Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 28, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    3-ln-0 has been for 13 years the Oil ReHrt 'e, IwUtittlnghmi and office oil,
it i9iigli$enoah to oil a watch: heavy enoanhtu oil lawn mower. On a toft etotfc tt
tSfi aStlffcifiT1"'" 3'iJA"T, a 'ald cict,a c!otl1 1118 tart w 'beioeat
to ri jefim ite10 bsolute'7,lreTeI!t"a-tortira!3!l,a H surface!, (adoora and oat.
A" 'P"0: Write '""J far gneron jimj!? ami the Dirttonarr of nes-J( -v to F
V nti.R f o!1 ""ywhere in 3-siM bottle lie U ot), 2oc y oij. U ui 4 fiat inr 5
4 Dollar). .Alaompatcatjd lUndr Oil Caa. Zcli'-i on). J
3-IN-ONS Oil.
43 D A Bkoaowav
That's the woman's dread when she
gets up in the morning to start the
dnv's. work. "Oh! How ntv baek
aches." GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules taken foday eases the back
ache of tomorrow taken every day
ends the backache for all time. Don't
del.iv. What's the use of suffering?
Begin taking GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules today and be relieved to
morrow. Take three or four every day
and lie permanently free from wrench
ing distressing back pain. ISut be sure
to get GtI,) MEDAL. Since HiOli
GOI.I) Mr. -.AT, Haarlem Oil has been
the National Uemedv of Holland, the
Government of the Netherlands having
granted a special charter authorizing
its preparation and sale. The house
wife of Holland would almost ns soon
be without bread as she would without j
her "Real Dutch-. Drops'' as she quaint- j
ly calls GULP MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules. This is the one reason why I
you w ill find women ami children ,
Cfn'i sturdy and robust.
GOLD MEDAL are the pure, original;
nanrlem Oil Cnnsules iiimrirtcd direct,
from the laboratories in Haarlem. Hoi
laud. But be sure to get GOLD
MEDAL. Look for the name on every
box. Sold by reliable druggists in
sealed packages at 25e, 50e and 41.00.
Money refunded if thev do not help
you. 'Accept only the GOLD MEDAL.
All others are imitations.
The Gcrvnis Community club gave an
other of tiieir social parties at the Ma
sonic hall Tuesd'iv night. Five hundred
and other games were indulged in un
til about ten o'clock when lunch was
nniiounced and everybody seited them
selves to a very substantial lunch pre
pared by the ladies. At this table ev
eryone seemed to make an equal score
and enjoyed the game. Mrs. Joseph
Mangold again won the first prize for
the largest score in live hundred and
Mr. M. I. Helming won the booby
prize. Gerv.iis Star.
Weak, Weary Women
Learn the Cause of Daily Woes and
End Tliem
When the back aches and throbs,
When housework is torture.
jllWH HsMIIII li.
When night brings no rest nor sleep,1, , f '" 'as represented
u. ...! .f...-i.... .... !.. . l'.v seven species Douf as fir. -it.
When urinary disorders set in,
Women's lot is a weary one.
Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak
Have proved their worth in Salem.
This is one Salem woman's testimony.
Mrs. Geo. Stotlar, 7!fi Mission St.,
Salem, says; "I nm subject to spells
of kidney eomujaiut and the kidney
action becomes' weak and disordered.
My back gets lame and sore, too.
Dunn's Kidney Pills always help me
ami rid me of these attacks in. short
Price 50e, at all dealers. Don't
.simply ask for a kidney remedy got
Doan's Kidney rills the same that
Mrs. Stotlar had. Foster-MiUnim Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
(('apital Journal Special Serviced
Hayesville. Ore., Feb. 25. 'Miss 1
terson s room gave an interesting pro
gram last Friday suggestive of "Moth
er." consisting of songs, recitations ami
dialogues, which was well rendered and
much appreciated by a number of visit
ors who were present.
Miss iotieu has been nun-ling with
the different classes in her room this
It's Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
For You !
tteware of the habit of constipation. It
develops from just a few constipated days,
unless you take yourself In band.
Coax the Jailed bowel muscles back to
normal action wttli Dr. Edwards' Olive
Talilets, the substitute for. calomel,
lion't force them to unnatural action
wilh severe medicines or by merely
fliishlnR out the imcsilnes with nasty,
HirkeninK cathartics.
Or. Kdwards believes In pentleness,
persistency and Nature's assistance.
Or. Edwards' Olive Tablets open the
liowels; their action Is gentle, yet posi
tive. There Is never anv pain or (tripinK
when Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are
used, just the kind of treatment old
persons should have.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet are a vetr-r-table
compound mixed with olive oil,
you will know them bv their olive rotor.
Take one or two occasionally and have no
trouble with your liver, bowels or stomach.
1",- and 2."c per box. All drueirists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O.
ml.ndli'tt A sit jour Drugc'! f T fj
t M-cbn.(cr lUumond TirRmlV
1111 in I04 tr.l ii.ilU nillicV
tixe,, imIcI mah Klue Ri 'ion.
Taka other. It.tr of yotir v
years known i !le-,t.Mfer.t, A' av k Hi il la
Always Watch This Ad"
Strictly correct weight, square deal
junk, metal, rubber, hides and furs.
Big stock of nil sizes second hand
iron for both roofs and buildings.
H. Steinback Junk Co. t
The nonse of Half a Mdlion Bargains.
302 North Commercial St. Pjone 803
COMPANY prrTp,-.
Nw Yonn ClTV tii-x3
week after school,
fifth grade stayed
Tuesday evening the,
i in' Drought sup-1
per ami ate at the school house and
played games during the evening and
had a good time in general. Wednes
day evening the sixth and seventh
grades were there and all report an
excellent time, and Friday .evening the
eighth grade will spend the time there.
Roy Pease is able to attend school af
ter a long absence.
-Mrs. J. Y. Pease is able to be
and around.
Friday evening a large ert;w,l gather-!
ed at the school house for tire Literary
society and the following program wa-.il
giM-n: .-Ming, --non; tor the .iglit is
Coming;" recitation. Arthur Jones;
llhdory of Hayesville. read by Mrs. Ty
roll ; recitation, Winnified 'Kim-hart:
paper, Clark Ritchey; song,
Chicago quartet
recitation. Paul Fulir-
; er; liumoi-ous personal nneedote. Miss
Patterson. A few iinnromntii snfechei
were given. Debate, Resolved, That
the oountv cuurt appropriated 2 000 to
support a' oountv agriculturist.' On the
affirmative side were T A Iiiuehart
Mrs. J. B. Tee, H. K. White. On the
negative. A. K. Zimmerman, Theodosia
ti .....i r-,..,.i u,,fu. ti,., ;,, , , .
..: i . i .. ' ..... '..
eided in favor of the affirmative.
Mrs. L. E. Trover, of Los Angeles,
who had spoken here on a recent Sun
day, spoke again on Thursday evening.
She told of some of her experiences as
a missionary in Porto Rica, which was
much enjoyed by the goodlv number
that had gathered at the church. While
here Mrs. Trover has been stopping
with the Willis family. They have been
long time friends.
The Sunday school contest is still on
nnd will last for some time yet. Come
Out and be one of us nnd be on the
i Green or Pink side.
i Misses Anna and Martha f)en
home from Mill City to spend Sunday
at home.
Chester Armstrong, of Mnclcnv, was a
Hayesville visitor on Sunday.
The Philathen class will entertain the
Baraca class this Fridav evening at
a taffy pull, at the church.
R. F.. Hansen has had an attack of
the grippe.
Rev. II. E. Marshall will bo here to
begin revival meetings the first part
of April.
Portland., Or.. Feb. 2S. Ninety-three,
per cent of the lumber produced in
mi I : ,i. . .i . 1
yellow- pme,
while pine.
redwood, hemlock, cedar.
and larch, covering in
amount 7,(iO0,OO0,000 feet.
Of the total lumber cut in the five
northwestern states for 1SI14, Douglas
fir contributed four nnd three-quarter
billion feet, 0r .IS per cent of the total.
The State of Washington produced in
10U over three billion feet of Douglas
fir, or approximately sixty-five per
cent of the Douglas fir produced bv the
five "Northwest and Coast States.
In the Government figures on lum
ber cut in the Northwest for 1!H4.
mills basing an annual production of
over 10 million board feet reported S.'t
per cent of the total lumber produced.
For the 1014 Government figures on
lumber cut, -KIS mills reported from
Oregon and ol2 from Washington.
From California 17" mills reported,
from Idaho 1 to. and front Montana
124 mills reported.
Mine. Alma Webster Powell, who will
give a conceit in Salem March :i. for
the benefit of the 1'niversity library,
was a class mate of Prof. John O. Hall
.ot the l mversity, 1 hen- acquaintance
began when they were attending Col-
I uinhua Cniversity. (in account of her
friendship for prof. Hall, she has con
sented to give this concert free of
charge to the university. Before her
recent marriage and retirement from
grand opera, Mrs. Powell was paid
if'l'iOO for each concert.
rio ,I,i (.. , ., ... i.
1 , ii'i, i . .1 . i i
', i 1 V ' ','
milliner may ne aoie ro arieuii tue ''ill-
ceri. iioiiiers or lyceuni course tickets
and all who buv of students will re-!
, ceive tickets at half price. Xhi:
would I
lirillO- t ID i.Kl .! :ll uetitd (n 7 . ,..,,,1
' find nil nlllt.f 4i1 tenti -ll TI,.,
cert will be given at the opera house
Friday evening, March X
Since an interest has been aroused
throughout the state by the Sons of
American Revolution, and the pros
pects of the organization of a chapter
nere, ine stale tannic liornrv is re- '
ceiving mnnv cards for records of the
Revolutionary period. Many of these
requests come from Portland where the
Chapter has been taking on new life
and receiving additions to its member
ship. In the. Portland public library is
to be found a complete list of soldiers '
and sailors who served during the j
period, complete from all the colonies i
except Rhode Island, the Carolinns and '
"Changes Often
and highest prices for all kinds of
I pay "Ke per pound for old rigs.
incubators. All kinds corrugated
Roofing paper and second hand
Spring Valley News
Mr. ami Mrs. l. (i. Henry arrived
in Sail-in Sunday morning, ailil stnyfl
until the next il iv with their son.
Worth Henry ami wife, when they
went out to their home here. They have
spent the last few months in I.os
Angeles, Sn Diego, San Francisco, and
other California cities, speudinu a
huge portion of their time with their
son. Civile ami fuinily, I i ti in Cali
fornia during the flood, they rui tell
a mimlier of interesting incidents con
cerning it. Owing to so many railroads
being washed out, t'ney mnde the first
one hundred and fifty miles of their
homeward journey on the ocean.
The Parent- Teachers' Association
held l-'riilav eveniiisr at th.- srhnol
house was well Attended, nearly a
nuuiii en neiug present. A large liuin-
IHir irom the l.nirnln
listrict were pre-.
sent, as well as from the Spring vab:
ley district. The program consisted ot':-
Organ Solo l-a Newbury. i
Reading of "T.ie Bugle" If. ( J
Shepard. j
Reading in costume An Old Maid's!
Leap-year Mishap Mrs. W. I). Henry.!
Lullaby Jesse Smith.
Pintnmine Old Kentucky Home !
Marie Loouey. , ;
Reading from James Whitcombi
liiley li. O. Shepard. j
SoloMi-s. Hnlnh Scott. I
. Presentation of standard school j
pennant 1 !' I "i Superv isor II. H. Parsons.;
Illustrated lecture on industrial workj
-Miss con-gill. At the close of the pro
gr.uu a luncheon of sandwiches and
doughnuts was served.
On Saturday evening n large number
from here attended the school entertain
ment at Lincoln. After tue program,
baskets were sold, about twentv dol
lars being realized, which will be used
for the hot lunch fund.
Miss Cora Cooley started last Tuesday
on trip ato Wisconsin, Chieigo and oth
er eastern points, where she will visoit
relatives. She expects to stay until the
last of April.
Mr. Van Winkle, a Willamette stud
ent, delivered an intre.sting sermon
Sunday morning at the church. He ex
pects to be here again next Sunday
Air AT.... V' If ' , Ar
..... unvi .-il.-. o, ji. vruHioru, -iir.
and -Mrs. W, H. Crawford, .(ml Donnel
Crawford were cullers at Turner. Sun-'
day afternoon. ' j
The baby daughter of Mr. and Mis. I
Vivian Cochrane-lias about recovered!
from her attack of pneumonia,
load of hogs to Salem, Thursday.
Roy Barker was out from . Salem
Sunday morning, visiting his parents.
-Mr. ami. -Mrs. Frank Wells, returned
to their hnjne in Salem Fridav, after
several days visit here with Mr. and
Mrs. W, II. Crawford.
Mr. ami Mrs. James French were
Salem shoppers. Saturday.
Geo. Felts, of Portland, is spending'
lae week here working- in his cherry j
"I t IIH Ml.
Eugene Shadle was here from Fort
laud a few days last week looking after
his cherry orchard.
II. W. Coolev delivered n load oi'
hogs in Salem, Thursday.
Mrs. Fred Saver, of Dall.is, visited
here last week with her parents, Mr.
and -Mrs. W. H. Davis. .Miss Bliss
Davis was also here for a few (lavs.
She is attending the Rick real high
school this winter.
Mrs. Frank Crawford spent Tuesday
in Salem.
Mrs. Alice . Simpson returned to
Lincoln, Saturday, .it'ter a week's visit
with her daughter, Mrs. W. X. Craw
ford. Mrs. John Philips
was in Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Starr and children
were visitors in Salem, Friday.
Miss Phoebe Looney- was' a Salem
shopper on Friday.
Mrs. Tims. Simpson and children
nave returned from S.ilem, where thev
spent the winter.
( has. Emmet and Clifford White
drove a bunch of beef cattle thru
here Friday en route for Salem.
Kidney Trouble Leads t
To Terrible Tortures
Hundreds of sufferers from pains in
the back and sides, bladder and urinary
disorders, lumbago, rheumatism, dizzi
ness, puffy swellings under the eyes or
in the feet and ankles, nervousness,
tired or worn out or headachy feeling,
don't seem to realize that the greater
part of all sickness today can be avoid
ed by keeping the kidneys working
properly. If you suffer from anv of
tue many agonies that accompany!
"cun, cioggeo-up or diseased Kninevs
- vo" sll,lll t neglect yourself anoth-
ler day and run the risk of
erious com-
jilieat ion. Secure
a package of Sol-
Vnx, th
wonderful new kidney remedy
very inexpensive vet acts
quickly and surely on the seat of the
trouble, ion II be surprised how en
tirely different you'll feel in a very
short time.
It doesn't matter how long you have
suffered, how old you are, or what you
have used. The very principle of Sal
vax is such that it is practically im
possible to take it into tho human sys
tem without some beneficial results.
roivax is pleasant to take, gives
quick relief and has been o uniformly
successinl that Daniel J. Frv and nth-
, . , , . . . .- . . "
. ti, mi.-, .i.iun nui
in tutiire sell it under a positive guar
antee of relief or refund the money.
No other kidney remedy we believe ev-l
er had n large enough percentage of
cures so that it could be sold in this
manner. A guarantee like this speaks
volumes for the merit of Solvax.
There is no time like the present to
do a thing that ought to be done. If
anyone has kidney trouble today is the
best lime to begin curing it.
Alpiinnse Ruebcns. who met with n
serious accident Inst week while split
ting wood by having a piece of iron
wedge lodge in his left eye, and who
was taken to Poitlaud where the piece
was removed had some hopes of saving
the eye, but inflainalion set ill to such
an extent that it was found necessary
to remove the eye.
It is reported that lie is recovering
nicely and will be able to have a glass
eye fitted in a week or so.
While tiie loss 'of an eye is a serious
misfortune, especially to a young per
son, Alpiionse and also his parents are
taking it philosophically. (lervnia
Says We Must Make Kidneys
Clean the Blood and Pim
ples Disappear
Pimples, sores and boils usually result
from tuxins, poisons and impurities
which are generated in the bowels and
then absorbed into the blood through
the very ducts which should absorb only
nourishment to sustain the body.
It is the functions of the kidneys to
filter impurities from the blood and
cast them out in the form of urine, but
in many instances the bowels create
more toxins and impurities than the
kidneys cun eliminate, then the blood
uses the skin pores as the next best I
means of getting rid of these impurities :
which often brcuk out all over the skin I
in tue iorm or pimpies. j and Saturdnv afternoon were bringing:
The surest way to clear the skin ofjlii cents cash, with 17 cents in trade,!
theso eruptions, says a noted authority,: which holds good today. Retuilers have
is to get from any pharmacy about i reduced their price to' 20 cent-.) n dozen. !
four ounces of Jnd Salts and take aj Veal is firm today with a price of 10 '
tablespoonful in a glass of hot water I cents for tops.
each morning before breakfast for one! '
week. 1 his will prevent the formation
of toxins in the bowels. It also stimu
Iates the kidneys to normal activity,
thus coaxing them to filter the blood of
impurities and clearing the skin of
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and
is made from the acid of grapes and
icmoii juice, couioineu wun iitliia. Were
you havo a pleasant, effervescent drink
which usually mukes pimples disappear;
cleanses the blood and is excellent for
the kidneys as well.
The week beginning March fifth will
be one of several special days and all
national to some extent. Beginning
March 4 and extending until the ilth
will be known as "Better Babies"
which will be observed by the, Ameri
can Federation of Women 'and the Chil
dren's Welfare movement. Then Tues
day, March 7 will be properly observed
by schools and floral societies in a
national movement as Iturlianlt day.
And on Friday, March 10 is the Nation
al Salmon Day, when everybody who
has the chance will order twice on the
salmon. The hotels ami restaurants
are supposed to feature salmon nnd
provide n special menu, so tempting;
that the eater thereof will crave a serv
ing of salmon daily mid thereby do his
part in supporting an industry that
means $11,500,1100 annually to Oregon.
Mr. M. H. Hostetler and Mrs. Mellie
Kauf t'nian were quietly married at the
home of the bride one nnd a half miles
east of town Saturday evening. Feb
ruary 10. Bishop A. P. Trover, of Zion
church officiated. The ceremony was
performed in the presence of the fam
ilies of the contracting parties at 7:110.
After the ceremony leweshnients of ice
cream, pie and cake were served.
Mr. Hostetler has for a number of
yenrs been foremost in the teaching of
vocal music in the communities east of
Hubbard as well ns other places and
Monday evening a number of the form
er -students with their friends called at
the Hostetler home and spent the even
ing very pleasantly.
The mnny friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Hostetler wish them a long and happy
life. Hubbard Knterprine.
Automobiles will perhaps find it
convenient to slow up while passing
school houses if an ordinance passes
which will be submitted to the council
at its next meeting. Tlyj.- danger to
children from automobiles was brought
to the attention of the city council by
the following letter, written February
1- ami presented lo the council at the
lust meeting:
"To the City Council of Salem:
Hon. Sirs The Parent Teachers' circle
of the Lincoln school requests the city
council to erect speed limit signs on
South High street and enforce the Inn
fur the safety of the school children
who have to use the street, there being
no continuous sidewalks. Hespy,
"Mrs. Fred Mclntyre, Secy."
Silver Lake Lender: Jason ('. Moore
arrived in Paisley from New York on
Tuesday, coining in by way of Reno
nnd Lakeview. He is here looking af
ter the bottling of large quantities of
waters from Summer nnd Albert lakes
for shipment to New York for analysis.
This is being done for the benefit of
the finnieinl interests back of Mr.
Moore. In a message from Mr. Moore
soon be spending money in this com
munity in the construction work and
furtherance of the enterprise.
7b Overcome Eczema
Never mind low often you have tried
nnd failed, you inn stop burning, itching
eczema quickly by applying a little r.enio
furnished by any druggist for 2.rM-. Extra
large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the
moment zemo is applied. In a short time
usunliy every truce of pimples, black
heads, rash, ecwmn, tetter and similur
kkin diseases will be removed.
For clearing the skin and making It
vigorously healthy, zemo is an exceptional
remedy. It is not greasy, sticky or
watery and it does not stain. When
others Fail it is the one dependable treat
nicut fur all skin troubles.
Zemo. Cleveland.
Why Not Use
Columbia, QUALITY Carbons?
Made In Oregon
100 Copies Guaranteed from
Each Sheet.
Colombia Carbon Paper Mfg. Co.
3Jrd t Broadway, Portland, Ore.
WANTED TO TRADE House nnd lot
on South lSth street. Will take
part in automobile or auto truck and
two or three cows nnd team. Aniiwer
by letter. Miss .Mary M. Mathorn,
Amity, Oregon,
MONDAY, FEB. 28, 1916.
Classified Advertising Page
ss sjc sjc sc s( c ss sc jJc ifc jjc sjc s(c j
" !
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholosaler of tho retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid the
producer. Corrections are made
The grain market is weak, following
the decline in Chicago ami Portland
and today wheat is quoted at "S and -SO
cents. Oats are also feeling the effect
of the general market weakness and arc
quoted at u5 and o7 cents,
Eggs continue on the downward path
Oral Hi. I
Hay, timothy, per ton
Oats, vetch
Clover hay
- $12.00
..'..... $35.00
, (10.00
....... .tti.OO
:. $23.00
Rolled barley
Cracked corn .
Shorts, per ton
Butterfat 3lc
Creamery butter, per pound, 34o
Country butter . . .' 20(a25c
Eggs and Poultry.
Kggs, candled, No. .1, rush 17c
Eggs, case count, cash llic
Eggs, trade 17c
Hens, pound 1,1c
Roosters, old, por pound 0Sc
Spring chickens, pound 13c
Fork, Veal and Mutton.
Venl. dressed 0(T10c
Pork, dressed ..10c
Pork, on foot 7(S7 l-2c
Spring lambs 77 l-2c
Steers , 5 l-2(afic
Cows 4(g;5c
Bulls Sfil! l-2c
Ewes 5C
Wethers 6 l-2c
Lambs, grain fed 7 l-2c
Cabbage $1.752.00
Tomatoes, California $1.75(a2.00
String garlic- 15c
Potatoes, cwt $1.251.75
Brussels sprouts 10c
Sweet potatoes $.1.50
Beots $1.00
Carrots $1.00
Turnips $1.75
Celery, case $5.00
Onions $2.75
California head lettuce, case .... $2.50
Apples, Hood River $1.25(.75
Walla Walla spinach $1.25
Oranges, Navels $2.253 25
Tangerines oranges $1.75
Lemons, per box $4.25(a)4.75
Bananas, pound 6 l-4c
California grapo frnit $.1.00
Florida grapo fruit $5.00(afi.00
Cauliflower $2.50
Grapes, barrels .,; ;'..;.. ..$4.00
Cranberries $12.00
Pineapples 7 J.2c
Honey $3.50
Retail Prices. '
I'-Egs, per dozen, fresh ranch .
Sugar, cSino $7.25
Sugar, D. ( k. . . . $7.05
Creamery butter 40c
Flour, hard wheat $1.(10
Flour, valley $1.30
Portland, Or., Feb. 2S. Whea-t-K;
lllucsteni, 00c(T;07c: Forty
K-ic; Red Russian, S.'lc.
Oats No. 1 White feed, ''.-,f(i $2(1.50.
Hurley, feed, $2-S.oO.
Hogs, best live, $Sfo $S.05.
Prime steers, $7.50fi$7."0; Fancy
cows, $li.."0; Calves, $S.
Spring Lambs, $0(V $0.05.
Butter City Creamery, 31c.
Eggs Selected local extras. I Scf L'Oc.
liens, lOcffi.. 17c; llroilers, IS.-foJOc.
Geese. lOcOl I lc.
If the carrier doett not glre
service notify the office.
corner Commnreial and Trade streets
For water service apply at office.
nIU rjavable monthly in advance.
I'eet, round front. Price $15. Ward
K. Richardson, Xi'Xi N. Flout. Feb2'J
1150, works single or double, u good
road horse. Ward K. Richardson,
2305 North Front. Feb29
itU'JoO VNII.Ij lll.Y I A t It r. W it II J
neat 4 room house, chicken house, 3-1
acre in berries on the car line. Easy
terms. J. A. Mills. Feb'JO
$000 WILL lil'Y A beautiful ucro on
12 th street, 5 or (i blocks to the cur
line nil fenced and has a good well
on it. Easy terms. J. A. Mills, 3K4
State street. Feb2(i
FOR SALE A few Ifbodo Island
White Cockrels. Eggs $1.50 and $2.00
for 15. Booking orders to ship Inter.
State when. Jus. Olmsteid, McMinn
ville, Oregon. Marl
$7"i AN' ACHE For 40 acres 7 miles
out, 30 acres plow land, 12 acres tim
ber, fine spring witer, all fenced.
$lou0 down, balance at (i per cent. J.
A. Mills, SHi State street. Feb20
3iio ACHES In southern Oregon, well
improved, to trndei for farm land in
the Willamette valley $'19.50 per acre.
It is !' miles from large eitv and
R. K. See J. A. Mills, 3M State St.
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North. High Main 120H
Salem Steam Laundry, 130 South Liberty . Main SI
T. M. Barr, 164. South Commercial Street Main lt
Salein Truck k Dray Co., corner State and Front atreeU . Main 74
Administers Nitrous OziJ and Ogygen
Room 214. Phone440,
Masonic Temple.
yard, High and Ferry streots. Roman
strain Fru liquet t walnuts grafted on
California black, 8 to 10 feet, $1 each.
Italian prunes. Call and inspoct ourj
general stoi-K beroro uuyiug. raonc
23F21. tf
City sales yard, between Center and
Chemeketi streets, North Commer
cial. We have a few Italian, prune
trees left which we will close out at I
special prices. Also' a fine lot of
Oregon Chsmpion gooseberries, and
general lino of nursery stock. Orders
taken for top grafting at reasonable
prices. ,T. J. Mat his, Prop., Route 6,
Salem. Phone 250-R. M ir24
proprietor. Cubage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main
2247. Residence Main 2272.
A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2.
Meets every Monday evening at 8
In tho McCornack hall, corner Court
and Liberty streots, R. O. Donaldson,
M. W.; S. A. MeFadden, recorder;
A. L. Brown, Financier.
SALEM LOuiiE No. 4, A. F. & A. M.
Stated communications first Friday
In each month at 7:30 p. m. in the
Masonic Temple. Chas. M. Carter,
W. M.; S. Z. Culvor, socrotary.
PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. & A. M.
Stated communications third Friday
In each mouth it 7:30 p. m. in the
Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolarn, V.
i.; Ernest H. Choate, secretary.
Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson,
secretary. All cases of cruelty or
neglect of dumb animals should be
reported to the secretary for investi
gation. B. N. OF A. "Oregon Grape Camp,'-'
No. 1300, meets every Thursday ev
ening in McCornack building, court
and Liberty streets; elevator. Mrs.
Sylvia Schaupp, 1781 Market, oraclo;
Mrs. Melissa Persons, recorder, 1296
North Commercial. Phone 113(1-M.
K. T. Regular concttive fourth Fri
day in each month at 8 o'clock p. m.,
in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir
Knights aro courteously invited to
meet with us. Lot L, Pcarte, E. C,
Frank Turner, recorder.
CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P.
McCorn.ick building. Tuesday even
ing of each week at 7:30. J. (f.
Heltzel, C. (.'.; W. B. Gilson, K. of R.
and S.
CHADWIcli CHAPTER, No. 37, O. E.
8 Regular meeting every first And
third Tuesday at 8 p. 111. in the Ma
ionic, Temple. Minnie Moeller, W.
M.; Ida M. Babcock, secrotary,
. every Friday night at 8 o'clock in
McCornack block. B. W. Mncey,
i, C. C; L. S. Geer, clerk. 507 Court
street. Phono 503.
TER, No. I, If. A. M. Regular meet
ing second Friday in each month at
8 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Ray
F. Richardson, Ex. High Priest; Rus
sell M. Brooks, secretary.
Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 5216,
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack hall corner
Court and Liberty streets. Elevator
service. Geo. lteiuohl, V. C; J. A.!
, Wright, clerk.
, bly, No. 84, meets every Wednesday,
.. at 8 p. m. in Moose hull. C. O. Mat
lock, M. A.; (.'. ',. Randall, secretary,
. Salem Bank 0 Commerce.
Stated assembly first Monday in'
each month, Masonic Temple. N. P. 1
Rasmusscn, Thrico illustrious Mas-!
ter; Glenn (! Nile, recorder.
rent, very reasonable. . Phone 1095.
FOR RENT Improved ten acre ranch,
close in. W. A. Penney, 1715 South
Commercial street. Feblifc
FURNISHED HOUSE For rent, strict
ly modern $15. Phone 1737W, or cull
evenings, 390 Mission street. Feb29
FOR RENT 10 acres five miles on
- no buildings, will take one third the
crop. Also fivo acres close in, small
house, I'.., acres loganberries. Price
$7.00 per month. We also have money
to loan. 500, $700 ami $1500. Square
Deul Realty Co., 304 V. S. BauU Bldg
I The Capital Journal will do your Jot
"land social printing.
DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and have got no relief, try Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get well.
Office 406-7-8 V. S. National Banlt
Building. . tyuone Main 87, Residence
Main 828-R,
133 South High street. We clean,
press, repair, remodel and re-line
clothing and furs. Careful attention
given all work. We call lad deliver.
Phone 728.
A. M, dough morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed.
40!) Court street. Main 120, Main 988.
directors and undertakers, 252 Norta
High street. Day and night Phone
DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduates ot Amer
ican School of Osteopathy, Kirks
ville, Mo. Post graduate and special
ized in nerve diseases at Los Angalos
college. Treat acute and chronic dis
eases. Consultation free. Lady at
tendant. Office 505-506 XT. S. Na
tional Bank Building. Phone 850.
Residence 346 North, Capital street.
Phone 369.
NOTICE J. C. O'Reiley and W. L.
Baker, of the Modern Shoe Repair
company have dissolved partnership.
Signed. W. L. Baker.
from ail points east, on all household
goods, pianos, . etc. Consolidated
carload service. Capital City Trans
fer Company, agents for Pacifia
Coast Forwarding Co., 161 8. Com
mercial street. Phone Main 933.
ON Good Real Estate Security.
Over Ladd ft Bosh Bank, Salem, Oregon
The Oregon Wholesale and
Retail Hide and Junk Co.
Has moved from their former location,
430 Court street, to 197 South Com
mercial. (The old stand of the Lawr
ence Grocery, corner Ferry and Com
mercial streets) and are open for busi
ness at that place. Highest prices paid
for hides, wool, copper, brass, iron, etc.
Before selling elsewhere, consult ut for
prices. D. Samuel, proprietor.
Phone, 399; Pes. Phone, 1737-W.
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which
will cure any known
153 South Hip;h Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283.
K. B. FLEMING, Prop.
Depot American Fence
Gates, Plain and Barbed Wire.
Vaints, Oils and Varnishes.
Hoofing, Posts, Hop Hooka.
I 40 Years Making Stores
ItoTM rebuilt and rspalred.
tore bought and sold.
860 Court Street. Phone 121
Back of Chicago Itore.
1 v