TWO THT5 DATLY CAPITAL JOT RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEB. 5, 1916. Preceeding the dance Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Hush were hosts for a handsomely-appointed dinner. ino table was exnuisiteiv centered I with lovely spring flowers, jonquils of a palo yellow being used. lovers were placed for -Mr. and Airs. I Koeky Mason, of Albany, and Mason I Khrman, of Portland, who were guests !of the Hushes for the dance, and Miss Rita ftciner. Miss Aline Tiuimpsou. 1 Daniel J. Fry, Jr., and the hosts. After the ilmice. Mr. and Mrs. Hush TO OU again entertained with i charming sup per party, asking bennies their dinner guests, a small group of the younger married set, who were: Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Thielseu. Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Plimpton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ter ry, of Portland, who were guests ot t:ie Plimptons, and Hugh Aid 'amnion. , JaosJ laeJ lir,ui (JjbsI 1,5? . : WW .W , U, V? - - 1H 1? I , .r-iKtg,. . . . .. ' ' - ' ' 1 ' ' " . ' ' 'V I Un. Robert Kinney, of Astoria, who 1b the guest of her parents, Mr. and Sin. A. N. Moores. TIIK one unpuriPHsHert affair of tiio entire winter win tlie accond mil) ncriptiuu Jancc at the Moose hull, Monday uight. Tho decorntionii -were wonderful and ven ir.iine elndea the real feeling of dmirntion for the purt the matrons arranging tne offuir who are: Mm. AxHhi'i liiihh, Mi. Melviu l'liinpton, and Mrs. i'rederic Thielsen liavo played jn the HuccexH of tht'MC chnriiiing parties which are premier ovor anything bo ciety has en.joyed. Tuc ball room wna a ".Tnppyliind " of enchantment uhlooui with all tho loely auft hued rose tint h of Japnnoae flowem, and redolent of tho perfume of oriental aandlcwood incense. Cher ry blosboms in the wonderful shades of pink were lined in a profusion at the aides of the bull room and even the ligiits from pedestal lumps here and there in odd uooks were tinted to Rive a pale rose ha.i as though tho lovely Mnssunm had exhaled their delicate color in the atmosphere. In the crater tnere was an adorable rustic pogoda entirely enveloped with cherry blossoms and surrounded by lms, where the (jay dunce flocked lor a cony tete-a-tete between the fox trots, canters, hesitations and one steps. O'nily hued Japanese lanterns gave a dash of contrasting color to the atrac tive artting. (Some of tho gowns worn by tho ma trons and maida were superlatively beautiful, the prevalence of pinks in ail of its lovely tones from the palo blush tints to the deep geranium, including roral and salmon, in creasing the har moniously blended ensemble of rosy coloring. In many instances the gowns were of aoft brocaded ailks or ciiif foils with silver or (;old luce or tullo bodices, all short, with pumps of silver, gold or 1o match the gown. As a whole the dance was wonderfully well done, with the best of music to keep up the guy ety. The club members present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ciiniincey Hishop, Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Hush, Mr. ani Mrs. Cur tis Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Thiol en, Mr. and Mrs. (Icorge Hodjjers, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin I'limptuii, Mr. and Mrs. William Hurghiirdt, Jr., Mr. ami Mrs. tioorge liilmcr Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. linnell Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. tJrier, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Urown, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Huberts, Hr. and Mrs. Thomas Hmith, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. P'Vnuk Kpoars, Mr. and Mrs. Hoineo lioulet, Mr. and Mis. Charles Dick, m:.... . i ' iiH'nne i ursou, .miss nnanleiu r, Miaa Harriett llr.rgrovo, Miss Ida Simmons, Miss Mn riser v Marvin. Miu Kattier t:arsou, Miss Aline Thompson, Carl Oabrielson, Lawrence Hofer, Paul Wallace, Daniel Piv, Jr., Krcel Kav, 'r. i nuie iivrn, i iinrles Keynoids, iiiiju naiion, itaipn Jiioores, lloli Ifoberta, II. C. McKumuiun, Kalph yVieldora, Pritz Htide and J unes Young. oome ot toe guests trom out ot town were: Mr. ami .Mrs. Kockv Mn- -w)in, of Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Terry, and Mason Khrmen. of Pnrl land; 11. A. Htover, of llend, and Dr. jsck aicA olioin, v Portland. Mis. Thomas Liveslcv was a charm ing hontesa Wednesday afternoon, when file asked a group of unit runs for n de lightfully informal Kensington and tea. Mrs. l,ivcley'a guests included: Mrs. Thomas Hmilli, Jr., Mrs. (luy ijurgent, Mrs. Charles McXury and Mrs. Jlen 0. tvhui'king, who nre ineiiibcrs of a small Kensington club, Xtr. and Mis. Kobert Downing will lie hosts for a charming mid weok card larty, their guests including the Cher ry City club members. Min Nancy Hkaife enlertnined a fr,p of young matiniis and girls who are meniners or tlie l.H Cornier club at MMK. AI.MA WE ii.sTKR I'OWFXL. Mine. Alma Webster Powell w'no will was through his effortu that the famous give a benefit concert for the Willam- singer, known as "The Queen of Three ette university library at tiio (irand Octaves," was secured for this con theatre, Murch third. I cert. Dr. Alma Webster Powell will give a! Her services will be. given absolutely benefit concert at the opem house on free to the univershlty. Mmc Powell the evening of Friday, JWnrch .'I, for carries her own Nteinwny grand piano the benefit of the Willamette uuiver- and plnys her own nccompaniment. sity library. UMfr of tickets to the Lyceum Prof. J. (). Hall, while doing research com -ie mnv secure tickets to this con work nl Columbia university, became cert at half price, by showing theii acquainted with Mine. Powell nnd it lyceum tickets at the box office TIIK open hand nnd open purse that is the fashion in society continues to make this the busiest and gay est season Villein folks iiave known in many a winter, lor barely do the doors close upon one big project before we are invited to participate in another. The Inst nnd probably the most bril liunt event of this kind wis the pro duction of "Tho Fortune Hunter" at tho (hand theatre on Thursday and Fri day nights, for the benefit of the des titute families. The wonderful success of this under taking bespeaks much in praise of the -I.:,:.. .... . i- . ... Mr. and Mrs. William Hurghardt, Jr., will he hosts for a charming informal flipper, following the de Gogorza con cent Monday night, their guests includ ing Mr. and Mrs. I'hiimic.ey Bisiiap, Mr. r.i'd Mrs. Asnliel Push, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wells. Miss Alino Thomp sm and Mr. and Mrs. John J. Koberts, who will occupy boxes in a party. A delightfully informal supiwr given by tho Misses Kst'ner nnd Catherine Carson after the dance Monday night, ended a very guy evening, their Eiiests ability of James Mott who directed the ill,'1,"U'1 "'small group of the younger 't mil Dr. Jack JlcCollom. of l,rt- land, who was a guest nt the Carson residence. Mr. and Mrs. Council Dyer havo hnd ns their guest, James Munn, of Miami, Florida. local cast for this play, which was slid to he the best amateur affair presented in nalem. Until nights saw a large and hrilliunfc audience, anil there were a number ol line and box parties. Among those noted iu the boxes Thursday night were: Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas K. Kay, Mr. and Mrs. (I. . M.. ,v , Klliott, Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge liodgersJ. 1 r- nml Mrs- OfiW'lh were Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Slnlov, and tho ' hosrs Tuesday evening for a charming Orpheus club men. ' I"'-1 attractive "5(10" party. Among those forming line parties for' T1"' ll0!"K w,'ri' 'lelightut'lly surprised this same performance were: Mr. andiHt l"c aIM'oariinie of their guests in Mrs. Ciinniuev llishop, Mr. and Mrslu,u'' vostnmes, which added to tho (luy Sargent,' Mr. and Mrs. John J.! ('v''mR 9 W'Cties. Huberts, Mr. and Mrs. William Hurg hardt. Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Hush, Mr. and Mrs. Council Dyer, Mr. ami Mrs. Winer l.udden, Mr. and Mis. Civile (Irnham, Mr. and Mrs. (ieoriie tlriiv, l. I ', ...i. u.i .mi. i limn hiss, .nr. ail'l ,, . " , -i Mrs. Frank Spears, Mr. and Mrs. Hen i J: Ko,;R'''" JIrs-. h. Steiuer, The rooms, whero the curd tables were arranged, were a profusion of fragrant carnations and ferns. Card honors fell to Mrs. William Dancy and Joseph Huunigartner. As a charming eourtecy to Mrs. Geo. A delightful midweek bridge was presided over by Mrs. Thomas B. Kay Wednesday afternoon. The card tables were Mivled by the members of the Happy Hour Bridge club and several additional matrons. High score honors were awarded to Mrs. Milton Mevers and the consolntion fell to Mrs. J. N. Smith. Mrs. C. H. Robertson assisted Mrs. Kay. The Happy Hour club members are: Mrs. John Albert, Mrs. J. N. Smith. Mrs. David Kvre. Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris, Mrs. C. H. .Robertson, Mrs. Kob ert Downing, Mrs. ('has. K. Soaulding, Mrs. II. J. Bean, Mrs. R. II. Uoodiu, .Mrs. Jomi Sutherland, Mrs. Lenta es tacott, Mrs. Joe Albert, Mrs. F. M. Hrown, Mrs. E. S. Tillinghast, Mrs. Louis Lachmund, Mrs. A. I. Eoff, and Mrs. John Griffith. As ndditoinal guests, Mrs. Kay asked Mrs. Charles Gray, Mrs. K. ('. Cross, Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. H. J. Schuld erman and Mrs. Charles Dick. s Mrs. E. E. Waters had a number of matrons at her home Thursday after noon for nn informal hour over tne bridge tableB, her guests being the members of a Kensington club, who will devote the remainder of the winter to cards. The matrons included in the club are: Mrs. Fred Stewart, Mrs. William Henry Boot, Mrs. E. t'ooke Patton, Mrs. Eollink Tage, Mrs. Thomas B. Kay, Mrs. J. N. Smith, Mrs. E. E. Waters, Mrs. Charles Dick, Mrs. Kuben Boise, Mrs. John Mc.Viry, Mrs. Harvey Wells, Mrs. George Waters, Mrs. Eu gene Gilliughain, and MrB. H. J. Sciul dcrman. Card honors were captured by Mrs. Kollin K. Page. Mrs. Waters was assisted by Mrs. George Waters. A charming luncheon and bridge party was the diversion of Thursday witii Airs. Uuvcr Locke as hostess. . Sixteen matrons shared the delight ful hospitality of the hostess, luncheon was followed by bridge. An artistic arrangement of pink prim roses ana sm iax adorned tne table. Mrs. Locke's guests included the Thursday luncheon club and Mrs. Wil liam Lldndge, Mrs. Homer Smitn and Mrs. Albert Lovelace as additional. Mrs. Harry Oluiger captured the high score honor. A bevy of young high school maids are arranging for a dancing party to be given in BaniBgartner hall Friday hight? A brilliant event scheduled on the social calendar for Monday night, is tno do uogorza concert at tne Grand theatre. Society folk, who are lovers of good music are on the qui vivc for this attair and numerous box and line parties have been arranged. Following the concert a number of matrons will preside over charming supper parties. Mrs. William Knighton, who has been sojourning in Los Angeles for some time, hns gone to Birmingham, Alabama, where she will be the gue"t of Mrs. Frank Snedecor (Lena Brey innn). Mrs. Knighton was aeeomapnied to Birmingham by Mr. Kuighton, who is en route tor Honda. . It is Fafe to presume that more elab orate l.ina are being made for the mil itary ball by Company M as n whole than for any other event now on tapis. A number of prominent matrons will le asked to be patronesses for the af fair which is tentatively arranged for an earlv date in Murch. Mr. ami Mrs. Melvin Plimpton, ;1"- v Hrl'u" .",mt" nml Mrs. Harry d Mrs. Frederic Tuietsen, Mlssl V "V . "HV" rtM'cn,,' lmJ bir,.h- Oleott, Mr. ami Mrs. Melv Mr. am! Rita Steiner, Miss Esther Carson, Dr. Prince Hvrd and James Young. Friday the boxes were occupied by Gov. and Mrs. James Withycoiube, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Palmer Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albert, Mr. iin.l Mrs. O. P. Luck, Mr. and Mrs. David Eyre, Mr. mid Mrs. Charles Dick. Mr. an, I Mrs. F. G. Dcckebich, Mr. ami Mis. W M.I llaiuiltou, Mr. and Mrs. John Albert, Miss Harriett Hargrove and William Walton. i A chinning dinner given before the dance Monday night wns that presided over by Mr, and Mrs. George Palmer Putnam. An artistic urray of fragrant narcis sus centered the table, which had cov ers for five, including H. A. Stover, of nenit, uregon, who was II guest or t ie u. i. i . , " ,, I 'lit n. mis. , ' r 1 1 1 it li asked Mr. mid Mrs. George F lays. Mrs. Grififth prepared a special supper table which was charming with crimson carnations ami greens and a lovely cuko adorned with glittering red candles. Corsage bouquets of fragrant violets, narcissus and lacey ferns marking the places. The other table was done in the sainc brilliant flowers combiued with greens. Kiiucing closed the very delightful affair. The club members include: Mr. and Mrs. William Diincy, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durbin, Dr. nnd Mrs. R. E. Lee tSeiner, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McNary, Mr. mid Mrs. Geo. L. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Baker, ami the hosts. As additional guests, Dr. and Mrs. Mr. ami Mrs. Putnam entertain fre quently with similar affairs, which are most informal and very delightful , Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Mason, of Al- Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Biium- gurtner, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Locke and Miss Hitn Steiner. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cross are plan ning to leave next Snndiiv for a so- tuny, who were the guests of Mr. and!.l"urn in Honolulu. Thev will sail from airs. Asnliel Hush tor the subscription ictona, B. C stopping en route nt I ifunce, Monday night, will lene in I Seattle and Vancouver, B. C. John1 a delightful informal Kensington Frt- about two weeks for 'an extended so-1 Wright and Dr. Prince' Bvrd will in allwnoon. 'jnurn in Honolulu. company the Crosses. BEAUTIFUL HAIR , . And a clear complexion are two of the chief factors of beauty, and may be attained by any lady through our treatments. We have all the LATEST ELEC TRIC APPLIANCES for face and scalp treatment, aud the preparations which we use are all our own manufacture ana guaranteed pure. SHAMPOOING, MASSAGE, MANICURING. HAIR DRESSING Our prices reasonable, our work guaranteed to please. Open Saturday evenings. Imperial Beauty Parlors DR. W. E. STANTON. Skin and Scalp SpeclaP.'-t WINIFRED W. DtTSENBURY, Manicurist and Hair Dress-.T. 301 Bank of Commerce Building, Phone 393 We extend to the public a cordial invitation to inspect our large, light, airy store and enlarged stock of the latest and best in merchandise. Don't forget the loca tion, 416 State Street, next to the Salem Bank of Commerce. Be sure and see our "Bigger and Better store now opened for business. a..i3 New and Enlarged Stock For the new store we have bought heavily of the newest merchandise and have added several new departments. This stock consists of goods of the highest stand ard in quality and the famous "Kafoury Bros. Low Prices" which made our old store so popular, will prevail in the new store. a g: jt j ifHUi Additional Lines Added SHOES New stock of High Quality Shoes for men, women and children. All leather footwear at prices in reach of all. LADIES' WAISTS GENTS' FURNISHINGS Embroidered and Silk Shirt Waists for ladies are in one of the new depart ments. High quality and low prices for waists. Complete line of the very latest in Men's Furnishings at prices that are really low. A new department for our new store. LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES The new store offers a complete depart ment of Ladies' House Dresses in a wide range of styles, materials and prices. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Large additions have been made to our Dress Goods Section. The season's lat est novelties as well as staples in large variety. Kafoury Brosc NEW STORE 416 STATE STREET NEXT TO SALEM BANK OFXOJKRCLI t'ormor, on Court street. Their guests will nii'ludo tho matrons ot the lhurs dav dub. Thursday evening about oue hundred Rirls and men induced in .1 nay even ing of dauting at the Moose ball. This was the Bei'ond of a series of dances to be jjiven by the popular Stringed Or ,'hestra, with Miss (ieorjjabelle Ikioth, Miss Mary hVliultz and Mrs. Viola Vcreler llolnian in charge of tho affair. Mr. in. (I Mrs. T. B. .Tones nnd Miss Mis. William Galloway and Mrs. . ai... .i,.r. who have been sniourniu" Douglas Minto entertained this alter-, jn tni, sol1th ,or several months, have noon at the home of the former, with a h.ien "raving a most delightful trip touring Hinderful California. by Mrs L. K. I'ugc, of Salem, who is iilto (i.ji.ying the trip in their machine. While ntte.ndinr the fair at iS:in well to the liouorc who will be vcry,,,j,0i tllc J0n,,s d nartv met Mrs. mucli missed tiy a largo eoterio or. , Aiken and Miss Florence Aiken, of friends. The rooms were exceptionally attrac tive in a red and green decorative scheme of huge scarlet hearts nnd i Mrs. Charles K. Spanlding and Mrs. itained with a delightful "500" parly John 1). Sutherland will be tiic charm- Thursday evening, their guests includ ing hostesses for an afternoon Thins-, ing a card club to which tiie. hosts are day, at tne attractive residence ot the members. harming Kensington for Mrs. K. It. Houston who is soon to join her hus band in California w here they will make their home. Over forty matrons culled to bid fare- Tho rooms in which the card tables wero arranged were sunny with yel low tulips, suggesting the .ippronch of ! spring, making a pretty foil for the players. Swore -awards were capture! by Mrs. Frank Meyers and V. S. tiau n'ctt. Mrs. J. Wood and Mrs. Merlin Hurd- ling assisted the -hostess in the serving. a i.i:: i n kn ...l.l.IU Tiiey were, joined in Han Francisco' " and Mrs. ,T. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Kiidicott, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb, Mr. ami Mrs. E. 1 Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Kaziuarek, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Moore, Mr. aud Mis. l'aul Schniidt. and Miss Madeline Miller. Ifi'M'buig, Mrs. Frank Spencer's mother ai.d sister, who accompanied them on a inittri trin tn T.a .Tnlln. U nrcsent tiio .ones' and Mrs. Puce Mrs. Guv Sargent asked a scoic of quantities of lovely Oregon cr.ipe and-r,. t ilm Missinn lintel in Kivervide matrons for a charming infornul tea liowers, suggestive of Valentine's day. i t'aliforn't. Tuesday afternoon, including Mrs. iCiiarles Gray, Mrs. Thomas Livcsley, Sharing honors witii Mrs. Fred Setu-i Tho p,,,, of Miss Ile.itricr Shcllonl lri;, harl'a MoNaO', M's- Thomas sloff, who opened her attractive liome!n!m n'cd invitations for the second! fn'th, . r., Mrs John J. Huberts, for the first of a scries of Kensing-lof of attl!ll.tive musical ! Ll'9- 1,,1';l,r-v il''rs,I". George 1 a I- ton teas to be given by the Priseilh to bc pivon Tuesday afternoon atm,''r 1 ;,lll"nlj 'ls- ". . Scl.ucking, club were: Jlrs. John Craig, Mrs. W. tho Congregational church. Tho pro '." (u'orc (,rny n"J Mlss M,,ra'"' S. Mott, Mrs. C. M. Kpley and Mrs.l Rnimnu Brran, hy theso - young ( osl"'r- , , inrtists wiu he tilled with .1 quota of About thirty matrons gathered for; delightful numbers including a vocal HIV ttMHll ,,lllU .13 1MI U1U UCIIVlll VI' Dr. ami Mrs. Frank fisolo by Miss Marguerite Flower, who I ,,T,uiur.d Ul' f m,'l,r9 of,tl,! I with her unittfectedncss and charming I1'"" u'" V"1 "'l' ', ''., .-n i, o i,,- .-n I nt- a dolightlul evening fridu the Y. V. C. A. An interesting talK wns given during 'ninnner has won for her a large follow- ' " "'"' ing ot adinirors. .'wirnrt-i Mill Tloil lliso Clllll I lltui- ed a delightful reading. Mr. and Mrs. Fliuer McKinnie en- Children's parties are nlwavs a dc-' L , ' , K , T,l J0"y light to mothers and one of the mer- w" ' 1 'bv pv" J'fihtlul uOO party .iest little l aities this week was that ! ,'Jnos,ll.v evening, given by ilra. ftrl Anderson for her Jr v.SlTW u ,0 daughter Do.elle wno has attained the M Jo.n V.Nod nn.l T. M, liarr. ate of ten As additional guests the hosts asked scheme, being centered with graceful1 ,,,,- -. , ,L carnations, tho cake was surrounded L?. V.' "V0? ' the by glittering enndles. Seated around tho table weif : Ruth Hnckner, Catiierine Hartley, 1'anline and Ir.niise Findley, Genevieve bour, Kugeuia Savage, Lucilc Liston and Iris I'nge. i Miss Annette Grnber, Mrs. Ander son's sister, assisted in serving the voung folks. i C. O. CtiihrieUon left for San Frnn-, cisco last night, where he will attend, tne annual adjustors meeting of insur ance men. W. Chace ei- Williin- eir wiv luy at th collae of music Gaines were indulged in during tb" (Continued on Vase Six.) Mr. .ind Mrs. Craig Marvin enter L. S. Bowlaud Edgar M. Rowland Beaver State Printers COMMERCIAL PRINTERS Rooms 1-3, Patton Bltlg. I Phono 1512 SALEM'S BEST MARKET PLACE Now at 426 State Street WESTAC0TT-TH1ES0N COMPANY GrasicS Make Many English Songs on the Program lZi U)KjjHl NEXT MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 7TH Even with Extreme Weather Conditions the Orders are Coming in Fast Trom Surrounding Towns. There are about 50 Seats left at $1.50 Some Good Ones at $2 and Some in the Gallery at $1. A Tine Thing for Salem to Sell the Entire House for this Famous Artist. Box Office Opens at 9:00 a. m. Monday