Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 11, 1916, Image 4

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Tiirusn.w KVKXixii,
lYl.runrv 111, 1!I0.
Editor and Manager.
Editorial Page of "The Capital Journa
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Daily by carrior, per year
Daily by mail, per year . . .
New York Chicago
Wari-Lewii-Williami Speciul Agency Harry R. Fisher Co.
Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal currier boys are Instructed to put the papers on the
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Phone Main 81.
It is quite a popular pastime especially among news
paper writers to draw pictures of what will follow the
declaration of peace in Europe, and especially what will
happen on this side of the big pond.
It is all guess work at the best, and one free born
American citizen has as much right to guess as another.
That is an inherent Yankee privilege. It is somewhat
amusing and also instructive to read these various and
varied prognostications, for they suggest all manner of
things, some wise and others otherwise.
One, who at least thinks himself a prophet says soon
after the war there will be an unheard of immigration to
this "country, everybody leaving the new warring coun
tries and coming here to avoid helping pay off the
enormous load of debt piled up.
Another says all immigration will stop as the author
ities will not ailow any able bodied persons to leave their
country, as they will be needed to assist in rebuilding the
ruined cities and industries, as well as to help pay the
debts, and so they will be forbidden to leave.
Still another sees the ruin of all American industries
as Europe will pour a flood of her goods upon us that will
simply drown us in a sea of disaster.. The United States
will go absolutely dead. Her factories will be closed, and
want will press on the American wage earner that will
force him to the point of starvation. One even goes so
far as to say that Europe may have to help us, even as
we have helped Belgium and other of the devastated
With all due respect to these calamity lovers, for they
must be that from the way they seem to long for her
disastrous presence, it strikes us that when peace at last
comes the World will jog along much as it did before.
The countries will again trade with each other. We will
send across the Atlantic our agricultural products be
cause people will still have to eat, and Europe does not
grow all the food stuffs she needs. In return Europe will
send us of her manufactures as she has always done, and
we will buy them because we need them.
It is easy to talk about this country supplying all her
necessaries and being absolutely independent of the
world. Outside of certain things such as coffee, tea and
products of the tropics we might be able to do this; but
when we did would have to quit dealing with the balance
of the world. In order to ileal with other countries we
must from the nature of things trade with them, other
wise they could not buy what we produce. The only thing
they can pay for our products with is their own.
We are apt to overlook the fact that money is not
value but only the measure thereof, a medium of ex
change which enables us to get the value of our wheat,
for instance, expressed in dollars, and then we can pur
chase any other product with the same. We can thus
trade wheat for silk when if the value was still in the
form of wheat the silk merchant would have no use for it.
So, after all, commerce is but a trading of products,
through the medium of gold, the common measure of
values for all things, even sometimes consciences and
In the meantime no matter what comes after the war,
it can be relied upon that the world will wag on in its
old grooves simply because there are no other grooves
for it to travel in.
Postmaster Myers of Portland has been informed that
while Vice President Marshall will never ask anyone to
have his name put on the ballot in Oregon, he certainly
would not repudiate the act if this was done. It probably
will be. Outside of the possibility of the death of the
president, the vice-president is about the most thoroughly
useless and utterly side-tracked man in political life.
There will be twenty-five concerts in Wilson park
during the coming Summer, says a news story yesterday.
This is probably correct, but the park just now does not
look as though'it could ever be used as a place to sit
around on the grass.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SG8
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxe9
Sec. and Trcas.
. 3.00
Per month.
Per month.
The talk about some of the European countries send
ing an army of half a million or more trained and sea
soned soldiers over here after the war ends, and cap
turing the United States has its humorous side. We
fancy when the war is over all the participants will have
had enough of it to satisfy them for awhile, at least.
Most of the soldiers will be in the coridition of a recnfit
during the civil war. He was complaining bitterly about
the hardships, the lack of food and comforts he was used
to and bewailing his condition generally, when his
lieutenant overhearing him, asked: "What's the matter
Bill? Don't you love your country?"
"Yes": was the reply. "I love my country well enough
to leave my wife and family, to go without a decent bed,
and eat blamed poor grub, and take the chance of being
killed or cripjed for it, but I want to tell you lieutenant
that when this war is over I will never love another
It may well be doubted whether the Agricultural de
partment of the United States, or. at least its statistical
branch, is a benefit to the farmers. - It certainly was not
last year when it garbled the wheat statistics to the
farmers' injury. Its figures were decidedly wrong.
Correct as to the yield approximately, they did not state
that one-fourth or more of the crop was not fit for milling
purposes and so played into the hands of the speculators.
This was not done intentionally, perhaps, but the result
to the wheat grower was just as bad as though it had
The country will not tip up because Garrison jumped
his job. Bryan demonstrated this and he was a much
heavier weight than Garrison. His resignation shows
his egotism, his belief that Garrison was the only man in
the United States capable of handling its military affairs
the only man whose judgment was always and infallibly
right. He will pull the hole he has created in after him.
Sugar has been advancing in price for some time. On
top of this the dispatches yesterday announces that the
American Sugar Refinery has compromised a suit
brought against it by the government, for $52,985.00.
That is one way of making the people come through to
pay any charges a big company has to face. All such
bills are passed on to the consumer for final settlement.
When Judge D'Arcy says he saw a steamboat on State
street every one who knows the judge knows also the
steamboat was there. We mention this for the benefit of
those who do not know him, for they might couple the
story with the recent law about two, and twenty-four
quarts, and imagine that was what caused so strange a
That was a touching scene in Pendleton Thursday
when hundreds gathered in the streets and mournfully
sang "How Dry I Am," while the sheriff and his assist
ants knocked the necks off 5:15 bottles of beer and 75 bot
tles of whiskey, and emptied their "precious" contents
into the gutters. 1
"'Tis ever thus" from Adam's time down to Ford's
I there is no change. In each
1 j 1 - . l 1 1
woman wno must near me Diame. vvitn a.aam me cie
mure Eve had to stand the blame and with Ford it is
Madam Schwimmer.
A dispatch from New
Secretary of War Garrison, whose resignation from the
cabinet was accepted last night, is here in "seclusion' to
day." It is quite probable he will remain in that condi
tion indefinitely.
The president is strong for national defense and yet
he has dismissed his only Garrison.
. km v
..... . '
I am much too proud to fight; I, when I am in a plight,!
write a note; if some fellow kicks my shins, I submit with j
peaceful grins, and, when I have salved my pins, write a
note. Follow up this splendid plan; do not!
be a martial man write a note; if some
scoundrel steals your wife, do not whet
your bowie-knife, or make threats against
his life write a note. If a neighbor burns
your shack, do not climb upon his back
write a note; if he comes and twists your
nose, if he treads upon your toes, don't re
sent such trifling woes write a note. If
the neighbor steals your hens, take your
choice of fountain pens write a note; ifi
..:n: i: i. n i.
a mum umius your irame, puns your nair
and knocks you lame, to resent it is a shame write a
note. Let your indignation sleep; ink is plentiful and
cheap write a note; be the football of your town; let the
hoodlums knock you down; when you're done up good and
brown write a note. Paper, purchased by the ream,
doesn't so expensive seem write a note; fountain pens
are cheap as dirt, anyone can make them squirt; so when
I some one steals your shirt write a note.
and every case there is a
1 TTT il. A .1 T -
York todav says: "Former
mi mi m w
3C it 3C sj( 5C s(c ft 30t fi 3fC sffi
You who read the papers probably
noticed x few days ago that California
is buying Oregon potatoes. But the
buyers are particular, they will accept
only select potatoes, but for these
they are paying a good price.
I wonder what portion of the pota
toes in Marion county are worthy the
title "select potatoes.'" From the po
tatoes I have seen myself twenty-five
per cent would be a fair estimate. That
menus Marion county could sell only
twenty-five per cent of her output of
potatoes to California buyers. The oth
er seventy-five per cent would have to
be sold at a very low prico or fed to
the hogs, unless there is a scarcity of
potatoes throughout the country.
If one merchant puts up for sale a
better quality of goods than another
the farmers feel they have a perfect
riht to buy of the man who puts up
the best goods. Then what right have
the farmers to complain if California
buys her potutoes iu Color.ido if Col
orado raises the best potatoes? What
right have the tanners of Marion coun
ty to complain if the market is poor,
as long as their output is poorer than
that of some other locality. If there
was any excuse for the fanners of Ma
rion county producing poor potatoes
they would be worthy of sympathy.
But they have no excuse. In four
years time the potatoes of Marion
county could be improved three hun
dred per cent. The method to follow
is so simple anybody can do it. When
digging the potatoes save the hills,
that have an abundance of nice uni
form, good sized potatoes, and store
them by themselves. In the spring at
planting time cut each one of these
potatoes iu halves lengthwise, and
throw out all that show the least signs
of disease or hollowness. Illant what
you have left .ind raise your next
year's seed from them. Work your
ground well before and after planting,
and don't grow a crop of weeds along
with the potatoes. Practice this method
four years and the farmers of Marion
county will never need to complain
about the potato market.
Our wheat can be improved just as
easily. Nothing brings a smile on a
miller's face so quick as clean unmixed
plump kerneled wheat. The smile nev
er leaves his face as he adds u few ex
tr.i dollars to the check he hands you.
Such wheat is made into the highest
priced flour.
Oats are just as easy to breed up as
wheat. Good oats are the kind that
make first class oat meal. Clean, un
mixed, unadulterated, large, plump oats
that weigli forty pounds to the bush
el and there is no excuse for grow
ing any other kind in Marion county
never have to wait for a good market.
The fruit unions have men going
over the country offering as high as
four and a half cents a pound for this
year's crop of strawberries, where the
vines have been kept ncie and dean
and the runners kept cut off. Patches
that have not been propertiy taken care
of they will not even look at. But the
owners of tiiem will cut the market
and raise the calamity howl that a man
can not make a living in Marion coun
ty, let alone making any money. The
canneries can not afford to buy poor
fruit. They would go broke if they
paid the farmer a living price for it.
Go to tho groceries and note the dif
ference iu the price of first and third
grade canned goods and you will uot
have to reason long to see the point.
No class of people are better placed
to see the need and tho great advan
tage to the fanners as well as to them
selves of producing a first class pro
duct as the middleman, the merchant.
In their desire to develop a market fur
the farm produce, and knowing what a
better quality of produce would do to
ward developing such a market, they
are more than willing, they are desir
ous to pay their hall' toward the up
keep of any means that will aid the
farmer to produce a better quality of
crops, aney are trying to get the farm
er to accept the assisiance of a countv
agriculturist for their own benefit, anil
they have no reason to deny it, but
the farmers will be benefited' fully as
The farmers are acting a good deal
like the little boy who refused to eat
the apple because his father picked it
for him instead of holding him up and
letting him pick it off the tree him-
self. If the farmers had been first to
sanction and encourage tue work of u
county agriculturist instead of the mer
chant they wouldn't be so slow in tak
ing advantage of Ins help.
Salem, Ore., K. li. No. 7.
Kditor Journal: The need and value
of liberal education can no longer be
seriously questioned by thinking men
and women. We demand liberal educa
tion iu arts, literature and sciences. All
schools and institutions of higher learn
ing nre trying to keep pice with the
progressive spirit of human evolution
by adding new departments and adopt
ing advanced methods.
'ihe same progressive tendency marks
commerce and industry. In tue realm
of science every discovery and inven
tion is hailed with joyous' acclaim and
welcome. On every h ind we see clear
ly the imperative demand of progres
sive advance and the happy results and
benefits derived therefrom.
"Knowledge is the Key to Power"
and "Truth is the Way of Libcrtv,"
so tell us the sages of old. Self knowl
edge is the key tj all power. The high
er spiritual self (the kingdom of the
human soul) is the door lending unto
the Father (source and fount of all life
and being.) Manliness is the path to
godliness. Character is a means of sal
vation, is becoming more and more em
phasized in theological teachings.
The spirit of progress is slowly en
tering into the life of the church." We
are cuanging our methods in demand of
the nge. Moving pictures, free dis
cussions from the pews, social service
meetings, dramatic programs are find
ing their way into the church.
The old doctrines of hell and damna
tion (once the mighty thunder of the
preacher) are heard no longer in pro
gressive churches. Total depravity is
No. Kltt
No. K4
Wants Good Tools
Keen Kutter tools
hazard nor by guess.
crank ideas. Skilled
through an infinite amount of experience, that
a tool to be most convenient and most useful,
must be made in a certain way.
Pick up any Keen Kutter tool and "heft" it. You find it
has the right "feel." It balances right, the weight is right
it "comes right to your hand." That's-what is meant by
tool-making science. It is what distinguishes Keen Kutter
tools from all others.
Sold and Guaranteed by
No. KH2
No. K12271
7) In.
Prlct S4.50
Prlct, IU.90 '
No. KP8
Price $1 60
no longer preached. The old Augusten-!
ian theology, with its gruesomeness and
allegorical romanticism, is lifting from!
the intellectual and moral concepts of I
men and a nobler ideal and a higher es-l
timate of Clod and man, of nature and I
t.ie universe, or origin and destiny of
process and method is taking the rtlace
of the supers.tions of dark ages. Keas-st0l.k yard there. Salem should havo
on and scientific tact are today giv-L,, the stock thlt u raiscc, ;30Uth of ,
ing a deeper meaning to faith. Light' Gct busy nud Rct vour ki lant, l
s taking the place of old tune credul- h thJt a3 the weather modmte. that
Z l' ll T "ViLm' ea ity 13 '""Ithiy will establish their public market
tue place of theologica speculation; . mnko it nprm' f .: r
service is taking the place of sacri-i
in progressive relieiou An.flicat L.
the (keynote of all suecpk Poetic ! Kot co tlHT C0Ul'A ? thee
dreaming or theological speculation wu,r,m -themselves. Only let us have
may have certain fascination but will r''l'e market by all means,
thev get us unvwheref Jesus said-1, 1 '"'"k if the Commercial club would
"Ye must be doers of my words " His'hnve n lmllPS' auxiliary that maybn
emphasis somehow, is strong upon "the: ll W0l,,1 lie,I' 90,ne. I know among
I'oing of Things." Professions of ! tlie tpst of tho eranSe I have ever nt
faith, statement of theological def ini-j ten'e.'' was at C'irvullis and tho ladies'
nitiou without Work (doin") availeth : auxi,'i,ry of the Commercial club cntcr
nothing. tnined the ladies of the grange one aft-
lieligion means Hfe, not intellectual! crn00.n- Now the state grange has been
theory. It means constructive build-1 wnllting to come to Snlem for some time
ing. It means service in the promo-ihut we have been afraid we could notc
tiou of the best interests in life. It entertain them as they have been en
means the fulfilling of the holiest I tertaincd at the other pines, so if Salem,
hopes of life. It means the bringing , wants the state grange in 1017 let thff
forth upon the tree of each individual' Commercial club say what they will do
life the rich ripe fruit of the spirit of! to help us entertain, as state grange,
lovina kindness, the oiitwnrd innnifes-l meets at Grants Pass In May and if
tation of the growing inner spiritual : .Salem wants them we will extend them
j nn invitation.
What is needed in religious nobii-1 A KEADEK.
it y. upon human character, the divine . ' 1
sonship of each individual. What is' CARRIED SOME PASSENGERS
needed in the church is more of the!
spirit of liberal education of progros-l San Oiego. Cnl., eh. 10. A new
siye modernism. The church needs the record for coastwise shipping has been
scientific method of efficiency as much ! made bv the steamer Harvard, which
(perhaps even more) than any organ- , carried 1.(175 passengers between tliii
ized influence ,u modern life. I city and fan Pedro in 12 hours. Tester-
n , EtT1!V rn"rfS!! ,s Divine! ,lnv 1.050 arrived and 625 departed on
Order. ioiwnrd is ever the Divine her return trip
Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915
Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915
D A irvntc rnr a
For its Delicious Flavor, its Excellent Quality
and its High Food Value.
package has the trade-mark of the chocolate girl oa
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Ktau.i.FAr. or
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Always Watch ZThia Ad Changes Often
Strictly correct weight, square Jeal
junk, metal, rubber, hide and firs.
BtP stock nf nil aivoa taomtA lnn.l
iron for both roofs and buildings.
H. Steinback Junk'Co.
X The House of Half a Million Bargains.
t 302 Xorth Commercial bt j,jone 80S
T7 0
N. K9S5
5 In.
Price Jl.Ot
met J2.uk
"are not made haD-
They do not embody
workmen have found.
Prico 11.50 i
Price IUS
Minister of Unitarian church.
Tiat Packillg Plaat.
E,,itor JourMl. wlmt , the mM
with Salem, are they going to let the.
packing plant slip byf. I sco by the pa-
hlr. tw aiio,- i i,0,.
think a good place for the public mar-
lV: C' T'. L'.ha11' T.h when the peopla
and highest prices for all kinds of t
I pay 2Vie per pound for old rigs. 1
i ,, , . . . 4"
lutuuuiurs. Kinds corrugatea
Koofing paper and second hand