Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 11, 1916, Image 1

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    il it 'Wit n
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PRICE TWO CENTS stands ftyk cents
She laili
Northwest of Czernowitz and From Bessarabia to Volhynia
Fighting Assaults Are Most Strenuous-On Western
' Front Germans Make Slight Gains and Hold Po ons
Despite Fierce Attacks by French Peace Advt tes
1 at Berne Propose An Armistic, Several Neutral Ni ns
' Represented ' .
.London, Feb. 11. Despite the drawbacks of Wir
the war is flaring out anew on both the eastern ," I
western fronts.
Fighting that began with local attacks in the Artois
and south of Arras is spreading on the western line. At
the same time, the Russians have dispelled the quiet of
the last few weeks and are strongly attacking northwest
of Czernowitz and on the entire front from Bessarabia
to Volhynia.
The Berlin official statement today claimed that,
though the French countered bravely northwest of Vimy
and "south of the Somme, they had not recaptured any
more territory. The Paris communique did net claim any
further gain last night, though previously it had been in
dicated the French won considerable of the ground they
had lost.
"The French after several hours of artillery firing
tried four times to regain their losses, but failed," said
Though both the Germans and French attacked
strongly, it was evident from the official statements to
day that no important results followed. Paris reported
no important changes as a result of the night's struggle.
Peace Advocates Busy. -
1 tor up, Switzerland, 'Fein 11. Peace!
advocates sought here today to ettect
a move looking toward the ending of
the. war.
A permanent committee met to pro
pose an armistice mid to find some
means for a lasting peace. Peice pro
ponents from several neutral nations
Tne delegates hope to obtain at least
n fortnight's armistice before the
spring season reneys the mankilling.
United States Marshal Round
ing Up Indicted Neutralty
San Francisco, Feb. 11. With an en
ormous sheaf of warrants in his posses
ion, United States Marshal Holoban
began today a round-up of alleged bomb
plotters, neutrality violators, and Chin
ese smugglers.
German Consul Bopp, German Vice
Coi-sul Von Schack, Attache Von
JJn'Si ken, C. (.'. Crowley, Johannes Kool
berger, Mrs. Margaret Cornell and
Louis J. Smith, "informer" were the
alleged bomb plotters sought, w
Alleged neutrality violators, charged
with participation in the so-called
"Sacramento expedition" to supply a
I Abe Oartin t
Th' girt who dressed t' attract at
tention generally gits it. It eoni
like th' folks who never sli.nv up
till nine or ten in th' murnin' moke
al! th ' money.
They believed that if the guns were si
lenced for tint length of time, the bel
ligerents would not renew the fight
ing. Hut, if the conference can gain no
truce, it hopes at least to eliminate
some of the more horrible features of
the war, such as air raids upon cities
behind the lir.es of forts.
Prince Von Buelow, Prince Hohenloe
and liaron Von Kraft at Lucerene are
reported to be in close touch with the
movement here.
German squadron included the German
chancellor of tho local consulate, Tur
kish Consul Hall, the German vice con
sul and men prominent in business and
shipping circles here. Immigration
heads, former steamer Mongolia of
ficers nnd Chinese were named in the
smuggling cases.
Indictments formally returned last
night against these men were follow
ed by issuance of warrants. Smith
was the additional person indicted ,but
his naino was included, it is understood
so he may be available as a witness
against Bopp and others.
The "bomb indictments" charge a
conspiracy to blast tunnels in Canada
and likewise plots against steamers.
The neutrality indictments charge
that an expedition to supply German
war vessels was put on foot, with the
Sacramento and other ships used as sup
ply vessels from this port.
Use of the local port as a "naval
base" is one count; false swearing to
manifests is another.
Bonds of $1,000 in the neutrality
cases and $2,500 in the bomb cases was
the anticipated amount. The consular
officials, the first to be involved in
such serious charges, will however, bo
accorded the diplomatic courtesv (of
going without bonds because of their
No trouble was anticipated in mak
ing tne round-up.
Ohio Gas Boom Dying
and Investors Lose Cash
(By United Press.)
Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 11. The gas
boom in this vicinity is over. Too many
persons wanted to get rich quick, and as
a result investors have lost hundreds
of thousands of dollars. Experts to
day placed the gas flow in Cuvahoga
county fields at 35,000,000 cubic feet
per day. A year ago it was 100.000,000,
and the field was rnted as the most
active in the world. Hundreds of wells,
driven at a cost of $0,000 each, are be
ing pulled, and the piping sold for .fiOO.
Most of the gas being used here is piped
from West Virginia.
The knier was on the western
front. The Germans forced the
Russians from their positions
and took Sfi.OOO prisoner in the
historic battle of the Mnzurinn
lakes .The Russians admitted
their retirement in East Trtis
sin. Thirty-four British nircraft
attacked German positions on
the Belgian coast.
1 1 r
i 8s
Waterfront of Stockholm, Sweden, glutted with goods.
The British submarine blockade of Germany in the Baltic is bringing dis aster to those Swedish merchantment
who must depend for a living on thei r export business with the Germans. So stringent has the blockade become
that goods are moved across the Baltic with great difficulty, and the waterfront at Stockholm is glutted with goods
which are being held there until the Bri tish. become a little less active.
(By United Press.)
Washington, Feb. II. The Washing
ton man who keeps bay rum for his
hair and the housewife who puts vanil
la in the angel cake aro both likely to
be visited by the Metropolitan police
if Senator Sheppard's prohibition bill
for the District of Columbia becomes
a law.
The bill now before the sen.ite is
regarded by dry authorities as the most
thorough, comprehensive, iron bound,
steel rivited lid ever devised. The res
idents of the District have no vote or
say as to whether they wish to venture
upon so complete a drought. It's all
up tu congress.
The bill not only prohibits the manu
facture, sale or giving away of liquor,
but it provides that the mere possession
of liquor shall be deemed sufficient
evidence to convict a person of selling
Starch of any premises may be made
upon an informal complaint. Discov
ery of liquor on the premises will void
the lease and give the owner the right
ti eject the occupant. Common carriers
are prohibited bringing alcohol Cover
ages into tho district. Any scheme or
t'tvlce to evade the law shall be re
garded the same as the sale of liquor.
By Wilbur S. Torrost.
(Cnited Press Staff Correspondent.)
With The English Buttle Cruiser
Squadron, Somewhere la The North
Sea, Feb. 11. Huge British cruisers,
fleet scout ships, and a host of mos
quito crift, formed in consUnt battle
line here, are headed out to sea, ready
for instantaneous response when the
wirelss snaps:
"The German fleet is coming out of
its refuge in the Kiel canal."
Through the courtesy of the admiral
ty, I was enabled to spend the day
abroad the giant battle cruiser Tiger
and the smaller cruiser New Zealand.
The Tiger is not only larger than any
dreadnought America has but she has
the great speed of 30 knots.
The Germans still believe the Tiger
is a I car of rusting iron it the bottom
I olf Dc.ger Banks. There over a year
u;'0 l iitish and German craft clashed;
and a Zeppelin reported home that the
Tiger had perished. Now, it is thought
the Unman airship mistook the sinking
Washington, Teb. 11. That
President Wilson favors either
Secretary of Agriculture Hous
ton or Secretary of Interior
Lane for tho port vacated by
Secretary of War Garrison be
came known this afternoon.
Ha will probably choose tho
successor while on a cruise
down the Potomac on which
the president and Mrs, Wilson
are leaving tonight. They plan
to be back here Sunday,
Those Alaskan children who are
going barefoot to school in January
are missing a lot of fun snowballing.
, r
Tre keeper, of liquor may be re
strained as a common nuisance, accord
ing to the proposed regulation.
i'ive wholesale druggists only are to
be allowed to sell wood, grain '.r. de
natured alcohol. Anyone buying it must
make .ir affidavit that he is twenty
one, not of intemperate habits and not
addicted to the use of narcotic drugs.
T'j bia:u wine for sacramental pnr
;osi'f pnests and ministers are to
quired to make application to tho dis
trict ccni!inisi( ncrs specifying for what
sacramental purposes the wine is neces
..iry, ami lew long the quantity ap
plied fur will last.
The ci.ii.iii ssioners, before granting
a permit, which will cost 25 cents, must
satisfy tiicinnlvcs that the facts fire
conect. f-udi wine will then lie al
lowed to be imported, but must bo de
li end ft the church between 6 in the
niOinin- an.l 5 in the evening.
Tho sale of: any liquor cont lining
reo'c than 1-1! of 1 percent of alcohol is
fo'biddiii and subject to all the o'hir
restrictions of the bill. This is under
stood to include perfumery, flavoring
extracts, rnpr.iot.ary medicines, pio
scriptioos rid similar preparations ci n
buniiig men than this amount of alco
hol Blei cher for the Tiger.
From tiie deck of the Tiger I could
sec scout cruisers in the distance. These
have been thrown out at sea to guard
agiiinst submarines which, liko wolves
of the sea, have tried to moke their
way into the fold where lie tho ships of
the grand fleet of Kngland.
This fleet is ready for anything.
Stories have circulated of late that
German warcraft equipped with big
new 17 inch guns, intend to steam out
( f the Kiel canal ami give fight to the
Biilish. They will find tho ships of
England on guard and eager for a
test of strength in a good cause. From
men of the fleet came the confident
prediction th.it Germany would come
cut second best in such a venture.
Every day finds the fleet better pre
pared. Thousands of crew men aro giv
ing their leisure moments to tho manu
facture of munitions, so that if the
blow does come, the ships will have a
tremendous store of death to deal to
tho Teuton enemy.
Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 11. Search for
the savings of James Muck,' a hermit
who died several weeks ago in his cab
in near Nevada City, Cal., ended in Sac
ramento today when it was found he
had !f!),000 in a safe deposit box at the
D. (). Mills bank.
! Mack, who worked for mnny years as
a section hand, lived in seclusion. His
'side amusement was listening to a
phonogruph. He left a crudely drawn
! will bequeathing his property to a man
in Nevada City, although it is said he
i has a sifter who is an actress.
Ice Gorge. Break.
! The Dulles, Or., Eeb, II. The Colum
bia river rose H'.j feet during the night
land was still rising at an alarming rate
I this morning. The channel is filled with
; ice. An immense jrim of ice it Big I'M
ly went cut.
A m?
4 1
Crest of Flood Has Not
Reached City and Another
Is On the Way
Columbia Raising Eight Inches
An Hour At The Dalles
River Full of Ice
Tortalnd, Or., Feb. 11. Floods
threaten Portland on two sides today.
The upper Columbia river was ris
ing rapidly, the crest of the Willam
ette river flood had not yet arrived,
pud more high water was reported from
tho headwaters of the Willamette,
where heavy rains have brought down
some of the mountain snow.
The government weather bureau was
not optimistic regarding tho flood situ
ation today. When the Columbia rises
a few feet more the wuters of the Wil
lamette will be backed up. Rising
water from the upper Willamette ami
its tributaries may put tho water front
streets of Portland under water.
Between Albanv and Oregon City
the river was falling rapidly. Above
Albany new floods were reported, and
the crest of the first flood had not
reache-1 Portland today.
Armed men patrolled a small dike in
the southeast section of the city last
night because threo Japanese threaten
ed to dynamite the dam to remove the
water from their gardens. If the dike
was released the village of Lents would
bo covered with 7 feet of water.
Over three thousand acres of land
in this sction aro flooded by back
water. Portland Docks Covered.
Portland, Or., Feb. 11. With water
covering every lower dock along tne
wnterfront and backing up into some
seWers, the crest of the Willamette riv
er flood was expected early today. A
stage of 19 feet will lie reached before
the water begins to fall.
The Columbia river has risen only
slightly. Because of this there Ins
been little damage in Portland as a re
sult of the high wnter. The flood last
night carried away the gang plank and
moorings of the cruiser Boston, naval
militia training ship, but sho was held
by her anchors.
More ruin was predicted today.
Tahoma May Be Crushed.
Porland, Or., Feb. II. In the midst
of a mass of moving ice the stern
wheel steamboat Tahoma was buffeted
about by the swift current in the
Columbia river this afternoon and the
lives of five men abonrd her were im
perilled. Other steamboats were unable to
shovo their way through the ice and
reach the Tnhnina. Tugs were sent this
afternoon to rescue the men. The bout
probably will be left to its fate.
Since. January second the Tnhomn has
been held hard nnd fust in the ice near
the Oregon shore. Carrying a large
cargo and a number of passengers, she
was frozen in while en route from The
Dalles to Perth-id.
General Scott, Chief of Staff, Designated by President la
Act As Secretary Until Successor Is Named Garrison
Disgruntled Because Wilson Considered All Plans For
Providing Army For Defense Instead of His Alone
Resignation Made Evidently In Fit of Pique-Brecken-ridge
Also Quits
Washington, Feb. 11. President Wilson today form
ally designated General Scott, chief of staff, acting secre
tary of war for a period not to exceed 30 days,, or until
his successor is appointed and qualified.
With Scott thus filling the place vacated by Secretary
Garrison, who quit because his chief, President Wilson,
was not "irrevocably" pledged to the Garrison continental
army plan, the White House made it known that Gar
rison's successor will be a man of great ability.
This man will be appointed within a day; he is likely
to be a "dark horse," the White House indicated, though
a crop of "possibilities" were mentioned in official
quarters. ,
Meantime, it is even more certain that congress win
pass the militia plan in its preparedness program the
idea that caused Garrison's resignation. Chairman Hay
of the house militia committee said so; and Chairman
Chamberlain of the senate military committee indicated
the same thing.
Washington, Feb. 11. With Oeuernl
Scott, chief of the Tinted States nrmy
staff acting as secrHnry of war, Presi
dent Wilson toilny consigned success
ors for Secretary of War Lindey M.
Oairison and Assistant Secretary
Breckenridge, who quit their posts as a
result of disagreement with, president
on the preparedness question.
Speculation as to the successors,
however, was buried in official quar
ters beneath consideration of tho dif
ferences between the president nnd
Garrison which brought the brcnih. The
war secretary regarded these as dif
ferences in principle, not merely in
methods of achieving adequate natiounl
Though there had been rumors that
Garrison iut"nded to quit because of the
apparent failure of the continental
nrmy plan he advocated, the immedi
ate cause of his resignation is believed
to be the following note from tho presi
dent, regarding tho speech the secretary
was scheduled to make lust night before
the chamber of commrco of the United
"You need feel no hesitation about
expressing your personal views on both
subjects (preparedness nnd Philippine
independence) but I hope you will bo
kind enough to draw very carefully tho
distinction between your Individual
views and those of the administra
tion." Would Override President.
Correspondence between the president
nnd Garrison revealed that tho presi
dent was not "irrevocably" committed
to the continental army plan. Gar
rison, on the other hand, insisted that
this was the only means of providing
proper defense. At the sumo time, he
was opposed to the Clarko amendment
to the Philippine bill, whereby indo
pendenco would bo grunted the islunds
in two to four yenrs.
Garrison, too, objected to tho plan
of Chairman Hay of the houso military
committee whereby tho militia would
be federalized. This scheme, ho sug-gc-ster
to bo "mockery" while at the
same timo realizing that most of the
members of the congress did not have
the vital interest in military affairs re
quired for proper consideration there
of. Breckenridgo's retirement followed
Garrison's as a matter of loyalty, for
ho entertained the sume views of the
continental plan ns did Garrison.
Everywhere todny officials expressed
surprise at Garrison's course. He wns
generally popular both from an official
and a personal standpoint, and his re
tirement, therefore,, shocked mnny
. In announcing his objections to feder
alization of the militia, Garrisoa wrote
tho president on January 12:
Ills Flan Alone Good.
"Any other solution (than the con
tinental plun) is illusory and not real;
is apparent nnd not substantial
there is unfortunately very littlo know
ledge and very littlo intense personal
interest in any of tho members of the
house concerning military affairs
in these circumstances, it seems to me
perfectly clear that, unless you Inter
poso your position as lender of the conn-
Irv fin tlila ffrnnl miliiect tlm rpmilt
will be the lamentable one I have de
scribed." The latter referred lo a lack of uni
ficntinn in time of need nnd a tendency
toward politics in tho militia.
Answering Garrison, President Wilson
wroto that "I am not irrevocably or
dogmatically committed to nny one plan
of providing the nation with such a
reserve nnd nm enrdiallv willing to dis
... H
cuss alternate proposals. -I
His Philippine Theories.
A On ttin Philiniiiuo nuestion. Garrison
wroto on February 0:
"I consider tho principle embodied
in tho Clarke amendment on aband
onment of the duty of this nation and
a broach of trust toward tho Filipinos;
so bolicving I cannot accept it or ac
quiesce in its nccoptnnce." At the same
time, he wrote on the militia that ha
regarded It as an "unjustifiable im
perilling of tho nation's snfoty."
Tho following day, the president
answered that personally he believed
it "unwise" to extend further self
government to the islands "at- tbia
timo," but held it would be Inndvis
ablo for him to dissent if both house
concurred, though he suggested he must
withhold judgment until tho measure
reached him.
Yesterday the secretary sent his res
ignation saying it was manifestly im
proper for him to continue when thera
was such a difference between him and
the president on "fundamental prin
ciples." Tho nrcuMcrit expressed "very great
surprise" when he accepted the resig
nation, but said ho felt ho would mere
ly impose on additional burden on
Garrison if he insisted on bi-s remain
ing in tho cabinet.
The two resignntions were decided on
suddenly, for an hour beforo Garrison
was scheduled to speak before th
chamber of commerce it was announced
that advanco copies of the speech
would be given out ns soon as the
stenographer transcribed the secre
tary's notes. The rccrctary, it was
said, had triexl to conform to the presi
dent's wishes in the matter of express
ing his personal views. The resigna
tion, however, was offered, and Garri
son and his wife left for New York
after cancelling the speaking engage
mcnt. Resiimed in Pit of Plqua.
The spcoch was being given to re
porters when an employe was called into
Garrison's office, and a moment after
ward dashed out und held up the speceh.
During tho hour's wuit for the copy,
Garrison and Breckenridge conferred
and then it was announced that (he sec
retary had suddenly been culled out of
town. 1
General Scott did not attend tho
cabinet session today In his capacity
of secretary ad interim, however.
Until a successor is named, President
Wilann will tnkn iKTsonnl churze of tha
administration preparedness program.
General Scott, However, win oi
charge of the routine affairs of the war
Garrison has more keenly resented the
attitude of Chairman Hay than that of
any other person in congress. After
the secretary had submitted a complete)
plan for a military system which ho
thought eliminated the two chief ob
jections to the present militia system,
ho found them cnt.;netied in Hay's
(Continued on Pane His.)
Oregon: Tonight
and Saturday oc
rnsioiiul r iin, and
colder in tho east
portion tonight;
variable winds,
mostly southerly.