Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 05, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Germany and America Are
Thought To Be Nearing
Break In Relations
l.uii. Ion. Feb. 5. Reports tliat Ger
many mill America are ne.-ir a rupture
in relations were displayed prom
inently in London papers today. Sev
eral, however, recalled t tin t when there
were similar reports previously, one
Bide op the other followed them with a
coneilinttiry move.
The consensus of opinion was that
physical participation by the ("nited
Hales on the side of the allies would
be undesirable because it would cut
off -a source of nmmnitioii supplies but
tlic papers agreed that moral partici
pation would be of great value, how
ever. Amsterdam dispatches said prices on
the Berlin bourse dropped heavily on
reports that n break is impending
Several Berlin paper? were said to
have pointed out that a break in diplo
matic relations would probably be fol
lowed by war; and they expressed the
hope that the government would con
sider where the nation is drifting.
Renewed Decline In
New York Market
(Copyright l!U(l by the Xew York
Evening t'ost.)
New York, Feb. 5. (Something of
the perplexity with which everyone
was impressed nt conflicting state
ments from Berlin and Washington re
garding the latest Gorman nttitude to
ward America, was reflected in the
Htock market today. The renewed de
cline during the early trading ex
pressed one view; the sharp recovery
after a half hour of weakness ex
pressed the other, while the uncertain
movement afterward suggested the in
ability of the market to discover what
the position actually was.
The Street, however, remembered
that there is abundant precedent for
Berlin to announce that she has gone
Berlin to announce that she has gone
as far as possible in concessions, and
then go considerably farther.
England Fears
German Sea Raiders
' 'Now Yorlc. Feb. ". Fngland fears
Gorman raiders are roaming the' seas.
This became known today when Cap
tain finch of the British steamer Bal
tic, commander of the Arabic when sho
was sunk, arrived today, telling of how
the admiralty had warned him to be on
his guard against disguised raiders and
not to permit any steamer to approach
within two miles of the Baltic, until
it had been identified.
Stories of Baltic pa's'ngers con
firmed statements of the Appam pas
sengers who reached hee lat night,
that at least two raiders are loose on
the Atlantic.
Cortland. Ore., Feb. 5. Three 0. V?.
R. & N. overland trains, the first to
arrive since Tuesday, pulled into the
station shortly after 2 o'clock this aft
ernoon and disgorged several hundred
passengers who have been held between
here and The Dalles two or three days.
Th trains represented consolidations of
six or flven trains, passengers and mail
being transferred at Pendleton, The
Dalles and Hood River.
Cortland, Or., 'KVI. 5. Mules flndl
farm plows, attacked toe ice-covered1
streets of Cortland today, supplement-1
ing the work of four thousand snow
shovolors. The plows were run along ,
streetcar rails, tearing up the acked J
snow and ice in some pl.ices a foot j
deep. The mules walked through it nsj
tl: nigh they were doing toe spriny
plowing. !
Washington, Feb. 5. Public hearings
as to the fitness of Louis D. Bramleis
of Boston for the post of associate su
premo court justice will open Wednes
day, Joseph Teal, of Portland, find Lieu
tenant Governor Kslileman. of Califor
nia, are among eight suhpoenned for
the hearing.
Amsterdam, Feb. 5. The Belgian ,
frontier has been completely closed to1
travelers, it was announced here today.'
This move is believed to indicate im-j
portaut concentration, preliminary to aj
strong offensive. j
Amsterdam. Feb. ,r. Four hundred
tint! fifty Germans, attacking Dvinsk,
were drowned, when Russian fire broke'
the Dwinn river ice beneath them, nc-
cording to a dispatch received hero to-'
Caris, Feb. 5. A riot, assuming pro-'
portions of a revolution, broke out in
Lisbon Inst night and continues today.
Crowds nre attacking tho republican
guards, and pillaging stores. !
Itnsle, Switzerland, eh.
reimrted to have broken out nt Leipzig '
mid troops have been disp.itchcd to end!
them. ;
When gasoline reaches 2' that is.
Broadway, New York there is rea
son to believe it will not be sent
to 27.
Ipfahler Is Arrested
L On Bishoa's Comalaintl
.Portland. OrJ Feb. 5. Charles B.
I'fahlev aged 70, former, secretary to
' Bishop Scadding, xif tho Episcopal
j diocese of Oregon, ras arrested by
I sheriff lliirlburt today on complaint
J of Bishop Walter T. Summer. Pfahler
I is charged with having destroyed the
books and records of the diocese ini;
nreilintelv after the death of Bishop
Pfnhler collapsed when arrested and
was in such serious condition that he
could not be taken to the county jail
immediately. He admitted ' destroying
the records. He did it, he said, in the
mist of grief over the death of his wife
and the subsequent death of the bishop.
Soon after Bishop Sumner succeeded
to the vacancy caused by the death of
Bishop S.adding, Pfnhler disappeared,
and then it was learned that the
records had been destroyed. Pfahler
returned recently from California. In
the absence of the records it is impos
sible to determine if all the church
moncv ha been accounted for.
Portland Emerges From
Effects of Great Storm
Cortland, Or., Feb. 5. Unless anoth
er "silver thaw" comes today, street
car, telephone and light service in
Cortland will be almost normal by to
night. l-.iehtv tier cent ot the street car
lines were able to operate today and
linemen are rapidly rc-eoustruetnig the
broken telephone, telegraph and light
wires. -
The greatest havoc to lines of com
monication was wrought along the Col
nmbii river north of Cortland. Be
tween Cortland and Coble, a distance
of 29 miles. "1 miles of telegraph and
te!opuc!:o lines were broken under the
strain of henvv coats of ice. Communi
cation with Seattle and Taeomn by way
of Spokane was established, but tin
service was oinewhat doubtful.
More snow, or possibly rain, was
threatened today.
Storm In Middle West.
Chicago, Feb. !. The snowstorm
from the northwest lnsiied its way to
ward tre middle west today, adding
several inches to the two to three feet
of snow already in some Dakota cities.
Cortland and Seattle trains tre again
blocked at many points with a delay
ranging from five to fifteen hours.
Dr. J.W.Smith Talked
On Feeble-Ninded Problem
at City Library Last Night
Dr. J. X. Smith, superintendent of
the state institution lor the leeulc
minded, expressed several advanced
views on the feeble minded proposition,
in his address last evening at the citv
One of his radical suggestions, and
one that lias the support of all physi-
xluo to flint if for. I,!.-. n,;t.wl ,,n,,.l,
were not permitted to marry, feeble
. i . i . , , i . ' . ,
iniuueuuess wouia uisappear within
two ironerilt ions
Iii discussing the criminal side of the
question, in. fnntn stmt that one-halt
of the expenses of the criminal courts
were incurred in trying cases of pettv
thievery, committed by the feeble
minded. Sustaining his position regarding the
marriage of the feeble minded, he cited
the fact that fully SO per cent of feeble
mindedness is hereditary. A person may
become feeble minded due to pneumonia
or alcohol, but their nicntul nnml;,;,,
would not be transmitted to their chil
dren. Those who are bora with feeble
minds, transmit them invariablv to
their children.
Dr. Smith suggested a romedv that
has been attracting the attention of
severnl eastern states, one that has
caused much diverse discussion, that of
the sterilization of the insane. Feeble
minded people generally have large
The present method of handling the
insane is very unsatisfactorv and an
pears to be making it worse. vlullT
the present system, children can be
taken away, and are not committed
there seems to be no system of commit,
ment. similar to that of the state hos
pital, and patients come and go at their
Another statement which indicates
that the feeble minded proposition has
not been handled inlelligeiitlv, is the
tact that feeble mindedness is becoming
more prevalent than in former times
possibly due to the fact that formerly
the weak minded died from lack of care.
The lecture was interesting through,
out. and indicated that the doctor had
been a student of this all important
question, one that will eventually have
to be met by legislators within the next
few vears.
Emily Stevens, the wonderful eio
tjonal actress, who is now playing the
stellar role in "The Cnchastencl Wo
man, the most successful plnv of the
season on Broadway, will be seen here
on the screen at the Ye Liberty on .Sun
day and Monday in "The House of
in',, afV 'nTt Pliotoplny. produced
b.v tiolfe Photo Clavs. Inc.. for release
in the Metro program. A strong cast
is seen in support of .Miss Stevens, in-
Salem's New Fish Market
Fresh Fish, Clams, Oysters,
Poultry and Eggs Everything
fresh in their season.
Prompt Delivery.
L. C. Hansett
2G0 Stat St.
Phone 2125 1
, , n wmm mmnJI
Sakn Man Inherits .
Estate of 'His Mother
Absent tor '-thirty Years
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
. St I,ouis, Mo., Feb. o. Judge Perry
of the St. Clair county probate court,
at Belleville, Illinois, today announced
that unless some unforsocn develop
ment arises, Edgar I". Scott, of Salem.
Ore- will receive the estate of his
mother, .Mrs. Kletior Si-oft-,' who iliyd in
Hast .St, Louis last Seiitomber. .Mrs.
! Scott was known to have two S"t), Hint
j neither had been .hoard from', for 'Ml
! years. : ' William 1'. Hittenhouso was
j named administrator and .after long
search located Edgar L", Scott t.-f Salem,
one of Mrs. Scoit's sons. The Salem
man more this niune. It is; presumed
the other son is dead.
Does any one know Kdgar 1'. Scott?
There is un estate waiting for him at
Belleville, ..Illinois. - His mother,' Mrs.
Elenor Scott, (lied last September. She
was know ri to have two sons, but ueith-'
er have, been heard from for .10 years.
A wire' this morning from St. Loiiis.
printed above, that the Administrator
of the estate had loenfed-'one of the
sons. Edgar V. Scott, in Salem. In
quiry of the numerous Pcotts in the
city failed tee find n'hy by the name
of Kdgar. 1'. Scott. .
W. I, Vawter, Banker .
and Lawyer, Died
at Medford Home
Moil ford,- Ore., Feb.- i. Attorney W.
I. Vawter, long prominent in' southern'
Oregdn, 'president of the Jackson Coun
ty Bank and -identified W'th tho legis
lative sessions of the state for several
terms, being- joint representative from
Jackson." and Douglas .counties' at' the
last session, died at his home in this
city tonight of Bright 's disease ut the.
age of 52. '..
He had been ill for two months and
a half and Thursday suffered a relapse.
He is survived by his wife and two
sons, Vernon, associated with him in
his banking interests, and William,, a
student at the University of Oregon.
He had been a resident of this city
for- 27 years.
He was a graduate of the University
of Oregon.
He. was a member of the Masons,
Elks and Knights of Pythias. His lust
public'act was as chairman of the Oregon-California
land grant commission.
He was a member of the loner house
in three different sessions of the legis
lature, and took a prominent part in
each. In H05, his first legislative
term, he served ns chairman of the
important committee of ways and
means. In the .1907 session he was
chairman of the insurance committee
and a member of the judiciary com
mittee. Mr. Vawter served one term ns mayor
of .Medford. He also rose to tho posi
tion of grand muster of the Odd Fel
lows. Ho was chairman of the Land Grant
conference held in Salem last Septem
ber in connection with the Oregon &
California Land Grant, and was named
by tho conference ns chairman of a
committee to confer with the Southern
Pacific in an effort to adjust differ
ences and affect a compromise in the
disposition of the grant lands.
Veterans Discharged
.From Company M, O.N. G.
Ten veterans of Company M whose
service totals 57 years received their
honorable discharges from Captain Max
Gehlhar today. The oldest in point
of servico were Privnte John W. Hol
nian, who -served 10 yeais, and Corporal
Justus M. Coburn. who also served 10
years. The others who received their
discharges were: Corporal Charles E.
Chandler, 5 years; Sargeunt Alva C.
Mitchell, 4 years; Private Leonard B.
Judson, 5 years; Privnte Grove Hems
ley, (i years; Private George A. Lewis,
IS years; Private Henry J:' Niger, 4
years; Private Scott S. Hickox, tl years;
Private Leonard Scriber, 4 years.
New Today Ads work' while you
sleep will have results for you in the
eluding Henri Hergman, the noted dm;
matic star; Walter Hitchcock, Madge
Tyrone, George Iirennan, and other
prominent artists of the stage and
screen. Miss Stevens will be remem
bered for lu'r excellent work, in "Des
tiny, or The Soul of a Woman," tho
Rolfe-Metro production that is the
photoplay sensation of the vear.
The owner of a choice, close in 10
aere tract is hero from the east, and
requests us to sell his 10-acre tract at
a sacrifice at once. Xow, Mr. llome
secker or investor, look this up at
once if you want a choice close in 10-
acre tract; small house, some fruit and
berries, at your own price, ('all today.
347 State Street.
Phone 452
The Oregon Wholesale and
Retail Hide and Junk Co.
Has moved from their former location,
130 Court street, to 1!7 South Com
mercial. (The old stand of the Lawr
enco Grocery, corner Ferry ami Com
mercial streets) and nre open for busi
ness nt that place. Highest prices p.iid
for hides, wool, copper, brass, iron, etc.
Before selling elsewhere, consult us for
prices. D. Samuel, proprietor.
Phone, 3!0; Res. Phone, 1737-W.
Pilrc blood enables tho stomach, liver
snd oiiier digestiyfc organs to do their
work properly. Without it thev arc
: sluggish, there is loss of appetite, and
of the intestines, ana, in general, at ,
th symptoms of dyspepsia.
; 'ur4 blood is required by every1
organ ef the body for the proper per-'
forirtitrH-o pf its functions.
HoodV rars arilla makes pure'
blood, aud "this is why it is so success
fill in the treatment of so many diseas
es and ailments, it acts directly on
the blood, jtdding it of scrofulous and
other humor?. It is a peculiar combi
nation, of blood-purifying, nerve-toning,
strengtli-giving- substances. Get it to
dav. :
The- general Weather today has
brought on dull market conditions.
Egg prices remain tho same, although
Portland' prices .were boosted about five
cents .a dozen.'!
Pork : on. foot- is showing signs of
.weakness'. and the jrrice today is one
fourth Of a cent ofi. Lambs, grain fed,
arc quoted at 7 cents. .
. ' ' Grains,
y, timothy, tier tori .'
,'...;.. $12.00
.,...'.'.-.. S8c
....... ..40c
OiiTs, vetch
Cl'oycr hay .". . ;
AVlieat :..
Oats ..........
Rolled barley .
Cracked corn .
Bran . ,
Shorts, per ton
Butterfat 32c
Creamery butter, per pound 34c
Country Butter 25c
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash 35c
Eggs, case count, cash ,'1,'tc
Eggs, trade 35c
Hens, pound 12 l-2c
Roosters, old, per pound ..... 7(S7 l-2c
Spring chickens, poind 12 l-?c
Fork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed
Pork, dressed . . , ,
Pork, on foot
Spring lambs
Cows ,
Lambs, grain fed
2iifi 3-4c
...... 7c
5 l-26c
. .. 4(3 5c
.. 3 l-2c
li 1
Cabbage $2.00
Tomatoes, California $1.752.00
String garlic 15c
Potatoes, cwt. $1.25(gl.75
Brussels sprouts 10c
Sweet potatoes $3.00
Beets $1.00
Carrots $1.00
Turnips $1.00
Celery, case $5.00
Onions $2.75
California hend lettuce, case .... $2.50
Apples, Hood Ilivcr $1.25L7;-
Oranges, Navels $2.253.25
Tangerines oranges $1.75
Lemons, per boi $4.254.75
Bananas, pound 5 l-4c
California grapo fruit .... $5.00(30.00
Dates, dromedary, case $3.35
Fard dates $1.60
Grapes, barrels $4.00
Cranberries $12.00
Pineapples 7 l-2c
Honey $3.50
Retail Prices.
hlggs, per dozon, fresh ranch .... 40c
Sugar, cane ...''...: $7.05
Sugar, D. O $G.S5
Creamery butter 40c
Flour, hard wheat : $1.60 $1.00
Flour, valley $1.30(a$l.CO
Portland, Ore., Feb. 5. Wheat:
(Tub, liic((i1.00.
Bluestem. $1 .08(34.11.
Fortyfold, !)7c(ii L04.
Red Russian, Ode.
flats: No. 1 white feed, $27.00 (3
Barley: Feed, $20.00(331.00.
Hogs: Best live, $7.50(3 7.5o.
Primo steers, $7..r0(37.73.
Fancv cows, $0.23.
Calves, $7.00(3 8.00.
Spring lambs, $.8.00(3; 8.50.
Butter: City creamery, 3tc.
L'ggs: Selected local ex., 42 1 2c.
Hens, 1(1(3 17c.
Brolers. Mi(3 lie.
Geese, 10(3 11c.
Hood (fiver. Or., Feb. 5. Mrs. Jessie
M. Bishop today became treasurer of
Hood River county, filling the nnex
pirod term of her liusb.ind, F. A. Pish
up, who died rcently.
Salem People Want
the Best
This sale is demonstrating that the
people of Salem want good pianos. One
of the first pianos we sold here was
the $1,000 Chiekering Baby Grand Had
yesterday we sold a $750 Strohber player-piano
to Mr. John. P. Murphy and a
very expensive art style Smith Barnes
to Mr. J. L. Tin ker, besides a beautiful
school organ to Monmouth and a style
25 Kimball to a prominent business
man here.
There never was such values offered
in pianos before as this is a forced sale.
See my nd on page five.
J. C. Gallagher
Made Fu'J.Confesssion ;
.. ,0f Attempted Robbery ..
' ' of Jewelry Store
Oakland, Cal, Feb. 5. Brought face
to face with his brother, Jack Savage,
a man giving the uiime. Albert liege
man, attested in San 1'rancisc.o by Oak
land police last night confessed) tho police-
declare, . full participation- in the
attempted robbery uf the -jewelry store
;of Barney Jacobs, here Wednesduy
i night. Hcgcmnn made his statements
to Captain of Detectives Walter J. Pe
tersen. He said the only reason he
made tho confession was iiecnuse Sav
age, whose real name is William liege
man, insisted on taking full responsi
bility for the crime. A third member
of the 'party is-now being sought, by
the police.
"I have a wife and four childrtu and
have been up against it for some time.
1 work as a metal lather, but employ
ment' has been scarce. Mv wife is sick
and I have been hounded bv creditors
until I did not know which way to turn.
My brother, William, (Jack Savage),
was in San Diego and I pawned my
wntch for $11 aud sent him the money
to come up here," he said,
. "My brother mid I were linth des
perate. We did not know where to get
work or money. At last, in despair, we
framed up this robbery. It was I who
fired the shots from the revolver. Wil
liam did not have any gun. When he
threw tho rock in the window aud made
his way toward mo in the automobile,
he was seized by a policeman.
"Not knowing what I did, I drew my
gun and -fired. I don't know whether
I fired one shot or a half dozen. Neith
er do I know- whether I hit anybody or
not. Everything happened so ouicklv
and I was so excited that it is all blank
to mo now. However, Bill .did not shoot
It wm me.
"When T saw that my brother was
caught nnd that I could not help him
any, I told the .driver to drivo away
as fast as he could make the car go.
We went down Eleventh street and
through San Jose. to San Francisao. I
got homo that night at midnight and
have been keening under cover ever
since. For God's snke don't let my
mother know what has happened to us
and don't blame Bill for the shooting.
I did it and I am to blame ior the whole
Monmouth Items
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Monmouth,' Or., Feb! 3. The Mon
mouth public, and high schools are
closed tonday on account of a dypther
in scare. yesterday, Miss Gaynell
Shore, a high school student, took sick
with dyp;heria while ill school and to--d.iy
the scho d buildings are being
fuinigat.d; onless more cases como to
light during the day, school will be
lesunied nt un early date.
The Monmouth high school basket
ball team met the first team of the
McM innvillc high school here in a
ma'ch gnn.c Saturday evening. Al
though tho game w.is very fast and ex-
iting t'nrci clout, the home boys were
outclassed and outweighed, being dc
fen ted bv a score of 28 to 20. This
makes Monmouth's aocond defeat this
year although they have won 6 games.
The high school boys, will go to Siver
ton February 1i to play them -a return
Miss Althon Kvaas, i student' of .the
Moi'iuniith school, was tagen suddenly
ili last week with an attach of appen
dicitis ami was taken to the Dallas
hospital Monday morning at -2 o'clock
lnd operated on nt 4 o'clock. Although
Miss Evans was in a critical condition
for some time she is reported ns doing
nicely today. 'Miss Evans is the daugh
ter of Mr. K. T. Kvnns,. a prominent
dairyman ami horseman of -this, vicin
ity. On account of the present warm rains
lnd "Chinook" 'winds which melted
all the snow in the foothills and most
all in the mountains, all rivers and
creeks ill this part of the country nre
filled to overflowing. The county
roads in the vicinity of the Liiekinmute
river are under water and will be im
passible for some time. Tho "Prother"
steel bridge ut I'.irker is reported as
in a very dangerous condition.
Mill men and loggers nre rejoicing
over the present "Chinook" Winds and
warm rains as it is rapidly melting the
snow in the woods which will soon per
mit them ' to resume operations. . n
some places near Black Rock, snow was
reported as being (I feet, deep on the
level. The loggers intend to bo at
work .igain by February 15.
. Mr. John. II. Mornn who was reported
some time since as havinir hud ri severe
attack of "cancer of the stomach" is
much better and will no doubt be out
in Ins " I'ord'' before long.
"I'mle" Bobbie Williams, is report
(i as getting along nicely 'nlthoirgii he
has not completely recovered from the
stroke of pur.ilyus he suffered about, n
year ago, ' ; '
A large crowd of students and
townspeople attended the "llachellor"
lectnre was reported as being extreme
ly numoroiis and interesting
Mr. William Ifiddcll, Sr., a prominent
sheep .mil goat miser of this county, is
very native in the. extermination of
the fcrdlniiry pocket, gopirer. .Mr. l!iI
dell employs a man the year round to
trap these animals.. Over ' I1S00 uf. these
pests have been caught by one mini on
this one farm nlonn during the past
year for which. he received a. blt)rrty of
2.T cents e icli.
Most all the farmers in this part of
the country sold all t'ooir fat hogs dur
ing the recent cold "snap" as the
price was much, better then than it :ias
been for some time'' I'nloss the farm
ers wake up and hold on to a few f ,r
breeding purposes, hogs will bo nt n
premium in this county.
' 1 - . ' "
Portland, Ore., Fen. p. Minns two
blades of her r,-Ai.ll... ti..:,:u
'."', ,,, I, , nt- u II IP II
steamer Wascaiin arrived in Portland
this afternoon after n rough trip across
the Pacific. Sh( will go into drvdock
for reonirs Tim U'nut.,,,, l..r l.
January 10 for Portland' to load grain
ior r.urope.
Kansas Citv. Mo.. Feb. 5 Tlm-nimn a
Motroiiolit in streetcar railway conduc
tor kisKcd Miss Kxelyn Whit t ington,
ugod 111; 1he company has nureed to
iniv her 500, I hough she sued for 2.1,
OOO. . . ..
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Circular Relative. 0
To 0. & C. Grant Lands
. I'. ,S. -Land Office, liosebtirg. Or.,
Feb. o. This office is dail in receipt
of a number, of inquiries relative to
the Oregon & California iKuilroad
grant lands, Asking information as to
the status of these lands, their loca
tion, character, when they may be en
tered or purchased, etc, etc.
This circular is intended-, to reply to
these letters of inquiry and to give out
such information . relative to these
lands as may now be stated. .
A list of these lands by. township
and range has. been prepared for each
of the several counties within .the
Hoseluirg Land District, containing
these lands. These lists are intended
to give merely an .approximate area of
such lands in each township, bnsed on
the list of lands given in th" decree of
the Federal court.
This list for any county or oountios
will be furnished on request.
This office has no map for distribu
tion, nor does it. prepare blue prints,
but will furnish township plats show
ing location of all vncaat land and un
sold railroad land, at $1.00 per town
ship. In ordering township plats, both
the range and township number must
be given, and remittance should be
made by certified check or U. S.
postal money order payable to K. K.
Turner, receiver. Personal checks
may not be received in payment.
This office is not in a position to
give advice as to the character of the
land in any locality, and can not at
tempt to advise any one in this regard.
As to the disposition of these lands,
nothing can be determined until
congress shall act in the matter. It is
probable that such action will be taken
some time within the next six month-',
and until such action is had no in
formation can b given by this office.
We' would suggest to parties interested
to watch the daily papers, as what
ever action Congress may take will be
given therein before this office has
official information thereon to give
Based on the list of lands given in
the decree of the court, tho approxi
mate acreage of unsold railroad lands
in the several counties of this district,
nt the tithe tho suit was instituted,
was as follows:
Lincoln, 2010; Benton, 27710; Linn,
11020; Lane, ,'100,110; Douglas, 007,
.100; Coos, 100,020-,. Curry, StOO; Jose
phine, 172,400; Jackson, 44-1,500;
Klamath. 13,440. Total, 1,090,32(1.
In addition to the above lands tliere
are other railroad lauds in several of
the counties named, that at the time
tho suit was instituted were unsur
veyed, and hence not included in the
list given in the suit, but coming as
well under the decree. The approxi
mate areas of such lands are as fol
lows: Coos, 15,000; Douglas, fi.l.OOO;
Josephine, 1700; Curry, 15,000; Jack
son, 20,0110,
There is still a certain amount of
iinsurvcyed railroad lands in several
of the counties, namely. Curry, Douglas
and Josephine. These lands when sur
veyed will- come under whatever plun
of disposition congress may provide.
J. SL t'pton, Hegistfr.
R. R. Turner, Receiver,
Daniel J. Fry Has Such Faith la This
Dyspepsia Remedy That He
Guarantees It.
One of the -greatest successes in the
sale of medicine has been achieved by
Mi-o-na, tho standard dyspepsia rem
edy, and its sale is increasing so rapid
ly that Daniel J. Fry, the popular drug
gist, has hard work to keep a stock on
hand. It is very popular with bankers,
ministers, lawyers aud olhera where
businoss or profession keeps them close
ly confined, while those who have
brought on indigestion through irreg
ular eating, worry, or other causes,
have found relief in this reliable
Mi-o-na comes in tablet form and is
sold in a metal box especially designed
for convenience in carrying the medi
cine in the pocket or purse. It is pleas
ant to take, gives quick relief and
should help any case, no matter of how
long a standing. This remedy has been
so uniformly successful that Daniel J.
Fry will is future sell Mi-o-na umlbr a
positive guaranteo to refund the money
if it should pot prove entirely satis
factory. No other dyspepsia medicine
ever had a levgo enough percentage of
cures so that it could be sold in this
manner. A guarantee like this speaks
volumes for tho merit of the remedy.
Thcro is no time like the present to
do a thing that ought to be done. If
any one has dyspepsia, today is the best
time to begin curing it.
Preparing For Great
Moose Entertainment
Benjamin Brick, chairman of the en
tertainment committee of tho Moose,
which will put on a show at the Grand
theatre Thursdiiv evening, March 2, is
gradually getting things in shape and
lining up several good attractions.
The show to be given by the Moose
lodge will include several high class
stars from Portland. The manager of
the Orpheus of Portland has been per
sonally interested by Mr. Brick in the
success of the show and has promised to
send several of his best attractions.
Stalwart Mooso in good standing,
such as Fred H. Lnmpnrt, Don Miles,
George Patterson, Dr. E. E. Fisher.
J. Ackerman and Benjamin Brick have
already mnde reservation of several of
the boxes.
The show will bo entirely of talent
from Portland, the best that can be se
cured. It will include singing and danc
ing, monologs, n comedian recently from
New York and a general vnriety of acts
to make na interesting entertainment.
After the show, a dance will be given at
tho Moose hall, free' to those holding
theatre coupons. ' ' '
The Sloose marching' rlub Would like
to have new marching uniforms and this
entertainment is to be given for their
Ask Tito Capital Journal about Job
Rate per word New Todays
"ach insertion, per word ...la
)ne week (6 insertions), per word 5
ne month (26 insertions), per word 17o
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertise
ments. Bead your advertisement the
I'irst day it appears and notify as im
nediately if it contains an error.
Minimum chirge, 15c.
PUOXE 937 For wood saw. tl
riARKy Windowclcancr. Thone 768.
It. Xo. 7. ' Feb7
WANTED Beef cittle and vel.
Phone 1425-SI. Feb 20
r'olt RKNT "i room modern house. G.
W. Johnson.
LOST Ladies gold watch. Phono
797M. Ileward. tl
FOR SALK Three good cows, chap.
Phone oiU'l-j. Feb
OAK, ash, old fir, second growth, eord
wood, raone uzzj. trtoi
sale. Onkeny Farm, EickrealL Feb8
to (15.00. 491 North Cottage. tf
BARGAINS in used automobiles, fria
If in Taxi Co., 44 State St. Feb."
r'OB RENT Booms, furnished or un
furnished, close in. Phone 2093SL tf
F'llt iSALK Two two-year-old Belgian
colts; price reasonable. Phone 2(r,33.
SYRUP From New York, $1.60
per gallon -xt Damon's. Feb 22
in. Will trade for close in acreage.
R. T., care Journil, Feb7
FOR SALE 15 acres bottom ljnd,
south of Marion. Mrs. K. Thomas,
Marion, Oregon. ApriU
WAN TED 14000 shingles luid, give
us your price. Geo. II. Stoddard, 22.1.",
Fairgrounds road. " Feb.'i
WANTED Either day or night nurs
ing, - by experienced nurse. Phone
88, at Temperance Hall. ' tf
FRESH JEHSLT COW For sale, now
making Hi pounds butter per day.
Routo 6, Box 119. C. Witting. Febl6
on farm, cm furnish reference. A.
C. Simonds, R. H. No. 2, Salein, Ore.
TO TRADE Equity in improved fi
acre tract, can uso any kind of stock.
If interested, address X, care Journ
al. FobS "
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms la
large suitei from $6 to $8 per month.
Why pay moref Cill at 343 1-2 North.
Commercial. tf
FOR KENT CHEAP Seven room plas
tered residence. Will let party work
for rent. John II. Scott, over Chi
cago store.
FOR RENT Store, 21x165 feet, else
trie lights and steam heat. See Watt
Shipp Co., 219 North Commercial
street. Phone 363. tf
NKAItLV NEWJohn Deere top bug
gy and good single harness for exlo
clieup. Impure at Farmers' JfyC'l
Barn. 100 South High streot. Feb
FOB SALK OB TRADE 150 square
feet of glazed s.ish, fine for chicken
houso or shop, cheap for cash or will
trado for wood. Phone 1895. Feb9
LOST Our pointer dog, Fannie, one
year old, nuiinly white, with liver col
ored head and spot on back. Reward.
Geo. Swegle, S.ilem. l'hono 24F2.
WANTED A good home for a lively
good, safe and true old horse. Phone
.'124 or call and see H. D. Trover,
142 SHato street, TroverWeig)i
Studio. Feb.
WANTED Information of Iva Louis
Thomas Gorden, last heard from it
Salem, Oregon, general dolivery. No
tify J. W. Thomas, Selina, Calif.,
Box 393. Feb!
F()lt SALK OR TRADE 80 acres of
land in tho beautiful Wallowa- valley,
Oregon. What have you to offer.
Will trade for .uiything of value. Ad
dress J, care Journal. Feb5
LOST OR STOLEN Large white Col
lio Answering to the name of Polar.
Liberal reward for information lead
ing to his recovery. Phone 24i).".
Residence HO'i I) street. J, A. Church-
FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing
pnrlors with all equipment. Am do
ing a good business. Owing to deata.
in the family am compelled to mov
away. Address K. Halvorsen, Sil
vorton, Oregon. FebS
brooder in good condition, cost $30,
both for 15; 2 year old White Leg
horn rooster, $1.50, er exchange; .'
cockerels, 8 months old, $1 each. See
janitor, high school. Feb.
KOU SALE Or exchange for Salom
property, or business, a general stent
and postoffice 72 acre farm, 8 acre
young bearing orchard, fine land,
clean stock of goods,- good business.
Price, $10,000 for ill, half can run
long time at 5 per cent. If yon have
something good seo mo Saturday be
tween 1 nnd 3 o'clock nt 2"5 Nort'a
High street, or write full description
of what you have fo offer t above
address. ('. J. Hall. FehT
I '
That useless article may mean
money to you through the New
Today column.