Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 28, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Contain no add and thui Weep the
cracking. They combine liquid and
only half the effort for a brilliant
all the family children and adults.
keep tneon neat.
Bloodiest Battle In
History Being Fought
(Continued from Page One.)
abreds. At 5 p. m. we advanced. Our
artillery hud destroyed the wilderness
of barbed wire in the woods. Conse
quently tho infantry rushed in with but
Flight losses and liy 8 o'clock the woods
were firmly in our possession, and like
wise we held the strongest redoubt in
that sector.
"The offensive gradually spread to
Ornes and by following the same clock
work co-operation of artillery and in
fantry, the Germans took new positions.
"The offensive shifted again toward
the so-called Brabant position. Mortars
and howitzers spat death and destruc
tion against these strong field fortifi
cations, On the J we took this posi
tion. "The driving power, endurance and
discipline of our troops were incompar
able, while our losses, happily, were not
very great."
Fighting Grows Weaker.
Berlin, by wireless to Sayvillo, L. I.,
.b. 28. The Teuton drive against Ver
dun is spreading westward to the Cham
pagne, said today's official statement.
After heavy artillery preparation, the
Germans rushed French positions in the
Champagne on both sides of the Somme
Xouain road, capturing the Navarin
farm positions on both sides of the road
and 1,600 yards of French trenches.
More than 1,000 prisoners were taken.
The Germans continue to push for
ward on the Verdun front, said the
statement. Heavy French attempts to
recapture the ruins of the Uouuumont
fortress have been repulsed..
"North of Arras," said the state
ment, "there were uninterrupted mine
operations. The Germans destroyed 40
j-nrds of Knglish trenches.
"The enemy exhausted himself in un
successful attempts to storm the Ger-
11 H
IlllliSa Prince Albert
. pi
tJ . .. w.tv.-.. .& . .
- ' " - t '
- , t - . ,-
leather ioft, protecting it against
paste in a pasta form and require
lasting thine. Easy to use for
Shine your thoes at home and
, THE F. P. D ALLEY CO. Ltd.
Buffalo, N. Y.
man positions in and around Douaumont
and Hardaumont. The Germans cleared i
the Mouse peninsula of the enemy.
. ,,f the enemv.
"The Germans advanced further in
the direction of V'acherauviile and Bras
(four miles north of Verdun) while in
the Woevre, the foot of Cote Lorraine
wus reached."
The "Meuse peninsula" refers to a
looy of land northwest of Verdon on tho
east bank of the -Meuse, enclosed by the
bend, containing Champ Neuville and
Cote De Talu Heights.
Say Attack Crumbling.
Turis, Feb. 28. The great German
, ., - r .. . ., I
oi.ensive along tne ffl mi . ironr or,n
, ,. . ,
nnw frnmlilintr in n. rpimps nf iiic.il rnv
7. v " t r V i I
t.ons, according to dispnttehes today.
Unusual Feats Are Performed by
Prince of India in Mystery.
Kami, t'ne muchtalked-of illusion
ist, and his royal troupe of Hindoos
will bo the headline Attraction at the
Empress Theater, beginning this after
noon. Kami is a genuine Prince of
India and there are many strange things
Kami's act. Paramount among j
them is the mvsterious disappearance
of a woman associate while confined in
a box in midair.
By no apparent means of exit, she
simply goes away from there. The
box containing her body rests on sev
eral supports that are in turn placed j
on top of a table. From time to time
her hand appears, producing various
articles that the conjurer has caused
to disappear. Stage mngie always is
of intense interest.
Besides the entertaining qualities of"
such an act it also affords food for
much thought on part of those view
ing it for the illusions -ire perfect
and were this not the 20th century
and everyone acquainted with the re
sults of science, Karmi 's performance
might well be attributed to a sort of
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy, with
and so all
that it just makes a man corry-Iikc that he didn't get onto this pipe
thing and cigarette rolling stunt a-while-ago. He counts it lost
time quick as the joy'us goodness of this P. A. tobacco
gets firm set into "his happiness division. The patented
Watch your step!
It s a7 to chance tha
hape and color of unsal
able brands to imitate the
Prince Albert tidy red tin,
out it it impoasitle to inii
tata the flavor of Princo
Albert tobacco I The pat
entedproceuprotecUthat 1
v. A
1 &d&MK3Z&t Jtil
Officials Must Consult
Stockholders Before They
Close Company's Books
The officers of the Bankers' and j
Merchants' Mutual Fire Relief nssocia- i
tion of Forest Grove do not have the I
authority to wind up the affairs of that
company without the approval of the
members of the association, according!
to an opinion rendered to Insurance I
Commissioner Harvey Wolls by Attor
ney General Brown today.
It appears that nn old line company
offered to issue new policies to the
members of this association providing
they would cancel tho policies during
the term of the insurance, and with
this agreement the mutual company
would receive a commission on the pre
iums paid by the members to this stock
company and ns an inducement to in
sure in this stock company the officers
of the association proposed to return a
portion of this commission to the mem
bers as n return premium on their old
policies. This offer the attorney gen
eral holds is a rebate and in violntion
of section 4(l9 of Lord's Oregon Laws.
Tt nl.. nr,nnva 41... 1.1.1 i
, ,. - -
.inn non 0...1 i, 1 1
; . ' '"
mis amount ot insurance was $14,000.
Their obligations to other members for
fire claims amoluntcd to 48,000, making
a total indebtedness of $22,000 with th
total assets not to exceed $2,000. So
the above proposal would amount to but
very little to the members.
Commissioner Wells stated today that
on January 12 he wrote to the Bankers'
& Merchants' Mutual requesting that
they notify their members of the con
dition of the company in order that
they might protect their interests. On
i,.'.,., a . ' '
January H the commissioner served
fu.e on this Qompany to mect thei b.
iKBuwus niiuin sixty- uavs or ceasp
- ; . ,'r",
transacting turtner business. The exn
ration of Ume u g nP'
will then make an investigation to
ascertain if they havo complied with
the law.
their inimitable humor,
comedy skit entitled
present a
1 The Coal
Strike. " Jt is a delightful offering,
with breezy comedy and good songs.
Ned Argo and Raymond Dulitz will
present one of the most entort lining
musical acts in vaudville. Argo is a
harpist ot exceptional talent and Du
litz is a wizard on the violin. Their
numbers range from popular to oper
atic selections. M. O. Belle Isle and
cVjmany present a school day skit en
titled "Just Fun," with singing, dune
iK ilu comedy. There are five people
in tiie act, ono of the best schoolroom
offerings of its kind in vaudeville.
McGoods and Tates, four mighty
clever and original athletes, will offer
a refreshing act with a new line of
acrobatic stunts. Two shapely and
agile girls and two athletic young
men take p.irt in the offering. Boh
Warren does a clever monologue and
song offering, his act being entitled
"High and Dry, Nature's Tonic."
Mgr. Bligh promises a big musical
Comedy Ai t as tho feature on next Sun
day's show.
is so friendly
process nxes that and cuts out bite and parch I
Men, it's so easy to get on the right track for straight-ahead-action
and the ride only stands you 5c or
10c that it sure is due you, due your tongue, due your
contentment-container to know how much you'll like
the national joy smoke
That tobacco appetite of yours, when it gets-going-good,
is as fierce as a baby's cry for milkl Right
now, while you feel it digging in, do that little old
treo act leave for the nearest store that sells
tobacco And get yours!
Because Prince Albert, jammed into a jimmy
pipe or rolled into a makin's cigarette, taxes
the joy-speed-limit ! And you'll get the listen
of what that means the minute you put some
r.j. next to a match! Youll get
flavor and aroma and coolness that
will set-to-rest-for-all-time any odd
notions you ever concocted about pipe-
pleasure and makins pleasure!
All overt ht U. S.andintvrycivl
Uxmd country in th world you'll
find r, A. ehmorily mutaiting your
hnwdy.do in loppy rod 6a , Bet
tidy red tint, 10c I handtomo pound
and half-pound tin humidortond
in that eorhinm-finu cryttal-wlatm
humidor with tmonuo-irtoiMtonmr to0
that not only aeepe tho tobacco in
tueh clover trim, but U tuch a nifty
thing to havo about i
Mary Pickf ord
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
A modem version of Alexandre
Dumas' immortal -drama of Plot
and Passion. Produced by the
renowned director
Albert CapeUani.
Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 28.
The Union Oil company of Cali
fornia was permitted by Cor
poration Commissioner Cnrna
han today to sell $4,000,000
worth of its bonds This is part
of a $70,000,000 bond issue of
1911 of which $11, !I0,000 was
heretofore sold Tho money is
to be used to pay outstanding
debts and develop oil property.
They are five per cent bonds
maturing in 1931.'
Total of 61,180 Voters ,
Registered February 19
A total of 21, 1R0 voters were regis
tered in this state when the books
mm m
WiutM-Saka, N. C.
CoerrfffM lit br
R. t. kef uuioa I ubawM Co.
closed February 19 according to the rc-p-'i
e sent in bv tho bo cral county
derks to the secretary of state. Of
this nunibe t'),Si)0 ai) Kepublicans
while 15,4d7 admit Peiuocratie tonden
cics, 403 are Progressives, i:S37 are
Prohibitionist s, IjJD nrc Socialists, and
ls01 rciiistered -as iiiisevihii'eous.
51 High School Teams
Will Soon Be Down to 2
Nyssa, Enterprise, Condon, Prineville,
Astoria, North Bend, Albany and
Two Unknown, in Next Round
University f Oregon, Eugene, Ore.,
Feb. 28. The second eliminating round
in the annual debute series that this
year had 51 Oregon high schools as par
ticipants will be held March 4, or if
contestants mutually desire, on March
11. Winners in the first round have
been as follows:
.Southeastern Oregon district, TCyssu;
eastern Oregon district, Enterprise;
I'uiatiliu district, Condon; upper Col
umbia, Prineville; lower Columbia,
Astoria; southern Willamette, Albany;
Cons Bay, North Head.
The northern Willamette district
championship lies among Kstaeadn, Jef
ferson and Woodburn, and the southern
Oregon between Klamath Falls and
Pairings for the second round, which
will settle the inter-district champion
ships, will be:
Knterprise vs. Nyssa, at Enterprise.
Condon vs. Prineville, at Condon.
North Bend vs. Astoria, nt. North
Albany vs. champion in northern
Willamette district, the winner to meet
tho champion of southern Oregon.
Thereafter, and beforo April 1, the
Nyssa-Enterprise winner is to meet tl,
CoiKlon-Prinevillc winner, and the win
ner in ine round among northern Wil
lamette, southern Willamette and south
ern Oregon is to men tho North Bend
Astoria winner.
Only two teams of the original 51 will
then remain. They will debate for the
state high school championship and for
the University of Oregon cup about the
end ot May, at the state university
The university pays tho expenses of
each team.
Work of evacation has begun on
the residence of Dr. Martin Oiesv.
Tho contractors, Mosiiberger & I,ibbV
expect to complete the work in about
two months.
Halph Zimmerman was here from
Astoria Sunday to visit his parents
Mr and Mrs. C. IZimmerman. Mr.
and Mrs. .1. A. Zimmerman and familv
were also from Albany,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zimmering
were m Aurora Frid.iv. Sirs. Ziin
nienng ;,ns been ill from an attack of
I. a (irip and this was her first trip
to town in several weeks.
in constructing a family tree, Mrs.
. S, Arnold has ascertained that
Betsy Kosh, the maker of the first
American flag, was the sister of Mis
Arnold s great-great grandfather.
Among the liebckahs in town Sat
urday to att I Lodge were. Mrs. K
M. hi nest of Donald. Mrs. A It Den
tel of Ke.isf Butteville, .in, I Mrs.' Win
Cn and Mrs. C. W. Damm of
The Aurora Mutual Telephone wire
-tretched across the river at Wilson
villn was torn .down bv the spars of
passing steamer, owner to a L'O foot
nsc in the river. Tt was two duvs
but ore the wire could be replaced. '
The contract for the new municipal
tie shed has been let t the King
Broti,rs lis. the lowest bidders for
lurmshing the labor. Their bid was
; ,' Twn t" hid were put in us
follows: A. H, (irim, ;,, sk.
in. !). The work will begin
once. "
The directors of the local telephone
company met Saturday. The bomt
organized and the same set of olt'i
cers were re-elected for tlio current
year. The board of directors con
sisting of John Muitmv, A. D. Yergcn
II. I., t'olvm, Ceo. flooding, .rH
t.rbslaud, Wm. Uruns inllr ,. w
cott. The Knighs of Phythias entei t line.!
a 'i I'er of their friends Siit-
"rlay ig,,t at their Castle hull
where cards, music and dancing en
gaged t.ie attention f the guests
unti a late hour. Tho gathering was
in the untiire of an ol nance of the
i-nd anniversary of llu, founding of
tlie order of the Knights of Phytliias.
The. knigutH and their ladies' and
guests en.io.ved the occasion to the ful-
The basket bull game between the
Aurora High School and the Canbv
High School resulted iu n score of
I- to l in favor of Aurora. Of
Aurora s score Phillips shot l.", Kerr
9 and WIII7. llrn.lfonl of the Canby
learn shot 11, and was their star pliv-
Cr',r "'T "'' wn" "H f""''s: Aurora
Will (and Plnlli, 'forwards, Kerr
center, and Mnrsh and Heck euanls
(n,y Hchntibrf. and Huudr.l, lor'
wards Smith enter, and Scaton and
' olvin guards.
The famous road rase brought up
on petition of (icorge Knight and oth
ers for a road across the Hovenden
place at Hubbard has been finally set
tle! by compromise. Ileorge B. Hov
enden objected to the road and sought
damage in the sum of 10,01)0. The
amounts set fourth iu the order to be
paid to the property owners for dam
ages are: (icorge H. Hovenden and
wife, $12,-;. (ieorge .1. Wnfcr and wife
1.1. Tne land used for a read across
tho pla.o of Ella Coylo was donated
gratis. Observer.
New Today Ad work whild yoti
sleep will have remit for yon In the
Santa Monica, Cal., Feb. 28. Mrs.
Kaymond, Toft, aged of New West
minster and Vancouver, is near death nt
St. Catherines hospital today from
pneumonia nud acute hysteria, brought
on by a narrow escape fioni drowning
in the surf at V'enico yesterday.
Her brother, Dr. Haakon B. Christen
sen, aged 4(1, of Now Westminster, B.
C, was drowned saving her A big
crowd watched the tragedy from the
beach, believing it a motion picture
s"ene. Christensen fought for life for
.10 niiuutc.i, in plain sight of the spec
tators. Mrs. Toft was seized with cramps
while swimming in the breakers, and
screamed for help. When Christensen
reached her side, she clutched him. Both
saiiK. Alter a mint tight, l.itcguanl
Fred Townsend brought the woman
Christensen, exhausted, was carried
rapidly backward by tho strong tide.
He could be seen -swinimiiig desperately
at intervals, then floating face dowii
wnrd and helpless Bathers made a
human chain and tried to aid him Chris
tensen began swimming again, but be
fore he reached the rescuers he weaken
ed and was swept backward, far out ot
A lifeboat was launched, with Chris
tensen only 30 yards from shore, but un
able to progress The boat reached his
side, only to bo carried landward be
fore he could put forth his hand and
seize the line tossed to him He tried to
swim again Tho wutchers saw his arms
beat the water half a dozen times be
fore his head went down.
When the lifeboat finally got hi
out, he was dead.
PHONE D37 For wood eaw.
HARRY Windowcleaner.
Phone 768.
FOR KENT Furnished rooms, i'hone
403-R. Mar. 4.
FOR SALETwo fresh cows.
FOR SALE Male china pheasant, 11 'JO
Center. Feb28
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms.
I'hono 2093M. tf
DRESS MAKING Mrs, Carrie Rod
gers, 2i2 8. 19th. MarlO
EARLY potatoes for sale,
257 X.
HORSE- wanted. About 12."i0 or 1300 to
work single, f or. S. Com 'I and .Jef
ferson Road. Mar. 1.
BALED hay for sale, flood covered
hack for trade for stock. Box 5,
Turner, Oregon. Feb. 28.
HorsKEKPJN(i ROOMS For rent.
One suite upstairs and one downstairs.
42 S. High St., Phono 1123. Mar. 1.
LOST Between Opera House and O. E.
Depot, nair glasses. Return to this
office. Reward. Feb. 2S.
WANTED 17 more wiles people. Apply
at side door entrance. Ask for E. .
Seaman, Chicago Store. Feb. 20.
ARRANGE special spring business
now. Phone Dr. Morehouse, office
2101), nights 1510.
OARDEN plowing and harrowing. No
poor work done. Prices reasonable,
(i. ('. Holler, 201ti Trade St. Phone
22IMI-W. o 1-time.
run ,i,r. rour room House aim lercei
lots 50x130 each, barn, fruit, good
well, etc. Inquire tilt) S. 12th St.
Feb. 28.
l-'olt RENT Buildings anil about. 20
acres of grass land on Crowe place,
Phone 127 or 1 Piii, Russell I'atlin,
TWO year old trees, Pear, Aple, Cherry,
Chestnut, (irnpc and Holly. Also
two 1'resii cows. Hoy V. (Ihniiirt.
WANTED liv experience ! farmer
with wife and one child a job on n
farm near Salem, (live wages and de
scription of farm. '. A. C-o. Journal.
Feb. 2S.
FOR RENT A 12 acre ranch all kinds
of fruit, i) acics of 7 year old prunes.
A good house, barn mid well. Cheap
if taken soon. Adrcss Box (il, li-2,
Feb. 2S.
STRAWBERRY plants wanted. Im
proved (Iregfiiis, Mfirshalls and (iold
Dollars. I want good plants ami not
too expensive, Fred Bienlano., St.
Paul, Oregon. Feb. 2S.
BUSINESS women to sell muslin un
derwear on commission. (Ine ac
'cii'tnm to handling trade preferred.
Applv at. Ladies' Outfitting Shop, 105
X. Liberty. Feb. 'JS.
Sdl.K lTuliS WANTED. Catholic, to
introduce best Catholic proposition on
the market. Bit; money can be made
bv hustlers. Bony.ic.er Brothers, 35
3s Barclay St., New York City
3 Mondays, Feb. 28.
FOR SALE 122 1-2 acres t) miles
from Salem. Good gravid road. 1
1-2 miles froiiv-station on H. P. Main
Line. Excellent soil, l'riee $ii.".00
per acre. Square Deal Realty Co.,
202 U. H. Hunk Bldg. tf.
FOR SALE Sanitary couch and mat;
I heating stove, rocking chairs, single
barrel shot gun, bicycle, A-l carpen
ter work bench, library table, square
.lining table, 2 sectional knockdown
pheasant pens, If) by 12 each, and
wringer, 245 D. St.. Feb, 2i.
F. X, WOODRY, " The People's Aim
tioneer" for City mid State. 1 make
a specialty of Household Furniture
an I Live Stock Sales. Farm sales
conducted anywhere in the state.
Your patronage is solicited. Satis
faction guaranteed. Note: House
hold furnituie bought for c ash or sold
on enmmi'sioii. Rcsidenco 1215 N.
Commercial, Bnlcm, Oregon, I'hone
shipment of
those f a-
mous $3.00 Crofut-Knapp
Hats arrived yesterday
and they are beauties. It's
a real pleasure to sell hats
that are of such superior
quality and we guarantee
every hat that leaves our
As our hat stock is brand
new, you need have no fear
of getting a vintage of any
year except 1916.
The Toggery
167 Commercial St.
Leading Clothiers
HORSE AND BUGGY For sale. 508
South 25th street. Feb28
FOR SALE All purpose mare, sound
and gentle. Phono 7UF13. Fcb2H
ROOM AND BOARD In modern home.
I'hono 510, 301 N. Cottage. Feb2!
FOR SALE Bloeky work mare, single
or double. Phone 2002W1. tf
WANTED By young man, work on
farm or dairy. I'hono 11F3. Feb28
FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnish
ed modern house. U. W. Johnson, tf
OAK, ash, fir and maple cord wood.
I'honel322-J. W. F. Proctor. MarlO
FOR SALE Choice Jersey heifer, 3
years old, fresh. Phone 87F21. Feb2
FOR SALE Two speed Indian, equip
ped, $100.00. Call Firo Dept., 14!).
FOR RENT Three or four room mod
ern furnished apartment. 325 S 14th
street. ' Feb28
FOR SALE. Choice eating potatoes,
not frosted, DOe. per bushel. Phone
2105M. Feb2i)
WAITED To rent 7 or 8 room honsa
reasonably closo in. Address N. E. U.,
care Journal, tt
FOB SALE 13 acrea bottom lind,
south of Marion, Mrs. E. Thomas,
Marion, Oregon. April!
WANTED To trade Italian pruno
trees for wood. Mill Creek Nursery.
2180 Stato stroet. Feb28
FOR SALE 10 Hi Six cylinder Buiek
autoinobilo A-l condition. Price right.
I'hono 2346 W. Marl
ored, wants employment of any kind.
30, caro Journal. ' Feb28
WILSON Strawberry plants, large va
riety, for silo, 1(1.25 per thousand, it.
1). 1). C. Ziclinski. Feb2!)
FOR SALE Cream separator, Improv
ed Economy, guar intecd iu good con
dition. Phono 31 Ell. Feb28
FOR SALE 2 horses, 1 double harness,
1 delivery wagon. Inquire F. P. Hnr
lan, 12th and Leslie St. Feb28
FOR SALE Driving mare, cow, wagon,
surrev, cream separator and range,
800 S. 11th. rhono 052. Feb28
A. F. T1XGSTROM Now located at
612 Court street. Upholstering, fur
niture repairing and carpet cleaning.
up to date power equipment. List your
order at Salem Fuel Yards. I'hone
520. tf
A. F. TINGSTROM Now located at
642 Couit. Phone 230. Upholstering,
furniture rcpaiiing and carpet clean
ing. Fob29
WILL BUY CITY Or country proper
ty that will pav good interest on the
investment. Addre&s Journal, Box
100. Feb28
EXCHANGE Will sell good Harloy
motorcycle cheap, or trade for horso
and buggy. Apply at Capital Journ
al office. tf
osis, plint top grafted cherry trees.
We have a few left. Harry E. WJiite.
Phono 14F15.
WILL TRADE 5 passenger automobilo
Overland, good running order, for
equity in city or conutiv properly.
Plume 2I35J. Feb28
FOR SALE Established business, suit
able for lady with small capital. Ni
experience necess.iry. Address No. 75
care Journal. Marl
FOB KENT Store, 21x105 fee, ele
trie lights and steam heat. Hoe Watt
Shipp Co., 219 North Commercial
street. Phone 363. tt
FOR SALE Fino resilience lot, 62x108
feet, Cipital and Center streets. Price
$2800. Write J. W. Bcckley, Nor
strand, Minnesota. Mnr23
WILL TRADE 5 passenger automo
bile, Overland, good running order, for
equity in city or country property.
Address Jourii.il, Box 1. Feb2.8
FOR SALE At n bargain, a ti horso
Fairbanks Morso gasoline engine. Cnn
bo seen running at 1175 N, 4th. Phono
2017J. Arthur Tucker. Feb28
FOR .SALE ( heap, a beautiful modern
heme, biii.'diiics new including 3 icres
of mixed orchard nt city limits. Ad-dre.-s
75 C, care of Journal. Fob29
FOR SALE Beautiful live acre tract,
freo soil, well drained, under cultiva
tion, modern bungalow, oui mile
north of fairground, paved road, K.
9, Box 5, Salem, Oregon. Mar3