(c (C rife 5C )(C JC fc ifc 5t 3(( FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES rrti CIRCULATION IS rwvTt T1ATT.Y ' THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1916 nnTPT? rmvn n?lUT(J ON TRAINS AND NEW rKICrj TWO LJ&Nlo stands ftve cents off fl.f? final f S-r" 1 fll 11 s J II i I -Bl If LI j-r. II II '1 II IP I II II II iS HARVEST OF DEATH IS SHOWING HEAVY YIELD German Crown Prince Within Two Miles of Coveted Goal Distorted Comses Pile Battlefield While River of Wound- ed Flows to Rear-Manv Towns and 10.009 Prisn ;rs Caottired bv Germans French Claim German Ad ice I Is Checked Mre Takes Command London, Feb. 25. Though Paris officially report . to day that the violence of the German drive against V dun was diminishing, the Berlin-official announcement i d of capture of six more villages, and thousands of prisoners along an eight mile front before the city. At some points, the German crown prince's men are within two miles of their coveted goal. Not only have the French wings been driven back but the center, too, has been forced to a point within six miles of the city. It is a trail of blood the Germans are leaving. Dis torted corpses of the best fighters of France and Germany and thousands of wounded are the battle's harvest. Ber lin said the French losses had been particularly heavy and that the Germans lost only what might be expected from the magnitude of the struggle. . The Paris communique, while claiming to have checked the Teutons for the time being, virtually admitted, as Berlin said, that the Germans had taken Champ Neuville, Beaumont, Ornes and the farms and villages between, in cluding Cottellette, Marmont and Chambrettes. General Joff re, French commander in chief, has taken personal direction of the French defense. Paris hails this enthusiastically, as meaning a sure turn of fortunes. The apparent contradiction in the official statements Paris telling of a check and a lull in the infantry and artillery battling and Berlin reporting fresh gains was probably due to the fact that the Paris statement is later. The Berlin statement probably covered events of the early night after which, as Paris said, there were no infantry attacks. In addition to revealing appalling losses, Berlin claimed 10,000 prisoners had already been taken, together with much booty. Uudon, Feb. 2.1. The French are cneiliing the Genu in crown prince's drive against Verdun and apparently are holding their own except at a few minor points, a special dispatch from I'mis today declared. in capturing Siungneux and other po sitions to the easlw.ml, the (iermans placed themselves within two miles of the tort at Houainont and within easy ui.ige of Tavennes and Vaux. The guns of these positions, however, arc report ed tr lined on the attaching forces while at the same time a perilous fire Is di rected from French field redoubts and Mil va need trenches. The report check may be only tem porary, however, for the Verdun drive is the greatest Teuton offensive since the Mame defeat. The human sacrific es of the past few days, couple with the reported order of a German corps colu mn n. lor saying the (Iermans are bent upon their "last offensive in France," indicates th.it the Teutons may be pre pared to press their victories to a cap ture or Verdun at tiny price. Meanwhile Paris manifests supreme colli ideui-c in tiie outcome. The French believe the Verdun offensive must fail because of its enormous cost in human life. For some weeks they have been aware of the Cciimiu preparations, .ind in the imautime have not been idle. Airmen kept watch of building of supply rail roads for reinfoicing and sending muni Me Aba Martin Ther hain't nothiu' a knocker likes belter than th' society of another Knni-ker. Th' richer folks are th' great er s iniethin' fer nothin' seems t' np-I-iti I t' 'em. i NOT" - Qu . 3 tions to Verdun. All possible informa tion was gathered, so that the French knew in advance with what they had to contend. Battles between Airmen and bomb at tacks against artillery positions have been constant over the battlefield. The French- now are aligned in an effort to prevent the Teutons from closing in on Verdun from positions six to eight miles distant. Offence is Slackening. Paris, Feb. 25. The offensive o Gar ni a ti Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm against Verdun shows signs of slacken ing, the war office announced this i ernoon. There were no attacks last night and the artillery firing was less violent. The French artillery is now holding its own along the 25 mile trout before Verdun and there is every indication that the giant Teuton offensive t been checked temporarily at least. The French are organizing new posi tions behind Beaumont and the heu east of C'hampneuville, south of Ornes, and not tar from erdun. taking ad vantage of the lull in the infantry at tacks, they are preparing to meet tlie expected renewal of the drive. Blizzards Hamper Russians. retrograd, Feb. 25. Blizzards are partially thwarting the Russian pursuit of Turks driven from Erzerum when thut city fell. The Slav right wing, however, is approaching Rizch, east of Trebizond. Tho Russians have dislodged the Turks from fortifications nt Bideswiu and the Sakhne mountaiu passes. The Turks are retreating toward Herman sah. Moewe Raids South Atlantic. Teneriffe, Feb. 25 The German com merce raider Moewe harrnssed British Commerce off South America between January Hi and February 11. according to the captain of our of the victims which arrived here today. The Muewe has been reported to be the raider which captured the African liner Appnm, recently taken into New port News. W. Va., as a prize. It was thought, too, she was responsible for taking the British atenmer Wcstburn. which was brought into the Canaries this week ond later taken out within the three mile limit and scuttled. The. captain said that the where about of the Moewe had been a mystery but that between the dates mentioned she had cruised between South Amer ica and the Brazilinn island of Fernan do De Noronha. The Muewe encountered the 4.00H ton British steamer Flamenco while the lat ter was heading for Valparaiso. This vessel attempted to escape and w ireless ed for help, but she was overtaken and (Coatinu4 ea Page Three.) WAR NEWS OF ONE YEAR AGO TODAY The Franco-British fleet bom barded the Dardanelles forts, demolishing many on both sides of the straits. The Germans opened a direct line into War saw by capturing the strategic point city of Przasnysz. SllflffP (lHliVVaV flvPlTlliP? Demurrer Case Must Be Tried On Merits The Albany Democrat yesterday had the following court proceedings in the Hyde land fraud case: in department Xo. 2 of the circuit court this morning Judge Win. Gallo way nude his decision overruling the demurrer of the defendants in the case of the state of Oregon vs. F. A. Hyde. A. S. Baldwin et al to recover title to some 47,000 acres of timber land. The defudaut demurred to the complaint, holding that the V. S. government should have been made a party to the suit and that action should h.ive been started sooner. n his decision Judge Gallowav held that the government was not a party to the suit on account of the fact that the suit was over state lands and held to the contention that the case was filed in on i t as soon as possible on account of the papers in the case being held by the government prosecutors in Washington from 1IHI4 to 1012. The first complaint was filed by-ex-Attorney General A. M. Crawford, on November 20, 1014, and a supplement ary complaint was filed by Attorney General Geo. Brown Jaiiuuv 12, 1010, to compel defendants to return to t In state over 34,000 acres of school lands. The complaint states that F. A. Hyde, ex timeber promoter of San Francisco, with his associates in llW-0!t secured title to some 47,000 acres of school laud in Linn, Lane, Klamath, J.icksoii, Clack amas, Hood River and Crook counties. Kntries were, made through 110 dummy entryinen, most of whom were real per sons, but .13 of whom were fictitious. The land in valued at $."OU,000. Arter a trial lasting tour years Ilydo was convicted by a federal "grind jury in Washington, I). C. in l'MH, ami he was convicted the same year to serve 18 niontns in prison. .1. Ji. Snyder was convicted with Hyde, and J. A. Benson and Henry Diamond were admitted. After securing patents to these lands Hyde and his associates .isked to be al lowed to exchange them for lieu lands in the Cascade forest. Some 10,000 acres have since been transferred, and these tne uereniiants will havo to gie an ac counting for. Hvde went to the ex tent of bribing government officials, ami even causing forest reserves to be created to servo his own purposes. He secured t.)U,000 acres in California. Bv Judge Galloway's decision todav defendants were given 20 davs in which to answer and plaintiff 10 days more in which io me reply. Those Who Have Paid Money to Blackmailers Will Have to Tell About It Seattle, Wash., Feb. 25. Assurance that all the wealthy alleged victims of the Seattle "badger" gang will be called os witnesses when the ease against Louis P. Sichler, Mrs. Isabel Clayburg and Miss Lillian Peterson comes to trial here, was given today by Prosecutor Alfred Liindin. A - new complaint against the two men and Sichler is being filed in super ior court by Lundin today, in which is charged conspiracy to blackmail a wealthy mining promoter "and others" between April 1, 1914, and April 1. 1IM5. "Mrs. Clayburg will be extradited on that charge," said Lundin, "as well as Miss Peterson, if she is apprehended." Photos of the alleged victims, all of whom are wealthy and prominent, will be used as evidence, according to Lundin. The pictures are said to show (he men in compromising situations. "I have evidence," said Sheriff Hodge today, "that one of the women involved in the alleged blackmailing is now collecting the rentals of a wealthy apartment house owner here, who, I am told, hurried to Los Angeles im mediately after the story was made public," LABOR LEADERS ARRESTED Washington, Feb. 25. Refusing to give $5,000 bnil when I'nited States Commissioner Taylor held that they must answer Tuesday in New York to an indictment charging conspiracy in the labors National Peace Council case, ex Representative Fowler, Herman Seh ul tera and Henry Martin were ar-rc-ted today. SENT TOJFHE PACIFIC Admiral Winslow Against It, But Would Provide More Navy Yards Washington, Feb. 23. Transfer of re serve ships of the Atlantic fleet to the Pacific coast was suggested by Repre sentative Stephens of California to the house naval committee todav. Admiral Winslow, Pacific fleet commander, said, however, that this is inadvisable at present and he expressed the desire that Atlantic fleet be kept intact He wn'j in favor of improving navy yard facilities on the Pacific coast and he thought the Puget Sound yard should be better prepnred, though he regarded it as questionable whether the nation should spend money on the Mare Island yard,. "Wouldn 't you favor sending a board of officers to the coast to locate a new vard, if one is established?" asked Stephens. "Yim." answered the admiral. Winslow said that 48 submarines for the Pacific e"6ast( would not be exces sive, and he counselled construction of larger tvpes than, now are used. He did not believe that the Mare Is land yard could ,be developed into a first class yard, nj when it was selected "there was no iij-a of the large ships we would build eventually." Winslow- declared the American navy is not efficient aid that it will not be unless the promotion system ir based upon selection instead of seniority, F.x perts, he said, tirl too old when they reach responsible (positions. L Immigration Worker Would Have Children Handled More Intelligently San Francisco, Feb. 25. More intel ligent handling of immigrant childien in the schools and the preparation for reception of an immense immigrant horde following the European war are two problems this country should ex amine more closely, believes Mary An tin, famous immigration worker and au thor, who arrived in San Francisco to day. Miss Antin came to America an im migrant. -She fought her way to the top ,and for years has been an advo cate of immigration reforms. "The public should realize that ev ery third person in this country is eith er foreign born, or born of foreign pa rents," she remarked. "Three millions cannot speak the English language, and twice that num ber cannot read it. After the war, mil lions more, sickened by the war hor rors, will seo in America a new haven of rest. "Let us start with the American school system. The method of educating the children of immigrants is old fash- UJ ' Tonohnra do tint ncfinnilit these , . , , , people with the fundamental pnnci - pies of American government. Thcyu, slioulil lie better irainea ior iniwiigeiii itizenshin. Memorizing preambles of the constitution will never do it The educators should discuss personally and simply the value of freedom, of the bal lot and tho necessity of looking into various issues and election questions." SLIGHT EARTHQUAKE FELT T.onir Beach, Cal., Feb. 25. Residents of the eastern part of Long Beach felt about a dozen short earthquake shocks between 8:.'!0 nnd 9 o'clock this morning which rattled doors, windows and dishes. No damage has been reported. Each 'shock was of about five seconds duration. RETIRED BANKER IS KILLED BY IN WIFE'S PRESENCE Han Jose, f "al., Pel). 2.1. Fighting with a burglar in the dark of his home today, George A. Jones, iged 70, a wealthv retired banker, was atabbed to death while Mrs. Jonea groped in the room for her husband, flunking he was suffering from a nightmare. Tho woman, aroused from her sleep in a room adjoining her husband's, heard a noise in the kitchen. Xhe be lieved her husliind had wandered there as he previously had suffered from nightmares and somnambulism. Hhe stretched forth her hand, ondjOiily to tic felled with a knife, touched her husband. Horrified, she; Jones leaves two sisters, Mrs. T, found he was struggling with a burglar. She ran from the house, screaming, summoned ,T. Y. Otto, a neighbor, and returned to find her husband dying on the floor and the burglir gone. There werf five knife wounds on his body.! search for the murderer and a ive no His .jugular vein hail ben hacked, and , titied other cities and towns to be on his noe was split ulmost to the mouth.) the watch for him. PROTEST IS SENT ENGLAND Washington, Feb. 25 A pro test against British seizure of Germans from the China Mail liner China, (American), while en route from China to San Francisco, was forwarded by the state department to Eng land today. $ Five Heavy Packages of Reg istered Mail Taken, Value of Which Is Unknown Tnsoma, Wnsh., Feb. 25. That the bandits who held up and robbed North- .1ai-ific passenger train No. 2 near Covington last night, probably escaped in an automobile following the rob bery was indicated early today by re ports coining from the train crew, who snid that half an hour after, the robbers disappeared in the forest on nutomnliile going nt high speed toward Seattle passed the train. The machine came from the direction of Ravensdule and it was believed the car had been wait ing to pick up the bandits when they finished their work. What booty, if any, was obtained by the robbers is not known nt this time. Five heavy packages of registered mail including mail from tne Orient thnt was being forwarded to New York, was tak en, according to latest information. Postoffice officials hero 'say they di not know the contents of the foreign pouches, each of which weighed "' pounds and mny have contained pack ages of great value. The express safe withstood the efforts of the men tr dvnnniite it. Northern Express Agent W. W. Ward said todny that there was little monev in the express safe. The bandits boarded the train nt F Auburn, crawled over the tender and flashed liirhts in the faces of Engineer Moore and Fireman Wright. T'" backed up their orders with large revol vers. Both were masked. , Monro was commanded to "set the air" and cut off his. headlight. He was held on the locomotive 'while Writ' was forced to uncouple the mail and ex press cars. Then Moore was ordered, to go ahead. About n mile and n half up the track the engineer was commanded to stop, and open the bapirnge ear door. This ho refused to do. The men then fired several shots over the head of the express clerk inside. He finally opened the door nnd admitted one of the bandits. The engine was then driven within o mile nnd a half of Havensdale. where the attempt was made to blow the safe, and where the mail poncho? were rifled. Within a half hour after the t r : was held up, news of the robbery was given, by Flagman Berd, who escaped from the robbers nnd to Covington where he gave the alarm. Pomes from various nearby towns were soon out on the trail of the robbers and it is thought the posses will be able to cut off every avenue of escape. Made Rich Haul. Tacomn, Wash., Feb. 2.". More than ". " ! J 1 ' ' $0,000 in negotiable paper and regis- I'ereii mail sent trom lacomn .ilono was , . . , ... . . ,, ea(,,,onn(, North Coaat Limited of tiie Northern Pacific railroad near Cov ington and rilled mail pouches, it was le.imed hero todav. Dr. I). H. Bell told the postoffice of ficials that in one of the sacks of mail taken was $4,000 worth of negotiable certificates nt deposit that he had sent to a bank nt Kenmire, North Dakota. It is reported that $.'100 worth of bond coupons, sent by a local bank, were in one ol the stolen pouches. B. C. Blanehard, general manager of the Pacific division of the Northern Pacific railroid said nt noon today that no word hnd been received from the company's special agents who oie out with tho posses searching for the ban dits. BURGLAR State Kcnator II. C. Jones nnd a doc tor hurried to tho house, but Jones was dead before then. Behind tiie house, officers later found a trail of blood leading sever U blocks to a prominent street, indicating that Jones had suc ceeding in wounding his assailant. In the kitchen, blood was spattered over the entire room. The police theory is that o burglar, gaining entry in soino strange way, aroused Jones. The latter, without wiiting to light a lamp hurried to the kitchen and grnpled with tho intruder, K. Kolsom of Palo Alto and Mrs. Phoebe Clnngh, of l.viin, Massachusetts, and a nephew who has been summoned from Palo Alto. Police and depu .es are conducting n WILSON ID CONGRESS CLASH OVER "WARNING" President Tells Conferees He Will Not Budge From His Position of Insisting Germany Recognize Every Amer ican Right-Speaker Clark Tells Him the House Is Over- -whelmingly In Favor of Warning-Gore Introduces Bill Making It Illegal for. Americans to Travel On Erased Merchant Ships Washington, Feb. 25. Arguments of house conferees on the German situation failed to swerve President Wilson today from his stand that the German armed merchantman decree transgresses international law and that Americans ought not to be warned from such vessels. After nearly an hour's session with Speaker Clark, Majority Leader Kitchin and Chairman Flood of the house foreign committee, there was still a disagreement be tween the president and congress as to the decree. The upshot of the session, however, was no action was to be taken by congress today at least. President Wilson emphatically told the conferees that he would not budge from his plan of insisting that Ger many recognize every American right. Just as positively, Speaker Clark replied that the house is overwhelmingly in favor of issuing a warning. For the present, the house will take no action, the con ferees said. It is not believed that members will evolve their decision before next week. In the interval Ger many's reply to the American position will undoubtedly be at hand, so that the president will have an oppor tunity to determine his further action, which undoubtedly will have a bearing on the position congress takes. In leaving the conference, Speaker Clark, besieged by newspapermen said: "I told the president what the sentiment of the house is. Senator Stone's letter and the president's reply are the last word on both sides of the question. When the house members read these letters, they will determine what the situation is." . While the conferees admitted that neither side had succeeded in changing the convictions of the other, they said they had promised the president their utmost sup port in preventing summary action on the part of the house. Upon reaching his office nt the cap itol, Speaker Clark elaborated his pre vious statement, saying: "There is a rumor that Germans will postpone operations of their decree to the middle of March or the first of April. I am just gassing at this, but if it is true, it will give more time for consideration. If they postpono it think the whole matter, as far as the house is concerned, will remnin in statu quo. "The sum and sbstnnce of tho con ference, outside of explaining the tem per of the house and much arguing on both sides, is that the situation is fully set out in the two letters. We ex plained how the Iiouhc fecln. We told the president that a warning would carry in the house by two to one if it came to a vote. Some snv it would carry by three to one. "There was a great deal of talk about international law and precedent which it is not necessary to repeat. President Wilson stands on his letter to Senator Stone, as I sec it. The warning resolution will not conio up to day. Some one might try to obtain unanimous consent, but, of course, there would be numerous objections." Major Leader Kitchen said that mat ters remained in statu quo and that ho picferred to let Speaker Clark talk of the melting. Following the conference, nn impor tant session of the cnbinet was sched uled to consider the German problem. Senator Stone's View. Sdiiior Stone's announcing his view that a warning should be issued to Americans not to travel on armed mer chantmen elicited another letter from the president Inst night in which he u 1'iered to the decision, that, while he nrnnl.l ri-i- In miiintnin nence. he would do so only if the honor of America was upheld. Stone announced, nowever, mi his, letter thnt he would try to prevent an outbreak in congress on the subject of issuing a warning. The Stone letter followed a reported disngre. ment between him and Yrf den Wilson in their Monday night con ference. Stone snid he revealed the president's position Insofar as he rould without violating confidence. This posi tion sho-ved the pesidcut to be firml for insistence upon tho opponents of Amerirnns to travel on armed ships. The President a Position. Tn reply the president said in part: "No nation or croup of nntlons has the right while the war is in progress f nlttti- nr iliri-ffnrit the tirincirdes i which nil nations have agreed upon in mitigation of the horrors and sutrenngs nf ttriir- niwt !f the clenr riihts of Am- erienn citizens should ever unhappily be abridged or uenien ny any sucii ac tion, we should, it seems to me, linvc in honor no choice ns to what onr own course should be." At the same time, he declared he had no reason to question the Rood faith of the central powers in past negotiation's, nnd "I for one feel con fident thnt wo shall have none in the future." "While declaring that the armed mer chantman decreo seemed for the pres ent to offer insuperuWe obstacles, ho voiced the opinion "thnt explanations will presently ensue which will put a different aspect oa it." Chnirman Flood, like Speaker Clartc, said he hnd heard "rumors" that ope ration of the decree would be post poned. "The situation is hopeful," he saitl. "I am dure there will be no action ir tho house today." The state department said, however, that it hnd received nothing to justify rumors of a postponement. Henretitrv of Mat I.nnsing went to the White House for a 10 minute talk with th president in advance of the cabinet meeting. Oore Insists on Warning. Washington, Feb. 25. Tmmediatelv npon the convening of the senato to day. Senator Gore introduced his bill making it illegnl for Americans to travel upon armed vessels during th war, and also a resolution providing" for a warning to them to refrain from anch travel. A resolution by Senator .Tones of Washington requesting President Wil son not to sever diplomatic relation with any nntinn and not to place Am erica in a position where she conld not honoroably avoid war, was tabled. After a two hour session, the eabint declared itself solidlv behind the presi dent, and resolved not to close the I.us- H'n tinned nn P Thri THE WEATHER f fWJrTTOHA KJ Oregon: Fair tiuiigtht and Saturday; north easterly winds.