THE DATLY CAPITAL .TOTTTINAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEB. 11. 1916 TrTEFF MILII UL IU Ul UUn U lit. miiwii WbUkll UL II UU H III III 1 1 II Jil 1 1 ill There Are Pianos On Our Floor That Are Marked Below Actual Cost to the Valley Music House. When you can actually buy for less than wholesale you should take advan tage of the opportunity. The Piano we offer for $125.00 is worth twice this price, the Player-Piano we offer for $320.00 has a genuine Gulbransen Player action and is sold even in San Francisco for nearly twice this price. Here is a beautiful Kimball Player-Piano which received the highest award at San Francisco this year the regular price of this Piano is $800.00, and you can purchase this one for $515.00 on easy terms. You can buy now -and save the large profit usually asked for Pianos. You are offered small monthly payments like rent; you are offered the best Pianos obtainable and all guaranteed by Eilers -Music House and the manufacturers. With every Player-Piano I include $25.00 worth of free music and with every Piano I include a stool and the Piano is tuned. I will not order duplicates as these prices are only on the Pianos now here. Store open evenings. J. C. GALLAGHER General Agent for Eilers Music House and the manufacturers, 264 Commercial St. 10 TAKE CHARGE OF Board Appropriates $1,500 for Races M. L. Jones Tells of Gate Frauds Lane Will Not Get Job Nor Will Goethals Sherley Looks Like a Winner :(e ALREADY IN "SECLUSION" New York, Feb. 11. Former Secretary uf War Garrison, whose resignation from the cabinet -was accepted last night, is here in "seclusion" today. Ueorge Leary, a dredging con tractor, met him at the Penn sylvania station upon his arrival from Washington and took him to the Leary home. Harrison steadfastly refused to discuss the reasons for leaving the cab inet and though in a high hum or, parried all questions. "There will be 57 varieties of explanations by men who write stories from Washing ton," he said. "I have nothing to say about that." He would not say liow long he intends to remain here. $$$$$$$$$ Washington, Feb. 11. The successor to Secretary of War Garrison, resigned, would be a democrat, and his name will be announced within a day, it was learned at the White House today, when the latter was a presidential can didate. Representative Sherley, though deny ing knowledge of any consideration of himself as a successor, is especially equipped for the job, as he has been for years in charge of fortifications and artillery appropriations and has been a close student of military prob lems. The choice will be a man who can work in harmony with Chairman Hay, whom President Wilson refused to con sider in the same liglit as did Garrison. Hay for some time has been recognized as antagonistic not only to Garrison but to at least one other man in high military position in previous years. Neither Nut Nor Seed "A Nutlet" Says Expert San Francisco, Feb. 11. Science was ;jj called in to solve me mystery or - -w iien ! is a 1'nrilla nut a seen" in the United States appraiser's court today. i Since 1912 the weighty question lias $ j been buffeted about in government cir--j. cles. It started when importers re fused to pay uuty on carina on, claim ing it was the product of a nut and duty free. The government declared it was a seed. Hearings were called but alas, no one could find a Parilla nut. A year must elapse before another crop in Java, it was announced But the Uni versity of California laboratories yield ed several specimens, and these were jj j introduced before W. B. Howell, sitting Professor H. M. Hull of the botany department was called upon. "Is this a nut or a seed?" he was asked. "It's neither. It's a nutlet," was the sage opinion. A bombshell had birrst. For no where in the statutes is there any tiling to cover a nutlet. The govern At the business meeting of the state fair board yesterday afternoon it was decided to eliminate the superintend ents of the departments for the next fair and to place the departments un der the direct charge of different mem bers of the state fair board. W. H. Savage will have the supervision of the livestock department, the dairy and poultiy departments will be handled by Sir. Marsters, the grounds by M. L. Jones, the speed events by Secretary Lea and Mrs. Kdyth Tozier Wetherred will handle the textile, art, education al, and inside floral departments. She will be assisted in the work by Assistant State Superintendent K. V. Cnrlctnn. The outside floral decora tions will be in charge of Dr. R. K. Lee Steiner. The racing program- will be in charge of Secretary Lea who will be assisted by Dr. II. E. Smith, of Salem, and K. B. Tongue, of Rcseburg. The sum of $l)00 was set aside for the races, $300 was appropriated for an aid to the Ore gon Agricultural college working ex hibit, $1500 was appropriated for the educational exhibit. J. E. Reynolds, the new member of tho board from Ln Grande, was dele gated to revise the premium lists for horses and the board decided to cut out tho Devon class from the cattle ex hibits and to substitute the milk strain Shorthorns. President If. L. Jones submitted a report in which "no Btated that there were various reasons for a change in the secretaryship of the board and also that with W. H. Savage ha presented the matter of the ticket fraud cases to the district attorney. Jlis report follows: "For sufficient and satisfactory reasons, within our rights with the law, and witiiin our duty to the state, some members of the stato fair board desired a change in the secretary. "As to the matter of law violation by the ticket seller and a gate tender, Mr. savage and myself, representing the state fair board, placed the mat ter in the hands of the district attorn ey. This we did without reference to the governor and without any request or suggestion being made by It i in. There was no politics in tiiis as the dis trict attorney holds his office by up pointiueut from ex-Governor West. "We consider the stato fair board and tho state very fortunate in being able to secure the services of A. H. Lea a gentleman of honor, of great business ability and experience, and with a very cur minds are quite as active as in former years but our strength does not respond when we need it most; perhaps the kidneys are weak, the liver torpid, rheumatic pains or stiffened joints beset us, and we cannot easily throw off the colds that winter brings. What we need is the rich cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion to renew the blood andcarrystrengthto every organ of the body,whileitsglycerinesoothesthe res piratory tract, and its hypophosphites strengthen the excitable nerves. Scott's Emulsion is a scientific oil food, of unusual benefit to those past fifty years particularly during the colder seasons, it imparts warmth and creates strength. One bottle will prove its worth. No alcohol or harmful drugs. Scott &Bowne.BloomfieW,N.I. 15-36 DELEGATES 10 PARI! I. JUNE 4 Chairman McCombs Sends Oat Full Instructions to All Party Members . ' , " uu ,uo , ment iH in a quandary and the importers . uppui i.Kciy jo ,,7,1..1 The 4,1m -,.,, ,W wrinkle. the president's choice. Those close to the president said that the persons most prominently mentioned thus far wouid not net the appointment. Presi dent Wilson has decided thnt necessity, ! both political and legislative, requires prompt filling of the post. Among those conjectured as possibil ities re: Secretary of Interior Lane: Tryinff to Find Out What Is Trouble Withlts "Tummy'' Santa Monica, C'al., Feb. 11. Moving picture folks from Inceville went to Henry -M. 1'intoll, of I'enrin, 111., once Topango Canyon today to "investi namcd as ambassador to Russia but not I gate" the smoking mountain there and appointed; tnairman oneney ot the ; find out whether it is a volcano W. AL JONES RAPPED BY EXPERTS 110 John Y. Richardson Recom mends "Mechanical" Ticket Sellers at Fair house fortifications cummittee; ex-Gov ernor Walsh, of Massachusetts; ex-Gov They curried with them enough dyna mite to blow the side out of the hi ernor Harmon, ot Ohio; ex-Ooveruor if necessary, dig down into its interior Alva Adams, of Colorado. ami ascertain where all the omoke and One report said that Lano would , fire is coming from. Some hold the dis get the war portfolio, and Adams or turbnnce is merely superficial, resulting Joseph Teal, Portland attorney, would . from nction of sulphuric gases, succeed Lane. A White House author- After smoking for a while yester ily, however, indicated that Lane will day, Inccville employes declare a' heavy not be picked, and at the same time it explosion occurred inside the mountain, was learned that Major General tioeth- ripping loose tons of rocks and earth. ais, Duiiiier ot tnc rannma canal, wouiu . Immediately flames shot, upward, ignit not ue cnosen. .Moreover, i niueii is un likely to get the place as there is some question as to his "regularity" in view of the. fact that he twice bolted Bryan' very quiet and docile, ever since ing the brush on the hillside. The mystery mountain was in "erup tion" about a year ago, but has been New Strength for Lame Backs and Worn-out Conditions Dear Mr. Editor: Iget sore and sleep is disturbed two or I suffered from a lame back and a! three times a night. This is the time tired, worn-out feeling. Was unable; you should consult some physician of to stand erect and scarcely able to get around. It would usually come on at first with crick in small of my back. I took one box of Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets and my back commenced to get better soon ntter stnrting to take them wide experience such as Dr. Pierce, of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti tute, Buffalo, N. Y. Send him 10 cents for laige trial package of his new dis vovcry "Anuric." White him your symptoms and send a sample of urine 1 did not have to walk doubled over; for test. L'xpericnce has taught Dr. as I did before using the "Anuric." It j Pierce that "Anuric" is the most pow is the best remedy I have ever taken'erful agent in dissolving uric acid, as for what it is intended to relieve. 1 1 hot water melts sugar. Being so many hope those who are in need of such a remedy will give these Tablets of Dr. Pierce's a trial. Yours truly, A. (i. DRAKE. Note: When your kidneys get -sluggish and clog, ycu suffer from back ache, sick-headache, dizzy spells, or the twinges and pains of lumbago, rheuma tism and gout. The urine is often cloudy, full of sediment; channels often times more active than lithia, it clears the heart valves of any sandy sub stances which may clog them and checks the degeneration of the blood vessels, as well as regulating blood pres sure. "Anuric," is a regular insurance and life-saver for all big meat eaters and those who deposit lime-salts in their joints. Ask the druggist for "Anuric." put up by Dr. Pierce, in 50-eent packages. Tear, Prefer "Mechanical" Gatemen. The experts recommended numbered tickets or mechanical ticket sellers slat ing thnt tho tickets could then bo clicked un each liiihtr hv the mimVini-. wide acquaintance. Mr. Lea has finite! and accounted for and advised the em. an extensive knowledge of, and hasi ploynicnt of a fair auditor to check over been associated in the management of the books at the end of each dav's IILI1IJ UL IHC Jillin UL IIIO l'Ullllir,y. JLU: OU.WItSS. has been identified with the Oregon st.ite fair for several years as superin tendent of a division for which he re ceived vciy high commendation from our ex-president and for which services he never asked nor received any com-, pensation. "Our sole aim and purpose is to make every effort, to secure the best possible fair fur all of the people of tho state. To accomplish which we confidently expect ami desire the as sistance and co-operation of every cit-" izen of Oregon. This board wishes it distinctly understood that this propo sition is non-political, non-factional and without personalities or prejudices. We will use every available means to make the Oregon state fair for lillrj of the greatest possible educational value for the development of the immense resources of the tsate in every field of agriculture and productive industry." The personnel of the committees as announced by President Jones today follow: Finances: A. C. Marsters, J. E. Reyn olds and Edyth Tozier Wetherred. Publication and program: A. H. Lea, W. H. Savage and Edyth Tozier Weth erred. Transportation: E. H. Savage, ,T. E. Reynolds and Edyth Tozier Wetherred. Building: M. L. Jones, A. C. Mars ters, and A. H. Lea. Premium list: A. H. Lea, W. H. Sav age, J. E. Reynolds, Edyth Tozier Wetherred and A. C. Masters. Speed: A. II. Lea and W. II. Rav age. Legislative committee: A. II. Lea, M. L. Jones, A. C. Masters, J. K. Reynolds, W. H. Savage and Kdyth Tozier" Wetherred. Ex-Secretary of the stato fair board, W. Al Jones, came in for a roasting at the hands of the expert accounts, John Y. Richardson & Co., which firm ex perted the books of the stnto fair after the election of A .11. Lea to suc ceed Mr. Jones. The summary of the general report states that instead of the fair showing a profit of about .'l, 000 under the management of Mr. Jones that it actually showed a loss of $1,529.89. The accountants reached this conclusion by taking the amount of money received from Frank Meredith which was given as $9,719.01 and de ducted the amount fumed over by Jones at the end of his term which was S,12C12. This gives the amount $1,592.89 which the expert's report says is the actual loss in the operation of the fair last year. The experts make no charges of ir regularities in Mr. Jones' accounts but state that careless methods of book keeping were in use during Mr. Jones' term. Their report goes back only one year. The experts also charge that Mr. Jones entered -into unauthorized contracts lor certain free attractions i ization in each slain whom ..m l, winch were presented at the fair last sion and election ure not provided for oy tnc slate law. oininitteeincn who i Full instructions relative to the elec tion of delegates to the Democratic Na tional Convention which is to be held in St. Louis, Missouri, June 14, have been sent out by William F. Mel'onibs. chairman of the Democratic Nation il Executive committee. The following circular letter will be of interest to democrats in aMrion county: To the Democrat" of the I'nited tSates: By the authority of the Democratic National Executive committee, a na tional convention of the democratic pirty is hereby called, to meet in the city of St. Louis, Missouri, on Wednes day, the fourteenth day of June, 10 Hi, at twelve o'clok noon, to nominate candidates for the presidency and vice presidency of tho I'nited States, to de clare a party platform, and to take such other action as may be deemed id visable. Delegates and alternates from each state of the union shall be chosen to the number of two delegates and two alternates for every senator and to two delegates and two alternates for every representative from the states respect ively in the congress of the United States under the congressional appor tionment of districts based upon the sixty-fourth congress. In addition, the territory of Alaska and the District of Columbia are entitled to six delegates ana six alternates each, and six dele gates and six alternates are likewise allotted each to the Philippines, Hawaii and Porto Rico. In the matter of the manner by I which delegates and are to be selected attention is called to the, following plunk in the platform of thei party: : Presidential Primary. "The movement towards more pop-' nlnr government should be promoted ! through legislation in each state which! will permit the expression of the pref erence of the electors for national can-1 didnts at. presidential primaries. '.'We direct that the national com I mtttee incorporate in the call for the next nominating convention a require j inent that all expressions of preference! for presidential candidates shall b. given and the selection of delegate.-! ami alternates made tnrontih a primary elec tion conducted by the party organ- A Letter To our customers and the public: We desire to call your attention at this time to the unfortunate con dition of the merchandise market. There is without doubt going to be a terrible realization and awakening of the public to the unheard advance in prices of all WEARING APPAREL The merchant is receiving in every mail, notices that the prices of this and that article will cost so much more in the future, and that the prices quoted today are not guaranteed to stand tomorrow, etc. This condition is not a snare to make the merchant buy heavy, nor do we call the attention of our customers to this condition because we want you to buy at once any arti -le which you may be contemplating purchasing in the near future, but we do this to SAVE YOU MONEY and we do advise you to buy what wiuter wearing apparel you may need for next season, right now, before the raise of prices. WAE WAR WAR Th is is the cry of the manufacturers claiming they cannot purchase dye stuffs, g is only natural that when so necessary a commodity can not be had, and tho little that may be purchased is worth its weight in gold, that the prices of all articles containing dye stuffs, will neces sarily be advanced sky high. Therefore it behooves our customers not to delay their purchases of OVERCOATS, CLOTHING, ETC., and buy at once even for next season, come to us where every article is guaranteed. Yours truly, Brick Bros. The Wandering Jew . HEAR JOSEPH COHN In a remarkable story of a Rabbi's Conversion SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, AT 2:30 P.M. at the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Don't Miss This Rare Treat Everybody invited. , Admission Free aoui To Cure a Cold ln One Day $ $ ;J( jjc r 3QST ONE APPLICATION AND THE HAIP.3 VANISH (Modes of Today.) A harmless, yet very effective;, treat ment, is here given for the quick remov al of hairy growths: Mix enough pow dered dclatone ami water to cover the undesirable hairs, apply paste and af ter 2 or minutes remove, wash the s'vin and the hairs have vanished. One n i bention usually is sufficient, but to be. certain of results, buy tho dclatone in an original package. Salem Contractors Among Low Bidders For 0. A. C. are hereafter to constitute the niniber ship of th democratic national com mittee, mid whoso election is not pro vided for by law, shall be chosen in each state at. such priary .elections, and the service and authority of committee men, however chosen, shall begin imme diately upon the receipt of their cre dentials, respect ivelv." WILLIAM F. M'COMHS. PREFERS WAR TO PRISON San Francisco, Feb. 11. Besari Fer- : ' CITY NEWS Corvallis, Or., Feb. 11. Bids for the construction of n forestry building on the O. A. (.'. campus were submitted to the building committee of the board of regents on Monday. Twenty bids in all were received, the five lowest, to be set aside for further consideration, be ing submittd by J. If. Tillman, of Port land; F. A. Eii7on, Snlem; Horn & Sandstorm Company, Portland; South wick & lleadrick, S.ilem, and Snook & Traver, of Mirtlnnd, on the general contract. The two lowest bidders on the heating plant were Then. JI. Barr, Salem, and A. C. Freeman, Corvallis. The total cost of the building, in cluding heating, lighting, finishing, ventilating and sewer and water con nections with street mains will total Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE approximately t-ISOHO. Tho contract, ifgists refund money if it I " " w" 1,0 0111 ''"mediately, i-iliis un- me completion or tno uuiMHig by September 1. laiuets. Druggists refund money fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa iuro is on eacn oox. i-ic EVELYN MUST DANCE ALONE NEGROES ASSAULT WOMAN Stockton, Cul., Feb. 11. Evelyn Nes bit Thaw, now appearing on the Or pheum circuit, will be foiced ft do her dancing and singing act uhme for a while, it was ainui c-'d today. While investigating a high power nir i,flo Jock Clifford, her dancing KUtncr had the tip ot 'i;t! finger laken oft when the clubs and left her lying senseless. weapon c.ios:-.l suddenly, lie Intnli'd r,ml was rushed to the Emergency hospital SEATTLE'S REGISTRATION Los Angeles, Ca!., Feb. 11. Mrs. Ma Mo Harrison is near death today, hav ing been brutally beaten by three ne groes who attacked her in a downtown street in the early morning and at tempted to drag her into a nearby house. She fought and shrieked where upon they hit her over the head wMh where the finger was amputated at the 1119b JUllll. PROGRESSIVES WATCHING BREAKS ALL RECORDS Seattle, Wash., Feb. 11 Progressives in this state are today adopting the policy of "watchful waiting," in ac cordance with the results of a confer ence of state leaders here last nitrht. A full state and county ti.-ket will bei final election March 7 iiuiiiinuie.i oy tne progressives, a was conncilnien, city attorney, treasnror iirmiy ueciare-l at tins meeting, liuless nnd comptroller nre to be elected ,ur i rj.uinn -.iiia iiuiiii iiu ic u progressive and adopt progressive principles. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 1 1. Willi (1,2", registrations on the last day, yesterday, the total registration for "tne comiiig city election was swelled to "i,.'M.'t, ex ceeding nil previous records. The high est record hertofore was in 1914 when 74,(1(14 registered. The primary elec tion will be held Fcbruory 21 and the A mayor, three MODEST CITY OFFICIALS Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 11. Women wear ing their skirts higher than three inrb"s above the ankle will be fined if a city ordinance to be introduced Monday be comes a law. ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes cost YOU same price. L. J. Chapin wont to Mt. Angel this afternoon to select seed corn from the samples shown by A. T. (.'line, at the St. Paul, Minn., national com show. Mr. Clino was awarded second prize for western Oregon corn. The first prize for western Oregon com at the St. Paul show was awarded to J. II. Samuelson, of Brownsville. The seed corn for his second prize corn was secured by Mr. Clino nbout two years ago from Mr. Samuelson and for this reason those in terested in better com believe that the prize winning com of Mr. Snniuelson und Mr. Cliue is especially adapted to this valley. Twenty orators will orate tomorrow evening at the Marion hotel. The spe cial occasion for this unusual flow of eloquence is the Mnrion County Repub lican club Lincoln banquet. The die ner will be served nt (i:.'IO o'clock and reservations should be made before to morrow noon. In order that no one speaker will take up too much of the time, the flow of eloquence- will be lim ited to five minutes to each speaker. The talks will be impromptu and that no one niny exceed the five minute lim it, the speakers will not be notified in ndvnnce. The committee in charge evidently feel that when culled on for nn impromptu speech, the average man can tell all he knows in five minutes. Tuesday, February 15, has been se lected as the date for the next contest between the Commercial club chess nnd checker players and the Snlem Chess and Checqer club. The game will be pmyed in the rooms ot the ( ommercinl club. The Commercial club players feel they should at least win the chess games and are arranging to line tip sev eral of their old stand bys who did not play in the games last Tuesday. On the following Tuesday, at the rooms of the Chess ami Checker club, Hoy Bryant will play simultaneously, all the play ers thnt can conveniently get on the other side of tables from him in the club rooms. The number is not limited. Tonight the basketball fans have two chances. The first game, to begin nt 7:l!0 o'clock, is between the Cor vallis high school and the Salem high school, in tho high school auditorium. Beginning at 8:30 o'clock, the gome will begin between the I.'niversity of Idaho and the Willamette university teams, at the university gym. The high school boys rather think they will have un easy time, ami the Idaho team was beaten by the Dallas players. While everything looks cheerful to both the home teums, mistukes happen with bas ketball teams as well on in the best o regulated families, ant there is nothing sure in this world. The banquef of the Marion County Republi'-an club, to be given at the Mu rion hotel Saturday evening, will be served promptly ut (1:'!0 o'clock. Al most nil of the seating capacity hasi been sold, and it has been suggested by those in charge, that all who intend tojranio, Italian, charged with forging bo ' present to notify the committee his brother's namu to n bad chec.i,. in charge before noon Saturday, in or-j pleaded with Judge (Iril'fin today to bo der that proper reservation may be allowed to go to the European front made. The committee ln charge of the' instead of prison. banquet is Judge P. H. D'Arcy, Hal I. j His brother, Carlo, told the court tho l'atton and Max (lehlhar. And it has Italian consul had a special fund witli been definitely decided, that on ac-j which to send Italians to the front nnd count of the number of speakers, even that he had promised to get passage for the lawyers and prospective candidates Fcrrario if he were discharged from ior puniic nonor will lie sunt oil ill custody. their speeches at the end of five min i 1 11 utes. MILLIONAIRE INSPECTS THE RACING MACHINES Los Angeles, Cul., Feb. 11. Caleb Bragg, millionaire automobile nicer, iu- le Vlofnftr (nv MlllfU ' s'1''10'' "'nv lluwt-'rt'll racing inu la TlllUiy lUf lUIlllld ' chines here tod-iy, preparatory to cn- icmig some or. tne scneiiuiea soumeru California speed events. Garrison's Resignation Washington, I'eb. 11. Complete vic tory for the pro-militin forces in con gress was indicntod todnv by the decla ration of Cli ii nmn ('liiiiiLber)aiu of the senate military committee that the state troops must form the nucleus of the general defense program. He fa vors however, n modification of the present militia system. "I believe we can practically feder alize the various bodies of national guards," he said, "and I believe we can bring them to a single standard of efficiency, minimize the effect of loc il politics and gradually increase the ef fectiveness of tno militia. "Now that Secretary (iarrison has resigned, I will say that I never fa vored the continental plan. I could not favor his idea of ubindoniug the work that many young men in the vari ous states have conducted voluntarily for years. My idea is that we should improve ami not supplant that plan," ESCHEATED ESTATES DANGERS OF SKIN INFECTION Lurk ln All Emptions and Abrasiona Apply Poslam Promptly. XrWV'' Any abrasion of tho skin, cul, boil, blister, rash, or open sore spot is ilae gerous us a possible source of infec tion, leading to serious skin ilisease, ami should be t rented promptly with Poslam, the antiseptic, healing remedy. Poslam readily shows its power t kill genu life by slopping ull itching Sacramento. al.. Feb. 11. Tho sum soothing iiery skin. Eradicates ml of !f4.s,4 Hiid, representing the value of eczemas, acne, salt rheum, skin scale, unclaimed or escheated estates now ' psoriasis, seven-year itch, barber 's itch held by thirteen counties of California! and similar diseases, will be turned into the stato treasury,) The daily use of Poslam Soap, mcdi Statu Controller John K. Chambers to- ''"ted with Poslam, is an. additional lay requesting the 'attorney general safeguard against infection dangers, to begin the necessary legal action. For samples, send 4c. slumps to Kmer I'nder law this money belongs to the geuey Laboratories, 32 West 25th St., state. New York City. Sold by all druggists. "SALEM'S BEST MARKET PLACE" Now at 426 State Street Some of our conipeditors have made the statement that since our change of location we would advance our prices, which we wish to assure you is NOT correct. THE SAME HIGH QUALITY AND LOW PRICES STILL PREVAIL Largest sir.o Tvi".y Sunkist Oranges, dozen 40c Smaller sizes Fancy Sunkist Oranges, dozen 20c and 30c Tangerines, fancy stock, pound 10c Country Creamery Butter 35c Pound Parlor Matches (Medley brand) ,'t boxes for 10c Cream Boiled Oats (best quality) pound 5c Ann & Hammer Soda, 2 packages 13c Y.doban Milk, 2 cans Lr'C Toilet Paper (crepe) fl rolls 2rc Coal Oil (bring your can) 5 gallons 6."c Bakery Goods, Pies, Cakes, Doughnuts, Cookies, Etc., Fresh Evory Day WESTACOTT-THIELSEN CO. j I 426 STATE STREET PnONCS 830 and 840 g