Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 12, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Great Clubbing Off
me Daily' Lapital J
1X717 Have made arrangements by which any subscriber to the
VV Ea CAPITAL JOURNAL, delivered by carrier in Salem, who
will pay for the paper six months in advance, at the regular rate,
$2.50, will receive without extra charge, the following publica
tions for one year:
The Northwest Farmstead, regular price,
Boy's Magazine, regular price, . . :
Today's Magazine, regular price . . .
Household Magazine, regular price, . .
Total of regular price, . .
REMEMBER these cost you nothing if you pay six months in ad
vance for the DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL by carrier in Salem.
Or you may have the following combination on the same lines if
you prefer it:
Today's Magazine, one year, and
McCall Magazine, one year, with two McCall pat
terns of your own selection, free.
Today's Magazine is a splendid publication-bigger and better
than ever before.
McCalPs Magazine is too well-known to need further introduction
it is growing bigger and better all the time.
Mail Subscribers
secure either of these clubbing
bargains by paying one year's subscription at the regular rate of
$3.00 per year.
Call at the business office, or address
Club Directors Have -'
Many'"' Offers Made
Here, is chance fur genuine actors
living in Salem to appear in real mov
ing pictures anil have their work and
the Bconery of Salem shown in all parts
of the I'niteil States.
The Paramount Feature Film com
pany made a proposition to the board
of directors of the Commercial club at
their meeting today noon, to put on a
first class local moving picture show
with home folks, the object being to
show the scenery around Salem, ami the
Are Deeply Grateful for Gen
erous Donations of Time,
Thought and Money
The sidcndid eenerositv of the Salem
I people has been shown in a marked wnv, 1 "'Iks too, m all pans 01 me u .
tty tue gitts ana donations given to tue- , , ; ,r,L,hts. The proposition ! there came from Slungliai an anniver-
Young Woman's Christian association ; 0()eij g0 g,l0(i f0 the directors of thelsary greeting containing the news that
since moving into their beautiful new , -cjui, that they agreed to meet a rep-1 the republicans hail be n victorious ov
quarters at 12S North Liberty street. rPsciitativ: of the film company snrl'er Yuan Shni Kai troops in a- fierce
The board of directors feel it an honor j t.onsi,ler their proposition. f'((ht in the Hunan province. The fight-
to acknowledge these gifts and in thisj other matters coming before the in jr. is still on. A number of Yuan
way to express their thanks and appre- i i)(mr,i this noou. include a communica- j troops have been captured, the mes
ciatioii. j tin fr..m Charles Hebel. nmnnger andiage id.
Sun Yat Sen Born
Same Day As Lmcola
San Francisco, Feb. 12. News of vic
tory came as an anniversary greeting to
the Chinese republicans of San Vian
cisco today.
Jt is the fifth anniversary of the es
tablishment of a Chinese republic. The
tri -colored, flags waved in Chinatown,
and pictures of Sun Yat Sen and Lin
coln were posted side by side. Tha
Young Chinese see a sort of a parallel
in the two liberators and a peculiar
significance that the birth dates ehaaee
to be upon the same day.
To Tong King Chong, president of
the Chinese Republican association,
The following clubs ami individuals
have furnished the rooms:
The large living room Furnished by
a group of young matrons, value $1X0.
Club room (1) Memorial to Miss
Kdna Hawley, value $275.
Koom (2) Furnished by Happy Hour
club, value $5.
Room (.'!) Furnished bv women em-.
ploves of state institutions, valuo $00.
nuom n) xurnisiieu oy luimg -mm-
jtrons' Luncheou club, .value $50.
Kooms (5 and C) Furnished by arti
cles previously purchased (incomplete),
value $30, $15.
Room (7) Furnishings, value $50.
Room (8) Furnished by Fhilathea
class of Baptist Sunday school, value
$05. -
Room (9) Furnishings, value $10.
Room (10) Furnished by North Sa
lem Woman's club, value $55.
Room (11) To be furnished by Fris
cilln club.
Room (12) Furnished Try Thursday
Afternoon club, value $';". '
Office Furnished by club of Salem
women, value $S5. '
Curtains for dining room furnished
by Kensington club, value $20.
Individunl gifts:
Mr. C. K. Spauldiug,, sen en, lf2.
Mr. W. W. Moore, lamp $S.
Mrs. W. W. Moore, picture $.'!.
Mrs. Eugene Breymun, chair $30.
Mrs. Henry Meyers, chair and maga
zino rack $8. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. JT. Bush, money on
piano and furnishings $150.
Mr. and Mrs. John MeNary, chair $1.
Other things donated were:
Mrs. Henry Thielseii, 4 pictures.
Mrs. P. H. Raymond, ink well and
Mrs. C. P. Bishop, picture.
Mrs. Geo. liodgcrs, picture.
Mr. Carl liouf, fern and basket.
Mr. Parker, picture of living room.'
Tho. value of the gifts total $1,241.24.
Expended from Y. W. C. A. funds for
necessary furniture for kitchen and din
ing room, $585.
Total value of plant, $1,S39.24.
Fruitland Notes
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Saturday evening, the 5th, your rep
resentative and others from here at
tended the basket social at Bethel. In
connection was a literary program, the
principal fe.it lire of which was the
comedy, "A Kentucky Belle," by
thirteen Bethel folks." All did their
parts well. Without disparaging any I
will mention Mrs. (!. O. Swales as Isa-
belle, allowed fine hjst'rinuic alcnt t'or'l
an amateur. And if anybody should
want a good imit.ition nigger get Ceo.
Mat ten.
John Zak sang " I'nder the Anhouser
Biisch. " The singer beat time with
two empty beer bottles. How they
ame to be empty this scribe saith not.
director of the famous Hebel 's Cherry
Bud band. Mr. Hebel wants assistance
from the club in securing uniforms for
his juvenile band, and in return, prom
ises the band will play without com
pensation at all events in the city. He
also thinks the bund would be great
boosters for Salem in out-of-town en
gagements. The matter was referred to
the social department for immediate
A request was received from several
granges of the county, that the Com
mercial club furnish a band at all Ore
gon grange rally and basket dinner.!, to
be held in Marion -square next May, was
referred to the agricultural depart
ment, W. I. Staley, director.
Manager O. H. Luck was authorized
to co-operate with the Commercial
clubs, county courts, and granges in
the county, in the formation of the
Willamette Valley Development associa
tion, which was formed at Albany, Feb
ruary 5, Mr. Luck was appointed as
delegate to attend the next meeting at
The St. Paul, Minn., Commercial club
sent a communication urging that the
Salem club unite witn them in protest
ing against a tax on gasoline, claiming
that it would handicap the industries
of the eountry.
. ' A communication from the Portland
Chamber of Commerce relative to water
power in Oregon, was referred to the
legislative and taxation department, T.
B. Kav, director.
;The equalization- of passenger rates
was rererrea ro m n. i-iiiiiinuiin imuu
from the East Side Business Men's a
soe.intion of Portland. The protest will
finally be brought before the Inter
state Commerce commission, as the
present rates discriminate against Ore
gon and Washington.
The board of directors endorsed a
proposition that this club use its in
fluence in securing the establishment
of a naval base at the mouth -of the
Columbia. The Los Angeles Chamber
of Commerce sent a communication urg
ing this body to co-operate with tbeui
in a prepnrednesfi campaign.
Ivan G. McDaniels, secretary of the
Salem Social Service Center, reports
that the position as a farm helper near
Livesley has been filled. Ouo other
position was filled and application for
the job continues to pome in.
:' Woodbum came out one point'nhead
I'rnlav night in the debates between
tho teams of the triangle, composed of
Woodburn, Silvertou and I an by hign
school teams. The Woodburn team
will now debate with the ,lef fersou
team, which is the champion in 'another
Friday night tho Woodburn nega
tive team Haymoiid Lawrence, Lee
Sims and Harold Dimick went to Sil-
Rate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word - 14
One week (6 insertions), per word! 5e
One month (26 insertions), per word 174
AH ads must be ordered for stated
length of time, no ad to count less than
10 words.
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertise
ments. Read your advertisement the
first day it appears and notify us im
mediately if it contains as error.
Minimum chirge, loc
PHONE 937 For wood saw.
ilhone 413.
HARRY Windowclcaner.
Phone ?M.
Good clover hay.
FOH SALE Household goods.
Kith street.
57 S.
Phone 1425-M.
and real.
Feb 2d
GIKL Wishes
Oliono 33F13.
gcrs, 212 8. 19th.
Carrie Hod-MarlO
OWENS Tailor -And hatter.
872. 493 Court street.
FOR RENT Modern furnished flat,
piano, etc. Phono 2101. Febl
OAK, ash, fir and maple cord wood.
Phone 53F15. W. F. Ifroctor. MarT
to 15.00. 491 Korta Cottage. if
furnished, close in.
furnished or un
Phone 2093M. tf
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey milk cows. D.
H. H.inimond, Route S, P,ox 125.
Febl 9
must be
team, mares preferred,
cheap. Phone 2153.1.
' Lambs, grain fed 7c
TUP MIDlfTTC ! Vegstssies.
UiLi ilifUUlLilij
aim uiaiuibiu rauunge
$ $ ' Tomatoes, California
: String garlic
I Potatoes, cwt
I Brussels gpiouts . .. .
$1.752.00 j
Independence News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Independence, Or., Feb. 12 Malcolm
I). Cireg, of Wren, Oregon, who form
al weeks in Eugene as the guest of her
two daughters who attend the stute
Attorney Butler resently moved his
office froin C street into tho lower of
fice room of the Masonic building.
A small blaze in the rear or the.Aiu-
Thc following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid the
producer. Corrections are made
Sweet potatoes
Celery, case
California head lettuce, case
Apples, Hood Kiver
i.-joj i.io o ; ilc (.jty . Rci.. i, ni lit Inst, week c.iused
IOC,, . ... ...... ..-,.. I. ,..l .,l,,t;,-na ... t ..
"'"u , r. . w i, lii.uvv rain full : ,nt .l 1..- Hn liim.K- hntu frnin II few
during the noon
Mr. Greig reports a heavy ruin tall j control by the timely
. i. . l -..u.. A 1.,Pii .nlll tlinl :..
tl HO 1,1 lU.U ICIIIII. ni ...... uicii ju. nil." imiumiii
.l... 1, nl.iiii.lnuril tll ilraill llitCilCS! iiniir
It won't do to blame as good a prohi j vertou accompanied by Miss McKnight
as John is for doing it. lUnd Mr. Luntz. There they debated
Little Vera Koth gave a nice reciti-l with the Silvertou affirmative team
tion which did her credit. " on the subject, " Resolved, That the
The Vocal Daet and the other mini-1 tTnited States shall adopt the csscn
beiH were interesting. The 20 or moiejt;H foutliros of the (swiss svstem of
haskets and boxes sold for about $24.1 mmutv trHillill(; a,u, service.''' The
vm. im mi v ruin T'J,m,'i IIIUI tll'l IUI
above $1. Mr. II. R. Curtis did the
inni""LCI "i" in""'i"iv
v1-1'" , 4-i,... :. I .villi mi iiveraiie
r. nrtiiuiu '"" ivi. ...... .... n
. .i....i. nr r,r f,.,1-
ij'rjji The lndepeiidence schools began their , moving to
The market shows very little change
today. Veal, dressed, is off half a cent.'
Oranges. Navels
Eggs are coining in in quantities that i
hh Lemons, per box
threaten to break the market. 1 "'t; 1 Bananas, pound
laud's best price yesterday for candled t-ii,-rll;ft Krupo fruit .
was 30 and 21 cents. From this 1a"x-; Kluri.la grape fruit ....
eggs should be worth cash about Spates , dromed ary, case
ceutn. The chances arc that by Mf'-Syard dates
day prices will run 2lie cash nnd 2ScQra barrels!!!!!!!
trade. At least, that is the opinion or craberries
several grocers who were paying Pineapples
tin I av.
. Honey
Hay, timothy, per ton .
Oats, vetch
Clover hay
Rolled barley
Cracked corn
Shorts, per ton
I Hetall Prices.
....... $14.00 1 Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch
$12.00(1 .12.50 1 sugar, cane
iM-'-OO' Sugar. D. G
$l'-' 00 Creamery butter
S-w" I Flour, hard wheat ..
40cFlour, valley
$.15.00 ' J .
Omaha, Nebraska, where
i u..in,.t,.r Mfiiuliiy wila rheJir i tlmr will tnnlic their lwiiiip in -tiie neir
$l.-(cJl.a UKlm re(,uai ity , and a small increase t'uture.
'in eniollineut. Frank Fluke, of the Wigrich ranch
r( M. J. Hunt was an Albany visitor recently purchased H new IS'Pi Foul
$2.25(73.25 ; .-, j,uy touring car.
$l-5j ()n account of the high wnter the for- The families who were compelled to
4.25(u 4.75 1 rv w,i,.;i crosses the river at this point I movo during the high water have re-
6 1-4 ! w,.ll( iliscoatiiiueil the fore part of tiiis j inhabited their homes as the river is
$'f.0ll : Week. As the river is rapidly fallingjnow rapidly falling to its normal posi-
$5.00(T (i.00 i aow it will no doubt be aide to resume : tion.
$3..if) , jlH n.gul ir run by Sunday.
$1.00 1 Malcolm Greig spent Monday in Sa-
$L00h(Mn 0n business.
$12.00 What is promised to be a very inter-
7 l-2c jesting program will be given at the
fj.ou Highland school liouse .i miles soutli or
town Saturday evening under the di
rection of Miss Clemens, the teacher.
All are invited.
Miss Jessie Hunt, of Mill City, is
vote of the .judges was umiiuinuus in
IV. - P n- II
selling. To his skill is duo the amounts1 ,k " '"" , (Wiv nf
-1 1 r-- I On the same night the Cauliy al-
' Some one writing The Capital Jour,,- f'"tiv and Silverton negative teams
al conies out ng.ijust Cock Robin. For debated on this question at Woodburn
shame. He must be dull of observation ' w''1' Silvertou winning. Independent.
not to know that the robin is one of! , . "
our best insectivorous birds. That is! M PLEASANT ITEMS
why Oregon protects tlio robin, it is
Arthur Graham and wife were ml against the law to kill one at any time
Portland this week preparatory to re
Mrs. Flovd Shellon and children
It always has a closed se.ison. SujjV sl'i;ut tho week end visiting relatives lit
pose it dues eat u tew cherries niid,'"11"-
some berries. What about the sbi'-s Frank Lnnx, of I'em Hidgc
called at the Mrs. K
.. $7.05
, $(!.S5
....$1.00 $1.00
.. $1.30(Ji $1.60
$Dfi. 0027.00'
$2?.00(f) 30.00
Creamery butter, per pound .
Country Butter
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, candled. No, 1. cash ...
F.ggs, case count, lash ,
Eggs, trade
Hens, pound
Roosters, old, per pound
Spring chickens, pound
30c I
30c ;
. . 12 l -2ci
7(77 7 l -2c
. 12 1 ?e
Portland, Ore.. Feb. 12. Wheat:
No grain market today,
lings: Best live. $S.0u
Prime steers. $7.5110 7.05.
Fancy cows. $0.50.
Calves. $7.U0(Ti 8.00.
Spring lambs, $v50tfi K.5-1.
Butter: Citv creamery. 34c. -Eggs:
Selected local ei., "M(fi 32c
Hens, 15(7i 10c.
Broilers. L'.fulO.
(leese. lOfTillc.
Pork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed lit'
Pork, dressed ! 1-LV
I'ork, on foot 6 3 4(7 7e
Spring lambs 7(ii 7 1 -2e
Bulls ...
Ewes ...
Pan Diego. Cnl., Feb. 12. Tn n tele
gram received here tod ly, Congressman
William Kettner declared that t'.ie gov
ernment aviation commission had taken
favorable action toward the proposal to
spend .siiii,iM.M.i for an aviation school
5 l-2(Tific at Coronido Heights, which is about 5
. .. 405c mile from the present camp on North
l-2c Island.
Hayesville News
(Capital Joniaal Special Service)
Hayesville, Or., Feb. 12.Mrs. J. W.
Pease is convalescing from her recent
illness. ...
The lulies mission circle met wilh
spending the week end witti nor parents Mrs j I al,ert on Wednesday p. m
on nouie .. ...'Twelve ladies were present. M
-Mrs. r-wope receneu a leiegraiu io-
l.iv that her mother passed uway in
Salem vesterdav. Biiriul will be in Or
egon City tomorrow.
Twelve ladies were present. Meeting
opened by song. "The Great lliysieian
Now- Is Near.". After scripture read
ing and prayer the mission lesson was
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Attorney l. E. Fletcher was a busi-; studied anil echoes from the conven
ness visitor Saturday in Dallas. 1 1 ion were given by the different ladies
Fred Young, bookkeeper in the Farm-1 who attended, which was held Jt lin
er Stute bank, was n business visitor: .el Green. Alter which the meeting
in Salem S.itnr.lav. I ail ioiirned to meet at Mrs. E. M. Hail-
J. J. Williams is evidently getting in eys, the second Wednesday in March,
line with the rest of the motorists as he I Light refreshments were served,
recently purchased a Studebnker of Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Ptites, Eebru
Vick Brothers in Salem this week. nry ilth, a daughter. ;
A. O. Macy and wife were in Sa- ' Mrs. L. K. Trayer, of Los Angeles,
lein Monday evening attending the Em-'California, missionary among the Mex
ilo ile Gogorza concert. icaiis of Southern . California, will
II. F. Shrunk and diaries H ii kct speak at the church here on Sunday at
were both Salem visitors this week. 2:3(1 p. m. A cordial invitation is ex-
(l, G. Walker, who has been in Port-1 tended to all.
land t'or several days receiving medical The Sunday contest liegnn last Sun
iitteution, returned home Sunday with j day under very favorable eireiiinstanc
the report that he is feeling much bet-es.' Great enth'isiasni wis manifested,
ter. j There were 127 present. H is hoped
A basketball game which ere ited , much good may result from the con
much interest nmong the local athletes test,
was played Friday evening at tue gym
nasium. The game was between the Mon
mouth and Independence teams, result
ing in i victory for the home team withi
a final score of J to 19.
Mrs. II. A. Childs is spending sevcr-j
nnd linns un.i -,riii. !,.. .,.. le i,.tho week end at the )l. Sen, nouie
didn't i:ot them they'd uvi the i.ar.i' ! Townes called at tho Geo. Kay
den. I would feel like prosecuting a j home Sunday,
innn for siiootiiiLi a robin on mv nrem- Il.ti'r.v Shynk
! IL, wihiI.i it I.I..-I .r.,t .,r.i.ir...i Shaak iiome Monday.
off if I were near at hand. I shoot Linn I.aniliert and wife spent Snmlay
nothing but. that noisy, . egg-sucking evenin gat the U. K. Jiny .mine,
scoundrel, the blue lav." s''lh fl,lllil.v w,'r,! Sl"',lll'
From a curd recieve'd from a sister at! visitors at the II. It. Shank home.
Phoenix, Arizona, we learned thoyj ,-rl"lk " "ven returning to
were safe from the high waters there. I Staytou with the Mt. Pleasant high
A letter received from a friend in1"''1"101 I"1!"'1' Sund.iy evening,
li., m..m...u !,... i,.t... ii. ,i' Hazel Lambert, returned to her school
when President Wilson was there alW0!'t
few days ago, ice nnd slush and snow seuce.
sition for general housework. 145S
S. Com'l. FebU
WANTED To work tor board while
attending school, young man, age IN.
Phone 402. tf
WANTED $900, for three years, beat
of real estate security. See Jj.
Deehtel & Co. FeblO
!FOK HALE A good family cow, just
fresh, good milker. Call 006 North
Summer street. Febl )
SPECIAL PRICES $.00 per week for
board and room at The Creeuwood.
391 N. Commercial. FeblS
WANTED Ten horse power boiler and
engine, must, be cheap and good.
Phone 24b' 13. Febl.".
FOR SALE I heap, blocky biult team,
weight, twenty-seven hundred, and
fine pullers. Phone 1722. Febli
Toll SALE 'Fifteen head of cows onm
to freshen in ten days, also 50 head
of goats, 'hone 33F24.
SYRUP From New York, $1.60
per gallon 'it Damon's. Feb 23
FOR SALE 15 acres bottom Und,
south of Marion. Mrs. E. Taomss,
Marion, Oregon. April!
in Lebanon lifter a week's ub-
loe and Philip Pietrok spent
day evening at tue II. Senz home.
Ifev. McKev, of Eugene, will preach
at the Mt. Pleusnnt church Sunday.
The new chairs have arrived for tne
N. R. Moore is much improved and
aide to lie out again.
Ask The Capital Journal about lob
were five inches deep on the streets,
N. .1. Bowers gave au nddiess Mon
day night, at Bethel schiiol house on
"Tho Study of tile Miml'' find inintlier
Tnesdiy night on "The Building of Staytou Stand.ird
.Manhood and Womanhood. These
were educational subjects.
Mrs. Aiil'. Donev is caretaker in a
family at i'nrvallis. I liusscll Street, who was recently
Vesterdav. M. Al. Ransom sent a small parolled from the State school, arrived
sack of dried prunes to Mis. .., E.l in town a week or more ago, ami put
Mi rarl.ine, of O. A. C, at Corvallis.j up with Mr, Johnson, who has bachelor
T. B. Alvora, who has been with thei quarters in the Sandman house on
Spauldiug Logging company at Salem, West Water street. While there it is
lias moved I nick to his homo a short , , sieged that he asked Johnson to go
distance from the church, Neighbor -itB ,jn, t0 t. ceineterv and dean off
Alvora is a worthy citizen and will be.,li!( fati,cr's grave. This Jonson agreed
welcomed back among us. U., dtu ()u , Ruv ll01up; it U al(.
Wednesday evening some of tlio KuMHI.i rcmen,bered"that he had urgent
"hyphen .ted herm,ts of . ! ruitland 1 ,,.,,. ; ,.. ,,;.! to be along
met at the pleasant home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. .1. Cernik. Several musical1
numbers were . rendered. A general
good time was lui.l. Cake and lo.ju were
served. All hail to music and wassail.
Those present: Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Itanium, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ikiwdiu;
Mr. niid Mrs. .las Silki, Carl Stebbiiis
Miss Marie Fleigel, Miss Claiidine
White, Mr. iiinl Mrs. Geo. Klein, Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Mdlwnin and the Misso-t
.Ionic and Esther Bowers. Besides these
was a host nf children, "too numerous
to mention" as the sale bills say.
Win. McN'nir is pruning his nichrrd.
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Instead of making the call as
he stated, lie is supposed to have made
a bee line for Johnson's house, where
he filled a suit case with goods and
hiked. Deputy Sheriff Henry Smith
located him and the goods at a farm
er's near Jefferson and brought him
to Staytou. lie wns returned to the
school yesterday. Stnyton Standard.
with no children, wanted on farm.
Phone 84 F2. Febli-
IiOOFS HEPAIKED Auo guaranteed
not to leak. Phone O. L. Donaldson.
6 14 It. Febl4
FOB SALE Choice eating potatoes,
9(e per bn delivered. 1395 N. 11th.
Phone 2195-M. Febl 7
l'OU KENT I heap, to right party,
modern residence, close in. John H.
Scott. Wioue 1552. Febl2
WANTED Either day or night nurs
ing, by experienced nurse. Phone
2SS, at Temperance HalL tf
I'liK SALE Cycle incubator, alw
Sicilian Buttercup cockrels. Eggs $1
per setting. 442 North Liberty. Febll
FKESU JERSEY COW For sale, now
making lVj pounds butter per day.
Koute 6, Box 119. C. Witting. Febl
WANTED Team and wagon; hare
clear citv property to exchange.
Chas. Ep'pley. 1900 State St. Febl
Excelsior Springs, Mo., Feb. 12. The
first two delegates to the republican
convention at t'hicugo will be uiiin
structed, the delegates from the third
congressional district decided today.
I WANT TO RENT About 80 or 49
acres, partly in hops. Will take pos
session at once. Address H 40, care
of Journal. FefjU
l'OU RENT Desk room on ground
floor office, including lights, tele
phone and janitor services. 124 S.
Liberty. Febl 2
FOB BENT Store, 1i163 feet, elee
trio lights and steam heat. See Wat
Bhipp Co.. 219 Norta Commercial
street. Phone 303. it