Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 11, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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& A A 4c I
-t T" '1' - -1' -.- I ''
Kate per word N'ew Today:
Faeh insertion, per word It
One week (fl insertions), per word....5t
One month (26 insertions), per word 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertise
ments. Head your advertisement tht
first day it appears and notify ul ln
mediately if it contains an error.
Minimum chirge, 15c.
FEONE 937 For wood saw.
FOB SALE Collie pup.
Ifhone 413.
HAliKY Wiudowclcaner.
Thone 704.
Feb 11
33F23. -Good clover hay.
1'uK SALE Household goods.
Kith street.
-,SI7 s.
Phone M25-M.
and veal
Feb 20
gers, 212 8. lUtii.
Carrie Rod
MarlO OWENS Tailor ind hatter.
872. 4'J3 Court street.
Feb 15
FOR RENT Modern furnished flat,
piano, etc. Phone 2101. Febll
OAK, ash, fir and mnplo eord wood.
Phone 53F13. W. F. IJroctor. MiirT
to 115.00. 491 North Cottage. V
FOB RENT Rooms, furnished or un
furnished, close in. Phone 2093M. tf
must bo
team, mares preferred,
cheap. Phono 21"3.1.
WANTED ijilimi) for
curilv. Adress 1). ('
3 years, A-1 se
,. care of .Inurn
Feb 14
sition for general housework. I -I'm
S. Com'l. l'ebll
WANTED !H)0, for three years, best
of real estate security. See L.
ltechtel & Co. FeblO
W.ANTED Housekeeping moms. .Musi
lm cheap and close in. Xo. 15, cue
(if .lournnl. Febl I
SPECIAL I'll ICES ifTi.Oll per week for
board and room at The Greenwood.
;!!1 N. Commercial. Febl2
WANTED Young lady to work in real
estate and insurance office. Address
U. L., .louinal office. Febl!
ll'nK SALE Cheap, blocky built team,
weight, twenty-seven hundred, and
fine pullers. I'hono 1722. Febl 2
SYRUP From New York, $1.60
nor enllon it Damon s. . lob li
1'uli SALE 15 ncros bottom Und.
south of Marion. Airs. E. Thomas,
. Marion, Orogon. Apnll
with no children, wituled on farm.
Phono 84 PJ. l''e'l-
ROOFS 1( El'Al li ED A mi guaranteed
not to leak. Phono O. L. Donaldson.
441t. Febtl
FoB SALI'! Choice eating potatoes
Ude nor lm., delivered. 139.) X. lltli
Phone 2195-M.
FOB SALE Climax" st,ntnp puller,
fully equipped, in good condition. A
D. Pettyjohn, Ilouto 3. tf
FOB KENT Cheap, to right party,
modern residence, close ia, John If.
Scott. Mhoiip 1552. Eeb 12
VoU SALE Horses, farm machinery,
surry, purobrod Bronze turkeys
12,"2 Center street. Febll
WANTED Either day or night nur
ing, by experienced nurse. Phone
283, nt Temperaneo Hull. tt
GENTLE I year old Jersey milk cow
for immediate snle. I'nnble to care
for her. ti't North Capital St. Febll
FKESU JEKSEY COW For lulo, now
making Ity pounds butter per d:iy.
Route 0, llox 111). 0. Witting. Febl6
WANTED Team nnd wagon; have!
dear citv property to exchange.
. Chns. Ep'pley. 1900 State St. Feblo
WOOD Eolt SALI'. First class sec
ond growth tir. $3.75 per cord off
car. Friday and Saturday. Phono 19"!
or 901. ' Febll
FOB RENT Housekeeping rooms li
large uitei from $(! to per month
Why pay morel Cill at 313 12 North
Commercial. tf
1 WANT TO RENT About 3d or 40
acres, partly in hops. Will take pos
session nt once. Address II 40, care
of Journal. Febl 2
FOB KENT Store, tflxhlo feet, nloe
trie lights and steam heat. See Watt
Hhipp Co., 219 North. Comiuercia'
street. Phone 303. tf
WANTED Bookkeeper and stenog
iiiplier, one who has had newspaper
business office experience preferred.
Adress It 3S, cue Journal. Febll
1'olt SALE Or trade for cattle, 5 year
old mare, weight MOO; also have
largo mil small stock pigs for sale
or trade; also 5 passenger auto. Phone
UF2. Febl 2
V.lien in SALEM, OREGON, ttop at
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
RATES: 75c, $1.00, 1.P0 PER DAT
The only hotel In the business diatriet
Nearet to nil Depots, Theatre and
Capitol Building.
A Home Awajr From. Horn.
T. O. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones, rtee Auto Bui.
Some of Clevcresl Boys On
the Coast Will Appear
la This City
Bobby Evans and Al Summers ar
rived in Salem today to make prepara-
tious to pull off a smoker in this city
- Friday evening, Febnury IS. Evans is
the manager of Hommors, a light heavy
weight boxer and of Hilly Mascott, a
lightweight, who has woirdecisions ov
er some of the cleverest boxers on the
const, lioth Summers and Mascott have
been boxing around Portland .is the
heailliners at the smokers which .are
pulled off regularly in the athletic
clubs and it is proposed to put both
Summers nnd Mascott on the tirst card
which will include two other bouts by
local boys.
Summers will meet Pnrslow, of Port
land, n he.wy handed boxer who starts
the show with the tap of the gong, and
the two boxers of the same typo are
expected to put up n rnltling exhibition
of the manly art. Hilly Mascot, who is
matched with Ping Bodio, is rated one
of the top Hoteliers of his division on
the coast and is slated to box Jimmy
Fox in Portland as the main event of
the Hose City smoker next Tuesday.
Mascott, Sommers and Evans will make
Salem their liendqunrters and will
t ike up their residence hero if their
smokers draw the proper support.
The success of tho two smokers that
were pulled off here recently showed
that the sports of Salem would patron
ize a good, clean boxing show, nnd
although Hie houses were small, it at
tracted t'ne attention of Salem resi
dents who like athletics of any kind
and who believe that Salem is entitled
to a better class of boxers than appear
ed here in tho other two smokers. Ac
cordingly some of the best Portland
Inlent was advised to include this city
in their circuit as it is believed that
the S.ilom fans will turn Out-in goodly
Humbert) for a healthy boxing show
under tiie lnnnngeinent of honest pro
moters who will seek to put the game
on n sound basis rather than to fatten
their purses with a shmlv exhibition.
The bouts will be of short ilurntion.
six to eight rounds, .ind police officers
will be nt the ring side to stop any
bout that, becomes one sided. No knock
outs will be allowed and heavy boxing
gloves will Do useil in all of the events.
I he bouts will be staged in Uvnn
null where n boxing arena will be fit
foil up. The boys .ire training for their
coming exhibition m the vacant build
ing next door to Klett's billiard pur
lins which was fitted up for tho dress
ing quarters for the baseball team last
summer and is being remodeled, for a
siniill downtown gymnasium where the
bovs will hold their workouts which
will be open to the public.
Silent. Kcxter, tho mute boxer who
won the ndiiiinilion of the boxing fans
at the Inst smoker by his work against
Aiuir tirnnson will lie matched with n
Portland -boxer who has the samo stylo
of boxing ind tho pair should put up
an nniiniateit set to.
Washington, Feb. 10. President
Wilson today sent to the senate the
noininntion of Alexander T. Vogelsang
of Hun Francisco ns solicitor of the in
terior department, succeeding Preston
G. West, whoso term expires.
Try Oaplt.nl Jouriint Want Ads.
m i r' ttuu-diwl
HL E.4 L
COLLAR a for 25c
cluctt, pranoov&co. inc., mkch
AT DKLH)iil81;.0H TKIAL HCi.l HV MAII ho. .
Notice is hereby given that tiie county
court of IVIk county, Oregon, will on
the 3rd day of M irch. Ill Id, open bids
for the operating of the free ferry nt
Independence, Polk county, Oregon, for
the ensuing year.. The ferry equipment
will be placed iu good condition by the
court nud thereafter to be kept up
and maintained by tho contractor at
his own expense, and nt the end of tho
year bo returned to tho county in ns
good condition as when received, n itur
al usage nnd wear excepted.
All bids must bo accompanied by cer
tified check for one fifth of ainouut
of bill. The successful bidder to sign
contract nnd give usual bonds for
faithful performance of the contract.
Sealed bids may be left, with the
county clerk, nie'ikcd "Ferry Hid.''
The court reserves the right to reject
tnv and all bids if not satisfactory!
P.y order or the county court of Polk
County Commissioners.
Feb. IS.
A-.awJu iii mi
art News !
Idaho University and Ashland
i High School Invade Salem
for Contests
Salem will be treated to a feast of
basketball tonight when two classy
ganrcs nro scheduled to take place. The
undefeated Ashland high school will
meet tho Salem high school team al
so undefeated and a lively skirmish
will ensue. The Willamette university
quintet will clush with the University
of Idaho at Willamette gym and it is
expected that the best game of the
season will result. The Idaho team is
touring the northwest ami since the
rnivorsity of Oregon has no team this
year Coach Matthews was able to book
the Gem Staters for a contest in this
Tho Willamette scpiad. has been prac
ticing hard for the coining contest and
will present the strongest possible line
up against tho iuv.ulers. Willamette
has been playing in hard luck this year
but tho report has gained circulation
that, a black cat ran across tiie p.ith
ahead of tho boys us they were leav
ing tho gym last night iiml all expect a
change of luck.
The high school g.imo will be called
at 7:30 ia tho high school gym and the
varsity contest at 8:30 in 'Willamette
Corvnllis, Or., Feb. 11 The 19lfi Ore
gon Aggies' football team will eat
Thanksgiving dinner nt Los Angeles.
The I'niversity of Southern California
las .icceptcd tho Aggies' terms for a
Thanksgiving game.
Tho Oregon team also plans a trip to
Host Lansing, Michigan, and may be
further oast, in October. Syrncit.se ' uni
'ersity pleaded previous, engagements
when tho Aggies Asked them for a date.
Papers In Purchase
of Power Plant by
Eugene Reach City
Eugene, Or., Feb. II. Papers for the
deal transferring the Oregon Power
company's elec'ricnl distributing sys
tem iu Eugene to the city arrived Wed
nesday and formal transfer of the prop
erty iu being made tu.lav, with Judge
(irnssciip, of Tai in, Pacific coast rep
resentative of II. II. llyllesby & Co.,
owner of tho Oregon Power coinpiiiy 's
system, president,
lly tho provisions of the contract be
tween tho Eugene water board nud the
power company, the lutter'a entire ills
tribuling system iu Eugene is taken ov
er liy tho city for $150,0110.
The water board has ..i00,000 cash to
make a first payment. Tho contract
provides for monthly payments of
12.i0 with interest, at o per cent. The
city is to p.iy the company ijnoo per
month for standby service for a period
of years.
Tiie purohaRO price and at nnd by ser
vice are nil to be paid from the earn
ings of tho plant and members of the
water board figure that after this is
pud they will have a good sized sur
plus. Five Accidents Reported
From Marion County
Five accidents were reported to the
state indiistriul accident commission
from Marion count v for the week end
ing February 10. Charles Lucas, of
iiiciu, susiamcii a cut chin in a saw
mill; Sam Evens, of Silverton, sprained
knee in a sawmill; William Coolev, of
Silverton, hernia, sawmill; E. J. 'liub
erlson, shaken up as a highway travel
er, and .1. Townsend, of salcmj had his
back bruised ns'u railway passenger.
During tho past week, Febnury 4th
to lllth, inclusive, there were reported
lo the stato industrial accident com
mission 110 accidents, none of which
were fatal.
Of the total number reported SI were
subject to the compensation act; 27
were from public utilities; 30 were
from other firms and corporations who
have rejected the provisions of the act;
2 were from Sinus or coriioratious who
do not employ labor iu liaz.udous oc
cupations. .
Following is show n the number of ac
cidents by industry: Snwinill 20, rail
road operation 24, light and power 1.1,
paper mill 13, construction 8, logging 8,
meat packing 0, iron and steel works 4,
niilroad passengers 4, bakery 2, .into
works 2, rubber goods manufa'cturing 2,
foundry 2, cement company 2, depart
incut store 2, and one each' for the fol
lowing: Milk company, plumbing, door
uianuliicturing, transfer company, taxi
company, sand and gravel, shingio mill,
brass works, garage, meat market, (lour
mills, dredging, grocery, mining, boiler
mnuufuctiiirini;, fuel company, wood-'
saw, telephone company, iron works,
traveler on highway.
Many Salem citizens will be sum
to hear of the death of Peter Al, Ai"
bey, of Newport,- after nn illness of a
neck with grippe. Air. Ablx'y in known
to many in tho valley, having conducted
Abbey hotel at the beach since lSid.
Ho was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in
1VI7. Ho was married in Canada to
Derina Reynolds. His widow has
been an Invalid for two years, and it
is feared thut she will soiin follow her
Ten years ago Mr. Abbey was
stricken with paralysis and a Inter
stroke rendered him' speechless. Two
sons, Kdward J. Abbey and Morton
IL Abbey, also uivi him. Mrs
I.oe Reach, of Portland, formerly of
Corvnllis, is a niece.
Garrison Quits Job
As Secretary of War
(Continued From Page One.)
Militia Against Him.
In the first place, Garrison favored
putting militia offices under a nation
al board to test their efficiency. A
convention of militiamen nt Sun Fran
cisco, however, rejected this plan; nnd
later it was learned that Hay support
ed their course, and arso desired to es
tablish a militia pay system througl
his bill. Garrison, however, regarded
such an idea as an unwise spoils sys
tem of politics.
The secretary's second objection wns
that the militia is governed from 40
different state centers with as many
different standards of efficiency. Gar
rison wanted the whole soldiery system
directed from Washington. He did not
plan to el'.aii ia'e the mil tin nor pi b
stituto the continental nrmy plan for it.
But he did believe that his plan for
400,000 volunteers, controlled from
Washington, would attract young men
who would not join the militia. He
planned to enlist 133,000 yearly for
inree years and to train them under
regular army officers In summer camps
nenr their hemes. They were to receive
the pay of regulars.
He estimated the cost at $45,000,000
annually, while the militia would have
been maintained ns at present, but as n
separate institution. The militia, how
ever, thought that the plnn oiyronehed
on the preserves, and they found in
Chairman Hay a thorough opponent of
the continental plan.
Plan Was a Sham.
Washington. Feb.- 11. "Secretary
Garrison's resignation will have no ef
fect on congress."
This wns the comment today of
Ohnirmnn Jnmes Hay of the house mili
tary committee, whose plans for na
tional defense Garrison characterized
as a moclcery.
While Hny would not discuss ques
tions nnd disputes between himself and
Garrison, he declared that the house
military committee will continue witl
its own plan of army re-orgnnizntinn.
"Congress is the legislative branch
of the government," said Hay. "I'
gives duo consideration to suggestion:'
nnd proposals of the execiitive"brnnch
hut reserves the right to decide finally
any legislative nuestions."
Hay intimated that the continental
army plan Garrison had fostered is
definitely nnd .finally .shelved. Re
viving to the secretary's statement that
federalization of the military is a sham
and a mockery. Hay observed:
"General 'Wood said the continents
plan is a 'sham and a stop gap!' "
Hay did not know that the dispute
over the continental plnn had reached
such a serious stago as to cause the sec
retary's resignation, but he expressed
the view that the move would not in
jure the general preparedness program.
"The committee." he snid ";ii
bring out a bill satisfactory to the ad
ministration and congress, and with real
progress for preparedness. We conclude
hearings on the nrmy nnd militia oig
anizntion bill, and I hope to have it out
Kiiuiu a iortnigiir."
Has Quit Politics.
New York, Feb. 11. Decbi rinir lie
had retired from politics, former Sec
retary o War Garrison, resigned, said
today he could not conceive of taking
the stump against President Wilson.
Garrison received newspaper men nt
tho home of his host, George I.eurv, on
Fifth avenue, this afternoon.
"Oct it out of your heads that re
action in resigning was political," he
said. "I am going to find some place
where I can pursue my vocation or
vacation, support myself nnd my wife
and lay by a little for the future.
"I urn out of politics., I am not a
enndidato for the governorship of New
Jersey nnd would not accept it if I were
handed an election certificate
"I have no plans except to resume
my profession (the law), and I refuse
to think of nny subject pertaining to
the administration. I have retired from
politics absolutely."
He said he had talked with Brecken
ridge before resigning, but with no one
else; and he had no knowledge that
any one else is contemplating resigning.
Why Breckenrldge Quit.
Washington, Feb. 11. In n state
ment prepared for the United Press to
day. Assistant Secretnry of War Hreck
enridge, resigned, said his objection to
building the n.itiou's military policy
upon the militia system is "fundamen
tal and not to be compromised."
"My condemnation is of the system,
not of the personnel," he declared,
tnoiign lie saiil. "the most pernicious j
opposition to the creation of a real j
uiti iiniiii mice 01 ciuzeu souuers comes
from persons purporting to represent
the rank and file of tho militia; but
mostly having selfish interests of their
employment iu the militi.i.
"In an effort to confuse tiie public!
they make believe that the militia canl0'" staged in Dallas will be plaved in
be made into n federal force, nnd this 'ho Armory this week between the
is a preposterous effort wilfully to fool local team nnd tenuis from the Uni
the people. Nearly every disaster of j versify of Idaho and Whitmnn College
the revolution and the war of KS12 was, on Thursday and Friday evenings.-The
largely due to dependence upon militii, local squad'have been hard at work for
Washington s main dpon.lonee was on" the past ten dnvs nnd with the guar
a continental army, absolutely federal anteo that several of the old basketb-ill
"If any man thinks the army should
be split into -IS parts, separately gov
erned, he must believe that the n ivy
should be divided ia the same way."
St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 11 Tho ideal
man from a tailor's standpoint has a
"perfect 38" chest. .The merchant
tailors convention so decided, nt the
siiiiic nine decreeing a military em to
clothes for this spring.
(jfillrMake Your Ice
r tilt :i i
Ice Cream flavored with
Merit Vanilla tattet
better-hai that dandy
tatte that plraaea and
calla (or more. Merit
Vanilla fairly bubble
over with concentrated
Wrength and goodneat.
Order 25c BottU
From Your Grocer
Don't Eat Bite of Breakfast
Until You Drink Glass of
Hot Water
Happy, bright, alert vigorous and
vivacious a good clear skin; a nat
ural, rosy complexion and freedom
from illness are assured only by
clean, healthy blood. If only every
woman and likewise every man could
realize the wonders of the morning
inside bath, what a gratifying change
would take place.
Instead of the thousands of sickly,
aunemic-looking men, women and
girls with pasty or muddy complex
ions; instead of the multitudes of
"nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain
fags" and pessimists we should see a
virile, optimistic throng of rosy
cheeked people everywhere.
An inside bath is had by drinking,
each morning before breakfast, a
glass of Teal hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phosphate in it
to wash from the stomach, liver, kid
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre
vious day's indigestible waste, sour
fermentations a nd poisons, thus
cleansing, sweetening and freshening
the entire alimentary canal before put
ting more food into the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache, bil
iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; nnd particularly those who have
a pallid, sallow complexion nnd who
are constipated very often, are
urged to obtain a quarter pound of
limestone phosphate nt the drug store
which will cost but a trifle but is
sufficient to demonstrate the quick
and remarkable change In both health
and nppearnnce awniting those who
practice internal sanitation. We must
remember that inside cleanliness is
more important than outside, be
cause the skin does not absorb impur
ities to contaminate the blood, while
tho pores in the thiry feet of bowels
do. '
Next Sunday nfternoon nt the First
Presbyterian church Joseph Cohen, a
viiiisuun ,icw will spealt.
Just now the Jew is occupying much
t nought over tiie entire world, and par
licularly in the United States. There
are over 1,300,000 Jews in New York
City alone. Afore Jews than Jerusalem
had in its palmiest days. AO. Colin is
the son of the famous ex-Tinbbi Ciihn
who gave up a svnnt'oguo in Europe and
,-miiu- ui npw lorn viry to work nniontr
his people. He has founded n remark-
utile mission nnd is doing n great work
Mr. Colin will tell the thrilling eoer
lences nt lus father's conversion, of his
srrngiries, nnd of his present work. He
will nlso tell something of the presenl
conditions of the Jew His hopes, hi
customs and his possibilities.
Mr. Oohn is a most attractive red
interesting speaker, and is regarded
ns one of the foremost of his race on
the American platform today,
To henr a Christian Jew discuss Clip,
tinnity from n Jewish standpoint will
be interestinc indeed.
Ho will address a mass meeting, to
which nil the churches have been in
vited. Sunday afternoon, at 2:30, nt the
First Presbyterian church Everybody
is invited and no one should mi's thi
opportunity to hear him.
Knights to Celebrate
Anniversary of Order
(Capital Journal Special Service )
Dallas, Or., Feb. 10. Marmion Lodge
o. flu, Knights of Pythias, will cele
brate the founding of the order on next
Monday evening, vvith appropriate
ceremonies. This great order was
founded by Justin Kathbone ia Wash
ington, D. C, just fifty-two years ago
Saturday and from an order "of just a
few friends has grown to one with a
membership of hundreds of thousands.
Work will in all probability take place
in tho third rank after which short
talks Will be made bv different ,..,
All endeavor is being made to
i a quartet to sing Gleu O. Hoi.
man s new patriotic song "The Old
Time Republic."
Two Biff Gaines This Week.
Two of the. biggest basketball games
players will be on hand in their fiuht
ing togs to help the boys out should
they get in n pinch they feel con
fident of winning both games.
To Manufacture Irons.
An effort is being made by Dr. But
ler, of Independence, president of the
Adjustiblo Electric Socket company to
have a few delinquent shareholders of
the concern pay up their delinquent as
sessments so that the company will be
in a coniuuon to begin the manufacture
of electric flatirons at nn early date.
Dr. Butler estimates that there are
enough parts on hand nt the factory in
this city for the manufacture of at
least .10,000 irons and that a ready
market can bo found for the finished
product is the belief of tho officers of
the company. The electric socket, for
the manufacture of which the com
pany waa originally organized, has
been dropped nnd all efforts will be
made to boost the electric iron.
LaCreole Club, to Incorporate.
At a meeting of the LaCreole club
held in the club rooms Sunday a vote
was taken which resulted in the in
corporation of the club. Tho question
of incorporation was diseased nt
For Half Price From
Our Exchange Department
One $18.50 Arctic Bell cast lined, 21-inch Heater,
with open fireplace mica front; this is just like
new $8.00
One $15.00 nickel plated top Kozy Kitchen Cabinet,
just like new $9 09
One $12.50 Royal Oak 6-ft Extension Table. -$6 50
Good Steel Ranges $10.00 Up
One $18.50 f ull quartered oak Hall Tree ....
One White Maple, large, long glass, nearly new
One $16.00 black leather Couch with steel construc-
tion $8.00
Two large Brussels Rugs $7.00 and $10.00
Fine Hardwood Dining Chairs tjQc
One $18.50 41-in. 6-ft. golden dull Extension
Table $9.50
One $12.50 Solid Oak Library Table QQ
Good Airtight Heaters for $1.00 Each
Hundreds of Bargains in All Kinds of SuppUes
We also carry a full and complete line of splendid
new house furnishings of all kinds and OUR
SPECIALTY is to take in your old furniture on the
new and give you a straight honest deal.
E. L. Stiff & Son
Corner Court and Liberty, Phone 941, Salem, Ore.
We sell the cheapest because our expenses are the
J Lowest
Also Store at Albany, Oregon.
The Better Judge of Meat
and provisions you are (lie more you
will approve of those we sell. When
you unwrap tho roast or uncover the
lard you'll know at a glance they are
choice. And your judgment will be
fortified when you como to use them.
Our motto: "Tho highest in quality,
but not in price."
Independent Market
157 South Commercial Phone 729
O. A. C.
Engineering Show
Corvallis, Oregon
February 14th and 15th
11-3 Rates on Railroads from Salem
to Corvallis.
Effective Sunday the 13th, till Wed.
the 16th
Given By
Associate-Engine e r s
of o. a. c.
Come One ! Come All!!
length and each member was given a
chance to express his views on tho
proposition. K. K. Tinsecki, Tracy
Staats and W. G. Vassall were elected
a committee to draft by-laws to govern
tho club. Tho old officers of the club
were unanimously elected to serve
their offices throughout the coming
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Starr, of Portland,
are guests this week nt the home of
Mrs. Starr'g parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
IT. Morrison.
Attorney Glen O. Holman is in Tolo
do this week attending a session of
tho circuit court.
M. L. Thompson of Falls City was a
Dallas business visitor Tuesday after
noon. Clyde Kelty of McCoy transacted
business in the county sent Snturdny.
C. B, Hembree of Monmouth and W.
W. Morrow of Derry, prominent mem
bers of the Polk County Jersey Cattle
club, were in the city Monday meeting
with the executive committee of the
Polk County Fair In regards ta an ex
hibition of stock of the association at
tho county fair this fall.
Carl Williams returned Monday from
a short visit in Portland.
Mrs. Allen Todd has returned to her
home in Portland after a ahort visit
with her father, B. Lovelace.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lynn of Perry
dale were Dallas visitors tbia week
with relatives.
Jack Eakin, a student at the Oregon
Agricultural College at Corvallis is
visiting his parents in Kickreall a few
Dr. A. B. Starbuck was a Salem
visitor Wcdnesdny morning.
Alva Morton is spending a few days
at the home of his mother, Mrs. Viola
Morton on Church street.
K. C. Eldredge of Independence was
a Dallas business visitor Saturday.
Ed Richards of Albany was a Dallas
visitor Tuesday.
Paul Hunter was a Salem business
visitor Saturday.
A. Ia Martin, local manager of the
Oregon Power company was an Inde
pendence visitor Tuesday.