Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 25, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
Fehrunrv 2.1. 19IC.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Sec. and Treas.
Daily by carrier, per year $5.00 Per month 45c
Sully by mail, per year 3.00 Per month 35c
New York Chicago
Ward-Lewii-Williama Special Agency Harry R. Fisher Co.
Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put tho papers on the
porta. If the carrier dues not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manuger, as this is the only
nay we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 81.
Miles City, Montana, must have a pretty bad iail. A 1
traveling man kept in it for two days has sued the com
pany causing his arrest, and says it is worth $12,500 a
day to stay in it.
"What's in a name?" Well do you suppose "Hi'' Gill
would have received more than half the votes in Seattle
under any other name, than that friendly, everyday,
handle, "Hi"?
Burton, La Follette and Cummins all shied their
castors into the political ring Wednesday and became
prominent candidates for the position of "also rans."
Portland is getting busy and arranging for a cam
paign to secure preferential rates on freight from the
Inland Empire to terminal points. She needs to.
Now Carranza's government is reported to be crum
bling His difficulties may be exaggerated bv his enemies,
of whom he has plenty in this country, as well as at home, '
but there is no questioning the fact that the First Chiei
is seriously handicapped.
He needs money to complete his work and he can't
get money. To re-establish a properly-functioning gov
ernment and redeem the nation's shattered credit, it is
said, he must have $: ',50,000,000. Wall Street has the
money but flatly refuses to lend it to him, and he can't
at present borrow anywhere else in the world. So Car
ranza's hands are tied. He would be better off if he could
trade his recognition by our government for recognition
by our financiers.
Just why Wall Street withholds credit from Carranza
isn't plain. It is argued that his government isn't stable
enough, yet a couple of hundred millions might make it
stable. Wall Street lent Hueita money, and it was said
to be willing to lend him more when he was outside look"
ing in. It may prefer to finance some other revolutionist,
mort tractable than Carranza.
But is it really necessary that there should be another
revolution in Mexico, opening anew the interminable vista
of anarchy? .If there is another, the United States may
be compelled to intervene.
Maybe that is what Wall Street wants.
When one reads of vessels carrying munitions of war
for the Russians, to Vladivostok, and of the ice-bound
conditions at that harbor for nearly half the year, one
naturally pictures the place as being inlhe far north. Yet
ships sailing from the Columbia for that port would have
to direct their course, south of west, as it is due west from
Rose burg, where Spring lingers in the lap of winter
practically all the time the old man is handy to linger on.
The Chinese Tongs have declared a thirty day armis
tice. Thus do the heathen set an example to their be
nighted Christian brothers in Europe.
Eat Less Meat If Kidneys Feel
Like Lead or Bladder
Bothers You Meat
Forms Uric Acid
Feature No. 6.
'""J. V": V,
Most folks forget tlmt the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish anil clog
ged and need a flushing oci-usionallv.
else we have backache and dull niiserv I
in the kidney region, severe headaches,
rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid
stomach, sleonlessness and :tll sorts of
! bladder disorders.
I Vou simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pa iu in the kidney
region, get about four ounces of .lad
Salts from any good drug store here,
take a tablespnonfiil in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then net fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and is harmless to flesh clogged
kidneys nnd stimulate them to normal
activity. It also neutralizes the acids
in the urine so it no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
.lad Suits is harmless; inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
water drink which everybody should
take now nnd then to keep their kid
neys idean, thus avoiding serious com
plications. A well-known local druggist says he
sells lots of .lad Salts to folks who
believe in overcoming kidney trouble
while it is onlv trouble.
Will Hie Far Away From
the Irresistible Yvonne
What has become of the maidens fair, who pleased the
eyes of the old time swells, who made the dresses they
used to wear, and looked as smooth as the modern belles?
They made their gowns and they made their
hose, they made their hats with a right good
will; they made their quilts and such things
as those, they sewed and darned with the
darnedest skill. They made good bread and
they made good pies, they made good jam
and they made good tarts; their dough
nuts gladdened our weary eyeS, and pilt' 'York. Feb. 25. rrince Miskin-
"111, 1 mu j. 1 !otf, he of the olive complexion, eluico-
new vim in our jaded hearts. They took; llltJ. s,.lts, p,rfmm. ,, j'0eis. irt going
blue ribbons at COUnty fairs, for fragrant j ' far away from entrancing Yvonne
butter in golden rolls; a noble pride in their iTK1" wh istTiS
skill was tneirs out now tney re vanisnect, announced today.
God rest their souls. They're past and gone to the bright- j ,1:113 '7.
er spheres, and no successors they left below; about one against rrinccss Miskinoff. the former
time in a hundred years you'll see a girl who can cook!i(,'r,H-k,'r- f"M"r m""11"' uf
and sew. I like eggs soft and I get them hard, I like teaj Now, savs the prince, he plans to join
strong and I get it weak, the toast is burned and the steakl ClTXTV'i
t i - ...1 .-I 4-r..-tim n if v MMiiYirnin fr rY mif ri y rrr ,
is cnarreu, ami it?ai uic guiiaucnug uu uiji wicca,
.Buiidin? Airship To A CLEAR COMPLEXION
Fly Around the World
an FraneNeo, Feb.
iinMiiiil tlie worm is
Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eyes
Most Women Can Have
Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known
Ohio Physician
!.". An air trip
I., i.l to shut
from here within the next four months.
. w' " v"" " " v I Porter If. Adam-, of Boston, is here to
iler earru nnr Imi- t hvnnr tn nrrnpl.- ni'mi'ii tnnrnh.'l ntnimi i ,..,,.,.i;., ,,r I ' 1 '
It might also get busy and compel England to cease at- y.nn hydroaeroplane in ; T"ei .u-j
. , . i a i ,r,i Dcl.ovd ihoinson ot the Aero eluli of! Durinc tlie-e years he cave to his I
tacking unarmed American ships and taking passengers; America, d ,1,1 w. Douglass ami !uVtSa
illPVpfl'nm Tr. Ifinks JIB thniinh (HIV HHtish nCIPTlhors had';ivr representative probably l.ieiiton- known vegetable ingredients mixed with!
,,,, II. 1!. Douglass, plan to mat;
loreouen uie ma an air ol iolj aim nmicu a lotcune night.
charge nround Mush.
He admitted that the separation suit
is about off, and it is believed that a
formal dismissal will be registere.il to
morrow as Mrs. Crocker, too. is willing
to call it ipiits, now that she has proved
to the prince's satisfaction that she was
not the mother of a child, as he be
lieved, anil that the babe was only
Meantime, Yvonne remains with her
foster mother.
Tom Ordemau. baritone singer famous throughout the J'jicif'ic northwe, and
one of .1. Koss Fargo 's most proinisiiig students, will appear for the Mooso
Hig Xight.
M'r. Ordemau will sing songs that are entirely new to Salem theatre goers,
.ind at the same time will sing by request any song which he so ably ren
dered all last summer when he sang at the park conceits, and was so much
Mr. Ordeinan would now have been either in Paris or Germany finishing bis
studies had it not been for the war, as Mr. Ordemau already had passage re
served for Paris .just as the war broke out.
Mr. Onleman posseses a well trained baritone voice, and sings with the
ease that conies after many years of thorough training.
The Moose committee has ordered special orchestrations for Mr. Ordemiin,
and feel certain that Mr. Ordemau will prove a feature appreciated second to
none on the program of all star cast for the Itig Moose night. The next fea
ture will appear here tomorrow.
Dr. J.O. Van Winkle to
Locate at Jefferson
Or. .1. O. Van Winkle, who has been
practicing in the city for the past five
years, will move with his family to
morrow to Jefferson to take up the
practice of medicine at that place.
The doctor considers this move as aa
opportunity in a professional way as
he will take up tho extensive practice ,
of Dr. VY. Y. Allen of Jefferson who'
goes to Mill City.
Dr. Van Winkle was county physician
in l!)ll filling the unexpired term of 1
' Frank E. Smith. Later he filled for
three years the position of health of
ficer. For the past few years he has
been serving on the 1". S. l.oard of
pension examiners as secretary and isj
at present examining physician for th4
Knights of Maccabees, Ladies of Mac
cabees, Foresters of America, Woodmen
of the World and Hoyal Highlanders."
I He held a chair in the Willamette
I'niversity Medical school during iti
' last year.
; Tho doctor has also been prominent
! ly associated with the Foresters and
i Maccabees, having held all the office
within the gift of these two lodges.
' Mr. and Mrs. Van Winkle have both
been active in the Methodist church in
both church work and musical circles.
During the past winter Mrs. Van Win
kle has been a student of the college
of music of the University,
' They will move to Jefferson tomor
row and the doctor, will at once take
up the established practice of Dr. Allen.
itinerarv given by Adams is:
Smii Francisco to Honolulu. Manila,
China, India. Tort Said. Spain and then
across the Atlantic to Boston.
The air-hip will carry seven passen
gers ami will be 1 feet wide and S;"i
feet long with eight motors.
Woman Stripped and
Waded to Her Death
American born Japanese in Hawaii declared recently
through the president of their society, their loyalty to the
United States, saying: "We must stick to American ideals
even if we should have to fight our parents in case of
war." This is a spirit of patriotism that should shame
some whose great grand parents came to this country.
Sim Vrnnciseo. Feb. '.'.". Life saver
Ornrrnii IimkIu ihn world in nlinnf nvurvtVlino' Ttl TTmi'SI1- of the (iol.len Onto station patrolled the
field it has the largest city in the United States without j j;;;' TlC kII' "St
vnilrnnil rviiiininnirvit ion !irul if tilsn h:is tho nnlv town ! drowned herself last niglit as an auto-
that is the terminus of a railroad that has no wagon road
connecting it with any place, and that is Detroit, up on
the Santiaiu, a lively little city too.
olive oil, naming them Dr. buwanls Olive
Tablets, you will know them by their olive
i color.
i These tablets are wonder-workers on the
i liver and bowels, which cause a normal
j action, carrying off the wasto and poison
! ous matter that one's system collects.
It you liavo a pale lace, sallow look, dull
i eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a
I lisiless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, lu
I active bowels, you lake one of Dr. Edward' a
, Olive Tablets nightly for a time and noia
I the pleasing results.
I Thousands of women, as well as men,
I take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets now and
j then just to keep In the pink of condition.
I Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets, the success
ful substitute for calomel 10c and !5c
per box. All druggists,
i The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O.
Cheap substitutes cost YOU same price.
It may be Salem is to have another railroad added to
its list. The surveyors starting from the electric depot a
few days ago are evidently still going though no one seems
to know in which direction. There is a rumor they were
headed for Stayton, ami they surely cannot find a better
little city to steer for.
;' The Portuguese have gone far toward getting into tho
.European long war. lheir deliberate act in ta
"possession of Austrian and German ships interned in
their harbors, practically an open act of war, shows, that
the latter half of their national name is appropriate.
Three weeks ago all the talk was about snow and the
winter of "steen something," but for the last week
Saleniites have been making garden, while violets, jon
quils and other early flowers are proving Spring has trip
ped one trip up this way.
Negro Woman Holds Up
Salem Testimony Eemains Unshaken.
Time is tho best test of truth. Here
is a Salem story that has stood the test
of time. It is a story with a point
will come straight home to many of us.j
P. W. Brown, farmer, 13119 State St., ?
Salem, says: "Three years of mill
wright work in a damp atmosphere dis-j
ordered my kidneys. I often ban lame-
ness and soreness across the small of
my back. When having an attack, I
heard of Poaa's Kidney Pills and got
a supply. They removed the backache
and soreness, together with othc.- symp-;
toms of kidnev trouble." (Statement
given Jan. 31, 7006). After a lapse of
more than six years, Mr. Brown said : i
"All I said recommending Poan's Kid-:
neys Pills when I publicly endorsed
them before, holds good. I usi them
occasionally when I have symptoms of
fail to;
mobile partv looked on
It was her second attempt within the
week. Calmly stripping off her clothes,
while the autoists thought she was
merelv preparing for bathing, she wa-
ed out until the waves engulfed her. j
The watchers realized arter a time that I
it was a trage.lv thev had watched, and
mi tins uoinoiuiion, .Martin Mitne
igned fr her deed. ""'I'l'dl a negro woman as he ,.. Urown has twice publicly recoup
j . , "sing - aiit y .iisr j tueuded., Foster-Milbum Co., Props
TO GET LIFE SENTENCE !"''! '""'l' ""' 11 '"tig. wicked look- j iff.,,,, N-. y. -
nK hunting kuite in the hand of the; , ,
Baker. Ore.. Feb. io.-James Me- ,V,''".,J11' In r Tt !
Comb will be sentenced to life imprison-! ' "' lvn the alley." saul the fe- fcemian tOaimerCe ftailier
meat tomorrow for killing Leonard , ""-" -"r. mm uner ooeyeu. in
Con!, his cousin, November Is. After":" !''"''"ci nis pocheis, ger
deliberating J.'i minutes jurv last ' '"'p ,J- Sl,,,,,T .notified the police
told the police.
aii reason is
I knliiev cnniiilnint mm T never
Tienmi Mon ' tret quick relief. Another of the family
umi nvoo loviuia muhail u,s0 11S(1(1 Doan.g Ki(llicv rilu for
j kidney weakness and has had the best
Taconia, Wnsli., l'eli. 25 "Yon holler I of results."
and this here knife goes into your meat. Price 30c, at nil dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for n kidney remedy get
I loan's Kidnev Pills the same that
night convicted McComb.
' ed insauitv.
had plead-
and they arrested Annie Nash.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18G8
CAPITAL ... . . . $300,000.00
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit BoxcS
The case of Mnvor (till of Seittli is
Anibassuilor (iornr.l broke his collar further evidence that when an official
bone while skiing in (iermany, lull his t stands w ith the iieotde thev w ill sticx
Prowling Along Coast;
Mi;:iin- miimi'itiiV'l.
1 tv h i mi.
Backache, Swelling of Hands and Feet
Dear Kditor: were in nnd out of bed half a dozen
1 appeal to those of T"ur readers who times at night) are appreciating the
are bothered with backache and a con- perfect rest, comfort and new strength
stunt tired, feelings to (rive "Anuric'' they obtained from Pr. Pierce's An
a trial. It is a remedy recently discov- uric Tablets. Ta prove that this is x
ered by Dr. Pierce of the Invalids' Ho- certain uric nei.l solvent- and conquers
tel. Buffalo. X. Y. I suffered from headache, kidnev and bladder diseases
back icue, swelling of hand and feet, and rheumatism', if vou've never used
too frequent excretion from the kid; the "Anuric." cut this out and send
neys ana mnnv other symptoms, was ten cents to Doctor Pierce for a large
; uuHble. to work, but after taking ,inst Ininplo p.ickiige. This will prove to
one box of 'Anuric" according to di- you that "Anuric" is thirtv-seven
lections I am again able to perform times moro active than lithia iii elim-
my uaiiy antics. muting one aei.l and the most
(Signed) V. K. BH-VY. Ifect kidney and bladder corrector,
; you are a sutterer. iro to vnur limr
Xnte: Folks in town and adjoining druggist and ask for a 30-cent box of
counties are delighted with the results "Anuric." You run no rik for Dr.
they have obtained by using "AN- Pierce's good name st inds behind this
I'KIC," tue newest discovery of Dr. wonderful new- discoverv as it has for
Pierce, who i hea l of the Invalids' the past half century for his "Oolden
Hotel and Surgical Institute, iu Buf fa- Medical Discovery," a general tonic
lo, X", Y. Those who started the day 'made from root . with pure glveerine
with a backache, stiff legs, arms and which makes tiie blood pure, his "Pa-
muscles, an I an .idling head (worn out vortte Prescription" for weak women
bet ore tho day began because they and "Pleasant Pellets'' for liver ills.1
Xew Y'ork, Feb. 25. A German com
merce raider is prowling along the Uni
ted States const, acemdiag to a wireless
message the Italian liner Cmiseppo Ver
di receied before arriving1 here today
from Genoa,
Captain Maggi said that a Canadian
wireless station sent out the warning
two days ago, presumably intending it
for British essels entering or leaving
American ports.
The Verdi carries two three-inch guns
in keeping with the Italian policy of
arming merchantmen, and it is expected
she will keep them when whe sails out
of here.
Military Training To Be
Available for the Young
Washington, Feb. 23. Persons not de
sirous of entering the militia, or too
If j young to do so, will be enabled to gain
military training if provisions lo he in
cluded in the senate military bill be
come law.
The committee proposes n system
whereby arniv officers ind government
training would he used iu drills in high
schools, universities, patriotic societies
and olontecr organisations.
The Wyoming plan of preparing
school hovs in military lines will he
ThelQuick Way
The Safe Way
Ch icago
and the EAST
is via
The cost is but slightly higher
via the Southern routes. The
limit of tickets is longer al
lowing liberal stopovers.
Four Trains Daily
from San Francisco
to C h i c a g o Over
land Limited Pacific
Limited San Fran
cisco Limited Over
land Express.
Through standard and tourist
sleeping cars to Denver, Oma
ha, St. Louis, Kansas City and
Chicago. Observation curs on
all limited trains.
Ask your local agent or write
John M. Scott. Gen. Pass Agent,
Portland, Ore.
Ogden Route
Always Watch ThU:Ad Changes Often
i t f .ttttttttttM
Strictly correct weight, square deal and highest prices for a!! kinds of
juiiK, metal, rubber, hides and furs. I pay 2UC per pound for old was.
nig siock or an sizes second hand incubators. All kinds corrugated
iron for both roofs and buiUiiiu?. Eoofing rafer and second hand
H. Steinback Junk Co.
The House of Half a Million Bargains.
S02 North Commercial St.
Fiona 803