EIGHT THE DATTY CAPITAL .TOT'RNATi. SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16, 191 R. That Camel blend turns the trick! Get the new flavor and new satisfaction the blending of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos provides in Camel Ciga rettes. You'll prefer that blend to either kind smoked straight ! Prove this to yourself by comparing Camels with any cigarette at any price! Smoke Camels to your heart's content because they are freed from tongue-bite and throat-parch; because they leave no un pleasant cigaretty after-taste. Quality is so apparent in each puff, smokers do not look for or expect premiums or coupons. That new mellow-mildness, that new "body" puts an entirely new idea of cigarette satisfac tion into your mind! mm mm -,i .r it i mm I'li'J' .Vr Camels are sold everywhere in scientifically seated packages, 30 for 10c; or ten packages (300 cigarettes) in glasaine-paper-covered carton for $1.00. Wo strongly recommend this carton for the home or office supply or when you travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Safem, N. C. TURKISH & DOMESTIC M I B HE N d :-;;.) t) , y J- TAa stamp placed J- -V ' Package, which iy w ' kepa nut air, there t :rj quhtyof the blend edo6jccos. By in ' v'"' rt,nf the Br.erm J'J i ' a illustrated, tha , ii mtampeaaily breaks I without tearing the a s : ' ac Jnfojfupaca, T crap Was Hot From Start, Fox Having Best of It . Other Sport News ! 1 1 1 o commercial dub nn dtho second, for ' (lie Salem chess ind checker c I n 1 : j j Checkers. S. .r. Culver, won II, draw J; I. Crecn- i Imum won !l, draw 1. c s lliiiiiilion wrn n n- ir it WW j Hill won 4, draw 0. 4 Ij. A. Westacott won 2, draw 1; I). (I. 444.4; I'rager won 1, draw I. r. ,. I ,,, . . ! V. ('. Wiiislciw won 1, draw 1: A ure?ons win irom tiKs Snort Np.ii)8 MARCH 25 THE DATE Chicago, I'eh. The-Wil-InrdMoran fiuht has lieen I'ost- JKHU'd to March 2"), Willard's iiiaiKKcr To:n .lones, announced today. Jones announce! tfiat he would telephone Tex Kicknrd and ask him hi set the t'iyht for March 2i or a dav very near that. He examined Willard and said the champion would be un able to train for i week or ten days because of his severe cold. 'Portland, Or., Feb. 1(1. .Tininiv Fox of San Francisco, still claimed the Pa cific const featherweiyht championship today after facing Jtill v Mascott for six rounds last night. Boxing fans who expected a gentlemanly sort of a bout were pleasantly disappointed. Ambi tion urged Mascott on to supreme ef forts. He had a shade in each of the first four rounds, and twice Fox went to the floor under his rushes. lint with an unfaltering smile the San Franciscan turned himself loose in the fifth and sixth rounds after Mas cott had used up most of his energy. n the last two rounds Fox evened up matters, an. I probably was entitled to a decision. Nobody 'appeared dissatis fied when the referee called it a draw. Jockey Bennett outpointed Abie Gor don in the semi final. What to Do for Eczema Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied if good clear skin is wanted. From any druMist for 25c or $1.00 for extra lur2e size, get a bottle ot zemo, When applied as directed, it tt'ectivcly removes eczema, quickly stops itc-liins, and heals skin troubles, also sores, bums, wounds and r hahuz. It penetrates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo is dependable and inexpensive. Try it. as we believe nothing you have ever used is as effective ami Kutistjing. Zemo, Cleveland. Lojus Trim Federal The Oregon won from the l!!k bowl ers at the Club alleys last night by the score of 2"illl to 2h7 pins and the Ore gons toed toe first two games. Anibnl of Hie Oregon had high game with 21.1 Team average Ills. Total pins 2."l!i. The score: lluti and Zenger of eiage with 1 s:t The score to b'alph Pratt K n v .. Ski IT lllissev I he Ntine team, high aV' lows: Elks, 1 2 ...1.17 1.17 ...Hiii liiii ... 1 7". 17.-) i ."ir Hiu 17o 174 17) 171 I"i2 i:s ir.jt Statesman I'ilkeutoii . Hill Pi eid 1 1 1 1 1 ... II. I av lojus 1 2 His I. '17 I7!l 1 17 Hi! 1M 1711 2n:t Mill I III llili s2 l.m 1M 2H2 Mil A v. I."i7 Hiu I IS 1 7:1 212 eon won 2, uraw 1. I'. Drager won 0, draw 0: I Ingles won I, draw 0. Che is. . ramcs Walton 2; ('. (I. fiivens (1 Thomas ltv 111 1 ; P. K. Plant I. Or. V. Il.'llyrd I; .1. S. Smith 1. W. I). Kvans 1; II. Savage ... ' Jonathan iniirne 0; It. Miller 2. 0. Second Round of Commercial League Series Starts Tonight I The commercial basketball league I ,.f ti... r r ...:n ........ .1... 1 second round of the series of games to-1 j night. Last weeks g lines completed ; the first round during whic h each team meet each other team in the league. In the first round the Capital National j bank team demonstrated the best team I work especially toward the close of the .round. The ('.ipital National bank I team is the one team to have taken I first place alone since the beginning- of ..SIS S21 Totals ream average lilt. Total pills 2 1'i". Orcgons, 1 ' ! .1 . Auibal 2-1.1 Hil l.'til IS2 Hamlin l!i Ml) 177 Kill eager 1112 2X'I 12.1 ls:t! Whorlev His 1.1S 1.V2 ldil'lnr " ls;t 114 12S 1.12 Totals Team average I7i Total pins 217II. A v. 1 Fodorals. 1171 1 2 .'I Av. I "ll I N'oud IS! s:5 v"t IS.-, 1 7.1; Samp 12S 14! Ml) I II l74 Si,ldell Hi2 H12 Hi2 Illi'Cravea Isil ii7 17(1 j Humphreys s;i s;i s, Hi2 17:1 ls.t "'"' scores ior iiie game piay-jiiie league. Other teams were tied for ,ed last evening and the one, played the ; this place throughout the entire first jsth now total 111 chess. !' for the com-: round. j rnercial club to IOC. for the. Salem chess! The' Capital Husine college FrVs land checker club. The checker totals; t),K store and liishops areilividing I Iw.tl. ..... ...... ...... '17 1 ..1....... . .. ' H . .... ...... uit, ..!- im in.- c iii-ss honors tor second place am t iiici i-iic-c imt 1-11111 111 io"j jur ine com I rnercial club plavers. ! Another conte.it is scheduled played 111 tho commercial club next Tuesday. Totals Team average Hill. Total pins 21:1(1. ...s:is M2 s.K) Totals ....!IS2 S40 UH IV "l I GOTHIC an ARROW COLLAR a for 25c IT FITS THE CRAVAT Ol.urTT, rrBOOY CO. Inc., Mrn Chess Was a Draw but Checkers Different to be rooms Salem Handball Team Working Hard to Retrieve Lost Laurels Exide Battery Gives more .service than any Battery on the market. Buy a guaranteed Battery. We make re- , placements on any make of Battery. Com plete stock at all times. All kinds of Gen eral Repairing and Overhauling. We are installing the latest machinery that will en able us to make quick repairs. Only first class mechanics employed, no apprentices in shop. Complete line of Supplies for Hudson; ' Auburn and Eeo Cars. Shop open until midnight. i The Salem Y. M. C. A. handball .sharks are practicing hard for the re-1 The commercial club cliauipion piny- turn tournament with the Albany Y. M. ers played to a draw in the chess games j ('. A. Business Men's tenm. The return with a score of ! to ! in the contest 1 tournament will lie played In the Sa 1 1st evening lit the commercial club, lent Y. M. C. A. cymnnsium, Friday, rooms with the Salem chess and checker j February 25. Much interest is being club, la the checker contests, the j taken by the men in tho coming nintch chess and checker club won easily, with j because' at Albany last week the Sa ri score in their favor of IS to (!. j 1,.,,, aggregation lost tho tournnment Perhaps the most interesting siagleiby one match nnd tho men are expect gnine was the second in cvhess between . ing to return the compliment when Al .lonathan lloiirue for the commercial ! banv visits Salem, club and H. Miller, for the chess and The Salem team was somewhat liandi checker club. Mr. Miller had already capped by the nbsenco of some verv won a game from Mr. Uonine ind the; good plavers. When tho tournnment is ediess nnd checker club needed another pulled off next it is expected that the ganio to play even for the evening. Af-1 association will be represented bv tin ier a two hours contest, the game was strongest handball tenm that has' ever won by Mr. Miller, making the score; represented the association, lor ' the evening in chess, ! to fi. ) .monir those who will compete for I he scores are as follows, the first ,,. ,,,, n.ss, it ion will be: li. C. m"" "' h ''""' '"'"'K l'l,.v,'r '"'i Bishop. Oscar R Cine-rich. W. T. Slnlev. I A. A. Schramm. Dr. K. T. McTntirc. Ben W i Hi must. W. B. Kvnns, 17. V. Conmlon. L. H. Compton. Jus. Mnrr. V1111I B. Wallace. ,Tas. Young. TJnloh Moores. '.Tin. Hartwell, Clarenco Walls, etc With this line -nn some good handball wis no little surprise wncu the Urug team went down to defeat at the hands of the liishops who were somewhat handi capped by the absence of lluren and Ackerman, two strong men, during the greater part of the first round. The Business college team inannged under adverse circumst nice to maintain an eipial standing with the leaders, Dr. R. T. Mclaiyre. cat tain, being unable to lie present at all the games due to pro fessional duties and Steuslof'f the strong guard being absent most of the time playing with tint high school team. The first game this evening will be at ":.'!() .is usual and will be between the Hauser Bros, and the Capital National bank teams. The second game between the Bishops ami the Watt Shipp com pany teams at Mum. The third game be tween the Standard Cleaners ind tho Price Shoe company teams at S:.'I0. Tiie fourth game between the Fry Drug store and the Capital Business college teams will be played at 9:0(1. The last game of the evening will be unusually interesting in that both teams .ne tied for second place and one will have to drop to third place as the result of the contest tonight. Willard Fights In March. Chicago, Feb. 1(1. .less Willard will not take any chances with his heavy weight laurels until he is sure of feel ing in first class shape. Be has de cided that he will not fight, Frank Moran in New York until late in March and will not biyi,i training until the severe cold from which he is suffe.rinf is entirely cured. This is what the heavyweight told his niniinL'er. Tom Jones trubii- when .lones arrived here from Xew York. The title holder takes the position that it will be inioessihlo for him to be gin CTen the liul test sort of tiainincr until next week, r.nd possibly not un til the week after. Meantime .less is taking it easy in his home at Hogers 1'ark and is etting the promoters of his proposed battle with Moral, do the worrying. Britton Won 0:1 Points. Xew York, Feb. Hi. Fight fans who witnesses the ten lwcid bout betwee 1 .lack Britton ant Ted Lewis last night generally expressed the 1 pinion today that Britton had won t'i3 match on points. Taft's Woes Increase. Cincinnati. Ohio, Feb. Hi. The Chi cago Cubs have brought more woe to Charles P. Taft. lie has been sued by his former em ploye, Charles Schinalztig for if.'i.i.ri.'i.'i which, he aiicges, Taft owes him for 1(1(1 shares of Cub stock sold to Char les Weeglunaii rf Chicago. Scl.mnl.tig claims the share.! belonged to him. Full line of Auto Accessories. -A.Jl Great Western Garage ' C. C. SIMEKAL, sole owner. Opposite Court House is looked for nnd nn unusunllv interest ing tournament. Died Four Minutes After Robbing Store I.cw Angeles. Cal., Fob. 1(. Police today sought to connect up Gerhard Kistarz. drug fiend killed lifter rob bing a drug store in tho University dis trict, with numerous hold ups commit ted here recently. Pawn tickets found in his room indicated ho had lived for weeks on the proceeds of numerous crimes. Detectives are also trying to ascertain if he really wna ever in the Gorman army, an it In claimed nnd to this end have communicated with R. Kistnr. of Salt I.nko City, said to be a relative. Kistarz entered the rtrug store of K. A. Henderson Inst night while there I wore many passersby, and pulled a gun on Henderson, ordering him to surrend er all the heroin and morphine in the place. People pausing saw the bandit holding up Henderson, notified the of ficers, nnd four minutes after Kistntz loft the store he wns cornered in the vnrd of John Yallely, a manufacturer. He fired three shots at the prmso, then fell dead, riddled with bullets and shot gun slug.'. If foe world Is not gettimr hotter, it is taking on politeness. Witness the disappearance- of tho old brutal comic Valentino. SALEM BOY 13 EDITOR C. Krnost Howell, a printer boy, who at one time worked on The Cnpitil .loiirnal, and who has many friends here, is now editor and publisher of the Kinsley (Kansas) Mercury, an eight page weekly, a copy of which was re ceived at The Capital .loiirnal office yesterday. The paper is bright .ind "newsy" and carries a goodly lot of advertising. Tins emphasises the fact that if a boy gets started right out of the old Capital .loiirnal office, he is bound to climb up and be heard from. "Krnost" iias the good wishes of ev erybody on The Capital .lournil "front and back," who wish him an ever in creasing circ ulation so long as it does not affect his heart. Ham and Eggs Draws Soldier from Trenches Xew York. Feb. Bl. Patrick Kelly, of Sail Francisco, planted his feet on good American soil today after months of Balkan war service, cast his eyes longingly about for a "ham and egg cry," and. spotting ,ne, made a mad hike for it. Indeed it was a yearning for ham and eggs, a la American, with a cup of steaming brown coffee on the side, he sail, that drove him home on the Orduiia, arriving today. Kelly enlisted in the Irish Fusilliers a year ago. and reached Kngland aboard i a sailing ship from San Francisco. He was sent into Balkan service, and dur ing the months while ho longed for the groat American dish, lie distinguished himself as a hero. As a result of rescu ing several boats of ninniuiiittion from a river, while the enemy guns popped at him, he broeght back an allied deco ration for distinguished service. Country sausage, vpareribs and b'vkbone every Tiiesdnv and Fridny Kconomy Grocery. liesebuig Review. Santell to Meet Gotch. San Francisco, Fob. 1C. Ad Santell today began t.Mi iug for his comiiif, bout here with Frank Gotch, world's champion w r vdier. He declared him self to be already '.v. first class condi tion but he wants to eliminate all pos sible faults before meeting the great Iowa farmer. Santell proved his skill last night when he threw Nic k Daviscourt twice in a little over an hour. The first fall came in 47 minutes, 22 seconds; the second in IS minutes, 40 seconds. Talk About Cost. X'ew York, Fob. Ki. Speculation was rife among the fans of the hot stove league today as to the amount of mon ey the Xew York Americans paid Con nie Mack for the services of "Home linn" linker. Several months ago Muck wanted for the great slugger, but it is believed that he probably accepted considerably less than that figure. Baker has signed a three year con tract with the Yankees. three rounds. In the interelub wrestling, Clarence Kwing, of Spokane flopped l laud Fort- ner, the local grappler. Reducin? Cost of Raising Hog Topic How to reduce the high cost of hog production. That is the problem which about 100 farmers from various points 111 the Wit lamette vallev wrestled in an all-dav session at the Portland I'nioii Stocli cards Mondav. Professor Thorn is Siiaw. agriculturist for the Northern Pacific and Great Northern railways, told them how. lie advised them to raise corn and then to raise moro corn. Professor Shaw canceled some farm ers' institute dates in the middle west to attend the meeting. He discussed tho big question from almost every angle and after he had finished his regulir address invited his hearers to ask questions. This question and answer dialogue continued for hours. The farmers dis played a keen interest in the subject ami exhibited an eagerness to loam how they can make the hug business pay better than it is paying now. In answer to the question as to where the profit in pork was to be found it the present time, with feed up and meat down, Professor Shaw advocated such methods of raising and breeding as would reduce the prdouction cost of porn. Six Cents Cost Price. Several present said they couldn't raise'pork for much less than 6 cents a pound. The expert declared if they would try it 111 dead earnest taev could find a way to produce pork che iper. He argued that the outlook was promising for the small fanner who is producing beef and pork from a farm that was not attempting to carrv too much livestock. Professor Shaw declared it was al most past belief tint some practical farmers are so short-sighted as to at tempt to buy feed to carry stock. If they don't raise the feed necessary to take care of stock it is not surprising, ho said, that so few farmers are mak ing any money. C. C. Holt, president of the Union Meat company, also spoke to the vis itors. Other speikers were O. M. Plum nier, of the Stockyards company; W. C. Wilkes, assistant general freight and passenger agent of the North hank and Oregon Klectric railways: E. K. Fla ville, editor of the Western Farmer, and others. irS YCURKIDNEYS You have swollen feet and hands! Stiff, achy joints! Sharp shooting, rheumatic pains torture you. You have aching back, pain in the lower abdomen, difficulty when urinating! Look out! These are danger signals. Trouble is with your kidneys. Uric acid poisoning, in one form or another, has set in. It may lead to dropsy or fatal Bright 's disease if not checked. Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules immediately. They are an old preparation, used all over the world for centuries, combining natural henliiiK oil and herbs, well-known to physicians and used by thousands in their daily practice. The Capsules are not an experimental, makeshift "pat ent medicine," or "salt"', whose effect is only temporary. They are a stand ard remedy, and act naturally, gently and quickly. But when you go to the druggist, insist on getting the pure, original Haarlem Oil in Capsules. Be sure tho name GOLD MEDAL is on the box, and thus protect yourself against counterfeits. JAP STEAMER FOUNDERS London. Feb. Iti. Tho .Tapinese steamer Kenkon Mnru, Xo. 11 bound from Marseilles to Baltimore, founder ed in a storm in the Atlantic but her crew was landed todav at Plymouth. She was a :i."22 ton vessel, registered at Dairen. Fog Won at Hockey. Seattle, Wash., Feb. lti.vOne of those freaks that happen once in a thousand years but the kibosh oil last night's ice hockey clash between Victoria and Portlnud at the ice rink here. Just as the teams took the ice a dense fog enveloped the arena. It was somewhat thicker than restaurant soup as the fans who tried to follow the game declare today. After the teams had played a game of Tiicle and seek for some time, it was announced that the game would be de clared an exhibition and the real con test would occur tonight. It wns said that the exhibition fin ished with the score of 4 to 4 tie. For this we will have to take the word of Referee Mickey Ion, and it is doubtful if he knows the real score. Seattle and Spokane Tie. Seattle, Wash., Fob. Hi. The Seattle and Spokane Athletic clubs broke even in the interelub meet staged at the Seattle club last night. Seattle took two boxing events and Spokane cop ped the wrestling matches and one box ing contest. The interelub events were for out distanced as far as class goes by the bout between Lloyd Maiden and Archie Wvsrd. Wynrd was awarded the de cision. The interelub mixes resulto as fol lows: l;ta Mcintosh defeated Rons, three rounds. 12. Buird defeated Dilliro. three rounds. , Hi McTevitt defeated Buckner, SAGE TEA PUIS LIFE Don't Stay Gray! Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkens Hair So Naturally That No body Can Tell NEW TODAY J CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES Rate per word New Today: Each insertion, per word H One week (0 insertions), per word 5e One month (26 insertions), per word 17e Minimum charge, 15c. PHONE 937 For wood saw. HAEEY Windowclcaner. Tbone 761 Mart WANTED Beef Phone 1425-H. cattle and veaL Feb 20 DRESS MAKING Mrs. Carrie Rod gors, 242 S. lUta. MarlO FURNISHED APARTMENTS td.tiu to $15.00. 491 North Cottage. f FOR RENT Rooms, furnished or un furnished, close in. Phone 2093M. tf OAK, ash, fir and maple cord wood. l"honeia22-J. W. F. Proctor. MarlO WANTED Moderate wages for prun ing. L. D. Ratliff, Salem. FeblS TEAM FOR SALE Weight Mm, or wilt sell separate, -ivi a. Winter. FeblS FOR SALE Fresh Jersey milk cows. D. R. Hiinmond, Route 8, Box 125. Fubl9 FOR SALE A young fresh cow, sec ond calf, at Center Feed Barn. C. Lake. FeblS LOST A black Shepard dog in West Salem, iinder please notrty Price a Market. Feb IS FOR SALE Or rent, a 4 room house and 5 lots, and barn, ('all UO.j South 21st street. FeblU WANTED To work for board while attending school, young man, age IS. Phone 402. tf FOR RENT Modern threo or four room furnished apartments. 325 S. 14th street. " "Febl9 WANTED To rent 7 or 8 room house reasonably close in. Address N. K. G., care Journal. tf FOR 8ALE 15 acres bottom lind, south of Marion. Mrs. . Thomas, Marion, Oregon. April! FOB SALE Choice eating potatoes, !)0c per bu., delivered. 1395 N. Mth. Phone 2-19 j-M. Febl7 LOST Crank off of Ford car, on High land Ave. or N. Com 1 street. Leave at Journal office. Feb 17 WANTED Either day or night nurs ing, by experienced nurse. Phone 288, at Temperance Hall. tf ABSOLUTELY PURE MAPLH SYRUP From New York, $1.60 per gallon 'it Damon's. Feb 23 EXCHANGE Maxwell onto and clear acreage, to exchange for house about $1000. .Owner, Box 67. FeblS WANTED By trained nurse, confine ment cises, or care 01 invalid. I'hone 2153J. 2900 Brooks Ave. FeblS GOOD FIR WOOD For sile- cheap, upon ground, if taken soon. Jamed Edmister, McNary Station. FeblS FRESH JERSEY COW For sale, now making 1 pounds butter per dav. Route 6, Box 119. C. Witting. Febl6 FOR SALE Cycle incubator, ilso Sici- ' ban Buttercup cockrels. Fggs $1.00 per setting. 542 N. Liberty street. Feb 15 WANTED Horse, 8 or 9 years old, weight II or 12 hundred pounds. Jos. Graber, 1203 D street, phone 578. FeblS FOB BENT Store, 21x165 feet, elec tric lights and steam neat, see Watt Shipp Co., 219 North Commercial street. Phone 363. tf A FEW CHOICE ANCONA cockerels for sale, also eggs for setting, $1.00 por setting. T. A. Reinhart, Route 9, phone 57F12. Febl7 WANTED To rent farm in vicinity of Salem by a reliable Scandina vian farmer. Address Ed Olsen, 2204 Trade. Phono 2361R. FeblS FOR SALE At a sacrifice, 5 room, ab solutely modern bungalow on paved street. For full information address A-25, care of Journal. FeblS BARRED ROCK Day old checks, $12 per 100, eggs for hatching $1.50 and $2.00 per 15, both matings, order now. R. E. Waldorf, Route 5 Salem. FebI9 You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and lustrious almost over night if you '11 get a 30 cent bottle of "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Com pound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old, famous Sage Tea Recipe are sold annually, says a well known druggist, because it darkens the hnir so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hai ris turning gray, be coming faded, dry, scraggly and thin have a surprise awaiting them, because after one of two applications the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful all dan druff goes, scalp itching and falling hair stops. This is the age of youth. Gray-haired unattractive folks aren't wanted around so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur tonight and you'll be delighted phur tonight and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few davs. MINORCA EGGS For hatching. Fine strain of birds. Can be seen corner Market and North Liberty, or phono 2081-J. Trice $1.00 for 13"cggs. HE CAME BACK If you have any old carpets you wish woven into fluf fy rngs notify S. A. Dobner. Phone 1207-M. We weave Colonial rag rugs. tf THREE YOUNG COWS With calf, for sale, all good size and in good condi tion. Phone at noon or evening, 53F4. Wm. Aacherman. Route 5, box "0. Febl7 FOR SALE Choice Buff Orphington cockerels and pullets; also Brown Leghorns, both sexes. Phone 94FI3. C. E. Cummings, Route 8, Box 58. Feb..7 $100 PER MONTH For man with small capital. Splendid business chance for a hustler. See Mr. Bellows, Wells Firgo Express company, Thurs day. FeblS CHOICE Between heifer with second cnlf by her side, square cross between Holstein and Jersey and Holstein cow milked since August. Address or phone L. S. Arnold, Salem. tf WANTED Young man and wife, with out children, to work on ranch near Sidney Station. See me at Cherry City Feed Barn, Snturdav, February 19th, at 11 a. m. J. O. Farr. FeblS FOR SALE .Terscy-Holstein cow. Test 5 3-10, milks 4 gallon: 24 thorough bred S. C. R. T. Reds, first cock, first, second and third hen at local poultry show; one sanitary couch, good as new. 2I3D street. FeblS 4