1 ' THE DAILY CAPITAL JOJ RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY. FEB. 29, 1916. S OCIE T y ALINE THOMPSON Mrs. M. L. Jones, of Labish Meadows, entertained a group of their friends at accompanied by Mrs. George William an informal dancing party .recently ask 5ray and small daughter, Prudence, ing as their guests: Miss Harriett lira have gone to Portland to attend the grave, Mr. and Mrs. George Kiches, Miss tea for which Mrs. Anderson C.innon Adelta Nye, Miss Louise Humphreys, (Mable Jones) will be hostess Wednes- William Walton, Clarence Newberry, uay arternoon in nonor or ner grand- L.m .Massey, ot i'ortlaud; James Peeb mother, Mrs. Sarah Hovenden, on the : les and Fred Schwab, occasion of her seventy-sixth birthday. I As the date for the Grand Military Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Plimpton have Hall draws near it becomes more and moved and arc domiciled at -ul North' more apparent that there will be a mini THREE Church street. Wallace Nutting, famous photogriph er and connoisseur, and collector of an- j ber of prominent persons from out of town present. I Among the acceptances received by , the committee was one from Adjutant tiquities, of Framingham, Mass., visited General George White and general staff in naiem tor several nours yesterday or 1'ortland. afternoon en ronto for Portland and ! other western cities. Mr. Nutting is j a pretty home wedding was that of well known in Oregon and Washington n iss Beulah Mapletiiorpe and Hoy having formerly been a minister in Se-i Westlev which took place Saturday af- atue. tcrnnnn nt the home' nt thp hrt.lo'u i.nr. orated witii potted plants and aglow with bright lights. The programme arranged for the en tertainment was very interesting. O. M. Klliott, superintendent of the city schools, spoke of the construction of the building and its value to the commun ity. H. J. Miles, president of the school board, having been at the Kuffilo fnir at the time of the tragic death of M Kinley, recalled the event and Mrs. Picket, attend.iniie officer, presented the school with a framed portrait of President McKinley. During lier speech Miss Kramer slowly unveiled the pic ture to the audience. Other features on the programme WPTA the unntiu !.- tKu inui.f.if ...........,... 1 of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hross, Mrs. Julia lMg AnKrtos, Cnl., Feb. 29. The body Hross Pennell anil A. II. Uile; dialect f Lieutenant Governor John M. Ksh reading by Charles Dillard, ind a solo lenin.i, in charge of I. J. Muma, of I.ns ly William Medihhnst. accompanied 1 ,.,.,. i i , a by Miss lsobcl Mcllilchrist. lj Angeles, and Philip Sw.ng, of Kl Centro, Following the programme the guests' "'.as ,alu'n to the widow's home on enjoyed light refreshments in the upper , l ittl' "vi today to reninin until hall. j Thursday, when it is to lie in stuto un- The punch was presided over by Mes-dl'r military guard at the city hall, dames William McGilchrist, Sr., Jack) When the remains arrived nt the Hicks and Miss Ohinurt. i Southern Pacific, station from Idaho where Kuhlemnii t;,l nnrl.. .. Funeral To Be Impressive With Gover and Officials Attending During tho antiquarian's visit at the ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mapletiiorpe,! llr- n"l xr's- Charles Elgin presided ' fr"m n,'l"rhnge of the lungs, a group Gilbert Frame Shop yesterday several. 2(J South Fourteenth street. Kev. K. 0Vl'r a dinner at their residence on'"f n'0"P'. led by Senator U. Stnn- ouin vapitol street, r riday evening. " "cneuict ami iewion Thompson, ....... ,...,, , ,,,- iin in.s,a, Avison otticiateu. The ceremony a number of which the Gilberts have;wa3 performed in the presence of only purchased and will show nt the opening a fPW relatives and friends of their handsome new place on Court j Miss Eva Mapletiiorpe,' the bride's A Leap Year party will be the diver sion of tonight at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Deckebach, 940 D street given by the women of the Auxiliary of St. Paul's church. The affair prom ises to be attractive not only irom a so cial viewpoint, but for tho charming university student. sister, and Elmer Westley, a brother of the groom, were the attendants. Mrs. Malcolm Kamp sang "At Dawning." The bride attended Sacred Heart Academy and has a large circle of friends in the citv. Mr. Westlev is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Westley of Claxtar, and is. a former Willamette programme which will be as follows: Vocal solo, Miss Margery Marvin; ocarina, William McGilchrist, Sr.; viol in, Henry Haekett; vocal, Dan Langen berg; readings, Miss Hazel Erixon and Miss Beatrice Walton. Thursday afternoon Mrs. A. M. Clough entertained the members of the into Embroidery club. The afternoon was enjoyably devoted to needlework. The hostess was assisted in the serv ing by Mrs. W. L. Hryant and Mrs. Ilarley Pugh. Mrs. Clough asked Mrs. Ji. P. Smith as an additional guest. The members of the Tano club were entertained Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hewlett. Five hundred was played during the evening and guests circled six tables of the game. Besides the club members Mr. and Mrs. Hewlett asked Mr. anil Mrs. Carle Abrams, Mr. and Mrs. William Greer, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Canatsey and Miss Znidec Palmer. Tho Misses Marie and Nellie Schwab ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Westley left for their home in Busby, Montana, where Air. Westley goes to accept a government position at the Indian school in that citv. En route Mr. and Mis. Westley will visit in Portland and Great Falls, Montana, where they will be the guests of Mr. Westley 's sister, Mrs. Alex S. Hulden. lue guest list, winch included only me relatives and a rew personal triends was as follows: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mapletiiorpe, Mr. and Mrs. John West Icy of Claxtar, Dr. and Mrs. John Ev ans, Mr. and Mrs. William Westley of ( laxtar, Mr. ami .Mrs. Thomas Maple thorpe, Miss Emma Mapletiiorpe of Portland, Miss Frances Soloman, Miss P.eulah Roberts, Miss Frieda Weidnian, .uiss ivellie Keeton, the Misses Eva and liiiciie .Mapletiiorpe, Elmer Westley, Os born Mapletiiorpe. The Highland Mothers' club" held a meeting nt the Highland school Thurs day afternoon. During the afternoon Miss Case, the city librarian, gavo an interesting and instructive talk on good and bad literature for children. mi. ... ... me meeting was concluded by a short programme given by the members and triends of the club. A large number attended the formal opening of the .McKinley school to the public J'l-ulay evening. Miss Emma Kramer, principal of the school assisted by a number of the members of tho Parent-Teachers' association, teachers and lady principals of tho city received the guests in the lower hall, which was dec- The nrettilv appointed table wns cen-im('t the train. tered with fragrant violets. According to present funeral nrrange- Covers were placed for Judge and ' ""'"ts. the services are to be conducted Mrs. 11. 11. Hewitt, of Albanv; Mr. audi mursday afternoon from either the Ma-' Mrs. Claybourne Walker, .Mrs. Jose-' sonic temple or the Scottish Rite tom phine Elgin, W. A. Moore, of Portland; ! P,p "1 will be very impressive. Harry Elgin, and Dell Kllis, of The' Governor Johnson will probably at Dalles. I tend, together with tho entire state railroad commission, of which Eshle- Mr. and Mrs. William Council Dyeri"""' ttn.8 formerly president, mid Rep Don't Wait for Special yr "... "w Vv 1 accompanied by their house guest, Mrs. Jacob K.nnni, of Portland, and Mrs. C. M. Walker, motored to Corvallis Sunday where they had dinner, motoring back to Salem that night. Mrs. Kaiiiin returned home Monday afternoon. The Misses Agnes nnd Jo Driscoll, who are attending the University of Oregon, returned .Monday after a week end's visit with their mother Mrs. Grace Driscoll. resentative delegations from the state senate and the assembly. Before the body was removed from Idaho, an inquest was held bv the cor oner of Riverside county. The verdict was death from natural causes. Mrs. Eshlemnn is completely prostrat ed. Three children also survive, Knth ervn, aced six; Janet, aged three, nnd John M., Jr., a baby. Funeral Thursday. Sacramento, Cnl.. Feb. 29. The fn. ,e l. 1.... 1 . r. Pil i c . ti t. ui un- uiie Lieutenant Viovernor n, J, ? " fJa 14 E 7Sr, . -Tohn M. Kshlemnn will be held in Eos Leaders of the Season L without a doubt this claim belongs to Society Shoes C. They have the charm of beauty the distinction of exclusivenes9 the refinement of the best and newest in style the enduring shapeliness of fine footwear. C Complete costuming is given its final touch with a pair of SOCIETY SHOES. They are specialty shoes in which perfection of fit ensures lasting comfort high-grade quality of material ensures thoroughly satisfactory wear. Made in a wide variety of correct models all the newest lent the famous "STAR BRAND' every pair. Special price, $:(.a0. Kafoury The Store for the People. 4 Hi State St., next to Bank of Commerce hers, w th rp-' Ji III Bros. I h A U1WTAIENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bloeding or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 50c. PERSONALS fc Aliss Mabel Tharp, of Alsen, was in Suleni yesterday. Miss Agrafina Frntis, of Cliemnwa. is in the city. Jack Morrow, of Silverton, was In the city yesterday. (leorge Taylor, of Albany, is regis tered at the Bligh. F. A. Caldwell, a druggist of New berg, is iu the city. Harvey Wells, insumnce commission er, went to Portland this morning. Mrs. Walter E. Spaulding returned yesterday from a week's visit nt. n,,.. Uon City. Miss Edna Bohle left for her home at Lebanon yesterday after a short visit nere. Charles Hill and wife nmtitrii.l Kim. day from Portland, visiting i the citv. -urs. narry Ross. Mrs. Eaura Oslinrn left fur Califor nia yesterday after a week's visit with -mis. i.eoina Peterson. Mrs. Frances Wicker, of Portland, in in the city, visiting her parents, .Mr. and Mis. (1. I). Dimick. R. D. (liny, president of tho Turner State bank, was in die city yesterday afternoon transacting business. XV. A. I'ettit. city editor of the Riwe burg Review, is in the city on his wnv home from a trip to I'oitliind. Ted Breymnn, well known in the city, traveling fm the Breyman Leather com-' puny out of Portland, is in the city. Mrs. Henry Whitney, of Woodburn, was in the city visiting her parent; -Mr. and .Mrs. H. J. Steward, of WVst Salem, A. A. Fern, special tigent for 'the Pro tectors Underwriters' Insurance com pany, anil L. C. Morgan, of the Old Colony Insurance company, were in the city yesterday from Portland. Mr. and .Mrs. Anderson came down from Eugene, where Ihcv have been for several weeks, this morning. Mr. An derson is the well-known sales expert who has handled many merchandising campaigns in this citv. " Angeles Thursday nt 2 o'clock under the auspices of the Masonic lodge. The interment will also be held in Los Angeles. (iovernor Johnson and a number of other state officials will attend the funeral. Gossip About Successor. Sacramento, Cnl., rcn. 29. Although Governor Johnson remained silent to day relative to the appointment of a successor to John M. Eshlemnn as lieu tenant governor, numerous men were mentioned for the place at the capitol. A. J. Wallace, former lieutenant gov ernor, with Johnson, was mentioned by several prominent state officials. Wal lace is from Los Angeles. Senator H. Stanley Menediet, of Los Angeles, was also mentioned though many officials believed Senator N. W. Thompson, of Alliabra, president pro tern of the senate, is in direct line for the appointment. Some of the others mentioned were: Matt I. Sullivan. Attorney General Webb. John F. Nevliin, chairman of the state board of control; Harris Woin stock, state market commission; Ches ter R. Howell, of Fresno; .Meyer Liss ner and Max Thelen. rices YOU WILL FIND OUR PRICES EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR AS LOW OR LOWER THAN ANY SPECIAL SALE ON THE SAME QUALITY OF GOODS. . . COME TO OUR OPENING TOMORROW, MARCH 1 Farmers' Cash Store 151 High. St., opposite Court House Titanic Struggle at Verdun Is Only Begun (Continued From Fage One.) addition to taking Mnnlieiilles, Champ Ion and part of a Badonvillcr trench in the new campaign. Perfect Harmony must exist in the digestive system in to get the best value from vour McKcnnon. orde loud. When the stomach lacks tone or strength, try a bottle of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Capture Men and Guns. Berlin. Feb.. !. Caot in e of smi.lt armored works northwest of Fort Dou aumont was officially claimed today. I lie war office statement fold nls,. of taking in the Woevre region where the Gorman's are assembling to the southeast nnd east of Verdun C,,rur soldiers. 22M officers, (is cannon, nml Nil machine guns. The Germans passed Dieppe, Bacoil and Blances nnd ruptured .Mnnlieiilles, Champion and a portion of a French trench northeast of Badonvillcr. Many prisoners were taken. Willamette Notes The l'liilodosiiin election of officers resulted in the following young Indies receiving offices: President Miss Beryl Holt. Vice-President Miss Valeria Collier-ger. jiecoming secretary .Miss Fannie Spring Cleaning Time is at hand. If your face or scalp needs attention, now is the time to see us about it. Our methods are the latest known to science and results are sum. We cure dandruff and stop fall ing hair, remove scars and blem ishes of nil kinds, including sup erfluous hair. Let us dress your face or hair for that special occasion. Best manicure in the city for 2ric Gentlemen 35c Open Saturday evening". IMPERIAL BEAUTY PARLORS .101 Bunk of Commerce Building, Phone .'iU3 Salem, Ore. Corresponding secretary Miss Wini fred Biiglev. Treasurer Miss Genua Teeters. Censor Miss Margaret Garrison. Kitchen custodians Miss Maude Maclean nnd Miss Margaret Mnllory. The senior baskctfuil! team will meet the theologs of Kimball college this nf i ternoon on the basketball court. In a previous tame the seniors defeated ; them, so they feel confident of repent-I will be ing the score again today. The basliet ; ball series is almost over only a few games remaining to be play before the : cup is awarded nnd every team that 'has a chance is putting forth every ef- tort to win if they possibly run. I The regnlurs. "Bear Cats," are nlsol I putting in a grent deal of time prepar-I ing for their game with O. A. C. tomor ; row evening. They have only one'gume I 'left to play after the O. A. C. mime! land that is with Pacific hero on March 4. After that Coach Matthews will put 1 ull his time on baseball and truck nnd I work in those sports will commerce in : real earnest next week. the university this year will be the ap pearance of Mine. Alma Webster Pow ell, famous coloratura soprnuo. in a re cital Friday evening. .Mine. Powell mid Prof. John O. Hall were classmates in Columbia university, and it was through his efforts tlmt Mine. Powell consented to appear in Salem. She is giving the entire proceeds of the ci ert to the t'nivcrsity library fund for the seeming of new research books for the students. Her work is highly coinineiidnble nml u large crowd will doubtless hear her at the recital. G. L. Tufts, the superintendent of the Weekly Rest Day league, addressed tin Willamette, student body at the regular chapel period this morning. He spoke in regard to the cause which he is ad vocating, namely the securing of one day of rest in seven for the working class. . "The industrial world is looking for ward to college men and women to ad just, labor and economic problems," snid Mr. Tufts, "and therefore I wel come you into the world outside of school, the great battle field of ideas." "Know thyself, ami self mastery are the first great lessons which the 'indi vidual must learn." He stilted that Harvard university was trying an experiment of having a class work seven days a week and an other six days per week and the latter was accomplishing fur the better re sults, showing that a day of rest is need ed for the highest efficiency. i)r. .lames Lisle, curator of the Mh scum, is again on duty lifter almost a month's illness with la' grippe and cold. Prof. John (). 11;, iu,s unable to t Ins classes today on account of i illness, but is expected to be well in a I few doys. The V. w. c. A. will hold a reunion Thursday afternoon in their est Room in Futon Hall. The program 1 will be entitled "Pioneer Day " ,i,l as follows: -Minuet N'cllie Heaver. Hymn of Light Kvery body, liensons for our jubilee, and some idous of other people who are jubilat ingMiss Beryl Holt, dreeii in a costume of 1 si ;i ",. loading of letters from AIiiiiiikic. Vocal Solo Miss Leila M.-( nddaiu. History of W. 1'. Association Miss Alice Field-. Stunt "Then ami .Vow" Miss Flora House). The association on our campus after the jubliee Mis Aetna Funnel. Following the program a reception will be held, with music and a social WMinHHWlBMMinwitfTBMwrMiMiiMiminiiB un . w surra E. L. STIFF & ti iiwi.'i.ii....,. rii'wWf-r -ftii-ft"T-iiiiltftfninr-c-''--'-ir-"-iii - m 1 1 huM iiitiinii niuu.il Th 1' f 1 : iicei, nun iuusi - " ' ' I hour: then at ."i::!n the l,ig y, v. ' ;"Feed" will be served in the Societv Halls. Here the Salem High school Y. W. C. A. girls will put on n stunt and many talks will be given by pioneers. A minuet led by Miss Helen Wastell will then hold the attention of the audience, ami the event will close with a grand march and pioce-.ional about the hails. All the Alu ae of W. F. V. W. C. A. are expected to be present if pos sible and many ladies of the Salem city V. W. will be present. Those who can go should couimunicate with Miss liosnniond Gilbert who has charge of the bampief in order that places may be reserved. The time, Thurdav, March 2, 3 : 'iO-0 : .JO p. in. AUCTION SALE of Stock, farm implements, buggy, hack, chickens and household goods, on Pringle Koad, 1 1-2 miles south of end of 12th sttcet car line. Sale Wednesday, March 1, at 11 :00 a. m. sharp. Mrs. H. K. Green OWNEB. Go to our Exchange Department and furnish your Home for One-Half Price. One heavy massive fir Library Table $4 50 Rockers 50c and'up Several Sets of fine hardwood Diners jJ3 QQ Good Steel Ranges $10 to $20 One $22 swell front Dresser like new $J0 fjQ Other Dressers, all kinds and sizes $3 00 to $4 50 Lawn Mowers $1.00 UI Garden IIose 5c ft. and up One $25 Couch, like new $9.50 All kinds of garden tools, both new and used, at rock bottom prices. We sell the famous Orbon De Luxe Ideal Ranges and will take in your old stove in exchange. We handle a fine new stock of furniture good enough to suit the most fastidious and respectfully invite you to let us figure on your bill. We usually get the business because we always save you money. E. L. STIFF & SON THE BUSY STORE We would like to figure on your bill cash or credit, we usually get the business. CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING YOU RESULTS.