BUB a 4 "J E. 8. Seaman Representing Lewis Bros., of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Spokane, Washington r r it 1 v 11XV.JJ 3 1 9 ? ? T5 S ? ? s5 5 "OT"fcwr?'lffy vwffPvpvvvHRHViVivwinnmin iprwfaatii. it o no of! ' - ock .aim F nana 522 ii oil ii o tuurstcM mu mr :- i n i ' "m i ni ff-tfiiim 0 0 Come to this Slurry Out Sale, and Expect to be Disappointed, because you will not, you will be surprised at the money you can save here dur ing this Great Hurry Out Sale. Every article is marked in plain fig ures. You can be your own salesman. Make up your mind that you will be here. Coming now, almost right on the eve of Easter, it makes an opportune time to get your Easter togs. Make this store your home, come and get acquainted with the way Lewis Bros, and Co. conduct a sale. I am ready to back any statements I make. If I tell you I am cutting prtces you can bank on it, I have the authority to do it, and keep your eyes on the Chicago Store during the progress of this sale and see for yourself. This Great Hurry Out Sale starts tomorrow, Wednesday morning c About this Hurry Out Sale are Plain. The Chicago Store wants to move about $50,000 worth of their present stock. Therefore, they called Lewis Bros, and Co., to the rescue, and I am here in be half of Lewis Bros, and Co., to sell The Chicago Store's stock, and at any sacrifice I see fit to move it in a hurry. No reserves are made-everyfching in the store is due to be cut to the quick, Nothing will be spared during the progress of this sale. Each and every day there will be Extra Special inducements to you in all de partments from cellar to garret. Come here prepared to find thousands of articles on sale that are not in this ad. Room will not permit me to quote the thousands of articles that are included in the Chicago Store's Great Hurry Out Sale that starts tomorrow lave Opened the Bargain Gates to You Ladies' New Spring Suits $12.00 and $15 values $7.90 Here's your chance to get that Spring Suit worth $12.50 and $15, hurry out price $7.90 Ladies' New Spring Suits worth $18 and $20 $9.90 Don't fail to ask to see this lot of Spring Suits, no use to pay regular prices, these must go. y N You Never Saw Such ValuesBe Here Ladies' Spring Suits, Regular $22.50 and $25.00 $11.90 When did you ever hear of the like, only $11.90 for ladies 'Spring Suits worth $22.50. and $25.00 Mackinaws for Boys and Girls $5.00 $3.98 Don't forget the little boys and girls, very nobby patterns, in girls and boys Moccasins. Children's Coats, sold regular at $3.50 . . . $1.9S Here is a good snap, lot of Children's Coats, sold regular at $3.50, harry out price $1.98 V v. v - v - t - U - I ;: . ' - T: , - , ; ':" - ,;- : V'V'."".K"';1 I Men's Work Shoes,worth to $3.45 pair $2.45 This is a real snap for the men folks think of buying a work Shoe for $2.45 Men's Calf Dress Shoes, regular 4.00 value, pair $2.45 Lot of men's calf dress Shoes, plenty of sizes and a mighty good shoe at $2.45 pair Boys' Calf Shoes, regular $2.00 value a pair $1.28 Don't overlook this buy in boys Shoes a regular $2.00 Shoe at $1.28 pair Ladies' Shoes), regular $3.00 values a pair $1.49 And they are good styles, and plenty of sizes, so you better hurry while they last, $1.49 pair Ladies' Shoes, regular $4.00 valves a pair . . . 32. 45 This is an excellent shoe, sold at $4.06 the pair, now they go at $2.45 Drop Everything tomorrow morning and be here when the doors open. Remember this, all goods are marked in plain figures, and the same . -..til Zt- M P 1. t tl . f t t m -fifl at J.1 r jj. t r lou iiKver win iitt it. Libupuuiuiinib cii mis saie us me omy price to an iiifis is tie one saie yoiFnavepeen waiting Tor-ine Knire .sahun town. v wentihraushJUilt , :L MciSpringEffd $3,50 value Sl.98 ThU la the prt&t time to buy your new Spriig Hat at cut prices. Lalies New Spring Hats $5 and $6 value $2.45 Lot of Ladies' now Spring Hats, worth $5 and $6.00 go at $i45. Come early choice styles. Ladies' New Spring Hats worth $7 and $8 $2.98 Special lot of new Spring Hats, worth $7 and $8, now go at $2.98 very nobby. Children's While Hats $1.50 value 69c Special lot of Children's white Hats, worth $1.50, marked to Bell at 69c r Some f Jj Mighty .' 1 STf Good r WJLjr'V YOU SHOULD NOT MISS THIS GREAT HURROUT SALE, & BECAUSE YOU NEVER HAVE SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT; IT IS GENUINE, AND ALL NEW SPRING STOCK IS GOING AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. COME AND MAKE YOUR DOLLAR GO FARTHER THAN IT EVER DID BEFORE, EVERY WHERE YOU LOOK YOU WILL FIND BARGAINS HEAPED IN BINS, PILED ON TABLES, ON THE MAIN FLOOR, ON TEE BALCONY, AND IN THE BASEMENT. SEEING IS BELIEVING AND SURELY YOUR OWN EYES CANT DECEIVE YOU. YOU ARE COMING, YOU WILL BE HERE, TOMORROW IS THE DAY, 9 A. M. IS THE HOUR I Men's Hais,"$2.50 and $3.00 values, $1.49 Special lot of Blcn'ki Hats, worth. $2.50 $3.00 go at just $1.49 Men's Hats, Ptegular $3.50 and $4.00 vaues, $2.09 Another lot of Men's Hats, regular $4.00 and $3.50 Hat at $2.00 Ladies' Shirt Waists, 75c and $1.00 values, 45c Special lot of Ladies' 75c and $1.00 Shirt Waists at 45c Madras Shirt Waists, $1.00 value, 39c Special lot of White Madras Shirt Waists to go. at 39c bargain Feasts For You Miscellaneous BARGAINS Women's Wash Dresses, $1 value 49c Lot of Women's Wash Dresses, worth regular $1.00, now 40c each. Single Bed Blank ets, regular $1.00 value 49c Lot of single Bed Blankets, worth $1.00 regular, go at 49c. Cotton Blankets, regular '$1.75 value 89c Extra Special lot of Cot ton Blankets, worth to $1.75. go at 89c Comforts Worth regular $1, 69c Special lot of Comfor ters worth $1.00. go at only 69c. Ladies' Linen Coats, regular $2 value 39c And, say they are worth it, if they are not brand new. Ladies' and Miss es Middies, $1.50 value 98c Special lot of Middy Blouses, regular value $1.50, go at 08c. M Lalies' Slippers, regular $1.50 value 75c Special lot of Ladier." $1.50 Comfy Slippers go at 75c pair. Mercerized Petticoats, $1.50 value 75c Special lot of Mercer ized Silk Petticoats go at 75c Gingham Petti coats, regular 75c value 39c Lot of Gingham Petti coats worth regular 75c, now 30c Ladies' House Dresses, regular $1.50 value 79c Special lot of Ladies' House Dresses, sold at $1.50 regular, now 79c. Ladies' Union Suits, regular $1 value 49c Special lot of Ladies' Union Suits, sold reg nlar at $1.00. now 49c. SALE CONTINUES SIXTEEN DAYS 85s Ladies Night Robes 45c Bungalow Aprons $1.00 Muslin Skirts 65c Muslin Chemise 35c Sleeping Garments $1.00 Muslin Combination Suits 50c"l8-ln. Baby Embroidery, yd, 25c Infants Silk Lisle Hose 45c Misses' Union Suits 18c 6-u. Embroidery, yd - 75c Ladies' Lisle Hose 25c Ladies' Lisle Hose 43c 25c 49c 25c 19c 45c 29c 15c 23c 8c 33c 15c Clothing Clothing Regular up to $10.00 value Regular up to $15.00 value Lot of Men's Suits sold up to $10, it, on Suit. M You can buy a suit that sold as 9 Clothill: Regular up to $20.00 value mm 3 n There is no use to go around the 25c Men's Light color Sox 75c and $1.00 Men's Nightgowns $10, arc priced to move, think of high as $15 00 for only $7.59, but g bush, these suits must be sold, 11, uni i?j.uy aiuusiuHiLHiaiis m h it can't be helped. M tnai is wny me low price. $1.50 Boys' Sweaters 75c Boys' Knickerbockers SALE c STARTS 9 a. m. SHARP T i t n r 5 L 1 1 There'll Be Crowdsthe Store Is Ablaze With Bargains Piece Goods 5c and 6c value Lace, yard .. 2c $1.00 Table Linen, yard 49C 10c Dress Ginghams, yard ... - 6V4c 10c White Outmg Flannel, yd. ... 75c Wool Serge, yard .... 48c 49c Scotch Plaids, yard ... 25c 75c Flowered Siik Moll, yard... 45c 29c NOTICE! READ T. HIS The Chicago Store for the Next 16 Days will be under the management of E. G. Seaman, representing Lewis Bros. and Co., of Minneapolis, Minn., and Spokane, Wash., with full authority to cut prices low enough to move the Chicago Store's Stock of Seasonable Merchandise Miscellaneous BARGAINS 50c Slen's Suspenders 25c 50c Men's Work Shirts .... 35c 10c Men's Black Sox ... 5 15c Men's Black and Tan Sox ... 9c 13c 48c $1.00 and $1.25 Men's Shirts Ul 50c Men's Underwear ... 39c Lot $1.00 Men's White Shirts... 39c Boys' Overalls, Special .. 19c Boys' Shirts, Special 19c 69c 45c SALE STARTS 9 a. m. SHARP Come Join the throngs tomor row65 Clerks to wait on you GROCERIES PS A SALE EARNEST mm Babies' Plush Ladies' White Hoods, regular i Coats, regular 65c value 19c 1 510 value $5.90 Here is something for the Baby, and they are very cute, better get one Children's Straw Hats, regular 75c value 23c Lot of Children's Spring Straw Hats, worth 75c, go at 23c. , Ladies' Flannel Gowns, SI. 00 value 48c Special lot of Ladies' Flannel Gowns, worth $1.00 regular, go at 48c P. & N. and War ner's Corsets, 75c and $1 value 48c Special lot of P. & N. and Warner's Corsets, go at only 48c the pair. Ladies' Silk Vests worth $2.25 reg ular 98c Don't over look this buy, regular $2.25 Silk Vest at 98c. These Coats are always good. regular $10.00 values go at $5.90. Ladies' Suits worth to $12 reg- ular $3.45 Extra Special lot of Ladies' Suits, will be sold at $3.45, but hurry. Ladies' Coats, sold up to $15 regular, $3.45 Look these over, Ladies' Coats worth up to $15 at $3.45. Extra Special, $12 and $15 wool Dresses $2.95 Here is a value In Dresses that you must be sure and see $2.95 sold regular to $15.00. Extra Special, Linen Dresses at 85c Really I'm ashamed to say what they sold for regular, but $4.00 and $5.00 I guess No, they are not new. on. B they are not new. H I i mm aaagamiuurvjriim i irnii TTBmBBiii.iiii"iiinMiii i aiMMMMa u, gi hb i. i puree Tomatoes atj can 7c S LadieS Spring 1 S, n-r-M-s -v rars, n w'i- - 23c I Coats, regular! SALE A V, TT CTP3 A TTTHO JWi 19c I $10 vaiae $5.90 i continues A k WC H - . , . SIXTEEN jHkiLjiC Ji .Jr. ii ftj? I-, 9c rsS-j DAYS j 75c Flowered Siik Moll, yard . . 4ut E ' H ltc leaser corn nui vrw m 1 ' ' hi A ! 45C Table Linen, yard ?C iri.-mHrm,-ui,-m, wni-- -- n --i... n t. - ' - Krinkle Hakes lC i ' 12 l-2c Dress Ginghams, yard H - m Crystal White Soap for ... 4c I T .-ix i iomorrow at ifcOU a. m., .bharp at I te ysx yT f" S10 I'reuch Serge, yard JL & g Matches, the box OC f "V H Look at the Y nwr - - 1 i.i UJ22 "' '" ' m (( Don't Wait OaesAbove j) TJ TT TT? Tl Tl Tl T (H fP g T A P M 1 yy' Ml inikL LlniliCAljiO 5 li OJi,jl