EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 9, 1916. S3 EXTRA SPECIAL Opening Sale of Beautiful Spring Silks 1. Y ilooopicoops I mm jLL?1 3r04. "ome FURNISHERS fnn vizfirf niftier Only! $19.50 All Around Town Sr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass es correctly. U. 8. Bank. Uldg. o Mrs. S. C. Bums, living at Terry and Trade streets, has been seriously ill for the pust few days with an attack of pneumonia. o - Sr. Btone'i Drug more. o Order your pure milk and cream from Maple Grove Dairy, 1U13 South tf t ommorcial. I'none .08. o The Moose lodge is preparing to give a valentine dance at Moose hall next Monday evening. The Yeoman will give their dance Friday evening of this week t the Moose hall. O. H. P. Cough Byrup will stop your ough. No cure, no pay. For sale it the Ope i a House Pharmacy. tf Sr. Stone's drug store. Say Grant, secretary of the Business Men's league, is staying home, taking care of a sevorc attack of grippe. A. M. Htillraan is attending to the. business and will stay on the line until Mr. (Irant recovers. Electric hatha and massage under your physician's directions. N. N. lin ns, 18 Hubbard lildg. Phone 633. tf - ... o Elks attention. Special business meeting Thursday, February 10. Every body should be prcseut. V. E. Sinter, secretary. Feb 10 R. L. BharTah, formerly of this city and associated with the Capital garage, write friends in this city that ho has a fine position at Copoley, Ohio, and that things are booming in that part of the world. Many are buying pianos. See ad on page li. J. C. Uallugher. o Cottage hotel and fixtures for rent. Phone Cirev F. Martin. New, rich two-tone effects stylish stripes and checks 35-inches wide an assortment of latest Silk Fabrics that should interest all who appreciate good silks and unusual prices. They're worth up to $2.00. S5S.Y $ 1 . 1 9 a yd. This sale price equals about 59c a yard for ordinary widths. Be sure to see this big assortment and get an early choice. FOR RENT Millinery Department Space floor after February 15. Inquire at Office. The Brilliancy of Cleanliness The Brilliant Suction Sweeper is guaranteed to have more suction than any $:)5.00 sweeper on the market. Cost of operation is very small. Only $19.50 "The little cleaner with a big pull." "Price alone determines nothing, but price and qual ity together establish money-value." We guarantee every machine we sell to give perfect satisfaction or your money will be refunded. We are exclusive agents for the Way J oagiess opnng .4----- Regular meals 20 cents. Hot cakes and coffee 10 cents. Jess George, -li-.State. The work of the Pilgrims' club of the First Congregational church will be tnken caro of tho coming yenr, by the following officers elected last evening: President, II. N. Poisal; vice-president, 0. H. Elliott; secretary, Harry Elgin; treasurer, O. B. Gingrich. A very fine piano used only four months for $l-o. See ad on page 2. J. C. Gallagher. Captain Max Gehlhar of Company M gave an instructive talk lust evening to the boys of Company M demonstrating tho construction of various tvpes of fortifications and cspeelnllv tlio con- j struetion of trenches. Ho also gave gen eral instruction on the transmission! of messages. Sr. 0. allrtley, specialist, inflamed, bleeding gums and pyorrhea. 4 HI U. S. Hank Hldg. Phone 'iSti. W. H. Pettit, of the Carpenters' Un ion, No. 1005, has been nominated as one of the members of the executive board from Hnlem of the Oregon State Federation of Labor. His name is on the official ballot and the election will take place within a short time. o A large size used upright piano for $0,"i, on one year's time. Sen ad on page 2. J. 0. Gallagher. "We are In the business well pre pared and wo handle it with import ance." This is an extract from a let ter written by th firm of Bnrcello, Camps Co.. of Kuvn.ua, Cuba, to the Commercial club,, regarding the export of garlic, red com and canary seed. Two business buildings t Meeting Creels, Alberta, have recently teen pur chased bv George V. Smith. The deal was made through A. I.iston, and the on second The House of Quality property was purchased as an invest ment. Meeting Creek is a thriving town Hi miles southeast of Cum rose. A reward of $500 for the arrest and conviction of the murderer of Mrs. Hin kle, who was killed in this city lust Friday evening, will be offered by her son, a hop glower of Woodburn and Portland. This announcement was made this morning. So far, this is the only reward that has been offered. Members of the Grand Army of the Republic, Woman's Relief Corps, Sons of Veterans, Spanish War Veterans, Ladies of the G. A. R., and all Indian fighters are invited to Join with the members and friends of the First Con gregational church in special Lincoln services to be held at the church next Sunday evening, February 13. A map of Russia has been sent the Commercial club and is now on exhibi tion in tho social department. It was sent by R. Martens & Co., of New York, a firm that believes much of the busi ness of this country will bo done with Russia ami that it is not a bad idea to post up on tho geography of that country. The West Salem people say there is no high water in that part of the world, and that they could easily stand 8 feet more without much inconvenience. Base ments ate entirely free of water, ac cording to today's report and but little water is flowing over tho low places in the rnnd. In fact, they are high and dry, and want everybody to know it. 0" Special meetings are now in progress at tho United Evangelical church, Cot tage street, of which the Rev. A. A. Winter is pastor. The meetings have been well nttended and will be con tinued indefinitely. R. G. Miller is as sisting in the musical part of the pro gram each evening. The local Musicians' Union, No. 315, will send its remonstrance to our rep resentative in congress, regarding the bill which will probably be introduced in congress within a few months, plac ing an extra tax on theatres. The Musi cians' Unions throughout tho country take tho stand that business has been none too good for theatres during the past year and that they are not in a position to stand any extra taxation. The fifty-second anniversary of the founding of tho lodge of the Knights of Pythias will be observed by the members of the local lodge next Tues day evening. Speakers of prominence will assist in the evening's entertain ment and u special musical program will he arranged. The rythinn Sisters will tuke an active part in tho observance. As the lodge did not celebrate last year, efforts will be made to make the ob servance next Tuesday evenimr ( ciul interest. "The best of the season" is the an nouncement made for the basketball game to be played Friday evening at S:I10 o'clock nt tho Willamette gym nasium between tho University of Idaho team. Conch Mathews has ben doing team. -Coach Matthews has been doing wonders with his boys and the probabil ities arc tho game will really bo the best of tho seuson. The Noithwest Telephone and Tele graph company and the Pacific Tele phone ami Telegraph company have agreed to accord the farmers lines aear Gervuis long distance telephone priv ileges according to information filed at the office of the public service commis sion today. The rural lines about Geryais have their own switchboard facilities and tho telephone companies agreed to grant the long distance priv ileges without a formal complaiut from tho public service commission. T, H. DeVore, ofWaiia Walla, the now manager for the Woolworth store arrived in the city today and will at once take charge of the Woolworth business He has been associated with the Woolworth syndicate for the past nine years, and was manager at Walla Wallu for two years. Mr. and Mrs. De Voro and baby will live at the Court apartments. A. II. Fox, manager hero for tho past two years, left for Tacomn where he will manage a Woolworth store. The change comes in the wnv of a promotion for both men. One doien pairs of California quail were liberated today on the farm of Mark MoCnllister nine, miles east of this city. Mr. McCallister secured the hirds from the state game farm through tho state game warden. The McCallis ter farm will be placed in the state game preserve in order to protect the birds until their increased numbers will insure against their extermination by Secretary Daniels Explains to Committee Need of Fuel For Battleships Washington, J'eb. 9. Before the sen ate public lands committee today, Sec retary of the Navy Daniels expressed his opposition to any legislation that would permit opentors to remain on naval oil reserve lands in California. He said they should be held strictly to legal rights. "As we have begun to build oil burning battleships," he said, "our reserve should be held strictly intact. If bills before congress pass, our sup plies in 20 years will be so depleted that the navy will be forced to rely on priv.Ue concerns at prevailing high prices." The secretary opposed the Myers bill permitting the leasijig of oil land with in the reserves. Senator Phelan, of California, sug gested that the government discontinue building oil burners, and said that ex perts had told him the visible supply of oil would not last a quarter of a I century. Daniels retorted that if the naval reserves were not exploited they would not last a decade. President Calls Leaders. Washington, Feb. 9. Worried over the fate of his continental army plan, President Wilson today began a series of conferences with house leaders, from which he hopes to devise some plan for its passage. Recent advices to the executive have indicated that the plan is in jeopardy, thought the remainder of the admin istration preparedness proposals appear secure. Senate Passes House Bill. Washington, Feb. 9. Tho senate this afternoon passed the bill appropriating $500,001) for increasing tho Mare Is land navy yard equipment, anil $100, 000 for the New Sfork navy yard, to gether with the provision that senat ors and representatives may appoint three naval cadets instead of two. The bill had already passed the house. hunters. The farmers In this vicinity are taking great interest in the new game birds and will see that they are protected until thoy secure a good start. The new quail is a slightly smaller bird than the native blue quail which is now nearly hunted put in this section. o F. H. Hayes, who was arrested Mon day night on a charge of selling cider that contained more than the pre scribed amount of alcohol, will be tried in police court this afternoon. He was arraigned yesterday and plead ed not guilty. Krnest Do Shirley was arrested yesterday afternoon on a charge of beating a minor child of whom the name was unknown to the police. A complaint charging l)e Shirley with this misdemeanor was filed December 2.1 of last year but the arrest was not made until yesterday when De Shirley was seen on the street by one of tho officers. The trial was also held this afternoon. The union of the Methodist church, north and south, tho election of district superintendents instead of appointment by the bishop and an equal representa tion of laymen ut the annual confer ences of the Methodist church, will be urged by tho lay delegates from this district, at the annual conference of tho church at Saratoga next May. This was developed last evening at the meet ing of tho Six O'clock club of the First Methodist church last eevuing when the delegates were asked as to what meas ures they would urgo before the con ference. 5c jc sjc sfc sjc )jc 3c sc c (c sjc sjc 3c DIED CLKAVF.R At her homo 1800 D street, Tuesday, February 8, 10H5, Mrs. Nancy Cleaver, in tier 03d year. She had returned but a few weeks ago from a visit to her two sons in California and was in the best of heulth, her death yesterday resulting from a stroke of parulysis. Funeral arrangements will not be made until relatives arrive from Cali fornia. She is survived by the following relatives: Three daughters, Mrs. Grace Mieklcsou, Mrs. W. K. Kane and Mrs. Gertrude flrotherton, all of Salem; two sons, Charles and Arch Cleaver, of Saa Francisco; five sisters, Mrs. S. F.velyn Ryder, of Salem; Mrs. Knuna Buffe, of Silverton; Mrs. Mary Barton, of Chemawa; Mrs. Liza Gib son, and Mrs. Anna rtchmeer, of Port land. V ubv nico Idas 01 ?i Jewelrr. EARL NEUOEBATJEB Maaonlc Bldg. Phone 700 TAXI SERVICE CARS OF ANT KIND, FOR ANT PLACE, AT ANT TIME Good Gangs In connection for itorag of can. Reasonable RatM. SALEM TAXI CO. Garage OPEN ALL NIGHT. S16 State Street. n n n ii ii "That Certainly Was a Good Buy' A man said yesterday when he bought two of our regular $2.00 Hats for $1.10. One for Sunday and one for every day wear. And a cut on Shoes of such standard makes as the Packard with the cost of raw materials going up all the time is something almost out of the ques f tion, but we are determined to sell every pair of Shoes in the store REGULAR $4.00 SHOES NOW $34g REGULAR $4.50 SHOES NOW J3J3 REGULAR $3.00 SHOES NOW $393 Here Is the Surprise A few good Overcoats to close out at $6.00 each, and a few better ones up to $15.00 Buy now and save money, you will pay more next season. Regular $5.00 Sweaters, only a few left, going at $3.75 u M ti ti n 11 ri ti ti ii ri n ii ri ii ii ii ii ii n ii ii M M 11 u a ti u N ii n n ii ii n u N 11 II n ii ii I! G. W. ii ii 11 141 N. COMMERCIAL u H Wl JJ ""ff Wll 1WI WW HIHIIINIIIHIU Crest of Flood Passes ! and River Is Falling The crest of the flood reached Salem this iiioi 11 i 11 at 11 o'clock when the water readier a stajje of iii.'J -.ihove; low water mark. This staye held for! about two hours. At 3 o'clock thisl afternoon the waters hail receded and; were touching the 20 foot mark, audi gradually f illing. Kejiorts from Mission Bottoms indi-1 cnte that about l-WO acres were cover-', ed, but as this was entirely back water, it is estimated that the deposits will; add greatly to the value of the l.iud. i About 800 acres of orchards were par-i tinlly covered with the back water and; these tracts will also be Tienefitted. j Heports from Kaiser Bottom are to tho effect that w.iter is covering the low portions to a depth of from two to four feet. Tho water is pretty well up to the Kaiser school house and the low spots on the first bench are under water. Part of the McNary and Stolz holdings are under water, but with no damage. At noon today, Louis L.ich mun.l reports that no water had reach ed his farms in the Baiser bottoms. The river has fallen rapidly at Ku gene and Albany. President Wilson says the hyphen danger has passed, and yet he warns against it in anti-preparedness. Businessmen's League Will Protect Records The members of the Business Men's league of the commercial club teel that the records of the league are becom ing valuable, and for this reason at the I meeting Inst evening, a committee was appointed to investigate the cost of x fire proof vault or safe. Lot L. Pcarce, Joseph Baumgartonr and Theodore Rotii were anointed on the committee. In order that the business men may hear from n practical business man, and one who his .lone his share in the building up of a big business the league has sent an invitation to Mr. Carpen ter, superintendent of the Meier & Frank store, Portland, to address them at the next meeting. A re)H)rt adverse to the establish ing of a daily abstract wis received from a committee, and acting on its suggestion, the matter of a daily ab stract will be dropped. The secretary "SALEM'S BEST Fruits . Large Oranges, dozen 40c Medium Oranges, dozen 300 Small Oranges, dozen 20o Fancy Bananas, dozen 30c California Grapefruit, each 5c Tangerines, dozen 10c Apples, dozen 20c to 40c Smoked Meats Hams, pound 20c to 25c Bacon, pound 20c to 30c Boiled Ham, pound 40c Picnic Ham, pound 11c Weienes, pound 17c WESTACOTT 426 STATE STREET Johnson STREET Remove the CAUSE by WEARING PROPER GLASSES and the RE SULT will be better eyesight and less headache. Eyestrain relieved by properly fitted glasses. MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 208-209 Hubbard Building. Phone 109 of the league was instructed to deliver collection letters to all merchants. High Water Will Close -Mills at Oregon City Oregon City, Or.. Feb. 9. Fifteen hundred men will be thrown out of work tomorrow when the Crown-Willamette Pulp and Paper liomp.iny and the Hawley Pulp aud Paper company mills are forced to suspend operations because of high water. The big woolen mills probably will also suspend operations temporarily. BORN SWEENEY To Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweeney, 15i3 Bcllvue street, Febru ary 8, lDlli, a daughter. MAKING SOUP OF PETS I.os Angeles, Cal., Feb. 0. Bereaved owners of pets today nsked Deputy Dis trict Attorney I.itta Belle Hibben to save cats and dogs from an alleged hungry family said to be making soup of them. One cat owner said she found her angoras hide and bones and had proof the offenders had deoured pus sv. MARKET PLACE" Bakery Goods Chocolate Cake, each 10c White Square Cake, each 10c Nut Cake, each 15c Angel Cake, each 15c Pies, all kinds, each 10c Buns, dozen 10c Doughnuts, dozen 10c Cinnamon Rolls, dozen 10c Coffee Dept. Fresh Roasted Special, lb 20c Hill's Bros., lb 40c and 45c Plantation (cans), lb 25c - THIELSENI CO. PHONES 830 and 840 m U H li 11 11 11 li 11 u li 13 12 E3 ft Ell El n 11 11 H P IS El El El E3 LI 1 1: L1 p en SALEM, OREGON ilitiliMPlMlii MiliilflJIiMitiMW & Co. Eyestarin HAVE YOC EVER THOUGHT how strong a connection there is between Eyestrain and Headache! Eminent authorities agree that Eye strain is the root of many nervous troubles. Who Tis? This is the back view of a prominent hop merchjiit and he once held a very high city office but that's nothing compared to the "good fellow" he U. FREE Candy To the first person who brings this ad to us with his correct name to The Spa we will give a 2 pound boi of our famous chocolates. RESIDENCE PARLORS Lincensed Lady Em balmer Moderate Prices Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Ore.