Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 05, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    Butterick Patterns and Publications W. B. Corsets Munsing Union Suits
- fftTlfTMTTTH "T"" ' ' " ' '
I . 4t
Do You Appreciate Good
Blankets? .
If you do, you will ad
mire this large stock of
excellent Bedding
Comforts too are tru
ly worthy of inspectipn.
Many weights various
colors and borders.
From this big stock you
will find just what you
need to replenish your
supply. Prices are low
consistent with good
(See display of Blank
ets Auto Robes and
Indian Robes.)
We Call Your Special Attention to the Arrival of
New Spring Merchandise for the Spring Season
These early showings will prove very interesting to those who wish to know
what will be popular; also give the opportunity for early selection and wear.
Splendid assortment of new Embroideries and Laces Allover Flouncing
Insertions Laces Many new and beautiful effects.
New Cravenettes New Crepe De Chines New White Goods New Taffeta
Silks New Wash Goods.
IN THE MEN'S DEPARTMENT A Showins of New sPrin IIats
IN THE READY-TO-WEAR SECTION-Beautiful.disPlay-ofrN:ew Suits-Coats-
Dresses and Skirts.
-New Assortment of stylish Spring Footwear
FOR RENT Millinery
Department Space on
second floor after Feb.
15. Inquire at Office.
Our 781st. Wednesday Surprise Sale, February 9th
A Sale of New Handbags at ... . 79c
An offering that is beyond doubt the biggest Hand Bag value of the season.
Most of these are new latest shapes warranted genuine leather some
leather lined Moire Hand Bags and Vanity Cases also included fitted with
coin purses and various toilet requisities. Formerly priced up to $2.00 each.
Extra Special Next Wednesday ' 19c Each
See the window display No phone orders or mail orders taken for these.
When you purchase
here you can feel secure
about quality We do
not sell bankrupt stock
or trashy merchandise
over our counters for
we believe the best is
none too good for our
customers. As stand
ardizes of merchandise
for , years in this vi
cinity we have always
given great care in the
selection of goods. They
must be good goods or
they cannot enter this
JJl - JJxqodIgoop s 1
A Special Sale of Scarfs
and Caps at $1.69 a Set
Guard against -'olei weather
ills; bo warm and comfortable
You can with a set of these.
Scarfs are of good width nnd
length strip borders fringed
Choice of old tnse, grey, medium
blue, red, brown, white.
Sold separately if desired,
ends Caps to match each scarf.
WTTTT TTTTT T TV v T v v v ' ' - '
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, Or., Feb. 5. Mrs. ' Anundu
Kexford and Dennis O. McMurrny, of
Independence, who were indicted by u
The case of Clarence McE.rnth, who ! -ent session of the : grand jirry on ...
pleaded guilty to a charge of petit lf j burning of" the eld hotel building in
ecny in the circuit court, was eon-' Independence on November titk last
tinned until April 1. McElrath has ere acipiitted of the charge, at the
i. . trial wnieii cunio up in Jude Helt -i
been held m the county juil since hej(.0U1.t t,,. a ,.,',. umilbcr o( wil
entered his plea Jnnuary 14 with the m.S!l(.s f0r the st.ite were examined an. I
understanding' that he would be pa-1 at the close of ihe trial, YV. L. Toozo,
roled if steady employment was secured . attorney 1'or tha defense moved for u
for him but so far no Jobs have been! direct verdict for acquittal on th
offered around the county jail. I grounds that th- state had even failed
! to prove that th fire was of an inecn
A C Libby, of Jefferson, today filed Nliur.v origin. The motion was over
.i..i.t:.. c ..o.i;.i tn, iitin ti. ruled bv Judge Belt nnd the ease wen..
inn utciuiuviuii ,......... ..... - , .
publican nomination for the office of
county commissioner.
The county eourt today appointed
Oeorge Hayser, of Salem, as supervisor
of road district No. 37. J. Si. Hamil
ton, of Turner, was appointed super
visor of road district No. 45 and Oeorge
Hitler of St. Paul, was named as super
visor in road district No. 07.
The jury in the ease of J. C. Gregory
against the Oregon Fruit Juice compnny
returned a verdict for the plaintiff in
the sum of $223 last evening. Oregon
sued for total damages of $1,!18.82 and
the defendant brought in a claim of
$.'t71 for repairs upon a. hydraulic, press
that was purchased from the plaintiff
bv the defendant.
Marriage licenses were issued at the
office of the county cleric yesterday to
Archie C. Wright, a Silverton sales
man, and Myrtle Woolen, also of Silver
ton. Joseph F. Knmmler, a Salem farm
er, and I.avina Harding, of Ocrvnis, se
cured a marriage license also.
to the jury who, .liter being out abom
two hours, returned a verdict of not
Jury Disagrees In Gambling Case.
The trial of Clifford and Fran'.
Smith, of Independence, charged wit'i
conducting a gambling game in con
nection with their c.inr store, was
heard in the Circuit Court Tuesday al
teinooii. The state Apparently cad '..
strong case against the Smiths and '.
conviction was confidently expected b
the large audience, of interested spe
tutors who heard the trial. The cas"
went to the jury late Tuesday after
noon and .U'ter remaining out all nigh
the jury still hopelessly divide, I, slang
ing six to six, reported to die eoui-i.
their inability to agree, and were di".
charged. The case, if retried, wi l
come up in the April term of court.
An inventory and appraisement filed
in probate court today shows the estate
of Nancy W. Peck to consist of per
sonal property to the value of $i:il.!'
The appraisers were H. P. Chase, A. W.
Veatch and T. K. Waldorf.
Reynolds Is School Superintendent.
I V. I. Reynolds of Huena Vista, torn -lei
ly principal of the Dallas publi
schools ami at umitiine connected wil 'i
jthe state reform school at Salem, vi
selected by the board of county coir
niissioners late Thursday afternoon t-i
fill the unexpired term of II. C. Sc
! inoiir, who resigned the first of t!i
month to take up a posit'on at the On
gon Agricultural college at Corvulli.:.
Professor Reynolds will tnUe up hi
duties in the school superintendent
office at once.
Young ladles and their escorts heart-1 Post inspected tho heating plant of the The Lincoln junior high school won
ilv welcomed at First. Congregational : Uaifield school yesterday. The plant front the Washington juniors this nft-
was louiiil to ue uoing snustaciory j einoou ny a score or to o in a iiuskci
work, and its acceptance will be recom- , ball game played in the Salem high
mended at tho next meeting of the school gym.
school board, Monday, February 14. I o
Consider your children's eyes. If a
With these hard times you should child's sight is imperfect, correct glass-
Kansas, nnd to him one of the boosting tnL., ndvantnL'o of an offer which will' should be obtained immediately, if
Oregon letters was seat. This mom-j Ul,v,,r 0,,OHr n!uin after this month and i this is done toe child usually outgrows
Uig Mr. Moore received a letter from have your piano tuned and repaired by i tho trouble but otherwise the defect
this Kansas friend, in which he writes: one- of the best experts in the state At ; increases until glasses are inevitable,
"Vnu Oieirnn fnlks urn certainly L'rent.n. brio vnu cnu afford. 1 know vou while x cure becomes impossible. Many
i if .. f i,..m mi ttii ef-in-ill h..lii ni.. irnin it iciintntinn in this ! children 's school hours are a torture
istrn-r. nnt'c we yet ncui ainteo. nnu n "--iu- ui ui-i"-ia vi i.-,,vu
satistied witn
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass
es correctly. U. 8. Dank, lildg.
Ivan 0. Martin went to Portland this
morning to attend ft meeting of the
higher officials of tho United Artisans.
Order your pur milk: and cream
from Maple Grove Dairy, 1213 South
Commercial. Phone 208. tf
S. A. Riggs and Judge William Gallo
way went to .Mc.Minnvillo this morning
to attend a directors' meeting of the
Oregon Fire Kelief association.
O. II. P. Cough Syrup will atop your
cough. No cure, no pay. For sule it
the Opera Houso Pharmacy. tf
Dr. E. T. Mclntyro, physician and
surgeon, 214 Masonic, lildg. Phone 410.
Dr. Stone's Drug store.
Chinese noodles and Japanese decora
tions were the main features at the
meeting last evening of the Kpwortli
league of the Jason I.eo .Memorial
Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures i
heaves. Price $1; for sale by all drug
gists. o
church, Center and Liberty, Siuiilay ev
ening, 7::ill o'clock. Moving picture
film, "Joseph in F.gypt.
j W. W. Moore happens to have a
friend on the Wichita i'.agle, Wictnla,
An order was issued in probate court
by Judge Bushey authorizing ,. K. Set
tleinier, guardian of the estate of Sa
rah Skeen, an incompetent, to bring
suit to foreclose a mortgage on property
in Clackamas county which secured n
note tor .;),000 given by J. W. Cole and
WORTHINOTON Tn the city, Fridav,
February 4, 1!H, Johu W. Worthing-
ton, in ins l'4tli year.
Chapman Buys Shoe Store.
I'r.uik ,1. Chapman, of Salem, thi-i
week bought tho shoe store of Mrs. .).
C. Oaynor on Court street. The luv
nor store was established iu Palla-;
about 2.") years ago by J. ('. (iaynoi
and has been conducted by the (,'aynoi
family continuously since that time. It.
is the only exclusive shoe store in Dal
las .mil has enjoyed a large patronage.
One of the largest deeds recorded i i
this county for some time was filed
with the county clerk recently. Tim
document cairicd $2-10 iu stamps. Th"
deed transferred tile holdings of th-.:
Cortland Cement company to the Oro
gon Portland Cement conipnnv. Th"
He was formerly employed by the I bulk of the property is located in I'ol'i
Spaulding Logging company. The hodv
is at the undertaking parlors of Iiigdon
& Richardson. Funeral arrangements
will not be made until word is received
from his father who lives at Beavertun.
county near Bridgeport.
fort, something is sure to happen lor
the good of Oregon."
Also Nice Una
' Jewelry.
Maaonlo Bldg.
Iincensed Lady Em
balraer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
rhone724. Salem, Ore.
D. A. Torry has purchased a ton acre
tract just east of the fair grounds,
from Win. Young, consideration, $2OO0
cash. The deal was made through the
office of L. llechlel & Co.
The members of Company M will at-
The quarterly meeting of the Chris- tend church in a bony February 20, at
tian Endeavor City Union will be licU tho First Congregational church at the
tomorrow afternoon ut 5:30 o'clock, at express invitation of Kov. James F.lvin
tho Highland Friends' church. All who will couduet services in honor of
Washington ' birthday on that date.
Tho members of the company attended
church in it body last year on this oc
casion nnd will attend again this yenr
iu dress uniform.
young people of the city nro oinvited t
Dr. Stone's drug store.
Paul V. Maris, O. A. C. state leador
of agricultural work, who had arranged
to be hero today to accompany L. J.
Chimin to Mount Anirel. wired this
morning that with niunv others, ho wns!'s"lay evening, 7:110.
snow bound near I.a (irniide. I fiim, "Joseph in F.gypt.
Attention, boys and girls. Spend a
pleasant Sunday evening at. First Con
gregational church, renter and Liberty,
Moving picture
vou aren t more tnnn
my work, 1 will take no pay. What
more cm you ask ? Let 's talk it over.
Leave your address at Salem Hotel. K.
K. Hansen.
W. I. Vawter, who died in Medford
yesterday, was well known in this city.
He was past grand master of tho I. O.
O. F. of Oregon for the years lltOG nnd
1H07 and was succeeded by Claud Catch,
for many years with the I.ndd & Bush
bank. Mr. Vawter was a close personal
friend of J. A. Mills and hud been
associated with him ninny years in
lodge work. i
0. H. Luck went to Albany this
The child
often does not realize its deficiencies,
while its parents are all unsuspecting.
So the trouble is neglected, the child's
education is impeded, .uid its health
seriously impaired. Children who frown
when reading, who complain of heid
nches or whose eyelids seem red nnd in
flamed should have their eyes tested
and the proper corrections made. I
make a specialty of fitting children's
eves and correcting nil defects of
vision. Satisfaction guaranteed. I use
no drugs or drops .is thev are danger
ous. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn. Kooms
210-211 U. S. Hank Bldg.
Tor the first time in the state of
Oregon, moving pictures w ill be part of
Band Elects President.
Chester .1. Siefarth was this week
elected president of the Dallas hand ii
place of August Kisser who was uiiabbi
to give the time necessary to the work
of the organization and had handed i"
n , ti 1irl1 ii ! ins resignation. J ne nniut nas oeen uo-
lannot nay Willamette good work an winter and n ai-
wiiich will be held on the evening of
Wednesday, February 2.1.
Multnomah Basket Tossers
A telegram from Harry Fisher,
manager of M. A. A. 0. basket ball
team which was to have played
the University here tonight, announces
that his aggregation will not be able
to appear much to his regret.
Weather conditions in Portland make
it impossible for his team to get to
gether. The Willamette management is very
sorry that this game cannot be played.
Attempts were made immediately to
schedule a came for tonight with
Dallas, Mt. Angel
or rncific College, in order to not dbi
nppoint holders of season tickets, but
it was mj possible.
The next game will be Idaho, Febru
ary 12.
Snn Francisco, Feb. f't. Taking a
w.illop at the high cost of living, tho
state fish nnd game commission has be
gun a campaign to teach housewives
I how to prepare fish so thev may eai.
Albany, Philomath more of it and less meat.
Electric baths and massage under
rour pliyslclnn's directions. N. N, Im
n, 18 Hubbard Hldg. Phone 6SS. tf
The game scheduled to be played to
night between the Kugeno and Salem
basketball teams in Salem has beeu in
definitely? postponed. The gnmo was
called off by Kugene because of tho in
ability of Mnnerud nnd Onllison to play.
Hoth players have been ill for several
days with grip. Kugene Register.
organization of representatives of
the Commercial clubs of the valley. It
is hoped to organize all tho Commer
cial clubs in the Willametto valley into
an association for the general good of
Tta Et Reverend Walter T. Sumner CT SJffiThlS
llntes nt tlm rcmitnr 11 nVln.'V mnriiiniri '
- - - - - n
service of St. Paul s Episcopal church
tomorrow. Bishop Sumner before com
ing to Portland, was prominent in Chi
cago social nnd settlement work, work
ing with Jane Addiims and others of na
tional fame.
morning to attend the meeting for the I!1.0 JT'11"" c'Th rr"Sram when the
ul ..lnu - : . -
riuiur sci ii vs LuiiiiuiuiY otiiin;. ine
Mrs. Geo. Wick, North Twenty-third
st.rojct, and two daughters. Ireturned
yesterday from a two months' visit at
Bismarck, N. D. When away Mrs. Wick
underwent an operation, which has left
n I her rather weak, but on the road to
Beautiful Uttle folder cards, some-; '"P''1 recovery. They wero stalled in
thing new, something exclusive, che ip : a, snow d"11 Mween Spokane and
0 H. Carson has ouaned a low m " 'osiais, goo.i looking ns a five .lol- io "
i" .i ft i i? openea w otnee picture. At the Trover-Weicel 1 hlu1 enough provisions to feed the pas
W. H. Trludle. b"'ld"'R I Sli', opposite Hligh theatre, 41 2 W three meals while so interned.
proposition of bringing the movies to
the church as a menus of sustaining;
the interest of the evening services. !
has been discussed by various church i
papers, with generally very opposite :
views. The First Congregational church
of Salem will become a pioneer in this
line, and if by means of tho moving
pictures, the interest, in the Sunday ev- j
ening meetings are maintained, tho sup-1
position is that other churches may fall j
in linc. The services tomorrow even-;
ing will include Bible reading, anth
ems by the choir and consrregationnl
singing. Before the pictures are
shown, Mr. F.lvin will spenlr for 1
minutes on the -subject to be thrown
on tho screen, "Joseph in F.gypt.
Phone 700
: v;TAXi-
Oood Oarag In connection (or
tor&g of tears.
Seasonable EaU.
Quag .
119 6tat Street,
.in liiiii im ii Ki.iwiTiiriy.iir---" ip i-r.rHfc
State street.
No eastern mall has arrived in the
The Rev. Janiae El via has been invit
ed tlV .TtllllTA WitlUm CnlllM-av t .1..
Uvor nn address at the naturalization 1 v"- ",r nays, nnu ine proDnmtities
examinations to be held at tho court 1 1ro ,ll,, W1" ,,u 1,0,10 u,,,il Ilfxt Mon
house t 10 o'clock next Tuesday morn-! l,liy' T,1'H "''""""tion is given for the
ing. About 20 have applied for nntur-: , p,u,( uf ,l,0 who nrc wondering why
alization pnpers. I letters and papers, and even tho Satur-
o day Evening Post have not arrived. Sa-
They are really worth twice what w u'm !a having a summer climate com-
charge. No one else makes them. Call pared to tho storm that has been raging
and se. Trover-Weijjel Studio. I caat and Rocky mountain stutes.
are three occupations which often
demand glasses to lessen the
JJ If 'or eyes tire ever so lit
tle, let me examine them, and if
needed, prescribe GLASSES FOR
CLOSE WORK that will rest the
nerves, relieve the eye strain and
keep the wrinkles away.
Mice a M.niiinru nn
I 208-209 Hubbard Buifc. Phone 109
ii r
The precipitation yesterday and up to
S o'clock this morning was .85 of sn
inch. This amount of moisture was
precipitated in this locality mostly in
tho form of snow that son melted.
The river Is falling, as th stage this
morning Is 10.9 above low water mark,
A good Sunday dinner rooked well,
price right. Jess (leorpe, 202 Htate St.
Hot cakes iud coffee, 10c.
. - 0 '
The store room, formerly occuoted bv
the Poole drug store is now undergoing
repairs and will bo occupied nbout
March 1 by lliuner Bros.. The front
will be entirely remodeled, aud nn addi
tion of 35 feet built In the rear of the
Just the thing for studenta. Wa nuke
the picture, we make the folder enrd
ita different, its exclusive, its iu a clas.
lyv itself. OH and ee. Trvr-Weigel
Those who ax Interested In the
"One day rest in seven ".bill to be pre
sented to the people at the coming elec
tion are Invited to boar the Rev, O. I,
Tufts at the First Methodist church
1 tomorrow evening.
o -Try
Capital Journal Want Ada,
Fathers and mother, bring your fam
ilies to the pleasant Sunday evening
service, First Congregational church,
Center and Liberty, 7:;i0 o'clock. Com
fortable retiring room for mothers with
small children. Plenty of room for
baby carriages.
At the request of J. W. Brewer, presi
dent of the Oregon Irrigation congress,
Governor Withycombe today appointed
the following delegates to tho state ir
rigation, drainage and rural credits con
ference, to bo held in Salem, beginning
March 9: . Hon. William Hanlev, Burn,
Ore.; Fred Stump, Suver, Ore.; w.
H. tiore, Medford, Ore.; K. L. Thomp
son, Chamber of Commerco building,
Everybody welcome Sunday evening
at the Kir-it (Vingregational rhurvh,
Center and Liberty, at 7:30 o'clock.
Splendid singing by chorus sud congre
gation. Address by .Tames Vlvin, "The
Storv of Joseph." Moving picture
film", "Joseph in F.gypt."
Several members of the Salem Chess
H. Steinboch, president of the Jew- T ?. T?
ish relief society of Salem, reports that i l"B "''vrc., h d pmjers win
the sum of 77.50 has bee,,' collected 'a hJnJl iVjlf" &K '
the coming contest, to be held next
for the Jewish sufferers in Kurope. He
is of the opinion that a city tho size
of Snlem should contribute nt least
1,000 towards the cause, and in order
that opportunity niny be given those
who would like to nild to the amount
collected, the fund will be held open
until next Saturday. Money niny he
left at the office' of tho' Portland,
Railway, Light & Power company and
at the store of II. Steinboch.
Charles Reed received a letter today
from his mother, Mrs. James Reed, who
was in the flooded district of southern
California. In the letter she sends the
reassuring news that none of the family
was injured in the flood, although their
homo and orange grove wero entirely
swept awny and even the soil ou their
tract was washed awsy, leaving nothing
but rocks aud boulders. The orange
grove of 13 acres was purchased just a
few years ago, and was valued at 10,-000.
To make a final examination before
recommending acceptance and final
payment, Mai O. Buren and E. !
Barnes. Max O. Buren and K. P.
the' school board, school superintendent emp council; Oeorg,
v. .ii. r.uimi mm nicuiivi.i iivvi iu, oevrer,
The Sons of Vetens will celebrate
Washington's birthday, February 22,
with a program of songs and addresses.
Tho Woman's Relief Corps and mem
bers of the Grand Army of the Republic
nave oeen invited to become their
guests. The following officers were In
stalled this week: Kev. P. T. Porter,
commander; J. C. Sicgmund, senior vice
commander; J. A. Remington, junior
vico eommander; Rev.Carl II. Klliott,
chaplain; K. J. Raymond, secretary; W.
r. Pringle, treasurer; V. G. Buyer, in
side guard; J. T. Duulap, instructor;
P. Drager, S. Drake, R. W. MeWhorter,
Jackson, color
Tuesday evening at the Commercial
eluo rooms. On that evening, the Com-'
mercinl club players will contest with j
tho Chess nnd Checker club, in both
chess and checker games. Tho Commer
cial club players havo not been select
ed. The probabilities are that W. L.
Bryant, Davo Drager, Hollis Ingnlls, J. i
L. Peetz and Fred Drager will represent
the Chess nnd Checker club in the j
checker games and Messrs. Givens,
Smith, Miller, Plant nnd Savage in the j
chess part of the contest. I. Green-1
baura will play, but as ho is a member'
of tho Commercial club and also of tho I
Chess &' Checker club, it has not beeu
decided ou which side he will serve.
DPNCAX To Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.I
Hunean, of ale, Ore., Thursday, '
February 3, 1916, a son, to bo named
Ivan Merwin.
Mr. Duncan is tho on of R. B. Dun
can of this city, nnd was formerly a
resideat of Salem.
GVI.VIX To Mr. and Mr. W. F. Gul
vin, at their home in Jefferson, Sat
urday, February 5, 13 Id, a son.
Mrs. Gulvin was formerly Miss Ethel
Law, of this city.
Tale's new director of sports is to
receive 10,iX)0 a year, showinj that
it sometimes pays to be a good sport.
Don't Forget
You can buy Warm Cloth
ing cheaper at our store,
than any place in Salem.
Packard Shoes all reduced.
G W. Johnson & Co.
141 North Commercial
Now at 426 State Street