EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, FEB. 23, 1916. T T I Interesting New Displays of Spring Merchan dise Throughout Salem's Big Store New Spring Footwear. New Spring two tone Taffetas. New Crepe De Chines and Tub Silks. New Spring Wash Materials. New Spring Hats for Men. New Silk Hosiery. New Laces and Embroidery. New Suits t for Boys. . . XX Just received a new assortment of latest Evening Gowns and Party Dresses Newest models beau tifully made of the most wanted materials and colorings. No bankrupt stocks or discarded merchandise sold over our counters. When you purchase here you get good goods. 36 years of successful' mer chandising in Salem. 1 V i ooonl goods KrS -- Free Embroidery Lessons Mrs. C. M. Dickson, of New York, an expert de signer and teacher of embroidery in all its intri cacies and branches, will give free lessons in our Art Department beginning Monday. She teaches :)8 different stitches in Grecian Cut Lace Work. This is absolutely the newest and most fascinating style in embroidery and has been shown in but few cities in this country. Watch for her work displayed in one of our show windows. Embroidery patterns to select from or to order, as desired. Don't wait. Join the class at the beginning and derive the full benefits. Absolutely, no charge for instruction. XX XX COURT HOUSE NEWS Tho ilivorre suit of Chester Tyler Heailrick against Florence Headriek was on in Judge Galloway's court today and a number of witnesses ivero ex amined for both sides. -In his com plaint Mr. Headriek alleges that his wife was too familiar with other men ami that she drank intoxicating liquors and stayed out till the wee small hours tlx I...!... In t.n . cross compiainc .urs. iieatincK. sets forth that she was but l.'i years of age when she married Mr. Headriek who was then 27 and that all of the bad habits she now has she learned from him. Moth of the parties to the suit nsk for the care and custody of their two and one-half year old daughter, Ruth Headriek. The couple were mar ried in Salem in 1!H2 and there are no I""!"11," WfcM.O ....U..... ... ...C .......... ( arson & lirown represent the plaintiff and Carey F. Martin appears for the def entrant. Glasses for Appearance and Service Gloomy, Irritable dispositions, wrinkled fere heads, tired, inflamed eyes, crows' feet ull aio often the result of the defective eyesight. Home would rather suffer these .discomforts through an unfounded f. ar that glasses will mar their appearance The Glasses of today will restore normal sight and add to the personal appearance. Let us prove it. Miss A. McCulloch Optometrist I 208-9 Hubbard Bldg. 4 H Phone 109. t All Around Town Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits gUu-pen to tliem in later life if they play ei correctly. U. S. Hank. iildg, The Rev. O. W. Plumtnor, general missionary in Oregon, Washington and Idaho for the Evangelical association left today for Southern Idaho, to bo ab sent about one week. Dr. Stone's drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Zadoc J. Biggs and wife, acconip.inicd by Miss Mabel Robertson and Miss flreta l.oonoy, motored to 1'ortlaiid and return yester day. Dr. Btone's Drag store. the game right anil become useful citi zens as well as singers. E. L. Stiff & Son will hang your awnings. The Salem fire department was called out this morning at 11:10 in response to an alarm turned in from the resid ence of Flora l' inn at fMii Trade street. The fire caught in the moss on the roof and burned a small hole. The damage was slight. Tonight at 8 o'clock free musicale by pupils of .Miss ISeatrico Hhelton. ... ... .7 J Eve' tlia laundry men are feeling After 15 days of dear weather and" vUwU of , lihortI1RP of ,,VBS M11(, no rainfall whatever a tew drops tel !,,,. ,;,, ,, hnvn re(.,.,lty his mt.rn.ng and broke the good record ; isl)m,j aVhnge of prices. They claim or I ebruary J he river .s talljnR Iron;; fc otT tl.-ii- material used have the emvts or the continued dry spe . . , . ,.nn . and today is 5.5 feet above low vnced from Mo ,00 per cent. mark. 0 o All kinds of garden tools at E. L. Order your pure mlllc, cream and'st'n Maple drove butter from Maple firovei .. Dairy, 1215 South Commercial Fhonei Tomorrow evening Edgar B. Piper ogg. I nianngiug editor of the Oregnniun, w ill 0 I address tho members of the Mix o'clock The Orpheus Male Chorus will enter- oliilj in the parlors of the First Meth tain the boys and also the facultv of the I 'l'st church. Ho will speak on "Na Orogon State Training school tliis even-! tional Preparedness." A dinner will ing. And also incidentally impress up-1 be served by the ladies of the Kouth on the minds of the boys what may hap-1 Central Circle at ti:30 o'clock. Trade in your used furniture on new at K. L.St iff k Son. Governor Withycombe today accepted the invitation of tho Hoyal Kosarians of Cortland to accompany them on their excursion to Honolulu on the steamer (ireat Northern which sails April 2. Governor Withycombe expects to be ab sent from the stato for about IS days. Let the Capital Journal figure on your job printing. Now that the Du Pont mills are using M(M1,0I() pounds of cotton daily in the manufacture of munitions, even the price of calico is threatened and deal ers here have already received the notice of an advance in the price of Aincric.ui prints. Eat with Jess George, 262 State best food properly prepared and serv ed. Dr. E. E. Lee Steiner has presented to the public library Madam Caroline Tcstout rose -silps which will be planted in front of the library to form a. hedge. Also, cuts of I.n France, Fred Karl Druchi and Tuplitz roses which will be planted in the rear of the library, to keep the rooms supplied with cut flow ers. E. L. Stiff & Son will buy your used furniture. Here is another tong war In Salem, but this time it is between the Greek shoe shiners. At least there has been considerable feeling among tho Mara thon rapid shiners, as shining parlors E. L. STIFF & SON'S Furniture Exchange Go to our Exchange Department and furnish your Home for One-Half Price. One $12 2-in. white lied $450 One heavy massive fir Library Table $4.50 Rockers 50c and up Several Sets of fine hardwood Diners .... $3.00 Set Good Steel Ranges . . $10 to $20 One $22 swell front Dresser like new One $12.50 Princess Dresser Other Dressers, all kinds and sizes . . . $3.00 to $4.50 One 9x12 Brussels Rug $7 QQ Lawn Mowers $1.00 Up GardonIIosc ; 5c ft. and up All kinds of garden tools, both new and used, at rock bottom prices. We sell the famous Orbon De Luxe Ideal Ranges and will take in your old stove in exchange. We handle a fine new stock of furniture good enough to suit the most fastidious and respectfully invite you to let us figure on your bill. We usually "get the business because we always save you money. E. L. STIFF & SON THE BUSY STORE We would like to figure on your bill cash or credit, we usually get the business. Central Howell Hall of Silverton will give a home talent entertainment Fri day evening, March 3. The play, is a four act drama entitled, "Homo Ties." Those who have been assigned parts in the play are Karl De 8art, Hoddic Bing ham, Hazel Harris, Laurel ,Tanz, Lena DcSntt, Carl Ranrsdcn, Fretl Dnrbin. James I.nuderbuck and Katherine Dougherty. The play has a strong pint with just enough humor In It to make things interesting. Tomniorrow evening the third con test will be staged between the Com mercial (dub chess and checker players and tiie Salem Chess and Checker club. The Chess and Checker experts seem to have considerably the best of it so far, but the Commercial players are pre paring to spring several surprises in the way of an entirely new line-up. One of the surprises is the fact that 1. Greenbuum, who might be termed a neutral in the checker war, will play this time with the Commojcial club. j The services, of the First Methodist church were closed last evening with the singing by the congregation and choir of, ".My" Country Tis of Thee." Taking into consideration tho need of a revival of a national patriotic feel ing, it has been suggested that all churches could do their share in creat ing a love of country and arouse the dormant patriotism by closing their services with congregational singing of the national hymn. Some men ate born great, some achieve greatness while others have creatness thrust upon them, and again have been opened within the past few, a very limited number are born on the days by (ireclts from 1'iotlaiul ind-!"n 01 renruary. 10 tne w-ry those nircady on the shining job here do1 who havo tho distinction of claiming not take kindly to crowding the pro-! the 2i)th of February as their natal day fessioii. belong Allen Alfred Bynon and George o I McCilchrist of this city. These young Job or Commercial Printing will be :men wiu celebrate their fourth birth- as they were bom February IStiti. The year JtKlO was not, a leim venr. and while these young me mommy meeunig or me Baiem;ien nluv claim -U years ot residence in rioral Society will be held this even- Oregon according to Hostetter's or ing in the auditorium of the Commercial Ayres' almanac, vet the fact remains, imm.-.-.i-, their fourth birthday will ue eeie- The Oregon & California railroad company and the Southern I'acific rail road company have brought suit against the city of Mt. Angel and the city officials of that town for $10,000 alleged to have been sustained by the city digging a sewer ditch through the depot yards. The railroad company recites that the city officials failed to scenic a right of way through the depot grounds for the proposed sewer and that by reason of the extensive ex cavations under fhe tracks of the com pnnv the $ 1 0,000 damage has resulted. William D. Fenton and Oeorgc (1. Bing ham lcprescnt the railroad company in the action filed today. When In SALEM, OREGON, gtop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths RATES: 75c, $1.00, 11.50 PER DAI The only hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Depots, Theatrei and Capitol liuildings. A Home Away From Home. T. Q. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Free Auto But. I. (years, both of whom resitic at Donald.! O. O. Freeman, Dayton ab;er and hd i Tuck were named as appraisers. - 0 - 1Il.1L mil iru u given the best attention. Capital Jour-: dnv tomorrow, mil I'linting Co. i V..'hrunrv "!). 1 Marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk to Jacob P. Ilerbot, a Salem janitor, and Mrs. Jessie Kent, a hotel keeper of this city; Edward A. Stupfcl, a farmer of McMinnville, and Minnie Uier, of Mt. Angel. Judge Oalloway today signed the de cree in the divorce suit of George II. Tucker against Margaret Tucker, giv ing the plaintiff the divorce by default and tho custody of ' the three minor children of the couple. They were married in 1004. Cruel and inhuman treatment, was alleged for cause. Robin I). Day represented tho plaintiff. Judge Oalloway today dismissed the ' divorce suit of J. W. Evans against Alice Evans upon tho promise of tliOj couple to forgive all former disagree-1 mo. its and to again assume the martini j relations. They will reside at Grcelv ! Colorado. brated tomorrow. lub. Hesitles several freshniciits will be served and tho affair will include something in tho oi m or a social gat tiering besides the, c d9 ma adTancing in business and prichcal side of the meet-,. ,)nthe o,(, ,.nil nmu.mhet deliver an address. A suit was fild in the circuit court today by Amanda Hanshe.w against Charles F. Frank, as trustee, Susie M. Locke, as administratrix of the estate of A. S. Locke, deceased, and others, to collect on a note for $'1000 which is alleged due. The note is secured by a mtrtgage on lot 1 Hanshow's fruit farms. In addition to the :)000 and interest the plaintiff seeks judgment in the sum of .")1.3:l taxes, $250 at torney fees for bringing the case in the circuit court, and flOO if it is carried to the supreme court and a decree of foreclosure of the mortgage. Mc.Nary & McNarv are attorneys for the plain tiff. George B. McCarty today filed, a suit in the circuit court against J. B. Grnet tenger to collect $"0 alleged due on a note for $71.50 given in 1007. The plaintiff asks for the interest and the costs of the action. Smith & Shields aro attorneys for the plaintiff. Mvrtle Walker was today appointed by Judge Bushey as administratrix of the estate of Xewton Walker who died iin this countv January 27 leaving an estate consisting of real and personal property to the value oi ..uw. i" heirs are Myrtle Walker, the widow, anil Glenn Walker, a son aged five Charles Low, son of Street Commis sioner Low, a student at the O. A. C. had the honor ot" malting the Varsity team in basket ball in the first year of school, and will be carried as a member of the team when they come to Salem tomorrow for the g.ime in the evening with Willamette university. Ho is familiarly known as "Chuck" Low, and RESIDENCE PARLORS Lincensed Lady . Em balmer Moderate Prices Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Ore. ids making the team in his Freshmen year speaks well for work done whilo a member of the Salem high school team. The O. A. C. basket ball players are the northwest college ch.inipions a well as Pacific Coast college cham pions and the public will hae an op portunity of witnessing a great gamo towniorrow evening at the Willamette Cnjversity gymnasium. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. when Coats thread sold for 25 cents a spool, during the last days of tho Civil r The Miners1 department store re- Val entine musicale by the pupils ; ceivoil this morning copy of a bulletin Miss Beatrice Shclton tonight at the ;K11,i i,v the "rent New York wiiole- ! First Congregational church, S o 'clock. ; se ,l, v' L'oods house, II. B. Clatlin, j Free anil you are invited. o Charles Hebel, director luted AuL-ust 27. 1SG1. The bulletin states that goods are advancing and the of Hebel'a; following prices were guaranteed lor Chcrrv Hud band, wishes the public to that tlav onlv. These prices are whole- known that although the band was! sale, and not retail: American cnlico photographed Saturday, they were not 'prints, 45 cents a yard; AniosUeng in uniform. The fact is, the bovs have ! prints, 41 cents yard; apron nu uniforms and nre right now consid-1 checks, 45 cents yard eriiiL' some nlin bv which thev inav four nuarter brown sheeting, come into the possession of the desired 'cents yard; Hope yard wide bleached suits, either by menus of a benefit en-1 domestic, til cents yard; Coat's thread, tertiiiniucnt or the generosity of the $2.00 dozen; Canton flannel, yard wi le, citizens interested in boys' weltare. 44 to St) cents yard; ten quarter pep In fancy dress, the pupils of Beatrice Shelton will give a free musi cale at the First Congregational church tonight at S o'clock. You aro invited. George Stevens and Oeorge Hives who were arrested in this city Satur day as tiiey were attempting to disposo of & kit of tools and auto robe have confessed that the goods were stolen in Uosoburg according to the local police. The llosiburg officials wero notified of the find unl will probably take the men in mstodv as soon ns thev have served their sentences in this citvl tor agiaucy. .......M l.l..n..l,...l 41 CO vnnl- b.iil til'k Miss ing, .'10 to 7. cents yard; dress ging hams, -i cents ynrtt. lue uuneuu closes with the warning, "You will note that prices continue to Advance." New Today ads coats you less than you think worth more thuu you realize. "SALEM'S BEST MARKET PLACE" Now at 426 State Street Tetley's Teas Spices Home Made Bread, Cakes Fruits and Vegetables Phono us and we will make delivery and take up your coupons. We want you to try this Tea free of charge. Club Coffee Co. 's best Spices will be on sale till this week at special prices. Poprica, Mace, Nutmeg, regular 20c, now 3 cans for 50c. All other Spices, regular 10c, now 3 cans for 25c. Don't miss this! Home made Salt Rising or Yeast Bread, fresh every day at lh:!0, JOc. Mrs. Sawyer's famous cakes every day or on orders. Caramel, Chocolate, White Cakes, 50c each. Sunshine, site. Ten Cakes, 20c tfl.izon. The large quatitios in which we hnndle Fruits and Vegetables enables us to give you fresher and betfer stock at lowest prices. WESTACOTT-THIELSEN CO. 426 STATE STEEET PHONES 830 aud 840 81 Something new. A musicale vale tine party tonight at the First Con gregational church, bv pupils of Miss Heatrke Shelton. Admission free. Pruning apple trees will be the-subject of a lecture to be delivered at the Cominercial Club auditorium Wednes .day, M.irch S, by Professor lirown of Itho Oregon Agricultural college. Later in tee tiny, a practical demonstration will bo given in an orchard at the cor ner of liurnl Street and Cottage avenue. The exact hours of the address an.l do monstr.itilon have not been deciced on, but announcement will bv made in time for all those interested in apple prun ing to attend. A petition for the paving and im provement of Church street from State to Mission is in circulation today for the signatures of property owners. The proposed improvement will include een blocks. In order to defeat the paving of the street, the owners. uf more than two-thirds uf the superficial area li-ible to bo atseovtl for the improve ment must remonstrate. In case this is not done, the improvement is assured. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. Phone 700 TAXI SERVICE CAB 3 Or ANT KIND, FOB ANT rLACE, AT ANT TIME Ooo4 Oarage In connection foi storage of cars, - Keaeonablo Sate. SAIMTAXIC0. Oarage OPEN ALL NIGHT. 216 Bute Street. Watch and viFvri,rv JeweUy. j KASL NEUOEBATTEB llMonle Bldf. Also WA I yftl Our Spring Goods Are Coming and Arriving Almost Daily Spring Shoes and Shirts Are Here Packard Shoes for IMen all styles and all sizes, in cluding the English walking shoe. Prices within the reach of all $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 When. you want Shoes ofQualitysay. "Packard", the Shoe with a reputation. Men's Shirts Spring Styles Our leader, The Silver Brand this season's de signs $u)0 The Ide Shirt none better worn the world over $1.50 to $2.00 G. W. JOHNSON & CO. 141 North Commercial Street Salem, Oregon