Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 10, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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. M. S. P
There Are Pianos On Our Floor That Are Marked
Below Actual Cost to the Valley Music House.
When you can actually buy for less
than wholesale you should take advan
tage of the opportunity. The Piano we
offer for $125.00 is worth twice this price, .
the Player-Piano we offer for $320.00 has
a genuine Gulbransen Player action and
is sold even in San Francisco for nearly
twice this price. Here is a beautiful
Kimball Player-Piano which received the
highest award at San Francisco this
year the regular price of this Piano is
$800.00, and you can purchase this one
for $515.00 on easy terms. You can buy
now and save the large profit usually
asked for Pianos. You are offered small
monthly payments like rent; you are
offered the best Pianos obtainable and all
guaranteed by Eilers Music House and
the manufacturers.
With every Player-Piano I include
$25.00 worth of free music and with every
Piano I include a stool and the Piano is
I will not order duplicates as these
prices are only on the Pianos now here.
Store open evenings.
General Agent for Eilers Music House and the
manufacturers, 264 Commercial St.
Don't Merely "Stop"
Stop tke Thin (hat Cam
and the Couch will
Stop Ilaeif
Normal Instructor Says" Pu
pils Should Be Proud of
Fine Buildings
A cough is really one of mir best
friends. Jt warns us that there is in
flammation or obstruction in a danger
ous place. Therefore, when yon get a
bad cough don't proceed to close yourself
with a lot of drugs that merely "stop"
the cough temporarily by deadening' the
throat nerves. Treat the canst heal the
inllauied membranes. Here is a borne
made remedy that gets right at the cause
and will make an obstinate conih vanish
riof. M. S. Fitiunn. a member of the! more Quickly than you ever thought Pos-
facutfy of the Oregon State Normal 1 siblc.
school at Monmouth ami one of the! put 2V2 ounces of Pine: (.'iu cents
most i.ioininen; educators in the state, ! worth) in a pint bottle and fill the bottle
rercntjy- visited a number of the Ma-1 with plain granulated sugar syrup. This
noil county schools with Superintend-' C,v!'8, l! . f,lU I","1 "f 4 ,e m"st llw"t
ent V.. M Smith IVofessor Pitman , at a , (l,nt3 'No Mhf,r t(j
was nvji'esuMi 11; ou.-tiunii.niii """prepare. X- ill I directions with I'inex,
to prepare a statement covering nis on
servntioiis on the trip through this
county. The statement 111 part fol
lows: I wish to commend you most heartily
for the effort which you have been
making to keep in touch with every
Tt heals the inflamed membranes so
centlv and promptly that yon wonder
bow it does it. Also loosens a dry, hoarse
or tight cough and stops the formation of
phlegm ill the throat and bronchial tubes,
thus ending the persistent loosj cough.
Pinex is a highly concentrated com
section of voiir county that you might pound ot .Norway pine extract, rich in
kno.v the "lit-tds of vour schools, the puaiacol and in famous the world over
desires of your people and understand' for di '"""S effect on the membranes,
how to ser-n tbeni to their best in! To nvpid disappointment, ask your
i,.,it T'nia iiitinintn ,.miii 1 nt mrf 'druggist for "2V. ounces of Pinex." and
with, and knowledge of the conditions! i""'.t art nnvthin. else. A guarantee
ly rounded, goes with tins preparation.
and people of each community is a
prime essential to the most effective
ft was a pleasure to find in your
schools so many well trained and suc
cessful teachers. Their soci.il manner
was excellent. Their attitude toward
the sum rintendent, toward visitors,
and toward thir children was very fine
indeed and the methods used in teach
ing, by nearly all observed, was of very
high quality and in no ease, I think,
did we find a teacher indifferent, but
all anxious to do the very best work
J he special emphasis which I found
The Pinex Co., l-'t. Wayne. Ind.
Mrs. Russell Cat I'm and Mrs. Charles
Hick entertained a number of matrons
at an informal Kensington at the nome
of the former on Tuesday afternoon. In
the evening, Mrs. Cntlin was again
hostess for a card party, including as
her guests the members of the Alerry
tioltound five hundred club.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hofer were hosts
for a charming iiiform.il dinner lust
evening, for Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cross
who will leave the end of the week for
Miss Fne Bolin entertained a number
of Willamette university students on
Thursday evening.
Games and the making of candy
formed the evening's diversions, after
which a dainty collation was sen en.
fireen, Ksther Parounagian, Lelu Jones,
Mary Jfarounngian, Mrs. Hurry McCain,
Mrs. Harold Doxsee, and the Messrs.
Paul Green, Will Marsters, Harold Dox
see, Fred Otto, Harry Bowers and Mil
ton Cox.
City Will Pay $1955 For
Twenty-Five Free Con
certs Next Summer
Mis. C. J. Clarke, of 8cio, is in the
( h.nles L. Dick went to Albany this
Mrs. C. II. Button is in the city, from
was being placed on certain subjects i Independence,
was gratifying indeed. It is a well j (ieorge Claxton, of Shaw, was in the
recognized fact that concentrated cf- city yesterday.
fort must be placed upon one subject at I r,d White was in Salem yesterday,
a time before it can be mastered; that i from Falls City.
while we have a general interest Mr. and Mrs. C. A. White, of Falls
in all subjects of the curriculum and a ; City, are Salem visitors today,
desire to teach them all well there must I '', M. Newberry, the Court street
be certain periods during which the! limber, was in Silverton yesterday.
superintendent, supervisors, teachers, i Monte .1. Wax, of Port land, was in
Each concert given in Willson's pnrlt
next summer by the Salem Military
band, will cost the city of Salem ex-,
actly $78.40.
A contract has recently been enter-;
ed into by tho city of Salem and John'
llraber, by which the city pays $l.Mlo
lawful money for "1 conceits, to bei
paid to the band in installments of
$035 each as earned. !
In consideration of the payment of
this amount, John timber, as manager1
of t ii e band, agrees to orgmize and
properly train a concert band of not
less than 21 pieces, to bo made up of i
such instruments as the manager may
require. And they must be capable of;
rendering first class concert music.
A competent and efficient, leader:
must be secured by Mr. Uraber. Tbej
music, according to the contract, shall
be of a class to be approved by tbei
mayor and committee on public parks,
and the selections must be renewed i
from time to time, to avoid undue repe
tition. Twenty-five concerts will be given,
each to be not less than one hour and!
thirty minutes, and all will be held inj
the band stand donated to the city byj
Josepii if. Albert. The series of con-j
certs will be distributed throughout.
May, June, July, August and Septenv'
ber nud shall be given as nearly as1
possible Tuesday and Friday evenings, i
Intermissions between selections shall
not exceed ten ; minutes.
If tho mavor or the committee of
public parks do not like the selections
offered, according to the contract,
they are authorized to select the music,
suliject to the limitation as to the
length of each particular concert.
If tiie band does not linn out the re-
A Letter
To our customers
and the public:
We desire, to call your attention at this time to the unfortunate con
dition of the merchandise market. There is without doubt going to
be a terrible realization and awakening of the public to the unheard
advance in prices of all
The merchant is receiving in every mail, notices that the prices of
this and that article will cost so much more in the future, and that the
juices quoted today are not guaranteed to staud tomorrow, etc.
This condition is not a snare to make the merchant buy heavy, nor
do we call the attention of our customers to this condition because we
want you to buy at once any article which you may be contemplating
purchasing in the near future, but we do this to
and we do advise you to buy what winter wearing apparel you may
need for next season, right now, before the raise of prices.
This is the cry of the manufacturers claiming they cannot purchase
dye stuffs, it is only natural that when so necessary a commodity can
not be had, and the little that may be purchased is worth its weight in
gold, that the prices of all articles containing dye stuffs, will neces
sarily be advanced sky high. Therefore it behooves our customers not
to delay their purchases of
and buy at once even for next season, come to us where every article
is guaranteed.
Yours truly,
the citv yesterday visiting friends,
-Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer Put
nam went to Portland this morning.
Asa Smith, of the Wallace f irm, re
turned yesetrday from a week's visit
in Portland.
.Miss Dora Covey returned to her
Mrs. H. A. Thomas, of Portland, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Zorn Bar
ber, at l'JM Market street.
Mrs. Carl 0. Douey entertained Fri
day afternoon in honor of Miss Juniu
Mrs. Donev's guests included a group
of Willamette university maids.- . - I
Later a delicious supper was served
by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Gnst.iv
E'bsen. The evening was enjoyably
passed with games and an impromptu
programme, a reading by Mrs. Helen
Miller Semi and a story by Professor
Ebsen. Dr. Doney also read some in
teresting accounts of his visit in Lo
eerene ami Switzerland.
Besides the young ladies of Lausanne
hall, Dr. ami' Mrs. Doney 's guests in
the evening were: Professor and Mrs.
Those invited were: musses nmu , uusiuv ..., .. ..... .. . -
illltl me. .ms-ca it""-i
Mrs. C. P. Funnel, of Sherwood, Ore
gon, who has been visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. F. 11. Thompson, returned
honic today.
Friday evening Mrs. V. S. Mott and
several 'other matrons of the Priscilla
club will be hostesses for a dinner and
enrd party at the home of the former
on North Commercial street.
The ladies of the O. E. S. were en
tcrtaiiied at their regular monthly so
I'ini rHtrninon Tuesday with Mrs. Ed
ward (iHlingham, Mrs" James Godfrey,
Mrs. Otto Headriek, Mrs. Eugenia Oil-
. i ,r; . I.' - n..,ir..v ia
fi,,i. f!,.v who is the eupstl m.nitra aim -mlss ..,.,. wu.,.-..,
of her son and ilaugliter-in-iaw, .ur.
n.d Mrs. (Ieorge liray, spent tne fust
pupils and even tiie patrons of the
school give their attention to master
ing the principles and acquiring facil
ity and accuracy in the use of the same
iu some special subject.
1 was hnppy to find that reading
and oral and written expression were
being especially emphasized at this! home in ij.irtland today niter a week
time; or hi otner words, tne power to visit with friends in the city.
gain thought clearly and to express it .Mrs. Pearl llollowuy, of Portland, is
uccuratelv and with pleasure. ! iu the citv, called here bv the illness
I was also pleased to find that in of her mother. .Mrs. E. R. Macy
your county you are especially empha-j A. M. Neer, of Alexandria, X. D., is
sizing the industrial club work with a 'in the city for a two weeks' visit with
hope that every boy and every girl in his father, and brother, Lieutenant A.
.Manim couuiy may iiecoine a creator, , jjy Jeer.
a producer, a saver and a property!
nouier. sic & a & A & ;V k i!t :!c k
as we visneii some or vour neautirui
schools and found them beautifully de
signed, substantially and enatlv built
and tastefully adorned and decorated,
1 was caused to recall the school houses
of the olden time. It now seems an
olden time, even though it was only a
score ot years ago, a school house illy
designed, crudely constructed, shabbily
built ami poorly located, with outside
walls marked, with inside walls de
faced, with desks carved ami marked
and the common drinking cup.
It is no wonder that hoys and girls
that attended schools like those felt
that the country was a poor place to
live. How different must be the in
fluence and result 11)1011 the lives of the
; !: -Jt :- Jj! sj: sj: -Js sjc je
Brick Bros.
-keeping ort
sje 1 The K-o was simply doing what
1 good submarine should do-
ot sight tor a time.
quired number of 21 pieces, it is agreed; -j. .jc -
t.'iat t..)u snail ne (le.uicten inr eacn
musician under the required 21. Ifj District Attorney Ringo stated today
bad weather prohibits a concert as nd-;t,.lt tne open season for bootleggers be
vertised, the mayor or chairman of the!(,.m jainmry 1, lSUti, and would con
park committee will have the right toitjmR, indefinitely and that he was go
fix a date for a concert iu lieu of the!ilg tQ a ' follow up" policy.
0",0"'i'!U.',1- -i - . , II" connection with this statement he
Should the city desire any addition-., he )ro.)OSP,i to file criminal infor
a concerts, Mr. (.ruber agrees, to tnr- .. . ' sr v ir u.m,s us soo Us
iie hud served his time iu the city jar
Hayes was convicted yesterday after
noon and sentenced to 20 days in the
1 iiy jail.
Sheiiff Ksch made the ninth turnover
' of tux money to the county treasurer to
1 day for taxi's collected on the HIM tax
roll. The total amount was if lii.sol.OK
There is one sure way that has never
failed to remove dandruff at once, and
that is to dissolve it, then you destroy
it entirely. To do this, just get about
four ounces of plain, common liquid ur
von from any drug store (this is all you
will need), apply it lit night when retir
ing; use enough to moisten the seilp
11ml rub it in gently with the
By morning, most ir not nil, ef Jour
of the week in Portland.
Mis. Horace Fenton entertained the
alumni chapter Kappa Alpho Theta
vesterdav nt her home, 421 East Twen
ty fourth street. A shower for Miss
Kno Zimmerman, bride-elect, was
An enjcyablc social chat and refresh
ment; were interspersed with a de
lightful reading by Miss Ethel Thomas.
Cards have been issued announcing
the marriage of Miss Lyle Steiwer,
daughter of John Steiwer to Mr. Clar
ence Walls on Saturday, feuruary me
nae .liiimeriiiaii, miii.---.-M.-n, - . If nf 1)m steiwer
feature which followed the short bus.- tel ft h a t the. ol
ihss session. The Thetns are providing ' lt " 'jl win be
for a voting member who is now in Chi- . Ihe wedding, wbuh 1 will be
.ago studying voice culture with Daddi. simple has caused a rippb of j.
.. : . . -,.. ...,i .iut hnriab e surprise among the omle-i
boys and girls of Marion county who 'dandruff will be g , and i h-ee or 1 our
attend these beautiful standard schools' m"r? applications mil complete.- ois
that are properly lighted, heateH and M,lvp '"- entirely destroy every sing'e
ventilated; located upon beautiful plots 'K am- trace of it, no mutter how
of ground, surrounded by flowers and much dandruff you may have
shrubs, the pure drinking water gush-! You will find all itching and d'ggnig
ing from a bubbling fountain with1 of tho scalp will stop instant'. y, and
which to slake their thirst and the I your hair will be fluffy, liistrcus, glos
American flag proudly floating over sy, silky and soft, and look and feel 0
their school indicating that it is one hundred times better,
or the grand American forts that is; 1
fighting the battles of peace, liberty! TWO WEIjr OVER HIM
and prosperity. j Sai: Jose, Cab, Feb. ID. Two women
Nothing delighted me more than the wept in court over William .1. Brady,
splendid, wide awake and enthusiastic ncc rxd of passing a bad $10 check,
parent-teacher associations which 1 ll.ougli he had spurned one, it iH nl
found in vour countv. These associa- loiwd. in lever of the other. One was
KtZ 1. n '..iri c ii.-i 1 talent and Ii cr ! able surprise among
anrnritv sisters are determined that she, many friends.
shall have a chance to improve on her
tttidies. Oregoninn.
tions, I found, were the moving spirits. Ins wife, the o'her his ullegcl al'fin
of educational progress in the com-iity.
munities where they exist. They de
veloii and enlighten an intelligent,
broad minded and progressive public i
plcnsur- j ami the public school is safe where it.
elect s inns tne right sort of pnrcnt-tencher as-1
soci.ition to plan tor it, encourage audi
support it,
nish the same under the same basis of
compensation as furnished in the sum
mer contract, only the city shall not
require the services of any of the mu
sicians between the hours of fl o'clock
in the morning and 0 o'clock in the
In case of strikes, or any cause deem
ed sufficient, Mr. timber is unable to
conceit, he is not to be held liable nn-lt lll,'h MM. to was lor penalties aim
der his contract, provided he gives th.-i -fC.ll7.MS interest. Of the total sum the
city one week's notice. ; state und county tax was $1,521.S1, the
the final concert must be given be-; general rond fund received 1,a22.lS8,
fore October 1, HMO. j the city of Salem f-l.SKH.Kl, and school
The growing popularity of concerts; district So. 21 received 2,10S.:!o.
in the park is attested by the increased '
attendance lust summer over that of; "Do It now" is the slogan of the
former years. The audience was never ; county tux collecting department rela- j
less than I, tali) and many evenings; five to the requests for tax statements.,
when weather conditions were favor-; It costs but a cent to send iu a post
able, it lias been estimated that the' card now asking for a statement of
crowd numbered fully 4,ii(iil. In fact, the taxes and it will cost no less later
it became quite the thing for neig'.ilior-! when the grand ru-h is on to pay taxes
ing towns to attend the concerts, niuk-1 during the last, few days before the
ing up nnto bile jmrtics. ! jiemilty is lidded in April. "Do your
' ! Xmns shopping curly" is n mild whis-
Pupils of High School i ;r.W-K .U" ,
Patronize Public Library
last few -lavs" the entire force will be
; busy taking iu money and some state
ments may be delayed if the clerks are
obliged to take time off to make out
The total attendance at the public
library by pupils of the senior high
school during the mouth of January
statements. Iiy having the statement
on hand the taxpayer may then wait
Suffered Great Pain I
letter Telle of Lima Looked -for Prctcriplwiu
Miss Lena Ooodin, of Portland, is -Now Iiy tne way of suggestion, and
visiting at the home of her parents, j not by any means in the spirit of crit-j
The Allah club recently f o rm e-1 . by , -y r " ;:" "' ' .tHr ,vhi,h wi ,,,.,.,,, be ?,,,
a group of college. maids are planning, ouit sUe t. assistance to you and your people in
to give a number ot .lolly attairs DC-1 ..iA:k:fc!!c-!( advnneing the splendid" school work!
Thno included in the club are: Miss;
Helen Wastell, Miss Evelyn Cathey,!!
Miss Krma Davenport, Miss Lucile Mc-
Cullv, Miss Esther Cox and Miss Elmoi
. j
The ladies missionary society of the ;
Paptist church will meet Friday af-
ternoon at the home of Mrs. A. J. Gile!
on North Winter street.
An interesting literary programme j
will be followed bv a social afternoon ,
and refreshments.
Six gitat buttles were raging
in the Carpathians. The Kus
sians retreated from Czerno
witz when the Germans forced
a way into llukowina. Premier
Asquith announced that an ab
solute blockade of all German
ports is being considered.
which you are already doing: Visit-
j ing day for rural teachers; coiisobda-!
tion or rural schools where practicable;
;at least two acres for the school site;
1 supervisors should work with their
I teachers in small groups. This would
.givc an opportunity to make special
study of methods to be used in present
jing subject matter; n hool boards
I should establish . maximum and lain-;
Milium salary, giving stated increase
for successful ami satisfactory service.
Keep your teeth as you would have
2 keep you -healthy and whole.
Three times a day use
Qr.lyan's ,
Dear Mr. Edltw I am making a per.
sonal appeal to your readers who ara
bothered with kidney and bladder trouble
and rheumatism, to give up the use of
harsh salts, or alcoholic Kidney medi
cines and In their place tako a short
treatment of "Anuric" and bo convinced
of its wonderful virtues as I was. 1 suf
fered great puin, had a great deal of
Irritation, water becamo foul. I tried
everything advised but with no results,
I sent for a box of "Anuric Tablets" and
Boon discovered that they brought relief.
I havo used them since, and now tlin
water Is natural, nay health good, and
appetite, splendid, homo of tho doctors
iironoiinced my trouble enlarged prostate,
sow I have no moro troublo and I most
assuredly feel that this latest discovery
of Dr. Pierce's is tho best remedy for
bladder and kidney troubles that I know
was -If2!l cording to the report of ; ,,: .h,, iv W ,1,,-r. vlfore raivinir
Miss I'lora M. Case, school librarian.) his tuxt,s llntl 1H 10 'knows the exact
Ibis was uu average attendance from; ,, 110 ......fusion will result and the,
the high scnool ot 20. daily, an iu-jH.lit lille wi,j ,,e mlui.0l,
crease oyer January of one year ago,:
wlo'ii the average daily atten.iai.ee wasj T)e ,.,. of ,;,.,,,, n. jll(.,ts 0KitMt
, ,- , . , , ,'C. W. Peters, an action to recover mou-,
or home rending, tie high school, , i j. i i
,,., , . .i i,,-,. i , , . ey a eged due for services rendered,!
pupils were issued Klili books list: 1 1 i i . . v i ,i.
Loth. The average daily circulation ' " lM i! .""r rV
in the school was (id, compared to 47 .;'-- lefui Ju.lKe Kelly
of January, l!M,. Twentv-two books!" 10 l'?u.r "'t', ,'I"'e w,,huut
were added to the high school library j A' Jw.b?. ""-V represents he
last month. plaintiff und George O. liinglinin, the
From the three junior high schools.! 'b'-'ciidiiut. j
Washington, Lincoln and Grant, there' ,,,,,,
was an attendance of Ml tit the library1 of R K- Km,l'P. I,s trustee,!
for the month of January. The mini- "I'"1"" W- Million-, Kose E. Mallory, i
ber of books circulated at Lincoln was! -M- M '-""'.V ""d -Alary M. Muff was;
I0i, at (iraut L'JL', and lit the Wash-, '" l,nl ' depn itment No. 2 of the cir
inglon junior high school, .'7. ' i"it court today before Judge Galbi-
The total niimljcr of books sent to ' Thi-s is an iictiou brought by the;
the grade schools was HiliO. These ! trustee iu bankruptcy who alleges that!
grades also user! 177 books from thejW'. K. Mallory disposed of Mi'.l.'M acres
public library. To the teachers of the:0' bind to the other defendiiints who;
grades .'15- pictures were issued. iare his relatives to place the property
The Saturday story hour at the pub-: out of his hands during the bankruptcy
lie library was attended by an aver-' proceedings. The farm is said to be,
nge of lil for each hour. This number ! north l!i),0ii() and is inciinibered with'
is rather low and is due to the fact ; a mortgage of $11,000. Mr. Mallory
that on two Saturdays iu January, it ' maintains that the disposal of the lands '
was aiiiost impo-siiiic tor children toinas made prior to the institution of
bankruptcy proceedings and was made
in entire good faith.
Whenever a teacher has been entirely; of. If Lean Indiico anyone to glvo it a
trial, 1 leel mat ne will tiiatiK mo ior
Toot Si Powder
-. r u
Prepared by a Doctor ot Venieu JUr,.
E.nd 2c sump tod.y for . J.n.rous tri.l pMk.. to
I. W. Lyon & Son,, Inc., 8 6 W. 274 St., N.T. City
satisfactory that she shall be retained
in her present position. When the
teacher has been fairly successful, she!
be retained upon conlition that sue;
shall use part of the vacation for at
tending some good summer school.
Governor to Recommend
$500 Reward for Murderer
Governor Withycombe will recom
mend tc the next legislature that a re
ward of $5n0 be paid for the arrest
and conviction of the parties who are
guilty of the murder of Mrs. Ii. J.
Hinkle, who was clubbed to deuth Inst
Friday night nt her home on South lL't' ,
street. It is reported that llarve Hin
kle, a son of tho murdered womnn, will
also offer a reward of 500 making
the total reward $1,000.
No new developments have been
brought to light today in the case and
no arrests nave oeen ma.ie as was
rumored last night. Tho police are still i
bnffltwl nnd nil nt thA etiiea lim-A t.Aan 1
run to earth with no results,
calling attention to this great boon
that rellovos this Pecmintzly worst of
oil troubles that human uYsh can lull
heir to.
(Signed) H. IL Fleisid:b.
Note: Up to this time. " Anuric " has
not been on salo to the public, but by the
persuasion of many patients and tho
Increased demand for this wonderful
healini tablet, Doctor Pierco has dually
decided to put It into the drug stores of
this country within Immediate reach, or
send 10 cents for largo trial package.
Simply ask for Doctor Pierce's Anurlo
Tablets. Thero can bo no Imitation.
Kvery package of "Anuric" Is sure to lie
Dr. Pierce's. Y on will lind the signature
on the packagn Just as you do on Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription, tho ever
famous friend to ailing women, and
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
provet years to lie the greatest general
tonic and rwonstrnetor for any one.
At any rate don't glvo up hopo of
being cured of your malady until just
a few doses of " Anuric have proven
that It will make you foci llko a differ
ent person.
Editor Pleas Insert this letter In
j tome coiuplvuous place in your paper.
get out on account of the weather.
Coroner Holds Inquest
On Doyle's Victims
Morris Makes
the Prices
Compare values and
prices that you get at
this store
1 lb. Tillamook Cheese
Best Creamery But
ter 33c
0 loaves Bread 10c
'.) pkgs, Matches ... 10c
2 pkgs. Corn Starch 15c
3 pkgs. Raisins 25c
2 cans Sunrise Milk 15c
' cans Carnation Milk
1 gal size Peaches . .35c
1 gal. size Apricots 35c
1 gal. size Pumpkin 25c
1 gal. size Squash . . 25c
3 cans Tomatoes ... 25c
3 cans cut String
Beans 25c
2 cans Van Camp
Peas 25c
3 cans Sweet Valley
Peas 25c
No. 3 A. & L. Pine
apple 15c
2 cans Table Peaches
3 cans corn 25c
25 oz. K. C. Baking
Powder 20c
1 lb. Royal Baking
Powder 45c
2 pkgs. Arm & Ham
mer Soda 15c
3 cans good Clams. .25c
3 cans extra good
Oysters 25c
3 cans extra good
Salmon 25c
2 cans Columbia River
Klamath I'lills. Or., Feb. (I. William
Doyle shot and killed Mrs. Murv A.
-t-ll I 1 I I. . .. , r .. ',
. ,cu ... -r oaognu-r ...aggie ..ones.., ntt,.1(iy fr , ,,lltjn,iff,
A suit to rpiii't title wns filed in the
circuit court today by D. K. Myers and
! others against Fva Fox and others
I claiming an interest in the property in
question which consists of 28.1.72 acres
of land ill this county. ('. M. Ionian
coroner's jury at,
'2. o'clock this af-
i!ouaii.a decided
ternoon. I
Tl , ,,, , ,,,, .l,,.i..,, ....
1'"' " Will. Ulir l-IMIIMI, ,,,, in,-
ranch where the shooting occurred.
This was seized by the sheriff and cor
oner who arrived ill I.angell valley, lit)
miles from Klauiath Pulls, this morn
ing. Testifying nt the inquest, Doyle said
the women tried to drive him from the
ranch, which be h id leased from them.
The .lones woman, iie asserted, rushed
at him with a rifle. He took this from
her. Mrs. Wilcox seized a shotgun and
attacked him, Doyle asserted. The
three grapleil for possesi-on of the gun.
Both Imrrels were discli irged, killing
tiie two women. Doyle maintains that
he did not shoot them deliberately.
The prisoner will be brought to
Klauuit!i Falls for trial.
Washington, Feb. 10. At the request
of the Japanese ninbif-ador. President
Wilson granted a respite of (sixty days
to O. Itow, a Japanese murderer who
i as sentenced to hang at Juneau, Alas-
kl teliru.iry w.
Everywhere men complain about
work; even boys and girls in school or ,
business find work tedious and irk-
some, but it isn't the work half so much
as their own Jack of physical strength j
that makes it hard. j
Rich blood. strone Junes and health- i
ful digestion make work pleasurable i
in business, in school or even house- j
work, and if those who are easily tired
who are not sick, but weak and ner-1
vous would just take Scott's Emul
sion for one month and let its pun:
concentrated food create richer blood
to pulsate through every artery and
vein let it build a structure of healthy
tissue and give you vigorous strength
you would find work easy and would
look for more. Insist on Scott's.
BcUt tx lsowuc, Llooiufitlil.N.J. 13-JJ
5 lbs. best cream
3 1-2 lbs. best Head
4 lbs. Japan Rice . .
3 1-2 lbs. white
3 1-2 lbs. pink Beans 25c
1 lb. English Wal
nuts 4 lbs. extra choice
dried Peaches ..
25-lb. box extra choice
Prunes $1.00
Nice streaked Bacon,
per pound 20c
Extra sugar cured
Backs, per lb. ... 17c
4 Krinkle Corn
Flakes 25c
Picnic Hams, per lb. 11c
R. N. Morris
Phone 1167
Free Delivery
Morris Ave. and
Fair Grounds Road
HH.I.Bf-'"",-"''m'"a ""'''