THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT RNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEB. 29, 1916. MUTT. AND JEFF lS. . By BUD FISHER Sport News OF TWO Champion of World to Wrestle in Port land Tonight Portland, Ore, Feb. 29. Walter Mil ler, middleweight wrestling champion of the world, will meet tddie O'C'on nell, instructor at the Multnomah Ama teur Athletic club, tonight for the title. From their rival camps, both men today issued communiques of confidence. Catch -ss-catcb-can rule, with Mike Butler aa referee, were agreed upon lat night. Miller will weigh about 154 pound am O'Connell 1-tH. Miller ar-riv-cd yesterday from 8a n Francisco, Trier he dumped Pete Buzukos in very tthort order. He realizes that in O'Con nell he ii meeting a worthy opponent, ami Miller is not treating the affair lightly. The champion will not stake his belt. Ho claim he has won permanent pos session of the trophy. The wrestling game virtually will be on trial when Miller and O'Connell meet tonight. Several alleged "frame tip" three yeara ago killed public confidence: -in wrestling. If tonight's match ends without a hitch, there is a vossibility of the revival of the game in Portland. Coach Smith Pleased. Berkeley. Cal.. Feb. 2!). Bevond do Waring that he was pleased with his new berth and was hopeful of turning oat a winning team, Andy .Smith, new. loot tin 11 coach of tho I mversity of Call forma, waa silent today regarding his jilans. He will be busy "sizing up" the Nutation until Saturday when he will begin worn in earnest. WUlaid Getting in Form. New York. Feb. 29. The effects of Jess Millard recent illness are rapid ly vanishing and he is speedily rounding into form for hi coming 10-round bout with Frank Moran. Walter Monahan nnd Jack Hemplo, his chief training usaistant. aald the lienvywcight cham lion is already in fine fettle. Meanwhile Tex Kicksrd. promoter of inn ooui, conferred today with Mate boxing commission regarding the lentils of tho match. All tile money re reived from the sale of seats will be held by the commission until such time ns Kicksrd dictates its disposition. Fisher to Catch for Beavers. Portland, Ore.. Feb. 20. fins Fisher is back in tho fold today. He signed a contract Inst night to catch for the Portland club of the Pacific, Const league in 191(1. Unsigned Beavers now ro ljuinn, Haworth, Sothoron, Nixon( Npeas and Hnuthwortli. With the ex ception of ripen, these are expected to lio signed within a week. Soeas i,i still lmcking at a salnry cut which McCredie is delorminod to saddle on him. Bain! Trimmed Madden. Hcattle, Wash., Feb. 2l. Karl Bain' prnnir a surprise on followers of ama teur boxing here last night bv trim ming I.loyd Mnddon at the Seattle All letie club smoker. The bout went three rounds. She Knocked Him Out Hiebmond, Cal.. Feb. 2. A jury of omen to trv Mrs. Mnrv Tennnnt on n T.hnree of battering her husband with r dashboard was sought today nt her w. quest. Portland to Play Seattle. Seattle. Wash., Feb. 29. Portland niul Seattle will tangle in an exhibition liockey encounter on the ice here to night. IVinito the fact that the Tfosc City sextet holds the const chnmpion idiin, the locals are confident of wiu-ning. League Will Pay Debt Seattle. Wash. Feb. 29. It wna an nounced here today that the Northwest ran Baseball league will meet a deht of 41.700 Butte owes from the dnys of the Union association. The business men flf Butte, who have raised Slfi.OOO for n lmiebnll club there, refused to pay the old claims. VICTIM OF SUBMARINE Dover, Kng., Feb. 29. That the Peninsular and Oriental liner Mslo.ja was tho victim of a submarine off here Sunday and wna not mined, as reported was the testimony of Chief Officer Forbes today. Other witnesses did not corro borate Forbes' story as to how the vet-eel was destroyed with the lose of between 150 and 170 lives. His testimony was the first lint that the vessel had not been mined. FOR ACTIVE SERVICE Will Require 1000 Years at Present Rate to Equip Efficient Aero Corps Governor Withycomhe has been noti fied by the Aero Club of America that the Curtiss Aeroplane Company has of fered to train an officer of the militia of each of the 48 states gratis. As Commander-in-Chief of Oregon's military forces he has been asked to select an OrOegnian t take advantage of this offer. The governor hag conferred with Ad jutant General (ieo. A. White, reuost ing the general to take steps towards the selection of an officer or private whose training will be most valuable to the Militia in this connection. The training will take place at the Curtiss school at San Diego, California. The Aero Club states that such a course as will be given the Oregon representa tive is worth 00. Through the generostly of Emerson McMillin, of New York, the Aero Club is adding 10 per cent to the if 100, which will be contributed towards the traveling expenses of the aeronautic student. The Aero Club letter is in part as follows: "This contribution of the Curtiss Company to tho National Aeroplane Fund will add 48 trained militia of ficers to our aerial forces as well as en able the militia of most of the states to take the first step toward organizing an aviation section. "Conditions being as critical as President Wilson states them, this country needs immediately five thous and trained aviators. (lad this coun try a reserve of five thousand trained aviators, it would be in the hnppy position of the porcupine, which spends its days in peaceful pursuits, banning no one, but is ever rendv to defend it self. "Tho aeronautical equipment of the Army and Navy consists of less than twenty aeroplanes in commission, and a dozen ordered, which lire needed to replace some of the aeroplanes in com mission. The plans being considered by the present congress aim to only provide less than 200 aeroplanes to the Army and Navy combined. No pro vision whatever is made to provide aeronautical equipment to the Militia. "Hut it is being realized that if the Army has only about 10 aeroplanes iu j commission at tho end of seven years, when it should have 1,000; and the navy lias only about 10 aeroplane, in commission nt the end of five years, when it should have 2,0n0; at this rate it would take tho best part of 1,000 years to supply the Army's and Navy's aeronautical needs. I he Army, .Mivv, and Militia need 2.ri,O00,0OO for aero nautics. Less than that will leave this country behind the thud and fourth class powers, who now have many times more aeroplanes than this country bns. "It is geneinllv appreciated that so long as the Army and Navy are so short of men, the militia forms thu baoMiono of our detenses. there is also being appreciated the fact that the efficiency of the militia can only extend as far as the menus provided for equipment and training will reach." Cups Are Offered In Contest of Boys Try Capital Journal Want Ads. AslcuishTfeca Bake cake witK MERIT VANILLA mi roull have ihein U begging lor the nope, li toe nvo that insure succese i in every baking. 25c lad in uc Today1 Grocery Order Last fall at Salem and at Ontario. Oregon, over 100 older boys from Ore gon and Idaho attended two boys' con ferences which were conducted under the direction of the Oregon-Idaho ! Young Men's Christian association exe-1 eutive committee. Now the boys work; department of that committee announ-l jh a Wxir mm fninlt titv luiva ninl ...... . ... . ...... ... . ...v .. ...... .,.i f... .......11..,. A........ ........... .... ,,..,, , ,,K who are putting forth cups in tho older bovs' contests are (!ov. James Withv- combe, V. M. I.add, Portland: Mayor II. K. Albee, of Portland; Mr. A. C. Schmitt, of Albany, and President Mel- vui A. Uranium of the Cniversity of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, While the com mittee cannot announce the full list of donors at this time they will be able to very soon. The contests are to be launched at once. For older boys clubs and classes in Sunday schools, high schools, Y. M. C. A.'s anil other boys' organizations con tests include five lines of endeavor, Bible study, agriculture, membership in crease, per cent of attendance, and thrift. Any club which con qualify may enter any one or all of these five con tests, and as the committee has tried to net up regulations that will put all classes on un equnl basis the contest bids fair to be close from the start ob April 1 to the close. November 1. Tho younger boys, 12 to 15 years of age, are to linve an equally attractive contest involving physical, religious, and educational, which tents imiy be conducted by leaders for bovs' groups of various organizations. The ciin for this contest has been offered jointly bv President I'. K. Mull, of tlie Oregon 1 Sunday School assorniiation, and Pres. I H. C. Buldridgc, of the Idaho Similar! School association. No contests hove probably ever been organised with such a variety of activ ities and including so thoroughly all classes of hays' organizations as those under the direction of the State Y. M. 0. A. committee for the bovs of Ore- goa anu idudo. further information i may be had by addressing John II. Kudd, interstate bovs secretary, :05 Y. M. C. A., Portland, Oregon," stating clearly In which contests von n ro intir- f GEE! THIS fviAOTUR-M- j l'Tl I 1 fiUNKoO ( . COWS M.N'T.tiOT C0 f "fl OU IHy lOME BiTei THC J f F1 (yjELl, AMVHOUJ " jj Imnn kr Amtrttm Timn Cw. Guess this one: Why is "Tux" the one non-bite to bacco? Sure! you got it because no imitator has ever yet solved the riddle of the "Tuxedo Process," of course. The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette That "Tuxedo Process' by the way, has had 'em all guessing for a long time. It was invented by a physician years ago, and it remains today the original and i e i 1 'ii pest process ror making tooacco mild, mm wholesome and healthful, and for removing every trace of bite. Join the thousands of happy pipe-smokers who Have learned that Tuxedo brings comfort, content ment and satisfaction. Try Tuxedo for a week. J AlVAVAVAVAVit-.i. 'AVAi-ir-J1 1 BUD FISHER Psmous Cartoonist, sari "Tuxedo has made a pipe my faoortte form of smoking. Ill coolness and mildnut make pipe-smoing a real pleasure." YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenient, glassine wrapped, Famous green tin with gold moisture-proof pouch . . . J C lettering, curved to f it pocket In Tin Humidors, 40c and 80c. In Glass Humidors, 5Gc and 90c THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY SUIIUIuUlWIlUUUIIl lllffl'liI'mimwiimiisifflM iBfiByii4 eb 10c Mmmm- -M WHAT SOME OF THEM AKE DOING WITH THIS "EXTRA" DAY illy TiiitoiJ I'ioss) Coluiiihim, Ohio, Feb. 21). (Vntral tlhiu (Icvott'CH of loxin( fimight will et Johnny Orif fitliM, Akron lij,'litwi'ii;lit, and l.i'iicii Cross, of New York, in ft 12ronml fontiMt lit thu State strn't Coli'sii'iini lioro, nmler tho iliroliou of the Oun'imbury dub. MinnPHiinliit. Ten oivic org imialions ihose toilny, nml im nmiiil iluto, for In'un rhing a rnmpiupl nKliinst monqtiitnpj, in this city surroiiiuK'il bv a Mate thilt 1ms 10,000 token. It i plan- j(c ueil to eliiniiiHtp ci"ry pudillo in the ntute where nates. miter stug- Ikllu. Texan. Three tinhorn, T.tither K. Todd, of St. Louis: Waller R. I.nmlnitli, of Birmini; ham. Ala., and E. K. Hosa, of Muskogee, Okla., were liei-e to day to aid in 1" lining the Meth nlist menihership eainpaign to be. inaiigurnted in Texaa and .New Mexico, March 12. Tulsa. Okla. Tulsa ousinen men selected the extra day in the year to celebrate Trosperi ity day. Tn addition to the us ual carnival features, a bntterr of public speakers will tell Tul sa what n regular city it is. BORN ttn.UXOER-To Dr. and Mrs. Tvan E. Hellinger, of Sweet Home. Sunday, March 27, HUiS, a sou. lie will be named Ivnu bMlsworth, Junior. The mother was Miss IjoIb belle Cook before her marriage. ntXC BEER, BIO CROWD l.os Angeles, I'.il., Feb. S9. Leap year's official arrival was celebrated in Los Angeles today by a public wedding ii Central Tarkwith brass bauds aal free beer. Department of Labor Makes New Rulings to Safeguard Workmen Stale Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff, who recently held a three days' con ference, with his deputies at Portland, reports a number of new rulings rela tive to safety device. for machinery to safeguard the lives and limbs of the ' rmnlnTd The following rulings were made: Guard ali water glasses less than 10 feet abovo the working floor, with eith er one-fourth inch glass or sheet metal guard with a one-fourth inch slot ma iling the length of the glass; discontinu ing the use of wire wreens as water glass guards. here two or more steam driven units exhaust into a common system, there must be a valve placed on the ex haust of each unit. I On or bofore March 1, 1917, the use of squaro joiuter heads must be tinned, and these heads replaced with round heads, (heds with, inserted knivevi. Toe boards to bo put on all walkways and platforms where practicable. Solid webs to be placed in alt ex posed printing press fly wheels. Circular saws which are cracked more than one-half inch deep are not al lowed to be used. Fred CBuchtel Files As Candilate .for Railroad Commissioner Fred O. Bu.htel, of Portland, filed to day as a candidate for nomination by tho republican party for tile office of eonimisioner of the public service com mission for the district composed of the counties lying west of the Cascade mountains, with tho slogan, "My past joinciai recoru is your guaranty mat I in inase good. Much Building Activity In and About Hubbard C, O. Hinriman, of Faker, has filed as candidate for nomination by the dem ocratic part for the office of district attorney of Baker county. Vino W. Pearce, of McMinnville, can didate for nomination bv the democrat ic pnrtv for the office' of district at torney for Yamhill counts. Slogan, " liligeae and efficiency." As an indication of the buildiii" that I has been in progress the past few i weeks and is being finished now or re icently so, the following from Beck & I Son 's lumber yard tells its own story: Wni. 1'ppendiihl has again resumed work on his new house sinco winter has broken. H. L. Mills, west of Aurora, is now putting on tho finishing touches to his new bungalow. Conrad Troudt has been busy enlarg ing and making his homo more conven ient on Painter avenue cost of town. O. H. Miller and C. W. Mnyger are each erecting a garage for their npw maehines. J. H. Friend. W. Miller and A. I.. Headings are doing some modern chick- jen house building to take care of the I large flocks of baby chicks they expect to raise this spring. Andy Kauffinan, cast of town, has been doing some icmodeling on the house recently purchased for a home. Frank Fry is also one of the chicken fanciers who has come into the lime light. G. B. Pimick has built another new hog house on his farm east of town. Mr. Dimick is a breeder of fine hogs and says he gets results. Contractors I.ibby Moshberger, of Woodhurn, will uooit start a new resi dence at Anrora for Or. Ocisey. This will he auofher addition that Aurora can be proud of. Oeo. Wachtman has finished remod eliag his residence, this along with his new baru built lust summer makes him owner of one of the best improved farms east of Hubbard, i Mr. Keller, who recently purchased a part of the Wilson farm, west of town, is doing some remodeling this spring. John Bevens is doing some extensive remodeling on the postoft'ice building for the convenience of Postmaster (trimm. Work is being started on a new gar age for I.. M. Scholl. Krnest Hoffman is putting down a new sidewalk in front of his shop. Hubbard Knterprise. KEPT HIS MOUTH SHUT San Prnncisco, Feb. "'.). Kdward Kel ly, a. glass blower, thought two men ahead of iiim were thuas, ho he stuffed his $100 mill in his month and imitated a mute. The pair left him unconscious but tho money was safe. Simplified Spelling Introduced In State Records by Workman A case of simplified spelling with a vengenco was brought to the attention jof the state industrial accident commis ; sion this morning. According to the I faddists at the University of Oregon the 'letter written by the Scandinavian would he absolutely correct :if they had succeeded in making all I spelling merely a matter of personal ' preference. 1 he letter which is in a class by it self and even goes tho simplified spell ers one better, follows: state industrnu aksidant comishon Klnim no T am gong to vork to moio and vant get return simest pasibel. Wcry truely. Thf letter give the address "." nort Sekond St.," Portland. Tho workman was injured last month while unloading logs from a flatenr when ho had his foot crushed by the rolling logs. AUMSVILLE NEWS O. A. Fraff, of Portland, and Mrs. rratt, of Stayton, visited at the Kirk Patrick homo Saturday. Mrs. Fcatherhuff, of Aberdeen. S. P.. enmo Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs J. Penhnm. Mrs. K. K. Arrell and children and Miss erua McNeal visited at the Win. Phillips home Sunday. A. Merrifiold went to Salem on busi ness Tuesday. He returned home Wed nesday. Miss Ida Berg, who has been visiting at the C. F. Ifein home returned to her home in Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Schrunk and Miss Ida Svhriiuk went to Salem Satur day. They returned homo Sunday cv.v.lng. Mr. and Mrs. ChaA Ransom nnd little son, Wayne, Mrs. W. C. Anderson and Mrs. Kinma Simpson went to Salem Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sherm Swank and diieghter. F.liabeth, and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Jensen motored to Salem tn Swank's new ii Wednesday evening. A. P. Speer nnd P. C. Speer have boneht out the store of T. Y. McClolInu Co.. at West Stayton. P. C. Speer will be the manager. Record. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. Manager Miller to , Take Charge of Marion Charles O. Miller, who was elected mannger of the Marion hotel at the meeting of the stockholders February 11, will take charge of the hotel tomoi row. Mr. Miller is one of the younger hc tcl men on the coast who have worked themselves up through all the positions a hotel has to offer. Beginning ns bell hoy at the Dewey Palace hotel at Nam pa, Idaho, in 1907, within three years lie had worked up through various po sitions to that, of chief clerk. In I!)10 he became chief clerk of the Wcinhnrd hotel at Astoria and year later, chief clerk of tho Osborne hotel at Kugeno. Two years ago ho was elected manager of the hotel at Roseburg, which has been under his management, ono of tho most, successfully conducted hotels in the valley. While several changes' may ultimately bo made in the man agement of the Marion, the staff in the front office will include Mr. Miller ns manager, C. Ponn Fowle, chief clerk, nnd Fred K. Miller, night clerk. AjACK OF DYES DID IT Chicago, Feb. 2!. Scarcity of ilyo is assigned bv hatters as the reason for the fashion decree that men must weir lighter eoloicd hats this season.