prowl
ers ransacked the desk for valuable
pauers aid left the contents of the
drawers scattered about the floor. From
the cash register they secured about t20
in change.
They emptied one entire c.iso in
which were hung the higher priced
".ISs" and selected at least two suits
of clothes anil those that did not ap
pear to take their fancy they scattered
about the floor. This morning when
the store was opened twenty-five or
thirty suits were found on f,e floor
behind the shoe cases out of sight from
the street.
N'ewshoos were nki se lected by the
fastidious robbers ami the old footgear
was discarded ami left behind with the
old suits. Whether or not the' thieves
took new hats, shirts, or "something in
neckties" is not known as the stocks of
these goods were not disturbed.
upreme Court Reverses Northwest Governors Lend
Judge Galloway's Ruling In
Kurtz Case
The supreme court today handed down
a decision in the case of G. Frederick
Kurtz against the Southern Pacific in
which Chief Justice Mooro reversed
the rulings of Judgo Galloway in the
equity department of tho circuit court
of Marion county. This suit was insti
tuted by Mr. Kurtz to enjoin tho 8. P.
from putting in a spur truck or switch
track in front of his property on Church
ana iraue street. The proposed switch
Support to Plan For Co
operative Market
A plan to charter a steamer to carry
Oregon fruit and fruit products to the
European market was presented to Gov
ernor Withycombc yesterday by E. L.
Goodsell, of New York. Governor
Withycombc approved of the plan along
with the governors of Washington and
Idaho. Mr. Goodsell will go at once to
California whore his plan will be pre
sented to the fruit men of that country
tr.iek was to extend to the flour mills! and it is hoped that a hugo co-operative
on this street. It was stated that about I marketing system may be perfected to
fifty cars were loaded and shipped the vast benefit of the fruit growers of
either to or from the mill each year and tho Pacific coast and northwestern
that because the switch track" did not
extend to the mill that it necessitated
extra charges for drnyago
states. Mr. Goodsell will present his
plan before the Portland Chamber of
Commerce Wednesday advocating a def
ine railway company attempted toinite nliin of ortMiniVntion. which it is
secure right of way in front of Mr. proposed to carry out in tho interests
hurts' property and he refused and 1 nt tint fruit ttwlo-utrv
in. vuuiuiia orciirvu iiiir passage
of an ordinance ttirougli the city council
authorizing them to use tho city's street
"While the governor informed me
that the state could not legally guar
. ... , ,ij jurei t niitoe tno cnarter or a steamer withon
IZ lVl T1" rai MT1UI-,r,"t l,r-i legislative action," satd Mr. Goodsell,
5.7?'A! h Ml:Kurtz ProP-l "he said he believed other interests in.
No Unwarned Attacks
To Be Made On Liners
(Continued from page one.)
Alexandre Dumas' immortal drama is picturtzed by the distinguished
producer, Mons, Albert Cappelani.
Today - ?ni irtivif
smy P2ckfo(f
ram- f!wm .fmmmmn
V ' i
Mi I - if ' I mm
Y j
Today Tomorrow Thursday
Big Banner Show
A Powerful Ktory of tho Great NorthweM.
In Five Actf.
Another Keystone Knockout
"Fatty and the Broadway Stars'
All greatest comedians on earth in one comedy.
Fatty Arbuckle, Weber and Kield", William Collier,
Raymond Hitchcock, Mack rienett and others.
A sure cure for the blues.
"Home of Triangle"
i , ;..! ; " mP"'y the state could be found that would
t TliT Vi' l,,mh lend their support. He proposed a plan
W nz ? -th I'Z StTS, nk yUrt tJth, Portland
5 k. ,K --rket ftjat predicts of ... northwe,
wiiich lntr fia,-...l u n f .i,., .., I successfully. He realizes tho need of
leged damages of tho rduintiff I strong co-operative organizations among
The suit was tried out in the circuit firowers
court betore Judge Galloway nnd result
ed in a decree for the railroad entitling
mem 10 proceed with their track and
Mr. Kurtz appe.iled to the supreme
court from this decision. Mr. Kurtz
further claimed damages because the
presence of the cars on tho track and
the tooting switch engines made his
apartment house on this corner unsuit
ed to tenants and had ticen largely va
cant or let it reduced rentuls. Another
residence on the same property he said
at tho trial that he had been unable to
rent at any price because the prospect
ive tennants objected to tho presenco
of a switch track so near to their front
In his opinion Justice Moore says:
"It is believed the causo of justice
will be promoted by making an injunc
tion against any further alteration of
tho street in front of the plaintiff's
(remises temporary, and requiring tho
excav.ition to be filled until his right
has been secured by compromise, or if
this cannot be obtained then by con
demnation when the amount of damages
which he has suffered can be determ
ined by a jury. ' '
Justice Bean, Harris and Hcnson con
curred in the opinion. Attorney Charles
L. McN.iry, represented the "plaintiff
and Halph K. Moody and George G.
Hingham appeared for the defendants
and respondents.
I lie supreme court also held this
morning that tne city councils cannot
pass ordinances requiring all merchants
to close their stores At ti o 'clock in the
evening except on Saturdays in tho case
of ( han Sing, hum iSm, mid others
against the city of Astoria. These stores
have a large number of customers who
are fishermen who do imt get down
town until after supper in the evening
nnd when tiie city passed the six 'clock
ordiiunco the storekeepers brought suit
in the. circuit court which held in favor
of the city. An opinion by Justice
Burnett reverse,! the ruling's of the
lower court.
Tho other opinions t'idlow:
A. L. Dundas vs. Grand View Land
company, appellant, suit for an account
ing, appealed from Multnomah county,
opinion by Justice Burnett, judgment
of Circuit Judge Kiivanaiigh for pi lin-
iiil 111 III III (.1 1.
It takes
additional cloth to make our
"Hotel" Night Shirts, but
they are big and loose and
roomy, as a sleeping gar
ment should be.
If you want genuine
sleeping comfort, try one of
our night shirts. Heavy
twill cotton at $1.25 and
others at $1.50, $2, $3 and
Pajamas in all qualities
and in a variety of materials.
The Toggery
167 Commercial St.
Leading Clothiers
armament unless tno armament is
proved. It is, thecrfore. obvious that
the imperial German government does
not intend to revoke its pledges.
"Tho imperial German government
welcomes the intention of the American
government about a modus vivendi be
tween tho belligerents with regard to
disarmament of merchantmen but it
cannot see its way clear to cliango or
postpone tho new orders, because the
imperial German government can no
longer permit submarines to be subject
ed to illegal attacks by armed enemy
The memorandum was signed by Am
bassador Von Bernsforff, and append
ed to it was a list of British liners, said
to have attacked Austro-German sub
marines. The German embassy today
received from Berlin several alleged
quotations from the British press, tend
ing to show that offensive arming of
merchantmen is admitted.
i.em i. j in in i on i, Appellant, vs. Van
Kinon Klevator company, et al, action
for damages for person'.il injuries, ap
pealed from Multnomah county, opinion
by Justice Burnett, Circuit Judge Mc
Giun's judgment for defendant af
firmed. Louisa Johnson, appellant, vs. Port
laud Kail way, Light and Power com
pany, action for d. images lor personal
injuries, opinion by Ju.dice Hcnn, Cir
cuit Judge Kavanaugh's judgment for
defendant affirmed.
Logan & Blown, appellants, vs. A. M.
Lansing Rebukes Bernstorff.
Washington, Feb. 2!). Secretary of
State Lansing today ngain directly re-
tiunefl Ambassador Von Bernstorff for
improper publicity work in the German-American
diplomatic, situation. In
a formal statement, he declared that
morning paper reports of the contents
of Germany's latest memorandum Inn'
not been made public by himself or bv
tho state department, mid that they hni'
not expressed his view on the memor
andum. Morning papers had printed
what purported to be a paragraph of
the memorandum.
If. Parson et al, suit on a note, opinion
by Justice Harris, judgment of Cir
cuit Judge G.iteiis for defendant, modi
fied. Motions to dismiss were denied in
Lulu It. White vs. Kast Sido Mill &
Lumber company, appellant, ami Bern
ard l-'lynn, appellant, vs. Watson P.
Davidson et al.
Laura Gustin vs. Kly Gustin, -Appellant,
suit, for divorce, appealed from
Clatsop county, opinion bv Chief Just
ice Moore, judgment f Circuit Judge
Clooton for plaintiff modified.
IVtitins for rehearing were denied in
Lombard vs. Kies, Leslie vs. Niel, State
vs. Ware.
You get a paper full of read-
ing, no contest dope.
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Adrertise
ment. Bead your advertisement the
first day it appear and notify ui im
mediately if it contains an error.
PHOA'B 037 lor wood aw.
EAKEY Windowcleaner.
Phone 708.
WANT K I) Phone-Mar7
FOB RENT Furnished rooms. Phone
3.R. Mar. -1.
FOH RKNT Housekeeping rooms.
Phone 2003M. tf
WANTED A medium sized brooder.
Phono -J2F2.). Fobl!l
DRESS MAKING Mrs. Carrie Hod
geis, 212 P. 19th. MarlO
FOR tALK Two teams, harness and
wagon. Phono 172L'. Ala i si
FOR SALE Heifer, it months old. Call
7ltti North Mth street. Feb-Sl
A GOOD MILK COW For sale cheap.
-015 North Commercial. Alar!
ROOJI AND BOARD In modem home.
Phono 540, 391 N. CotUge. Feb29
PGR SALE lilocky work mare, single
or double. Phono 25U2W-1. tf
FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnish
ed modern house. G. W. Johnson, tf
W..NTED TO UK. XT ." or 10 acres,
near Salem. U-S, care Journal. Feb:!:
OAK, nsh, fir and maple cord wood.
rnoneldliB-J. W. b. Proctor. MarlO
FOR SALE Two speed Indian, equip
ped, $100.00. Call Fire Dept., M!.
FOR SALE Choice, eating potatoes,
not frosted, 00c per bushel. Phono
-IU5A1. Feb29
WANTED To rent 7 or 8 room house
reasonably closo in. Address N. K. O.,
care Journal. tf
FOR SALE 15 acres bottom Ind,
south of Marion. Mrs. . Thomas,
Marion, Oregon. ApriJJ.
FOR SALE lilltl Six cylinder Bnick
automobile A-l condition. Price right.
Phone L'31(iW. ALul
WILSON' Strawberry plants, largo va
riety, for sile, b.2r per thousand. It.
9. B. C. Zielinaki. Fcb29
WANTED 17 more sales people. Aindv
at side door entrance. Ask for E. G.
Seaman, Chicago Store. Feb. 29.
A. F. TINGSTIIOM Non located at
612 Court street. I'piiolstcring, fur
niture repairing and carpet cleaning.
V - ' ,l , x ;
f -V - V . i
14 - - .".". ; : ;
1v .5 - ';
Is ' " : '
y-. X M
f ts 4r " . ? .'
Cflff. , .J .. V: . j
S'A !:!
'" j
" f - ''! .:'; ' J
M - ( '
The Famous PUvers-ParuiMunt Star.
Th Salem Movie fans will have ino'ier eianc to see Maxy Plckford tWs
weok at Ye Liberty theatre, Tuestay, Wediiewlay and TliiustUy. m 'Tne
Foundling. .
up to date power equipment. List your
order at Salem Fuel Yards. Phone
5-. tf
A. V. TINliSTliOM Now located at
(M2 Court. Phone 2:10. Upholstering,
furnitnro repaiiing ami carpet clean
ing. Fob29
EXCHANGE Will sell good Barley
motorcycle cheap, or trade for horse
nnd buggy. Apply at Capital Journ
al office. tf
Foil SALE Established business, suit
able for lady with small capital. No
experience nccoss.iry. Address No. 75
cure Journal. Mnr4
FOB RENT Store, 21x163 feet, elee
trio lights and steam heat. Bee Watt
Bblpp Co., 219 Ncurtl Commercial
street. Phone 363. U
Folt SALE Kino residence lot, 152x103
feet, Capital and Center streets. Price
$2800. Write J. W. JJcckley, Ner
strand, Mjnncsota. Mar23
FOR SALE Cheap, a beautiful modern
homo, buildings new including 3 icrcs
of mixed orchard at city limits. Ad
dress 75 C, euro of Journal. Fob29
EXCHANGE tl'VlOO clear property in
slate of Washington, to exchange for
valley farm; will assume large in
debtedness. Address J. II. Hhoten,
"70 S. Com in ere in I, Salem.
FOB SALE Beautiful five acre trac
free soil, well drained, under cultiva
tion, modern bungalow, ono milo
north of fairground, paved road, R.
9, Box 5, Sulcm, Oregon. llarS
FOH SALE Sanitary cou.-h and mat;
I heating stove, rocking chairs, single
barrel shot gnu, bicycle, A-l carpen
ter work bench, library table, square
dining table, 2 sectional knockdown
pheiiMiut pens, 10 by 12- each, and
wringer, 215 D. St. Feb. !.