' TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1916. Feature No. 1. MOOSE LODGE ALL STAR VAUDEVILLE SHOW THURSDAY, MARCH 2 GRAND OPERA HOUSE V. ALICE JUSTIN. SWKET ALICE is what they call her throughout Europe und the Eastern Circuits where she hns appeared in concert and vaudeville. Miss Justin lias n contralto voice, that has underwent years of training under the tutorship of famous European instructors. Miss Justin has just returned from a most successful engagement over the big time eastern circuit, after having finished her contract with the well known eastern Dudley Buck company, vaudeville and concert producers. Miss Justin has groat mngnitism and to say that her song pntter is invig orating and refreshing is putting it mild. She is known to make a hit with her audience, tho moment she appears on the stage. Her gowns arc also elaborate. M iss Justin asked the Moose committco if they wanted her to sing socrcd concert selections or popular songs, and in unison the committee shouted pop ular! Ho Miss Justin remnrked then I must wear my smile, and upon being requested for a photo, snid hern is the smiling pose. It's sure some smile. Miss Justin is a mitive born Oregoninn, having been bom in Portland about ft years ago. (It won "t do to tell a lady 's age). You can judge for yourself when you hear her. While visiting her pnrents in Portland Miss Justin keeps lier contralto voice in training singing at Gruco Mo nudist church. ron't fail to hear Oregon's native Contralto. Tickets can be purchased from any Moose, Ten big ucts. Watch for feuture No. 2 Saturday. Five of One Family Go To Prison Together Twin Pills, Idaho, Feb. 17. An en tire family, father, mother and eight children, were en route to Poise today in custody of the state of Idaho. The mother, Mrs. J. I). Korr, will be placed behind the bars at tho peniten tiary while iier three weeks old baby and four other small children will be eared for at the children's home. Tho father, mother ami one son were eutenced to terms ranging from sli months to five years in the penitenti ary for receiving stolen goods. Two other sons wero given indeterminate, entouces of one to five years for burglary. Livesley News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Livesley, Or., Feb. 17. The debate nt the literary last Fridav was on the question, "Resolved, That a spend thrift is a greater detriment to the com munity then i miser.'" Tho decision wan given to tho negative. An enjoyable program was rendered n follows: Song, "The Sugar Moon" by Firos u re nostra. Recitation, by Alice Zielke. Song, by Mr. Del Shelton. b'ccitntiun, (ing Asher. Music, Violin, Guitar and Firos Or chestra. Heading, Mr. S. Davenport, lioeilation, May Asher. Recitation, Karl Slurp. Recitation, Flovd ynery. Song, Mr. Del Slielton.' Recitation, tilndvs Drossier. Medley, Firo Orchestra. ' Recitation, I.nronu Ziclke. The debate for Friday will be "Re solved, That Socialism is desirable." This ought to bring out an interesting discussion, being led by 14. Roland and J. Scnnlin. " The members of the (. T. club were entertained by Mrs. L. Johnston last Thursdiy. The afternoon was enjoy ably spent with needlework anil a con test alter which dainty refreshment were served. Those present: Mrs. C. D. Query, Mis. (i. Wiggins, Mrs. tl. W. Coolidg'e, Mrs. 11. Tracy. Mis. 11. Fiddler, Mrs. N. Kugle, Mrs. W. Meier, Mrs. .1. Watson, Mrs. F. Edwards, Mrs. S. Davenport. Mrs. If. Cnrpeiner, Mrs. J. Dressier, Mrs. 1,. Johnston. Mr. A. Meier returned to the O. A. (.'. s OCIETY ALINE THOMPSON A pretty Valentine party was given by the ladies of tho "Round Dozen" club for the men on Monday evening at the home of Mrs F. E. tiearhart. Guues appropriate of the romantic saint were indulged in and a very pleasurable time was enjoyed. The hostesses served refreshmnts. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. T. j. Davidson, Mr. ami Mrs. F. E. Mull, Mrs. Feiling, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Gear hart, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Netz, Mr. and Mrs. I,. V. I'otter. Mr. and Mrs. cGorge Schoppert, Mrs. lindens, Mr. John W. Yates, Miss Laura Vites and Miss Gen evieve I'otter. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pain ( Hazel Mc Xear) of Eugene, are being showered with an array of blossoms and felicita tions upon the advent of a daughter. Mrs. Winfield Funnel presided over a prettily appointed supper Sinnl ly even ing at her home on North Seventeenth street. The table was adorned with shaded candles, Valentine favors marking the (daces for: Mrs. Ida Garrett, Misses Florence 1'nge, Ruth Spoor, Vesta Mill ligan, Ciroline Sterling, Aetna Emmel, Esther Einniel, lilanche Baker, Mable liarrett and Mildred (rarrett. Mr. and Mrs. IT. X. Elev entertainel recently with a Valentine party. 1 lie rooms were effectively decorat ed with streamers of brilliant red hearts And gold cupids. the hostess was assisted in receiving the quests by Mrs. K. O. Rinderman and Miss Viola Mvnatt. Games formed the evening's diver sion, folloned by refreshments. Those present were: Mrs. M. S. Ry an, of Riddle, who is a guest of the Eley's, Dr. and Mrs. Scott and son Rus sel, Mr. and Mrs. Kin lerninn, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Perry and daughter, Mrs. J. M. Bowen. Miss Virgini.i Xowlen, Miss Carrie Healey, Miss Viola Mynatt, Miss upai nowen. Miss Francis Soloimin returned Tues day from a week's visit in Portland, where she was tho guest of Miss Lean r.astiiam. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bar- Ends Dry, Hoarse or f Painful Coughs Quickly I A Simple, Home-Miide Remedy. T lunpennlve but I nrmiiLJ T The prompt and positive results given by tins pleasant, tasting, home-made cough syrup has caused it to be used in more homes than any other remedy. It gives almost instant relief und will usual ly OVerCOinn HlP oi'ormi., I. :n ni i; - ". v.u..K in ct Oft. QU. mmnna tmn K rt ,Lt IA ,,v. a ura i-i-iiia wurLil l from any drug store, pour it into a pint bottle and till the bottle with plain granu lated sugar syrup. This makes a full runt a family supply of the most ef fective cough remedy at a cost of only 54 cents or less. You couldn't buy as much i;-iniv-iiiHue coiign medicine lor $2.50. Ensily prepared and never spoils. Full direetiuns with Pinex. 'I'llA Timmntnitua n..l.:nH .1 witli winch this Pinex Syrup overcomes a bad rough, chest or throat cold is truly niiminnuif. ii quicKiy loosens a ury. .....lyu ,.i u in, cuuKii nnu neais anil soothes a painful cough in a hurry. With a persistent loose cough it stops 'the for mation of phlegm in the throat and bron chial tubes, thus ending the annoying Pinex is a highly concentrated com pound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in guniacol and is famous the world over for its splendid elfect in bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma and winter coughs. To avoid disappointment in makini this ask your druggist for "2' ounce! of Pinex," and don't accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfac tion, or nuinev promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. Jlie Pinex Co.. ti. Wayne, JmL nardi was the scene of i delightful surprise party Wednesday evening when a number of" friends gathered to cele brate Mr. Barnardi's birthday. Dancing and games followed by 'lain ty refreshments rounded out a gay evening. Those participating were: Mr. and Mrs. John Donmg.illa, Mr. ami Mrs. J. Harnnrdi, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Domogal la, Mr. and Mrs. Gee, Misses Constance, Mary and Johanna Schottiiofer, Miss Johanna Domogalla, Miss Gladys Seel son, Miss Lillian Domngnlli, Harry Brassfield, Leh, Suing, Vincent Domo galla, Ceral Suing and John Domogalla. ii The members of the Xiami Circle of the Methodist church met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James McClellan on North Twenty-first street. A brief business session was followed by a social chat ind refreshments. A club compose! of a group of Wil (iniette university girls entertained Friday afternoon at their dub house, the "Dew Drop Inn." iMiriug tue uiiernoon a iieiigiiiiiu pro gramme was enjoyed. Following a charming: solo by Miss Grace Thompson and a reading by Miss Evelyn Heigel nun, Miss Blanche Baker gave an in teresting paper on Lincoln. The tea table was artistic ally adorned with fragrant violets and shaded can dles, while carnations were used in the living room. Miss Esther Emmel and Miss Flor ence Page assisted. Hcsides the girls of the Adelante so ciety of the university, Mrs. Carl Do nev, Mrs. Frederick Thompson, Mrs. Ida Garrett, Mrs. W. If. Weller, and Miss Junia Todd were asked. The members of the "Jolly Neigh bors" club were entertained Wednes day afternoon at the home of Miss An nie Grabenhorst on the Jefferson road. An enjoyable afternoon was spent with needlework, followed by a collation. Those present were: Mrs. .1. E. Croth ers, Mrs. H. J. Boock, Mrs. William Boon, Mrs. E. BJ. Prothero, Mrs. M. H. I'tter, Mrs. John Fisher, Mrs. C. Ii. I.oomis, Mrs. L. J. Lonnders, Mrs. W. Hatch, Mrs. William G irnjobst, Mrs. C. Success of a New Remedy fob Backache, Kidneys, Rheumatics P(ar Mr. Editor I suffered for years with backache. Last March I tried " Anuric" and have used this new kid ney medicine recently discovered by Dr. Pierce, and it was wonderful the way it eased the pain and gave me reiief in ench a short time. I have tried eeveral medicines, but "Anuric" ie the only one that gave satisfaction. I feel it my duty to recommend "Annric Tablets " to any one who suffers as I did. ( Signed ) Mrs. Margaret E. Snider. HUIE WING SANG CO. CHINESE FANCY AND DRY GOODS Goods Selling at Cost We make up Klmonas, Wrappers, House Dresses and Underwear. Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Mattings, Blankets, Comforters, etc. 291 N. Commercial St, Salem, Oregon Notb : Folks in town and adjoining counties are delighted with the results theyhaveobtainedbyusing"XiVf7iiZC1,'' the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who is head of the Invalids' Hotel and Si'roical Institute, in Buffalo, N. Y. Those who started the day with a back ache, stiff legs, arms and muscles, and an aching head (worn out before the day began because they were in and out of bed half a dozen times at night) are appreciating the perfect rest, comfort and new strength they obtained from Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. To prove that this is a certain uric acid solvent and conquers headache, kidney and bladder diseases and rheumatism, if you've never used the "Anuric," cut this out and send ten cents to Doctor Pierce for a large sample package. This will prove to you that "Anuric" is thirty -seven times more active than lithia in eliminating uric acid and the most perfect kidney and bladder cor rector. If you are a sufferer, go to your best druggist and ask for a 50-cent box of "Anuric." You run no risk for Dr. Pierce's good name stands behind this wonderful new discovery as it has for the past half century for his "Golden Medical Discovery," a general tonic made from roots with pure glycerine which makes the blood pure, his "Fa vorite Prescription" for weak women imd "Pleasant Pellets" for liver ills. Mrs. B. L. Sleeves, Illli North Church street; Fast Central, Mrs. Engstroiii, oi") North Capital street. Tolav preparations were made by the members of the various circles for the George Washington birthday dinner to be given at the church on Tuesday, February the twenty-second. i w it Friday evening there will be a measur ing social at the First Baptist church. A splendid programme has been ar ranged and will be followed by games and refreshments. Kach person attending will be asked to give five cents for oich foot of' height and one cent additional for! every extra inch. j Tho donations will be used for the! preparing of tho Sunday school rooms.! Everyone is cordially invited. Mrs. M. S. Kyan. of Riddle, Oregon, ndio has been the house guest of ilrs. 11. X. Fly, went to Albany to day, where she will visit before returning home. Dennis. K. G. White, of Falls City, was rey istered yesterday ut the Bligh. Robert Jones has returned from Se attle, where ho was a student at the Franklin high school. Preparedness hint for today: Kegis- tcr. PERSONALS II. Grabenhorst, Miss Met 'leery, Miss: Rolston and Miss Garnjobst. I The eight circles of the First Method-1 isf. Chlircil met thiJ nffurnnnn nt tlinl noincs or rne ioiiowing matrons: South Central, Mrs. Case, 287 South Winter street; Yew Park Circle, Mrs. Dillia.i, 77(5 .South 12th street; South East Circle, Mrs. Eyre, 197H Mill street; Saoini, Mrs. James McClelland, 205 N. 21st street; Lucy Anna Lee, Mrs. Cook, 158 North 12th stieet; Egnlewood, Mrs. McMillan, Garden Road; West Central, Attorney Fred 8. Lamport is in Port land. W, II. Bowser, mayor of Silvcrton, was a Salem visitor yesterday. Dennis Stevenson and Arthur Steven son lett yesterday tor Flint, .Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jlen.lrick went to Portland this morning for x week end visit. D. Tinglestea 1, of Silverton, was transacting business in the city yes terday. Miss Pearl Unglow, of Dallas, is vis iting in the city, the guest of Mrs. ISert ASHAMED Of your complexion f You need not be. Try our Pace Treatments and see how quickly pimples and blackheads vanish. When tired and worn, an Electric Massage gies tone and freshness to the sagging muscles of the face. Manicuring, Hairdressing, Sham pooing. Creams and lotions for sale. Open Saturday evenings. Phono for appointment. WANTED Four ladies to learn our method of Beauty Culture. Ap ply at our office between hoirs of 10 and 4. Imperial Beauty Parlors 301 Bank of Commerce Building, Phone 393 1 Another Piano Talk We Are Here to Stay Not to Be Gone Tomorrow or Saturday We contribute to the city's welfare, pay taxes and help every public movement for the upbuilding of Salem and community. If you buy a Piano of us your money will be ex pended in Salem and will eventually come back to you. We are not saying this in a spirit of a knock but as a fact. Our stores buy pianos in carload lots and get all the discounts that wholesalers are entitled too. We sell pianos at a closer margin of profit than most other stores. You can buy High Grade Tianos cheaper of us than elsewhere. We are back of every Piano that leaves our store. You get what you buy and pay for of us, or we refund your money. Remember our offer of 25 free lessons with each instrument sold. The Wiley B. Allen Co. K. F. PETERS, Manager. 521 Court Street Sunday after spending a few days with his brother, V. M. Meier. Mrs. G. F. Higgins and little son Raymond went to Onil Friday for an indefinite stiy. Miss l.eona Howdy, who has been with tile Winger family during their re cent, bereavement, returned to Kunent' 1 iiurs.iny. .Miss Hazel Adams spent tv few days in Salem last week. Mrs. K. Finlayson, of McMitinville, is vistiing with her daughter, Mrs. G. II. Kdd.v. Mrs. Bowman, who has been in Salem tor some time nursing a sick relative, returned Tuesday evening. South Bottom News (Capital Journal Special Service.) South Bottom, Oregon, Feb. 17. Con siderable interest is being awakened in this locality in the dairy industry. A meeting of those interested in dairying will bo held nt Hueun Crest school house next Saturday afternoon, February beginning nt one o'clock p. m. Address es will be delivered by L. J. Chnpin and Mr. llargiove. A lirge attendance is expected. The flood waters of the Willamette came and went causing no damage and little inconvenience. Farmers were de lighted to see the waters spread out oyer their fields. Floods mean the ex termination of gophers mid moles and the enrichment of the soil through the sedinientnry deposits lett by the stand ing water. The tripping season is about over. Ignite a number of fur bearing ani mals have been caught. A. W. Lee caught several raccoons and two ot ters. The otters were large and their kins brought eight dollars each, J. F. Harris the champion gnparr catcher, who, with the aid of his son, Claude, tripod 4.000 gophers last sum mer, visited this locality a few days ago. He says persistent trapping of gopher ami the flood waters of the Willamette have greatly decreased the number of gophers so that trapping is not likely to be as profitable the com ing season as it wis last siimuier. Mrs. C. W. Chatfield and her mother, Mrs. Smith, were at Priitum over Sun day the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. Try Capital Journal Want Ada. B Great Clubbing O f fers by the Daily Capital Journal IIIT Have made arrangements by which any subscriber to the V V Ej CAPITAL JOURNAL, delivered by carrier in Salem, who will pay for the paper six months in advance, at the regular rate, $2.50, will receive without extra charge, the following publica tions for one year: The Northwest Farmstead, regular price, $1.00 Boy's Magazine, regular price, Today's Magazine, regular price . Household Magazine, regular price, Total of regular price, 1.00 .50 .25 $2.75 REMEMBER these cost you nothing if you pay six months in ad vance for the DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL by carrier in Salem. Or you may have the following combination on the same lines if you prefer it: Today's Magazine, one year, and McCall Magazine, one year, with two McCall pat terns of your own selection, free. Today s Magazine is a splendid publication bigger and better than ever before. McCalFs Magazine is too well-known to need further introduction it is growing bigger and better all the time. Mail Sll WrilwQ t0 the CAPITAL JOURNAL may IViail DUpSCrlDerS seCure either of these clubbing bargains by paying one year's subscription at the regular rate of $3.00 per year. Call at the business office, or address CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon '-''Jt',--,-'ns'nr.,fe,''ji,iiiii;iiiiiiHjjf' GO