Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 21, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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I BMiWiii.wir.l
ft combination of both
liquid and pas It.
Riqtxrt halt Ihe ffcrl.
Eusy (or children to us
Contain no acid.
Will tot crack Hit bather,
friiervt tht ItaMitr and
rncriase the lib III jour
Xew York, Feb. 21 Highly jierf uinpil
and much bejewelled, l'rinee Alexander
Miskinoff was his own first witness to
day in his suit for separation from his
wife, the former California heiress,
Aimee Crocker.
In answer to the charge that he was
loo affectionate with his beautiful 15
At a real sacrifice if sold this week,
modem 7-room house, paved street, all
assessments paid; price $1,800; als-; one
at $1,250.
Strictly ..Modem ..Bungalow Xear
state house for :f3,.,00; only $2,000
cash, balance on time; the best buy in
the city; don't phone, but call and Bee
5 Acre Snap Well improved ,3-acre
tract close in, only $.)00 down; price
10 Acre Tract For $1S00; terms; ad
joining land held at $250 per acre.
Fire Insurance Written.
Houses for Rent.
Money to Loan.
year old foster daughter, the prince
swore, through an interpreter, that his
wife had said:
"If you are really in love with
Vvonne and would be satisfied with
her, 1 will divorce you and be perfcctly
hnppy. "
The prince is 35 and his wife 42. She
has been married four times Loth
sides agree that the disparity in their
ages caused their estrangement, and led!
to tne prince atrectiou tor l vonne.
Attorneys intend to introduce a num
ber of the "honey darling" letters the
prince's wife wrote him, telling of her
anguish at surrendering Yvonne to him
"to love and cherish forever."
One of these said "I am sure you
... .,..,,.,., lu jui.i ntii mo nil"
1 vonne and have no need for me. "
whil another expressed the hopo that
"you ami Yvonne arc well and happy."
The prince testified that he and his
wife had gone to Paris shortly after
their marriage in London in June, 1914.
Then his wife had insisted upon indulg
ing in a gay night life, with theatre
parties followed by attendance at res
taurants afterward until 2 or 3 o'clock
in the morning.
"Frequently I remonstrated with
iier, " said the prince, "but she would
answer, 'Now let's go fo Maxims; this
is the life.' "
Yvonne, guarded by a nurse, and half
buried in a big fur coat, was present to
hear the testimony.
WhatWill p
People Say
The Home of paramount Pictures
Two Days Conference at
First Baptist Church
A two days' conference will be held
at the First Baptist church beginning
next Wednesday fur a general discus
sion of the latest methods of Bible
teaching and scriptural exposition.
The meetings will begin at 10 o'clock
Wednesday morninir and will continue
all day and each evening of the to
i days and will be conducted by men and
1 women prominent in denominational
work in the Pacific "northwest.
i This conference was made possible
' through the holding of the big laymen's
! meeting in Portland Inst week and sev
. eral of the speakers who addressed the
; Portland meetings will take part in the
! program here.
I The five year program that wns
j adopted by the northern Baptist con
; vention in Los Angeles will be dis-
cussed and the meetings will be a rare
' treat for religious workers who wish
; to post themselves on the latest meth
ods of Bible work. The meetings are
open to teachers from all churches.
Among those who will be present and
take part in the discussions are the Kev.
A. M. Petty, 1). 1)., Kev. Thomas
Moody, Mrs. K. L. Troyer, Key. C. A.
Woody, I). V., and Miss Carrie (). At ill
pough. An Italian missionary, the Kev.
.Senella, will also address the meetings.
Great interest has been manifested
among church people in this two days'
conference and a successful conference
is assured.
Washington, Feb. 21. President Wil
son will not fill Secretary of War Gar
rison's place by shifting' about cubinet
members if he can get the man he now
has in mind, it was learned authorita
tively this afternoon. Both Secretary
Houston nnd Secretary I.nne had been
mentioned as a possible clinico.
A Card of Thanks
It is all over but the shouting and I am frank to state
that from a profit standpoint there is not much eawse for
v- shouting, though the number of pianos sold has far ex
ceeded my expectations.
I take this means of thanking and congratulating the
many who have secured pianos during this sale and to
assure them of the unprecedented values obtained. All
doubt of any dissatisfaction is dispelled by the fact that
every piano purchased is backed up by Eilers Music
House of Portland who have been doing business in
Marion county for 17 years, and while a majority of the
pianos sold in this territory in that time have been sold
by them they have not a dissatisfied customer. There are
only four pianos unsold besides two organs, and these
will not be shipped back until Thursday.
To anyone wishing something extra fine in a piano we
would suggest a visit to the store to see and get the price
on the beautiful Smith & Barnes, or Kimball.
I also have two used pianos that I am very anxious to
sell either for cash or on $5.00 per month payments.
See the one for $140 like new, or the organ for $15.
, General Agent for Eilers Music House and the
Manufacturers, 261 Commercial St.
Total of 46,463 Have
Registered to Vote
Since First of Year
Of a total registration of 4lylii.1 from
January 1 to February 12 according to
the records at the office of Secretary
of State Olcott, 32,!M2 or fifi.fiS per cent
have been republicans and 11,ii5 or
27.U7 per eent signed up ns democrats.
The progressives number 307 or less
than one per cent of the total, i'73 pro
hibitionists make up 2.09 percent, 1,170
socialists form 2.52 per cent and l,42ii
miscellaneous voters comprise 3.07 per
cent of the total registration.
The total registration of the coun
ties and the two principal parties fol
lows: To. Jtepub. Bern.
Baker 1302 lilS HiS
Benton 530 32li 150
Clackamas 2023 13S7 510
Clatsop '. . S I5 031 157
Columbia SOI 57!) 150
Coos 1 150 027 334
Crook 150 75 70
Curry 252 K.S 75
Douglas 2122 1400 5!U
Gilliam 154 111 3S
Grant 300 242 103
Harney 137 S5 40
Hood River 313 223 07
Jackson IMS f.2S 3(1S
Jefferson 247 152 70
Josephine 405 344 119
Klamath 574 375 103
Most Successfully Treated by Taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Loss of appetite Is accompanied by
loss of vitality, which Is serious.
It Is common In the spring because
at this time the blood is Impure and
impoverished and fails to Kive the
digestive organs what is absolutely
necessary for the proper perform
ance of their functions.
Hood's Sarsaparilla, the old reli
able atl-the-year-round medicine, is
especially useful in the spring. Get
It from your druggist today. By
purifying and enriching the blood
and giving vitality, vigor and tone,
it is wonderfully successful In the
treatment of loss of appetite and the
other ailments prevalent at this time.
It is not simply a spring medicine it
is much more than that but it is the
best spring medicine.
Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the rich
red blood the digestive organs need.
I. inn
Multnomah ..
. 574
. 100
. 5000
. 243
. 2240
. 355
. 3745
. 117
. 1S21
. 300
. 751
1352 ,
Cnion PIS 531 205
Wallowa 39S 233 131
Wasco 021 447 131
Washington suit 5M) 154
Wheeler 102 79 22
Yamhill 1023 1020 403
Totals 40403 30PS2 11005
Stock Market Has
Lightest Day of Year
(Copyright 1010 by the Xew York Ev
ening Post.)
Xew York. Feb. 21. Partly, no doubt
because nf the absence from town for
over the holiday of so considerable part
of Wall street's constituency, the mar
ket today fell into a state of absolute
idleness. There was some desultory
drifting of juices either up or down,
but no one took any great interest. The
slight activity at the opening died im
mediately and the rest of the day was
dull. The number of shares dealt in
was the smallest in 1910. nnd in fact,
the smallest since the middle of lust
The market showed no signs of appre
hension about what will happen when
Germany's new submarine program be
comes effective at the end of February.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 21. "Robert"
Gnffney, the "lazy husband" of Mrs.
Margaret Gaffney, who turned out aft
er IS years of masquerading, to be
a "lady husband" has returned today
to the lialiliments of her sex.
nre so often subject to headache are
languid, pale and nervous because
their blood is thin or insufficient. They
are not really sick and hesitate to com
plain, but they lack that ambition and
vivacity which isthoir birthright. They
donotneeddrugs but doneedthe tonic
and nourishment in Scott's Emulsion
that makes richer blood, fills hollow
ablishes strengt h. Nourish men t alone
makesblood and Scott's Emulsion is the
essence of concentrated nourishment,
free from wines, alcohols or opiates.
If mother or daughter is frail, pale
or nervous, give her Scott's for one
mcjpth and see the betterment. It has
a wholesome, "nutty" flavor. Avoid
substitutes. At any drug store.
Scott & Uowne, liluoinfiekl.N.J. 15-24
Laredo, Texas, Feb. 21. Spanish Con
sul Lleguera of -Monterey, arriving here
today, declared lie had been evicted
from that city because he refused to
deport a Spanish priest. When he pro
tested to Cni'rnu.a against the priest's
deportation, he was informed that he
himself must quit the city within a
c :
U t. 1 oyrinj; is ill
jusi wait
ing for a chance.
Our new Spring Shirts
and Hats have already blos
somed forth in the most at
tractive colors and styles.
We have nothing to show
you except new goods.
Special bargains this
week on
New Spring Shirts at
$1 each.
The Toggery ?
167 Commercial St. r
Leading Clothiers
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
A "Positive
9 9
"Where Frankness Reveals Your Opportunity1
Some things marked less than cost. Many others at exact
cost. On a few items we will make a profit.
Why there's a
Time Limit
Here are eight of the neate.it grey
suits we have had in our store. Sizes
35 to 42. Just what you'll want a
few weeks later. They were C1 r or
S20, hut if you buy one now p'M
You've seen the kind of sale that goes
on and on, without any limit, as long as
there, seems to be any interest in it.
Sometimes it looks as if the merchant
kept on buying stock for the express
purpose of continuing his sale.
But this isn't that kind of a sale. We
set a definite time in which to sell cer
tain goods. When that time is up the
sale is over.
If there should be anything left, is goes
right back in stock at the regular price.
But it doesn't look as if much would
be left, judging by the last few days.
People appreciate value and they're
getting it here .
Have you accepted the opportunity?
Plenty of time till Saturday, but you've
heard "the early bird" story .
; at 65C
Good dressers will be especially pleased
with this one Silk Socks that were
very desirable at 50c per pair. To do
some tall moving we'll let Q1 (in
them go at, five pairs for pl.UU
Here's a treat for you- 4 dozen pairs
of 25c Silk hose
Thrifty fellows know how pleasant it
is to save money are you thrifty? You
will like this special or we'll miss our
guess. . Neckwear of the $1.00
grade, in most desirable shades i
Your boy will cause you little trouble
this summer if you fit him out in one
of our half-price Grey Suits. Were
T 1! $2.50, $3 and $3.50
Ages 10 to 18 years.
It's easy to part a wise man from his
money when you show him a bargain
like this lot of $3.00 Roberts
Hats at -
5 pairs for 50c
You never saw such dandy Gloves,
ladies, offered at such a low price.
They are Dent's, sold at $1.50, but we
have too many, so help (PI in
yourself at J)I.1U
Dent's two-clasp $2.00 Gloves,
sizes C, 0 1-4, 6 1-2
Only a few more Bathrobes left you
know the kind that sold at ffO T A
$5.00 take yours at p.Jw
Six Blue Serge Suits in sizes 33 to 36,
cut full and long, best quality of serge,
and guaranteed colors and make.
Were $25.00; if we can fflO TA
fit you piJ.JU
Here's another extra Trousers bargain
three dozen pairs of our regular $4
grade in some nifty patterns ffO AA
are to go at ifJ.uU
Do you wear a size 33-34 35-36? You
do? You are lucky! Had you seen
these eight Overcoats you would have
bought your size at the regular price
of $15.00. But you are tlflflfl
lucky. Have your size now forp"w
J 7