I s s u rr P i i i in ; if it n "HEEZA IVVfctL. WELL . IliST TN 1 . . . '.. ... aily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per wovd for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion CHIROPRACTIC-SPINOLOGIST anSCELLANEOUS .. I UB. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate o Ckiro- NOTICE J. C. O'Reiley and W. L.; practices Fountain Head, D.ivenport, Baker, of the Modern Shoo Repair Iowa. If von have tried everything company luve dissolved partnership.! and have got 110 relief, trv Chir'oprae- Signed. W. L. Balier. 1 Offit' r s'Honal1 Bank G00D EU Fl'RNlTt'RE Bought j Office 400, -S I S. National Bank , , . exchange. Full1 p4'10"8 ,niu S" H"'d,,nce line new furniture, range,, heaters main n-,vn. and othfr ,l0ll?(? f llrnjsi,in(jg gome rTTiNTDS A urn ttvt-rs walnut pieces. Feetz Furniture Co., .-iSHllEiiSS- 233 iNorth Commercial street. Phone APBARFX SERVICE COMPANY 63- 138 South High street. We clean, REDUCf:D FREIGHT RATES-To and press, repair, remodel and re- ne , housebola c othing and turs C aretnl at ention j . Consolidated given all work. e call jnd deliver. .. Cl)ita, .., TranJ.l rnone fer Coml)anVj agent9 for ' Pacific DENTISTS Coast Forwarding Co., 101 P. Com mereinl street. Phone Mnin P!S3. DR. 0. A. OLSON", DENTIST to.t ! Administers Nitrous Ozid and Ogygen - -, -L - t on UaS T.i,nnnji(i WANTED To rent 10 or 20 acres S00"1 .214- , PlZ n l' "far town, hi mltivatiou. Address 20, Masomc Temple. Salem, Ore. Mre j,; peb23 . -, -lR-S??I-E-3' WANTED Baby buggy, in good condi- THE FRl'lTI.AND XURSERV Citv tion, not, a folding cart. Must be yard, High and Fen v streets. Roman cheip. I'nonelS. l'eb!3 straiu l.H.qi,ett walnuts grat'ted on WATER COMPANT California black, 8 to 10 feet, $1 eacn. . Italian piuue. Call and inspect our gAXEM WATER COMPANY Office general stock before buying. Phone eorner Commercial and Trade streets. 2:'F-I- tr For water service apply at offiee. " Scavenger Pin pnle m!thly ia ad"";9 1 1 " " FOR SALE SALEM SCAVENGER Charles S'oos, - proprietor. G.irbage and refuse of all poR SALE A few Rhode Island kinds removed on monthly contracts White Cockrels. Kggs $1.50 and $2.00 at reasonable rates. Yard and cess- f0r 13. Booking orders to snip later, pools cleaned. Office phone Main State when. ,Iaa. OlmsteAd, McMinn- 2247. Residence Main 2272. ville, Oregon. Marl LODPE prcECyORY FOR SALE Poland Chiiu stock pigs, T'X?r "n" "T""r n --0l) :,-0: 1 .VMr old. boar, two A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 8. TCgistercd .Terser cows and calves; Meets every Monday evening at 8 one 5 v(1.,r oK, ,irirpt WeiKl,t 1300: 1 ia the MeCornack hall, corner ( ourt five ,ssl,nl,,,r n0: dias. Schmidt, and Liberty streets R. O. Donaldson, rMr Uyfifv station. Thone S1F2. M. W.; S. A. Mc I-addon, recorder; Feb23 A. L. Brown, Financier. - 8ALEM LOmiE No. 4, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. in. in the Masonic Temple. Chas. M. Carter, W. M.; S. Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third Friday in each month .it 7 :30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolam, W. M.; Ernest II. Choate, secretary. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. 17- 1 l.. -r-H T rr;ilunn secretary. All cases of cruelty or j neglect 'of dumb animals should be; reported to the secretary lor liivesti gation. B. N. OF A "Oregon Grape Camp," No. 1300, meets every Thursday ev-1 ening in MeCornack building, court and Liberty streets; elevator. Mrs. j Sylvia Schaupp, 171H Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recorder. 12P(i North Commercial. Pkouc 1430-M. DE MOLAY COMMANDERY, No. 5,J K. T. Regular conclave fourth Fri-1 day in each month at 8 o'clock p. in., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir; Knights are courteously invited to , meet with us. Lot L. l'earce, E. C, ' Frank Turner, recorder. j CENTRAL LODGE No. .18, K. of P. j McCorn.xck building. Tuesday even-j iag of each week at 7:30. ,1. O. ', Holt7.pl, C. C; W. It. Cilsou, K. of U. , and S. I CHADWH CHAPTER, No. 37, O. E.I 8 Regular Meeting every first .nd ; third Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Ma-1 onic Temple. Minnie Moeller, . . M.; Ida M. Babeoek, secretary. WOODMEN Ob' THE WORLD Meet J evcrv Fridav niaht at 8 o'clock in j MeCornack block. B. W. Macey,! C. C: L. S. Geer. clerk. 507 Court! street. Phone Sit.'!. j MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARl H CHAP-i TER, No. 1. R. A. M. Regular meet-: ing second Friday in each month at lay in eacn montn ai Masonle Temple. Rayjt Ex. High Priest; Eus- j I , secretary. f 8 p. m. in tlie .Ma F. Rieh.irdson, 1- aell M. Brooks, sec MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA J Oregon Cedar ( amp. No. 5216,', meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in MeCornack hall comer ij Court and Liberty streets. Elevator1, service. Geo. liciiiohl, V. ('.; J. A.j Wright, clerk. i ' UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem- I blv, No. 8. meets every Wednesday,; I O- H n. m. in Moose hall. C. O. Mat-If lock, M. A.; C. Z. Randall, secret iry,1 Salem Bank of Commerce. j HODSON i Ol'Nt IE. No. 1, R. 4 S. M. Stated assembly first Monday in J each month, Masonic Temple. N. P. Rasinussen, Thriee Illustrious Mas-, ter: Glenn O. Nib's, recorder. I New Tod.iv Ads work while yon; .., 1 - 1, . .., in tl.A . t,ieej will uur icsiina w, vu , m, , THE BOOB " Takes a Vacation for a Week PfctL The Oregon Wholesale and Retail Hide and Junk Co. Has moved from their former location, 430 Court street, to Wi South Com' niercial. (The old stand of the I.awr ence Grocery, corner Ferry and Com mercial streets) and are open tor busi' ness at that place. Highest prices p.ia fi 1,1. lea wnnl ennnpi. lirnna iron. 0te. I Ketore selling eJsewnere, consult us lor prices. D. Samuel, proprietor. rhone, 3W; Res. Phone, 1737-W. L. M. HUM YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 233. MONCY TO LOAN - ON Good Real Estate Security. TH03. K. FORD Orer Ladd fe Bush Bank, Salem, Oregoi MONEY TO LOAN 7 ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY HOMER H. SMITH McCORNACK BUILDING SALEM FENCE and STOVE WORKS E. B. FLEMING, Prop. Depot American Fence Gates, Plain and Barbed Wire. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Roofing, Posts, Hop Hooka. 4Q Years Making Stoves tores rebuilt and repaired, tores bought and told. 850 Court Street Phone 124 Back of Chicago tor. ..liliillllllillii A A i i i A i DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEB. 22, 1916. A PakO ivArrr To fcfcr ort fTHATS V Kiw' 1 crHA-- T,-i - eastV Ksh is. KThis is. ) I . V : J the sows, with yoo.fcwnoy Vvfey'-.ntr JLv-r r. ML rTT f4i;',5 A-.i; 1 )k:Hl THE MARKETS The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices are those paid the producer. Corrections are made dnil "j-. Washington's birthday is a legal holi day and observed generally in nil the larger markets in the country, lhe !a lem market is dull, absolutely nothing doing. Now that egg have struck the bottom notch of -0 cents cash, their downward price lias been halted. Wheat was off a few cents yesterday in Port land but the 85 cent price still holds good here. Orajjii. Hay, timothy, per ton $14.00 Oats, vetch $12.00(512.50 Cheat $12.0(1 Clover hay $12.00 Wheat 85c Oats 40c Rolled barley $35.00 Corn $40.00 Cracked corn $41.50 Bran $2fi.00fi 27.00 Shorts, per ton $28.00g30.00 Butter. Butterfat 32c Prnnmnru luitloi1 noF nniinrl 34f. Country Butter 25c Eggs and poultry. Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash .. Eggs, case count, cash Egg's, trade 22c 20c Hens, pound 13c Roosters, old, per pound C(S8c Spring chickens, pound 13c Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, drevsed 10c Pork, dressed 0c Pork, on foot .' 7 l-2c Soring lambs 7617 l-2c Steers 5 l-2(ff6e Cows 45c Bulls 3 l-2c I Ewes 5c eiu is " 7 Lambs, grain fed I 1--C Vegetables, Cabbage $2.00 Tomatoes. California $1.75ffi 2.00 String garlic 15c Potatoes, cwt $l.o(al.o Brussels sprouts 10c Sweet potatoes $3.00, Beets $1,001 Carrots $1.00 Turnips $1 Celery, case $5.00 Onions $2.75 California head lettuce, case .... $2.50 Apples, Hood River $1.25ai.70 Fruits. Oranges; Navels $2.25(a3.25 Tangerines oranges $1.75 Lemons, per boi $4.25(714.75 Bananas, pound 5 l-4c California grape fruit $3.00 Florida grape fruit $5.00(p (i.00 Cauliflower $2.50 Dates, dromedary, case $3.35 Fard dates flu FOR RENT FL'RNISHED APARTMENTS For rent, very reasonable. Phone 1905. I'Oli KENT 40 acres five miles out, no buildings, will take one third the crop. Also five acrs close in, small house, l',i acres loganberries. Price $7.00 per "month. We also have money to loan. $500, $700 anl $15'i0. Square Deal Realty Co., 3u4 l S. Bank lildg. tr UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOCGH C O. C. B.' Webb, A. M. Clongh morticians and funeral directors. Latest nwdern methods known to the profession employed. 491) Court street. Miin 120, Main HSS. RIGDON-KK HARUSON" CO. Funeral directors ml undertakers, 2"2 NortJ High street. Day and night phone 183. OSTEOPATH DRS. B. II. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican School of Osteopathy, Kirks ville, Mo. Post graduate and special ized in nerve diseases at Los Augelo eollege. Treat acute and chronic dis eases. Consultation free. Lady at tendant. Office nu.j-oOti II. H. Na tional Bank Building. Phone 859. Residence 316 North Capital street Phone 30 y. ' VII. I. HE EVER LEARNT AGAIN" EE IS .sTl-XG. Grapes, barrels $100 ! Cranberries $12.00 Pineapples 7 l-2c Honey $3.50 Retail Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh, ranch , 2fic Sugar, cane $7.25 Sugar, 1). U k 7.05 Creamery butter 40c Flour, hard wheat $1.00 $.1.90 Flour, valley ., $1.30g$1.60 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Ore., Feb. 22. Wheat Hogs: Best live, $s.0U. Prime steers, $7.50. Fancy cows, $li.5t). , Spring lambs, $0.00. . Butter: City creamery. ; Kgg-.s: Selected local ex. 2trii25c. Hens, M(rH5c. Broilers. 14(Ti 15c. Geese, lOffiilc. ' Automobile Stealing Gang in San Francisco San Francisco, Feb. 21. Following revelations that un automobile stealing ring has been opernting here, police to day started a search which is expected to uncover many of the stolen cars. A statement by Clarence Tierney, un der arrest, indicated that a. ffanc of thieves has been stealing cars, ranking) them over, and selling them. Their business is believed to have been com parable to the operations of auto thieves in New York, which was practi cally stamped out by action of police a'"l federal authorities. CRONES IN MILWAUKEE Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 22. Chicago police today, notified the local authori ties that .lean ('rones, poison soup plot ter, is hiding in this city, according to their information. An immediate, thorough search in anarchist circles, was instituted. In connection with this search for Crones, the police are also iavestigit ing a $5,00(1 fire which occurred at St. I'aul s Episcopal rhiirch Sunday, as they think he or some of his anarchist cohorts might perhaps have Tininc know ledge of it. Independence News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Independence, Ore., Feb. 21. Porter Heath, of Salem, spent Sunday and Monday in Independence. Tlie ferry resumed its usual run Mon day morning after a 10 days' absence due to the recent high waters. Miss Jessie Hunt returned to Mill City Tuesday after having spent the " i $100 Reward, $100 The readers of tills paper will be pleased to leurn that there Is at least one dreaded disease Unit science has been able to cure In all its stHK, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to tlie mcdfcal fraternity. Catarrh beinir a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strenRth by bulldinff up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so murh faith In Its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case inai u ihiib iu cure. dmhj for list of testimonials, Addrm: F. 1. CHKNEY A CO. Toledo, O. "Sold ly all DrouKlsH. 75c. Tak Hall's Family (Mill for . ntlptllon 4 Skin ot rsauiy is a Jay forevi- DR. T. FELIX GOURaUD'S- OHIIiNTA! CREAM OR MAGICAL CEAITIHC! P.e-invM Tn, P I fit pi rn'tltlf M'.lti I'r(:l. -lUh, nr. Mr a Tia--ft and '-verr nli'tni.'1 'in thinly, r,,.l tit rt 'kU'Lll'n. 1 t.j"t tt-e tr lit tit T la o rurtiilt ji w ) pr.'i'-rly mv'i Aver ni ct'Jtit-T (ell of Imil-u t.im1. Tr L. A tarrt tftid to i !1t of Mi hvil inn tk trtie-it "A y- u vU trill ut tt,"tn I rCMifrnii4 Cniimnr f're-ni' th hvmfn. of .fat ikio urfiiitriun." t t uy tl dru7firt kud r ncy ttoodi lie-iet to tbt UnlUtl btiM, Cti.ii -l i Eurn t,T.HOPllKS.Pr(. V 6t.il km 8'riit W CATARRH of the BLADDER n'lfvwl in 24 HOURS Eii-h Cn- zTTN ante im tlx (MIOYJ name m0 week-end at this place. The Independence high school basket ball teams will play a double header Saturday evening. The boys', team will battle with Silverton high at Silverton while the girls' team will (day the. maidens of the Chemawa Indian school. The line-up for the boys' tea, jjt as guanl; Fenton, right. gtiard;,Rfty,.'(cap tain), right forward, and McKinney. j (en luiwuru. The line-up for the girls' team will be: Hunna and Dause, forwards; Townsend, center; with Shinn and Cal breath, guards. Attorney B. F. Swope was a business visitor in Salem Saturday. Sam Hauna and Dr. Bougn were both purchasers of Maxwells in Salyni this week. The small thrce-months-gld- son' of Mr. and Mrs. (1. L. Guild.' living there miles south of town, died last Wednes day after an illness of only a few hours. Burial was in the I. O. O. F. cemetery Friday afternoon. ' ' M. J. Hunt was a Salem visitor Tuesday. A. H. fryer, father of T. J. Fryer, of this city, took out a patent on . some lind in t'lnckamnss county T5 years ago and has just recently had the samo placed on record. Old Sol having shown bright and faithful for the past few days is new permitting some of the farmers to work ' their fields-doing their spring plow- '"(f; The juniors of the high school gavf a very mirthful carnival Friday evening as part of their reception to the rest of the school. Charles Rockett, of' this ci.tv. spent Wednesday in Miiem. Percy Gobble, who has been employed as bookkeeper for the Wigan Richard son ranch south of town, left Tuesday for England, where he will join his brothers, who are now 'serving in the British nrmy. Mr. Gobble will have charge of a truck hauling ammunition to the front. Mr. Albert Parsons, of Highland, was in the city Thursday afternoou trans acting business. A Parent-Teachers' meeting was held Saturday evening nt. the Highland school house south of town and u very enjoyable program given. After the program officers of the Lit erary society were elected tor the ensu ing year. Those elected were: Presi dent, Miss Ethel Harris; vice-president, Howard House, and secretary, Miss Winnie Blake. .1. B. l.ebold und Frank Grawboslin, recently from Dakota, purchased the general merchandise store of Sum Fin kclstein situated on North Main street, the middle of the week and took imme diate possession. D. O. Taylor, E. C. Roberts und F. N. Eldridge were among those purchas ing new nutos during the past week. The business men are being awaken ed to the need of a commercial club and at a last meeting of the temporary organization a committee consisting ot M. Merwin. W. K. Craven, H. B. I'lctch. er, W. S. Stewart, A. I.. Thomas, C. W. Irvine und Dean Walker was appointed to draw up a constitution and by laws to be presented ut the next meeting und voted upon. About 30 nearby farmers and dairy men met in Monmouth Tuesday for tl'ic purpose of forming a cooperative creamery and besides subscribing about 20(1 shares of $10 each other important lniHiness was carried out. Through the generosity of II. Hirclf birg an average of about 70 pupils take advantam' of the offer of having soup served them at cost at the, grammar school. Rev. Kennedy nnd wife of Woofl River, spent Tuesday, in town as the. guent of Mrs. M. r.. Stansberry. ( harli's Irvine of Summer, Ore., spent Sujidny in ihis eitv at the home tif his parent. Mr. and Mrs. ('. W. Trvinc. Dr.'.l, II. N. Bell, of Corviillis, w.-i. an independence visitor during the week. . . . , A. F. Cosper is n Taenmii visitor nt present, attending the dedication of an Elks' temple at that place. ' The local Men's club will be address ed next Tuesday l,y President Campbell of the Oregon university. Mrs. M, E. Chnppel. of Newbert, was S loudness visitor in Independence this week. ' F. A. Douly, of Portland, spent Sim dny visiting in this place nt the home of his mother. Mr. J. W. Kirklimd.' ' The local lodge of Mnsons wns visited Saturday night by their notable grand masted. ' The Rev. F. P. Stephens, of the Fint Christian church, assisted bv Profcs"or V. W. Shaffer, of Walla Walla, is con ducting revival meetings at the Chris tian church which are vrenting urr interest among the local rhiirch goers. .Mrs. Eliza. Ewing and daughter. I.mna, returned tlii week from New port, where they hnve been during the wiiiter on account of Miss Lotna's By Mort. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL .: Classified Business - Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone) EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 1200 LAUNDRIES Salem Steam Laundry,' 130 South Liberty Main 81 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 104 South Commercial Street Main US . TRANSFER AND DRAYAGB Salem Truck ft Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Main 71 High School Boys and All .Other Boys can get rid of those Pimples and Blotches by using Dry Zensal. Ask A. B. Pool about Dry Zensal and Moist Zensal. TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC. North Bound 16 Oregon Express 5:00 a. m. 51 Sound Special 6:12 a. m. 28 Willamette Limited 9:22 a. m. 12 Shasta Limited 11:53 a. m. 18 Portland Passenger 1:30 p. m. 20 Portland Passenger 5:00 p. m. I t Portland Expiess....8:00 p. m. No. No. No. No. No. -No. No. No. 222 Portland fast Fr't 10:38 p. m. No. 220 Local way Fr't 10:35 p. m. South Bound. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 15 California Express 3:32 a. m. 17--Roseburg Pass'n'r 11:20 a. m. 03 Exposition Special 2:42 p. m. 1!) Cottage Grove Pas. 4:20 p. m. 11 Shasta limited 5:4.) p. m 27 Willamette Limited 0:10 p. m. 13 Sau Francisco Ex. 10:38 p. in 221 San Francisco Fast Freight 12:35 a. m. No. 225 Local way Fr't 8:10 a. m. Salem-Geer Line. No. No. No. No. 73 Arrives at Salem 9:15 a. m. 70 Leaves Salem 0:50 a. m. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p. ni. 74 Leave Sulein 4:15 p. m. No connection south of Geer. Salem, Falls City and Western. No. 101 Lv. Salem, motor ....7:00 a. m. No. JO.'I Lv. Salem, motor ....9:15 a. m. No. 103 Lv. Salem, motor ....1:40 p. m. No. 107 Lv. Salem, motor ....4:00 p. m. No. 109 Lv. Salem, motor ....6:13 p. m. No. 239 Way Fr't lv. Salem 5:00 a. m. No. 102 Ar. Salem 8:40 a. m. No. Kit Ar. Salem 11:25 a. m. No. DiOl-Ar. Salem 3:15 p. m. No. 108 Ar. Salem 0:00 p. m. No 170 Ar. Salem 7:45 p. rn. No. 210 Way Fr't ar. Salem 1:35 p. m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. North Bound. , Train No.' Ar. Portland 2 Owl 6:55 a. m. 0 9:25 a. m. .... 10 Limited ....11:35 a. m. Lv. Salem 4:.'!." a. m. 7:15 a. ni. 9:45 a. m. 11:20 a. m. 12 1:35 p. m. 14 4:00 p. m. 1 :4 i p. nt, 4:00 p. m 10 Limited .... 5:50 p. m. 5:37 p. m 29 7:50 p. in. 7:55 p m. 22 10:00 p. m. South Bound. Portland, to Salem, Lv. Portland. Ar. Salem .6:45 a.m 8:53 . (Salem only) 8:25 a. m 5 Limited 10:11 a. in. health. Ed Wander, carrier of rural route No. 1, is back on the foutc after a fortnight's vacation. .Mr, Ida Phillips is again bacK in in dependence after a short visit with brother in Portland. W. T. Campbell returned Saturday af ter a lengthy visit in California. NINE M. Burger. f t 10:40 a. m. 2:03 p. in. 4:40 p.m. . 6:05 p.m. , 9:20 p.m. . 11:45 p.m. . 7 . 12:55 p, a. 9 . 13 Limited , .. 17 Local ., 19 .. 21 Owl ... North Bound. . 4:2o p. in. . . 6:40 p.m. . . 8:10 p.m. , 11:25 p.m. . 1:55 p.m. Ar. Salem. . 5:37 p.m. Ar. Salem. . 9:45 a.m. 3:55 p.m. Lv. Corvallis 4:10 p.m. .. Lv. Eugene. 20 .... 7:35 a.m. 1:50 p.m. 5:25 p.m. 12:05 p.m. 10 Limited 10 Limited 22 7:55 p.m. Owl 3:10 a.m. South Bound. Lv. Salem. 2:00 a.m. Lv. Salem. 7:10 a.m. Ar. Eugene. . 21 Owl , .... 05 ... 5 Limited . 6:00 a.m. Ar. Eugene. , 9:30 a.m. . 12:25 p.m. Ar. Albanv. 10:15 a.m Lv. Sulcni. 12:55 p.m. Lv. Salem. 1:50 p.m. Stops at Corvallij. Ar. Albany. 5:20 p.m. Ar. Eugene. 0:45 p.m. 4:25 p.m. Lv. Salem. Ar. Eugene. . 8:50 p.m. 6:40 p.m. 13 Woodburn Local Daily Except Sundays. No. 64 Leaves Salem 3:40 p.m. No. 63 Arrives in Salem .... 3:25p.m.. CORVALLIS CONNECTION North Bound. Lv. Corvnllis 8:25 a.m 12:12 p.m 2:32 p.m 4:10 p.m 0:18 p.m Ar. Salera 10 9:43 a.m. 1:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:37 p.m. It 10 , 20 7 :oj p.m. South Bound. Lv. Salem 10:15 a.m. 4:25 p.m. . 12:55 p.m. . 6:40 p.m. Ar. Corvallij 11:33 a.m. .... 0:47 p.m. 2:20 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 5 .... 9 7 13 ... WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Oregon City Transportation Company Leave Portland for Oregon City, Butte ville, Newbcrg, Mission (St. Paul), Wheatland, Salem (daily except Sunday) 6:45 a.m. Leave Portland for Independence, Al bany, Corvaliis, (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) 6:45 l.m. Returning. Leave Corvallis 6 a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. Albany 7 a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. Independence ..9 a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. Salem -.. 10 a.m. -Mon., Wed. Fri. Salem 6 a.m. Tues., Thins., Sat. W. A. Sloper was in Portland duriug the past week. Mrs. J. O. Standard, of Dallas, was an Independence visitor Thursday. Mrs. Eva Alderson anil daughter vis- bcriitcd with her parents, Mr. ad Mrs. M. I Mix. during the week. - Vt. 11. Kiggs is back again alter nsv ing spent tuu winter iu California, morning.