THE DAILY CAPITAL yRNAL, 5ALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEB. 22, 191G. THREE "Corns AH Gone! j Let's All Kick!" Every Corn Vanishes by Using Won- derful. Simple "Gets-It." Never Fails. Applied in 2 Seconds Isn't it wonderful what a difference' just a little "Gets-It" makes on corns and calluses? It s always night ; iWfcset I Don't Caret I Cot Kid of Mr , 1 --- Corn With 'Oel-lfl" somewhere in the world, with many folks humped up, with cork-screwed faces, gouging, picking, drilling out their corns, making packages of their toes with plasters, bandages, tape and contraptions and the. "holler" in their corns goes on forever! Don't you do it. Use "Clots-It," it's marvel ous, simple, never fails. Apply it in 2 seconds. Nothing to stick to the stocking, hurt or irritate the toe. p., in cinU r- nfnnv. "clean off." quick It's one of the gems of the world. Trv it vou'll kick from .iy. For corns, calluses, warts, bunions. "frets-It" is sold everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent direct by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. Pratum News Notes (Capital Journal Special Service.) Pratum, Ore., Feb. 2 Miss Gertrude Maurcr spent .Sunday with her pa rents. Miss Alma Gcrber is visiting with T.ilnfivna in ttiifl vicillitV. A party given, by Lucas Vogt Friday evening was well intended. "..ames aim ,nsin u-ern pnioved until a late hour after which refreshments were served. September. Tn fact, in September, Kev. Smith, a missionary from China, business is at its lowest ebb in the pub is conducting services at the Menonite lie library. While the adult public church. called for 3872 books in January of Miss Mary Bcntler is spending a few 191"), the demand was for only 2110 days with her parents, who reside east during September. The gcneial aver of ' this city. age in the country for fiction is about Mrs. Frank Cable and daughter have 70 per cent and Salem ranks with the returned to Mucin alter Tisuuig mm Mrs. Coble's father, Mr. J. II. Harper, for some time. Miss Ida Maurer was a Salem visitor Saturday. Miss Rhoda I.ardon spent Sunday afternoon with the Miss Schnaps. Mr. J, W. Wclty is visiting relatives in Salem. Miss Mary Harper spent the wcek "end with friends in Salem. Mrs. Albert Thompson was a Capital City visitor Friday. Mr. Elbert Powell, who teaches school at Brooks, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Towell. A dance was held at the l'ratum hall last Saturday night. Charlie Rice, the blacksmith, was in Salem purchasing supplies last week. :1 ': sk 51- TODAY'S ODDEST STORY :1s r Cleveland. O., Fob. 22. A. R. je Rumsey, chief commissioner of :k tie lake carriers' association, is X :e looking for his dog Perry again. ! ije Rnmsey says his dog is the Jk ;e champion lost canine of the :e United States. "Perry has :k been lost lli-S times in 14 years," :e said Rumsey today. "It has ): cost me an average of ifoOD a :jt year to get him back." s-t " ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists. Orange Groves The Four Corners of the Earth hold no greater attractions than CALIFORNIA 19ta16 An ideal place to spend your winter va cation is California. Are you interest- ed in mountain or beach resorts? Both are there. Bathing in midwinter, pick ing oranges, motoring or mountain climbing are a few of the many diver sions possible. Outdoor sports the year around. Tennis courts and golf grounds everywhere. Hotel accomodations to fit the purse of everyone. Panama California Exposition at San Diego open all the year. Fifty-five Dollars is the round trip rate to Los Angeles and other Southern California cities. Six month limit. Stopovers. Ask your local agent or write John M. Scott, , General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. SOUTHERN PACIFIC IBeach Resorts Salem's Public Library Grows Steadily In Favor The Salem public library contains about two-thirds of a book to -every person living in the city, estimating the population, at 17,000, according to the report for the year 1915 recently issued by the librarian. Miss Anne D. Swezey. Several interesting facts regarding the library are shown by this annual report. One is the greater interest be ing taken as shown by the average daily attendance. In lit 1.1 it was 5S, in 1914 this average had grown to S4 and i last year it was 113. j Although the circulation of the libr ary for 191.1 was 53,S"2, yet from this ; total number only lo9 books wore miss ing and this was due possibly to the fact that a few books wore taken out j without being registered at the desk. I Kach year the circulation grows. ! Last year was 5til." larger than the year i before and 4."i99 larger than the ban ner year of the library, 191.1. A book hospital is part of the reg ular equipment. Hooks are not only rebound, but they are varnished, mend ed and brought into proper condition to he placed on the shelves. In fact, the hospital department of tho library cared for tho re-binding of 220 books and the mending of 1200. School children are becoming active patrons of the library. Last year the circulation from the city schools was 29,".j9, showing an increase of 3070 over the preceding year. Philosophical readers, or rather those interested in philosophy arc rather scarce in the citv and vicinitv. At- though 3872 adult books were issued in Januarj - , 1!1. -, only 48 were interested in philosophy. Readers of the useful arts are also scarce as onlv 89 books on theso subjects were issued last December, which was about the month ly average for the year. I Books on religious topics were not in demand to any very great extent. The greatest call for these books was in February ISMo, when 40 were cir culated. The desire for religious rend ing was lowest last July, when 13 books were called for. Readers of fiction find January the best month to read. In January of 1913 exactly 28,")2 books of fiction were circulated with February as the next mgnesi mourn iur mis mie o. m-i ature. Fiction falls the lowest '" average libraiies. COMBING YON'T RID HAIR OP DANDRUFF ' The 011I sureway to get rid ot nami-; -. , rutt IS to dissolve It, 1 11111 jmi ucnuui it entirely. Tn do this. get about four ; l)st ' mte jJ0f ,,re making tlie npplica ounces of ordinary liquid arvou; apply Ition and in a "rent manv cases find the it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it 111 gently with the finger tips. Do" this tonight, and by morning, most if not. all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more appli cations will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, 110 "matter how much dand ruff vou mav have. You will find, too. that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lus trous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvou at any drug store. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. rIRE BREAKS OUT ON STEAMSHIP AT SEATTLF Seattle, Wash., Feb. 21. A fire, orig- linating from spontaneous combustion, I , .. iL. V.: ..!.; Vi.. Inrin DrOKe OUT Ull UIU 'Jig m'-uni.-.".!' ' ' ,v of the Alaska Steamship company at Hi o'clock this morning, but was put mi lder control with little damage. The I Victoria was lying at pier two, loading for Southwestern Alaska ports and L'na I 1. .,- A member of the steamer's crew was overcome by smoke. His condition is not serious. Winter Flowers Interesting Cities PEACH LEAF CURL Bordeaux 6-6-50 or Lime Sulphur 1-10 May Be Effective 1 have just received the above infor mation from II. 1'. riarss head of the Plant Pathology department of the O. A. C. experiment station who says fur ther: l'e.uh leaf curl is a disease which undoubtedly cause thousands of dollars' of loss each year in the state of Ore-I gon. Practically all of the loss is un necessary since this disease can be sat isfactorily controlled with one spraying given at the proper time of year, as the experience of a great number of grow ers in all parts of the state indicates. This article is written for those who in the past have failed to control t.iis dis ease and for those who will have this disease to contend with in their newly planted orchards. The writer is confi dent that, barring Accidents, any peach grower can control this disease to his own satisfaction if he follows careful-lv- ,1... ,iir,., .,;.,,, .1,,,,,, ;,, n,; ,';,.! ' ' Peach curl leaf is a disease caused bv mor?A . it-t,o,, among their respect a fungus parasite. The infections f i '.vc actions, lt natimuM retr.lmtion. slow this fungus occur earlv in the spring I to,,?'Hl ,ut ?"re fo1 V? 111 '.he "i"'1' ?f just as the tender voting leaf points are nll0nl ,""ei Jn,l,1.t "' emerging from the buds and the infec- Rrt fa,l"l' of mankind are bound to Hons are particularly bad when the eth" s? t,lat "ne member sins all weather is moist and warm just at this ,he m" wlt1' -,,1!t '? to stage. Some varieties of "peaces are ? 11 1hl'rp. ,s V',0,'1 of P"'!0113 wnose much less seriously affected than oth- '.''''"'' iinmutable and whose Warn ers. When the' delicate infection !"P n,e "ot ",0rk?' thfn 'VUVCSt , threads of the fungus have penetrated ! tteriit-a and slaughter must be reaped into the new leaves thev spread all ! "om1 r-v 3'ea sowmf? of mtermf; through the leaf tissues and the ioj( hatrc, n,M'roinration for w-ar." t,o,.nw1a ,iit.i0.i i,,.,.,n .1 i Ike open forum discussion was par ed, and of an unnatural color. The ! whole leaf may be effected. In fact the whole twig niav be affected, but in other instances there may occur only a few separate patches of leaf surface af fected by the disease. By the middle of the spring the surfaces of these dis torted leaves become powdery with the spores or reproductive bodies of fun- Igus which are being discharge .1 at this time. These are carried bv air currents nil through the .-orchard and will even tually result in the infection of the next season. After discharging their spores, the leaves that are infected shrivel up and hang, deafl and brown, to the branches for a long time. Great injury is done where a large per cent age of the. leaves on a peach, tree are effected even though the tree may put out x new growth of leaves. The vi tality nf the tree and the quality and icld of the fruit are greatly reduced. r tirtlierniore, a tree n av die from the, effects .of the disease when it suffers two or more successive severe attacks. I J"ears ago it was found that by spray ing -trees thoroughly with lior-.leanx I mixture. 4-4-.J0 or with liine-siilplnir l-lfl I'niiit- i;ic nuns nciiiin ro o ne 1. inis .,,,,, . ,1.M,i '. ',,! ,,. rf,w. l,nv,.v,.i- ,vif fil ti. weather conditions such that spraying is impossible at that time. Consequent ly delayed applications is often made very soon alter the bails begin to come out, but unfortuiialely in such cases a great part of the infection has already taken dace and practically no bene ficial results come from this delayed spraying. It has been found that while spravinir immediatelv before the buds bejin to I open does control the leaf curl, yet a! j spray given a week or more before will! I have the same effect. Recent experi-j ! meats by the Cornell university exper iment station, even, indicate that spray ling any time after December 1 will be ! effective if thoroughly done. Kxneri- incnts are now under way at the Ore gon experiment station to determine whether or not. this is true under Ore gon conditions as well. Whatever is the results of these tests may be, it is the experience of Oregon growers that 1 thorough aplijation given within two weeks before the opening of the buds will have successful results. We recom mend, therefore, at the present time, that the peach grower spray their trees ia February a week or two before the buds are expected to begin to come out. If the presence of San Jose scale is "'"iT"r"' lr" i""v-iii.iiur i io in. ii not. use Bordeaux mixture fi-fi-'.0. Sue- cesstiil control, however, cannot be ex- peered unless the work is thoroughly done. Kverv bud must be covered with the sprav material. This is not an easy task but the results are worth the ef fort. A mast, spray under considerable pressure will generally give best re sults. ! :k : i I TO OVERCOME WINTER COMPLEXION TROUBLES i I If the chill air causes your skin to j dry and scale or become unduly red or I spotted, before you go to bed spread a ,... ,,.,-r , ,,ry mercoi.zen wax over your entire face Remove next morning with warm water This .a the deal compIcxnMi treatment for the wm- ,ter girl. Ilie wax gently absorbs the dead partic es of surface k,n. so grad - ally there's no discomfort. This gives I the underlying skin a chance to i nnrl to show- Uself. In a week or sr. the new and younger skin is wholly in evidence and you have a real - ly matchless complexion. Naturally all its defects disappear with the dis- i aiii-ii ciiui-i. !, riiiips, '""Koncss, .blotches, pimples, freckles, blackheads, 1-1 -.,! .1 -l - t I i suaiiv an ounce or mereoiizci wnx, procurable at any drugstore, is enough j to renovate even the worst complexion. , Wrinkles need both.'r yon no more if "'ft ''"H Sl,ll!,1' "'' w-h: Pow- iii-i.-,i sb. in,.-, i ,.., ninwnni in wm.-m: hazel, 1-2 pt. .lust one application will nttct cv.-ii the deepest lines BOOZE HAS "TrtE KICK' Portland. Or.. Feb. 22. The grain al cohol highball is the most popular un lawful d"'ik i" Portland today. Offi cers have found numerous "drunks" in a peculiar and very wobbly condi tion. Doctors advied the police to look for contraband store of pure alcohol. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. I sawn? ! Send your name now. Write tlay for tli! bS ? KhK boric. Over 100 Kew WiC Wall Puper Designs to choose from. Kvorv samDle Is cut from the fl:iDcr itself and shows the etnet colors andtlosintiw: price on th btv-b uf each. Price are try low h s thn wiehnlf of f tkil (nmobt instencea. i'rum 8c to buc ptr double nil. Think of this 65c Papers a Room 12x14x9 Ft. Her6 for a cony today, study the dmivnt and price. Yop wilIJ) surprised to ice how much you eun nave Luyingv.'.-.'UpcimlpaiiiUlroraMomgoirrryVViiio'Ato. KcvYwfc CWciiro KBCifr FtWwA PortUni ...MBKaBMUIiaBBUIBQUaaBWBlHMBCn HOW CAN IT HAPPEN? "How can there be a Clod, all-powerful, all-wise and nll-loving and this tiling (the present war) happen? In the new book by the editor of the Toronto Globe, .las Macdonald, which was reviewed Sunday evening in the First Presbyterian church, the author quotes tho above ipiestion asked by an honored American consul, lie then answers thus: "How could there be such a God and this tiling not happen? If there is a moral order in the universe if there is an essential difference be tween riiiht and wrong, if nations as well as men have consciousness of ti. tpato.l in by Messrs. Faul Wallace ; i and Frank Miller. MY IDEAL GIHL I. An ideal girl is hard to find. There's few in this wido world; But when a fellow falls in love, It's alwav-s the Tdeal Girl. II. The one which I have now in mind, Is the Ideal Girl for me. Perhaps to some she'll not appeal, Our tastes are unlike you see. III. Her eyes are blue and filled with tho't, Her hair is light and brown: Her teeth arc white, her lips are red, Her skin as soft as dawn. IV. She always feeds we hungry boys, On pies and cakes and fruit. Her motto is, to please the man. "Just feed and stuff the brute." V. Around her home she is alert, To keep things clean and bright. And when sho cooks n meal with pies, It always taste's iust right. VI. j She lies a smile for everyone, Who ha opens to come her way. 1 A companion to boys and girl-s alike, A friend to all each day. VII. 'Her morals are high, her tho't-s are I pure, For she is a girl of prayer, And everyone she does inspire, ! She influences unaware. ! . VIII. I Her faith and works are in her God, In church -lie does her part; j Her talent everyone admires, i For music is her art. IX. She never dances or play the cards, Winch lead one from the church, And modesty she ne'er forgets, From truth she never shirks. X. There is so much 1 'd like to say About this Meal Girl, That 1 believe that 1 could keep On writing forever more. XI. But I will close with just one word, A prayer for my Ideal Girl, May God in heaven keep her pure, From the stains of the outside world. Frank Y. Zinn. FIVE KILLED IN FIRE New York. Feb. "Five nelsons w(,rc til,l(1 esnw t0(av ,i10 r,.Ht of c;,. n.( m,.,;i, , vui w,,-tv. fifth street theatrical boarding house. Four of the persons perished in their rooms, while the fifth, an unidentified man, jumped from a fourth story win dow and struck a fence, almost cutting off his head. The fire aroused guests of nearby hotels, and for a time caused a near panic. mi SlOMACH JOY IN YOUR VEST POCKET Daniel J. Fry Has Such Faith In This Dyspepsia Remedy That He Guarantees It. Q f (fc t(,st SUC(.CSSP in tho , of lMfie ,, bcen ,1;llieved by . , sfamllir,, (,vspcr,sia rellf. . , , increasing so rapid- ; ,t'hat Daiel j. p , dJ . , fc work t0 h , Hck on j J Jt lnr ith Unl( m-uiHtcrs, layers and others where hwhwn 'UT profession keep, them dose- ; , y roaiDti while those who have ' ',,.. ' i,ii,r.iin ,),,.n,,v, irreir. ' , h,; nr,. , nth,.r cn,iKe. f ', .,:.. tlli ' reittl,,e i rcm(1j j Mi.0na comes in tablet form and is 9olJ ;n g mctai i)OX especially designed i n. ,,oni.f! : -rrvinir the mcdi- ! cine in ,he .,1, or pnrM, t j, t0a8. ant t0 tnke, gives quick relief and j shouI,i h(,lp a,jy C0C) n0 matter of how . . stlln,i,i,g. This remedy has licen so uniformly successful that Daniel J. Fry will in future sell Mi-o-na under a positive guarantee to refund the money if it should not prove entirely satis factory. No other dyspepBia medicine ever had a Isige enough percentage of cures so that it could be sold in this manner. A guarantee like this speaks volumes for the merit of the remedy. There is no timo like the present to do a thing that ought to be done. If any one has dyspepsia, today ia the best tiu'e to begjn curing it. Silverton News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Silverton, Ore., Feb. 22. Martin Smith, who has been in Sail Francisco taking a course of engraving, has re turned home and is working with his father in his jewelry store. ifr. nud Mrs. Claude P. Slade enjoy ed a visit from the former's sister, Mrs. John J. Roberts, of Salem, for the week-end. (J. W. Baynnrd, of Aumsville, spent Saturday night at the Clem Baynavd home in this city. A happy little bunch of girls met at Jewel McKee's last Saturday, in hon or of her ninth birthday, dames were played and a very good time reported. Those present were Ruth Nenl, Julia and Marie Burch, Wilda Van Cleve, Mahama McKee, I.ila Blazer aad Nellie Cooper. Mrs. Howard M. James returned ' home the first of the week from Port-! land with her little daughter, who was operated on for a rmtheriuir back of the ear. The second operation was neces-1 sary before the cause was removed She is getting along nicely since the j last operation. Axel Larsen. who was called to Mc Henry, North Dakota, by the death of his brother, Rev. W. A. Larsen, returned the last of the week. A deal was closed on Monday be- ti,-,,.ln TT Trl. fi ..1....- '..-I T it, iinnuinvil ill I II m mice UIU1 ,1. i R. Fitzgerald, of Portland, bv which ' Mr. Fitzgerald takes over the cleaning and pressing plant opposite the W ' W. hall. Mr. Holverson has business ! interests at Conuille that demnnds his attention and he is leaving for that j place. Mr. Fitzgerald is thinking of: moving his place of business down in 1 town to a better location soon. j Mrs. Scott is having the room op posite the Gem theatre fitted up and : has moved her restaurant in from the Schmidbaner building. The Silverton j oakery will -soon be moved into the place vacated by Mrs. Scott. P. F. Casen, who was a resident nf this place some years ago, passed away at his home at Dufur, Ore. He was a brother of J. B. Casen of this city, and also n step-brother of T. Hook, (if Mt Angel, who was at his bedside at the lat. Mrs. G. O. Kvans fell over n steplnd dcr last Saturday and broke her left arm near the wrist. One of the bones' in her hand wns also broken and the other arm quile badly hurt. Mrs. C. J. Gulden left for Golden- dale, Wash., on Wednesday morning I after several months spent n't the J. I., j l.nrgent home, in this city. Mrs. Will Haberly, of Waldo Hills, v ' enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs Mary Howd. of Salem. The "Four Leaf Clover" is the ti'lej of the three act operetta to be idven Tuesday by the children of the Chris- tinn Bible school, on March 17, St. j ra.tncK s day. the proceeds from this piny will be used to put in a cement sidewalk around Vlie church. Mrs. Yetta Haines, overseer of the Brotherhood of America Yoemen, came from Portland last Friday to attend tl' annual installation or officers of tin local lodge here. The following of ficers were elected for the coming year: Past Foreman. Xellie Sayre; honorable foreman. Carl Brown; muster of cere monies, Walter Fry; overseer, Arthur Fry; mistr ess of correspondence, Klnin Hutten; master of a units. Dr. Chris- tofferson; lady rcbckiih, Clara Dick; lady Howena. Julia Fry; master over seer, Mina Nicols: chaplain, Nellie Sayres; organizer, Chun Duriio. A number of high school student's were entertained at the G. W. Steel hammer home Friday night in honor of Mrs. Steclhamnicr 'r brothes, Harry Car son. Miss Louise Adams is home from the Fniversity of Oregon, fur a short vaca tion. George Kreech. (1f California, is visit ing his mother, Mrs. Roup, and renew ing old associations among hrs Silver ton, friends. Mrs. George Hurst wns culled tn .Mimsvillo Wednesday, to attend her parents, wno are ill at that place. A delightful social event of the week wns a surprise party on Mm A. V Wrightmnn on Tuesday afternoon at her nome on West Ala n street. Tho r,,,,.(v was planned bv the Pythian Sisters, of wnicn .Mrs. Wrightmnn is a popular member. A nice luncheon was served and a most en lovable nic.! Knute A. Loe, a prominent citizen of ninerron. passed away tit his home on r.ast inn on Monday at the age nf 7.T year. Deceased was born in Valdei-s, .'.orway, and moved io Minnesota when ' yw t nee. He wns married to Mis Anno Strand ii 1S71. After living in Minnesota 11 years the family moved to South Dakota ami in HKI2 cu'nio to Ore. gon, and have lived in this vicinity ever since. He is survived bv a wife and seven children: Andrew, Kmil ,1 Mrs Marie Rye, of Pierpont. South Dakota;' l arl,, Ten d Mis. Kline Anih- us, of this place. There i also a broth er, O. A. Loe. of Silverton, and sister Mrs. Moon, of Piedmont, South Dakota The funeral was held from the Cuited Lutheran church on Saturday, February If, and interment in the Kvans Valley cemetery. A happy birthday surprise was given Grandma Milstcr lit. the home of her daughter, Mr. Fanny Drake, on Tues day afternoon. There were about ,T0 of the dear old friends who eiime and the afternoon was passed in the happi.-st exchange of ld associations. Five of the daughters were present on this glad occasion: Mrs. Fanny Drake, of this city; Letta Davenport, of Portland; Bedn Hclfrick. of Spokane; Dilla Smith, of Kugene. nnd Ida Graves, of Molalla. At the home nf the bride's parentsj Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Hntlcburg, at Scan dia, on Wednesday, ni high noon, occur red the mnrrint'o'of Miss I.ovia Hatte- blirrf niul T,-n,.l, "r T ri. . i ) ., .... ,.iii.ii, inl. n,.,. ! ding was n very ouiot affair with only ine immediate relatives present. Thev have a host of friends who extend heartiest congratulations. The happy collide will begin hoiifckccpinr? on n l.i" much in Montnnn. lately purchased b" Mr Larson nnd his brother. Mrs, C. J. Rusheini is iiursinr Mrs 'fenrv Schrocdcr. who is convnlscing from her recent critical sick unell, Moss F.sthor llines is expecting Hie followiiif guests on Friday of this ""ek; Mrs. Ross Brown, of Pc.yette, Tibilin; Mi Hrnct!o Foster, of Cor vnllis and Abe McFniblen, of Goldfield. Nevnda. Thomas Booth, who has been visiting Silverton reletiviM since the liolidnvs. left on Tuesday for his home at Boise, SPRING CLOTHING I- 'iQpL 1 -Ji'WKtr; -i l - - T) .v BRICK BROTHERS The House That Guarantees Every Turchase. Idaho. The Alec Bronkley family spent Sun day at the home of Mr. Bronkey's pa rents, at Mt. Angel. Mrs. Joseph Brodie came from Wood burn Tuesday and spent the night with her granddaughter, Mrs. Harvey Hart man, and family. The Ladies' Aid of the United T.nth erun church was entertained on Thurs day by Mrs. A. A. tlrinde and Mrs. K. Ileiijum, in the basement of the church. Mis-s Mary Vandecar accompanied Miss Winona Palmer home from Corval lis for a two days' vacation. They returned to their school work Monday. A party from Mt. Angel was in this city the first of the week looking for a locution for a new bakery. OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH How To Get Relief When Head and Nose are Stuffed Up. Count fifty! Your cold in head or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache; no struggling for breath at night. Oct a small bottle of Ely 'a Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothing and healing the swolh n or inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Head colds, and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay btuffed-np and miserable. Kelief is sure. Club Wants Naval Base Located at Astoria In the Matter of H. II. I'i7."- introduced in tiie House of Representatives, tilth Congress, T. S. A., rebruary .1. V.Ufi, by the Hon. Willis C Hawley, M. C of Oregon: Vin;HI-:AS, The Hon. Willis C. Haw ley, "St. C, of the first. Oregon district, on February .1, l!Mii, introduced in the (louse of Kepreventativcs, ti-lth on gross, V. S. A.. House ftcnbition Xo I07."i2. entitled "A Itill Authorizing the establishment of a Naval Itase on the Columbia River neir Astoria, Oregon,! and making appropriation for the be-1 ginning of construction,'' provided that! an initial expenditure of .fl.fion.noil ami, WIIKRKAK, The Columbia River is the Port of Knt ry for a vast interior territory of Oregon, Washington. Ida ho nnd Montana and portions of Wyom ing, I't.ili and N'evada, approximating in area over "J".' 1,00ft square miles of rich productive and liipidly developing coun try, having a present population of ov er S.iidO.Ouil and registering over one hundred per cent iii'-rease every decade according to the P. S. census figures; and VH Kit HAS, The Columbia river pro vides the only watergiade route (by river, rail and highwiv) from this vast interior to the Pacific ocean, nnd is moreover the shortest, rpiickest and most mobile route from the Pacific seaboard to the middle, western ami Atlantic states; nnd WIIKRKAS, The mouth of the Colum bia river provides the most logical, most, strateuic, nud easily defended lo c ition for the government naval base of the first class on the entire Pncifie const of the Tinted States, meeting ev ery requirement of tiie general board of the naval deparment; and W II Kit KAS, The present defenseless condition of this river is not only a menace tn the great ''uluinloa basin and to the middle western states, tint also to Paget Sound .ind the present govern ment naval and military investments there; now therefore RKSOf.VKI), That we herewith give our uinpialified indorsement to II. Ii. 1 ii 7-" . above referred to, and earnestly request our senators and representatives ill congress to lend their influence and their vote for tin1 passage of said reso lution. KKSoI.VKD. That we regard the es tablishment of the proposed naval base at tiie mouth of the Columbia river as an essential and vital element of the preparedness program for national de fense; and we herewith urge prompt and adequate action thereupon in the interest of the Cnited States. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. Are You Ready for That Spring Suit? We Are Ready for You. In our complete stock you will surely find just what you are looking for. HATS Our Hat department is also ' - lJc'c aiiu a wcu to jvjui f inspection. Crawford Shoes Si We are sole agents for this j ii i i i . wen Known Drana; every pair guaranteed to rive sat- isfaction. Buy Your Needs in Wearing Apparel for Men and Boys at vcV -v. - Geraldlne rarrar, appearing In "Temp tation," on the Lasky-Paramouni, program at Ye Liberty Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The gowns worn by Miss Ocraldii e Farrar in the Jesse 1.. I.askey produc tion of ' The Temptation," which wi"! be the attraction at the Ye Liberty o i Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were brought by the Diva to this coun try from Paris shortly after the nw break of the war. As Miss Parl'ar ex pected to return to fill her opornti engagements abroad, the gowns wer" brought over in bond with the porinb sion of the Vnitcd States custom o' ficials that they might, be kept in tin i country for six months. The time wn- Hearing expiration anil Miss Pamir n preparing to pny the duty when th-.i customs officials notified her that i.i account of the interrupted traffic be tween this country and Kurope, sli" would be permitted to retain the gowi in America for another six months. The scenes in the Kitz-Carlton hotel at afternoon tea-time, when nil of Nen York's smart set is seen, is said to show a number of the latest fashion , both in afternoon gowns and millinery. SPUDS AND SUNDAY LAWS Charleston, W. Va Feb. 22. The state supreme court will decide whether it. is unlawful to dig potatoes on Sun d iv. as a justice of tho peace convicted and fined two men for such work. Friendly Helpfulness is a splendid way of refei-ring to HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters in cases of Poor Appetite, In digestion, Piliousness ond Con stipation. Try a bottle. . For ' Good Cake -ipkl Cake good .11 the way ILlAl-' I through eati good. To VffSTVF I have your cake eat good 'SUkST I use Merit Vanilla, hi i.5jSj. the purest and surest -a3L J you can buy. There's Vreal economy in the 25c bottle. , At Your Grocers. hi