Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 15, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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aiem s
A Stitch
The Capital Journal
.Save the pieces of your broken
castings or machinery parts and
we will save you money.
And we'll save you the time
you niislit waste waiting for a
new part
Oxy-aeetyle.ne welding mak.s
the broken part pood as new.
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
260 N. High Salem, Oregon
- Springs Made and
Welding and brazing of all kirnU
all kinds of Auto Repairing
and painting all work guaran
teed. R J. Herschback
229 State St. Salem, Ore.
Expert Strongly Believes
In Some Spooning Parlors
(Bv United Press.) tian hall where girls can gather for en-
New York,' Feb. 12. The right kind I tertainment of their own devising, and
of i spooning parlor should be a very i have general good times; be.ui parlors
important part of every well regulated where girls can meet young men
girls boarding home, according 'to Miss friends and not be interrupted, or "nave
iilnni he deary, ii.Ntioiinl Economic audi too close supervision: give them a
Buildings Specialist of the National j chance to set up relations which would
Young Women's Christian association, result in a happy home life of an idea!
here today. Miss deary culls it a kind later on.
"benu parlor" nnd says it should be a1 "There should be kimono parlors on
"place where girls can meet young men f the r floorg hl whi(.h irlg
friends and not be interrupted or have , , ,
close supervision; and where they will lll,i XouW " freedom nnd have a
bo given a chance to set up relations god time after the day's grind in the
which may result in a happy home life shop or factory, a kitchenette where
of nn ideal kind later on." 'fudge parties aiul birthday spreads can
Miss deary says the association : be planned and prepared fur, mi iu-
wants to demonstrate the ideal tnmily i
life, as far as it can be made possible
with large numbers under one roof; it'
wants to develop a spirit of independ
ence and self-government, and to grant ''
the freedom which stops short of li-;
cense, that is, freilom plus standards.
"We are convinced." siie said todav.!
"that tho wage-earning girl is in busi-
boss for good. AH too frequently she,
is away from her family nud it never,
will be possible for one organization to;
meet ner uiisiug needs. e are eager,; o(,r ot girls tor If.l.DO to if I a weeli, bal
not only for others to build homes 1 anting with the number who can be
which we could manage, but to see naked to pay from ifli to ifll..")0 a week,
boarding homes built and operated by'Tiicso varying prices give twofold op
individuals, or groups-of individuals I nortunitv to the organization. It eives
who have the true welfare and
fort of girls at heart.
"The ideal boarding home should ,tnins efficiency and higher wage enrn
have a fun and frolic room, a recrea-'ing capacity, and at the same time
' j makes it possible to bring the ineffi-
.JL..A'..Axr..Joie,t Kirl. ",lor i"s'irntinn of the
i i
T Says Cream Applied in Nostrils T
X Opens Air Passages Right L'p. 3
''''M,4' ;ator of a personal account book, which
fnsUint relief-no waiting. Your j isl ."f l'sed bf thousauds of women
clogged nostrils open right up; tho ! m"" ttirouKhou the conn try
ai passages of vour head clear and . .Ti"s l,ook ,s 'lm'U;'' ",t0 I'eadings:
vou an breathe freclv. No more hawk- ',v'" expenses; postage phones, car
ing, snuffing, blowing, headache, dry- ( c'"'1'" lnM"iJr.v; health;, recrc
noW. No struggling lor breath at nigiit I ' ,l,,,n' vaii,!l0" education; g.tts; ben-
and vour cold or catarrh disappears.
Cer a small bottle of Fly's Croam
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic.
healing cream in your nostrils, it pen
etrates through every air passage of
the head, soothes the inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and relief
conies instantly.
It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed
no with n cold or nasty catarrh.
i $100 Reward, $100
The readers of this paper will b
pleased to learn that there la at least one
dreaded disease that science haB been
able to cure in all its sluges. and that Is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure now known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being; a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional ireai
nient. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in-
ternally. acting uirecuy upon tne oiooa
surraces oi tne aysieni, mere-
bv destroying the foundation or tne un
ease, and giving the patient strength by
buiMIng up the constitution and assisting
nature In doing its work. The proprietors
Imve much faith in its curative pow
ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that It fails to cure. Send
, AddreiV: F. J.T""kneY CO. Tolldo, O.
v'noid by an rmmi-isti. 75o. .
Take Hall'i Family Fllli for iftlpattoo
4 SKinoi rsauiy isajoj frursv
R-nov Tan. Pini'ilJ
fUili, rtml Mi a I ia-f
fl d-.-s .it-tecli-a. 1
L-f U J-tT ih
'i v luniict w
iMli1 it !olk-met;
U pr -fprly mu'e
ATcejjt nocoiiiii.-i
(cit of tiuiii-V
ramf. Ir L. a
H i. ra Mid t' t
llf of (tit blTlt
t 'n (Mtlei.t
A f'-u Ult
will u tl.m
I rfoiDmi'iiJ
H:onritur1' Crrni' u the ltvit fctrm. f all it
ikjod l)-;:rm the lTalid:Mui,i;riu aa i Curu)
KHT.H3Pl!l(S.frav 37 Gr-af Jem S'rii l'Tr,
Time tiny CAPSULES
are superior to Balsam
tt Cowiba, Cubtbs or
Injections, and
24 HOlinS tt. V-
aim susa arith
ut inconvenience.
y r a!I JrupitiMtt.
3"jl..t r:o . PrL'g
W 1 W
randy it
in Time Saves Nine
Guarantees the Following Firms Reliability
Shoe Repairing, while
You wail
Capital Journal Advertising
will repair, buy or sell any.
thing. Recover the lost or
restore found articles.
firinnrr for tenuiorarv illness and a
roof built to stand the traffic, wear
and tear which would result from re
creation of one kind or another on sum
mer evenings and which would compete
with the attractions of tiie gaily light
ed streets.
Afiss deary says that an average of !
sr, a week for hoard nnd room will!0 Mi-o-na whom it docs not help. That
plute a home for 7" to 200 girls on the nljy seem rash but my customers have
right basis, that this will enable tiie said so many good words in its favor
mnnagcnieiit to care for a certain mini- that I do not expect to have many pack-
the inefficient girl an opportunity tojnt my store and take home a box of
make a start, help her while she at-
r 1, a 0,,, ,,, , ,..tnlll OV-
H " ...- ........ ..v.. ..
tent and has well defined ambitions.
Miss Oearv is tho author of a book
on finnnce work m.,1 tho m,m.K.,.n,pt
of finance campaigns. "City Aswcia-i
tiou ll-'inance, " which might be
plied eqnallv well to nnv organization '!
finance efoits. She is 'also the origin-
I two blank columns for additional en
i tries. It iilsr dives a column for all
cash received, the date, and explaun
Hon of items, and a paid out column
The list two pages of the book gives a
siimmnrv under these headings lor Hie
twelve months of the year.
Although Miss dearv is nn advocate!
of thrift and efficiency, she believes nted a series of Sunday evening-serv-that
to reduce expenditure is not the ices in which everyone ninrried and
fine mill nnlv nim wo elwtiil.l ci.f mi fr.p! fl.A ...1... t .:u l. - .
girls. We should try 'to show her howl
not to taste the mnnv ni.omtiinities for
!rest recreation strong plivsical vvel
! .k4 Tnd R owth of nientaf Vb liSc
lit is not so much the ouestioi, of sav-
ing more money, but of how to use it,
1 .
to the fullest for all around develop-
lm,ni. 1
Miss (ienrv is making big improve -
j ,... : i,,,,,,,,,, ,.ii,lit i..na 1'nr -n.
, i i . - , - '
en and girls in industry in America to-,
day. he is an Knglish woman who gavei
up a musical career in London because
s.ie felt that teaching music to aftcr-
linner society pupils wasn't enough.
jH, problem' of properlv housing work'
'"K U's t! women forced to live in'
undesirable tcnenieiits she has reduced1
to an exact science and has gotten big
After four years' volunteer training:
and experience in managing certain;
mo.l-d tenement buildings in Loudon,!
Miss Geary heard from an American1
woman of the Model Tenement City;
and Suburban Homes company in New:
Vork and decided to come to America.!
It took iier some time to convince thei
hnr.re of Hmt kiml nf wrl when
began there were 15U tenants nnd in1 "He must be strong, big hearted nnd
the eight vears of her management,!110 nal "abits. Mut be a Christian,
which included the repairing, hiring of , handsome, generous and unselfish."
employees, choosing of tenants, .nidi "My ideal of a young man is one
the collection of rents, the nnmber has' who does not smoke, drink or swear
increased to 204. and one that keeps reasonable hours.
It was in this work tbnt the national ' Must be six feet tall, blue eyes, rosy
board of the Vonng Women's Christ-1 cheeks and dimples."
inn association found iier, and asked j "lie must be ambitious, of a gentle
her advice on new buildings they were1 disposition and of Christian char
ibout to erect. When the national : a, ter ''
board was ready to add an economic ',tJJv W).al of vo man is one
and biul.li.igs specialist to its stuff i kI, ,',.,:.,, the 'efforts of a vounif
Miss Geary was offered the position.
Miss Geary accepted. She is now the
consulting specialist for the 976 nso
ciutiiuis on nil mttteis pertaining to
her particular work.
She is called on to help select sites,
to go over all blue print plans, making
such ciiangca as she deems ndvistible;
to advise oo building materials, cafe
teri.i equipment and management and
I everything pertaining to the economic
eoair yuide
Excelsior Motorcycles
Iver Johnson and Excelsior
Bicycles; Repairing; Accessories;
Tires; Oils; Motor Overhauling
our specialty.
Morse & Ramsden
Phono 1687 ' 221 a High St.
Modern Shoe Repair Co.
474 Court Street
Fine Shoe Repairing
status of the association. Her office
at headquarters look's like the office of
the busiest business irian. She has the'
regulation architect's cabinets for ma
terials and plans, and from the blue
prints , always spread out on her large
work table, one might cull her office
an architect's laboratory. ' .
Daniel J. Fry Guarantees to Return the
Money If Mi-o-na Does Not
Relieve You.
"It's a pleasure to seii a medicine
when my customers come in afterward
and tell me how much good it has done
them," said Daniel J. Fry, the popular
druggist to a Journal man, "and that
is why I like to sell and recommeud
Mi-o-na, the dyspepsia remedy. The
distribution of samples that I made
created so much talk and so large a
proportion of those who waived a There is nothing better than Bisut'ated
sample have bought a box of Mi-o-na j Magnesia as a food corrective and aut
that my clerks have been busy selling acid. It has no direct action on the
the medicine, ever since. I have so j stomach; but by neutralizing the acid
much faith in this, article that I am kiy o tne food contents, and thus re
st's ' Huui.iuii-e " luiure, auu
wi'l return the money to any purchaser i
ages returned
"Anyone who has dyspepsia, whose
food does not digest weii, and who has
to take thought as to what he can eat,!
and when, can leave .50 cents doDOSit
Mi-o-na and if the remedv does Hot
regulate his digestion and' help his
dyspepsia he can withdraw his hionoy.
I don 't know but what we would be
willing to pay him interest." -
This shows great faith, in the merit
of Mi o-nn. It- is really a moat unus
ual lllOitw.i.in n'n.1 -j.
"," " . "'" '"I'm '
f1,"1106 ",c. J; W"
in Snlen, alinnq tlifit if Anaa nil tl.n it
: v ; 3 ",'
" l,1u' "tu ,.lu ao-reiiees dyspepsia,,
re,ulate9 . d'gestion and enables those
Clin lien if -tt r.nf -l..of n.Unf I
with no fear of trouble after.
Measure Up Boy aud
See If These Fit You
IT ,, . , . . , , , . spent Borne time with her sister, Mrs. C.
Hello boys. If you want to know just Uy iMjiiipH.
what kind of a young man is liable to i Mr. Rnlpii Hall and little daughter, of
receive a leap year proposal, read tho!Fa11 City, visited the forepart of the
quanricntions ot tne ideal voung man.
according to the young ladies of tho
Iirst Christian church.
The Rev. F. T. Porter has inauEur-
chance in writing to snv inst h, the!
:.i...., f..n. -i ., " c "
,u , , "n'Hundav and Monday.
1 ? 1 e to 'tell f the 7Z Dr "' Hi' kmBn 8 !t
"n" " ' e t' tell of he .deal or to Vl,rthm(l Tucs(ay afternoon, re
v i' nil. niiii i erp is w inr Tiinv
, : , , ., : ..
V i i-n
of a young man that might fill
' "l'e must be clean in mind ai
wmre aim now tney ucscnncd tne kind;
tne Dlllt
uuu ouiiy,
ami last, but far from least, he must
never fail to thrill at the sight of a
little child."
" Mv ideal of a voung man is one
w ho is gentle, kind and courteous to all
Must be a regular attendant at Sunday
school and church and must place char
actor above nil."
"Mv ideal of a voung man is ont
who loves fun but is never afraid
say i ' when the questionable
aiy uicai is one wno can Keep ins
temper and who conducts himself as
a gentleman at all times and all places
and who attends church regularly."
"He must be Rtrong mentally, moral
Iv and phvsicallv and the kind of a
man who one instinctively I eels can
"e triitei io io tne rigui iniug.
. , ',.' . i., i,r..i on,
, , . ,,. i...i, ' i, ...
elsewhere. He should also be reason
able and considerate in all things,"
"lie must be a man among men in
every sense of the word and cleanly in
personal habits. Must be frank, hon
est, big hearted and generous, although
not a spendthrift. He must believe in
1 church work.
"My ideal youog man sets his face
Pratum News Notes
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Pratum. Ore.; Fob. 1!: Mr. Harvey
Lusy, who attends the O. A. C, is
spending a few days with his parents.
Miss Anna Schroeder, who is employ
ed in Salem, spent Sunday with her pa-
! rents who reside west of this city.
Mrs. Cornu was a Salem visitor
' Thursday.
The Literary program given Friday
I night was attended oy a large crowd,
j The debate on the preparedness ques
tion was won ny the affirmative side.
The debaters were affirmative: Mr.
Weiss, Will Kisling and J. J. Crahane;
negative, D. J. Steiner, A. M. Clrippen
and Eleanor Schaap. The judges chos
en were Mrs. John Tweed, Bertha I aud;
erbaek and Chnrlic Rice.
I After the debate an interesting liter-
ary and musical program was rendered,
i The numbers were: Music, Alfred
Kumpf; recitation, Bennie Jackson;
song, Rhoda Lardon; paper, Alicia Wei
ty, and stunt by Joe Crahane.
The next program will be held Feb
ruary 25, after which the election of
officers will be held.
Mr. Herman and Otto Kleen are
slowly improving in health.
Rev. Ashlimnn, of Washington, will
conduct services at the M.enonite
chinch this week.
Indigestion and practicallall "forms'
of stomach trouble, about nine times
out of ten, are due to ;. hyperacidity;
thereforo stomach suffer'eri should,
wlienover possible, avoid i,tiii2 food
that is acid in its. nature, or- which' by
chemical, action' in the -stomach -develops
acidity." rnfortunatoly; sm-h a
rulo eliminates most foods which are
pleasant to the taste as well as those
which are rich in blond, flesh and
nerve building properties. This is the
reason .why dyspeptics and '.stomach
sufferers' are usually so thiil, emaci
ated and Jacking in that vital energy
which can. .only come from a well fed
body. For the benefit .to those suf
ferers who have bcon obliged to ex
clude from their diet all starchy, sweet
or fatty food, and are trying to keep
up a miserable existence on gluten
products, it is suggested that you try
a meal of any food or foods which you
like, in moderate amount, taking im
mediately afterwards a teaspoonful of
Ilisnrated Magnesia in a little hot ,or
cold water. This will neutralize' any
excess acid which nuiy be present, 'or
which may be formed, and ri)stenil .of
tho usual feeling of uneasiness " and
fullness, you probably w ill - find that
your food agrees with von perfectly.
mviiisr the source, of the acid irrita-
Hon which inflames the delicate stom
ach lining, it docs more than could be
possibly done by any drug or medicine
that acts upon1 the stomach lining
rather than tho stomach contents.
Medicines of various kinds should be
taken whenever necessary but there is
no sense in dosing an inflamed and
irritated stomach with drugs instead
of getting rid of the r-eid the cause
of the trouble. Get a little Bisnrnted
Magnesia from your druggist, eat what
you want at your next meal, take sonic
of the Bisurutcd Magnesia, as directed
above, and see if this isn't the best
advice, you ever bad on the subject of
The Misses Rosa and Nellie Patterson
of Wacondii, were tho buests of Miss
Julia Do Jardin Saturday and Sun
day. Mrs. Johnson, of Centralia, Wash.,
came to Gcrvnis Tuesday night to visit
her brother, T. J. Hall, who is seriously
Miss Margaret Barnes loft for her
home in Yamhill, Wednesday, having
week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
T. J. Hull.
K. M. Klinger moved his household
goods to Salem Monday. He will open
up a first class billiard and pool room
in the Klinger building opposite th
Oregon Mcctrie depot
Ar" aml "-"s -Tohn Schoen and baby,
ot turner, visited with nomo tolKs Here
i iiirning weunesnav morning.
. . .... i ,
nvll ni,; .ml Wiim, KoVr.m rf
Wnnilbiirn. were vwltnrH at thn flrnM.
man home over Saturday,
Mrs. Percy Ottoway and baby of Au
rora, flnenh the week-end At the home of
her mother, Mrs. I. B. Miller
Julian nnd Joe De Jardin havo rented
the Schwab building and are putting
in the enuipmcut for a moving picture
show. They expect to give their first
show Saturday night.
Cntsforth Bros, shinned n cirbind nf
to'liS hogs to Portlaud Tuesday, also the
i Inrgc bull which was owned by D. Mor
Ran and cnnic so near killing him.
Seven cents was tho price paid for the
A. R. Siegmund, J. Bingmnn, L. P.
Gleason and II. I-eroy went to Port
land the first of the week to appear as
witnesses in the case of Mrs. Kather
ine Mercer vs. the New York Life In
surance company.
An operation was performed on Mrs.
Albert Iteiling at the Willamette sani
tarium Monday by I)r, H. O. Hickman.
She recovered from the operation nice
ly but will be obliged to remain in the
hospital for some time.
James Knight, who has been at the
home of his niece in Portland for the
past two weeks, where lie was tussling
with an attack of grippe, was in Gcr
vnis Monday for a few hours. ITe was
still weak and returned to Portland
until lie has more strength. Star.
like flint against evil but Is tolerant
of the shortcomings of others."
N'ent Sunday evening at the First
Christian church tho pastor will give
the young men an oport unity to ex
press their ideas regarding the ideal
young women, and these expressions
wil be read and commented on from
the pulpit.
j Classified Advertising Page
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are thoso asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.
All other price's are those paid the
producer. Corrections are made
Everything in the market is dull to
day, excepting eggs. r-Kgs continue to'
weaken and now ubout the best that is
paid is 25 cents cash and two cents
extra in trade. For the past week the i
prices had been rather unsettled in the j
city, but now 25 cents cash seems to
be the general quotation.
rr a.i li a. a i i nn
aav. iimuuiy. uor iuu jji.vu i
Oafs, vetch $12.00( 12.50
Cheat $12.00
Clover hay $12.00
Wheat J'.;: Soc
Oats -..40c'
Rolled barley $35.00
Corn $40.00
Cracked corn ................. $11.50 !
Bran . '. ; ..... ;". ; $2fi.00 27.00
Shorts, per ton,.."..'..,. $2S.00(a 30.00
",,,'. ' . i .-
1 Butter. '''. ' .
Buttcrfat ' ; .. .....; ;.. ,32c
Creamery butter, per pound ...... 34c
Country Butter '.. '. . . . . . . .. '25c
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, candled, XoM, cash ...... 27c
Eggs, Case count, cash .'. .'. . . '. ... . 25c
Eggs, trade1.,.. .'. 27c-
Heus, pound , 12 l-2c
Roosters, old, per pound 7(u 7 l-2e
Spring chickens, pound ,. 12 1-'c
Pork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed
Pork, dressed
Pork, on foot
: 11c
G 3-4(S7c
. 7(5" l-2c
. 5 l-26c
...3 l-2c
....... Ce
Spring lambs
Lambs; graUi
.'. 2.00'
.... 15c
.... 10c
,.. $3.00
.. $1.00
.. $1.00
.. $1.00
,.. $5.00
.. $2.75
,.. $2.50
Tomatoes, Calitornia ......
String garlic
Potatoes, cwt
Brussels sprouts
Swoet potatoes
Celery, case
California head lettuce, case
Apples, Hood River
Oranges, Navels $2.253.25
Tangerines oranges $1.75
Lemons, per box $4.25(fli4.75
Bananas, pound S l-4c
California grape fruit 3.(11)
Florida grape fruit ........ $5.n0(fi'(i.00
Cauliflower $2..W
Dates, dromedary, case $3.35
Fard dates $1.60
Crapes, barrels $4.00
Cranberries . $12.00
Pineapples 7 l-2c
Honey $3.50
- Retail Prices.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh., ranch
Sugar, cane '.
Sugar, D. G
Creamery butter
, ,10c
. 40c
Flour, hard wheat '. $1.60 $1.90
Flour, valley $1.30(a$l.C0
Portland, Ore.,' Feb. 13. Wheat:
Club, IM'.c($l.00.
Bluestcui, $l.(l8(?i 1.10.
Fortyfohl, H7 l-'2(fi9!ie. ,
Kcil Russian, 96 l-2c.
Outs: No. 1 white feed, $25.50
Barley: Feed, $29.00.
Brewing, 30.50. . '
lings: Best live, $S.0.).
I'rinie .steers, 7.75.
Fancv cows. iii. 50.
Calves, 7.lMi(iiS.bO.
Spring lambs, 0.00.
Butler: City creamery, 34c.
Eggs: Selected local ex., 2ic.
Hens, l l(T15c. .
Broilers, 14ft 15c,
Geese. W'i I Ic.
It is recorded that if your brother
repent, forgive him. But those Mas
sachusetts republicans are apparently
not imposing any obligation upon T. li.
III? ri t. SI fVrT rirmlniitn of ( hirn
practic's Fountain Head, JJjvenport,
Iowa. Jf you have tried everything
and have got no relief, try Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get well.
Office 406-7-8 C. S. National Bank
Building, lhone Main 87. Residence
Main K2S-R. ' '
Administers Nitrous OziJ and Ogygen
Room 214. Phone440.
Masonic Temple. Saleiu.Orc.
FOR SALK A good family cow, just
fresh, good milker. Call 000 .North
Summer street. Febl")
I OK KALI.:--Rhode Inland lied and
White WvbihMIc cockerels. Elmer
Until, Ron'le 0, Box 21. Feb 10
FOR SALE A few Rhode Island
White Cockrels. Eggs l.5t ond 2.00
for 15. Booking orders to ship later.
State when. Jus. Oimstejd, McMjnn
ville, Oregon. Marl
l-'OK SALE Or exchange, 810 acres
well improved sandv loam, Nebraska
farm. Will take ten or more acret
in exchange. Siiuare Deal Realty
Co., 301 L". S. Bank Bldg.
Always Watch JThis
Strictly correct weight, square deal and highest prices for all kinds of
junk, 'metal, rubber, .hides and furs. I pay Z!c per pound for old rags.
Big stock of all sizes second hand incubators. All kinds corrugated
iron for both roofs and buildings. Roofing paper and second hand
H. Steinback Junk'Co.
The House of Half a Million Bargains.
302 Xorth Commercial St. . P'aone 803
NOTICE J. C. O'Reiley and W. L.
Baker, of the Modern Shoe Repair
companr have dissolved partnership.
Signed.' W. L. Baker.
CALL US 1022. Eixit Shop. Ask
about repair work in general. Don 't
forget we do rug cleaning also. Ash-mon-Buckner,
201 Court street. Sa
lem, Oregon. Febl9
and also taken in exchange. Full
line new furniture, ranges, heaters
and other house furnishings. Some
walnut pieces. . Beet Furniture Co.,
233 JNorth Commercial street. Phone
684. tf
138 ' South High street. We clean,
press, repair, remodel and re-line
clothing and furs. Careful -Attention
given all work. We call and deliver.
Phone 72S,
DR. D. B. GRIFFIX Drug and drink
cure. 1425 Fir street, near Meyers
. street. ' Phone 1037J. '
rent, very reasonable. Phone 1995.
A. O.'IT. W. 'Protection Lodge No. 2.
Meets every Munday evening at 8
In the McCornack hall, corner Court
and liiberty streots, R. O. Donaldson,
' M. V.; 8" A.' McFaddcn, recorder;
-A. L. Brown, Financier.
3ALE.M LOlHiE No. 4, A. F. & A. M.
Stated communications first Friday
, in each month at 7:30 p. ra. in the
Masonic- Temple. Chas. M. Carter,
W. M.j S. Z. Culver, secretary.
PACIFIC LODGE No. 00, A. T. & A. M.
8tatcd communications third Friday
in each mouth it 7:30 p. m. in the
Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolam, W.
M.; Ernest H. Choate, secretary.
Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson,
secretary. All cases of cruelty or
' neglect of dumb animals should be
reported to tho secretary for invest'-
R. N. OF A. "Oregon Grape Camp,"
No, 1360, meets every Thursday ev
ening in McCornack building, court
and Liberty streets; elevator. Mrs.
Sylvia Schaupp, 1791 Market, oracle;
Mrs. Melissa Persons, recorder, 1296
North Commercial. Phone 1436-M.
K. T. Regular conclave fourth Fri
day in each mouth at 8 o'clock p. m.,
in "Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir
Knights are courteously invited to
meet with us. Lot L. Pcarcc, E. C,
Frank Turner, recorder.
CENTRA h LODGE No. 18, K. of P.
McCornjck building. Tuesday even
ing of each week at 7:30. F. F.
Schram, C. C; W. B. Gilson, K. of It.
nd S.
S Regular meeting every first Jind
third Tuesday at 8 p. in. in the Ma
sonic Temple. Minnie Moellcr, W.
M.; Ida M. Labcock, sccretury.
every Friday night at 8 o'clock in
McCornack block. 1). W. Mucey,
C. C; L. S. Geer, clerk. 507 Court
street. Phono 593.
TER, No. 1, K. A. M. Regular meet
ing second Friday in each month at
8 p. m. in tho Masonic Temple. Huy
F. Richjnlson, I'.x. High Priest; Rus
sell M. Brooks, secretary.
Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 5'JIC,
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack hull corner
Court and Liberty streets. Elevator
service, (leo. Rcinohl, V. (.'.; J. A.
Wright, clerk.
bly, Xo. 84, meets every Wednesday,
at" 8 p. m. in Moose hall. C. O. Mat
lock, M. A.; C. 7,. Randall, secretary,
Salem Hank of Commerce.
HODSO.N COUNCIL, No. 1, R. & S. M.
Stated assembly first Monday in
each month, Masonic Temple. N. P.
Rasinussen, Thrice Illustrious Mas
ter: Clenn ('. Niles. recorder.
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Salem Electric ,Co. Masonic Temple, 127 North High Maim 1200
Salem Steam Launary, 130 South Liberty - - Maia 21
T. M. Parr, 1C1 South Commercial Street Main 111
Salem Truck A Dray Co., corner Slate aud Front streets Maia 71
Ad Changes Often
The Oregon Wholesale and
Retail Hide and Junk Co.
Has moved from their former location,
130 Court street, to 197 South Com
mercial. (The old stand of the Lawr
ence Grocery, corner Ferry and Com
mercial streets) and are open for busi
ness at that place. Highest prices paid
l for hides, wool, copper, brass, iron, etc.
J Before selling elsewhere, consult ua for
i prices. D. Samuel, proprietor,
Phone, 399; Ees. Phone, 1737-W.
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer
ican School of Osteopathy, Kirks
ville, Mo. Post graduate and special
ized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles
college. Treat acute and chronic das
eases. Consultation free. Lady at
tendant. Office 503-506 U. S. Na
tional Bank Building. Phone 859.
Residence 346 North Capital street.
Phone 369.
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main
2247. Residence Main 2272.
WEBB ft CLOL'GH CO. C. B. Webb,
A. M. Clough morticians and funeral
directors.. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed.
499 Court street. Miin 120, Main 983.
directors and undertakers, 252 Norti
High streot. Day and night phout)
corner Commercial and Trade streets.
For water service apply at office.
nIU oayable monthly in advance.
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which
. will cure any known
153 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283.
ON Qood Real Estate Security.
OTer Ladd tc Bush Bank, Salem, Orgo
B. B. FLEMING, Prof.
Depot American Fence
f Gates, Plain and Barbed Wire.
Paints, Oil and Varnishes.
Kooflng, Foati, Hop HooU.
40 Years Making Stoves
tore rebuilt and repaired,
tore bought and told.
850 Court Street. Phone 124
Back of Chicago Store.