THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23, 1916, r TWO There is a Real Difference Cream of tartar, derived from grapes, is used in Royal Baking Pov-drr because it is the best and most healthful ingredient known for the purpose. Phosphate and alum, which are de rived from mineral sources, are used in Eome baking powders, instead of cream of tartar, because they are cheaper. If you have been induced to use baking powders made from alum or phosphate, use Royal Baking Powder instead. You will be pleased with the results and the difference in the quality of the food. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York SOCIETY ALINE THOMPSON Charming in every detail was the Kensington for which Mrs. Henry K. Merwin was hostess yesterday. All the attractive appointments were in keep ing with the sentiment of the day. Tho guests included 1 eoterie of matrons of the Oaks addition. Alout twelve guests gathered for a delightfully informal tea with Mrs. Guy Current as hostess Monday nftcrnoon. Wossoms and joyous mess igcs of e on- gratulntion are pouring in to Mr. un.l Mrs. U. (J. Shipley's home on the advent of a baby daughter born this morning. A erowd of young people gathered at the homo of Miss Agnes Gregson last evening and formed a h.iy rack party. They enjoyed a jolly ride to the resi . denco of Mrs. A. N.Lnbare on tho Sil vwton road. liames and other diversions rounded; out a gay evening for tho young folks lie-fore their return to town. Those participating in tho gnyeties besides Miss Gregson were: Misses Marie Lathy, Avcril Harris, Hlanche Drake, Kmma Minton, Winnie Biker, Ha.el Roberts, Marjnrie Minton, Kthel Jrizier, Madge Bailey, Kuth Aspinwall mid Messrs. Joe Minton, Will Chitick, Mr. l'eterson, Lynn Ijiwnsborry, Vern ' ou Kloster, Trwin Mi'.Inttvre, Adolph Hpioce, Dwight Kloster, Iiryant Conn crt Mauldeon. i About thirty-eight young people who a.-e members of the First Methodist riturch Sunday school classes were en tertained recently at the home of Mrs. Jl. V. West on North Church street. Music and games rounded out i mer ry time and refreshments were served. The rooms were prettily decorated with eupids and hearts. This is the thiid of a series of parties to bo given for the classes by the committee which is ruiuposed of Mrs. West, Mrs. K. E. 1'i.shor, Mrs. Falkner, Mrs. It. R. Jones, Mrs. I'arounaginn ami Mrs. A. E. Hunt. Mrs. George Gray asked n group of Younger m.itrons and maids tor a chat tiling informal tea yesterday in hon or of Miss Agnes McLaughlin, of Port land, who is the house guest of Mrs. John Minto. A charming informal bridge was pro dded over by Mrs. K. N. Gillinghain Tuesday afternoon. Guests circled three tallies ot tho game. Mrs. Susie Junes was awarded the liigb xr.ore fivor. Mis. J'. W, ('ox was hostess Mondnv evening for a five hundred party at Jier home on iSoith Wjnter street The affair was planned lor the ladies if trie "Mangold club anil their hun bands. Guests circled seven tables of cards Airs. Cox was assisted by Mrs. 11. St. Helens .ind Mrs. Frank Sclirnm. The rooms were prettily ndorned with George Washington decoration, nnd na tional eclrs. - Mrs. Charles Grav has gone to Eu ;ent where she will resume, iier duties us diaperone tor (he Chi Omega Soror ioty inn ids, D An enjoyable time was had at the meeting ot tho Women's Relief Coins Saturday at the Moose hall. A Unioln programme was given consist ing of patriotic songs nnd all sentiments t the occkslon. The veterans added 11. u h to the .ensure of the affair by lueir interesting talks. Mrs. Marv I SUFFERED FROM LAME BACK, WEAK KIDNEYS AND DIZZINESS Dear Editor: Ijtst winter I suffered terribly from lame back, weak kidneys and dii.inesa, and uric acid in the blood caused rheu matic pains. I sent to Dr. Fierce of Kuffnlo, N. Y., for his new remedy, "Anurie." Ab soon as tho box of tab let came by mail I commenced taking them, and reaped untold good from their use. (Signed) MRS. KATE THOMPSON. Koto: This "Anurie" is adapted es pecially for kidney complaint and dis eases arising from disorders of the kidneys and bladder, such as backache, weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, eonges tioa of the kidneys, Inflammation of th bladder, scalding urine and urinary troubles. The physicians and special ists at Ir. Fierce 's great Institution, in Ituffalo, N. Y., have thoroughly tested this prescription and have been with one accord successful in eradicating W.ttson, patrif tie instructor had charge of the programme. Mis. Etfie Wriaht entertained the nicinbeis of Hie Junior I). I'. M. Sun day school class of the Jason Lee chinch, Saturday. A brief business session proceeded social afternoon and refreshments. Mis. Terry 11. Raymond entertained at nn reception last evening in ecinplnneut to Mrs. Sarah A. fcv ans, of l'ortland, tormer president of th.i uregon Federation of W)iincnj'e (Tubs. The Woman's alliance of tho Uni tarian church will meet Friday at the hoim of Mrs. C. S. Haniilton. All liicin- bers arc cordiallv invited. . - Tho La Area club members will give the second of a series of jolly dancing parties tonight at the Moose lull. The Ladies' Aid society of the W. R. ('. will meet Thursday afternoon nt the residence of Airs. Henry Schot, r. street. A good attendance is desired Tho pupils of Miss Joy Turner will give a violin and piano lhurs day evening at the college of music Archie H. Chase, a pleasing baritone soloist, who is a pupil ot Dr. Chnce, win assist Miss 1 urncr. Throw Off Colds and Prevent Grip. When yon feel a cold coming on, take LAXATIVE HROMO QUININE. It re moves cause of ('olds and Grip. Only Ono "DHOMO yUJNINK." K. W. (ROVE'S signature on box, 2i5e. PERSONALS J It. Browne is in the city from Turner. Fred S. Lamport is in Dallas on legal business. G. White, of Falls City, was in Sa lem yesterday. J. Feuen.itin, of Albany, registered at the Hligh yesterday. J. I'. Johnson, of Corvaliis, is in the city visiting relatives. 11. II. Turner left this morning for Los Angeles on business. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Hunt went to I'm timid this morning on the Oregon Klectric. Mm. J. G. Tddings, of Woiidburn, is in the city, visiting at, the hemic of he son, J. Fred lildings. F. R. Richie, traveling passenger agent of the Northern Pacific railroad is in the city en company business. William Maedcr, until recently pian ist at Ye Liberty, is in Lebanon" for an indefinite visit, for the benefit of his 1 health. Mr. and Airs. Samuel Mountain will leave tomorrow for Portland, where they will make their home. Mr. Moun tain is associated with the Salem Cnn ninar company, and has been transferred to l'ortland. Dr. A. I. Hutchinson, of l'ortland, an evangelist of the 1'reshyterian church, wiil come to Salem March N, to begin a series of meetings at the First I'rcsbv terian church. Those who lived in the city 2(1 years ago will remember him n the pastor of the First Vresbyterinn church for several years. For the last 10 years he has been engaged in evan gelist ie work. these troubles, and in most cases abso lutely curing the diseased kidneys. Patients having once used "Anui" at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, hnve repeatedly sent back for more. Such a demand has been created that Dr. Pierce has declared tu put "Anurie" iu the drug stores of this country, in a ready to use form. If not obtainable, send one dime by mail to Dr. Pierce for trial package, or 50 cents for full treatment. Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery is a blood cleanser and alternative that starts the liver and stomach into vigorous action. It thtm assists in mak ing rich, red blood, which feeds the heart, nerves, brain and all organs of the body. You feel clean, strong and strenuous instead of tired, weak, and "alliu." COAST IS HELPLESS Panama Canal Not To Be De pended On, Wants Fleet For Pacific Coast Washington, Feb. 23. The helpless ness of the Pacific coast, due to inabil ity of a fleet to pass through the slide blocked Panama canal, was disclosed to the house naval committee today by Representatiee Stephens of California. He churned that the navy discriminated ag.iinst the west coast, leaving only an obsolete liattiesnip, a uozen cruisers oi the third class and a few submarines to guard it against possible danger. Creation of a second fleet, suffi ciently strong to control the Pacific, was counselled by Admiral Hadger of the navy board. "I favor another fleet large enough to dominate t lie Pacific, and superior to the fleet of any possible opponent, ha said. "We must have two fleets to adequately dereud both coasts. It has been the policy of the general board to keep the fleet in the Atlantic so that its whole strength would be int.iaet." As for the Panama canal situation, he declared: "We had supposed that the canal would make it easier for the fleet to reach the Pacific ocean, but it has not .lone so vet. Representative Rrittou, of Illinois, in terposed with the question, "Was the general board advised a year ago oi strained relations with Japan so it could properly place the fleet f" " I do not know, as 1 was not a mem ber then," replied the admiral. 11' .mother fleet were to be construct ed, Hadger said that it would make necessary creation of more facilities for buildinir and repair than now exist. In this connection, he declared that the Mare Island yard in California could not Uke care of the biggest ships at high tide. WILLAMETTE NOTES The Webstorian Literary society have an interesting program scheduled for this evening to which visitors are cor dially welcomed. The program is as fol lows: "Islands of the Mid Pacific. "Wil lis Bartlett. "Original Story." Wesley Ham mond. ' ' Hyptnotism. " Gus Anderson. "Great Women's Daughters." Lloyd Uaight. "The Poorest Professor." f "The Amateur Athletic Union." Don Randal. " U. of California Summer School." Ray Metealf. Parliamentary Practice. Karl Flcgel, presiding. The Philodoriau program for this ev ening is as follows: vocal solo Carl Reetz. "The President's Cabinet. "Worn er. "Preparedness Acts. "Arnold Gra lapp. "Diplomatic. Relations." Robert Maulden. "Roosevelt and tho Republicans." ("has. Randal. Extemporaneous talks, by members called on by tho president. At the fnculty meeting held Monday it was decided that hereafter Dr. Don ey should conduct th chapel service insicnu or naving laemty members lend chapel. Consequently c'hnpel was tak- eu charge of by President Doncy thin morning aim tie delivered a forceful talk on the three types of people. First, those who advocate a cause with loudness are usually untrue and have n spirit of unfairness and are us ually prejudiced. Second, the fair minded, sane, judi cious people who are conservative and desirous of seeing fair play, they be lieve in giving the truth u chance to spread it-self if it can, but do not ally themselves with the movement. Third, those who attach themselves zealously to a cause and make it a part of their lives which they live. These three classes tiro clearly distin guished iu any group of people said Dr. Doney. Prof. John O. Hall's class in labor and trust problems will give nil interest ing u nd instructive recitation next Mon day morning. The class, this week, elected a chairman whose duty it was to divide the material and assignments among the various members of the class. r.oeh student will prepare a paper not to exceed five minute in length and will report ou the same at tho special meeting which will be open to anyone who wishes to hear a carefully pre- I pared consideration of oconomiccondi tions as they exist in modern Ameri can business organizations. Dr. Carl O. Doney will lecture nt. Astoria Friday evening, using as his subject, "The Hoy." Dr. Doney is in great demand as n public -sneaker nnd I has filled mnnv engagement!) In the past few months. Pnseball is now well under way at Willamette and Manager Walker siates that this year's team will be a good one, as a grent deal of good material has shown up in the freshman class, and with Coach Mathews to round them into form a fast team will grace the W. U. diamond. A large wire nettiug hack-stop has leeu erected to facilitate batting practice, and every afternoon yces it in constant use. The track has also been repaired and is ready for the use of the sprinters and the distance men. The number of track meets held last year has inspired a number of me to get out and try for a place on the trnek team this year. Basket hall season is not over yet, and the squad is being worked harder than before preparing for the O. A. V, V. U. game to be played in the gymnasium Saturday evening. Considerable inter est is being shown in this game, as O. A. 0. recently tied the University of California for the roast championship. Willamette hns played close games with all the conference teams which the have met and should give O. A. C. close run. Was the merchantman carrying T. R. on his vaention trip an armed ves sel ou that account f ( WRITE LETTERS To Lydia E. Pinkham Medi cine Co. Women who are well often ask "Are the letters which the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. are continually publishing", genuine?" "Are they truthful?" " Why do women write such letters? " In answer we say that never have we published a fictitious letter or name. Never, knowingly, have we published an untruthful letter, or one without the full and written consent of the woman who wrote it. The reason that thousands of women from all parts of the country write such grateful letters to the Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co. is that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has brought health and happiness into their lives, once burdened with pain Bnd suffering. It has relieved women from some of the worst forms of female ills, from dis placements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, nervousness, weakness, stomach troubles and from the blues. It is .impossible for any woman who is well and who has never suffered to realize how these poor, suffering wo men feel when re stored to health; their keen desire to help other women who are suffering as they did. German Crown Prince Smashes French Lines (Continued From Page One.) A German trench in the Dvinsk sector, west of Lake Sventen, were annihilat ed in a reconnaisance attack while, in the Sm-orgen district, the Slavs occu pied Borne enemy trenches. M'ne blasts in the Ruczaez region of Galicia wrecked Teuton positions for a con siderable distance. The War In Africa. London, Feb. 23 The allies have conquered 730,000 square miles of Ger man Africa since the war started, ac cording to announcement in the house of commons todav. CATARRH GERMS EASILY KILLED Only Way To Cure This Disease Is TolS'";9. d vet the world's peace pal- Destroy Its Cause, If you have catarrh and want to get rid otf it you most Itll the germs which cause catarrh. Stomach dosing, oint ments, sprays, creams, douches, etc., fail because they overlook this fact. They all help by giving temporary relief but they do not reach the germ life that hns found lodgement in your head, nose, throat, and could not destroy it if they did. The best known way of destroying the dangerous germs of Catarrh and consequently ending tho disease itself, is to breathe into the air passages of your nose nnd throat the pleasant, pene trating air of Hyomei (pronounced lligh-o-mc). Hyomei is made from purest oil of Eucalyptus combined with other powerful, healing, antiseptic and germicidal ingredients. You breathe it through a little pocket inhaler which Daniel J. Fry and other leading drug gists in Salem and vicinity are furnish ing with every complete treatment sold. Every time you inhale the sweet, fra grant air of Hyomei through this little device you are drawing into your swoll en, inflamed, germ laden membranes a medicated air which will not only re duce all the swelling and inflammation and open your clogged nose and stop ped up air passages, but will absolute ly nnd positively destroy every trace of Catarrh germ life it Teaches. Drng gists are so sure of the blessed, lasting relief that Hyomei brings to catarrh sufferers that they sell it invariably on the positive guarantee that money paid will be refunded if successful re sults are not secured from its use. Get a Hyomei outfit from your druggist to day and begin at once to drive this dangerous and disgusting disease from your system forever. EXPLOSION IN PLANT Milwaukee, Wis., Fob. 23 Two per sons were badlv injured today in au ex plosion at the Allis Chalmers munitions plant, but officials attributed it to the bursting of a gas generator from nat ural causes. The plant is under a con- stand, strong guard. LET US Make you beautiful. Our busi ness is improving the personal appearance and wa have all the latest methods and up-to-date Electrical Appliances for doing it. Our treatments will stop fall ing hair remove dandruff, and all diseases of the scalp. Our face treatments remove lines, coarse pores, liver spots and all facial blemishes. We guarantee everything we use to be absolutely pure and harmless. Massage, Manicuring, Hair dressing and Shampooing. Open Saturday evenings. Phone for appointment. Imperial Beauty Parlors 901 Bank of Commerce BnUdinc Phorie 393 Dr. W. E. Stanton, Winifred W. Dusenbury Judge Galloway Gets His Irish Up When Attorney Takes Offense The official dignity of Judge Gallo-1 leave for Wishington tonight after way was ruffled today by Judge Earlihilvi"R formally announced his caudi C. Bronaugh, one of 'the most prom-1 ,ia'J ,'or(.tno residency. B ' f II., rittietl in ftifMiMu his fn ni r; inn incut attorneys in Portland, and His honor indicated that ho intended to hold to his original opinion in the case of the Alliance Trust Co., limited, against Faunie E. Hubbard and others. An $80,000 foreclosure suit was filed against Mrs. Hubbard's property last fall but Judge Galloway declined to close the matter up on the grounds that the estate was solvent and could pay out if skillfully managed and still al low Mrs. Hubbard some property in her decliningycars. How ever, if tlie estate were closed up at once all of her property would be lost to her to satisfy the present claims. According ly a receiver was appointed and un der his management the claims against "J the estate have been paid off grad ally as they came due and the indica tions are, according to .lodge Galloway,! tnnt a sunstantiai pan or rne estaie will be saved for Mrs. Hubbard and all of her creditors will be satisfied. Attorney Ttronnugh today filed a mo tion to dismiss the case in order that he might bring a new action to fore close in the federal courts. Judge Gal loway denied the motion. Mr. Ttro naugh then moved to set a date for trial and this motion the judge de nied. Mr. Bronaugh then filed his third motion which was for a transfer of the case to another judge on the grounds that he could not got a fair trial before Judge Galloway and this motion Judge Galloway denied. In denying the last motion Judge Galloway stated that Mrs. Hubbard had been defrauded out of nearly $1000 bv exorbitant insnranco rates which she had been obliged to carry and in making this statement he added: "Of course this is no reflection up on you, Mr. Bronaugh." "Any reflection upon my client is a reflection upon me," ajsserted Mr. Bronaugh. This aroused Judge Galloways Irish ire and he said: "Well, if tho shoe fits, Mr. Bro naugh, just wear it," or words of that effect, and then the rase was closed. LAMAR TOOZE IS SPEAK EE Oregon City, Or., Feb. 23. Lamar Tooze, president of the student body of the University of Oregon and a delegate from Oregon on the Henry Ford peace mission, returned home an advocate of preparedness, and so stated his position at the noonday luncheon of the Commercial Club Live Wires here today. He said that Hol land, , with an area a frifle greater than that of Harney county, Oregon, had a standing and reserve army six times lareer than that of the United Hrt? 1H lllCHICll III III,.' lltluv. .'ii. Tooze remarked that the chief feature of this wonderful palace of peace is it disuse. He was followed by his father, Wal ter L. Tooze, of Salem, who criticised the Administration's policy in Mexican aftairs. Disarmament May Come When War Ends (Continued on cage two) rope which is the future of civilization and the fate of the world. We can and shall destroy Prussianism. It may take a long time, but wo are prepared for that. "There will be no inconclusive peace nor a peace with a risk. We dared not leave Prussianism there to work again for the destruction of nations." In response to a suggestion from the corresnondent that the Scandinavian countries feared liussia aimed to gain a warm water port there. Sazonoff suggested that instead of such a course Russia desires to get Constantinople. "Constantinople is essential to our trade," he said. Thc Virginia legislature in defeating a dres-s reform bill wisely decided not to hold a woman accountable for whatltarian Affirmition Concerning the Ks- she does not wear. See "Stetson" ad in this week's Saturday evening Post PACEMAKER J1.00 r LaFollette and Burton Announce Candidacies Madison, Wis., Feb. 23. United States Senator J. M. LaFollette will plans but important legislation now pending in congress will probably make it impossible lor him to do any coin paigning in Wisconsin until spring. La Folletto's candid icy was announc ed at a dinner given in his honor last night. Burton Gets Iu. Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 23. Former Senator Theodore E. Burton today an nounced his candidacy for the republi can nomination for president. A Cin cinnati mnn with Burton's consent, filed with the secretary of state an announcement that he is a candidate for delegate to the national convention, as a Burton supporter. Blue Eyed Child Had Jealous Disposition (Continued from rage One.) Joving Yvonne Bouraud, their winsome fifteen year old foster daughter, he said, and finally in Switzerland, the princess had burst out: "Oh, why did I ever marry you when I was so much older than you are! How much better it would have been if you had married Yvonne! " On re-direct examination, tho prime reiterated that his love for the girl had been fatherly, rather than that of a suitor as he had teen chaiged. "I only kissed her hands but that is nothing," said the prince with a shrug of the shoulders. "I always kiss tho hands of all the ladies in the roo. i." The blue-eyed child, however, was of a very jealous disposition, the prime admitted. Indeed, she was so much so that he discovered her listening to quarrels he and his wife had in the hotU McAIpin here, but he took steps to s.'c that she should not nave a con nect;ng room where she could eavedrop. Tiie prince reiterated that, in a spirit of noble sacrifice, Mrs. Crocker con sented to renounce their wedding so that he might be happy with the foster daughter. "Leave it to me," he quoted her as saying. "I know- lots about getting divorces more than the lawyers do because I've been divorced twice." As for the baby he believed his wife had, the prince admitted he did not know where he child was, though he helieved it to be with Mrs. Crocker at the hotel Netherlands. Attorneys for the wife declared that their witnesses will testify that the prince and Yvonne were much togeth er while nt Edeemcre, L. I., and tbit when she appeared in a striking bath ing suit with the swarthy skinned nobleman, the couple were the center of the tnlk of the fashionable colony there. At this, Yvonne, an attentive listen er throughout, crimsoned and sank down in her seat. The prince's case closed today, whereupon Attorney Malcolm Lwr ouce. moved on behalf of the princess, that, his suit be dismissed. "The prince," he said, "has had what he wanted lots of publicity." Lawrence offered to permit a physi cian to examine the princess to de termine whether she had given birth to a daughter as the prince suggested. A decision was reserved. Keturning later to the subject of Yvonne's eavesdropping, the prince said the he objected to it because she often listened from the hallway while sho was clad only in her nightgown. "'Yvonne is irresistible iu negligee," ho volunteered, "but I didnt think it was proper that porters and bellboys should see her in it." Dr. Simonds Last Night at Unitarian Church Dr. William Day Simonds, who is touring the west in the interests of the Unitarian churches, spoke last evening at the Unitarian church on "The Uni- sentiat tioodness ot -Man ma tne innn- The Pacemaker Selected by the Stetson Hat company as the best shaped hat for Spring 1916. We are showing the newest Stetson model, the "Pacemaker", that will be shown this week in every city in the United States. The "Pacemaker" is neat, dressy and distinctive in character. Made in the Stetson Quality men and young men. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE t ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap snbstitutes cost Y0TJ same prlcw Master Fish Warden Kelly Quits His Job Portland, Or., Feb. 23. Mas ter Fish Warden II. L. Kelly, tendered his resignation at a special meeting of tho state fish and game commission. Be ccnt friction between him and members of the commission was the cause. Kcllys resignation was accept ed and it is probable that his office will be abolished. In that case his work will be divid ed between Carl D. Shoemaker, state game and fish wirden, and R. E. Clanton, superintend ent of hatcheries. Approaching Primaries Cause Candidates to Send In Declarations As the dale for the primary elec tion approaches the host of candidates who would leprescnt their various parties is increasing and the office ot Secretary of State Olcott is piling up a rapidly increasing list of prospective office holders. The filings for today contain tlm following names: Thos. S. Farrell, of Lakeview, candi date for nomination by the Kepubli can party for the office of District Attorney for Lake comity. J. L. Kelly, of The Dalles, candidato for nomination by tho Republican party for the office of Representative in the legislative assembly, 2!lth Repre sentative district, comprising Hood River and Wasco counties. Geo. E. Luudburg, of Grants Pass, candidate for nomination by the. Republican party for the office of State, 7th Senatorial district, comprising Josephine county. Francis L. Michclbook, of McMinn ville, candidate for nomination by the Republican party for the office of State Senator, 2-tth Senatorial district, comprising Lincoln, Tillamook, Wash ington Mid Yamhill counties. Franklin F. Korell, of Portland, can didate for non. ination by the Republi can party, for the office of Represen tative, in the legislative assembly, LSth representative district. J. E. Magers, of Portland, candidate for nomination by the Republican party for the office of Circuit Judge, 4th Judicial district, Dept. No. 3. W. A. Hell, of The Dalles, candidato for nomination bv the Republican par ty for the office of District Attorney fnr Wnsco county.- L. L. Ray, of Eugene, candidate for nomination bv the Democratic party for the office of District Attorney for Lane eountv. Willard IT. Wirtz, of Prineville, candidate for nomination by the Dem ocrat in party for the office of District Attorney for Crook county. Fred W. Wilson, of The Dalles, can didate for nomination by the Republi can pnrtv for the office of Circuit Judge, "ih Judicial district, compris ing the counties of Hood River and Wasco. Bosewell L. Conner, of McMinnviU.', candidate for nomination by the Re publican party for the office of Dis trict Attorney for Yamhill county. ite Goodness of God." This cveuing in his final address he will discuss "The Unitarian Affirmation Concern ing the Meaning and Methods of Sal vation." Pr. Simonds is opposed to the doe trine of the depravity of man claiming that all progress in society is possible only because of the renewed faith in man. The progress of mauluud he claim ed was due to the incerasing faith in man and iu the essential goodness of human beings. Tonight he will dis cuss the possibilities of moral science. XX in proportions for both i X X