TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEE. 12, 191 S. SISTER: Read my Free Offer! I am a woman, I know woman' trlalf. I Know her need of sympathy and helD. If you, my sister, are unhappy because of Ill health, if you feel unlit for household duties, social pleasures, or daily employment, writo and tt'U me jiut how you suffer, and ask for my free ten days' trial of a home treatment suited to your ncciH Men cannot understand women's sufferings, v liat we women know from ex perience, wo know butter than tiny man. I want to tell you how to cure yourself at home at a cost of about 12 cenu a week. If you suiter from women') peculiar ailments causing pain In the head, back, or bowels, feel ing of weight and dragging.down sensation. Tailing or displacement of pelvic organs, causing kidney and bladder weakness or constipation and piles, painful or Irregular periods, catarrhal conditions and discharges, extremo nervousness. depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of somethlnn evil about to happen, creeping feeling along the spine, palpitation. tiot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion with dark circles under the eyes, pain in tne leil breast, or a general icenng inai me is noi worm living, INVITE YOU TO SEND TODAY FOR My FREE TEN DAYS' TREATMENT nnd learn how these ailments can be easily anil surely conquered at home without tin? dangers und expense of an operation. When you are cured, and able to enjoy iV again, you can pass the good word alon? to some other sulTeter. My home treat ment la for young or old. To Mothers of Daughters, I will explain how to overcome Brp'.n sickness (chlorosis), Irregularities, headaches, and lassitude in young women f-nd restore them to plumpness and health. Tell me if you are worried about your daughter. Remember, it costs you nothing to ive my home treatment a ten days' trial, and does not Interfere with dally work. If health Is worth asking for, then accept my generous offer and write for the free treatment, Including my illustrated booklet. "Woman's Own Medical Adviser." I will send all in plain wrappers post paid. To savo time, you can cut out this offer, mark your feelings, und return to me. Send today, us you muy not sea this offer again. Address, . i ! IRS.M. SUMMERS, Box H, SOUTH BEND, IND. Conflicting Conditions Influence Stock Markel mill terminal facilities ami Hits, it seems to mi is entitled" al the present time to lie encouraged by a more liberal government policy, There is one other business stimulant Hint should not be overlooked, nnd that is the plethora of loanable funds. Our batiks are over- New York, Feb. !. (Special.) The stock market is still laboring under ti ' eerie of uglily conflicting conililions. . the nur of cuumo affecting every move ment. Peace und prosperity it t homo rule quotation nt one moment; at nil- ..,1...,- n.J nl.p,,.l ,.,,,,lr..l l!. I tweon the two sets of influences no sot-1 l"""'l.,;m,'' w,lh f"ls which they cannot tied foundation cuu he foiiml, no r,.. 1 prot.tiil.ly cmp oy. Herein lies one of liable plans made; the oi.lv course lef I j IP ,(fe,.test ndvantngovs; also one ot being to take tl.ii.fs as they aro .lay the greatest dangers in the present sit l( (nv 1 tuition. The greatest menaee to our fu- llome" affairs are eminently satisfuc-! inflation that may leave us upon torv: no I is and intoriiatiomi rein " . " " """ u iom tions. Were there no restraints this!!"'"' ;'tli l-.urope after the war country would probably lie in the midst jft sfc sfc s( sj 3s sj sjc sfc j(c fc Jc sfc 3c TODAY'S ODDEST STORY .St. Paul. Minn., Feb. 12. Buried with the body of Mrs. William Wright under six feet of sod today, was the pudding she had saved for 211 years, to servo when her son. from whom she hail not heard since the Boer war. came I. nine. Her long waiting made her an invalid at 79. Eor- fumitory the danger is appreciated by of a boom never cuimlcd in extent ,,r ' ur ,,anic. s ani. cap., i.isrs n no c a,, pre- intensity. Undoubtedly it is good for ! m" ",rl,.M '"ltrnphe hv ret using aid us that c.,..e restraints do exist, to enterprises of a doubtful nature, cause tl.cv will savo us from the roue-' . "he chief uncertainty at linme, out tion that "otherwise would be inevitable. 1 mT l0.r01f:ii ",'tl''i'- ' " We inav therefore view tl.o future with ."' nifitntion for preparedness, the relative eoafidenco, assured of business 1 l'Iosr"Tt? of ,m'w ''" 1'( viyal activity and prosperity, until the some-! "J "r'rf ncitatnin and Hie launching what distant period of readiustiiie.il iir-!f ""' presidential campaign which was rives which must Come after the war. ! vi","ri"",,' OP'-HP'! tins week by Mr. Kince peace. nnd the momentous ' V "nn- 0,lr '"" with Germany changes which will follow, are not vet'-!"01"111 """""'d improving, hut as in Hight, we must still be largely . lo as the war continues there is dan- Mutterings of Congressional Interests In Rising Oil Prices New York, Feb. i The rising price of gasoline, and other nils and dis patches from Washington indicating that congress may take an active inter est in conditions in the oil business, lend interest to William ,1. Small Wood's statement today of why he thinks the oil industry in this country is on the eve of tho biggest legitimate boom in its history. Stnalhvood is oil expert for Carl H. I'ferzliciiner & Co., dealers in oil securities in Wall Street. Sn.allwood bases his statement on the recent expansion in the oil business and the higher prices of gasoline. In two weeks recently the securities of the .'!(! Standard Oil companies appreciated over ifl4S.0u0.ll00 in value, due primar ily to the sudden improvement in the pil trade. ' "Conditions in the oil trade are now very similar to those which prevailed in IKie and 11)1.1. except that the use of petroleum products since that time lias liecotne more general,'' asserted Small wood today. "The period following the dissolution of the Standard Oil Co., in 1011, up to 101.1, was more profitable than any previous time in the oil his tory. "Tho discovery of the most wonder ful high grade oil pool ever known was made early in 1011. This pool, which is known as the dishing in Oklahoma fields, increased its output until a maximum of 100,000 barrels a day was reached, which meant that over 1 00, 000.000 barrels a year had been added to the company's supply. The result was that crude oil prices went tumb ling, Oklahoma oil dropped from $1.05 to forty cents a barrel. "But the situation now is entirely changed from what it was a year ago. Last year there was a flood of oil. Now the consumption is running so near tho supply that not only have prices of crudo oil, and in turn refined oil, greatly increased but there is a danger that next year will see the output un equal to the demand. Consumption is now running about a billion and a half gallons of gasoline a vear; next vear fecled bv conditions ut homo Vl,i..l, IK" surprises, mid as 1'resi.lont Wil- consumption win ue near tne two us just said are highly favorable in son pointed out no one can tell what a day may bring forth. Hence jtistifirn , tion for a reasonable if not n liberal , degree of preparedness; not forgetting that when this war is over none of tl.'e i belligerents w ill he willing or ublu to I attack the Tinted Rtaten. I No cessation of the war is yet in sight: not even the exhaustion on which I Hie end will seemingly depend. The in.K..-i , .. .,, ... at nhnnnnallv high I 7 V , , ".""" resources oi being often sold more than six 'L'"'n, '"Y" vo" V, ni,K,n.nLnR .--. nt. an me nations wincn Tornieriv went to London, Paris or Tterlin for funds are now- coming l.ere. At H.r present time Crent Britain, France, Rus sia anil Ttaly are each negotiating for credit or loans aggregating several hun dred millions. But some of these nn tions are finding considerable difficulty in financing such loans, notwithstand ing they would be followed by further large munition orders for American manufacturers. The most imiiortant operation is another large British loan which may bo placed this mouth, the contrast with those nliroad. The big harvest and high prices for all our ag ricultural products aro making farm ers of the west and south wonderful ly prosperous. Our mines are busy nnd obtaining high prices for their products, coal perhaps being the only important oxception. Our steel plants as every one knows are turning out the largest prod net On record at ahnor prices, mouths abend. Our rotton and woolen mills are likewise enjoying greater ac tivity and good prices; so too are our boot and shoe factories, automobile lnnts, chemical industries, etc. The building trades are e pcrtenclng a most pronounced recovery, nnd the revival of enterprise in general is emphasized by the record of new incorporations in the eastern states which amounted to over ikllO.OOO.OOO in .Taunnrv. This was the largest total for a single monlh in many venrs, and .IIIO per cent greater than in January a year ago. The grati fying feature of this shotting was thntl'T"" ,0T ""A,,K ? r,,,"'' "" ,"'R the larger proportion of new iucorpora-l " "' ',x":'"r' 1 ", '"t nml date tinns as rmreh- domestic in el,., .i..r ,rl ""l vt l 'on u, nut it will proi.alily nnd not billion gallons. "To prepare for the expected big business of lOlfi many of the Standard Oil companies are rushing additions and extensions to their plants. The Solar Refining company is building a $1,000,000 addition at' Lima, O., and this is only a two million dollar con cern. Standard Oil of Tudiana is in creasing ;is capacity and wheu the. im provements now under way are eom pleied they will have cost several mil lions. So is the Standard Oil of Kansas extending its works. In fact, all of the oil companies are preparing for a boom this year. "And the most gratifying feature of the oil situation is that its prosperity does not depend On the war. Tn fact, increased business is likely to follow the close of the war. One of the very large consumers of petroleum in the future will be the merchant marine and contracts have already been made for the extensive use of fuel oil for trans Atlantic liners. - The adoption of these contracts only awaits the culmination of the war."' in connection with tarnishing! . , , , 1 , . '"J1" num. wnr supplies, although that was an in,.' V,'' , ,,K ,',''.. !' J ls ,,n' I Lin,.-.!) ;o ci innciir woutili SCHOOL finrfOlir t'li'TOr ,,nnin.ini'inr ' ' I . 1 lill f mi .... n.Al I.. ....... 1 . . P .1. . movements there lias been a general In-' .' 1 . V. , " A"" r' erease of wages in Hie luisic industries; ' I"'"," junto's "Inch lt has mobilized advances of 10 per cent having been . " "l' r11.1"' rofpnt sales of A.uer often voluntarily granted. This means j llol" l'"vle holdings. If these n large increase of purchasing pou er ! !"m"",! 'y.. ('"'at Britain will iimong the masses, plenty of en'.dov.! "m 1,11 t!f" l.v 111 "" moot for labor and relative nvoidanoe ,,'rrv' Pr1'' the rate is made satlsfar. of serious labor troubles. The onlv ' !'"', ir "l'Mi 'te.lly .1 be. France "i;,o '""icini io oe secKiug a loan of LUNCHES IN HIGH BANISH SCROFULA Hood' Sarsaparilla Cleanses th Blood, Skin Troubles Vanish, Scrofula eruptions on the face and body are both annoying and Uis flsurinp. . Many a complexion would be perfect if they were not present! This disease hows Kself in other ways, as bunches in the neck, in flamed eyelids, sore ears, wasting of the muscles, a form of dyspepsia, and general debilitv. Ask your druggist for Hood's Sar saparilla. This great medicine com pletely eradicates scrofula, lt puri fies and enriches the blood, removes humors, and builds up the whole system. It has stocxl the test of forty years, and has received thou sands of testimonials of the entire satisfaction it has given. oScrofula is either inherited or ac quired. Better be sure you are quite free from It. Get Hood's Sarsapa rilla and begin taking it today. i; DE. DONEY PLEASES. SCHOOLS Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis, Feb. 7. Can a high school student getting a lunch in the school get more than twice the value of lunch secured elsewhere nt the same price t That this is actuallv the case is shown con- Dr. Carl G. Donev, president of Willamette University, gave an inter esting and instructive lecture Wednes day evening at tho high school audi torium to a fair-sized audience. The evening's program opened with a musi cal number by the i'hiladorian quartet, accompanied on the piano by aua lay lor. In introducing the speaker, Superin tendent James spoke of Dr. Doney as being a new man in Oregon's educa tional field, he lately having taken the presidency of the Willamette Univer sity. A deep thinker, a man of wide experience and an eloquent speaker, Dr. Doney at once captivated his hear ers and held them spellbound to the very end. In opening his address, the subject of which was "The Perfect Man," Dr. Doney warned the audience that his lecture was long, but he was perfectly willing any one should take a nap provided they did not snore. Three reasons given why the "Per fect Man" was an important subject were that every man liked to hear him self described; second, every unmar ried woman wished to know who he was, and tho married women were in terested in knowing how far short their husbands fell from the standard. The lecturer portrayed the picture of the world as it is today, with all its wonderful achievements, inventions, building cities, etc., with the world of a thousand years ago, but, aid the speaker, this change in material con ditions, although marvelous, is not so great as has been the change in man's inner life. Some characteristics of the rprfeet man were love for the old things, such as love for the old home, the old book, tho old swimming hole, the old sweet heart; secondly, his love for truth. He said the great man would welcome truth from any quarter. He distinguished between self-conceit, which is foolishness, and a right ful self love which prompts men to care for nnd train body, brain and spirit. Especially to the young people he showed that this highest mental ef ficiency could not be achieved by choosing the easy things. There was an inner motive power necessary to lead them up the part of success. In closing, he said all men are wor shipers of something. They are born so. Some of ease, rowPr- 'uo"ey or honor. But the man who was able to climb farthctcst up the ladder was the one who worshiped the Ktemal God. He urged the students to make the most of their capabilities. It is a sad commentary on a city when a man of such calibre, both of brain and heart, is not accorded a bet ter audience, Silverton has a new high school, with a fine auditorium for such meetings. The lecture was given without money and without price. As able a man as one cold wish to hear was the speaker, vet why was not the building tiiiedt treat, and more ought to avail thenv I We feel such lectured are a mentaj selves of tho opportunity of hearing! them. Silverton Appeal. ! t $100 Reward, $100 ! The readers of this paper will ba ( leased to lenrn that mere is m iesi one readed disease that aclence has been FREDDIE SPINDLE SHAN KLE PLAYS "STAR SPANGLED BANNER' ' WITH PLATE OF SOUP Dopetown, Ind., Feb. 12. Hank Spinkleshankle 's boy, Freddie, south of town, has re ceived an offer from a vaude ville manager in New York. Freddie has always been ex tremely fond of soup and from earliest childhood has devoted a great deal of timo to becom ing proficient as an eater of it. Few of Freddie's friends sus pected how much ne really had accomplished until he walked into the Chop and Steak cafe on Main street tho other day and gave his first public exhibition. Beginning modestly with ordin ary inhalations and fancy gurg ling on a plate of vegetnbzle he worked up to his grand climax, yodling "Where Is My Little Dog Gone," with chicken ochre and topping off by play ing "The Star Spangled Ban ner" in clear comsoinme. Fred die thought his performance was enough pay for the soup he used and it was in the fight that en sued outside that the vaudeville manager, here to see a distant relative on business, learned of Freddie's unusual accomplish ment nnd made him the offer. Everybody Admires a BeaulifurComplexion- DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S Oriental Cream OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER Jin Indispensable and Delightful Toilet Requisite for Fashionable Women. A dally necessity for the Indies tollot whether at home or while traveling. It protects the skin from injurious pfrecta of the elements, feives a wonderfully ef fective beauty to the complexion. It is a perfect non-greasy Toilet Cream nnd pos itively will not cause or encourage the growth of hair whh'h all ladies should girud against when selecting a toilet pre paration. When dancing, bowling or oth er ext-rtions hat the skin, it prevents a grcasv nppearance. Gouraud'g Oriental Cream lias been hiehly recommended by physicians, act resses, singers and women of fashion for ovr lial! a century and cannot be sur- f ssed when preparing lor daily or even- Gouraud'a Oriental Cream cures Skin Tlsense8 nnd relieves Sunburn. Removes Tan. Pimples, Waokheads, Moth Patches. Rush. Freckles and Vulgar Redness, Yellow nnd Muddy Shi, giving a delicately clear and refined complexion which every woinnn desirea. No.. U For sale by Druggists anc Fancy Goods Dealers. Ferd. T. Hopkins, Prop., 37 Great Jones Street, New York 9 VrftUdUrTiBb. FoftTut Pw p lis tatrt?wil J Vnmun wr vronTiiiinHitia 370utjoi,isst, - NtwYomJ CHILD BADLY SCALDED. i i.ai raiuriiav' ninrnillir l,coi:iri . tho youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin 'erp, white playing at home, accident ally fell into a nan of hoilinrr water scalding his back severely. Dr. Beau champ was called immediately and treated the injuries. The following day he had convulsions and was con sidered in A serious condition, hot 1ms since been resting quietly an it is tnought no serious results will occur, although the brns are qite deep. ITe is about five venrs old. Stavton Standard. County Fruit Inspector Continues Spraying Talk ACHING JOINTS AND STOP PAIN Instant Relief With Small Trial Bottle of Old, Pene trating "St. Jacob's Oil" Kheuniatism is "pain" only. Not one case in fi ft v requires inter nal treat meat. Stop drugging! Rub soothing, peiietratin "St. Jacobs Oi!" right into your sore, stitf, aching joints, and relief comes instantly. "St. Jacoba Oil" is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and an not Hum the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" r.t any drug store, and in tust a moment vou II be free from rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness. Don't suffer! Relief awaits vou. "St. Jacobs Oil" is just as good for sci atica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprjjius. The following is a continuation of j the article published last week, by C. j O. Constable, county fruit inspector. It takes up the different ways of spraying j and mixtures best adapted to the (le-! strtiction of f ungieifes: j (b) Kerosene Emulsion. Kerosene' oil, or coal oil, is a powerful insecticide. ; The undiluted oil is, however, liable to seriously injure plants to which it is; applied. This difficulty is overcome byj forming an emulsion with some sub-' stance that it may lie readily diluted ' with water. Soap is most commonly i added for this purpose, as follows: ' Kerosene oil, two gallons; hard soap' (preferably whale oil) one-half pound;; water, one gallon. Dissolve the soap; in the water by boiling, add the suds, boiling hot, to the oil. Churn the mix-1 ture violently with a sprav pump until ! it becomes a thick creamy mass. If perfectly emulsified, the oil will not rise to the surface even after standing an indefinite time. Such an emulsion may be used immediately or kept as a stock solution. Before using dilute one part of the stock emulsion with eight or, 10 parts of water. This will be found i to be an efficient remedy for green ' aphis, wooly aphis, red spider, mealy j bugs and certain, scale insects. (c) Black-Leaf: Is used especially , for plant lice, but may also, be used ; for various other sucking insects, as the leaf hoppers and the apple tingis. j 1'se in the proportions of one part to' 60 parts of water or lime-sulphur. j (d) Black-Leaf 40; is an extremely , concentrated form of nicotine sulphate and is now sent out as a substitute for the black leaf. It is supposed to be j as efficient and has the added benefit of being cheaper. ITsed in the propor tion of one part to 800 parts of water! or lime-sulphur. ! Fungicides. A parasitic fungis is a plant as truly as is the apple tree, the prune tree, or any other plant upon which it may be j growing. It differs from the common plants essentially in being much more ; simple in structure and bping devoid of chlorophyll the green coloring mntter of plants. Its reproductive bodiei, which are called spores, are more sinip'ej and very much smaller than the small est seeds of our common plants anil are produced in all most inconceivably great numbers. The vegetative portiou of the fungus, the part which, in a sense ,corresponds to the roots, stems and leaves of ordinary plants, the parts which absorb the food materials and eventually produce the spores, consist of a mass of more or less branched, which or colorless, and very minut threads, and is called the mycelium. Being so small and light, thu fpores are readily carried long distances by the wind, washed about by the rains, and also carried by birds and insects and probably by other agencies. Thes agencies are thus largely responsible for the spread of fungus diseases from leaf to leaf, plant to planf, orchard to orchard. Over greater distances th spores may be carried on shipments of infected nursery stock; fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, etc 'Should a spore fall upon suitable soil, such as the surface or leaf or fruit, and the conditions of heat and mois ture be favorable, it will germinate, push out a delicate, slender germ tube. In the case of most parasitic fungi this germ tube soon penetrate the eperdermis of the leaf or fruit and the mycelium develops in the under lying tissues entirely beyond the reach, of fungicides. The philosophy of spraying for fung us diseases in general is based uuon the fact that they cannot be cured, but can be prevented. This germ tube must be destroyed before it penetrates the eperdermis, and to do this the surface of the hosts must bme thoroughly pro tected by the fungicide during the en tire time the spores are germinating. Bordeaux mixture has long been the principle spray used as a precentativft of fungus diseases of plants, and whils other sprays, notably the lime-sulphur mixtures, give promise of largely sup planting ir- for orchard purposes, it still remains one of the most important or chard fungicides. mnnds of miners in the coal reeiuns . :","'1Tl:Wi Ktwia want IOlUmu.OHO .. l.:.. I, .. ill 1 ... I... r r '""I "UI.V ii in ll. I,' l'r IIH l'll 111 l 111 nnd those of the railroad men which i have iiheadv been broached. As for the railroads, their iesltinn has been j much improved by the revival in traffic i and the better rates which many lines' nre now receiving. Traffic is heavy, press oarnimjs correspondingly large find net results encouraging. The result : is that current dividends nre Imelv I elusivcly in a comparison of foods and I able to curc In . . 1 -'" Whn g prices made by the department of , positive" cure now known to the medical mcstic Science at the Oregon Agricul-i fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional oo ,s Knocking , the door;tnral College. According to this 1st . ffiTltaVh Cu ta ttton K- the following food and prices are e-! tcniRllv. actlnir directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces or tne system, inere- for considerable sunt.. not to speak of smaller issues minted bv other nations vhal the effect of these onorarinim be upon the security market, it is' tained at, the high schools, having a. food value of 7i'0 calories. I tn a tvpienl school lunch the follow- ; ing items at the pin es given are pro cured: Cocoa and whipped cream, :!r; .egg snndwish, -Ir; banana, le; four 'dates, le; :i cookies, le; total 10c. i Of the usual lunches purchased else- : minimi id esiiiuaie necause ot the in numerable cross currents. Ordinarily it would l.e depressing. Hut the Hritis'li 'loan will prevent the sale of nudiil ' ied Americans, ami may thus diseour- lic maintained, ti few mav be increased.! "' ' "1" "" "" ""f securities where the following is said to he typi as the roads are now better enabled to l'm:"''ly held abroad. Hankers inter-1 cal of those bought bv high school stu make Increased outlavs for equipment i 'u''1 1,1 ''""tf ""' are likely to! dents; a crullers, 5e; cup of coffee nnd roadbed. Vast 'outlavs are still s"1'hi t the general market for obvious j with cream and sugar, .le; total 10c. us. mere are enormous reserves The food value of this latter lunch ot avai able tunds in the l uitcd Mates, I s "50 calories in comparison with tlmt and well bucked loans will no duut.t be i . 7(,0 calories of the tvpienl school "-',. Hi ll III SI hv loatrnvlncr tliA fnilMlln t Ion Of the dl9- ease, and giving the patient strength by bullillnx up the constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ense that lt falls to cure, beni for list of testimonials. .Address: K. .1 v'HKNET CO. Tolsdo, a 'SoM by tl rniKKlst. 750. Tl( Hslfs Family Pills for c istlpstlo necessary, however, for Improvement ! To Provide Revenues for Preparedness Measures Hiousands. Take ; this mild, family remadyto avoid illness, ' ind to improve and protect their health. I They keep their blood pure, their , livers active, their bowels regular and ' digestion sound and strong with . nm Urtnt 5.1. ot Kmr MatclM i IK. W.rlJ. This time of the weelt is canjytime. The folks at home look for a box. Just ay "VoHn Moire" 1 MODERV CONFECTIONERY CO. I PortianU, Orvgoa Ct fed mil ne to stuteu interest rates, and divert capital from home investment into for eign channels. This in turn will place u restraint upou too rapid dev elopment at home, though nobody enjoys seeing capital diverted f ruin ' profitable em ployment on this side of the Atlntni, to wastage on the other, even if the proceeds are largely spent here. The technical rendition of the mnrket was improved by the January decline. Any permanent upward movement, how ever, has to routend against uncertain ties connected w ith the war, the opening of a presidential campaign, the discus sion of preparedness and the possibility of future foreign liquidation. IIKNH Y CI. i:vs. Washington, Feb. lib House ways WOLEN MILL HOLDS ON Eugene". Or., Veh. 11. The Eugene Woolen Mill will not contract its prod uct for future deliveries, according to 1". !'oo, manager. Mr. Koppe says he does not care to bind his company nt present prices, ilo believes all woolen guilds will increase materially in price in the near future. Mr. Koppo maJe thi statement in response to an inquiry whether the I'u i.ent Woolen Mills intended to take jd vantage of the offer made by K. M. l-iav, of Portland, to buy all woolen cloth suitable for men's suits and over coats that the mills In Oregon and Washington can manufacture, 1 1 V. lino ii, i " . , . , , i Deports from some of the schools of J"'1. ''' committee democrats today, Oregin where lunches are served, rtow '' l'!";I''om of pro iibi g rev-: that there aro other advantages con- f,""" "r"1' detray the co.-t ot , nected with the practice of furnishing ! the administration preparedness n.eas the school lunch, t affords a means of , , resolution, continuing i furnishing instruction and training in , ()u( ; m iU,u, preparing and serving meali eeonomi- b()ut , . a lHfr uf importt j eslly and wholesomely. It also lend ' mpniur in J si , 0mnihu" bill, additional attractions to the work of;n(ir consill,.rinB revenue questiotis sep- s.'hools and tends to keep attendance ; nratoiv. -phcy did, not plan to have and interest at the best. Teachers are a rarjv eiww , the sugar duties, i frequently regular customers of the nnd ,i;tir resolution probably will be, school lunch which they find to, . sent into the house within 10 lnvs. I helpful and pleasant in comparison j Meanwhile tho militnrv and navnl I with the eold lunches which they might committees aro hastening' as much as otherwise have to eat. The following possible the conclusion of their work, is n typical menu of te Kenton school j The military bills will probably be in of Portland: 'shape soon, but the navnl measures will One apple; 2 slices of bread ind but-j be delayed for some while, ter; 2 crackers; and a bowl of thick , .-- soup. Es v ow Are These for Figures? Here Are No-Stop Figures for Prospective Buyers Economy: 21.9 miles for each gallon of gasoline placed in tank. Endurance: 1035 hours of actual running without one single stop of the motor. Efficiency: 20.87 miles an hour average, in all sorts of weather, over all sorts of roads. Every move of the car, every drop of gasoline, officially recorded by observers of the American Automobile Association. TECULLVR FACTS ABOUT WELL KNOWN PEOPLE A PLEA for AID B B B ft R !LJ j Prom the Stomach, I.iver er Bowels; 'should not be ignored. Watch for anyl j symptoms of distress and immediately help Nature by trying , Washington, D. C. Feb. 12. Ambassidor von Remstorff drive his own gasoline road ster niade in-Aiuerii a and he drives it like the wind. ic ic sjc i(t i(c ic )fc )c )jc 5ft Ssc 3 I Try Capital Journal Waat Ads. OOTFTRFR'Q ill 13 Stomach Bitters! The above record was made under the most adverse conditions and go to prove that with the ordinary uses the average man would put a car to, would even make better records and give more service at even a less expense than the above record. The Maxwell car is built for comfort and sendee with all of the conveniences that modern cars have today and the, price is within reach of the man who could use a car in his business to an advantage as well as pleasure. See this car demon strated, call Jewett at any time and he will take you for a ride showing you why you should buy a Maxwell. O ii laiverson ourns Modern Garage and Repair Shop. Corner High and Ferry Phone 939