Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 10, 1916, Image 4

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    The Capi
Febriitirv in. IHIC.
Editor and Manager.
I Page of
tal Journal
Capital Journal
Bsily by carrier, per year
Daily by mail, per year . . .
New York Chicago
"Ward-Lewis-Williama Special Agency Hurry R. Fisher Co.
Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
poreh. If the carrier docs not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
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Phone Main SI.
If there is anything that
at once to arrange to own
plant, it is the threat of the
would at once advance the price oi armor plate .zuO a
ton if congress passed the bill providing for government
ownership of such a plant. This is a deliberate threat
that it would hold up the government regardless of the
danger of the act to the country, and would either compel
it to pay an exorbitant price for the armor necessary
while the government plant was being perfected or leave
the ships now under construction unfinished.
If this great trust would thus treat the people of the
United States to accomplish its purpose, that of getting
unholy prices for its goods, what has it been doing to it
all these years during which it has had a monopoly?
This country may be weak as to its standing armies
but there is a means by which the plant could be taken
over by the government at its sweet will, and the price it
would be compelled to pay would be fixed by others than
those now owning it.
The threat should remove the last bit of hesitation on
the part of congress about the country having its own
plant. The trust has shown that it would throw the
countiy down for a money consideration, and emphasises
the necessity of the government not remaining at the
mercy of that kind of Americans, who put selfish interests
above the safety of the country.
The threat should be remembered against them by
every true American forever, and they should be de
prived of citizenship in a country on which they have
fattened and to which they are a disgrace.
General Miles, now retired, but recently commanding
the forces of the United States, is against preparedness,
other than that he suggests the increasing of the stand
ing army to 110,000 or 150,000 men. He says that if this
country could not raise men in short order to drive out
an army of a million invaders he would want to leave it.
Admiral Blue is of much the same opinion, pointing out
that with plenty of submarines no fleet would venture
near our coast. He also points out the difference be
tween operating submarines from a harbor against war
vessels and using them at points remote from their base.
It was the "enemy's" innings in the preparedness ex
amination yesterday.
Prosperity has certainly hit the east a hard jolt. The
convention of the National Tailors of America opening
in St. Louis Monday showed-the men's styles that are to
be the mode the coining year. Among these are "green
frock coats with wide red stripes and extreme models in
evening dress, including a wine colored coat with a
lavendar vest to go with it." Patterns in large checks
are prominent among the displays and green is the pre
dominant color. All needed to make perfect ladies of Un
fashionable dudelets will be pink pantalettes, knee length
and laced with cerise.
One of the things keeping Oregon's nose on the
financial grindstone is the scarcity of ships to carry the
cargoes on the Atlantic coast to their destination. This
has caused the transcontinental railroads to issue orders
rot to accept freight for shipment abroad. The wharves
are congested now and conditions are steadily growing
worse despite all precautinos of railroads and shippers.
Oregon hops have felt the effect of this more than almost
any other product.
' The sub-committee of the democratic national com
mittee which met in St. Louis yesterday had a consensus
of opinion amongst themselves all deciding that Wilson
would be the democratic nominee without opposition.
Wonder if they have forgotten, or just overlooked Bryan.
A democratic campaign without the Nebraskan would be
like Hamlet without the ghost or a mulligan stew with
out onions. He is the "also ran'' part of the show.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1S68
CAPITAL $300,000.00
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Depwsit Boxes
Ptg. Co., Inc.
bee. and Treaa.
45.00 Per month.
. 3.00 l'er moutli.
should cause the government
and operate its own armor
manufacturers that they
It is claimed the allies are buying an average of 2,000
horses a day in the United States, and that the average
price is $1:!5 for cavalry and $165 for artillery horses.
This indicates that about three hundred thousand dollars
are spent daily in this country for horses for the Euro
pean war. The same source says this country has about
seven million surplus horses. These at the present prices
would have a total value of one billion dollars.
Admiral Blue says the American navy is now ready
to meet any enemy it might be called on to encounter on
the Pacific. This listens good but would make the coast
feel safer if it was known whether the admiral counted
on getting ships from the Atlantic for. the purpose if
they were needed on the Pacific. He should remember
that there are two things that might interfere with this
scheme. One is the canal and the other dynamite.
Uncle Sam is evidently billed for a hard time with his
little family of American republics. Salvador objects to
his making a treaty with Nicaragua by which he gets th2
sole privilege of building a canal through that republic.
Little Salvador and Honduras need have no fear of their
uncle building that canal soon. One at a time is enough
for the old man, at least until it gets so it will "stay put."
For the past six weeks the temperature here has been
from eight to ten degrees higher than in Portland. Con
sidering that we are only 50 miles further south this is
a pretty good showing. The difference is due to the
Columbia canyon which lets the zephyrs from eastern
Oregon strike that inland seaport.
It is stated again that the Lusitania matter is about
settled. This has happened so often that the public will
not grow enthusiastic over it until the announcement is
made that it is a closed incident. It has been arranged
almost as often as Villa has been assassinated.
Laborers in powder plants these days are entitled to
higher wages than anyone. Conditions are such that the
laborer might not be able to reach dow;n to where his
wages were located unless they were pretty high.
If the high water has killed all the gophers in the river
bottoms it has largely counter-balanced all damage done
by it. It certainly did go for the gophers and made them
go for the high lands.
flu RipplmfRhijmss'
- -
The winter wints and slings its snow, the wind is keen
and frost is king. Cheer up, cheer up, for soon will blow
the soft and balmy airs' of spring. Your whiskers now
are frozen stiff, it is a bleak and bitter day;
your ears are cold, but vvhat s the dift?
Before you know it, 'twill be May. The
tempest batters at the door, the night wind
wails a dismal tune, but in three shakes, or
maybe four, you'll wade around knee deep
in June. And thus it is with every grief;
it' hurts our corns, but soon it's sped; the
r VO1
r . )
A darkest, coldest
A glitters just ahead. My feet are frozen
y JtJJ hard tonight, and yet I am a cheerful scout ;
1 know that spring will come, an ngnt, ana
April winds will thaw them out. It's true the wintertime
is filled with things that bring my spirit care; but in the
spring the birds will build their nests among my beard
and hair. Let winter roar and do its worst, the gentle
spring will soon be here, when winter griefs like bubbles
burst, and in the azure disappear.
Ten Convicts Paroled by
Governor Withycombe
Acting upon tiie recommendation of
the parole hoird. Governor Withy
combe has granted paroles to the fol
lowing men who have been serving pen
itentiary sentences:
George Haley, rocived from Troug
hs county, November It', 101 1,. for lar
ceny in a store.
James Wilson, received from Ftua
tilla county, October 7. It'll, for lar
ceny in a house.
Orlando Smith, received from Coos
county, .Inmury 1(1, lOl'i, criminal as
sault. x
Jacob Kreiger, received from Pong
ing county, October 10, It'll, for lar
ceny in a store.
George Fay. received from X'matilla
eountv, February- S, It'lo, for assault
with intent to rob.
Hert Welsh, received from Crook
eountv, Pecomher 11. It'K!, for burg
lar v. '
Charles Prink, received from Mult
nomah eouutv, Jauuarv 0. 1014, for
Krl K. Cot. received from Malheur
comity, January 23, 101.. for larceny
of two foals.
F. L. tireen. received from Multno
mah county, Fehmary 1015, for lar
ceny by embezzlement.
Guy K. Nelso:t. received from Mult
nomah county, January 30, 101."), for
In practically every one of these
cases recommendation for parole at the
expiritiou of the minimum sentenee,
assuming the prisoner' conduct to be
good, was made by the judge, distrW
attornev and sheriff connected with
... I. .... . . '
- - .
night is brief, and sunshine
Eleventh German Princess
Killed Since Beginning of War
London. Feb. 10. Newspaper
records in London show that
war mortality among Gemini
princeses is assuming alarming
proportions. Fri.i.'e Maximilian
of Hesse, the kaiser's icpl.e-.v,
is the eleventh and latest mem
ber of Gorman royal families
to be killed. The others killed
sinco the war began are:
Princes Frederick Wilhelm of
Lippe, Krnost of Lippe, Henry
XLVI of lieuss, Frederick of
Saxc-Mieningen and his son,
Krnest: Victor Wnlrad of Wal
deck, William of Frugges, Fred
erick of Kochteren-Liinpourg.
Charles 0f Solms Ttrnunfols and
William of Carolath-Deuthen.
I'ortland, Ore., Feb. 10. A rescue
party ou snowshoes reached James Tern
pleton, a homesteader, Just in time to
save him from starving to death on his
Cascade mountain ranch Monday morn
ing. The party floundered through li
feet of snow from Sunday morning until
11 o'clock Monday.
Templeton was found lying in bed.
too weak to move or build a fire. One
end of his cabin hod raved in. Sugar
and condensed milk were the only sup
plies remaining. Ho was carried back
over the mountain trail by his four
The party reached Portland this
morning. . ... . .
Veteran Soldier Thinks In
vaders Could Not Land
Upon Our Shores
nsiiintnn. roll. 10.- Landing of,
"(10.000 invaders on American shores
would he impossible if submarines were
active, declared General Nelson Miles!
before the house military committee!
At the same time, Admiral Blue de
clared the navy could reach the Pa
cific coast before an enemy could land j
These two statements stood out m
the midst of a constant stream of(
pessimistic testimony regarding pre- j
pnreduess of the nation, presented for'
several weeks to the committee. Blue
said that the Panama canal would aid
the fleet to roach the Pacific in haste
if required, ne urged the need of pur-j
chasing anti-aircraft guns, and re-,
corded himself as opposed to a one year!
enlistment plan.
"If half a million men landed on:
either coast,'' said Miles, "and we,
were unable to raise enough men to ,
drive them out. I would want to move
to another country." He declared
that America's coast fortifications ;
equal to any in the world, not except
ing those at Ihe Dardanelles. In this:
connection, he said that the experience '
of the European war has shown that,
battleships lire ineffective in reducing!
such forts.
For conscription, he said it would
not work in the Tinted States.
"Overseas expeditions such as we
are told will proceed against us, are
expensive and as a rule, disastrous,"
he continued. "They spring from the
minds of men, writing about prepared
ness who know Iosb about war than
anything else."
Representatives of the National
O range and the Farmers Union pro
tested to the committee against "mili
tarism." T. .T. Tabor informed the
members that farmers of .'12 states, in
convention at Oakland, had declared
for government manufacture of niuai
tions. "Would vonr farmers do awnv with
cyclone cellars?'' asked Representative j
Kahn of California. f
"I have a stone cellar now, but I'd
be a fool to build another," retorted
Organizer Pornblnzcr of Texas, repre
senting the union, lie favored more
const defenses and submarines, how
ever. Favorably Reported.
Washington. Feb. fl. Upon motion
of Senator Phelan of California, the!
senate naval committee today favor-
ably reported the bill appropriating ,
MO.Oim for added equipment nt Mare i
isuuiii navy yarti. ne also orougut up
ins uin proposing a tjitywu.uuu ap
propriation for a naval academy on
the Pacific coast.
After asking for further data, com
mitteemen intimated that this is an
opportunity for a fovnrable report on
the bill if the coast shows sufficient
interest in the plan.
Monmouth News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Monmouth, Or.. Feb. 9. The creeks
and rivers in this vicinity are filled
to overflowing. The county roads in
many places are covered with water
which obstructs much of the traffic.
The Willamette river at Independence
is raising at the rale of a foot an
hour nt the time of writing.
"The I.uckiuiniite Rural Telephone
Company held its, annual meeting
here today and election of officers.
The old officers were re-elon-tod to
serve for the ensuing year. Seeretnrv
T. M. Thurston's -.financial report
showed the company to be entirely out
of debt. An assessment of five' dol
lars a share was levied to cover ex
penses and for improvements. This
company is a mutual company which
series nbout seventy farmers south of
A meeting for those interested in
organizing ;i Co-operative Creamery
will be held on Tuesday (tomorrow)
nt 10 a. m. at the Odd Fellows' hall.
A plan for organization will be
adopted and the benefits of co-operation
explained. All dairymen should
attend this meeting 'for the plans
which have been brought up are be
lieved to, be good ones.
lr. Macpherson of the O. A. P. will
give an interesting talk on Coopera
tion at the next meeting of the
Monmouth Orange. As this is a live
topic a general invitation is extended
to the public and to the farmers in
particular. The time of the talk is
-:" p. in., February 12.
The Parent-Teachers club will hold
its regular monthly meeting nt 8:00
p. in. tomorrow. Miss Cowgill of the
Oregon Agricultural College will speak
on Hoys' ami Girls' club work. All
parents and students should be mier
ested in this work and it takes Miss
Cowgill to wake the people up.
Frederick Warde actor ami lecturer,
appears tonight nt the Oregon Xormnl
school. Mr. Warde needs no introduc
tion to Shakespearian students and
lovers of his npvls. and as this is a
treat for Monmouth people, a large
audience is expected.
Miss Mcintosh, seventh and eighth
grade critic teacher, gave a very inter
esting lecture at the local teachers'
meeting at Falls City last Saturday.
Fcbiuarv .".
The "Willamette Camp Fire Girls"
held their semi-monthly meeting last
Friday, February 4, at the home of
Mrs. Rittman, the camp fire girl'
gunrdian. This organization of girls
is a very iuUrt'tiitg one as the girls
Dr. W. A. COX .
' sgx Attention
fef atthc
"iir Time Will
Save Money and
This applies to tooth troubles in a more certain
degree than any others. Save yourselves pain and
money by having your teeth looked after by com
petent men.
Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed.
Lady Nurse. Sanitary Office.
Dr. W. A. Cox
303 State Street Phone 926
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
Strictly correct weight, square deal and highest prices for all kinds of
X junk, metal, rubber, hides and furs. I pay 2e per pound for old rags.
X Big stock of all sizes second hand incubators. All kinds corrugated J
iron for both roofs and buildings. Roofing paper and second hand
4. linoleum. i
H. Steinback Junk'Co.
The House of Half a Million Bargains.
802 North Commercial St.
learn many useful things which are
not taught in the Schools.
Seattle. Wash TVh 0 Siv t,r..,..
were wrecked when nn m-nliim-ho .if
mud broke loose and swept down upon
Alki avenue at 10:1.1 a. m. todav. A
dozen' women and children escaped bv
crawling out of the wreckage of their
liomes. Mrs. K Al. Dnv
was cut
about the. hands and arms while climb
ing out of her demolished house.
A mile and a half of bluff, L"0 feet
high is threatening to slide.
Goods Selling at Cost
We make up Kimonas, Wrappers, House Dresses and TJndervear.
Gents and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Mattings, Blankets, Comforters,
291 N. Commercial
-zzz mm TTZ
The Quick Way
The Safe Way
Ch icago
and the EAST
is via
The cost is but slightly higher
via the Southern routes. The
limit of tickets is longer al
lowing liberal stopovers.
Four Trains Daily
from San Francisco
to C h i c a g o Over
land Limited Pacific
Limited San Fran
cisco Limited Over
land Express.
Through standard and tourist
sleeping cars to Denver, Oma
ha, St. Louis, Kansas City and
Chicago. Observation cars on
all limited trains.
Ask your local agent or WTtte
John M. Scott, Gen. Pass Agent,
Portland, Ore.
Phone 80S
The Oregon Wholesale and
Retail Hide and Junk Co.
Has moved from their former location,
4,'I0 Court street, to 107 South Com
mercial. (The old stand of the Lawr
ence Grocery, corner Ferry and Com
mercial streets) and are open for busi
ness at that place. Highest prices piil
for hide9, wool, copper, brass, iron, etc.
Before selling elsewhere, consult us for
prices. D. Samuel, proprietor.
Phone, 300; Res. Phone, 173-W.
St., Salem, Oregon
Ogden Route