Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 28, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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'THE Dumbest
Oyster can make
a better pearl than
the brightest man.
The oyster uses
Nature's methods.
St i - IZZZZT. , I
I Mascott Boxes on Day He pjj
Becomes Full Fledged Voter (lp
" fJ'SB 1 liill Mascot, the undisputed feather-. that ho is on t Indirect road to the XfJih!nr y
I EM 1 Jt h-Jeti: Si W M -,voi"ht ohanndon of th' northwest, will! "'oriel's championship. Hill has an an- Nsa!-! ri S5wSf"k hs-h'
VLi. ".J i-':.is I KM I vieiirnU' ln l wt'nry nrst ninn.iay in
v7 &?r- v m
F ai.'iv ...--.5--,3...:r I
1. 1 1 .1
1 t-u.v 1 -niiaK3isfc-ro iwr? w nnirmirjjnijrjji nnii
F J w &HDKjm.TOWCC0:-:-:-;.:-: I
WHEN I'm maturin' tobacco
from old Mother Nature's Book.
Nature says smokin' tobacco don't arrive at
its full, hearty maturity until after two years'
Some folks may say: "Why wait on Nature?
IFc can do it quicker'
I'm strong for Nature's way the VELVET
way two years' mellowing in big, wooden
hogsheads "ageing in the wood'
What do you say?
Well, fill a pipe with VELVET, an
draw in the cool, mild smoke that's so
fragrant an' rich that but what's the
use of trying to describe a taste? Take
my word for VELVET long enough
to try a pipeful, and you won't need
to take anybody s
word alter that. l2Ztf
Sc MeUt-lined B.gi dtCjt.ttSlatiSXiQx
10c Tint
One Pound GUta Humidors Copyright 1913
mi i . . tf .Pv Si KSJ ,
liill Masi'ot, the unilisputcil feather-j
iveii'lit i iia'iiinon ot tne iionnivest, wni
.leljiate his Twenty-first liiith-lay by
in eiht rouml lioxini; inati-h witu Joe-
' ISemiett. the veieian I'ortlainl Imx-
er at the Smoker to he hehl at liyans
hull We.lnesilay evening, Marc h 1. Hilly
was horn hai-k ia Wis.-dasin on the first
lay of Mareh, 1S!(.", anl came nest to
jniit with the i-ountry when he was
I J yens of aye. Irion his arrival in
I'ortlanil he invaile'l tne sacreil pre
cincts of Smith I'ortlaiol ami with a
strong !i i-;u mi' nt in either Iniml lie won
a host of friend.; in that neighborhood.
Hilly tool; a keen interest in all athe
letie (janics and pl.iyed on the basket
ball teams of the sand lots and Inter
starred as a iirterhaek on the football!
teams in the inteii:iiolastic le.ine ot
1'ortlainl. I
As lie jrev older he attracted I he at
tention of Tommy Tracy, boxing; in- j
striictor of the Miiitnomah club where!
Billy was a junior member, and soon lie i
was representing 'the club in the bm-j
tamweinht division mnler the amateur;
rult;s. Tracy made the most of Mas-i
eott 's speed, and t'.ie W'i nycd M ban-
tain was touted as a comer even in the I
tender years of his youth.
After he turned professional he box-j
oil some of the best men in the north-j
west anil Ins never been beaten in thej
roped arena. Although he boxes in the I
featherweiiit idass at 1-2 pounds Hilly
can do UN pounds ringside which
weight lie will make for Jockey l!en-
uett, the bantam weight champion ofj
the northwest. .Mnscott .ind ISeunetti
boxed a 'JO round diaw at IVndeltonl
last year ut ll'i pounds ringside audi
Killy was so nnxious to make thc
weight, tiiat the dav before the contest!
he weighed hut 11:1 l-i; and was obliged
to f. it ten up to reach the required
Milly is the recognized king of the
feather of the northwest and at Im
pounds no one has over taken his mea
sure ami Hill 'a friends freely predicts
that he is on tne direct road to tiie
world's championship. Hill has an an
aesthetic poke in either mit, speed to
burn, and the strength of go the longer
distance at a fast clip and his best as
set is a stout Krench-l anudiau heart
that will not be defeated until the ring
produces n re.il "phenoiu" that is as
yet undiscovered. In the meantime Hill
rules his division with an opcu chal
lenge to meet them all.
1 "
-. . J ....
Special for Bicycle Day
February 29th will be known all over the United
States as Bicycle Day.
As a special inducement we will offer the
This offer for Tuesday, February 29th only
List of Candidates
Shows Daily Increase
Paul V. Childers, of The Dalles, has
filed us a candidate for nomination by
the republican party for the office of
didrict uttorney for Wasco county.
Collier II. Hu'ffiii-lon, of Cold Heacli,
is a ciiiididale for iioiuinut ion by the
republican party for the office of dis
trict attorney for Curry county.
If. 1.. lacleary, of I'ortlanil. enndi
(bile for nomination by the republican
party ofr the office of representative in
the legislative iis'senihly, Kighteonlh
re.iresenlative district.
Herbert 1", Welch, of I.nkeview, ran-
jdidate for nomination" by the republi
can party for the office of district at
torney for J. ake county.
Calvin K. Hawkins, of Toledo, candi
date for nominutiou by the republican
parly for the office of district attorney
for Lincoln county.
I Vied llollister, of North lleml. enndi-
ilute for the office id' delegate to the
national democratic convention.
,1. S. Cook, of Horn's, candidate for
nomination by the democratic party for
the office of district attorney for
: llarnov countv.
President Wilson is Intent upon keeping-
the country out of war, and at the
same time nroinring it for war should
a ion l'l it-1 become unavoidable.
City Championship To Be De
cided by Contest of
League Leaders
Why Don't You
Ride a Bicycle
The bicycle was never so popular as it is today, it
was never so good as it is today, there were never so
many reasons why you should own and ride a wheel
as there are today.
We want to tell you all about it on
Bicycle Day, Tuesday, February 29
is National Bicycle Opening Day of the season and
we will give on that day only a
10 Discount
on any Bicycle or Bicycle Tire in our store.
Do not stay away because you are not ready to
buy. We want you to come in and see the handsome
new models. Tlease consider this as a personal invi
tation. Also see our show window, it will assure you that
we hace the parts to repair any bicycle on short
All work and tires and parts guaranteed.
Morse & Ramsden
221 South High Street
Phone 1687
The basketball game between the
V. M. C. A. and Salem high school
teams which was to have been played
tomorrow night tins been mined up one
day .ind will be played in the higa
ween the Oregon Agricultural College
was made on account of the game bet
ween the Oregon Agricultural College
and Willamette Cuivci-sity teams which
is scheduled for Tuesday night.
On account of the ast amount of
material that has been develo c,l in
the V. M. C. A. through the commerci il
busketbnll league scries, Physical
I'irector Ciugric h has been able to
select the best team the V. M. C. A.
Iius ever had according to basketball
critics. The Salem High school has
been winning so regularly that vic
tories has become quite the custom un
til McMinnville dropped in the other
evening and nosed out one point .ihead
of the high school. The high school
boys have been putling in some hard
practice since the Mc.Minnylle game
and are determined to stage a come
back that will leave no doubt in the
minds of the followers of the game
that the red and black team is the
championship .iggregntion of the state.
The line-up for the high school will
be: Proctor nnd Ackennan, towards:
(till., center; C. liiidcliff and H. Kad
cliff, guards; Max Alford, substitute.
For the V. M. C. A. the line-up will
be: Sweeney and Captain Mclutire.
forwards; linker, center; Williams and
Hiill, guards; MeKimiey, substitute.
If. I, Mathews, coich at Willamette
university, will referee toe game.
por the varsity contest the Willa
mette team has been working overtime
and with all of their strongest men
back in the game it is expected t.int the
contest will be full of thrills from the
start. O. A. C. has the edge by com
parative scores but this is an imperfect
basis from which to estimate the
strength of the two teuns and only
the game in the Willamette gym may be
taken us n satisfactory test of the teal
strength of the tennis.
Hristol, Conn., Pob. -S. Another
effective shot in the hi'; national cam
gaigu for " A .Million Hicycles in 111 Hi"
was fired this week by the joint
"Million Hicycles Committee" of the
( ycle Parts and Accessories Associntion
and the Cycle Jobbers Association, re
sportively. I'our-page circulars were
mailed broadcast to bicycle dealers
throughout the land .innnuncing details
of Co prizes offered to those bicycle
merchants who participate in Hicycle
1'av on Pobnuirv L'il. Prizes will be
given .for tiie best bicycle window dis
plays during that week, also for the
best newspaper advertisements run!
by bicycle dealers .ind for the best!
selling talk composed by mi employe
of a bicycle dealer.
I iii in )'u! of gi:iger, bolh in illustration
and type form, the circular cannot fail
to arouse a tremendous volume of
enthiisnim anion live dealers. The
Wanning for Bicycle Hay .ind the
launching of the enmpaign for "A
Million Hicycles in ISHIi" is now in
lull sway i-.i nil parts of the country.
Healers are receiving the co-operution
rf manufacturers ia the industry along
lines that are sure to work out as prtc
tieal and business-building value. It
can be said that the manufacturers of
bicycles and of bicycle accessories
have absdute faith in the success of
the cainpiign if everybody in the in
dustry pulls together. It seems to bo
the idea of every individual dealer
that he will ind he the one who will
effective shot ia the big national cam
than a pulling force.
Big Newspaper Publicity.
Beginning Peb. 1st there appeared in
the newspapers id' the country, notably
in the big city dailies, column after
column of reading matter talking about
the attractiveness of the bicycle, its
advantages, and t'.ie luany pleasures it
brings to those who ride. Several of
Die brightest newsp.ipor writers in the
country are now at work in preparing
this material. It seems certain that
the motorcycle's little brother is to be
brought into tiie limelight as it never
has been before. Hive dealers every
where will utilize this publicity ami tne
things it will create ia cycling by ad
vertising in the newspapers and in .1
direct way through the malls and so at
tract attention to their store tit a
time when people are thinking favor
ably of hicycles.
One of the largo dealers in the Mid;
die West is planning to boost ilis Bi
cycle Hay by interesting hoys in his
city who now own a bicycle to bring
to ilis store on JSicycle Hay their hoy
friends who do not ride. Per every
sale he makes to such hoys he gives a
premium to the hoy who brings in the
prospect. This is a clever idea and
ought to work out well for it interests
every present rider to work for the
success of Hicycle Hay among his
Frizes for Best Dealers Ads.
It was voted to establish a fund to
which the members of tiie associations
will contribute for going to every bi
cycle de.ilor and repair man in the
country at once with an announce
ment of plans and an appeal for co
oorntion. By way of interesting the dealer in
the things that will, be recommended to
! hint for Bicycle Hay. it was voted to
! give cash prizes of .fin. oil, if J.'i.on and
two . 111.(111 for the best Advertise
ments of bicycles for men an I boys in
icity or local newspapers. A like list
I in' prizes was voted to dealers for the
j host advertisements advertising bi
cycles. for girls. Similar prizes were
. also voted for the best window dis
! play of bicycles for men and hoys and
' for women and girls.
I The conditions under which these
contests will ho run will bo given the
j smaller dealer or the small tow n do.ll-
or ocpial opportunity with the large
'appear during Hicycle Hay.
The Country-Wide Popularity of
the Bicycle
Brings with it better health for every rider, strong
er muscles, and a saving of carfare. You think you
outgrew bicycles when you passed your childhood?
Nonsense ! Men and women, old and young, in every
corner of the country, are riding bicycles now.
Get into the saddle again! Spend the beautiful
Spring days outdoors with your family.
Bicycle Day February 29
Has been set aside to celebrate the Return of the
Wheel. We shall keep open house, and are making
plans to welcome you with a display of Flyer
Let us explain to you the tremendous strides that
have been made in bicycle construction. Ask to see
the 1916 model of the famous
Flyer Bicycle
This is Bicycle Year and we are working for
"1,000,000 Bicycles in 1916."
Don't forget the day Tuesday, the 29th.
There were more Flyer Bicycles sold in Salem last
year than any other make of wheel Let us tell
you why.
Scott & Scott
252 State Street
Bicycle Day
l'ositivo assurance was given Tuesday
that the cut-off road north out of Hub
hard had been accepted by the county
court. Signatures wore taken several
days ago transferrin!; the right-of-way
for the road to the county, and the
county surveyor is expected this week
to establish the lines necessary to road
G. N. Beck and J. I.. Calvert have
been very closely connected with the
undertakini; since it was launched in
the Commercial club a year ago. Hub
hard Knterprise.
Get prices on commercial printing
ut The Capital Journal office.
Roseburg Review: Warren Reed and
several other prominent Gardiner citi
zens appeared before tiie members of
the county court Mouthy, and nskc-l
that a road he constructed from Scotts-burg-
to Kcodsport. Maps showing the
route of the proposed road were submit
ted to the consideration of tho court in
order that they might become convers
ant with the lay of the land in the lo
cality whore the proposed highway is to
be constructed. The people of Gar
diner are practically without road it
the present time, the traffic, thcro be
ing carried on alcost exclusively by
water. ISy tho construction of the road
asked for by Mr. Reed anl his associ
ates, the trip from Roseburg to Win
chester Bay could be mado easily in a
February 29th
February 29th has been set aside as Bicycle Day,
and as a special inducement to get new riders we are
giving, for one day, a 10 per cent discount on all
Bicycles, Sundries and Repairs. Buy a Bicycle now
and save money. Cash or easy payments. Remember
the date, February 29th.
ai.an.T-yt-s.-.-vr Try Capital Jeurcpd VTMlt Jinn.
If you Already Have a
Bring it to us on
' Bicycle Day
and let us put it in the best
riding condition Get It Ready
For the Coming Season.
We Guarantee
On everything we do, and our
prices are always lower.
Scott & Scott
252 State Street.
We Sell More
Than any store In Salem, berauso
a lower cost. We Guarantee
Every Tire We Sell to Give Per
fect Satisfaction.
Try us next time.
Scott & Scott
252 State Street.