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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1916)
THREE SOCIETY (Continued from Fage Two.) Mrs. lone Fisher Hickerson present ed Miss Ethel McDonald, reader, in a private recital Thursday evening at her home, 5tiU North 21st street. Miss McDonald gave five numbers, the last one was A monologue, "Aunt Sopuronia Tabor at the Opera," which was given in costume. After the programme, the guests en joyed a dainty lunch. The rooms were prettily and effect ively adorned with Valentine decora tions. Mrs. Lawrence Bunn was the motif of a pleasant surprise party Friday, when a number of friends and relatives gathered with well filled baskets for dinner anil a general good time. Pretty valentine place cmls were made by the guests and marked covers for: Mrs. C. K. Whitney and Miss Kd- na Whitney, Mrs. .1. W. llagedorn, Mrs. Lloyd Ramsden, Mrs. J. V. Shaller, Mrs. Henry Fuller, Mrs. ('. C. Witzoll, Mrs. Lawrence Bunn, Miss Bonnie Bunn and Miss Mabel Savage. ... The ladies of the Women's Alliance of the Unitarian church were entertain ed by Mrs. J. W. Cox, 351 N. Winter street Friday ufetrnoon. In addition to tho regular work of the alliance a. verv interesting pro gramme appropriate to the memory of Lincoln was given. After tho singing of "America," Mrs. Wm. Hamilton read "O Why Should the Spirit of Mortal Be Proud?" Lincoln's favorite poem. Mrs. R. C'artwright read Ingersoll's tribute to Lincoln ind Mrs. K. F. Carle ton, "The Gettysburg Address," being followed by appropriate selections by others present and closed by tho singing of patriotic songs. The rooms were patriotically decor ated with flags and pictures of Abra ham Lincoln. Later the hostess served refresh ments. Friilay evening the parent-teachers association of the Richmond school held a meeting at the school building. At the business session, Mrs. W. H. Walsh was elected president to succeed Mrs. Olingor. During the meeting the association voted to buy chairs for the primary class, and to purchase basket b.ill and playground apparatus for the children. Later a short musical programme was enjoyed by all present. The Loyal Order of Moose have is sued invitations for a Valentine dance to be given at the Moose hull, Monday evening, February the fourteenth. Rehearsals began this week by the choir of St. Paul's K.piscopal church for the presentation of Sir John Stabl er 's Passion Oratorio, "The Crucifix ion," to be given sometime during Holy Week this year, probably on t'.ie evening of Good Friday, April 21. Stainer's Crucifixion is one of the best known sacred oratorios, modeled on the style of Bach's 1'assion music. It is rich in harmonic effect, ami has been extensively used, both in full and in part. The well-known anthem "flod So Loved the World" forms ono num ber as does the tenor solo "King Kvcr Glorious." There are twenty numbers in all including several hymns. Solo parts are to be Liken by Thom as Williams, 'Frank G. Dcckebach anil George C. L. Snvder. A scintillating vaudeville benefit will be given at the Grand theatre on the night of March the fourth, under the auspices of the Moose lodge. In the repertoire of attractions of fered for charity, the vaudeville never fails to interest say what we please to the contrary. The entertainers for the evening will include an all star imported cast and a number of clever local men. One of the most Attractive special ties of the benefit will be the exquisite and artistic dances given by Miss Priscilla Fleming and Willard Hall, who are most graceful and excellent exponents of the art. The dances which they are now re hearsing under tho tutorship of an ex pert, will be the latest and most in teresting of the season's contributions. The personnel of the committee in charge of the affair is Ernest Blue, George Patterson and Benjamin Brick. Enthusiasm is already keen for the benefit and there is little doubt that the house will be crowded, notwith standing the heavy demand made upon Salem for the local and other charities tiiis season. fc sfc sfc Jc fc 5c sfc sjc Jc sc fc sjc sjc sfc sfc ?t PERSONALS sc sfc fc sjc Jc sjc sc jc sfc sfc fc fc sfc 5c sfc Judge Thomas A. McBride is in Port land. W. I. Staley went to Portland this morning. John Savage went to Portland this morning. A. F. Mnrsden, of Brooks, was in the city yesterday. A. C. Cady, flax expert, went to Al bany this morning. J. R. Cartwright was in the city yes terday from Harrisburg. Dr. William Steelhammer, of Tort land is visiting in the city. T. G. Albert, of the Barnes store, went to Portland this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goulet, of Hop mere, were in the city yesterday. Attorney Glenn E. t'n'ruh is in M Minnville today on legal business. George Steelhammer, a druggist of Silverton, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Z. J. Riggs went to Portland this morning on the Oregon Electric. Mrs. A. G. Davidson went to Port land this morning for a week end visit. D. B. Moses, a merchant of Gervnis, was registered at the Bligh yesterday. C. J. Ramsden and wife of Mncleny were registered yesterday at the Bligh. Mrs. C. L. Purdy, 960 Mill street, is week-end visitor in Portland, with relatives. Mrs. Suttor, living on North Seven teenth street, returned today from a two months' visit witn relatives in the east. Profes'or Hart, of the Washington junior high school went to Portland this morning. Miss Mabel Fethcrs went to Corval- Salem High Toys With Corvallis and Wins By One Sided Score The Salem high school basketball team again demonstrated their claim to being the class of the academics of the state when they administered an unmerciful drubbing to the Corvallis high school by a score of 6.) to 11. The score at the end of the first half was 24 to 4 and the Sulem boys attempted to let up a little on the visitors but they wero unable to keep from scoring and just dropped in baskets through force of habit whenever they felt that way. The Corvallis boys showed up as a clumsy, ill organized bunch in compari son with the clever teamwork and skill of the Salem players and the game held little interest from a4 spectator 's standpoint. The lineups follow: Corvallis Adams, center; Bailiff, Spenee, forwards; Corbet t, Fisher, guards. Salem Gill, center; Proctor, C. Rad cliff, forwards; K. Kadclil'fe, Ackerman, guards. Referee Gingrich. VEGETABLE GARDENING The following article by J. W. Ma runey, president of the Salem Floral so ciety, is of interest to those concerned in landscape gardening, as well as the planting of flowers. The floral society will hold its monthly meeting at the Commercial club Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Tho Salem Floral society wishes to convince all house holders of the im portance of having neat and successful vegetable gardens in back yards and vacant lots in place of weeds, uncared for lawns or rubbish. Such a garden not only improves the homes appear ance but adds to the city's good looks and helps property values. A lot here tofore vacant planted in potatoes ought to produce from $25 to $35 and in gen eral "truck" perhaps as high as $75 worth of produce to the family using it. A small patch in rear premises, thoroughly fertilized and intensely cul tivated and irrigated would help ma terially in reducing living expenses. Such gardens will warrant the expense of seeds, plants, and spading or plow ing. Seeds should bo purchased only from reputnble seed firms who sell the best. Plants should be purchased from reliable market gardeners who raise good truck themselves. Persons having vacant lots and not caring to use them would help a good cause by donating their use to individuals who need round to cultivate. The society will endeavor if notified to secure someone to garden such a lot. As soon as the ground can be culti vated the following varities can be put in: Spinach, early peas, radishes, beets carrots, lettuce, onions, potatoes, pars nips, and also early cabbage and cauli -flower plants. From the 20th of April on tomatoes, egg plants and pepper., can be set out. After May 1st squashes conteloupes watermelons, com or beans should be planted. Ex-Senator Dixon Would Nominate Roosevelt Missoula, Mont., Feb. 12. Joseph M Dixon, former Vnited States senator' from Montana, and until recently chairman of the Progressive National committee, today announced his candi dacy as a delegate to tho republican national convention to be held in Chi cago, in dune and declared that he be lieves both the progressive and repub lican conventions should unite in the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt as candidate of a re united and triumph, ant republican partv In his formal an nouncement Dixon 'declares that ho is nor acting with tnc knowledge or con on., t ii ii 1. r ui nuusoeir, anil mat He is tak ing this step in his own personal responsibility. Her Spiritual Wedding. Dallas. Tevns VaI, 10 r,i. ,t...,i... .. wedding march was played at the funer al of Miss Pearl Castle, aged 27, at her own request. Sh? believed that death was a "spiritual wedding" with God. PLAYER PIANO PLAYER How Would You Like to Trade Your Piano for a Player-Piano? You could do this in the next few days without paying very much dif ference. You can secure the best in a player-piano, a standard make of an instrment- guaranteed by Eilers Music House and tho manufacturers. A Kimball, a Smith & Barnes, an Eilers Bungalow, or some other well known make. You can. purchase the best n a player-piano now for a prico lower than you will ever be able to again, ns since the disappearance of C. F. Hull of the Valley Music Hose, every inslrment has been ordered sold with out regnrd to profit. See the very latest creation oFhe Kimball company, or the Eilers Bun galow player-piano which received the gold medal at the P. P. I. E. San Fran cisco. A little each month like rent se cures one of the mand with each we include $25 worth of free music and a beautiful bench. There are six player-pianos and we positively will not ship duplicates at the prices marked plainly on each instrument. You can save from $200 to $2S5 by purchasing now. Store open evenings. J. O. Gallagher, general agent for Eilers Music House and the Manufac turers, 264 Commercial street. lis this morning to enroll at the O. A. C. for the spring semester. Chester Taw, of Pilverton, is in the city, vistiing his brother Gustav A. Taw, of the Capital Drug Store. Carl Fenton, coach of athletics at the high school, left today to spend the week end in Salem. Eugene Guard. Mhilip Patterson, of the firm of Wil lits and Patterson, Portland, is here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Patterson. Mrs. Conlrerns. of 490 South Six teenth street, will go to Willamette san itarium for an operation for cancer next Monday. Dr. Fisher will perform the operation. THE CHURCHES 3fc 3C sc 3c SC S(C C 5C 3(C 3jC 3C SfC 9fS 9C 3C 3fC Free Methodist. So. 1228 North Winter street. . Sun ijy services: Sabbath school 9:45. j Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 p. m. W. J. Johnston, pastor. Salvation Army. Sunday services as follows: Knee drill, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school and Bible class, 10:30 a .m. Christian praise meeting, 3 p. m. Y. P. L., 6:15 p. m. .Salvation meeting, 7:45 p. m. Week night services every night except I Monday and Thursday. Capt. and Mis. Kelso. Rural Chapel. II. C. Stover, minister. Morning ser vice at 11:30. Sunday school at 10:30. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. in. Central Congregational. Corner .South Nineteenth and Ferry streets, II. C. Stover, minister. Sun day school at 10 a. in. Junior Christian Endeavor at 0 p. m. Senior Endeavor at b':45 p. m. Evening sermon by the pastor at 7:30. Prayer and Bible study hour Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Leslie M. E. Bible school, 9:45 a. m., Joseph Bar ber, superintendent. Morning service, 11 o'clock. Junior League. 3 p. m., Helen Frey and Cleo Walker, leaders. Epworth League, (i:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 . J. C. Spencer, pastor. Liberty Street Church of the Evangeli cal Association. Corner of Center and Liberty streets, II. E. Hornschuch, pastor. Sabbath school at 10 a. m., Wm. Garnjobst, su perintendent. At 11 a. m., German services and tho Holy Communion, led by the pastor. At 7 p. m., the Young People's Allinnce will meet and the Rev. H. Schuknecht, of Portland, will address the young people. At 7 p. m., there will be English preaching serv ice by Mr. Schuknecht. This is the last quarterly conference and communion service of the year and all members and friends are urged to be present. Swedish Tabernacle, M. E. Comer South Fifteenth and Mill streets, Rev. John Ovall, minister. Services at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. All Scandinavians nre most cordially invit ed to attend. Ladies' Aid society meets in the church next' Tuesday, February 15, at 2 p. in. All welcome. United Evangelical. Revival meetings nl the I'nite.l Kvnn. gelical church, Cottage and Center streets, which arc being conducted by ine pastor, Kev. A. A. Winter, assisted by R. G. Miller, with his guitar, took on new life lust niidit when came forward and gave themselves over into tne omuls ot the Lord. Confessions were made and old wounds wore healed. Meetings will continue indef initck- kv! eryone welcome. Come and help' and get neipeii, United Brethren. Castle Chapel corner Seventeenth street and TVcl.ri.ut, ..,. ir i. Dorks, minister; G. O. Tanker, Sunday school school superintendent. Bible school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Gospel in song and sermon 7:30 p. m! i'i.imi uiecijug luesi ay ev ening 7:30. ' St. Paul's, Episcopal " Robert S. Gill, rector. Holy Com munion ,:30 a. ni. Choral Eucharist with address 1 1 m r. . , address 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 9:45 u. m. Unitarian. Corner of Chemeketn and Cottnrre streets, Richard F. Tischer. minister Sunday school at 10 o'clock, Miss Ethei iletcher, superintendent. Morning ser vice at 11 o'clock Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. The Hon. Charles A Murdock, general secretary of the Pa cific Const conference, will speak at both services. His morning subject is- Are Unitarians Christians?" Mr T H. Galloway will sing at both services! Mr. Harry Mills, organist. All friends ot liberal religion. and in progressive meals are especially invited to these services. Bring your friends. South Salem Friends Corner of South rommerci.H ,t Washington streets Bible school at 10 ? m i). C. Miles, superintendent. Meet ing for worship and preaching at 11 n m and 7:30 p. ,. 'C. E. Meeting a,' 0.-0 p. m Prayer meeting at 7:15 p. m Thursday. II. E. Pemberton, pal United Evangelical. IWth Cottngo street between Center i a .m., Sundny school, Mr. a flesher, superintendent. n a ' m ' 1 1.l.i n i- ' ""'""r -endeavor. p , ' x""""u nemrngton and Pearl Flesher. 0:30 p. m., Young People's meeting, topic, "Consecreated Influ T" 7 J1'8 PtlUli"C Knin(fton, lead-f.ri- P- m'' """flifltic. service, "Things That Must Stand Aside." The special meetings, so successful Inst weet. will onnlinn. i ..... . ur.,v uint aiirine the week. Mr. R. O. Miller sings a solo ""J uigni wun nis guitar aceomponi meut and assists in personal work. Come, you will be helped and blessed if you do. Highland Friends. Comer of Highland and Elm streets. Sabbath school 10 a. m., Mrs. Myrtle Kenworthy, superintendent Meetings for w orshin 11 a. m.. and 7:30 p. m. Junior Endeavor in charge of Bessie Shinn. 2:30 p. m.. Christian Endeavor. 6:15 p. m., Hnzel Tucker, leader. Pray er meeting Thursday, 7:30 p, m. Jose phine Hockett, pastor. Thone 1465. German M. E. Corner Thirteenth and Center streets. A. .T. Weigle. pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m Hen-y Ornlapp. ' superin tendent. Public worsnlp at 11 o'clock. Enworth League nt 7 p. m., Louis Old enburg, leader. Sermon at 7:30 p. m. With these services we intend to be gin our revival meetinfs to which those who understand the German language nrc cordially invited. ... .. .... - - N i : A Dining Room Set That Cannot Be Duplicated for the Price j Quartered Oak, . H ' ,, . . M , I. . ' , O" One Set of Six Quartered Oak, Leather Seat Dining Chairs One Quartered Oak Buffet, French One Quartered Oak China Closet, Large and Roomy BED ROOM SETS The Adam's Period Colonial design and Antique finish in Old Ivory with cir cassion Walnut tops. This is the very latest that can possibly be obtained in " t "T "T ' 'T ft tt Bed Room Furniture. See Our Window Display. You will always find the Latest and Best at Moore's, and the prices arc right. tx You Get More at Moore's for Your Money Lutheran. East State and Eighteenth streets, George Korhler, pastor. Sunday school in German and in English at 10 o'clock. Divine services at 10:30 a. m. Subject, "God's Appearance to Moses." Luth er League ut l:45 p. m. Evensong ser vice at 7:30 p. m. Ministerial Union. The. Sulem .Ministerial Cnion will meet ill regular 'session Monday nt 10:30 a. m., . M. C. A. buiMiug. i lie order of the day is a paper entitled, "Jei-cmfcih, thie Suffering 'Patriot." Dr. Curl G. Doney. First Christian. Corner High and Center streets, F. T. Porter, minister. Bible school !t:45 a. m., Dr. H. C. Epley, director, Lloyd Holdimnn, assistant 11 a. m., Wor ship and Herman, sunject, "Order in Creation." 6:30 p. m., C. E., Miss Ed monston, lender. 7:30 p. m. Sermon subject, "The Ideal Young Man." In this sermon the y iung women will give their conception of tin ideal young man. Orchestra at evening service. Mary Schultz, who has . unuvodubly been absent two Sundays, will be ut both morning and evening services. In troduction with stereopticon. First Methodist Episcopal. Corner State and Church streets, Richard N. Avison, minister. 9 a. m., Class meeting. 9:45 a. in., ,Subbnth school, Messrs. Selnomm and Gilkey, superintendents. 11a. m., Morning wor ship, sermon by Kev. Charles Bowen, D. D., of Seattle, subject "The I.onli ness of Christ." (i:30 p. m., Interme diate League, Mrs. M. C. Findley, super intendent. 0:30 p. m., Epworth League, Miss Eva Scott, president. 7:30 p. in., Evening worship. Miss Alice Haw thorn, national field secretary for yotmg people of the W. H. M. S., will speak. Subject, 'Women's Home Mis sions in Activity." Music by the chorus choir both morning nnd even ing, under tho direction of Dr. Frank W. Chace. Commons Mission. NTo. 211 State street, Iicv. B. AV. Shaver speaks Sundny nt 3 p. m. Serv ices Tuesday and Friduy evenings nt 7:30. Free employment office. Phone 918. J. D. Cook, superintendent. First Congregational. James Elvin, pastor. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, Prof. W. I. Stiiley, su perintendent. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Service in commemoration of 107th anniversary of Tdrth of Abrnhum Lincoln. A cordial inivtntion has been extended to members of O. A. R., Wom en 's Relief Corps, Ladies of the O. A. R.. Oregon Indian fighters, Spanish War Veternns and Sons of Veternns to join with the members and friends of the church in patriotic exercises. Good music by chorus choir, direction of Win. McGilchrist, Sr. Patriotic sermon by pastor, subject, "Abraham Lincoln, the Voice," Christian Endeavor at 0:30. All voting' people of the church invited to uttend this meeting. 7:30 p. m., Evening service, good singing, choir and congregation. Brief address on subject. "Why Bov Go Wrong," by Superintendent Will 8. Hule, slate Plank Top, Waxed, 6ft. and 45 in. top Dining Table, $1 7.00 k training school. Mr. tide's remarks will be illustrated with moving pic tures showing very plainly and con vincingly "Why Buy Go Wrong." Ev erybody invited and everybody wel come. .Mid-week sinvtce Thursday ev ening 7:30. Studies in Bunk of Acts. W. C. T. U. Kev. II. C Stover will address the meeting ut Ramp memorial hall Sun day, 4 p. m. All nre invited to attend. Nazarene Tabernacle. North Nineteenth und Marion streets. Bible school 10 n. m., Wm. Dennis, su perintendent. Preaching 11 a. m, and 7:30 p. ni. Prayer meeting Wednes day 7:30 p. m. Everyone welcome. B. W. Shaver, pastor, lofio Waller street. FifBt Presbyterian. An English Earl is regarded in Amer ica as of little worth except to orna ment a public meeting or to mnrry nu i neness hut on Sunday evening the pns ; tor, Carl H. Elliott, will tell tho life titoiy of one who so used his wealth nnd i influence that when his body was eur ! rjed to its last resting place the streets I were lined on both sides w ith thousands I of the poor w hose lives he had helped I to make easier and gladder. Of him it I has been said that "To him more than I to any other man have the reforms of I the nineteenth century been due." In I the morning sermon the pastor will ; speak of the unpromising opportunity jthnt Jesus improved and made so fruit I ful. The Sunday school meets nt 9:45 j o'clock. Mr. Joseph H. Albert is the j newly elected superintendent. Classes ; for nil ages. Jason Lee Memorial. At the corner of Jefferson and North Winter streets, J. Montcalm Brow n, pastor. Sunday school at 10 n. m., C. ' Al. Roberts, superintendent. Mrs. W. ' C. Etnmel, superintendent primary de partment. Preaching service nt 11 a. m. Epworth League devotional service at 15:30. At 7:30 evangelistic service. Special meetings will continue through tho week except on Thursday evening i when Kev. Dr. A. W. Leonard, of Se attle, will lecture on, "Current Events." First Church of Christ, Scientist. Sunday services lire held at 410 Chemeketn street, nt II a. m. .ind H p. in. Subject of Bible lesson, "Soul." Sunday school at 9:45 a. in. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting nt 8:00 'o'clock. Reading room in the Hubbard 'building, suite 303, and is open every day, except Sundays an.l holidays, from 1 1 : l.j a. ni. to 4 p. m. All ire wel come to our services and invited to vis it our failing room. SMELTER RAISES WAGES Tacomn, Wash., Feb.. 12. Increase of five pre cent in poy of .ill employes of the Tncoma Smelting company is an nounced today. This is the second gen eral advnnce in the lat half year, ten per cent having been added about six mouths ago. The lowest wage now pid at the smelter Is 2.."n a day, which goes to common yard laborers. The big pro portion of the smelter workers get wages of skilled workmen. I You will find every thing that is new and Up-lo-Date at our store. We make a Speciality of showing the latest and best in the Furniture Line. We are here showing a line of Full Quartered Oak, Waxed Finished, Solid Plank Top Furniture of known values. Plate Glass . A Jew Christian To Speak Tomorrow' I ly in the hii--iiiii 1'i.iianit campaign. . A remarkable young Jew is in our . .few ish soldier in tho German Hues fire 1 city nnd will speak at the First i'resby- I nt another soldier on the Russian side, terinn church tomorrow nfternoon lit j who immediately dropped dead. Th. 2:30 o'clock. His name is Joseph Culm j German Jew went up to the body, tinn nnd he is the son of ex-Rabbi Colin, ed it over, nnd was horrified to tin I founder of the noted Williamsburg mis-j that he had shot his own brother. Th-i sion to the Jews of New York City. j shock was so great that he turned his There are nearly a million and a half gun on himself and committed suicid : of Jews in New York City and thou-! over the body of his brother. The con- I sands of them have never heard the i gospel. In the section where this mis - Iwsion is located nri, gathered 3oO,t)HO j.Iews, nnd only 28,001) are in the synn- gngues. .Mr. Cohn's father was convert- ,ed over 20 years ago while he was u rabbi in Austria-Hungary. Mr. Cohn will tell of the thrilling ex- of his father, both hefore and nfter his conversion and will describe 'some of the manners and customs of his "Now, about the possibilities of i j people as well ns their hopes and nspir- renewed l'ulestiuo movement for th jutions so little known by the Chris- Jews, it is yet too early in the war U tinu world. I foretell with any degree of accuracy Mr. Colin is an interesting speaker j what may tako place. One thing seems i and he hns a wonderful message, which certain, Turkey is doomed, and wit'i everyone shoulU Hear. the unmhilntion of Turkey there ma.; Jews Fighting Jews. come a greater freedom for the Jews Joseph Cohn, the Christian Jew who!',1,1 ,ht' r.luimin of their own la,i,t. ;u m t...u ,.f .!, v:r i.w,i....... I England has already c,ven n pledge t i church tomorrow afternoon was discuss-! ling recently tho present European struggle and its effects upon the Jews of the world. "Eighty per cent of I lull Jews in the world are now direct-1 ly or indirectly involved in tho gati I war," he said. "The actual figures! 'are 0,800,000 Jews," he continued, ! I"and the pathetic thing about it is that they are the helpless victims of conditions und power, over which thcv"' V , V t V , V, "" have no control. In Russia, for ill- stance there nre. it is estimated. 500,000 Jews actually at the front : 111 leH'T'. t,!Ia"d wanfs . '''"' l'iiditinir for G, cynr ,,n th. vnrin.... l..!a Paction to her possessions in In- tle lines. The poor Jew owes no ulleg. iianco to Russia, which has been liif I bitterest enemy and destroyer for a 1 thousand years, yet ho is lovnl to the I czar just the sume. Likewise in Ger - ! many' there nre some 75.000 Jens enlist - led in tho German armv; Ausirin-triiii 'gnry also hns between "5,000 nnd 100, I 000 Jews in the allied armies. England j has so far enlisted 15,000 Jews, of I which number over 8,000 are known to have gone to the front. Thus we have The Wandering Jew HEAR JOSEPH COHN In a remarkable story of a Rabbi's Conversion SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, AT 2:30 P.M. at the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Don't Miss This Rare Treat Everybody invited. Admission Free - 1 XX it . . . $2.65 each . . $17.50 i . . $18.50 The Store That Treats People Right and Sells the Goods l the unitizing spectacle of seeing brother I Jew nrriived against brother Jew in battle, a thing hitherto unheard o . One very snd incident occurred reeeut- ; ditions of suffering brought on tin j Jews, is indescribable. In spite of tin j czar 's professed love for his Jewis'i subjects, there aro even now going in mussiicies and butcheries in Poland that ; would make the Belgiun estrncities pal" . into insignificance in comparison. Ye the Jew has no alternative, either li ; must fight for Russia, or be shot lis i : traitor. ,ll,''','"lsu '"""8J l""Ur,i ',:lt !? wnr is ended she will see to .t 1 1,11 ' ie J nre Klv,'n "n '"' prott-.-tornto to guarantee their "T'Tv.1".'! ''T1?'"? f,,',e H"W 'u'"1, h''ne.r "fi'f111'1 1VI" t,c ' to t 1' promise, remains to b mst remember that R.issm. '"y Rrcedy for the Holy I and ho:- t should not be at ul surpris- nut between Englnnd and Russia, nu I me'"" r V'r I'.M1"'"11"11 01 sniill liuu- T' ,WT ,,,us",a ,,n "''."Pornte need of t1" 'l."d f,",r ,he ''' i am!",1011s- I Tomorrow Mr. Cohn's subject will be. i'.'11"" 11 Jewish Rabbi Found Christ." ! 'n which he will tell the story of his father's conversion nnd his present mis sion worn in .Few xorK. New Todny Ads work while yo'i sleepwill have results for you in tho morning.