Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 15, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Tomorrow's Big Sale
New Spring Styles
782nd Surprise
A Sale of Dainty Boudoir or Breakfast
Caps at 39c each
A rousing sale of pretty morning Caps made of China Silk
Satin Crepes Ribbons Laces and Insertions several dif
ferent styles to select from. These are absolutely new we
procured them as an extra value offering for this sale
They're worth much more. All who have seen them are sur
prised at the unusual value
Sale starts at 8:30 . No phone orders Taken.
(See the window display.)
Millinery Department TIIE II0USE 0F QUALITY
Space on second floor, TT1D7S
(Inquire at Office.)
JONES To Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Jones,
corner Judson and South Commercial
street, February 14, 1910, a sou, to be
named Harold Pillon.
KEXN'F.LL To Mr .and Mrs. Reymond
V. Kennell, at the family home, 3.11
Grand avenue, North Portland, Ore.,
February 12, 191(3, a son, named Sam
uel Christian.
The father is a nephew of Mrs. B. B.
4 --
if ttttttttttlfl
All Around Town
3i ttttttt tt tt ttt t ? m
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass
es correctly. U. S. Bank. Bldg.
Prof. Wallace MacMurray will do
liver his last lecture of the course this
evening at Eaton hull.
Dr. Stone's drug store.
The river Is receding slowly, a fall of
only 1.1 feet ln.'inir recorded for tho
Furniture repairing our specialty. E.
1. Stiff & Son.
Mrs. Cora J. Cooley, who is employed
as assistant secretary in the .Farm
ers' Fire Relief association of Butto
ville, left a few days ago for Chicago,
and other cities. She expects to be
uwny until the first of May.
A hall for private dancing parties,
past 24 hours. Today the water stands over Ponioroy 's. $3 per night.
at the 12. 1 gunge ubove low water mark
Dr. Stone's brag store.
within the past two days the price has
fallen until now they cm bo sold for
three pounds for a quarter.
Order your pure milk and cream
from Maple Grove Dairy, 1215 South
Commercial. Phono 208. tf
W. W. Dimmlck of Terre Haute, Ind-,
is spending the week at tho homo of
C. A. Taylor, in Polk county. Ho is so
much impressed with Oregon Hint ho is
rather under the impression I hut this
country suits him better than tho banks
of the Wabash.
0. H. P. Cough Syrup will stop your
eough. No cure, no pay. For sale it
the Opera House Pharmacy. tf
The Barbers' local union will meet
tomorrow evening at Labor Hull on
Court street. A special program of en-
Smelt are now more plentiful and tertainmeut has been prepared. (). C.
nines is president of tne local union,
and liny N'eer, secretary.
Furnituro packing neatly and prompt
ly done. K. L. Stiff & Son.
There is a rumor in West Salem that
sometime in the dim ami distant fu
ture, that village would like to have n
high school of its own. There is noth
ing definite to the rumor, but according
to several good citizens of West Sa
lem, a number of people are thinking
it over.
We hajig awnings of all kinds. Get
our prices. K L. Stiff &. Son.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn
t V
Does it pay to Jeopardize your eye
sight, which should bo the most valued
gift of God, with poorly fitted glasses,
or would you prefer known reliability I
1 fit glasses correctly; that ouo thing
I do nnd do it right. It is no experi
ment with me. Thirty-three years'
practice jnd study in eye work has
taught mo how. Thousands of satis
fied putients to whom I can refer you
should convince you that my office is
a safe place to bring your eye troubles.
1 guarantee satisfaction in every re
spect and make a specialty of fitting
children's eyes correctly. 1 do not use
drops or drugs us they are dangerous.
Ir. M. P. Mendelsohn. Rooms 210 211
V. S. Hank Bldg.
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
-- Found Only At
Cottagc Undertaking
Thone724. Salem, Ore.
The steamer City of Eugene is tow
ing logs from the mouth of the Luckin
inute for the Spaulding Logging com
pany, making a trip daily between tho
river and the mill here. The company
hns n supply of logs at the Luckiamut'e
sufficient to keep the City of Eugene
busy towing for the next two months.
Attention Moose, special business of
interest to all t meeting tonight. Don't
miss being there.
The Elks are preparing for big do
ings on the evening of Februiry 22,
when a Washington dance will be given
by the members of the lodge to their
friends. At the last meeting of tho
lodge, permission was given each mem
ber to invite a friend, which means
that the danco will be one of tho big
events of the season.
Attention Moose, special business of
interest to all it meeting tonight. Don't
miss being there.
The Oregon. County Assessors' as
socintion will hold their sessions at the
state house today, Wednesday and
Thursday. Tho assessors may be known
by their brilliant blue badge with sil
ver trimmings.
Good eats, prepared right, served
right, tastes right. Meals, 20 cents,
.less George, 2(12 State.
School children and school students
will be given the pleasure nf ittondmg
school just as usunl on Washington 's
birthday. This was decided at the
meeting of the school board last even
ing. Each school will hold appropriate
exercises on the afternoon of the 22nd.
At the senior high school, a program
will be given in the afternoon in the
auditorium, the Rev. Junes Klvm de
livering a patriotic address.
The juvenile department of tie Uni
ted Artisans will hold a meeting next
Saturday afternoon at the labor hall
on Court street. This meeting will in
cludo both branches of tho juveniles,
tho Court of Legions and the Court of
Faries and will bo under the instruc
tion of Mrs. F.lla Watt, who will eomo
from Portland to direct m tho drill
work. She will bo accompanied bv
Mrs. Laura Osborne, of Oakland, Cnl.
Come in and hear "A Little Bit of
Heaven," by John McConnick. The
Wiley B. Allen Co., .2l Court street.
A permanent examination board be
fore which all examinations for commis
sions in the Oregon National Guard in
this territory will bo conducted was
appointed today bv Adjutant General
tieorgo A. White. The personnel of the
board consists of Major Caile Abrams,
Captain Max Goklhnr, First Lieutenant
Louis II. Coin pt on of the Third infantry
and First I.ieuteuaont Carl K. Cushat
of the Medical Reserve corp.
Mrs. Stith will move her millinery in
to Knl'oury Hiob. store, 4 1 tt State, and
will lie redv for business bv Saturday.
A new and up to date line of spring J mi
goods will be on display, '1
Electric baths ana massage under
pour physician's directions. N. N. Im
is, 218 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 555. tf
The sad news came over the wire at
li o'clock last evening, news that was
entirely unexpected by a number of
good citizens, that gasoline had gone up
another notch, and that beginning to
day, the price would be lit (i cents a
gallon. It was just ten days ago tint
the price advanced a cent, and now
with the present increase, automobile
owners' might as well become resigned
to their fate and take whatever is com
ing. It. costs only 7 ii cents a gallon
more thin it did lust August.
If you have old carpets or rags you
wish woven, notify S. A. Dobncr. phone
1207-M. tf
James Walker, 490 South Fourteenth
street, will pass through the city this
evening on the Southern Pacific from
Portland. He recently joined the navy
nnd was in Portland yesterday for final
examination. 'Having been accepted, hi
will go direct to Goat Island, near San
Francisco for a six months' training.
At tho expiration of his training per
iod, ho will be assigned direct to a
battleship. The enlistment is for a
term of four years and his term will
expire on his 21st birthday.
You are Invited to attend the danciag
and curd party Thursday, February 17,
at tho Moose hall. 8peei.il invitation
extended to Woodmen of World and
families and Silver Bell Circle.
The steamer Grahamona will arrive" in
Salem this evening at 7:110 o'clock and
go on to Corvallis, returning at 10
o'clock Wednesday morning. The steam
er Pomona will arrive from Hirtlnnd
Wednesday night at 10 o'clock and
leave here on its regiil.tr trip to Port
land Thursday morning at 6 o'clock.
Everything is now running on schedule
time and the office and warehouse of
the Oregon Transportation company
show no effects of the high water last
Wednesday when tho river reached a
gunge of 20.2 feet above zero.
I am authorized to place on sale the
very desirable residence property on
the northeast corner of Winter' and
Chomeketn streets, .'12 feet on Winter
street nnd Km feet on Chcmeketn street.
Will sell as a whole or will subdivide
to suit pureh isor. Hensonablo terms
given. This is certainly ono of the
most attractive pieces of property on
the ninrket at the present time. A. N.
Moores, -101 Hubbard ltldg.
The following telegram was received
today by A. .1. Anderson, exalted ruler
of the F.lks, from tho Portland lodge, in
reference. to the excursion to bo taken
by the Portland lodge to Taconm, to
assist in tho dedication of tho new
Klks' temple: "In connection with
ceremonies attendant on the dedication
of magnificent new temple of Tacoina
lodge, Washington's birthday, Portland
lodge will journey to tho festivities by
special train, leaving .Monday morning,
Feb. 21. Fraternal invitation is here
by extended members of your lodge to
join ns."
W. L. Bryant, president of the Salem
Chess nnd Checker club, received an
invitition today from the Bay Counties
association of checker players, of San
Francisco, to come to that city March
2ti und participate in a tournament. All
tho noted players on the coast are sup
posed to take part in the tourn imeiit,
and the invitation to Mr. Bryant states
that ns he is one of toe 'heavyweights'
of Salem, when it comes to checker
playing his presence would be appreci
ated. The question of a Salem Industrial
exposition will come up for discussion
at the monthly meeting of tho Commer
cial club tomorrow evening. Also tho
matter of securing a switch on tho Ore
gon Electric at Kearney street will be
brought before the members. There are
several other duiporlmiit propositions
thnt will be thoroughly discussed and
tho indications are the meeting will be
of more than average interest. Tho di
rectors of tho seven departments will
tell what they have keen doing since
the last meeting.
There has been considerable discus
sion since tho lliuklo murder as to
whether or not the city should place a
special policeman at the Southern Pa
cific depot, to meet all triius, passenger
as well ns freight. At present that part
of the city has no police protection
whatever, und it is exposed more than
any section to that part of the travel
ing world known as hoboes. And while
theie is a disposition in some quarters
to increase the police force, there is
tlso a rumor afloat thnt an effort will
bo made at the meeting of the council
next Mondav evening to reduce tae po-
ice force and permit tho city to be
THOMAS To Mr. nnd Mrs. R. W.
Thomas, of West Salem, Monday,
February 14, 1K1, a daughter, to be
called Eugenia Ruth.
How Would You Like to Trade Your
Piano for a Player-Piano?
V7 v.
You could do this in the next few
days without paying very much dif
ference. You can secure the best in
a player-piano, a standard make of an
instrument guaranteed by Filers Music
House and the manufacturers. A
Kimball, a Smith & Barnes, an Eilers
Bungalow, or some other well known
make. You can purchase the best in 1
a player-piano now fur a price lower
than you will ever bo able to again,
as since the disappearance of C. F.
Hull of the Valley Music House, every
instrument has been ordered sold with
out regard to profit.
See the very latest creation of the
Kimball company, or the Eilers Bun
galow player-piano which received the
gold medal at the P. P. I. E. San Fran
cisco. A little each month like rent se
cures one of them and with each we
include $25 worth of free music and
a beautiful bench. There are six
player-pianos and wo positively will
not ship duplicates at tho prices
marked plainly on each instrument.
You can save from $200 to $2So by
purchasing now. Storo open evenings.
J. C. Gallagher, general agent for
Eilers Music House and the Manufac
turers, 204 Commercial street.
Valeska Suratt, the celebrated Amer
ican actress, will be seen at Ye Liber
ty today, Wednesday and Thursday in
the Jesse L. Lasky production of Ma
rion Fairfax's thrilling drama, "The
Immigrant," a Paramount picture.
In "Tho Immigrant" Miss Suratt is
seen in a characterization absolutely
different from that which she has here
tofore appeared, cither upon the stage
or the screen.
Miss Suratt is first seen ns a poor
Russian immigrant bound for America.
Later she is given ample opportunity to
wear many of the striking gowns for
which she is so justly famous.
Ono of the big thrilling scenes of the
pi ly is the blowing up of a great dam,
holding back an immense volume of
water and the destruction of a large
house by the released torrent. These
scenes are said to be the most realistic
ever presented on a screen. The dam
ami the house were especially built for
the occasion by the Lasky company tt
an enormous expense. Three hundred
laborers worked night and day for two
weeks in order to build the dam.
The entire production is of the usual
Lasky thoroughness and excellence
while the cast supporting Miss Suratt
is headed by the two distinguished Las
ky stars, Theodore Huberts and Thorn .is
Meehan and supported by other mem
bers of tho Lasky all star organization.
Would Devote Island
To Weeping Widows
San Francisco, Fob. 15. Mannpouri
llawniian for "weeping hearts'' will
be the name of a haven at Palmy
Islnnd which Miss Mario Holmes of the
Chicago Bechelor Girls Culture club
proposes to found.
These girls of the club can get away
from men and fashions she said, and
perchance some broken hearts of war
widows from Australia and New Zea
land can be healed in the blissful sur
roundings of thatt ropic land.
Miss Holmes came back from Hono
lulu today with a definite offer of the
island from Judge Henry A. Cooper of
Honolulu, provied the scheme isn't a
"pipe dream."
As president of the German society, I
wish to thank our many friends who
attended the funeral of Christ Henricks
and for their many kindnesses shown.
Men's Hats and Shirts
The most complete line of Men's Hats and Shirts for Spring wear in Salem.
Z2K. New stvles the season's Sks; -Ke
f'ycf latest in colors. .
X , Tho T1 A Sht.-t (T1 PA Cf r fe '04
-rf- " i Ml tn -n r i .. .
for fi-ov i V U
HATS ' V "
John B. Stetson Hats, all the latest $4.00
Other Hats $2.00 and $3.00
Neckwear, regular 50c grade, special at 38c
To clean up our Packard Shoes, a few left, at $3.48, $3.78, $3.98 for the $4.00,
$4.50 and $5.00 kind.
G. W. Johnson & Co.
Xatchez, Miss., Feb. V. The
main Mississippi river levee,
2!) miles above St. Joseph, La.,
broke early tod.iy, pouring a
huge flood oxer thousands of
acres of lands.
Kelief parties have been or
ganized here to go to St. Jo
seph, La., this afternoon. Ad
vance warnings arc believed to
have prevented casualties there.
Germans Quarrelling
Over Lusitania Tangle
By Cary W. Ackerman.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Berlin, Feb. 15. Settlement of the
Lusitania negotiations has suddenly be
come the center of violent party storms.
The newspapers today attacked Chan
cellor Von Bcthniann-Hollw eg and
Foreign Secretary Von Jagow for fail
ing to explain terms of the settlement
in tho iciehstag, and declared that
these officials ought to tell the public
whether Germany had made further
concessions tending to cripple Cier
many's submarine warfare.
The papers, however, expressed de-1
light at the unofficial reports of a!
settlement, inasmuch ns they are anx
ious that good relations between tier
many and America shall be maintained.
They considered that neither side had
triumphed, nnd believed that a compro
mise on both sides was more gratifying
than if one nation had yielded all to
the other.
Conservatives, desirous of annexing
Belgium because of its harbors and its
iron ores, are very bitter and are car
rying this feeling into the Lusitania
The Seriousness of Trouble
arising from Eyestrain
requires Expert Service I
to combat it.
That service I am com
petent to offer you.
MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
208-209 Hubbard Building. Phone 109
Morgenthau May Be
Garrisons Sucessor
Washington, Feb. 15. That President
Wilson is considering American Ambas
sador Morganthau of Constantinople,
for the vacant post of secretary of war
was reported today. Coincident with the
fact that .Morganthau, en route from
Constantinople, will not arrive here for
several days, is the White House state-
'meut that the president will "take his
time in picking Secretary tariison s
A report that the president wants
some prominent, middle western lawyer
for the place boomed the stock of ,Tud
sun Harmon of Ohio, who recently came
out strongly for preparedness.
San Francisco, Feb. 15. Mrs. Katb
eiine Gail,-an invalid, said her hus
band took advantage of her weikncsii,
kissed servant girls while she looked on
and tried to do the same with guestit.
Gail, answering her divorce action, de
nied tiie charges.
Washington, Feb. 15. An earthquake
-l-WO miles from Washington, in easterly
and westerly directions, was recorded
between 7 and 8 o'clock today on the;
eGnvijetow'n university seismograph.
Notice is hereby given thnt. the fol
lowing described dogs have been im-
! pounded and w ill be killed at tho city
! dog pound on S.iturday, February 11),
unless personally redeemed by owner a-i
'provided by ordinance:
' One female, white and yellow spotted,
jlong hair. Scotch Terrier breed, weight,
Sa Francisco Feb. 15.-Tightenig , ''o'," slim black dog,' weight about 13
Japan Tightens Hold
On Pacific Business
Sacramento, Cnl., Feb. 15. J. W.
Baker wants the state to do something
about seed denlers who sold him gnrd
on variety cucumber seeds as genuine
Rock Ford enntcloupo seeds.
Susanville, Oil., Feb. 15. Prince
Krik, of Denmark, related to most all
the crowned heads of h'uropo, has been
invited to become a farmer in a new
Scandinavian eolonv near here.
China Will Be Split
fiirht On flio fithnr lion.l . ... .11 .... 1 .. ; ! . 1. . 1 -- - . .y ..."
- ll,lr nwi.um ns nuiu on ine i nciiic iruue. ine i ovo , 1
are now supporting the government. I Risen Knisha, Jaranese steamship com- 1 .... -, ,.. o .
, '. - . . . , vim . tnun mull,
pany, is planning construction 111 vards I ,,n,a
of its own; two of 25,000 ton steamers ine ,laik
ami live m.uuu ton ves-scis tor i.ns-
Infrt IWA RpnilhllfC ' senSor n,ul ,'rt''Kht service. According
IIIIU IWU uqJUUHlV to officers of the T. K. K. liner Kiyo
JIaru today, the company has voted a
London, Feb. 15. China will be split big sum for constructing ya"rds in Japan
into two separate republics as a result and for immediate building of the new
of the revolution started in Yunnan ' ships.
province against Emperor Yuan Shij Reports nre current that the T. K. K.
Kni, according to predictions today by I plans a big rate increase next month,
by well informed Englishmen arriving The local offices, however, do not con
from Hong Kong. : firm this.
Thev reported that several southern! '
provinces had secretly pledged support STILL AFTER BRANDEIS
doe, male, white feet.
white on breast and white tip on tail.
Weight 50 pounds.
One female Fox Terrier, whito and
black spoted, weight IB pounds.
W. S. LOW,
Street Commissioner.
Feb. 1 5.
to the Yunnan revolutionists if the lat
ter conquer the government forces.
Thus far there have been no battles
of major importance, but th
properly policed with ouo less than tho
present force. While there is nothing
definite as to the placing of an officer
at the S. P. depot or the reducing of the
force, the general impression ou the
street is that something is going to
happen at the next session of tho city
In the corner pier of the McGilchrist
building, records were placed this morn
ing which may in generations to come
tell something of what was doing in
Salem in February of the year IS HI.
Anno Ponibino. The records were placed
i in a tin box, then enclosed with cement !
and placed in the corner of the build
ing. I .add i Bush's quarterly publica
tion, the Capital Journal, statement's of
the architect, builder and contractors
and owners of the building were includ
ed. Also the business cards of several
Salem business men and a few speci
mens of coins, such as nre now being
, occasionally passed in the city of Salem.
Washington, Feb. 15. Louis 1).
Brandeis, President Wilson's choice for
rebels ''he. supreme court bench, was fharired
arc reported to be gaining new follow- ") noma nancy, noston attorney, to
ers daily, while native traders and '"J' wi,h- failure to guard scrupulously
southern China business men are t'inanc-! 'V interests of his clients while con
ing the revolt. . nected with the H. D. Warren estate.
Yuan, realizing his helplessness, is j Appearing before the senate sub-coin-strengthening
his position in the north. ! mi,,,,p Hrnndeis' fitness, Bailey ad-
imitted, however, that the complaint
KING GEORGE STILL SORE -j hlul tried in court and resulted
in a compromise.
London, Feb. 15. When parliament President. S. W. Winslow of the T'ni-1
reassembled today the sovereign was!'0'1 s""' Machinery company charged
absent the first time this has occurred t,,a Brandeis helped to form thnt corn
since the reign of Queen Victoria. It I Pnuy. wan a director therein, and dnnv
is understood that the king is still snf-1 clauses whereby the concern leased its
fering from his recent fall from a horse machinery to patrons, but thnt Inter he
while visiting the western front. j attacked the company as a vicious trust
In the kinc's absence, the lord chan-:Bm1 lenses ns invalid. Winslow will be
cellor rend his speech, urging expendi
tore of sufficient sums for successful
prosecution of the war.
cross-examined tomorrow.
Snn Francisco. Feb. 15. Uncle Sam
Clarn A. Vibbert. of the Ladd & Bush collected $140,000 in revenue duties
bank bought an automobile just in time fro,n goods shipped to the exposition,
to get in on the lil'j cent price of gaso-l"it his expenses in doing so were fK'5.
line. He is driving a Podge, but even ; 000, leaving him only a profit of $13,
with a car of this name, he cannot get. 000, it was announced today,
awav from the high cost of motoring. I The government appropriated $200,.
o '000 for the work, but only $125.0111)
Try Capital Jcanial Vrant iias. was spent.
Also Nice Line
Maaonle Bldg.
Phone 700
Good Garage in connection for
itorage of can.
Reasonable Rate.
246 State Street.