Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 04, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Kept Her Locks Youthful,
Dark, Glossy and Thick
With Common Garden
Sage and Sulphur
4k When yon darken your bair with
Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell,
because it's done so naturally, so even
ly. Preparing this mixture, though, at
home is niussy and troublesome. For
50 cents you can buy at any drug store
the ready-to-nse tonic called "Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound." You
just dampen a sponge or soft brush
with it and draw this through your
hair, taking one small strand nt a time,
liy morning all gray hair disappears,
and after another application or two,
your hair becomes beautifully darken
ed, frlossy and luxuriant". You will al
so discover dandruff is gone and hair
has stoppeil falling.
(iray, faded hair, though no disgrace,
is a sign of old age, and as we all desire
a youthful ond attractive appearance,
get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage
ii iid .Sulphur' and look years younger.
I Salem's New Fish Market
Fresh Tish, Clams, Oysters,
Poultry and Eggs Everything
fresh in their season.
Prompt Delivery.
L C. Hansett
260 State St.
Phone 2125
Hydraulic Stump
Puller Is Exhibited
, A powerful hydraulic stump split
ting machine will' be demonstrated to
the state officials as soon as weather
conditions permit by P. E. Kenny, of
Portland, who claims to have such a mn
chino that will clear r.n acre a day
of ordinary stump laud. It is proposed
to give the demonstration at the State
Institute for the Feeble minded.
It is claimed for the machine that it
ean exert a force of 1,0110 tons push
ing or pulling. The machine giving the
power is carried on tut ordinary truck.
The wedge that splits the stumps is 10
inches square at the butt and 22 inches
long and the piston to which the wedge
is attached is five inches in diameter.
Tho wedge is placed against a stump,
the gasoline engine of the machine is
started and by gradual pressure, in from
eight to 10 minutes the wedge is pushed
through the stump. 1ie wedgo can
be withdrawn in five minutes. The ma
chine is then placed on the other quar
ter of the stump, which is again split,
and this splitting process is continued
until the stump is in small enough
pieces to be pulled out. It is estimat
ed that a four foot stump can be split
find pulled out within an hour.
Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915
Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915
Baker's Breakfast Cocoa
The Food Drink Without a Fault
Made of high-grade cocoa beans, skilfully blended
and manufactured by a perfect mechanical process,
without the use of chemicals; it is absolutely pure
and wholesome, and its flavor is delicious, the
natural flavor cf the co.oa bean.
The ?nuine bears this trade-mar, anj is made only by
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
mo u pai off.
Ettabliihed 1780
Home and Shop
are Tested and True
These tools are right. They are tested before
they leave the factory tested for adjustment
if. . .
ana quality, to make assurance
tools work true, because they're made
accurately from first er'lc live
seasoned wood. They have the Keen Kutter
spirit because they stick to their job and get there.
T '''rilO GI51!ffi 1
Names of Those Who Will
Guard Battlot Boxes
The list of judges and clerks for the
coming elections lias been prepared by
County Clerk Gehlhar. There are two
I sets in most of the precincts of the
1 county, ono to work during the day and
one set to do the counting at niglit.
Tho following is the full list:
Aumsville 1st Set.
JUDGKS J. K. Lewis, C. V. Small.
CJ.KKKS Mrs. Urate Darby, Mis.
.Minnie Porter, Mrs. Km ma Simpson.
Aumsville 2nd Set.
jriHlKN H. U. Porter, 0. C. Nance.
Cl.KKKS Sherman Swank, Chas.
llein, C. J. Lewis.
Aurora 1st Set.
JUDC.KS l.ouis Webert, A. B. firim.
CLERKS Cora S. Wcscott, Agnes S.
Honts, Edith (r. Carpenter.
Aurora 2nd Set.
' JUDGES A. M. Fry, Jonuio Earl.
CLE UK'S A. II. Will, Alice Kraus,
L. L. Dribble.
Breitenbush 1st Set.
Tt'DCtES J. A. W. iieidecke, Nancy
J. White.
CLERKS Nellie Kiddcll, Olio Judd,
Almira A. Hoover.
! Brooks 1st Set.
I JUDflKS M. L. Junes, W. W. Lnn-
i dev.
I CLERKS W. E. Killian, Berenice CI.
Hickox, Dorothea Aspinwall.
Brooks 2nd Set.
JUDUKS Romeo (louley, J. L. Shir-
CLERKS J. P. Aspinwall, Arthur
(lirod, Robert M. Nusom.
Yergen. C'l.KRKS
Davis, Mrs.
John Murray, Mrs. Ida J.
-W. R. Scheurcr, Napoleon
Evn Mathiot.
JUDGES J. E. Smith, Curtis Cole
man. CLERKS Henry Zorn, M. W. Jette,
Grace McKay.
Chemawa 1st Set.
JUDGES K. G. Henderson, A. Y.
CLERKS Grace I. Fox, Dora Cum-
thcr I. Anderson.
Chemawa 2nd Set.
JUDGES A. H. Hudnnll, Archie
CLERKS P. L. Birdono, O. C. Frog
ley, Fred S. McCnll.
JUDGES N. W. Lewis, Tnul M
CLERKS E. E. Trueblood, Mabel
Higgins, Nellie Fiddler.
Donald 1st Set.
JUDGES J. P. Feller. P. S. Quinn.
CLERKS Emma S. Thirlson, Mary
Yergen, Alice R. May.
Donald 2nd Set.
JUDGES H. E. Marty, H. F. Ulm.
CLERKS Harry D. Evans, A. E.
Feller, E. C. Mnvs.
JUDGES A. E. Lewis, C. A. Bickett.
CLERKS M. E. Chambeilin, A. R.
Myers, I.. H. Simmons.
Eagle-wood 1st Set.
JUDGES V. E. Vincent, George
CLERKS Ruth Field, Winnie
Swoglo, Mabel P. Savage.
Englewood 2nd Set.
JUDGES W. II. Dalrymple, W. E.
Ko. K1S7K
7l1 in.
Price SU.50
double sure.
steel and thoroughly '
Pike H1.75
Price $U4U
Tho "Come-back" man was really
never down-and-out. His weakened
condition because of over-work, lack
of exercise, improper eating and living
demands stimulation to satsfy the cry
for a health-giving appetite and to "re
freshing sleep essential to strength.
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules,
the National Remedy of Holland, will
do the work. They are wonderful!
Three of these capsules each day will
put a man on his feet before he knows
it; whether his trouble conies from uric
acid poisoning, the kidneys, gravel or
I stone in the bladder, stomach derange
! ment or other ailments that befall the
over-zealous American. Don't wait un
til you are entirely down-and-out, but
tako them today. Your druggist will
gladlv refund your .money if they do
not help you. 25c, 50c and $1.00 per box
Accept no substitutes. Look for the
name GOLD MEDAL on every box.
They are the pure, original, imported
lfaa'iie.ni Oil Capsules.
CLERKS Howard Edwards, Charles
Hinz, P. F. Kielsmeier.
JUDGES M, W. Mahouev, Louis
CLERKS Pauline Aral, J. AV. I'a
hey, Colin. Rubens.
Fairgrounds 1st Set.
JUDGES F. O. Johnson,, Stelle.
CLERKS Harrv E. White, Rovilln
McAfee, Ruth Rul'ifson.
Fairgrounds 2nd Set.
JUDGES K. A. Kites, R. Ritchev.
CLERKS Walter G. Pcarmine, W.
H. Weeks, Win. Hickman.
East Gervais 1st Set.
JUDGES E. W. Manning, F. A.
CLERKS Minnie Riogmtind, Foail
Stevens, Amy Harding.
East Gervais 2nd Set.
JUDGES A. R. Siegmund, C. W.
CLERKS G. J. Moisan, Minnie Nib
ler, II. D. Mars.
West Gervais 1st Set.
JUDGES Jos. V. Keppinger, Al-
plionse Vanderbeck.
CLERKS Kate Marshall, Carrie
Ilelbock, Mrs. M. A. Benjamin.
West Gervais 2nd Set.
JUDGES .TnsPT.ti -Rulwna .T,,l,n
I Mills.
CLERKS Irene I.emery, Alex Man
ning, Wm. I.eith.
Horeb. v
JUDGES B. T. George, Rudolph
CLERKS O, A. Spencer, Genevieve
Gates, Mrs. Tillie Dike.
Central Howell 1st Set.
.TUDGES-Grover Simmons, Grace
CLERKS Louise T.nuderbnck, Ed
Dunignn. G. H. Ottownr.
Central Howell 2nd Set.
JUDGES Edward Dunigan, Sr., W.
CLERKS V. J. Krehbicl, O. C. Jer
man, John Tweed.
North Howell.
J JUDGES Ellis Stevens, J. E. Wai;-
111 U II.
CLERKS Lulu C. Wiesner, R. E
Jefferson, H. D. Manning.
East Hubbard 1st Set.
JUDGES W. T. Grimm, Mrs. Anna
CLERKS Francis Weaver, Lena
Kester. Elmer Stauffer.
Eaat Hubbard 2nd Set.
JUDGES M. B. Kesler, Hardy K.
CLERKS-Guy Weaver, Cass Sand
ers, C. L. Rankin.
West Hubbard 1st Set.
JUDGES AV. S. Hurst, Ella Covlr
CLERKS E. M. Calvert, Mabel (i
Beck, Maggie Crittenden.
West Hubbard 2nd Bet.
JUDGES Geo. W. Knight, H. C
CLERKS L. C. McShane, E. W. Hof
man, L. R. I.embeVe. -Jefferson
1st Set.
JUDGES W. II. Humphrey, Kar'
CLERKS A. J. Shumnker, Nettie
Klntnpe, Maud Blackwell.
Jefferson 2nd Set.
JUDO EH J. H. Roland, W. A. Zim
merman. CLERKS Frank Reeves, N. II. Duty,
A. C. Miller.
JUDGES T. (J. Chestnut, Wm.
CLERKS A. W. Mize, Ed. Xeues
Carl Gibson.
.TUDOES-W. A. Jones, nermon
CLERKS A. ,T. Pntton, Jno. F. C.
Tckcnburg, II. G. King.
l'rice 51.00
JUDGES H. W. Pierson, 0. H. Col
Ban. -. ,
CI.ERKS-O. WV Adams, M. A. Bar
ber. C. W. Russell.
JUDGES Stephen Baunion, E. G.
CLERKS Robert B. Bonner, Chas.
P. Zuelsdorf. Joseph Nililer.
Mehama 1st Set.
JUDGES E. G. Siegmund, Geo. P
CLERKS Clara R. Mulkey, Kather
ine Lambrccht, Lizzie Burdick.
Mehama 2nd Set.
JUDGES Wm. P. Mulkey, Joseph
CLERKS G. E. Berringer, J. F.
Richards, Jos. W. Krise.
Mill City 1st Set.
JUDGES A. J. Taylor, Bertha H.d
lingsworth. CLERKS D. B. Hill, Susie Ilnynes.
Jennie E. Blnser.
MiU City 2nd Set.
JUDGES (). L. Holt, C. H. Work.
CLERKS B. E. Lee, J. Blaser, F. A.
JUDGES Chns. A. McKee, E. R.
CLERKS K. Gregerson, Fred Ho
mann, .Tr.i Martin Rehm.
East Mt. Angel 1st Set.
JUDGES Harvey Smith, J. W. El
ner. 1 "
CLERKS Anna Keber, Minnie Back.
Joe J. TtMclil"it.
F"t Mt. Angel 2nd Set.
JUDGES Fred Sell wall, Mathias
CLERKS raul Fuclu, Gust. J.
Schuee, Max Mutti.
West Mt. Angel 1st, Set.
JUDGES Geo. May, Sr., J. T. Bail
man. CLERKS Mario May, Gertrude
Keber, Rose Koehler.
West Mt. Angel 2nd Set.
JUDGES John Schwab, P. N. Smith
CLERKS Fred 0. Hudson, Jacob
IBerchtold, E. W. Barnuni.
JUDGES James R. Coleman, Grniia
L. Ohmnrt.
CLERKS Mrs. Effio V. Ratcliff,' J.
M. Cobum, K. S. Browncll.
JUDGES R. M. Diem. F. M. Lick.
CLERKS J. C. McFarlune, Carrie
Anderson, J. B. Penny.
JUDGES' H. K. Cauthorn, J. F.
CLERKS Madge Groves, I.orine
Parker, Eva Cauthorn.
JUDGES L. M. t-rozior, Belle Mc
Gilclnist. CLERKS O. D. Needhani, AV. E.
Way, L. M. Gilbert.
Salem No. 1 1st Set.
JUDGES E. T. Mnlin, E. W Pow
CLERKS Effie Fuestmnn, Florence
Boersuia. Velum Prunk.
Salem No. 1 2nd, Set.
JUDGES A. W. Veatch, Arthur
CLERKS E. P. Cutler, Leo N.
Childn, J. Wayne Baker.
Salem No. 2 1st Set,
JUDGES S. A. Hughes, Lola Cook
CLERKS Nettie M. Spaulding,
Pearl Collins, Inez I. Siegmund.
Sulem, No. 2. 2nd Set.
JUDGES M. Davis, Fred Palmer.
CLERKS Alpha Donaca, Casper An
deregg, Ida M. Bunnell.
Salem No. 3 1st Sot.
JUDGES Vernon F. Keller, Mabel
CLERKS Myrtle M. Allen, Con
stance .lory, W. Y. Richardson.
Salem No. 3 2nd Set.
JUDGES Gen. Laberee, J. N. Sknife.
CLERKS-C. Z. Randall, Ruth Kress,
Mary W. Davidson,
Salem No. i 1st Set.
JUDGES W. A. Liston, Lcln Lvncb.
CLERKS H. N. Sloudenmeyer,
Juanita Mapes, J. Frank Dunlap.
Salem No. 4 2nd Set.
JUDGES E. J. Swafford, Frances
CLERKS W. W. Yantis, Minnie
Ross, Frank M. Mape.
Salem No. 5 1st Set.
JUDGES H. E. Bolinger, Alex Pot
ter. CLERKS D. F. Brunner, Dora M.
Richter, Alice R. Trimlle.
Salem No. 5 2nd Set.
JUDGES G, V. Boggs, if. C. Hall
berg. CLERKS C. VanPatten, Jr., Alvin
E. Fii.lay, A. W. Anderegg.
Salem No. 6 1st Set.
JUDGES Elmo S. White, Bessie
CLERKS Christine Miller, Nina B.
Rowland, E, R. Schram.
Salem No. 6 2nd Set.
JUDGES W. M. Siegmund, Roy II.
! Smith.
CLERKS - W. F. Dinger, D. L. Gib
son, L. S. Rowlands.
Salem No, 7 1st Set.
JUDGES II. V. Doe, F. A. English.
CLERKS Gladys Luthy, Cum Hunt,
C. A. Roberts.
Salem No. 7 2nd Set.
JUDGES Jos. N. Smith, John Giem
m els.
CLERKS Mollic Runcorn, A. E.
Presnall. H.ulah K. Ratliff.
Salem No. 8 1st Set.
JUDGES C. M. Roberts, P. I..
Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eyes
Most Women Can Have
Cays Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known
Ohio Physician
Dr. P. M. Edwards for 17 years treated
score of women for liver and bowel ail
ments. During these years he gave to his
patients a prescription made of a few well
known vegetable Ingredients mixed with
olive oil, naming them Dr. Edwards' Ollv
Tablets, you will know them by their ollv
These tablets are wonder-workers on the
liver and bowels, which cause a normal
action, carrying off the waste and poison
ous mntter that one's system collects.
If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull
eyes, pimples, coated tongue, licnduclios, a
listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, In
active bowels, you take one of Dr. Edward's
Olive Tablets nlchtly for a time and note
the pleasing results.
Thousands of women as well as men,
take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets now and
then Jnst to keep In the pink ot condition.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the success
ful substitute for calomel 10c and iiio
per box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Culumbus, 0.
because swollen glands or inflamed
membranes often affect other tissues
and lung trouble easily follows.
As Nature's corrector of throat
troubles the pure cod liver oil in Scott's
Emulsion is speedily converted into
germ-resisting tissue; its tested glycer
ine is curative and healing, while this
wholesome emulsion relieves the
trouble and upbuilds the forces to resist
tubercular germs and avert the weak
ening influence which usually follows.
If any member of your family has a
tender throat, get a bottle of Scott's
Emulsion to-day. Physiciansprescribe
it to avert throat troubles, overcome
bronchial disorders and strengthen
the lungs. No alcohol or harmful
drugs. Always insist on Scott's,
Scott & Buwue, liloomlicld, N. J. 13-32
CLERKS Mabel G. Boyingtou, Ei
n a M. Gueffroy, Alta Blight.
Salem No. 8 2nd Set.
JUDGES W. AV. Hill, E. G. BurrelV
CLERKS Fred 31. Paulus, 1.. M.
Perry, Wm. J. I.ivock.
Salem No. 9 1st Set.
JUDGES D. McHenrv, Henrv
CLERKS Maude Pruitt, Margaret !
Fisher, .Mrs. A. A. Roy.
Salem No. 9 2nd Set.
JUDGES Chas. J. Spitzbnrt, A. A.
CLE RKS Orpha Bell, Esther Copley,
Martha Gueffroy.
Salem No. 10 1st Set.
JUDGES S. S. East, John P. Robert
son. CLERKS Stella L. Bynon, Ida L.
Niles, Emma Vandeort.
Salem No. 10 2nd Set.
JUDGES J. A. Mills, Bertha Al
brich. CLERKS A'clnia Hoover, Martha G.
Brietzke, W. H. AVelch.
Salem No. 11 1st Set.
JUDGES Geo. P. Litchfield, Robert
S. Gill. I
CLERKS Ruby Ar. Rotzien, Mary L. ;
Boeschen, Theodosia Bennett. I
Salem No. 11 2nd Set,
JUDGES H. S. Bell, John F. Davis, j
CLERKS Carl 1). (iabrielsou, Ralph ;
D. M cores, Frank S. AVard. j
Salem No. 12 1st Set
JUDGES D. J. Fry, AV. S. Low. j
CLERKS Jean DeWitt, Gussie Nccr, ;
Jessie Cromwell. 1
Salem No. 12 2nd Set. i
JUDGES W. D. Pvans, P. Andresen. '
CLERKS K. E. Mickey, Perry P.
Reigclinnn, C. C. Hargrove.
Salem No. 13 1st Set.
JUDGES Frank H. Reeves, H. 1
CLERKS Mabel F. Hudelsou, Flor
ence Viesko, Effie A.' King.
Salem No. 13 2nd Set.
JUDGES P. A. Miller. A. J. Daniels.
CLERKS Karl Neugcliaucr, Emnin i
I. Grahnm, Oia M. Dimicfc.
Salem No. 11 1st Set.
JUDGES Geo. B. Jacob, Clem Lewis, i
CLERKS May E. Cleveland, Mil-1
lleno Klein, Vili'tlia Bort.
Salem No, 14 2nd Set.
JUDGES L. H. Fletcher. C. U. Hill.
CLERKS Georrre J. AVendernth, I. C.
Beers, V. E. Hnell.
Salem No. 15 1st Set.
JUDGES Mary B. Biibco. k, Mabel
CLERKS Ida M. Bi.b.ock, Mary
Sloper, Gertrude Funk.
Clam XTi ir. n.i.l C
JUDGES F. ,S. Lamport, Mrs. A. R.I
AVilson. I
CLERKS J. L. Teetz, Bertha Dun
can, AVilla Huckestein.
Salem No. 16 1st Set
JUDGES J. Baumgartner, E. M.
CLERKS Ruth Bishop, Pearl P.
Courser, Inez Dennison.
Salem No. 16 2nd Set.
JUDGES Murk S. Skiff, Dan F.
CLERKS AF. L. Hunt, D. M. Steeves.
Chas. E. Bier.
Salem No. 17 1st Set.
JUDGES Zilpha Galloway, AV. M.
Chen inpton.
CLERKS Airnes Bayne, Rose AV.
Dnbcork. Laura B. Snyder.
Salem No. 17 2nd Set.
JUDGES L. P. Aldrich, II. L.
CLERKS Robert M. Hofer, Kenneth
Bayne, E. Max Page.
Salem No. 18 1st Set.
JUDGES AVm. Fleming, A. Eugene
An franc.
CLERKS Nellie D. Cox, T.ela Tage,
Berniec Johnson. I
Silem No. 18 2nd Set. I
JUDGES N. D. Elliott, C. A. Arpke.
CLERKS Herman S.hellbeig, L.
Ingrey, E. A Springer.
East Salem.
JUDGES B. B. Gesner, Geo. Ed
wards. CLERKS A. E. Aufranc, if. C.
Dressier, E. E. Mntten.
Salem Heights 1st Set.
JUDGES Donald AV. Miles, AV. V
CLERKS-S. Z. Culver, Emma M,aw,
L. E. Judson.
Salem Heights 2nd Set
JUDGES Wm. Ale Gil. hrisf, Sr., Phil
V. Thomas.
CLERKS Millar McGihhiist, 1).
Wiggins. Leonard B. Judson.
St. Paul 1st Set.
JUDGES J. S. McDonald, J. N.
CLERKS Elizabeth Davidson, Alda
E. Pettyjohn, I.ela Coyle.
St. Paul 2nd Set.
JUDGES J. L. Cook, I. F. Buyserie.
CLERKS Jno. F. Theo. B. Bre'ntano,
J. F. Davidson, C. S. Mulien.
Scollard 1st Set.
JUDGES Jus. B. Hunt, Theresa
CLERKS Mrs. Margaret McCor
mick, Mis. N. M. Johnston, E. A. Troc
tor. Scollard 2nd 8et.
JUDGES Jacob A'oorhees, Chns.
CLERKS A. B. Crosby, J. T. McCor
mick, Frank F. Proctor.
Scotts Mills 1st Set.
JUDGES John S. Richie, Lida E.
CLERKS Arthur E. Adkln, Anna
R. White. Surah M. J. Dunnpan.
Scotts Mills 2nd Set
JUDGES AV. T. Hoirir. C. AVhitWk.
CLERKS Frank Schiedlcr, C. A.
JUDGES Nellie B. Simpson, Mary
(Continued on Pugo Five.)
Shadow for the Ground Hog
This means that the Cold Spell will continue.
We have been telling you right along, that you
should protect" yourself against the cold by buying
You certainly will need these articles unless you
already have them. It will save you doctor bills to
take our advice.
As Avell as anything else in wearing apparel for
Are in stock complete for filling your requirements.
Brick Brothers
The House That Quarantees Every Purchase.
Today's and Tomorrow's
Bargains in Used Furniture
One 9x12 10-Avire seamless Brussels, worth $18.00
new, slightly used $9.50
One Leather Seat Rocker
Dining Chairs 5()c eaCu
Polished top, nickel base, $48.00 steel Range,
used one month, now $29.50
Heaters $1.00 Up
Iron Beds $1.00 Up
One $12.50 solid oak Library Table . $7,50
One $10.50 solid oak Library Table $6,00
One $14.00 solid oak Library Table $7,50
Hundreds of Bargains too numerous to mention.
Albany e scl" e cneaPest because our
' expenses are the lowest.
Hi-an'c Pace Will for I'1" '0U""T h"'Y'"s f"r Wt
UldlllS Idao If 111 UCl ! lease, among whom lire tt ennsiderali!
$600,030 Sugar Factory l"'! ,f the fnet'..ry
,.,, , , ' will not lio determined until the u:
OranN Vtx, Ore., Ik 4.-rii. whole ; rUi, (lf Wlfho., xil.lev, the j.reM.lent
KoRiie Ittver valley is jubilant. , (lf , OreKon Utnh" coraj.nn v. fim ,
OttieiuN of the Or.Kou l th SuKar s.l)t .1((., within the next we'.k or ...
Heet ennipnny have just let the ''"'! sutisfnetory freiijht rates have I
trnct for a .ff.UO.OHO miliar beet fiietory, , . southern Pneifie for
fur the Houue River valley. 11111111'
diate. construetion work is .romised.
Plenty of seed has been obtained by
the Oregon-Utah eomi'iiny for the
ilantiii(; of 7000 aeres of land to beets
T.1 ,1 r V...'. n tt!v, t
the eo.nrany is authorized to reeeive
,-niti 1 1: l n I'll II' i'.Hi(;o u, n ....in u
It farmers und nurieiiltuiists of the
RoRue valley pay enounh attention to!
the ernf.s und support the fnetory witrrx
sufficient beets a second , fnetory is (Hou loir Secrets)
promised for spring A shortage of iil,'t table is complete without ,i
beet seed 111 the United States had tor I small paclia;e of delatone, for with it
a time threatened to jeopardize themi. ,. ftiza can be ipiicUIv banished
industry in this valley nml lit best it from f,,,, skin. To remove' hairs vim
was thouKht only 0WI0 acres could be.r,.v mix into x paste enough of 'tho
sown. With the opening of the llli-1 pew.ter and water to cover the objec
nois valley to tho mitrfs of the world j tiounhlo hairs. This should be left on
this summer from 10,000 tu 20,000 acres J the skin about 2 minutes, then rubbed
of the finest irrigated beet land in tin' J nf f and the skin washed, when it will
country will be open to planting. Al- . be found, 1'iee from hair or blemish, Ibj
readv ti liirre number of people are in 1 ure nu act ovnuine delatniie.
This Is a
C. F. Hull of the Valey Music
Music House Has Disap
peared and every Piano in
This Large Stock Is Ordered
Remember v e positively
will not ship duplicates at
these prices. It is only the
Pianos that are now here that
are offered at these prices.
See the latest in Player-Pianos
offered at cost. You can save
two or three hundred dollars
if you act quickly.
Open evenings.
General Agent for Eilers
Music House and the
264 Commercial Street.
the liauliiitc of beets to the fnetory from
any mint in the valley. ' The iiuestiou
of similar eo.ii'esnions fram eastern
railways i now being eonsidered.
Forced Sale.