Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 29, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
IVI.ruiirv -'!. l!Ho
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
ally by carrier, per year
Daily by mail, per year . . .
New York Chicago
Wiri-Lewia-Williams Special Agency Hurry B. Fisher Co.
Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
porta. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
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Phone Main 81,
The trouble in dealing with the Oregon and California
land grant, of some 2,400,000 acres, is the widely diverg
ent character of the land and the vast difference in values.
At $2.50 per acre, the price fixed in the grant, at which
the lands should be sold the total value would be $6,000,
000. It is claimed, however, that these lands contain
seventy billion feet, board measure, of timber; and that
this is worth not six million, but sixty million dollars.
Large portions of the grant cover rugged and inacces
ible mountain sides; other portions have been burned
over; others still are rocky, barren and practically worth
less. Some quarter sections would be dear as a present;
others are worth as much as $20,000.
If the government took over the grant it would have
to sell a portion of the lands at more than $2.50 per acre,
or lose on the transaction, for some of the lands would
never be sold.
If the lands are put on the market at $2.50 per acre
the available timber lands would be taken up at once, and
most of them at the behest of big timber interests.
No one could honestly acquire them under the home
stead law, for the lands cannot be cultivated, and in most
cases they have no value other than the timber. It will
be seen from this that whoever located them would do so
for the purpose of selling them to the big timber owners;
for they could do nothing with them themselves, and the
big fellows could and would therefore get them practical
ly on their own terms.
The Ferris-Chamberlain bill, which is indorsed by
Congressman McArthur, is the only one offered so far
that in any way solves the problem, and this is meeting
much opposition. This bill proposes to classify the lands
as agricultural, timber and mineral, and to dispose of
them as such, and as the law provides. There are ob
jections to this just as there are to all other proposed
solutions; as there will be to any others that may be
Oregon is interested in having the matter settled in
some way soon, so that the lands may bear their propor
tion of taxes, and she is not concerned so much as to the
means taken, or bill passed to accomplish this. Chamber
lain's bill is perhaps as good as any that can or will be
Yesterday's dispatches told of "O.OOO wounded dying
unaided in the snows where they fell on the bloodiest of
all battlefields. What is the situation today with another
twenty-four hours of slaughter finished? The wires tell
us this battle is likely to last for two weeks. What of the
wounded at the end of that time? Sherman was mistaken
when he said "war is hell." All the fiends of the most
orthodox hell ever imagined could not and would not
create such heartless carnage, such red-handed murder,
such ruthless destruction of life.
Another brutal murder of a man and wife comes from
Wilderville, Josephine county, where a man named
Rousman deliberately waylaid and shot L. R. Akers and
his wife, neighbors with whom he had trouble over fences
and stock trespasses. There must be something in the
isolation of lives down in the southern Oregon hills, that
produces morbidness and destroys all ideas of the sacred
ness of human life. Rousman in jail expresses no regret
and shows no signs of remorse.
While discussing the violating of international laws,
what is the matter with taking up the turning loose in
the channels of the world's commerce, floating mines that
destroy any and all kinds of ships and those of any coun
try without giving warning or anything else?
Yesterday morning the dispatches announced the can
didacy of Fairbanks for the presidency was being well
received throughout the states outside of Indiana, and
that he stood a fair chance of corraling the nomination
and before noon it snowed.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18G8
Transact a General Banking: Business
Safety Depesit Boxes
Sec. and Treas.
.$5 00
. 3.00
Per month
Per month
From Danbury, Connecticut, the hat capital of Amer
ica, comes word that uncolored headgear will be the rule
for men this year.
The explanation is that there are no more dyes to color
hats with. But Danbury need not give any excuse. The
nation will be so glad of a little relief from the recent
color wave that any "lids'' turned out in the natural hue
of the animal that wore them originally will be welcomed
with gratitude.
We presume that most hats may be traced back,
directly or indirectly, to sheep. We have seen sheep at
tired in white, gray or brown, but never a blue sheep, nor
a purple sheep, nor an emerald or lavander or fawn
colored sheep, nor any other of the various weird colors
inflicted on the public the last season or two by hat mak
ers and haberdashers in collusion with young men of
reckless taste. If those Easter-egg gents' hats were due
! to German dyes, and if the manufacturers would continue
the same outlandish styles if they could get the colors,
then we're reconciled to the aniline embargo. Anyhow,
; gray hats are good enough for anybody, and much safer
j for most types of masculine beauty.
Mr. E. L. Goodsell, of New York, was in the city yes-
terday to call on Governor Withycombe and secure his in
jdorsement of his plan to have the apple growers' of the
northwest unite m chartering a ship and sending then
apples to Europe, which he says can be done at the modest
price of :!:! cents a box. It is understood the governor did
not oppose the idea seriously and that Mr. Goodsell got
his permission to go ahead with his plans. As it is im
possible to get cars and equally impossible to get ships,
Mr. Goodsell is in much the same condition as Marie
Antoinette who when told "the populace cries for bread,"
naively asked: "Why don't they eat cake?"
Judge Gantenbein, of Portland, yesterday morning
established a new record for
thirty minutes, or practically one every four minutes. All
were granted on complaint of wives and none were con
tested, the husbands generously allowing the women to
have the possession and care of the twelve children of the
seven marriages. Men are much more kind hearted and
generous in this respect than women.
A general exodus of Mexican exiles is reported as
taking place, and the Department of Justice thinks this
means new trouble brewing in Mexico. Among those
missing from their accustomed haunts is Felix Diaz. One
report says he has gone to Mexico to head an Indian re
volt. While this is denied it is certain he has gone to
Mexico, and equally certain it is not for the purpose of
making a friendly call on Carranza.
j It was not a pleasant picture the dispatches presented
j yesterday, that of :!0,000 wounded and helpless soldiers
i iying and dying in the snow and rain, beyond the reach of
j succor or aid. That is a picture the mind can see partly
jand dimly; but the picture of the suffering and despair,
of broken hearted mothers and wives, is beyond human
Mayor Albee of Portland
1 of freeze out played in the prohibition saloons will not
I utterly corrupt the unemployed, and so has consented to
j let the boys amuse themselves with the kitty.
I So many republicans are throwing their hats into the
! ring in the scrap for the presidential nomination that
Jsome of them are liable to lose their headpiece if they
j do not have it checked.
! This being the twenty-ninth of February it necessarily
j follows that it is a much rarer day than any the poets can
I find in June. It is in fact more than rare raw.
1 u
I think a lot of things each day, but what they are I
will not say. His thinking seldom gets a soul in any sort
of awkward hole, if he has sense enough to keep his dark
reflections buried deep. I think old Kick
shaw is a bore, and when he talks he makes
me sore, but when I meet him on the street
my manner's mild, my smile is sweet; I lis
ten to his booming rot, pretending that it
hits the spot. And so old Kickshaw swears
by me, and he would take his snickersnee
and carve traducers if they tried to tan a
sample of my hide. I do not say the things
k ,vi
Vr )
I think, if they would make some neighbor
shrink, and so I get along in peace, and
have no use for the police. The man who
always "speaks right out" such thoughts as he may have
about, must walk nine miles to find a friend, and he is
lonely to the end. And oftentimes, to crown his woes, he
has a dislocated nose, and wears a beefsteak on his eyes
until the inflammation dies.
CAPTURES THE OLD MOTHER : eeii responsible for a great number of
o her species running rampant in the Al-
An old mother coyote, uray with ng. iitiu region for several years. Twelve
1 was laid low by the true tiiui of J. (.. emotes this season is Mr, MorleyV roc-
Motley, Sunday. This old prowler has old. ilverton Appeal.
divorces, granting seven in
has decided that the game
Mason art
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid the
producer. Corrections are made
Wheat continues weak in the lor a I
markets and today the top price is Ti
e'ents. Oats are still running at the .':."
and :!7 cent mark. Buffer is now retail
ing for ;5 cents creamery. The remaind
er of the market is quiet.
Hay, timothr, per ton (14.00
Oats, vetch $12.0012.50
Cheat $13.00
Clover hay $12.00
Wheat 77c
Oats 'MO'i'A'c
Rolled barley $35.00
Corn $10.00
Cracked corn $41.50
Bran $2ii.0()
Shorts, per ton $ 2".Ufi
Buttorfnt 31c
Creamery butter, per pound 34c
Couiitrv butter 20(fi 25e
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, candled. Xo. 1, cash 17c
Lggs. case count, cash Ilic
Eggs, trade 17c
Hens, pound 1W
j Roosters, old, per pound Cfi'c
Spring chickens, pound JJc
Fork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed U(i 10c
Pork, dressed 10c
I'ork, on foot 70S 7 l-'Jc
Spring lambs 7Pji7 l-2c
Steers 5 1-2(3 ;6c
Cows 4(u5c
Bulls .' ;i(a;t -2c!
Ewes 5c I
Wethers 6 1
I.ambs, grain fed 7 1
Tomatoes, California
String garlic
,7.-(7i 2.00
.... 10c
. .. .:t.50
' Potatoes, cwt
Brussels sprouts
Sweet potatoes
j Celery, ease
J California head lettuce, case
I Apples. Hood River
.. $1.00!
... $1.00!
... 1.73
... $5.00 !
... $2.75
.. $2.50
... $1.25
Walla Walla spinach
Oranges, Navels- $2.23(a3 25
Tangerines oranges $1.75
Lemons, per box $4.25(4.75
Bananas, pound 5 l-4c I
California grape fruit $3.00 i
Florida grape fruit $5.00fjj 0.00 !
Cauliflower $2.50 j
Grapes, barrels $4.00 ;
Cranberries $12.00 j
Pineapples 7 l-2c'
Honey $3.50
Eetail Prices.
I F.ggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 20c
, Sugar, cane $7.2."
j Sugar, T). C $7.05:
1 Creamery butter 05c
I Flour, hard wheat '. $1.00
j Flour, valley $1.30
i Portland, Ore., Feb. 2!!. Wheat :
Club. !MCH0c.
Hluestem. Hvtfi $1.02.
Fortyfidd. !i.1(n tiSc.e
Red 'Russian. Kc.
Oats; X... 1 white feed. .2.",2."
, Harlev: Feed. $20.00.
Brewing. ::o.OO.
I lings: Best live. $.tl0(!i ,05.
j Prime steers, $7.50 i 7.7H.
Fancy cms, ,li.5ii.
Calves. As-.nil.
Spring lauilis. $0.05.
i Butter: Citv r-rramot'V. 20c.
j Fggs: Selected local ex.. 1(3 20c.
; lions, lite,
j Broilers. l(77 20e.
Cecso, IOC, 11c.
Movement Is On To ;
Frame A Slate For j
G. 0. P. Delegates
I Portland, dr., Feb. 20. A movement j
I is on to frame a slate for the repnhli-i
ican delegates to the nation il conven-!
ition. The avowed puposo is to secure j
'an even break on the delegation be
tween the conservative and progressive'
1 elements of tlio party. The yardstick
1 lv which conservatism or progre-sivisin '
of candidates is to be measured is tileii
! vote for Taft or Roosevelt in UH2. 1
j A tentative slate has been prepared.'
I Imt those connected with the movement:
j state that it is still subject to revision.'
.lust how they expect to put the slate
'over has not been explained, hut they
I siy that leaders on both sides are ready
: to talk agreement. Here is the slate:
as it now appears: j
Deleg ites at large Bruce Dennis, l.a
Cirande; lieorge lindgers, Snlem;'ilcu
M..11;,,.. ,,.t si 11 II.,...,.,, i...,i t
I'eiegaies rusi utsmci iiaiuei isoyu
Knterprise; Stephen A. Lowell. Pendle
ton. Delegates Second district (Irant B.
1'iniick, Oregon City; Robert A. Bootii.
Delegates Third district Thomas)
Munuix, Phil Metschan, dr., Portland, j
In this lineup Dennis, Kodgers, llovdj
Dimiok and Mnnnix are the Roosevelt
men, while Sidling, Huston, Lowell.
Hooth and Metschiiu ire tagged nidi
having voteil for Taft.
Not one of the men mentioned has as
yet filed declaration vf candidacy and
it is understood in some instances, at
hast, names have lu-eu used without the
men being consulted.
On the otner hand, eight' men have
Feature No. 9
The Oscar -Too upon the blue, with Jforeland. Kobiuson & Goldstein,
three cnmeily stars that will make the Moose audiences roar with laughter.
Every line means n laugh, and this trio certainly know how to put things over.
It will not do to say too much, suffice to say that The Oscar Toe is some
act. aud will make the original Oscar II, look like liU cents. The Moose com
mittee guarantee all that this act will be a dandy.
Lamar Tooze. rake eotiee. watch for Feature No. 10. tomorrow.
Box Office Now Open
filed declarations, so there will lie am
ple opportunity for a men-v fi2ht.TI10.se
who have filed are: Charles if. t'arev.
('. W. Fulton, P. M. Warren and .1. II.
W orsley, Portlaud. for delegates at
large; C. I'. Ilishop and P.. 1.. Stcevos,
Salem, for delegates from the First dis
trict; W. If. Brooke, Ontario, for dele-
Kate troni tne .second district; uuvul -U.
limine, Portland, for deleg.ite from the
1 nmt district.
In his declaration Or. Steeves, of Sa
lem, tool; a strong stand favoring Roos
evelt. Ten delegates are to he elected, four
from the state at large and two from
each congressional district.
Waldo Hills
Or. ff. S. Stnne, a newcomer to A I
bany, who in partnership with Dr. F.lm
er C. (iipe. is. opening a Chiropractic'
sanitarium in Albany, closed a ileal
Saturday evening, whereby he traded
his 415 acre farm eight miles south of I
Salem in the Waldo Hills, adjoining the'
noted HOO acre walnut ranch, for 15 five I
acre Pirtle Home traits at Pirtle sta-j
tinn. Til is is tile second large deal
closed in the Pirtle addition within the ;
last ::0 days.
While the consideration is private,
it is shown by the .revenue stamps,
ami from other reliable information to.
lie over .IO.UOI. j
Dr. Stone has made his permanent
home in this city. The other purchaser:
is K. W. Hugliesw. manager of the opera '
house, who has also made his permanent
home here. Albany Herald. I
Dr. W. A. COX
303 State Street
But to a Sanitary Dental Office, that has all the
latest equipment, and employ the most, improved
methods known to science.
Dentistry has advanced to such a high degree, that
the old methods used by our Fore Fathers would
seem to us inconsistant,
m My office is fully equipped with the latest and most
improved appliances for the practice of Painless
Dentistry that can be obtained.
Lady nurses always present.
DR. W.
303 State Street
Always Watch This
f "M-M
Strictly correct weight, square Joal
junk, metal, rubber, hides and furs.
Rig stock of all sizes second hand
iron for both roofs and buildings.
H. Steinback Junk Co. t
The House of Ha".f t Million Bargains.
302 North Commercial St. rj9B, m J
SJ . t..
Old Colorado Miner
Likes Gates District
A letter received in The Capital
.lournal office this morning, written by
a Salem man, former Colorado miner, vt
now employed in the mines on Gold
( reek, has the following concerning the
dates mining district.
There is much talk here in the way
of a good sized boom for the district
this summer, and there is certainly con
siderable activity in the many mines.
The Blnck Kagle people are entertain
ing two leasing propositions.
The Silver King will put in a water
power plant and install a compressor.
The Crown Point company is also ar
ringing tn put in an air compressor.
The Minnie E. company is planning
extensive development work.
The Lewis & Clark are arranging or
have arranged a bond and lease on their
e.xteusive property.
The (lold Creek company is doing ex
tensive work driving a long cross cut
to tap the main on body and have a
crew of six oil the job.
There is some snow left yet in pi ices s
in the mountains which makes packing S
over the trail a tough job.
It strikes me as the making of a
good camp only needing the right man
to bring it to the notice of tile big fel
lows with money to develop it. Them
is an abundance of chalcapyrite and
other copper ores all carrying more or
less gold values and some mining into
real high grade.
He concludes with a pathetic appeal,
"For (iod's sake, send me. a Journal,
have not seen a paper for a mouth.'1
on9 i
Trust to Luck
When you have decided to
purchase Dental work
don't go to a dry goods
store or blacksmith shop
Phont 92s
-Changes Often
and highest prices for all k'ads of
I pay 2Vgc per pound for old wgs. t
incubators. All kinds corru -ated
Roofing paper and second hand
m , tWHww