Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 22, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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No, Philburt, I am not a -arguing
Pm just a -telling you
when you want a real smoke, get behind a pipeful of Tuxedo and
watch all the big and little Worries that have been a-besieging you,
evacuate their trenches and make a rushin' advance to the rear.
Those fragrant whiffs of "Tux" make them feel too joyful-no self
respecting Worry can stand for that, j
World famous Vlollnl.it
Aafle tertatnly fjuni in TuteJa
lAe one ani onlu tobacco that meaturu
mpUettmu KqulnmenU, rtcA In fra-
armnct. mltoaut coot Mmoblng and M V-
5.V.re''u'"'" No other manufacturer knows
rl, . the "Tuxedo Process"; that's why
-- no imitator ever equals Tuxedo!
Conrenient, gluuiine wrapped, J
uoiiturc-proof pouch , , , jC
It Tit Hamilton, iOc and 80c
. ......
Play I
Featured at Grand
There is a fascin.ition about tnoralily
plaVH Mich as have been making such
remarkable succes-es during th past:
lew years. And lli.it manner ol produc
tion is achieving a like degree of sue-
s in its vaudeville form of presenta
tion. One of the chiei offerings
presented at the (irand theatre !Siui
duv was "Conscience," a delightfully
constructed pi ivlet of the morality
type, ehaiiuingly enacled Iiv three clev
er artists, with lioduey Uaiious playing
the stranger; Marie Nelson, his wife, I
and Clayton Macklem, the husband, j
It is thoroughly delightful tu have!
an opportunity lo enjov tiie artistry ol'
these three noted performers, and thei
playlet is powerful and interesting!
enough to display their histionie .bil-i
ily to splendid advantage, lialph T.
Ivetlering, the author of this produe-j
ticm, makes use of three characters, and'
mi powerful are his lines so true his sit-!
nations and so logical the working of
the entire proposition, that iie makes
his playlet preach . powerful sermon.
The Four La !el!n Combines was a
specinl feature in a good comedy acro
batic act with many astonishing fea
tures. There is one young limn in the
troupe who is a tumbler of extraorilin
.iry ability and who acocuiplishes some
almost impossible fonts. -
Iray and (iraham offered one of the
alem's Handy Repair Guide
A Stitch
The Capital Journal
Save the pieces of your broken
castings or machinery parts and
we will save you money.
And we'll save you the time
you might waste waiting for u
new part
Oxy -acetylene welding make
the broken part good as new.
Kst'nuales cheerfully finished.
200 N. HlsU Salem, Orgon
Springs Made and
Welding and brazing of all kinds
all kinds of Auto Repairing
nnd painting all work guaran
teed. R J. Herschback
r i "2a state. bi.
Baleai, Ore.
KB W W' if -Mr Vi!- mJ -Mjr
The Perfect Tobacco
, The combination of the best smoking-tobacco leaf in the
world and the best method ever discovered for refining
and mellowing tobacco puts Tuxedo in a class by itself.1
' Kentucky's ripest, mildest Bur-
ley leaf, when treated by the orig
inal "Tuxedo Process" loses
every trace of bite develops a
wonderfully pleasing fragrance
flavor that are not found in
other tobacco.
Famous green tin with gold 1 A
lettering, curved to lit pocket 1UC
In Glass Humidors, SOt and 9t(
hY'..'- ik-'-.-. . ,fl lnl tiimnnii ii n mi
funniest comedy musical turns in vaude
ville, called "At the 1'ort." Fred Cray
is a comedian who really is funny, and
Miss Nellie (Iraham is an accoinplisned
insl in itiftit i lis). They have just com
pleted u big successful tour of the
world, playing a year in Australia and
New Xealnnd. and unneiiriuir in Smith
M', I I.'....,.t I.' , 1 1
were for two seasons in Lngalnd, Ire
land and Scotl mil.
M.lle. Lily Leuoia ami company are
continental dancers. Mile, Leuoia is
assisted by Mile. Irani Komlossy. They
deiiiousUrale three itislinct styles of
artistic dancing, the Colonial Minuet, "
the interpretative, such as the " Humor
esipie," which Mile, tlomlossy dances,
ind the classical.
Davenport and Kerr present a singing
and comedy skit called "At the Hairy
.Hymn n Meyer does a clever piano
logue act.
Fruitland Niws
(Capital .Tout mil Special Serviced
Fniil liin.l, Ore., I'eb. 22. A large
crowd took advantage of the splendid
moonlight evening last Friday to at
tend the social and business meeting
of the Y, I'. A. at the It tinner home.
The following program was rendered:
IMiot Naomi ami Dorothy Kunner.
lieading, by (irace Haker."
Instrumental selection I. uella Ziglet.
in Time Saves Nine
Guarantees the Following Firms Reliability
Shoe Repairing while
You wail
Cnpital Journal Advertising
will repair, buy or sell any
thing. Rivover the lost or
restore found articles.
with you.
for Pipe and Cigarette
-KWW.I." '".v.l IJJL.JP
ii,- i n .in mill' infiii ii.J.w-u.
Ii ea d i n g Na o mi It u n n or.
Duet l'riscilla and ltoso Ottorbein.
Heading .Mrs. Sam (ierig.
Instrumental selection l'riscilla Ot
terbeia. lieading Mrs. Ttunnor.
Instrumental selection Naomi Run
ner. The new members taken in were:
Mrs. Paris and Mr. .Mark Standil'er.
A largo erowd of young folks attend
ed the literary society at Bethel Satur
day evening.
.Mr. and Mrs. Paris and Mr. and Mrs.
Kggler spent Sunday afternoon with
the I.atten family.
Mr. Sam Clerig nnd family spent Sun
day with friends east of I'ratum.
The. baseball fever lias struck the
Fruitland school and they feel able to
humble nny school team in the state.
They will have a. stronger team this
year and I'ratum hud better natch
A large erowd of young folks went
over to Auburn to attend the church
services Sunday nfternoon.
The Garden Koail elieeo factory is
being rapidly enastrueted and expects
to be in operation by Apil 1.
"William Bellamy ir.s viiii'.ii'g f liet. 's
in Salem Sunday afternoon.
A large erowd gathered for Y. V. A.
Sunday evening. Tho services were
under the leadership of Harold l.attin,
who excellently filled the position.
Special program was n duet by RVse Ot-
Excelsior Motorcycles
Iver Johnson nnd Excelsior
Hieyeles; Repairing; Accessories;
Tires; Oils; Motor Overhauling
our specialty.
Morse & Ramsden
Dion 1G87 221 a High St.
Modern Shoe Repair Co.
474 Court Street
Fine Shoe Repairing
A A A 4 A k t- - A A A A
I Sport News
Met His Waterloo in Saylor
Stimipp and Dann to Play
with Beavers
Cincinnati. Ohio, 1-V1. 22. Leach 1
Cross' Waterloo, was what fight fans '
today pronounced the fate of toe fain !
otis dentist-boxer who was knocked out j
in the fifth round last night bv Milburn!
Lc ich. only a shell of his former self,
was terrifically battered. In the third
round Savior scat the dentist to the mat
three times for the count of nine. In
the fourth Leach held on throughout
ami in the filth went down for keeps.
His seconds threw up the sponge at the
count of eight, but Cross did not rise
for half a minute.
O'Kcefe Keeps the Belt.
London, Feb. 22.1'at O'Keefe still
wore the Knglish middleweight cham
pionship girdle today. Jim Sullivan
made a strong bid for the belt, but O'
Keefe was too f.ist and piled up a big
lead on points in 20 rounds.
Great Game On Today.
Del Monte, Cal., Feb. 22. Donald
(Irant and .lack .Veville have played
true to form and today met in the finals
of the Del Monte mid-winter golf
With both men at the top of their
game, .i huge gallery was out. Inter
est in polo was abandoned for the time
while all Del Monte society followed
the players. As both men play from
scratch, a close match was anticipated.
tlrant won his way into the finals
yesterday by defeating II. I!. Knight 1
up in 22 holes in the most exciting
match seen here during the tournament.
Neville had a comparatively easy time
with li. II. 1'aten, a five handicap play
er whom he defeated lour up and two
to play.
terbeiu and Dorothy Runner, n recita
tion by Until I.attiu nnd a talk on
"Brotherly Love" by Mr. Hammer.
hum nn i iinnHHiiTrn
hi bill MINAItU
Gets Largest Vote Ever Given
Mayoralty Candidate In
the Sound City
Seattle, Wish.. Feb. 22 Kcciving the
largest vide ever given a mayoralty
candidate in a primary election in Se
attle. Ilirain C. Gill was re-nominated
yesterday with a vote that exceeded the
combined vote of his three opponents.
Austin K. Criftilh received second place
ind will contest the final election with
(iill March 7.
The vote unofficially tabulated stood
as follows:
dill ;i(l.si:i; Griffith L",n2; Oliver T.
Friekson !l,721; D. II. Kaymer 1,!H0.
For corporation counsel, Hugh C.
Caldwell led ia a field of five with
James F. Itradford, incumbent, about
T.biiil votes behind.
Former Mayor William Hickman
Moore led the I.'! candidates for city
council. The other five nominated are:
It. II. Thompson, O. II. Fitzgerald, Ot
to A. Case, Dr. K. J. Browa and Charles
sfc 3Jc sc sfc jf( jc 3c s)c )c 3fc
DOF At her home near the fair
grounds in Salem, Monday, February
21, llUii. Mrs. Nellie Doe, in her oM'h
ISesides her husband, llarrv Doe, she
is survived by a son, llullie Doe. tuner
i al services will be held Wednesday
i morning at 10 o'clock from the resi
5 donee at the rortland-Silverton road
I crossing. The services will be conduct
ed bv Kov. II. K. I'einbertou nnd buri.il
will be in the Odd Fellows cenieterv.
Y. M. C. A. Basketball
Team Meets Cheniawa
Sharks Friday Night
The Y. M. C. A. basket ball team
will again meet the strong Chemnwa
team at ( heinawa Friday night. An
interesting nnd closely contested game
is looked for. It will be remembered
that these two teams put up one of the
best exhibitions of basket ball in the
Y. M. C. A. gymnasium two weeks ngo
that has been seen in this city this sea
son, the score ending with III points in
favor of the Indians and 30 points to
the credit of the Y. M. C. A. The Y.
M. C. A. team led practically through
out the entire second half and were nt
one time seven points ahead. Four
timely baskets nt the end of the half
by the Indians turned the trick, how
ever, and the game ended in their
The Y. M. C. A. team is working ex
ceptionally hard for its games with
the Salem High School. The team was
put through a tough practice last night
and is gradually rounding into shrape.
The game at Cheniawa should be some
criterion by which to judge the games
with the iligh School. Although the
High School has not played Cheniawa
it is generally conceded that the High
School would c,ic the Indiana a hard
W. 0. W.'s Take Three
Straight Games From
Loju Pin Smashers
The W. 0. V. bowlers took three
j straight games from the Loju.) at the
! Club alleys last night. The total score
t was 2705 for the Woodmen anil 257f:
for the Loganberry juicers. Freeland.
I of the I.ojus, rolled 231 for high game
, and tied with Wilson, of the AY. O. W.'s
for high average at 1!)3.
1 lie scores tollow:
W. 0. w.
Wilson ..
' "
Total pins, 2705; average, IS 1.
.. In7
. . 1 '.7
A v.
140 135
Freeland 2!!1
B. Day 17S
Totals 859 8,'IS S7S
Total pins. 2575; average, 172.
Portland Will Make
Cleanup On Chinks
(Continued from page one.)
Portland, but not in Saa Francisco.
Since the murder of Y. I . Park, a
Korean, shot, it is believed by mistake
On the street in f 'liiniitmvn tiir Time.:.
day night, the Hop Sings have been
ool7 iw uvcnj-e ninti iney neueveu
was the first killing in a highly org
anized ton? war that would decide Pa
cific, coast supremacy.
Armed and sullen, they have been
called to downtown offices of w hitenien
Who Understand the situation Il,i1 hnir.
ged to keep their hands clean of mur
der. Suey Bow Leong tried to take the life
of Enir Hemr. a Hon Sine-. He ns tlm
intended victim of the gunmen.
Momlay it was reported that more
than 20 Bow Leong gunmen had come
to Seattle from Portland nnd were
ready for the back blow from the Hop
Sings. The Bow Leongs do not know
of the effort being made to curb the
war by Seattle white men.
Trying to Make Peace.
San Francisco, Feb. 22. In an effort
to stop more bloodshed in the war
which is raging between the powerful
Hop Sing and Dow Leong tongs in Pa
cific coast cities the San Francisco
Chinese peace society has sent its presi
dent, Wong (Juock Ijew, and two peace
delegates, Moy Chen Mon nnd Gee
Long On, to Seattle and Portland.
la the nieuatime San Francisco's
Chinatown is expecting either a new
outbreak between the Hop Sings and
the Bow Leongs here at any moment
or a. declaration of pence.
"No Chinese knows what the next
hour may bring forth,'' said a prom
inent Chinese today. "We are tread
ing on dynamite. The peace loving
Chinese are in hope that Wong and his
delegates will be able to smooth
things over."
At Hop Sing headquarters today all
was quiet, the officials refusing to
make any statement as to peace.
Chinese republicans here frown on
the latest tong war, terming it bar
barous and savage.
game should they meet.
Dr. Tt. T. Mclntire who was recently
elected captain of the V. M. C. A.
team sprained his ankle in the Commer
cial league games last. Wednesday but
is getting along in fine shape and will
be in the game at Cheniawa.
The line-up of the V. M. C. A. nt
Cheniawa will be as follows: Mclntire,
Sweeney, Me Kinney, linker, Brill and
"After driving more
than 10,030 miles, I
couldn't find enough
carbon to fill the hol
low of your hand."
That motorist was writing about
Zerolene. Practically all who use
it have the same experience.
That's because
i&t Shttdord OilforHzkr (art
is made from selected California
crude asphalt-base.
Zerolene that gets Into the ex
plosion chamber doesn't "split
lip'1 into gummy, carbon-forming
deposits, but after complet
ing its efficient work, is con
sumed and passes out on exhaust.
Next time you empty the crank
case, refill with Zerolene.
Standard Oil
;. ft.
12 3
Ilia 1I5 L'lli
lil.l 2o."i 151
101 177 212
1!M lull ll'.:!
194 IS!) 191
004 923 023
Organized Gang of Black
mailers Prey on Rich Man
(Continued from Tajfi Two.)
Deputy Hally. in the days following,
rpie-tioned Healer concerning his reas
ons for making the statement.
Prisoner Gives Clue.
Healer, in tiie course of !iis talks with
Ifally. said he had eouipped a house on
Belmont avenue, with a secret device
for taking photographs.
A woman had engaged him, lie told
Hally. to perform the carpenter work.
He had nude a secret camera room
under tiie stairway nnd had cut n hole
through the wall looking into a bed
room. With the camera placed in posi
tion, a phototrraidi of the interior of tho
bedroom could bo obtained.
Hally made a thorough investigation,
found the "pl.int" as Healer had de
scribed it and called the woman to his
She admitted die had been a member
of tiie "badster'' syndicate and reveal
ed the names of other members as well
as those of the persons victimized.
Got One Eanker Twice,
One victim, Haliy savs she told him,
had been followed by the gang for two
yens. Their efforts to "land'' him
took them half v.nv around the globe,
but he finally "fell," she said, for
Another, a prominent banker is said
to have been black mailed to the ex
tent of $."(,11110 on one occasion, after
iie was shown a picture of himself and
young woman cl isped in each others'
arms. The next week, it is alleged, an
other photo was taken of the same man
in a compromising situation with an
other young woman, and he was again
forced to pay . large price for silence.
After the photograph of a victim has
been secured, a member of the law firm,
it is said, would call the victim to his
There he would be informed that,
through another attorney his wife was
about to start divorce proceedings. He
would also be told of the existence of
the photograph, a copy of which he
would be shown, with the result tint he
invariably "came through" with a
large sum.
Nearly a score of women are said to
be included in the group of "sirens."
They worked, not only in Seattle, it is
said, but in nearly every other city in
the Pacific coast and iu'Spoknue.
Sheriff Hodge exchanged telegrams
this afternoon with the sheriff at Los
Angeles and asked him to arrest Isabel
Clayberg immediately and hold her un
til a deputy from the Seattle office
eould arrive there with extradition
Her Story Corroborated.
Los Angeles. Cal., Feb. 22. On a tele
graphic warrant from Seattle, Miss Isi
bel Clayberg, of Los Angeles, was plac
ed under arrest here this afternoon.
She is charged with blackmailing n
niillionaire Seattle lumberman, Accord
ing to advices from that city.
The telegraphic warrant was served
by Deputy Sheriff .1. li. Fox in a news
paper office where the woman had been
taken by reporters. It directed that
she be held until men arrived frTTtti Se
tttle with extradition papers, and was
signed by Sheriff Hodge.
Immediately after the arrest Fox
went to Miss Clayberg ' room on Coron
ado street to bearch it for photographs
and other alleged evidence.
When interviewed, Miss Clayberg.
who gave her age at 22, said:
"I have been made the victim of a
teirible set of circumstances. So has
Miss Peterson. She is ns beautiful n
girl morally as one ever met. It is ter
rible she should be brought into this
"T know- nothing of blackmailing.
Two years ago I met a woni.ui in Se
attle through an advertisement about
lloston terriers. T went out. to her
home and bought four dogs. A carpen
ter came to my home and built stalls for
them in the basement. That was the
only carpenter work I ever h.ul dono in
my house.
"Later the woman from whom T got
the dogs came and asked if she eould
star a few days while she was moving.
I let her. She was there three days.
At that time I was running a millinery
school in the Filet building, Second and
Pike streets. I w.is uwav during the
day. " h
'Mine night when T enme home T no
ticed where a hole had been bored
thrrrugh the wall.
"It did not look nt all suspicious, but
I thought it queer that she should huve
done this without telling me. I asked
nor about it. She said it was a place
for a curling iron.
"One day I enme liome unexpectedly
from downtown because of illness. A
big fat man was there with hoi- Fvi.
dently they had been taking pictures
iur sue snoweu me on on a dresser of
herself reclining on the bed. Thev ex-
pi.iineu tney hn. been experimenting
"mi uiuiogi'upiiv inuoors.
I i .. . ... , .....
inm ii runny, our let it go
win. rue remain: v ny not take them
outside .' '
"I have never been inrnlvo.l in
it,; . :i i . . . .
i -"or nave we ever nail .inr
notoriety. '
Woman Surrenders.
Los Angeles, ( al., Feb. 22. Miss
sane i i inyiierg. tor whose arrest on
blackmailing charges a warrant has
been issued in Seattle accompanied re
porters to a newspaper office here this
afternoon and awaited the arrival of
the polico there.
P. S. 0. App!e?ate
Found Dead in Bed
Med ford. Ore.. Feb. 22. Word lias
.lust been received that Peter sk..n
Ogden Applegate, a leading citizen of
souraern utegoii. was found dead in
his bed nt his son's home nt Central
mint Saturday morning. Mr. Amde
gate was well Friday night when he
reiireu. inner members of the family
have in the past died suddenly from
nenrt trouble.
Peter Applegate was formerly state
si"i "i oniem nun was for venra
recorder of Jackson eountv. For the
last 17 years he had devoted his entire
attention to a mine in the Kilt rwk
district, said to be the only telluride
quartz formation on this part of the
Peter Applegntp was a son of Jesse
Applegate. of Yoncaln. ,Tes-e Lindsay,
General F.lisha Applegate nnd other
brothers fame to Oregon in IS 1.1,
Try Capital Jonraal Want Ads.
All ada must be ordered for stated
length of time, no ad to count less than
10 words.
PHONE 937 l"or wood aw.
JONES NURSERY Rear of armorv.
HARRY Windowcleaner. Thone 763.
FOR RKNT Housekeeping rooms.
Phone 20D3M. tf
DKKJSS MAKING Mrs. Carrie Rod-
gers, 242 S. 19th. MarlO
FOR SALK Ancona cockerels. In
quire 2ISI) Myrtle Ave. Fcb'i
WANTED Second hand Acme harrow.
Wm. Oldcnourg. Route 8. Feb23
WANTED Mnir to work on farm. Don
ald Steele, Turner, Route 1. Peb22
OAK, ash, fir and maple cord wood.
Phonel322-J. W. 1". Proctor. AlarlU
ing. 029 Mill. Phone 2303. Peb23
WANTED To rent a small delivery
car. 200 N. Liberty, or l'bone i!47W.
LOST LETTER Addressed W. E.
Hoagc. Return to 938 Trade street.
Reward. Peb22
WANTED To rent 7 or 8 room honsa
reasonably close in. Address N. . G.,
care Journal. tf
WANTED Will pay well for use of
.fiuu tor uu days. care Capital
Journal. Peb2o
LOST Cuff link, Hindoo head pattern.
i lease leave at tnis ottieo ana accept
thanks. Feb23
FOB SALE 15 acres bottom lind.
south of Marion. Mrs. E. Thomas,
Marion, Oregon. Aprill
WANTED A good strong open buggy.
must oe in gooa condition, rnoue
45F14. Feb21
HORSE FOR SALE Pert heron colt 3
years old. Phono 752 mornings or
evenings. Fcb23
WANTED A carpenter to exchance
moor i or piece oi properly, u zv,
care Journal. Feb22
close in, some furniture if wanted.
Phono 331-M. Feb23
WANTED Team of horses, OHO to 1200
pounds. II. Hteiiihnck, 302 N. Com
mercial. Phono SOS. Feb22
WANTED Either day or night nurs
ing, oy experienced nurse. Phone
288, at Temperance nail. tf
FOIi SALE New rubber tired buggy
and Bingio h.irnoss. Inquiro nt Cher
ry City Feed Bam. Feb23
ored, wants employment of any
kjnd. 30, care Journal. Feb22
FOR RENT 5 room new bungalow,
near Mclxiuley school, $0 per month.
Carl Hahburg, 1050 N. 5th. Feb23
SYRUP From Now York, 1.69
per gallon 'it Damon's. Feb 23
SEWING MACHINE And furniture
tor sate, inquire afternoons at barn,
back ol' 800 N. Cottage. Feb22
FOR SALE Harley Davidson motor
cyclo in fairly good condition. Cap
ital Journal Printing Co. tf
FOR SALE By owner, nice suburban
nomo, cheap lor cbbIi. 320 Hubbard
Bldg. Feb23
twin, good order, new tires, lamp,
tandem, cheap. Phono 2303. Feb22
LOST Between Stockton's and Wool
worth's store, purse containing small
change. Leave at Journal office.
A. F. TINUSTROM Now located at
6-42 Court street. Upholstering, fur
niture repairing and carpet cleaning.
FOR SALE Kitchen range, almost
new, one dining table, iron bed with
springs, glass cupboard, porch seit.
1397 N. Com '1. Feb24.
WANTEI Man and wife, no children,
to work on farm. Must understand
care of fruit trees. German preforrcd.
Phono 84 F2. Feb23
FOR BENT Store, 21x165 feet, elee
trie lights and steam heat. See Watt
Shipp Co., 219 North Commercial
street. Phone 363. tf
WANTED At once, man to do general
ranch work, permanent work for the
right party. G. C. Jones, Route 8,
Box 74. Phone 29F2. Feb23
FOR SALE Two telephones for pri
vate line, nlso small lathe, screw cut
ting, foot or power. Feathers, 681
N. Winter, Salem. Feb23
WANTED To buy cheap for cash, a
good Becond innd manure spreader.
Address Bruce Bownc, Turner, Ore.
WANTED Second hand copies of
Dr. J. W. Holland's books on
Moths and Ilutterfl:J-s. Address
"Books" care of Journal. Fcb21
MONEY WANTED A loan of $12,000
at 8 per cent. First mortgage on
3,000 acres Canadian land security to
satisfy. Address L. C, care of Journ
al. Feb23
AUTO FOR SALE Good Studebaker 4,
passenger auto for sale nt a sacrifice,
good shape: also household furniture.
Call at 1045 North Capital or phone
040. tf
CHOICE Between heirer with second
ealf by her aide, square cross between
Uolstein and Jersey and Holstein cow
milked since August. Address or phone
Ij. S. Arnold, Salem. tf
SALE OR TRADE House and lot in
Tallman, Michigan nnd 80 icres near
Tallman, 15 miles from Lud'ngton,
will exchange for acreage or Salem
property. J. W. Brock, 2044 Haiel
Ave, Salem, Oregon. Feb24