Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 22, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Many Early Showings of Spring Merchandise
if - -J
Tomorrow's Big Sale
No. 783 Wednesday Surprise
Extra Special Huck Towels,
Special 2 for 25c
This Towel offering for Tomorrow's selling should appea 1 strongly to
those who wish to replenish their towel supply. These are of good size 18x
?A inches and may be had in either red or blue fancy border. On sale
Tomorrow morning commencing at 8:30 (see the window display) 2 for 25c
(No phone or mail orders taken for these towels.)
Salem's Largest
Departmeni Store
Salem's tone war appears today to!E2
have been only the backfire from an!"
automobile which was mistaken for ajiJ
fusilade of pistol shots and the resi- f
Alleged Pistol Shots Issued
From Muffler No Fatal
ides Reported
They Are Here
Spring Styles in Hats and Shirts that
are nifty. New Goods arrive almost
daily and they are the Season's latest
in styles and colors.
5 JVlt3t
or- New
All Around 1 o w
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass
et correctly. U. 8. liunk. Bldg.
The river fell about seven Inches yes
terday and today is H.lt feet above zero.
Dr. Stone's drug store.
George Oivens, who formerly owned
i barber mIioii at firooks, will open up in
a lew days in West Salem.
Dr. Stone's Drag store.
Misa Evelyn Cash, physical director
of the high school, was called to Politi
co, Michigan, by tho illness of her
Get your gardon tools, new and sec
ond hand, from K. I,. Stiff & Son.
The first straw hat of the season
made its appearance on the streets yes
terday. The man under the hat wis out
in the open but a short time.
Hopski on draught at Otto Eleets, 475
State street, non-alcoholic, cool anil re
freshing drink, 5c per glass. J'eblO
The Methodists will celebrate Wash
ington's birthday by serving a chicken
vie dinner this evening from 0 to 8
o'clock in the church p triors.
$2 folder cards. Trover-Weigle Studio.
Miss Ethel Kirk, of Junction City, ar
rived in the city yesterday anil has tak
en the positinn of head milliner for
Mrs. 11. P. Stith, in the Kafoury dry
goods store.
Matt, landscape gardner. Phone 1525.
George Flint, who Uvea half a mile
past of Marion will dispose of his stock,
household goods and farming imple
ments at a public sale Mnreh 2. Ho in
tends to go to Montana.
$2 folder cards. Trover-Weigle Studio.
The Foresters of America, Court Sher
wood No. will hold an open mooting
at Hurst hall Thursday evening. Tho
program for the evening will include
music, several literary numbers and
dancing. A general invitation is ex
touded to the public.
Have E. L. Stiff & Son replace that
old awning,
How the 23,000 gophor scalps were
disposed of by the county will bo shown
in moving pictures nt tho liligli thentre
Thursday. Friday and Saturday of this
week. Also how they looked before
they were cast Into tho fiery furuaco.
The moving pioturo will tell the story.
We oay the highest price for second
kind furniture. E. L. Stiff & Son.
Have E. L. Stiff & Son repair that
broken l'ui uiture.
Winthrop Hammond is In Portland
today to attend tho annual banquet of
t no Oregon chapter of the Sons of the
Owing to a typographical error in the
morning Statesman, Ve Lihcity adver
tisement read 10 cents, which should
have read lo cents.
The second of a series of dances to
lie given by the "La Area" club of the
I'nited Artis.ms will be held at tho
.Moose hall Wednesday evening.
louts who mistook tho mysterious dark
figures for Oriental gun men may
charge their error to the uncertain
moonlight according to the opinion of
j the police. All of the Chinese who were
interviewed today declared they were
"neutral" and Jim Chung reiterates
the statement that he is a "heap good
flcn to evelybody. "
According to the police the Chinese
on Ferry street are of a different fac
tion from the High street Chinese and
it is well known that famous ex-guii-man
holds forth on Ferry street at a
Chinese restaurant. This fact tends to
produce some uneasiness among local
Orientals but no strange Chinese have
shown themselves about the city. Six
Chinese from the Independence district
went to Portland yesterday but it ap
pears that one of their kinsmen has
been badly wounded in the tong war
in Portland and their trip was rather
to be at the bedside of their relative
than to take part in the gun escapades.
Local Chinese say that most of their
race in this city are not allied with tho
tongs in any way but that a Chinaman
usually keeps his affiliation with a tong
a secret and that there is uo way to
( ...1, tlio fi.liir llllitl 111
kllU IIIU Ul mi- ""fc ."v.. ...
The Woman's Alliance of the Unitar
ian church will meet with .Mrs. C. S.
Hamilton Fridnv afternoon, 2::I0. All town
members and friends are cordially in- As for the mysterious pistol shots
vited. that were heard shortly after midnight
0 Sundav night, W. K. linage, a mer-
xne raanon uuunxy aunaay ocnooi nailts ntrolman sum that he was on
American Involution. During tho past ! convention will hold its annual session i (j,)urt street when two men cranked up
their auto and that it backfired with
several loud reports which accounts for
the rumor that gunmen were abroad in
the night. No men were seen fleeting
jyonr the Oregon chapter at Portland j in this city .March 2 and 25. Theses
lias presented to circuit ana federal ' sions win no nem at uie t list t.ongrega-
courts silk fl.igs to be used at all natur-1 tional church.
alix.ation exercises. o
. TtiA HyTiifalifiAa will tinlrl a dtiaiII
' . I:... .. ai. II........
..i,ir..u i,v :r v,. wt.aio ni towing mem accusing iu ...... "s-
I ...;n i, .. '.. 1 1 1.. i, who took uo account of the event un-
, , , ,. . r, r, Her." le has been phvs'ician for the I til the next day when the residents of
la a conference at Washington, P. C, ! a mullWl. 'f ,.. I this city who heard the noise began to
between the department ot commerce . ' ,iika innniriev
1 ii.. v...: .1 .....!.: '
illll. INC illMUIIUl I lUUIU'lK itssociniion,
it developed that about .ill the dye inn- T,, ,. ,. ,,, . ,,:,,... nf i Vntm into the church
Sanilebudet, " San Francisco, California
will speak in the Swedish church, corn
er South 15th and Mill streets, next
Thursday, February 21, at S p. m. All
tenuis in tne country nad hoen ex
hausted and that ol' necessity, within
a short time plain and drab colors
would be in style.
Order your pure milk and cream
from Mnplo Grove Pniry, 1215 South
Commercial. Phone "08. tf
Washington's birthday was observed
this afternoon by the students of the
high school when all iu the
nssoinbly room to hoar an address on
"Characteristics of Washington," by
tho Kov. ilaines F.lvin. The high school
orchestra ami glee club furnished the
The Oregon state hospital today re
ceived a message from Sheritt triune ot
Hosebnrg, stating that an escaped pa
tient by the name of Hnrry Pratt hid
been captured at tllendale. Officials
from the asylum will return Pratt to
the institution tonight.
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 721. Salem, Ore.
The purchase by the city of an auto
mobile .will do away with one team and
a wagon. At the meeting last evening
of the city council it was figured that
it would bo economical for the city to
own an automobile ind the present
plans are for tho purchase of one in tho
way of a delivery auto to haul men and
tools to their work.
Hotcakes and coffee, lo cents. Reg
uhir meals, 20 cents. Jess (ieorgo, 202
Everything is now in readiness for
the informal dance to be given this
evening by the Kills .it their lodge
rooms, and a large crowd is expected
as the members have the privilege of
inviting one friend. Tho social rooms
will be ipou for those who prefer cards.
The iniisie will be furnished by tho en
tire HI k orchestra and dancing will be
gin at 0 o'clock.
J. E. Hockott, resident piano tuner
and repairer. All work guaranteed.
Phone 1 1115. Feb2l
Washington's birthday eve was duly
celebrated bv the members of the First
Christian church in the way of n box
social given under tiie auspices of the
United Circles of the church. The
church parlors wore decorated suggest
ivo. of the occasion and ninny of the la
dies were dressed iu colonial costumes.
The men wore just regular Salem
Hear Dr. Simonds on "Unitarian
Christianity" Tiiesdny and Wednesday
evenings at the Unitarian church, 7:45.
Fred A. Erixon, who was awarded the
contract for ilio building of the forest
ry buildin nt Corvallis, states that the
work will nrobably commence next
week. The contract with the govern
ment calls for tho completion of the
building by September of this year.
Learn "What Modern Uuitarianism
'Tenches," attend the meetings at the
I Unitarian church Wednesday evening,
! The Ancient Order of United Work
I men and the Degree of Honor of the A.
t). V. W. celebrated Washington's birth
j day last evening at their hall in the Mc
iCoinack building, judge P. H. li'Arcy
i delivered an address, dwelling on Wash
ington's place in the history of this
1 country and the world. Tne ladies wore
I dressed in the correct colonial stvle. A
musical and. literary program followed
the address of Judge D'Arcy.
Get a cool re (resiling drink and keep
your money in Oregon. Weinhnrd 's, nt ,ihu.- Curl V Williams. Charles
Hidden Noctur, at Paul Maruack's, 246 jH. Long, Willamette Valley Prune as-j
iX.Com'l. sociatiou. ('. M. Huberts, Paul John-!
o I son, A. 11. Cndwoll James Ingles C. S.
I The Arabian KnlghU club of Salem,, (iardiier, and (iraber Hros., all of Salem.
tne majority or wnose memtiers are ; Tlioy nre now owners of Ford ears, Pitr-
Next Sundav evening
the pictures will include a trip to Ma-
deria, 1'ortugal, and tne wim nmis oi
Scotland, liefore the pictures are shown,
the evening services will include a
reading from the lliblo by the pastor,
the singing of hymns by the congrega
tion and an anthem by tho choir, in
tact, the services are following the line
of the regular Sunday evening program,
but instead of a 'sermon the pastor gives
a 15 minutes talk, followed by the
showing of the pictures.
The Cherrians are in receipt of a let
tor from the secretary of the Chamber
of Commerce of .Marshfield, stating that
plans arc under way for a big celebra
tion in that city upon the completion of
too Willamette" and Pacific railroad
from Kucone to Coos bav. The secre
tary thought that the road would be
finally completed some time in August
and hoped that , the Cherrians would
Ide Shirts Newest Shapes, Colors.etc.
$1.50 to $2.00
St; SiWr RranH Shi'rrs-llur leader-fifood
ftA V ----
tux uic iiiuiicjr
i mi
Spring Hats
John B. Stetson Hats in all the Sea
sons latest colors and styles . . $4.00
Elston Hats, good quality . . . $3.00
IS 1
forgery; D. A. Bennett, one to five
years, for obtaining money under false,
pretenses, and William J. Keed, one to
15 years for committing a crime against
,os Angeles, Cnl., Feb. 22. Accord
ing to the will of Mrs. arah A. Baker,
filed for probate today, Philomath col
lege of Philomath, Oregon, is bequeath
ed :H),()l)0 and $70,00 is distributed
among several otlicr schools and church
morning, in the course of their studies
as to how t.tr was made front coal. Un
der the supervision of tho chemical
teacher, Herman Clark, the class visit
ed tho gas plant nnd one of tiie operat
ors in denionstiating how tar was made,
either pulled the wrong stop or pressed
the wrong button. Anyhow, tho class
seeking after practical knowledge re
ceived a fair sprinkling of tar and it
is now taking' tip the study as to what
effect tar has on clothing.
Did you write these letters?.. Posted
on the bulletin board of the Salem post
office are letters, so mis-directed that
delivery could not lie made. As there
was no return memorandum on the up
per left, hand corner of the envolupes,
they will eveutniillv find their way to
the dead letter office at Washington.
Several of the niis-directed letters aro
its follows: Miss Hiiisy Butler, lionte
1, Novady County; Mrs. A. A. Woelfel,
712 West Walnut street, Salem, Ore
gon; .liinies Koeningstiii, Norfold, Nor
folk; Mrs. Hoy liurgett, 1-'21 Bluff
street, Salem, Oregon.
A clock to be lighted by electricity
will bo placed on the curb of the side
walk in trout of their jewelry storo by
Gardner and Keene. Permit was giv
en by the city council last evening. As
the clock will bo on the same circuit as
the upper globe of the cluster lights, it
will be lighted until 5 o'clock each
morning. Tho height of the clock will
be 12 feet, and the dials, ;I0 inches in
diameter. The dials will be made of
opal ribbed glass suitable for illumina
tion and the numbers will be in black
and in Arabic figures, the minutes be
ing shown by dots. The hands will bo
covered with diamond polish to protect
them from snow and rain. The value
of the clock is tlioO and it will be in
stalled within .10 days.
Since the first of the month, the fol
low ing persons have become interested
in the dividends pnid and to be pnid by
the Standard Oil coinpnnv and are now
watciiing the daily market quotations
m,. i. viv. .i..il I'.i-rmnruto with the 'Maishfield Cham
Alia luouuiaA uie uigu Btuuui .
was pretty well splashed with tar this . of Commerce in securing n special
lllllll J.OIII l-'UI'MI IV VV.T ""V 1 V 1
great celebration. As tho Cherrians
have already shown their nprovnl of a
trip into tfie coast country and as
many others have expressed u desire to
visit Marshfield, the opinion has been
expressed that with but little ttuticut
ty a largo enough number of excursion
ists can be secured to justify a special.
Candidate for Office
But Does Not Favor
Woman Suffrage
Mrs. Alice II. Page, of this city has
declared her intention to be a candi
date, for the republican nomination for
State representative at the coming
primaries but she declares she does not
believe in woman suffrage. However,
since women have the right to vote,
Mrs. Page says she thinks it is their
dutv to take an interest in polities in
order to cast their ballots intelligently.
Mrs. Pago is the wife of Kolnnd K.
Page, a prominent attorney of this
Sheriff Levi Chrisman
Brings Three Men To
State Penitentiary
Sheriff T.ovi Chrisman, of
county, and County Comnii.-ioiier B. I'.
Rut lor nrrived in Salem today with
throe prisoners in custody who were
turned over to tho authorities of the
state pen. The men brought down were
J. R. Burg, two to twenty years for
;cjevelhy. mti
of 'C--?
Also ft Nice Lin
ShrinorH with thoir moniborsliiii in Port-I
land, will celebrate Washington's birth
day by special exorcises this evening at
the Masonic Temple. The address of
tho evening will be delivered by Judge
aliased since the first of the year. Al
so the following out of town buyers:
Thomas V. lirtink, rural route 2; Wal
ter Domes, McCoy; C. J. Pugh, Falls
Cttv; C. W, Forrest, Turner: A. V. Moy
Lawrence T. Harris of tho supreme, 0rs, rural route 5, and (ierald Volk, liv
court. Kiitortaining features of the ;,r ,, iha (iurden road.
evening will include xylophone music,
singing, wrestling and boxing. Tho cel
ebration this evening will be attended
my all Shriners in the city, regardless
of where their membership inuy bo held.
"Modern and Liberal Christianity"
will be discussed at the Unitarian
church Tuesday and Wednesday even
iugs, 7:15, Bring your friends.
Although, the seating capacity of the
First Congregational church is 700, this
has been found entirely iiiadoiitinte
since the establishing of moving pic
tures for the Sunday evening services.
Last Sunday evening, the third since
the beginning of the new program,
many were not able to gain admittance i
Phone 700
Good Oarage. In connection fot
storage of can.
Reasonable Batet.
216 State Street.
The art lecture last night at Waller
chapel on Pre-Kaphiielitisin was attend
ed by a fair size crowd and all were
well pleased with the speaker, Prof.
Alice Ootid and her lecture. Mrs. Oodd
treated her subject as only an export
could. She gave a comprehensive,
though not detailed history of the be
ginning of art and passed from one
stage to another noting the important
productions of the period and also giv
ing the characteristics which serve to
distinguish art of a given period.
Coining then to the Renaissance and
all artists of that timo she depicted
the characteristic of art that typify
that period. The early artists used for
their models Biblical settings which
they pictured with a feeling of relig
iousness and childlike realism.
Mrs. Hodd gave as a warning to thoso
who study art, not to study tho works
of a modern artist while you study the
work of the primitive artists, as they
do- not make a favorable contrast, there
arc distinct steps which one must take
in studying art the same as in acuom
plishing any other subject hence they
must come in consecutive order. One
comes to recognizo three dimensions;
length, breadth and thickness, iu a
painting after a careful study of it.
One strange thing about the paint
ings of the early artists is, they could
not paint a baby's face, they were in-,
variably the faces ot adults on a un-!
by 's body. I
Angels were favorite models for early!
artists, and nearly always they were!
women, rnther than men. "Today,"!
said Mrs. -Dodd, "men set up one worn-1
an as an angel which they adore for a
time, but it doesn't last long." I
The saints, seraphim and cherub-!
ims were also frequently painted, in!
fact tho early artists held that art;
should be used to portrav religious sen-i
jtiinents and subjects. j
Kiiskin in his criticism on art could;
Wasco! not understand why art did not por-i
tray senos regardless ot their nature,
he did not understand the independent;
status of art.
The Pre Kaphaelits Brotherhood was
established bv three young painters,!
chief of whom was Oante Gabriel Kos-1
etti, his idea was to free art from the!
conventional form which it had adopted
to make it simpler and to pivturize nn-1
hire. For example he painted a picture
of the Christ iu the robes of a high !
priest of the state church. This picture j
"The Light of The World'' now hangs
at Oxford college and is a very valu l
able painting.
Some of tho useful achievements of
the art of this period was the using of
decorative art methods to beautify the!
homes; a new architecture was also be-i
gun. Some of the modern lminifesta-i
tions are: .Mission furniture, simpuc-:
itw in decorations of homes, etc., and I
these arc steps toward progress. ;
Modem art has nothing new in its!
embrace; a great deal is borrowed from
the mist, from the Hen tisnnce period, i
for it was a period of creative aiit. Art-!
ists then looked out ou the world with j
awakening eyes and they established a;
precedence which later artists follow.;
Formerly, however, artists believed in!
giving oipial emphasis to all parts of a
picture. Today the artist concentrates
ou one object and subordinates the rest
to it. I
The lecture was richiy illustrated:
Now at 426 State Street
Special Sale of Canned Fruits t
Gallon, peeled Apricots or Pears, each 35c
Gallon, Standard Apricots or Apples, each 25c
No. 2 1-2 size cans Apricots, Peaches, Pears,' Grapes 3 for 50c
Always sold at 25c, special at 19c each.
All of the Home Packed Fruits and Berries put up by Darlings Delica
tessen in Mason quart jars, 19c each, 3 for 50c
Home made Salt Raising and Yeast Bread, fresh every day at 11:30
o'clock 10c loaf
Special for Saturday
Mrs. Sawyer will place for sale with us her well-known Caramel,
Chocolate and White Cakes at 50c each; Sunshine Cakes 80c each.
Place your order now. (Special orders any time.)
426 STATE STREET PHONES 830 and 840
with humorous stories that emphasized subjects on which she lectured,
the point aimed at. j Washington's birthday was honored
Professor J. T. Matthews in intro-: today at Willamette by grunting tho
ditcing the speaker stated that it was students a holiday,
the first lecture he had ever heard at: The next number of the faculty lce
..,, ..... ii- ,i i .tore course to the nublic ot Salem will
illainettc that was delnored by a hpM on Man.h u nt whi(.h tinH)
member of the Willamette faculty who yrot ,u;m o. Halt will lecture on "is
had traveled and studied all of the ben, the Xorsc Oramatist."
You're Never at a Loss for
Entertainment When There
Is a Victrola in Your Home
Hear Caruso by your own fireside. Listen to
Melba, Gadski, Gluck, Homer, McCormack or a hun
dred other favorites while you dine in your own
home. Call on Fritz Kreisler, Mischa Elman or
Kubelik for their Wizardry of the violin, or ask
Paderewski to play you a Chopin Nocturne while
you take your tea all this is possible to Victrola
owners and to them only.
Our part is to know that you are getting the very
best in records, in machines and in service, and we
attend to that in sureness, courtesy and dispatch.
We will gladly demonstrate the Victrola and play
any music you wish to hear at any time.
We have Victors and Victrolas at from $10 to $400.
The Wiley B. Allen Co.
R. F. PETERS, Manager. 521 Court Street.