Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 15, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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KELLY POOL Intermission
Ml NOTE: 3 TalKinI
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Tne best
IrocAi- EWH
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V I M U W U ' ' - - 1 . . r-i- iifi.v I 1 ill J 1 f r
Cvprrwlit by flu Aratrlctii Tbicco CBpoy, 114
T,iff the lid on the sunshine tucker! in n tin of "Thy
and you'll make a crowd of good fellows feel happy and
jolly as a bunch of boys when school'sout.
f ' '
7e Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette
To imitate perfection is a large-sized job and that's just why
there never has been a successful imitation of Tuxedo tobacco. The
' invention of the original "Tuxedo Process" right away put Tuxedo
in a class by itself and kept it there.
That famous nrorf" mnkfs TiiypHo the miliipsf-. mellowest.
V'"iiV' V""- wholesomest, pleasantcst smoke on earth, without the faintest trace
or bite in a million pipefuls.
Try Tuxedo for a week and you'll smoke it for the rest of your life.
Famous Newspaper Cartooni-ft
"TuxzJo has all the goo J
qualilics I had hoped for and
many more than I had expecUJ.
Many of my fellow umktn
aree with me."
Convenient, glassine wrapped, C
moisture-proof pouch . . , UC
In Tin Humidors, 40c and 80c
Famous green tin with gold f A-
J. uv
lettering, curved to fit pocket
In Glass Humidors, $0c and 90c
i,, . iAV'iYX'vfei;''
- f t
SBortNews i
B t
lioaillincr nt tin- Riiso
Portland Light Heavy Weight
, Boxes All Comers at
Training Quarters
Al KuinmiM'H, the Purtliinil lilit lunvy
who Imxrs Trunk I'nrslnw ut tli i
Hiimlicr tii bo slii(ti'il nt Hvnn's h:ll
IViilny nilit is Hiirliinj; out. daily in
thi' truiuiiiK nuaitors nt Klilt' niul
1i:ih alri'iiily ost I1 i m!uiI hiinsi-lf in tlm
Snlcm sport wiirlil, Aijraivt mill
williii);, with a Mrli ill I'illn'r liainl tlu
Ml'pi'aroil n a
t'ily kiikiKoi'si.
I'aisliiw will arrive tomorrow "itli
Nissen, his niniiauer, aiul put on his
first workout at Klett 's.
l'ar.slow always keeps himself in the
pink of eoiiilitiou ami his training for
a mint ronmsts ot lij;ht work to rontnl
out the eonrse. Pnlslow is the only
lioxer who has ever nnim'il ilerision
! over KoiiinieiH anil the rivalry between
' the lioxeis is nt a keen eiltje.
Jloliliy Kvaus left for I'ortlaml to
: tin v to take charge of Hilly Mnseott
, who boxes Jimmy Vux nt the Hose
I City olub tonight mill will return to
i morrow with Mnseott niul Jimmy Mos-
eow, his siarrmjj partner. Alosiow
will box Silent Hexter at the Tridny
ninht smoker for which tiekets are
now on sale nt Kletts.
College Boys Practicing.
I'niversity of Oregon, Kugene. Ore.,
Fell. 1 5. Tito familiar thuil of baseball
into padded mitt, n real sign of spring,
was heard on the nun pus today for the
fii.t time in ltllll.
Nearly 25. aspirants for the varsity
team resurrected their old uniforms,
...S ..-now ...s Bl,nrr K ,,arr- j mlmilr0(1 thp ,.llUed tnud off their foot-
i,r'o nmi girs i ii v inns an iniiicuilOH
of what he could do if he were to out
lio"e in n regular exhibition
Summer is only 1st yeurs of nge
but, has a wonderful muscular develop
ment for a youth nnd is touted us n
coiner in all quarters and the crowd
)i:n grown daily since he started train
ing. This is the first time that the
luners who have appeared in exhibi
tion in this city have taken up a reg
hull shoes, rubbed n little oil on their,
old gloves or mitts, and worked the
kinks out of their joints by twsiug a
few and knocking fuugoes.
A week ugo the cainpu was covered j
with nearly six inches of now. Today!
the snow had disappeared and the I
weather was springlike.
Championship at Stake.
Portland, Ore., Kelt. 15. The feather-
iilnr course of training in nu endeavor ,vi.rilt -I,!.,,,,,;!!,,-!,;,; , .' i.:(-;.,
t. give the fans a real run for their P(m,t wi ,)0 at tllU Jilllmv
money and the regular workout show j.'ox, f Sun Francisco, nnd Uillv Mas
that the boys nro to put on a real,l1.otti fl l'ortlnnd, step into the ring
clean, scientific, boxing exhibition rob-, fr ;x rnis tonight. On the same
bed nf nil of the undesirable features ' card Abie (iordou will mix with Jockev
that characterize the prize fight with Dennett, the veteran bantam.
which the boxing exhibition U often I
confused. Brltton to Meet Lewis.
Summers has boxed around Portland, y,,w York, Feb. IS. Jack Britton
for tiboiit three years under the colors: ,) Kij j on wi)1 nuv, in n v) round
of the Mohawk club and since the i l,out niirht nt the Rrondwnv Snnrlinir
ICise ( ily Club took the field be has jclub iu Brooklyn. i
Champion Too Sick to Train
Baseball Gossip Now
Keeps Fans Busy
Willard is Sick.
iNew York, Feb. 15. March- 21 will
be the new date set for the Jess Wil
lard Frank Molan heavyweight battle
when Willard formally requests Promo
ter Tex ltickard for a postponement.
Kicknrd made this announcement to
day when his attention was called to n
I'nited Press Chicago -story declaring
the heavyweight champion had declared
in favor of a fortnight's delay. Kick
art! said tho fight would be held at
Madison Square Harden, just as origin
ally planned. The postponement will
not niter the details of the arrange
ments. Kicknrd will not claim Willard 's for
feit because tho champion could not ap
pear on the date first set.
Chicago, Feb. 15 Jess Willard will
ask postponement for two weeks of
his coming bout with Frnnk Moran.
He directed his wife to make this
announcement today to the I'nited
Press. .Mrs. Willard suid her husband
is ill nnd in bed ut their home in Rog
ers Park.
Announcement of the champion' de
sire to postpone' the fight came Inst
night when he culled up Jones by tele
phone and snid he feared he would not
lie able to get into condition by March
S, the date set by Riekard. He said
his cold was pretty severe and his gen
eral health none too good at present.
Press dispatches from Chicago sug
gested that Willard might even insist
on the abandonment of the battle until
such time a he can get into better con
dition. Should he take this action, it
would mean that Riekard would collect
the $5,000 forfeit Willard posted
to bind the match.
Frnnk Moran, who training at
Saratoga, Is in prime condition and says
he is eager to have tho bout go on.
Winnipeg. Man., Feb. J4.
The ballot may help Cupid. The
Manitoba legislature, in a diag
nosis of the Temperance net, to
day ruled that married men will
be allowed to keep liquor in
their lionies, but bachelors will
not be allowed to have intoxi
cants in their possession, if the
province goes dry nt on election
March l'l.
McCredie Let Two Go.
Portland, Ore., Feb. 15. The Beavers
are shy two of their old players today
as the result of n little symposium
Judge McCredie held yesterday after
noon. Fred Carisch, catcher, was released
uncouditiifhnUy. Fred Derrick, first
baseman, was sold to the Birmingham
club of the Southern league. To all
the rest of his players McCredie mailed
contracts yesterday. With the exception
of Allen Sothron, the St. I.ouis pitch
er, w ho w ants more money. McCredie 'a
team is now practically omplete,
Comlskey Buys Jackson.
Chicago, Feb. 15. The full pavment
by Charles Comiskcy for Joe Jackson, j
sensational outfielder whom he bought j
from the Cleveland Americans, was j
completed today when it was announced i
that I.arry Chappell had been trans-j
ferred to Cleveland bv the Chicago
I White Sox. The Jackson deal also in- j
volved a large money payment. I
Washington, Feb. 14. "Pres
ident Wilson is afraid of two
men the kaiser and myself,"
Representative Seds, of Ten
nessee today quoted Colonel
Roosevelt as saying recently at
Oyster Hay. Roosevelt declared
h favored any one for the
president"- who could belt Wil
son, and added that the admin
istration's dealings wita Mexi
co and Kurope had deadened
the conscience of America.
Teach America To Use
Wood, Is Milken's Slogan
Washington, D. ('., Feb. 14. (Speci
al) "Teach America to use wood
where wood is best," was the con
stant phrase used tonight, when the
officials of tho biggest lumbering
organizations in the I'nited States ap
peared before the Amorican Society of
Foresters to discuss the relationship of
the lumber industry to tho forestry
work. President R. II. Pownmnn of New
Orleans, of the National Lumber Manu
facturers Association had for his topic
"The Need for Co-operation among
Lumbermen," while Secretary K. S.
Kellogg of the same organization, of
Chicago, told what tho lumbermen are.
tloing to aid themselves.
A paper by K. li. Ilazen of Portland,
Oregon, on "Tho Need for Larger
I'nits of Control in the Lumber Indus
try," Jhrought out many technical
phases of the efforts of the lumbermen
to help themselves.
"We must awaken" said Mr. Ilazen,
"we must find ourselves we must sell
oiir lumber. It was formerly bought
from us. Now we must sell it, just as
any other producer sells his product.
"Now to the merchandising from
tho viewpoint of the association. We
nave threo associated efforts:
"First The National Association.
"Second The Producing Zone As
sociation. "Third The selling association.
"There is a clearly defined field of
operation for each. All are esential
none are superfluous. There is some
talk about the concerted effort on the
part of substitutes against wood. In
my judgment it appears to be concerted
because each substitute is waging its
own individual campaign, and the cum
ulative effect appears concerted. In
lmlier, rowever, there is an opportunitw
for concerted action through the Na
tional, in addition to tho cumulative
effect, which will be forthcoming
through the Zone association activi
t ies.
"The illustration of the lumber con
sumption being analogous to a pie is
most npt. The consumption of various
woods are cuts from the pie varying
in size according to the accomplish
ments in the marketing of each, and
the whole pie (the total consumption)
can grow at the same time without dis-
Mrs. Barnes Wins in Su
preme Court by Ruling Today
(Continued From Page Oue.)
sheriff' and -Mrs. Barnes brought suit to
enjoin the action of the officials claim
ing it as her separate property. This
brought about a review of the entire
cise before Judge Calloway, wiio ren
dered a decision in favor of Mrs. Barnes
which was later affirmed in the su
preme court and then Spencer's at
torneys petitioned tor a rehearing
which was denied by the court today,'
dosing the case.
Noted Divorco Case.
The famous Cnni divorce case was do
cided in ti.c supreme court tuts morning
tor the t in i it .ind last time, litis cuae
wliit u was brought by Jessie L. trim
against .lolia I., (.rim wua lust insti
uuett in l!U(i and has been in the court
almost continuously since. Three suits
liave been tric.t in the circuit court and
each time have been appealed to the
M.promc court ami twice betore de
cisions ot tne higher court lavoiod
lulin L. i. rim. lite decision of Justice
Harris today modules t:.e decree oi'
Judge J. 1. Campbell, ot (. Iickaiuas
county, ami states, " i'e are of the
opinion that the trial court properly
planted tne plaiutilt a decree oi
orce. The decree will be nioditiod,
however, by disallowing the item oi
fill attorney's ice, without costs to
either party in titis court, jiistrict
Attorney h. H. liiuyo, who was then a
practicing attorney in Portland, was
one ot tno attorneys in the suit,
inner Opinions.
The other opinions ot the supreme
court follow:
lluy W. "ialhot, 'appellant,' against
Cieorge W. Joseph et ui, respondents, a
suit lo abate a "V'' iliune, appealed
trom Multnomah county, opinion by
Justice Burnett, Circuit ' Judge Kav
unaugh's judgment dismissing suit mod
Hied. A. B. Cummins et nl, respondents, vs.
Linn F. Jones, m ivor, and K. L. Shaw,
chief of police oi' Oregon City, appel
lants, citation to enjoin enforcement of
city ordinance, appealed from Clacka
mas county, opinion by Justice Ben
son, Circuit Judge Bagley 's decree
grnutiiug a perpetual . injunction, re-,
versed anil dismissed.
T. B. Potter Re'.ilty company, appel
lant, vs. George S. lireitling, appealed
from Multnomah county, suit to recover
installments of purchase price of real
property, opinion by Chief Justice
.Moore, judgment of Circuit Judge Kav
nnaugli for defendant reversed and case
dismissed as to both parties.
John Dickerson vs. Eastern & West
ern Lumber company, appellant, appeal
ed from Multnomah county, action for
damages for personal injuries, opinion
by Justice Burnett, Circuit Judge Mc
Ginn's judgment for plaintiff affirmed.
David W. lleuiiigaii vs. A. C. Math
ews et al, appellants, suit to quiet titlo,
appealed from Lane county , Former
Circuit Judge Ilirris' judgment for the
plaintiff affirmed.
John Spady, appellant, vs. Katiierine
Spady, apepaled from Multnomah coun
ty, suit for divorce, opinion per curiam,
judgment of Circuit Judge Davis modi
fied and suit dismissed.
lytitions for rehearing were denied:
Darby vs. 11 iadinan, Nicholas vs. Titlo
& Trust company; Luedorman vs. Ru
dolph; Sterrett & Oberle Packing com
pany vs. City of Portland.
Chess and Checkers
at the Club Tonight
At the commercial club rooms this
evening, beginning nt 8 o'clock, tho
second game of chess and checkers' will
be played between the Salem chess and
checker club and the champions of the
commercial club.
The honor of tne chess and checker
club will be upheld bv J. N. Smith, C.
G. (livens, Ralph Miller, P. E. Plants
and II. II. Savage in the chess games,
opposed to these champion plavers are
James Kalker. Dr. W. If. Byrd, W. D.
Kvaus, Judge Thomas Uyan and Jona
than Bourne.
In the checker contests, the commer
cial club will put forth such players as
Stanley Culver, C. If. Hamilton, L. A.
Westacott, W, T. Stolz ami Fred Dra
ger. Opposed to these players, for the
chess and checker club are J. L. Icetz,
I. Greenbaum, 1). ft. Drnger, II. Ingles,
II. Hill and Allen Hutcheon.
At the game played just one week
ago, the commercial club came out loser.
The general lines of players have been
shifted for the contest tonight.
All checker fans, or would be cham
pions are welcome.
Eate rer word New Today:
Each insertion, per word Id
One week (8 insertions), per word 5o
One month (26 insertions), per word 17q
Minimum charge, 15c.
PHONE 937 lor wood saw.
HARRY Windowcleaner.
Phone 76S.
Can you afford to doubt sucii over
whelming evidence as that of the let
ters constantly being published in the
daily press, .showing how Lydia E.
Pinkkaiu's Vegetable Compound, that
gootl old-fashioned remedy made from
roots and herbs, restores suffering wom
en to health and strength? Thousands
of women suffered just as you are suf
fering and in letters over their own
signatures state they have been made
well by Lydia ji. l'i'nkhnm's Vegetable
Compound. Why don't you trv it?
turbing the relation. Tho larger the
pie the larger the cut in proportion
representing the individual wood con
sumption, provided the individual wood
expands itself in tho same proportion.
"It would seem that the lumber
producer must get directly back to the
distribution of his product more active
ly. The retailer only reaches a part of
tho possible consumption and he is not
a dealer any more in lumber principal
ly. The producer must get into the
field with better schooled salesmen.
They must bo more than order-takers.
They must work all possiblo channels
not reached by the retail dealer. If
the individual producer has not suf
ficient output to, enable him to put
skilled men energized salesmen in
tho field, he must associate himself
with other producers so that they can
do this co-operatively.
"Then, the lumber producer must go
farther. He must get back of manu
facturers of prodets which me wood.
Wooden block pavement will never get
its just deserts until lumber produc
ers organize their own paving com
panies and lay tho pavement. Wood
silos will have to be pushed by the
lumber manufacturer; probably it can
be done through the retail yard, but
never, without the co-operation of tho
lmber manufacturer."
WANTED Beef cattle
Phone 1425-M.
and veaL
Feb 29
GIRL Wishes general housework.
Bhone 3yF13. Feb 13
DESK ROOM For rent, good location,
address Box 444.
DRESS MAKING Mrs. Carrie Rod
gcrs, 242 S. 19th. MarlO
FOR RENT Furnished five room cot
tage. Phono 1425.M.
dollar a day. Phone 1)03. Feblti
OWENS Tailor and hatter.
872. 493 Court street.
to (15.00. 491 Norta Cottage. tf
FOR RENT Rooms, furnished or un
furnished, close in. Phone 2093M. tf
WANTED Moderate wages for prun
ing. L. D. Ratliff, Salem. Feb Hi
OAK, ash, fir and maplo cord wood.
Phone 53F15. W. F. Proctor. Mar7
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey milk cows. D.
R. Hammond, Route S, Box 12.).
FOR SALE A young fresh cow, sec
ond calf, at Center Feed Barn. ('.
Lake. ' Feblii
FOR SALE Or rent, a 4 room housa
and 5 lots, and bam. Cull 905 Soutli
21st street. FeblU
WANTED To work lor board while
attending school, young man, age IS.
Phone 402. tf
WANTED Ten horse power boiler anil
engine, must be cheap and good.
Phone 24F13. Feblj
LOST Gobi pendant l'rom necklace,
diamond set. Leave at Journal of
fice. Reward. Fcbl7
FOR SALE 15 acres bottom lind,
, south of Marion. Mrs. . Taomas,
Marion, Oregon. ApnU.
FOR SALE Gootl surry, price $12; al
so 3 good wagons for sale cheap.
Phono 70F11. Fcbla
t)K SALE Choice eating potatoes,
90c per lm., delivered. 1395 N. 14th.
Phone 2195-M. Feb 17
growth fir wood for sale. John II.
Scott. Phone 1552. Feb 13
WANTED Either day or night nurs
nK, by experienced nurse. I'hona
288, at Temperance Hall. tf
SYRUP ,Frorn New York, $1.69
per gallon -at Damon 's. Feb 22
FOIt SALE New 5 room bungalow,
worth $1700 if sold soon. $1450.
Terms. 121 S. Com '1. Feblj
WANTED By trained nurse, confine
ment cases, or care of invalid. Phone
2153J. 2900 Brooks Ave. Feb I (j
GOOD FIR WOOD For silo cheap,
npttn ground, if taken soon. James
Edmister, McNary Station. Feblti
FRESH JERSEY COW For sale, now
making 1 pounds butter per day.
Route 6, Box 119. C. Witting. Febia
WANTED Team and wagon; have
clear city property to exchange.
Chas. Eppley. 1900 State St. Feb 15
FOR SALE Cycle incubator, also Sici
lian Buttercup cockrels. Eggs $1.00
per setting. 542 N. Liberty street.
WANTED Horse, 8 or !l years oid",
weight 11 or 12 hundred pounds. Jos.
Grabcr, 1203 D street, phone 57.S.
Feb 18
FOB RENT Store, 21x165 feet, elec
tric lights and steam heat. See Watt
Shipp Co., 219 North Commercial
street. Phone 363. tf
WANTED To rent farm in vicinity
of Salem by a reliable Scandina
vian farmer. Address Ed Olson, 2204
Trade. Phono 2301R. FeblS
BARRED ROCK Day old cheeks, $12
per 100, eggs for hatching $1.50 and
$2.00 per 15, both matings, order now.
B. K. Waldorf, Route 5 Salem. Febl9
HE CAME BACK If yon have any
old carpets you wish woven into fluf
fy nigs notify S. A. Dobner. Phone
1207-M. We weave Colonial rag ruga.
THREE YOUNG COWS With calf, for
sale, all good size and in good condi
tion. Phone at noon or evening, 53F4.
Win. Aschcrman. Route 5, box 70.
$100 PER MONTH For man with
small capital. Splendid business
chance for a hustler. See Mr. Bellows',
Wells Fargo Express company, Thurs
day. Feb 19
little attention to elderly woman in
return for rent of good seven room
house well located. Address Home,
care Journal. Fcbl3
CHOICE Between heifer with second
ealf by her side, square cross between
Holstein and Jersey and Holstein cow
milked since August. Address or phone
L. 8. Arnold, Salem. tf
EXPERT JANITOR Window cleaner,
wax floors, chimneys cleaned good,
beat carpets, any kind of work, here
to stay, resident of citv. Harry J.
MeDonald. llhone 200." FeblS
from all points east, on nil household
goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated
carload service. Cipital Citv Trans
fer Company, agents for ' Paeifia
Coast Forwarding Co., Itil S. Com
mercial street. Phone Main 933.