SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OkkGOK. FRIDAY, FEB. 25, 1910. Me- - 1MMMIWUIMJ TOMO Last Day of the Great Closing Out Sale Everything in the store on sale. Extra Sales People haue been arranged for the crowds of the last day. RROW J Sport News CHAMPION BOXERS 10 FAST (II IS IDE APPEAR AT SMOKER ON NEW ASCOT PARK I m dc Linn madpu 11 . I IU UL IILLU MftMjll I Boys' and Children's One Line Boys $3.00 an.l $3.50 Illgli Top Boots, now go at $1.95 Boys' Button and Lace Dress Shoes, size 2 1-2 to C 1-2, regularly fl"1 QC sold at $2.50 and $2.75 now .... pI.IJ Boys' button and lace Dres.i Slioes, size 13 1-2 to 2, regularly sold at $2.25, now go at $1.65 Boys button and lace Dress Shoes, sizes 8 1-2 to 13. regularly sold at $2.00, now go at $1.35 One Lot Ladies' Every Day Shoes, Vici Kid and Calf, regularly sold at $2.50 to $3.00, fl1 rr now go at yl.DD Ladies' Dress Shoes 200 Pairs Ladies' black cloth-top patent lace Shoes, latest styles, $4.00 and $5.C0 grades, now PO or go at ifti.JJ 100 Fairs Ladies' Gun Metal Cloth Top, new last, $1.50 grades, fljo or now go at yuOJ 35 Pairs Ladies' New Spring last, but ton, patent and kid, very latest de sign, $6.00 and $7.00 grades, (PO nr now go at yJ,JU New Line Midnight Blue and Steel Gray Glpsey pattern, velvet button, regular $6.00 grades, (JO QT now go at y). J 300 Pairs Ladies' $1.50 and $2.00 Pelt House Slippers, QC go at JC A! Sommers, Romeo Hagen, ; Billy Mascott, and Jockey Bennett Matched Sixteen Entries Made For Sweepstakes --- Baseball Club Sells for $590,000 Rubbers, Rubber Boots Every Pair of Men's Thigh and Hip Snag Proof Boots, regularly sold at $6.00 to $7.00, to close (PO QC out quick JJ."j Every pair Men's Sung Proof Knee Boots, regularly sold at $i.C0, (PO QT to $5.00, now go at J).7J All Men's Knee Eoots, regulafly sold at. $3.00, now fljl Qr go at pl.J All Men's Best 00c and $1.00 rn Rubbers, now go at OUC All Ladles' 05c and 73c Rub- rn bers, now go at DUC All Children's Rubbers,, regard- Of" loss of former cost, go at : OOC All Ladies' 60c Foot Holds, i( now go at tUC Men's Dress Shoes Men's Dress Shoes, all styles button and .lace, tan and black, $6 CQ QC grades, now go at 7. pJ.J Men's Dress Shoes, all styles button and lace, tan and black, $5 (JO OC grades, now go at yO.JJ Men's Dress Shoes, all styles button and lace, tan and black, SI and $1.50 grades ffO QC now go at yL.VJ Big Line Men's $1.00 tan and black heavy work Shoes, double soles, large eyelets, now ffO CC go at Y""" Big Lire Men's double sole heavy black work Shoes, regular (PO QC $1.50 grade, now go at . J It is impossible for us to quote prices on all of our Shoes, but everything is reduced down to where they will sell very quick our customers .will .have the benefit of expert shoe knowledge. Cut Kates on all Repairing. Men's Half Soles 75c; Ladies' Half Soles 50c; Children's and Boys' Soles from 25c to GOc. All Leather Heels 25c. Rubber Heels for 25c and 50c the pair. All 10c paste polish including 2 in 1, Whilmore's Oil Paste and all other 10c polishes, go during this sale at one half price ycur choice for only. 5f We have reduced all our stock down to where profit is an unknown quantity and for this reason shoes will be sold for Cash Only during these sales SALEM'S HIGH GRADE SHOE Store. Dux Bax Oil The only oil that is guaranteed to make vour shoes water proof or your money back Ever wear Hose Every pair guaran teed to be better than any hose you ever had on or a new pair free. 326 State St. Next to Ladd & Bush Bank Phone 61 6 Stump Puller Rescues I Auto From Mud Hole j When Horses Fail i There I a mud hole near the Pen Pill ion place throe miles oust of Miirlony I "THE OLD RCLIASLE" HEME D t For M E N AT DHUGCllHTii.O VHIAL HilX MV IUAII 1 kfflOM PLANTtN 93 HFNriYnT HHtM'fVrH NY.' Hint should bo shunned by all nutoists who it ro in h hurry to pot homo fur sup per according to G. W. Johnson, Jr., who says o knows all nbmit tlio soft spot in it.lio rond. Wednesday nfKcrnonii Mi'. Johnson wn.s driving nioiig tlu rond and thought to nave liiuo by driving across the hole instead of around it. Tlio linttoiu foil out of tlio rond and tlio running board.i rested upon t lio mud mid lot the wheels spin. Ho walked halt a mile tieross a field to secure the as sistance of a man and loam hut when they hooked on to tlio nil to the ropes snapped. They walked a mile dona (In road to secure n chain and then the harness liroke in n dor.en places hut slil the unto did not budge an inch. They (hen borrowed a nor of hnrncss Note the Fine Color of our hums and Imcou. Tlint denote first tlint they come from young, tender pigs mill next that they have been prop erly cured. All our hums and bacon lire cane sugar cured and hickory smoked. They have a flavor of their own which onoe lasted you'll always prefer. Try some for break fu-t to- Independent Market 157 S. Cuinniercinl Then 729 and took another pull but this time the doubletrees snapped and they conclud ed that tlio nuto could not bo moved by horse power, and the auto was left in its muddy couch for the night. Yesterday Mr. Johnson again visited the scene nnd this time found n inai: who owned a stump puller which hi said would move 28.000 pounds if they had something to anchor it to. The stump puller was brought into notion and by wrapping the anchor chain about R hugo rock they bognii moving the nuto about na inch at n time. Mr. Put ton says ho put nine loads of liny into the mud hole last year tint it npponrs that the liny lias sunk to the bottom if there is any bottom and still the mud hole remains lis a niennoe to nutoists. Silent Robbers or Some Sound Sleepers Sun Iternnrdlno, Tab, Fob. 25. While a score of lodgers in u hotel overhead slept soundly, yegginen early today dyn amited the safe in the Wilson jewelry store on Third street, looted the Haillie art shop next door and innde good their escape with gems worth $1,000 and oth er booty valued at several hundred dol lar. The robberies were discovered when the stores were opened this morning. I'ulice believe an automobile was used by the burglars. Kntrnnro was gained by picking tiio locks. Tiio next smoker to bo pulled off in this city by the Capital City Athletic club will be Wednesday. M.ircli 1, ac cording to Manager Itobby Evans, who returned from i'ortlnnd last night with Hilly Mascott. Al Hon. mors, the popular light ehavy, will nuot Komeo llugen, of Seattle. Hagen boxes nt 158 pounds ami is known as cue of the best boys in the northwest while Summers showed in the last smoker that lie no novice at the two handed game. llugen and Sommers are both boxers of tlio same type ami their bout is ex pected to be a hummer from the tub of the go:ig. . Billy Mascott who showed himself to be some what of a spood demon with his hands and feet it the last smoker will be matched for eight rounds with Jockey lieunet. the veteran feather weight of Portland. Those two boys have met before in an encounter which resulted in a draw but Hilly intends to show a now burst of speed when they moot this time. Against l'ing Hodie, Mascott was unable to show to the best advantage as Hodie took particular pains to keep his head covered up and swing at ra Ik In in . llcnnet, however, is a faster boxer and is willing to absorb a punch or two with the privilevc of a return and Hobby Kvans says he ex pects this to be the fastest mill of the evening. Earl Zimmerman, the speedy young ster who boxes at 11 1 pounds will moot young Alee Trnmbontus. Young Tram beatus has all of the speed that his old er brother lacks and Is touted as one of the comers of the boxing game. His manager, .luck Fnyo, says that the poung Itoumnuian is the best boy of his weight in the northwest anil Ed Tracy, who manages Zimmerman, says the same things about his charge. As a re sult the two little follows will be co idl ed to do their best for eight rounds and the winner will be matched with A by Gordon, the newsboy boxer, who made a big hit with the Salem funs during the smoker pulled off during the state fair last year. The throe eight round boxing mutch es will make up the entire card for Wednesday's smoker and ao prelimin ary bouts will bo .irrnngoil between lo cal boxers. Mnnnger Hobby Kvans is of the opinion that the local boys should have more experience before they ap pear before the public in regular match es, and the trained boxers are able to put up better exhibitions of the fistic lit. Consequently the ambitious local youngsters will bo worked out in the gymnasium for some time before they will appear on the regular card. The smoker will bo staged at Ryan's hull which will be put into condition for the smoker and now seating ar rangement w ill be put in for the coming exhibition. Y. M. C. A. Intermediates Trim OLT. S. 37 to 16 The V. M ('. A. Intermediates easily defeated the quintet from the Oregon State Training School in the association gymnasium last night by the soue sided score of .",7 to Hi. At no time did the training school boys load the interino di ites. Two weeks ago the intermedi ates were defeated by the training sciiol on the training school's floor. In basket shooting Itrooks, for the intermediates excelled in the first hnlf while Haves, who was substituted for Brooks throw six field baskets in the second half. Rowland, Radcliff and Minton played stiong defensive games for the iutei mediates. Rowland's spec tacular and timely dribbling brought credit to the intermediates. The lineup and score follows: Training School Intermediates Collies U'l F Hrooks (!) MoKelrnth ( I) y Turner llolbrook (i) C .. Kavanaugh (2) Mooring (I Minton l-'eeley (i Hudclil'f (SI Wilson S Unwlnnd (C) S Hayes ( l.o Final score: Intermediate!! it", Train ing school lli. (ifticials: 1.. M. McKinney, referee: II. S. liadclil'f, tinier; Oscar It. Cing rich, si'Oior. WANT GAME AT PULLMAN Seattle. Wash., Fob. 21). J. V.. Holi ler, athletic director nt Washington State college, has sent word from Cor vatlis, whore ho was last night with the l'ullmau baskotbull squad, tlint officials of the I'ulluinn school demand the proposed Thanksgiving day foot ball game between Washington State and the Cuivei'sity of Washington be plnvod nt I'lillmiiu. (irndunte Manager ,T. Arthur Younger of the 1'. of V., says the matter wil be taken up at the next meeting of the board. - . GOTI5IC an A El HOW COLLAR a for 25c IT FITS THE CRAVAT CUUtTT, PtASOOV 4 CO. tflC , Mr1 I.os Angeles, Cal., Feb. 2"). Fast time was registered on the new Ascot park mile speedway today by drivers wann ing up. their powerful motors for the r.ices there Sunday. Sixteen entrb's have been received for the main event the ..1.000 George Washington sweepstakes, and the list contains many namivi of pilots who have won fame on many world famous cours es. ' Among those who tried out the new paving today were Hob Hunnaii, the "speed king" in a 1'eugoot, Hughie Hughes in the Kuglish Sunbeam, Eddie Pullon in a Mercer, K.ul Cooper in a Stutz, R. C. Kurant in his Diuant Spe cial, Teddy Tet.laff in the .-'home made'' Milac and Kiblie O'liounel in the Douseiiberg. Say These Have a Chance. Xew York, Feb. 2.".." Chick -' Kv ans and Francis Ouimet are picked as the only anuteurs who have a chance at the American open golf championship, since the announcement today by Jer ome 1). Travels, present champion that he will not be able to participate on account of business. Travers says he will be able to compete in only one tournament and that will be the N.i tional amateur. Preparing For Football. Berkeley, Cal., Feb. 2.". 'reparations for the fall's football season will be gin at the University of aliforma, in earnest next week when Andy Smith, newly chosen co.ioh of the blue and gold will arrive here to take up iiis duties. Smith will be introduced to the student body lit a rally next Thursday night and is expected to begin work' on the squad at once. All of the men who performed for California last fall will be back ex cepting Canfiolil, Saunders, l.ockhardt, llazoltine .mil lluddloson. Club Sold for 5500,000. Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 2.". Charles W. Sommers received a trifle less than f.")(M,lll)0 for the Cleveland American league baseball club, it was announced today. Transfer of the property has been completed to a syndicate of which James C. Dunn, of Ciiic.igo is the head. Boxing at Seattle. Seattle, Wash., Fob. 2.".Kddie Shan non lightweight, came back long enough last night to box a four round draw with Chet -.ei f at the Klks club. On the same card, Charley (livens and Bert Forbes, feathers, went to a dr.iw. Leo llonck and l.en llolliday, a couple more feathers, did the same thing. Miller Refuses to Risk Title. Portland, Or., Fob. 2."). Walter Miller has refused to hang up iiis gold stud-led middleweight championship belt as a trophy for the match next Tuesday night between himself and Eddie O' Connoll. He wants .1 longer time in which to train if he risks the belt. Mil ler said in a letter written from San Francisco, O'Connoll professed to be greatly dis pleased nt this news. A suspicious bunch of fans, however, immediately yelled "frame up," and Miller's -refusal to risk his title has again cist a cloud over the wrestling game in I'ortlnnd. Women's Race Exciting. Seward, Alaska, Fob. Ill Via Vald ez, Feb. 2.1. Although Miss F. Pinc'u ette came in second in the women's dog race over a l.j mile course at Anchorage there is great demand for souvenirs of her efforts. Miss I'iuehette lost her skirt when her team of dogs began to scrap with another team, and she fin ished the race in her petticoat. Mrs. Casey Jones, driving a team of six bird dogs, won the race, though her dogs broke .iway from her on the re turn lap. She ran after them for two miles, caught up with them ami won the race in one hour and -10 minutes. Champion Willard Reaches Metropolis Xew Yurie, Fob. 2.). Looking fit. Champion Josh YVillnrd arrived in the metropolis today. A dozen fight bugs, a flock of reporters and a host of camera men wore on hand in a heavy rain to greet hiniv "I'm going to licat Frank Mornn us quickly as I can." he said of his forth coming 10-round go. "I'm weighing 2oS pounds now, but I expect to remove 10 pounds by a course of training which I will start tomorrow. I will look over my quarters this afternoon." S Ei fii 13 GRAIN We have a choice stock of re cleaned Wheat, Oats, Barley, Eye, Vetch, Sudan Grass, Clover and Grass Seeds. Cleaned up in first class shape and sold at the lowest possible prices, quality consider ed. Bulk Garden Seed The mcst complete stock in the valley and all fresh tested seeds. No old second hand stocks to work off, bought at a discount. Sweet Peas We have the finest Sweet Peas ever offered in the state, grown by the best grower in the world, including many of the latest nov elties. Including a complete line of the FAMOUS SPENCER SWEET PEAS. Seed Potatoes Have several of the leading Early Potatoes as well as the best of the main crop potatoes and sold at reasonable prices. Vegetable Plants Now have in stock Cabbage Plants, Asparagus Roots, and Rhubarb Roots. The best on the market. Call for seed catalog, it's free. D. A. White & Sons 251 State St. Salem, Ore. Phone 160 PHOXE 937 lor wood aw. tl FOH SALE Two fresh cows. Phono 45K22. Feb2S FOIt RENT 7 room bungalow in good condition. Enquire 1 10.) Leslie street. Feb23 : NEW TODAY HARKY Windowcleanor. Phone 768 Mar? FOIt SALK Fresh Jersey eow. 1093 S. 14th. " Fob2G FOR EEXT Housekeeping rooKS, Phono 2093.M. tf DRESS MAKING- -Mrs. Carrie Rod gers, 242 S. 19tu. MarlO GARDEN' FLO WING A specialty. Phono 1291W. Fcb25 HOKSK AM) M'UGV For sale. SOS South 2.1th streett Feb28 DRESSMAKING By the day, plain or fancy work. Phono lOtiOK. Feb2o FOli RENT Furnished nnd unfurnish ed modern house. G. W. Johnson, tf OAK, ash, fir and maple cord woodS Phonel322-J. W. F. Proctor. MarlO WHITE LEGHORN EGGS For hatch ing. 929 Mill, rhone 2363. Feb25 FOR RENT Chicken ranch of 2 acmes, incubators, brooders and houses, closo in. Phone 204 lit. Feb26 WANTED Old time wood cutters to cut 100 cords of wood. Nothing but experienced men wanted. Phone 843. Feb2o I.OS'F A package containing crocheted yoke and pair silk hose. Finder please return to Ward Drug Store. Howard. Feb2o A. F. T I XGSTHt l.M Now located at 042 Court. Phone 230. I'pholstering, furniture repairing and carpet clean ing. Feb29 FOR SALE First class canned logan berries. 15c Jier ipiart. l'hone 663 Fcb25 FOIt SALE Household goods, ,un leav ing town. Call J435 Trade street. Feb2ii FOIt SALE, Choice eating potatoes, not frosted, UOe. per bushel, l'hona 2495M. Feb2! WANTED Plumbing done in exchange for dentistry. Address 1) 44, care of Journal. Feb2t WANTED To rent 7 or 8 room house reasonably closo in. Address N. i. G-, care Journal. tf WANTED Will pay well for use of $100 for 90 days. E, care Capital Journal. Feb25 WANTED Electrician to do work in exchange for dentistry. Address J 43 Journal. Feb26 FOR SALE 15 acres bottom lind, south of Marion. Mrs. E. Thomas,' Marion, Oregon. April! WANTED To trade Italian prune trees for wood. Mill Creek Nursery. 2480 State street. Feb2S WILSON Strawberry plants, large va riety, for Bile, $1.23 per thousand. R. 9. II.' C. Zielinski. Feb29 FOR RENT Improved ten acre ranch, close in. W. A. Penney, 1743 South Commercial street. Feb2S WANTED Fresh young Jersey cow. Riding pony and saddle for Bale. C. W. Smith, R. F. D. No. 7. FebSo B'OR SALE llarley Davidson motor cycle in fairly good condition. Cap ital Journal Printing Co. tf FURNISHED HOUSE For rent, striet ly modern $15. Phone 1737W, or call evenings, 399 Mission street. Feb29 LOST White bulldog, weight 72 lbs., wore collar, $1 reward for return to Hong Noodle House, 430 Ferry street. A. P. TINGSTRO.M No located at 642 Court street. Upholstering, fur niture repairing and carpet cleaning. Feb29 TO RENT An up to date 5 room bun galow, two blocks from car line. G. W. Laflar, 406 Hubbard building. Feb2(J WANTED By two young business men board and room with use of garage, close in. Address J-44, care Journal. Feb2(i 22 DUROO SHUATS (io to 90 pounds will sell cheap it' taken at once. G. V. Jones, Route 8, Box 74, Phone 29F2. Mar2- GOAT AND SHEEP SHEA KING Ky up to date power equipment. List your order at Salem Fuel Yards. Phone 529. tf LOST One pair glasses, gold rims, in a C. T. Ponicroy ense. Finder return to Capital Nitional Bank and receive reward. Feb23 WANTED Girl from 12 to 15 years old to stay as one in small family. Small wages, (i. C. Jones, Route 8, Box 74, Phone 29F2. Feb25 FOB RENT Store, 21x165 feet, elec tric lights and steam heat. See Watt Bhipp Co., 219 North Commercial street. Phone 363. tl FOIt SALE Cheap, sawmill donkey engine and equipment, 13 million feet timber available. Inquire at 744 N. Commercial street. Feb26 FOR SALK Kino residence lot, 62x103 feet, Capital and Center streets. Price $2800. Write J. W. Beck Icy, Ncr strand, Minnesota. Mar23 WANTED To buy cheap for cash,-a good second hand manure spreader. Address Bruce Bowne, Turner, Ore. Feb25 FOR SALE At a bargain, a H horso Fairbanks Morse gasoline engine. Can be seen running at 1475 X. 4th. Phone 2017J. Arthur Tucker. Keb23 FOR SALE A beautiful modern home, buildings new, including three acres of mixed orchard at, city limits. Ad dress 75 C, care of Journal. Fcb29 WILL Bl'V CITY Or country proper ty that will pay good interest on the investment. Address Journal, Box 100. ' - Feb28 EXCHANGE Will sell good llarley motorcycle cheap, or trade tor horse and buggv. Apply nt Capital Journ al office. tf DAN T TAKE CHANCES With Gnm osis. plant top grafted cherry trees. We have a few left. Harry E. White. Phono 14F15. " Feb28 FOR SALE 60 ncres at $33 per acre, 6 miles from Scotts Mills; 5 78-100 acres near Salem for $800. M. M. Magee, Salem, Route 5. Phone 81P23. Fcb25 FOR SALE Borne household furniture at give away prices, also set IVi inch, double harness. Leaving city. Come and see it at 1391 Broadway street. Feb28 $1250 WILL lit Y 1 ACRE With 1 neat 4 room house, chicken house, 3-4 acre in berries on the car line. Easy terms. ,T. A. Mills. Feb26 WILL TRADE 5 passenger automo bile. Overland, good running order, for equity in city or country property. Address .Toiirn il. Box I. Keb28 FOR SALE ( heap, a beautiful modern homo, buildings now including 3 acres of mixed orchard at city limits. Ad : dross 75 (', cure of Journal. Kcb29 NEW TODAY FOR RENT Three or four room mod ern furnished apartment. 325 S 14th street. Fob'JS iinu WILL Hl'Y A beautiful acre on 12th street, 5 or (i Mocks to the car line all fenced and has a good well on it. Easy terms. J. A. Mills, 3S4 State street. Feb26 WANTED Work bv experienced milk er and farm worker. Address 33 .1. care Journal. Fcb25 POSITION WANTED By married man on hop ranch or farm, experienc ed in dairy and goner il farm work, no children. Box 3S, Route No. !, Sa lem. Oregon. Fcb26 FOH SALE ('renin separator, Improv ed Economy, gnarintood in good con-1 di t inn. Phone 3IF11. Feb2Sj FOR SALE Driving mare. cow. wagon, surrev. cream separator and range, SUd S. 14th. Phone 952. Keb2S WANTED TO Bl'Y Horses, weight about 1300 or 1350. nUo one 1'nO. Not over 9 venrs old. F. M., care Journ il. FebCu' $75 AN ACRE For 10 ncres 7 miles out, 30 acres plow Innd, 12 acres tim ber, fine spring witer. nil fenced. $1000 down, balance at 6 per cent. J. A. Mills. 3M State street. Fcb26 oiiu ACRES In southern Oregon, well improved, to trade for farm land in the Willamette valley $H!i.50 per ncre. It is miles from large city and R. li. See J. A. Mills, 3S4 Suite St. Feb26 AUTO FOR SALE Good Studebaker 4 passenger auto for sale at a sacrifice, good shape; also household furniture. Call at 1045 North Capital or phone 946. tf WANTED By a fast work woman, housecleaning, sweeping nnd dusting; also mending, darning, filet crochet, knitting and tatting done to order. Phono 1947M. Keb28 FURNISHED HOUSE 5 rooms with large yard, chicken house, some fruit, electric light and water, rent right to reliable parties. 1306 N. Church. Call Tel. 15F3. Fcb20 FOR SALE Beautiful five acre tract, free soil, well drained, under cultiva tion, modern bungalow, one mile north of fairground, paved road, R. 9, Box 5, Salem, Oregon. Mar3 WANTED At onoe, from one to three ton No. 10, 12 or 14 second hand hop wire. Must be cheap. State what yon have and where it is and price, in first letter. 13, care Journal. Feb25 FOR SALE That young team of mare with: harness and wagon will be at Cherry City Feed Barn, Saturday, February 2fith. Y'on can 't beat them if yon want x good team. Come and see them. Feb25 WANTED TO TRADE House and lot on South ISth street. Will take part in automobile or auto truck and two or three cows and team. Answer by letter. Miss Mary M. Mathorn, Amity, Oregon. " Feb23