THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY. FEB. 8, 1916. THREE 4 tl M II 11 II II i! II II II H II 11 11 I! U tl ri u tl II II li y i M tl II 11 ri u P i 11 n u n !! 0 I 11 11 li II II 11 ll II II !! !! ri ri n n ii n ii ii ii u M II II 11 11 II II II II II 11 II 11 11 M 11 tl II II II 11 M r r Our New York Buyer's Purchases Now Arrive Daily ti REMARKABLE NEW SPIRING SHOWING of 1 GOODS 1 1 0,000 YARDS of NEW WOOL DRESS GOODS Yard 25c, 35c, 39c, 49c, 65c and 75c 8,000 YARDS of NEW DRESS and WAISTING SILK Yard 19c, 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c, 75c and up 1 0,000 YARDS NEW DRESS GINGHAMS 5c, 61c, 83C, 10c and 125c 3,000 YARDS NEW PERCAIES Yard 5c, 8 1-3c, 9c, 10c and 1 2 1 -2c 1 00 NEW SUITS. 1 00 NEW COATS 35c Shepherd Check Dress Goods, 1Q. Men's 65c Heavy Winter OQ Bojra' Overalls, OP yard IVL Underwear .-. '. OUC sale price : 0C r . , i j ,.rv n,v " Ladies' 25o Fleece Lined Hose, 1 r 50c Shepherd Black and White Check OC lf lt)C Ladies' 75c Outing Flannel Night n Dress Goods, yard Gowns whue no , tJC ' 8 l-3c Crash Toweling, oi 75c Black Velveteen for Dresses Ah Vard now - - 0 2C yard 4ifC y ' Ladies' 85c Heavy Weight Uniou Q 500 Yards of 50c and 65c Bleached OQ OP Suits now Remnants of Silk-HALF PRICE. Table Linen, 'yard CVC, JJC Boys and Girls Heavy IP OP Ladies' New Spring Dress ffO PA IT Weight Underwear ' IDC, DC 65c Empress Crepe De Chine Dress Oft- Skirts now $1.95 and UJI Goods, all colors, yard Ladies' House Dresses, dark AQn nr no Boys' $1.00 Wool Suits MflC ... M ... and light colors 45JC, I DC, itfC w ..: $-.33 35c Fancy Silk Mulls, OO ' 7 yard Ladies' 85c Black Mercerized v, Ah- Boys' 75c Wool " tr EiUt Petticoats now only 431 Knickerbockers 4jC $1.00 Charmeuse, Messaline, CO- . . . , yard Boys' $1.50 Mackinaws, best ffO no , y . made," sale price J-.98 3 of mlte Muslin Underwear- . , T Gowns, chemise, Drawers, Skirts in. 45c Silk Mulls, 36-in. wide, all Oft- - Secial "briced mc 35c 9ml 4jC coUrs, jSid. l3Z Children's Coats up to $1.00 M (jg special P"cea J5C' J5c and v - $1.00. Corsets, al lstyles, long jq 57 c Wool serge Dress Goods, all children's $1.50 Coats, in A short- supporters colors' yard basement DOC 85c woo! serge, . 59c zlITn JTZ SV?L. 65c, 75c, 98c yard basement yoMv 9c WMte Outing Flannel, ry Ladie3 $12.00 Wool Dresses , mTno Spring Hats j gg yard ' ' basement $L.JO T 1000 Yards Fancy Challies, 250. Middy Blouses, all : -j ggc Spring 98c w.B" 65c, 98c ru3 now one-half "price! SSSjr!: 33c $1.50 Aluminum Frying Pans, l p 20c Pillow Cases 101 heavy quality .r. I DC Big bargains in Kid Gloves, Laces, now L C Embroideries and Ribbons. ' $2.75 Heavy Aluminum Percolators, M "7P 75c Big Bed Sheets, good, heavy t( sale price J 35c pure BerTy Coffe9i quality vit - pound r. -5C J Fancy Cups and Saucers in sale price ... . - . . Ivv 400 Dozen Extra Heavy Cr Q 1ft- 60c Tea, highest grade, ir. Huck Towels, now ,U lv' Men's 65c Heavy Work OO p0Und jC Shirts r. T. OjC ' Zll 25c. 49c. 75c, 98c ioc, 15c 25c 3-cfr..s!g"..pea9:, 25c ie8.:.$:!!!:..D.e!: $1.49 rZlTX. 49c :lTe: ,.. 65c Ladies' $3.50 Shoes, new style, JM QO Men's Overalls, 4Q 0aUi best ,jr Ladies' 39c Silk Hose, Visit our Basement Salesroom, our standard Tomatoes, 7" pair ." r. Jt Pure Food Grocery Department, our 3 cang for .JC China, Glass, Aluminum, Tin and Silver- ' Ladies' 75c Silk Hose, all the new ift ware Department We make the low Diamond Soap, 0- shades, pair IjC prices for Salem. now, bar "C Trade at the Chicago fjni g II f1 SALEM'S ONLY whe, Yousrt th. Most 1 he breater thicaffo otore .ssss. for Your Money O STORE 11 II 11 II 11 II II II II 11 11 u u 11 II II u ti 11 11 II 11 11 II n u ci u n 13 II 11 li 11 11 II 11 II 11 11 11 11 11 tl H 11 11 II 11 M II 11 11 II IJ 11 li ti hi ii ten w- ' - ii L" f - . - j .. L...t.ij.j jt-.j... m .m , - -aMi-il-i nri ai.ilt I; Every desirable style and kind that is fashionable is shown. FRENCH SERGES, POPLINS, WOOL g SERGES, GRANITES, WOOL BATISTES, BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, ROMAN STRIPES and El SCOTCH PLAIDS, CHIFFON WOOL TAFFETAS, ALSO NEW COATINGS. All the leading shades and newest fancy weaves are shown. Special advertised prices. E tl II II 11 IJ 15 Dainty Silks for all classes of garments are shown. CHIFFON, TAFFETAS, CHARMEUSE, PUSSY " WILLOW, CREPE DE CHINE, MESSALINE, CHINA, HEAVY SATINS, PONGEE, POPLINS, and H hundreds of other fancy weaves, styles and designs. Every new shade that will be popular are shown Special advertised prices. U II LJ II II II 11 11 n n A wonderful showing of stylish new Dress and Waisting Ginghams are now on display. Every style and II design is shown in dainty small checks, fancy plaids and stripes. Every yard guaranteed fast color. E Special introduction price, per yard Ej ri ii ii ii m M N n Come and see the choicest line of fine Cambric Percales shown on the Pacific coast. Percales for waists, ii house dresses, children's dresses, men's shirts and hundreds of other garments. No poor dyes. Every II yard guaranteed fast color. Special price H 9m n u u 13 II Now opened up and ready for Spring selling. Our New York Buyer's latest judgment is used in the j selection of these garments. Suits with full skirts, jackets loose fitting, silk braid trimmed, also man- tailored loose fitting effects. Coats in the latest models, large checks, chinchillas, corduroys and fancy j tweeds. To introduce the new Ladies Coats and Suits we offer for this sale remarkable bargains. U Coats $4.95, $6.95, and $9.90 DONT WAIT It Pay oy Now s o WK V IBR We Say You Are Certainly in Need of That OVERCOAT and you might as well buy is now as next season. It will cost you less in the first place, and secondly, you will have good use of it this and next month. PRICES GOING UP Don't fail to remember that prices of every article of wearing apparel are Going Up on account of the WAR. DyestufTs cannot be bought as long as Germany is at war and as long as England is mistress of the seas, therefore you must expect to pay increased prices on all articles with color in them. We predict that 10c red and blue bandana handker chiefs will soon cost 25c. Clothing, Hats, and Shoes All of these articles are up for a big jump in price for next season, and it is therefore up to you to get busy and buy these articles, if you need them, while the Prices are Low at ICK B ROT HE The House That Guarantees Every Purchase. . J !.l-J t. ..'. -s V iliiil kI Chief Justice White Will Be President's Guest of Honor Tonight n The New Model Suits $8.90, $9.90 and $11.90 Worth Nearly Double g pun FOLLOWING ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS We are. Now Offering at Cut Down Prices B n u & ii liy Vnitcl Tvoss.) Wiishinutnn, l-'i'li. N liii'f .litii'O Wliite of the I'nitt'ii Stutis snmiie iMinrt will lip tin' fiiii'st lit' huiKir unl I M;iiI:iiiii' Si-luiiiiiiiin lloiiik will lie ni gui'st Hinl ulso will silly at a iliiini'r ti'i ili'ic'il incinl'i'i's lit' tin1 1'iiMit iunl tlioir wives In- I'lrsiil.'iit iiml Mrs. Wil-mi in th( Wh'iti' lliiuso toniuht. Tin- t'liii-t' .lustU'i1, wlio is now 71 ami still one of I lie most iii'tive men on t'ne licnch, will sit ut -Mrs. Wilson's riylit It the l'nni' tion, while Jlrs. White will he lit the I'l'esiileiil 's riht. At the jiresi.lent 's left will lie 11 rs. .Mi-Kenim, while just ice .MeHeinin will sit lit the left of Mrs. Wilson. The oilier just ices ami their wives will lie sentiM in order a.s follows: Justice llol s and Mrs. Holmes, Justice Kay, Justico Hughes mid -Mrs. HiiKhen, Justice Van Kcvnn ter ind .Mrs. Van Devanter, Justice Pitney and Mrs. I'itney uud Justice McHeynoldfl. There will lie a distinuuislied repre sentativo of tiie Aiiiericnn concert stajje at the dinner. Mine. Schiimnnn lleinlt, preinier singer, has lieeri invited and followiiiL' the dinner will sine for the i;iiests. There will lie n numlicr or other prominent uuests at. the function, incluiliiifr several well Known nn'inhers of thi) I j K 5! TRANSFORMS COMPLEXION; WINS SOCIAL FAVORS :1 s): je je "Had 1 lieen unatdo to transform my eoniplexion so iiickly, so conipletely, dy an unique, process I had just learned of, t never could have attended the Charity Hull." A certain social favorite, a pic ture of loveliness at the (jrent event, told me this. "I had Ijeeu much run down," stie Kaid. " When I beheld my self in the mirror ulter ti night's trou bled sleep, I huw I was becoming heavy eyed and pale. J could not take, and attend the bull, the lonj; rest my physi cian udvised. A frii'in" Hii(,'cste, I (jet an ounce of nierculized wux at the dratf gist's and use it as 1 would cold cream. did the result iH apparent. In ll week I had u new complexion. The wax took off the old skin co gradually, there, wns no discomfort. Now you see the fresh, bright underskin, with Jts youthful glow and expression, "The worry . lini'H and wrinkles, which had become quite numerous, I re moved very easily by Kim ply bafliing my face every morning in u harmless lo tion made by dissolving an ounce of witch hazel. You fee the result my skin as smooth and firm as u school girl's." Aileen in Town Talk. California Corporations Pay Taxes On Last Day Snernniento, Cab, Feb. R. Tnn state treasury is almost bulging over with gold, yesterday being the last day for payment of the corporation franchise pnd corporation license times. The Santa Ke nilroad hauled if 177, IMM) in gold to tiie enpitol during the morning, that amount being the last in stallment of the company's franchise tax. The Southern T'ncifie sent ill (IIHI; the Western l'ncifie ijlihmd; Hie Northwestern I'aeifie $!l7,flli0; tiie Pa cific IfUT, (Hit); the Pacific Klectric '.!.'I2, 000 and the I'liiti'd liuihviyu if2l!l,00O. l'enaltien will be added to corpora tion taxes not paid by last night. Mrs. Rolph Acting Mayor For Sick Husband San Francisco, Feb. S. A woman's hand is guiding the mayoralty affairs i f San Frincisco. In n flower-filled room at Alder sail i I ll ri nut Mrs. .lames l.'olph, wife of the iniyor, is attending to tiie details of all matters which couip from the city hud to the si- 1c room. Before any question, paper or article conies before the mayor, .Mrs. b'olph ;:ives it consideration. She decides whether the in Ivor shoud take any action at this time, and if she decided in the negative, it is temporarily shelved until lie becomes sufficiently strong to get down to real work. Siie dictates how many bonds lie is to sign each day. " Vou may only sign 1(10 today," she declares. And only lull are signed. She is on guard each day to see th it, no weighty matters gel into his hands. She dictates who may see him, and those who do are far and few between. She wat'-hes him as he signs bunds and interrupts at tiie end of each few minutes mid forces him to tike a rest. She receives the bonds as they come and looks them over. She acts as his secretary, as well, and keeps in direct touch with the citv hall. H $ $ $ $ sjc $ ; $ PROPER WAY TO KEEP 'xOUR HAIR IN CURL ! !e sc $ ! c ( s ! e (: jjt sjt THE SKIN MADE PRESENTABLE Poslaiu Quickly Clears Complexion Drives Away Pimplcj. When it is necessary to quickly dear nwny undue redness of the skin or ti dispose of pimples, rashes or itching, intlnniation, just apply l'oslam at nighi, results should bo apparent in tlio morning, 'heu you realize how ef fectively Poslam cm serve you in thin manner, on all occasions, yon will un derstand why it is accepted as tlio standard for skin diseases, "neniark able for its control over eczema. Kislaiu Soap, beneficially medicated witii I'osl mi, contains all of quality that can be put into a soap. A trinl will delight yon. Uegin its use today. For samples, send 4c. stamps to Km ergeucy l.aborulories, '.2 West -"it'i St., New York tit v. fold bv all drn-Kists. ind this siring, unless the weather de M'lops unexpectedly warm in March, will be worse. Heal maple sugar is be ing sold for as much as -o cents i pound and syrup for as much as 53 cents a qn irt. If you want your hair to grow and thrive, don't curl it with a hot iron. The regular use of this barbarous in strument is bound to keep the hair dried ind pnn lied looking, with broken nnd uneven ends'. It's a lot more sensi ble to adopt the simple sibneriue meth od, which will not interfere in the least with tiie growth and health of the hair. .Moreover, it. means a far more beauti ful curly and wavy effect, with no evi dence of having been artificially ac quired. A few ounces of liquid silinerine which cm of course be found in any drug store will last a long time. Just try a little of this harmless liquid to night. Kip a clean tooth brush into it and draw this down the full length of the hair. Silinerine, by the way, is neither sticky nor greasy; you will be simply delighted with it, $ sc sje st :e 'f :1c YOU CAN'T BRUSH OR :e WASH OUT DANDRUFF ): sl 'fi s!e sje :t c sj K se jc PECULIAR FACTS ABOUT WELL KNOWN IJEOPLE ! jj( St. Taul, Minn., Feb. S. Al- though J. J. Hill owns n couple K of railroads, several steamship lines, and part interest in sev- j era! more railroads, und lives here where sub zero tempera- s ! tares are common, the family 'fi does not own n limousine, tnv- je cling In an open automobile. i se e s!( c s VERMONT MAPLE SUGAR SUPPLY IS SHORT THIS YEAR The only sure way fo get rid of dan druff is to dissolve it, then you de stroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it it night when retiring; use. enough to moisten the malp and rub it in gently with tile finger tips. Ki this tonight, and by morning, the most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four mine appli cations will completely dissolve and en tirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dan druff you may have. Vou will find, too, that til itciiini; and digging of the scalp will stop nt once, and your hair will be fluffy, Iih t ion", glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred timer1 better. Vou can get liquid .uvon at any dru store. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. FLOODS ARE FEARED Washing-ton, Feb. 7. The weather bu reau today warned against the possibil ity of dangerous avalanches in the mountains of Washington, Oregon and Idaho, and floods on the eastern slopes of the Cascades in Washington as th'i result of rains and warmth follow iriK snowstorms in that region. E 0 ED A PLEA for AID Chicago, Feb. H. Vermont apparent ly has exhausted its maple sugar crop, and the nation's sweet tooth will luck this saccharine confection this yetr, Chicago dealers said today. The crop was less than half normal last year, From the Stomach, T.iver or r.owe.'t should not be ignored. Watch for any symptom of distress and immediately help Nature by Irving WJOSTETRER'S I 11 Stomach Bitters Always Watch lThis Ad" "Changes Often T Strictly correct weight, square deal and highest riees for all kinds of X iunk. metal, rubber, hides and furs. I tav U'je per pound for old Tigs. t liig stock of all sizes second hand incubators. All kinds corrugated T iron for both roofs and buildings. Roofing paper and eeeond hand linoleum. H. Steinback Junk" Co. The House of llalf a Million Bargains. I 302 North Commercial ttt. rioue '"S