Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 10, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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. !
Says a Little Salts In Water
May Save You From
Dread Attack
Kiipiimntism U easier to avoid than
to cure, states a well-known authority.
Wn nre n,lvied to ilre-s wsrinlv; keen
the feet dry; avoid exposure; eat less j Recitation
meat, but drink plenty of good water.
liueuniatism is a direct result ot eat
ing too much meat and ether rich foods
that produce uric neid which is absorb
ed into the blood. It is the function of
the kidneys to filter this acid from the
Livesley News
(Cnpital Journal Special Service.)
I.ivesley, Ore., Feb. P. The Literary
society had a fine program for their
meetinjr lait Friday evening. The full
house enjoyed a good entertainment
rendered by the following:
Talk ." by Mr. Cecil Mygant
Violin Duett
E. Bressler and X Gerber
.1. Gerber, X. Carpenter, 0. D. Query.
J. Watson
Dining"'. "A Matrimonial Advertise
ment." Sok) Melba PnvenKrt
Medley Firos Orchestra
Snng. "Jingle Bells."-
Mr. Del Sbelton
Melba Davenport and Gordon Green
street Music, Violin and Guitar and Firos Orchestra
Song, "Put on Airs" .. By Sharp Bros.
blood and east it out in the urine; the Dialogue. "-A Raise in Salary"
pores of tiie skin are also a means of
freeing the blood of this impurity. In
damp and ehillv cold weather the sUm
pores are closed thus torcmg the kid
neys to do doublt work, they become
weak and slupeish nnd fail to eliminate
the uric acid which keeps accumulating
and circulating through the system,
eventually settlin" in the joints and
muscles causing stiffness, soreness and
pain called rheumatism.
At the first twinge of rheumatism
get from any pharmacy about four
ounces of .Tad Salts; put a tablespooa
ful in a glass of water nnd drink be
fore breakfast each morning for a
week. This is said to eliminate uric
neid by stimulating the kidneys to nor
mal action, thus ridding the blood of
these impurities.
.lad Salts is inexpensive, harmless
and is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with litliia
and is used with excellent results by
thousands of folks who nre subject to
rheumatism. Here yon have a pleasant
effervescent litliiawnter drink which
helps overcome uric acid ami is bene
Xicial to vour kidnevs as well.
Old Timers Recall
Real Flood In Salem
The flood yesterday with it 2t feet
above low water mark is not much of
a flood, according to the old timers in
Salem who remember the floods of
1MMJ and 1301.
In 18t0, the Dim .T.'Fry warehouse
on Front street, between Trade and
il-'erry, was just on the edge of the river
bunk and during the flood of that year,
steamboats treup to a maple tree
standing in front of the warehouse.
This was also tho ye.ir that the
Bv I.. Johnston and E. Sharp
Song Mr. Del Slielton
Recitation Mr. Cecil Mvgnnt
Duett, "She Sang Alolin to Me
Mrs. D. Fiddler and Mrs. J. I.ankford
Mr. Mvgnnt gave us his views on
current topics including "Prepared
ness" and was given a good hearing.
The paper was rend by Earl Sharp.
The debate "Resolved, That Edison
has done more for humanity than Bur
bank," was discussed by the younger
members of the society nnd -was won
by the negative side led by Fred Dav
enport. Georgo Brown leading the af
firmative side .
The debate for Friday will be "Re
solved, That a spendthrift is a bigger
detriment to the country than a miser."
A number of young people met nt the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ekin on Satur
day evening. Diiucing was the event
of the evening and was kept up till a
late hour, all having a good time.
Those present were: Joe Kaufman,
Henry Kaufman, Walter Bowman.
Louis Palchenberg, Bert Long, Claud
Edwards, Calvin Bresslor, Noble Hem
mingson, Albin Hemmingson. William
Doyle. Lee Taylor, Matthew Ringwald.
Joe Rinnwnlil. Arthur Zielke, Leonard
Zielkp, Earl Sharp, Ror Slinrn. George
Brown, Hare Adams, Fenrl Ekin, Jes
sie l-.kin. Mnble hkin, Dollie Dutton
Mary Bareelt, Mary Dovle, Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. Adams. Mr. nnd Mrs. ,T. Lank
ford. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. TTiggins. Mr.
and Mrs. C. Ekin.
Mr. and Mrs, George Bresslor are re
joicing over the arrival of a seven
pound baby girl in their home.
The feiry belonging to Mr. John Ma
ther was carried down the river some
rime during Sunday night.
The horse belonging to Mm. G. W.
Cnolidge died on Snndnv night.
Rev. W. Xicholl began revival meet-
Prof. C. S. Sherman, head of the de
partment of education, gave an inter-,
esting leeturo on "The Mission of Edu
cation" in the chapel of Waller hall
last night. A large crowd was present,
despite the number of other attractions
on last evening.
The crying need of Willamette uni
versity and other colleges' is the assum
ing by the individual student of intel
lectual responsibility.- The professor's
address showed the work of years ia
the working out of details, and was a
masterful production.
Some of the ideas presented in the
paper were: . .
Education is a preparation for com
plete living, ifshould strive to produce,
a sound body, a sane mind and the abil
ity to make an honest living.
Education should aim to conserve, de
velop and enrich human, life intellectu
ally, morally and spiritually that man
may attain his highest ideals. Any
experience which will bias future' ac
tions, mentally, morally or spiritually,
educate. -
Education must interpret the environ
ment, the educator must control it, and
the individual adjust himself to it;
therefore put into the environment
what you desire in the individual.
"Theologians and men of letters may
say that education has been overesti
mated from a scientific standpoint, but
l must reply in the negative.'. Science
is a constant struggle against ignor
ance. Progress consists of making mis
takes, then recognizing and correcting
Professor Sherman then considere
the mission of education from four
other standpoints, namely:
Physical, intellectual, moral and re
ligious development.
Physical education is of great import
ance in maintaining health, on which
depends the welfare of mind and bod v.
Play is the most important form of
physical education, being a rehearsal of
racial tendencies. Children mimic and
entertain everything in nature..
Intellectual education has for its aim
the development of truth, goodness and
Markets For Product Only
Obtained by Large Pool
of Growers
Classified Advertising Page
Here is i chance for a local co-oper
ative market association, or some kind
of an association .that could collect the
small amounts of produce from the
farmers and ship in carload lots.
Several farmers,-living in the vicin
ity of Salem, have recently been in con
ference witu manager O. U. Luck, ot
the commercial club, with reference to
the sale of onion sets. Tho farmers
wunted to know if there was a market
and what price would be offered.
Mr. Luck at once entered into corres
pondence with several of the largest
seed houses in Chicago, and received by
return mail answers trom all firms
written, stating they were in the mar
ket for onion sets, but in order to se
cure favorable freight rates, could use
them only in car lots, about 30,01)0
Tho W. W. Barnard Seed Co., of C hi
cago, wrote they were in the market
for large lots and suggested that sam
ples of onion sets be mailed them, with
prices, lav-oriole replies were re
ceived from Peter Hollenbeck Seed
company, Chicago, and the Leonard
Seed comapny, Chicago.
From the correspondence received by
Mr. Luck, he was of the opinion there
would be no difficulty in selling onion
sets, providod shipments could be made
of large enough size to interest the
larger buyers. The big buyers want
car load shipments, '.'
All of which, according to the opin
ions of several who are interested, in
die ite that the problem is not so much
Eggs,, trade' 3"esohs having claims against said estate
Hens, pound 12 l-2c 1 are hereby notified to present the
Roosters, old, per pound ..... .7(57 l-2c!same, duly verified as required by law,
Spring chickens, pound 13 1-Ve at the law offices of Smith & Sniclds,
. . I 40S Salem Bank of Commerce building,
Pork, Veal and Mutton. - I in the city of Salem, Marion county,
Veai dressed ' lOffill l 'c ' Oregon, within six mouths from the
Pork', dressed .'. .7.7. . .'. ,7 P l-2c j ..... , t. . . .
Pork, onfoot.. i C 3-4 7c ! . 'f1 f'f t pu dished th.s 3rd
Z7. """" :57ToAt VeTj. S1EWERT, .
S'e"s;-9 1 Executor of the estate Of Daniel A.
Bulls 3 l-2c
Ewes , 5c
Wethers $c
Lambs, grain fed 7c
Siewert, deceased.
March 2.
Toauatses, California
String garlic
Potatoes, cwt.
Brussels sptouts
2.00 1
138 South High street. We clean,
. press, repair, remodel and re-line
clothing and furs. Careful -attention
given all work. We call and deliver.
Phone 728.
Sweet potatoes .... $3.00
Beets ,u 1.00
Carrots '. $1.00
Turnips ...... $1.00
Celery, case y....... $5.00
Onions .. ..." $2.75
California head lettuce, case .... $2.50
Apples, Hood River. $I.25(?p.75
Oranges, Navels ' . . . . .
Tangerines oranges ...
Lemons, per box .... v.
Bananas, pound i . .
z-i:f 4 ii.
vumufuia gritpv irmt
Administers Nitrous Ozid and Ogygen
Room 211. Phone440.
Masonic Temple. Salem.Ore.
DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and have got no relief, try Chiroprac-
tic spinal adjustments and get well.
Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank
Building, hjhone Main 87. Kes'dence
Main 828-R.
DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer
ican School of Osteopathy, Kirks
ville, Mo. Post graduate and special
ised in nerve diseases at Los Angele
college. Treat acute and chronic dis
eases. Consultation free. Lady at
tendant. Office 505-500 TJ. 8. Na
tional Bank Building. Phone 851).
Residence 346 North Capital street.
Phone .169.
, $2.253.25
....'. $1.75
. $4.254.75
.... i. 5 l-4e
Dates, dromedary, case , $3.35
Fard dates $1.60
Grapes, barrols .............. v. $4.00
Cranberries ... . . ; . $12.00
narkcts, as the proposition of getting
duty. It has two factors: Permanency. tae products ot the valley together
bridge was washed out. During that ;;,, nr the phurdi on Moiulnv evening
ami win continue two weeks.
G. F. Higirius is bnsv installing an
electric lighting system in his home
flood, the back water came up on
Mill creek as tar as Tweiitn street ami
the city around Oak and Winter streets
was a l.kf. Business men going home
The high water caused some of thp
to that part of 'the city took a row boat oi;;illmrs on tl(1 bottr;m '0 ,,if;
move on to get their stock on higher
and "comparatively" drier ground.
School matters nre again a little ex
citing in the district and are causing
an exchange of views. - -
at Winter nnd rowed up Mill to Sum
mer street. The back water come up on
High street, reaching just to the side
walk of State, in front of the Oregon
Electric station.
' But tiie flood of fflO was" nothing
compared to the greatest of ill floods,
which began late in December of 1S61.
A steamboat came up State street nnd
tied up right in front of the First
Methodist church, according to Judge
V. II. 1) 'Arcy, and the judge knows as
he was here at the time and saw the
steamboat coming up the street. In
fact the water extended over State and
Court streets as far east as Cottage
street. All those who were driven from
tfieir homes or in danger, went to what
was then known as the old Institute,
located on the site of the Willamette
university gymnasium. Where the
tUmrt apartments now stand, was a
farm house and the water during this
flood was deep enough to swtm a horse.
Following the flood camp a deep snow
staying on the ground six weeks nnd
the weather was bitter cold. A com
pany of soldiers was stationed here
during the flood under command of
Captain .leak Harding.
the nucleus of dogmotism; nnd critic
ism, the nucleus of change.
These facts cause intellectual educa
tion to pass through three steps; Dog
matism, skepticism and criticism.
Moral education is the first in the
point of importance Moral ideas lead
to moral actions, and nioruls are con
duct. Disposition is the climnte of the soul.
Whatever is desired in the child must
be found in the parent. Iu sex educa
tion there are three steps: Intellect
ual attainment of facts. Emotional
states of mind; spiritualizing of sex
Religious education should be largely
taught, in the Sunday school rather
than the public school. It aims to
cultivate a sense of responsibility, and
an altruistic nature. Religion 'is an
emotion guided by thought and workc'
our in action, it is a matter nf cnn.
tagion which appeals to the feelings
and emotions.
Vocational education is becoming nn
importnnt subject, and should be so I
for it is the duty of the state to do n''
it can for its individual members to
tench them a trade; consequently the
manual training departments in high
schools are in the right direction of
Action and effort are two important
necessities in education and are funda
mental to the attainment of knowledge.
Mr. Bower, a former minister of Sa
lem, hut more recently returned from
a two years' sojourn in Nome, Alaska,
where he was a missiouarv- to the Es-
; quimaux. spoke in chanel this morning
to rne snicient noov nnd faculty.
His tnlk was largely historical and
was listened to attentively bv all, as he
and shipping them iu lots that will be
interesting to the big buyers iu the
Pineapplei -Honey
7 l-2c
NOTICE J. C. O'Eciley and W. L.
Baker, of the Modern Shoe Eepair
company have dissolved partnership.
Signed. W. L. Baker.
DR. D. B. GRIFFIN Drug and drink
cure. 1425 Fir street, near Meyeri
street. Phone 1037J.
rent, very reasonable. Phono 1995.
vegetable gardner, out and indoors,
wants wprk. References. Or farm
work; teaming, etc. M. G., care of
Journal. Feblt
"Nutrition Expert" For
State Institutions
Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 10. After a 6
months try-out of the plan to have a
nutrition expert prescribe the diet for
the 10,000 inmates of state institutions
prisons, insane hospitals, etc. the
state board of control is today of the
opinion that the idea is a splendid one.
Dr. M. E. Jaffa, professor in chemis
try in the University of California,
was selected as nutrition expert.
Of Ur. Jaffa's work, Johu F. Ncy'
Inn, chairman of the board of control
says: "The plan has already resulted
in not only introducing a verietyof
the diet, but has increased the palata
bility and has conclusively demonstrat
ed that this sort of supervision results
in economy in the food being made at
tractive and being consumed bv the in
mates with a much less loss due to
" ' Retail Prices, '
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch .. 35(Ti40c
Sugar, cane ' .- $7.05
Sugar, D. G. $6.S5
Creamery butter ue
Flour, hard wheat .....$1.60-:$l-.90
Flour, valley ' $1.30$1.60.
l'ort'and, Ore., Feb,, 10 Wheat:
Club, DltfiflSc. '
Blucstem, $1.07(1.10
Fortyfold, i)7c(? $1.00.
Russian Red, 05c$1.03. . "
Oats: No. 1 white feed $2(1.75 fi
27.75. '.
Barley, feed, $29.00(ff 30.00.
Hogs, best live, $8.05.
Prime steers, $i.50i.i.i.
Fancy cows, $0.500.73.
Calves, $7.00(7j 8.00.
Spring lambs, $8.73.
Butter, city creamery,' 34c. "
Eggs, selected lociu ex., 32(7 IIP.c.
Hens, 15(ii 10c.
Broilors, lf(f; lfic. ' '. '
Geese, 10(fiilc.
CALL US 1022. Fixit Shop. Ask
about repair work id general. Don't
fQrget we do nig cleaning also. Ash-mou-Buckncr.-
261 Court street. Sa-
.lem, .Oregon. ' Febl9
. and also' taken in exchange.' Full
line new furniture, ranges, heaters
arid other house furnishings. Some
walnut pieces. Peetz Furniture Co.,
233 North Commercial street. Fhone
(184. tf
FOR SALE Fresh young Jersey cow.
771 North Commercial. teoll
FOR SALE A few Rhodo Island
White Cockrels. Eggs $1.50 and $2.00
for 15. Booking orders to ship later.
State when. Jas. Olmstead, MeMinn
ville, Oregon. Marl
FOR SALE Or exchange, 840 acrca
well improved sandy loam, Nebraska
farm. Will take ten or more acres
in exchange. Square Deal Realty
Co., 304 U. S.- Bank Bldg.
Says Cream Applied In Nostrils
ltelieves Head-Colds at Once.
If your nostrils are clogged and your
head is stuffed and you can'-t breathe
freely because of a cold or catarrh, just
get a" small bottle of Ely's Cream Halm
nt any drug store. Apply a little of
this fragrant, antiseptic cream into
your nostrils nnd let " it penetrate
"through every air passage of your head,
soothing and healing the inflamed,
swollen mucous membrane and you get
instant relief.
Ah! how good it feels. Your nostrils
am open, your head Is clear, no more
hawking, snuffinf, blowing; no more
headache, dryness or struggling for
breath. Elly's Cream Balm is just
what, sufferers from head colds and ca
tarrh need. It's a delight.
Daniel J. Fry Will Return the Money
If Mi-o-na Does Not Relieve
Among all the remedies in Daniel J.
Fry's popular drug store, there are few
that he is willing to sell on a guarantee
to refund the money if they do not
Mi-o-na, the famous dvspepsla remedy
has helped so many of his customers presented his subiect in such nn inter-
that Daniel J. Fry says, "If thisi esting manner. He stated that in Alas
remedy does not relieve you, come bncklka one can see more scenic, beauty in
to my store and I will cheerfully re-' three months than could be seen in a
turn your money." period of three years in Europe.
Anyone who has dyspepsia, indiges- He gave several short descriptions of
tion, headaches, dizzy feelings or liver native life in Alaska, nnd also showed n
troubles, should take advantage of this; number of relics which he had collected,
chance to be made well without any j some of which nre of great value,
risk of spending their money to no pur- j The basketball game to bp played be
pose. Mi-o-na will relieve you, Willi tween W. I, nnd the U. of Idaho, will
regulate the digestion, will euable you! be played on Friday evening at the
to eat what you want. If it does noti Willamette gymn, instead of Saturday
do all this it will not cost you a cent.1 as scheduled." Idaho is touring throng
Daniel J. Fry has sold hundreds of, Oregon.
boxes of Mi-o-na in the last few weeks'
and has yet to receive tho first com-j The freshman class challenged the
plaint from anv customer. Such a three upper classes vesterdav to en-
record is simply marvelous and speaks! r,r a glee contest to be held March 10.
volumes for the merit of the remedy. Each 'lass must write the words and
It is easy enough to fill a column! music for the song and every member
with the symptoms afflicting those who i ,miRt aid in its rendition,
have dysipsia, .but there is no need T,IP annual freshman glee is a well
of describing their condition. Whatl established event and h is been the
thev want is relief and thev can getr1"" of a number of good Willum
it in Mi-o-na. Do not suffer a davjotfe ""'KS to be written such as few
longer with disordered digestion, if j fll'hols have. Each class will put forth
Mi-o-na relieves von it costs vnn fin I every effort to win the contest as a
cents a box. if it does not. vo'n havei"""e l'enuant is given the winner.
Daniel J. Fry's personal guarantee to
return your money.
Oakland, Cal.. Feb. 10. The body of
the man found floating in the estuary
at the foot of Fallon street early yes
terday has been identified as Thom
as Kenny, a Folsom street saloonkeep
er, living in San Francisco. Kenny,
according to his widow, Mrs. Hannah
Kenny, who identified the body this
morning, disnpoared from his home on
January 9. She could give no reason
for his disappearance or suicide. Ken
ny was 35 years' of age. His body,
which was found by James Brewster,
an employe of the Snnta Fc, has been
in tho water ten davs.
fc sc sjc ffc fc sjs sji jc sfc s( sc )(c jjc jc sjc sj(
Get prices on commercial printing
at Tne Capital Journal office.
i iuu Kewara, iuu
The readers of this paper will b
pleased to learn that there Is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all Its stages, and that Is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure now known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces ot the system, there
by destroying the foundation of the dis
ease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing Its work. The proprietors
have so much faith In Its curative pow
ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that tt falls to cure. Send
for list of testimonials.
.AddreM: P. J. CHENEY k CO. Toledo, O.
finld by all DruRgliti, 75c.
Tike Hall's Family Pills for ntlpatlott
A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2.
Meets every Monday . evening at 8
in the McCornack hall, corner Court
and Liberty streets, R. O. Donaldson,
M. W.f S.' A. McFadJen, recorder;
A. L. Brown, Financier.
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main
2247. Residence Main E272.
SALEM LOiHiK No. 4, A. F. & A. M.
Stated communications first irulny
in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the
Masonic Temple. Ch'as. M. Carter,
W. M.; S. Z. Culver, secretary.
PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. & A. M.
Stated communications third Friday
in each month at 7:H0 p. m. in the
Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolam, W.
M.; Ernest II. Choate, secretary.
Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillaon,
secretary. All cases of cruelty or
neglect of dumb animals should be
reported to tne socrotary lor investi
are superior to Balsam
of Copaiba, Gubebs or
Injectinna.arid '-'N
RELIf.vr8 In (MIOY)
24 HO'JnS th '
same diseases with
out Inconvenience.
Sold bv all drnooi'ts.
R. N. OF A. "Oregon Grape Camp,"
No. 1300, meets every Thursday ev
ening in McCornack building, court
and Liberty streets; elevator. Mrs.
Svlvia Schaupp. 1791 Market, orucle;
Mrs. Melissa Persons, recorder, 1296
North Commercial, phone 1430-M,
WEBB tc CLOL'OH CO. C. B. Webb,
A. M. Clough morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed.
499 Court street. Main 120, Main 933.
directors and undertakers, 232 Nort a
High street. Day and night phono
corner Commercial and Trade street.
For water service apply at offiee.
Kill payable monthly in advance.
K. T. Ucgular conclave fourth Fri
day in each month at 8 o'clock p. m.,
in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir
Knights are courteously invited to
meet with us. Lot L. Pcarce, E. C,
Frank Turner, recorder.
CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P.
McCornack building. Tuesday even
ing of each week at 7:30. F. F.
Schram, C. C; W. B. Gilson, K. of R.
and S.
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, aud
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid the
producer. Corrections are made
Tho hog market is stronger today
with nu advance of half a cent all along
the line. Eggs continue weak, although
the prices today are 30 cents cash with
ft feeling that the price will soon weaken.
Los Angeles, Cal.. Feb. 10.
Dr. G. V. Heyl. of I.os Angeles,
a chemist, declared today he had
perfected a new nnd powerful
explosive which would be of
great value to rtmcrici in the
event of war. The base of the
explosive is a California mineral
for AID
Aa vnt if- iuu itrtf lifln ,ln.,l.ln.l 1
where' to hold the contest, the chapel j ay' timo'hy. Per t0n
is too small to accomodate the crowd ' vetcn
that attends, nnd the armory is per-!!,eat
haps the best location as vet consid-! ("(,vcr "ay
eed. " I Wheat
The Websterian program for this Outs
ievening has for its main consider-: Rolled barley
tion. a debate nn "Resolved, That I orn
Lowest Paved Street
at High and Ferry
The lowest paved street in the city Jresi.lpnt Wilson's prep .redness policy Cracked corn ..
is at the intersection of High and ui,,,i.i i. o.i,.t.i ti... .,,..:,. J Bran
, 14.00
$ 12.00
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed in the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for the County
of Marion, her Final Account bs Ad
ministratrix, with the Will aniu'xed of
the estate of John Minto, deceased,
and that said Court has' fixed Moniliy
the 14th day of February, 1010, ot the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said dny ns
the time, and tho County Court Room
iu the County Court House in Salem, in
Marion-County, Oregon, as the place
for hearing said Final Account nnd all
objections thereto.
Date I nt Salem, Oregon, this 12th
day of January, 1910.
JUAUY llAliljl'il,
8 Regular meeting every first and
third Tuesday at 8 p. ni. in the Ma
sonic Temple. Minnie Moeller, W.
M.; Ida M. Babcock, secretary.
evcrv Friday night at 8 o'clock in
McCornack block. B. W. Mncey,
0. C: L. S. Geer, clerk. C07 Court
street. Phone 593.
TEH. No. 1, If. A. M. Regular meet
ing second Friday in oach month at
8 p. m. in tho Masonic Temple. Ray
F. Richardson, Ex. High Priest; Itus
sell M. Brooks, secretary.
, $41. SO
215.0001 27.00
$':!fi 00 1 Administratrix with the Will Annexed
terry, wnere according to the c't.vwill be upheld by Messrs. Hall and; Shorts, per ton
, fc. ...iinu, me mreei is .... . rirgcl, while the affirmative will Dei
feet above low water mar'k, Tiie defended bv Garv and King. After-
river gunge of low water and the city 'wards the newly elected officers will 1 Butterfat 32c
gunge (Jitter, the river guage bemgi furnish "ents' to the assembled Creamery butter, per pound 34c
Country Butter 'Zm
of the Estate of John Minto, Ho
ceased. , ' Feb, 10
2.05 feet lower. Hence nccordinrr to crowd.
the city engineer's figures, a riverj Tomorrow will be set aside as a Jay
guage of .'IS feet would have to be , of prayers for colleges ami no classes'
reached before water would cross High
and Ferry streets, just iu the rear of
the Electric depot
According to the city engineer's
reroTds, Commercial street is 44 feet
above the city's low water mark. Trade
will be held, instead the classes will
assemldo in designated rooms at 9:00
o'clock and hold prayer services until
the regular chnpel time when Dr. Chas.
ltowen, of Seattle, Washington, will ad
dress the students. He will also deliv-
street at Front, i, 40 feet above, Fer- cle""l Bl ' :uu m
J'rot. Jonn U. Hall gave n
From the Stomach, Liver or Bowels
should not I ignored. Watch for any
eymptoins of distress nnd immediately
help Nature by trying
! ii Stomach Bitters
n n
ry and Front is 43 feet, State and
Ferry 4." feet. Court anil Front 4t feet.
'and Chemeketa and Front 43 feet
! above low water mark. According to
E. the river jungc, the water would have
; to be exactly 2.f." feet above these
i-n.-fiF.ld linfnrA mni'liinn tliA mirtintm
The flood of liMHi brought tho water
31.2 feet above 7orn, bringing it np
into the Spauldiug lumber Co. 's yard.
As the yard has been filled in about
a foot, the water would have to reach
a guage of 32 feet before covering any
part nf the yard.
New Today ads costs you les than
you think worth more than you
very in
teresting talk this morning in ciinpel
on the temple of the humnii body. Free
will is the greatest power of the indiv
idual and it should be controlled; for
thought produces action, action forms
habits, habits make chirncter, and
character forms destiny.
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash 32c
Egg, case count, cash 30c'
ft Skin of rsauTy is a Joy forevtr
IIIpaT Afc
I'lIU in lirsl
Talk llrr.
yttnk wn HM . h (nt . A I y & ii .
villi Hum tliMwxi. W
tin? f V
Tun, Vtmipl
Mr. tli lMrl.i
d Mill DlMfaWt
hi boiiif, a. id ii.
fli-nl-tectirm. I
Ii tt'M-ft tbt t
of J au
li m hinniH
tit tibiiurct
l pr-'t'Tly niftr
Ace w winti-i
f'-it ' ot iioi 11'.
imra Ir U .
Uvr Mid to .
vy ft tti h-utt
t n i pAtinit
" At j-1 livlle
will tbva
2hhJU rrm' . the Oft harmfii. rtf all Or
kin mftwaViotm." J- !! Iit it 'InwU '!! 'ncvj
' Notice is hereby given that on tin
order of the County Court for Marion
Comity, Oregon,' duly entered of record
this day, It. i iiump has I iron nppiint
cd executor of the East Will and Testa
ment of Mary A. Uump, deceased,' nd
has duly qualified as sucli. All persons
having claims against said estuio. are
hereby notified to 'present the same,
duly verified to the undersigned, ut.
Brooks, Oregon, or to Carey V. Martin,
Attorney for said Estate, 413 .Masonic
Temple 'Building, SaKm, Oregon, with
in six months from the -duto of this
Dated, January 18, lft 1 0.
B. F. imtt
Executor of tho last Will and Testament-
of .Mary A. It u nip, Deceased. -
carky F. HAirnx, '
Attorney for Estare. ,
, Jan. 21-27 Feb. 3 10-17
Orogon Cedar Camp, No. 5210,
meets every Thursday evening at
o'clock in McCornack hall corner
Court and Liberty streets. Elevator
sorvice. W. W. Hill, V. C.j Hex. A,
Turner, clerk.
UNITED A HTJSAN8 Capital Asscm
bly, No. 84, meets every Wednesday,
at 8 p. tn. in Mooso hall. C. O. Mat
lock, M. A.; C. Z. Randall, secretary,
Salem Hank of Commerce.
HODSON CO UNCI Ij. No. 1, R. ft 9. M
Stated assembly first Monday in
each month, Masonic Temple. N. P,
Rasmussen, Thrice Illustrious Mas
ter; Glenn C. Niles, recorder.
CJT6 of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine 'which
will cure any known
153 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283.
ON Good Real Estate Becuxlty.
Over Ladd ft Bush Bank, Saiem, Oregoi
X. B. FLEMING, Prop.
Depot American Fence
Gates, Plain and Barbed Wire.
Paints, Oils and Varnishes.
Eooflng, Posts, Hop Uoolu.
t 40 Years Malting Stoves
tores rebuilt and repaired. f
tores bought and sold. J
850 Court Street. Phone 134
Back of Chicago Store. t
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Notice is hervliy liiven tluit liy sn
order of the county court of the tttnfej
of Oregon for Marion county, duly1
nmUc hiuI entered on. the ilitii day ot
.liuiunry, I '.till, the undersigned was np-l
j ointed exeeuter of the etate of Dii'i-
S i A. Siewei t. deceased, mnl tll.it he I
O.T.H3PlIS.fr.37El-tl Jr.na!'mllpillC lt duly ipiulit'ieJ ns urhv All I'cr;
faleiii Klceinc'Cosouio Temple, 127 North High ..
Bulem Steam Lanndry, 130 South Liberty
Main 1200
Mala 21
T. M. Burr, 104 Routh Commercial Street Main 193
fcalclu Truck Dray Co, corner State and Frout streets Main 74