EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1916. f 1 E I Great Special Sale of I I Angora Brushed Wool! Just arrived fringed ends medium blue, them on sale SPECIAL FOR RENT Millinery Department Space on second floor after Feb. 15. Inquire at Office. TtTTtttT TTTt TtttttTTtt AW All Around Town iiittitnitiniittTitti Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass-! ea correctly. U. B. Bank. Bid;. o After a week's rest from daily labor, on account of nn attack of the grippe, W. B. (iilson is able to be down town. Order your pure milk and cream from Mnplo Orovo Dairy, 1-15 South Commercial. Phono 20H. tf Seven linemen of the Postal Tele graph company were sent yesterday to l'ortland to assist in getting the wires once again iu working order, o O. II. P. Cough Syrup will stop your cough. No cure, no pay. For sale it the Opera House Pharmacy. . tf o The Missionary society of the First CliriHtinn church will moot Friday after noon, February 4, nt the home of Mrs. Flora Clark, 1475 Chomekcta street. Dr. Stone's Drug store. The Poole drug stos is moving today into its new quarters in tlio Salem Bnnk of Commerce building, and will here after be known us the Central Pharm acy. Dr. Stone's drug; store. Ernie Klinger, formerly of Oervais, Is putting in a new pool hall st 4ii.'l Court street, in the room formerly oc cupied by the "Dad" Oeior ' pool hall. Electric baths and .massage tinder Tour physician's diroctiona. N. N. Iro ns, 218 Hubbard DM sr. Phone 555. tf The Eugene high school basketball team will try their luck with the Sa lem high school team Saturday evening. Tho gamo will be played in. the senior high school gymnasium ami will begin at 8:15 o'clock. o Ask The Capital Journal about Job printing. State School Superintendent J. A. Churchill went to Monmouth todny to meet with tho hiiildinir cmiintittn nt t)i.. Oregon Mate-Normal school to accept ino now training school building which was recently erected at a cost of about 40,000. Johnson's Hat Works. 148 S. Cora'l. Articles of Incorporation were filed todaY for tho llinnndrnnin Thnnt,-!....! and Amusement company, of Portland, which was capitalized at $5,000 and Atiyeh Bros., Incorporated, an oriental rug company which was capitalized af 10,000. Got prices on commercial printing nt The Capita Journal offico. The "L Area dub" the drill toam of the United Artinans Is making ar rangements for a valentine pnrty, Feb ruary 17. The club will bn entertained by Miss Grace Tallman, Miss Bertha RESIDENCE PARLORS Lincensed Lady Em balmer Moderate Prices Latest Methods Are Found Only At , Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 721. Salem, Ore. Scarf and Cap Sets a delayed shipment of these articles Scarfs are of good width and Caps to match each scarfs. red, brown, white. For rapid selling we have placed at this low price for the Set $1.69 (See the window display.) , PRICES ON ALL RAINCOATS THE HOUSE Waldorf and Miss Gcrtrudo Waldorf. The entertainment will bo given lit the homo of .Mrs. Cresswell, Fourteenth and Mill streets. J Johnson's Hat Works. 148 S. Coin'l.j The building committee of the school 1 board has secured a cottage clone to the1 Lincoln school, to bo used for the prim-! nry grade, under the instruction of Miss I Abide Davis. Tho cortnge will bo fully I equipped for this grade and ready for tho children enrly next week. Reserve February 22 for the Meth odist Indies. A Washington birthday dinner will be served from 0 to 8 l). m. Splendid dinner beautiful decorations. Winthrop Hammond, owner of "The Toggery," believes in tho slogan "Try Snlem First," in a practical way. Af ter todny Tho Toggery will be heated by the Burr hot water system, tho in- vumiuu or ineo. ju. unrr una manufac tured in this city. o Johnson's Hat Works. 148 S. Cora'l. o The river this mornlnor l S l.o fi hiirher thnn it wn Mniwlnv ,,,..,;,. The stage .Monday morning was 5 feel nnove zero, Tuesday morning 7 1-2 feet nhovn nnd tmlnv in i. .. i. ...... the low water mark. The rainfall for the 24 hours up to S o'clock this morn ing was .41 of an inch. The Cherrians turned out to the num ber of 50 lust evening for tho first evening's drill, under command of Captain Dick. Tho Cherrians aro st! feelinff the nt'f.v.f nf ..At:., r:... , 7 1 lirsi HUU second money at tho Rose show in Port land Inut Vnni. . . .. to the standard established last sum mer when they toed tho mark to the street ear track. 0. H. Carson, who was recently ad mitted to tho bar in this state, has be gun the practice of law in this city and r . """" me offices of Attorney Trindlc in the Bnnk of , "v ....ui..K. iur. vnrson liaj boo,, a resident of Salem for about fie enrs and , a graduate of the Wil lametto law school. The standing room only sign has been taken out rrnm nj.. ... j . ..... . ... . , i .; " mm uiisiou ott, ready tor use tonight, as tho indication., aro that "Tho Fortune Hunter" will play to a capacity house, regardless of Wlllit tli.i ........i.... .... . O. sign may have been used in tho good ., ,v Vl Iun)r K0 Ult ln rivt,llt )eurs it has beeu in the discard. Chief of Poll vi.i.i, . .. .. tute family by tho name of Halford residmir nt ar,i ti..i.. , : ....iiivnv niruiH wnere four of the members of the family are ill with tho grippe, and Mr. Halford is uuaoio to find work of any kind. He is a carpenter by trade but is ready and willing to do any kind of work that is Three trains on the Oregon Electric -v. U, tunny on account of the um.nuui neuuicr conditions. Tho 4:i afternoon train ......i. . .. , .: "its can celliMi. W..11 a ti, n.in ..i ' k1""K ""nil it V, -IV " B Blao D'Pn "null ed. 1 ortland is sending out word that it would be best for everybody to stay nt homo rrtr m 1uf 4..- V inn, Bernard W. Vlck and Miss Clara Montgomery, who wore married Yester day noon at the home of the -bride in N v "v, arrived tu the city Inst ev ening and are borne that had already lx-en preparcl "'" '"K" nu Juiison streela. number of their frien.t. on.i i. euing and gave tho newly weds n rei'- .1..i ..1.1 ... ..... .... ui.i luntuujieu cjuirivttri. Wool worth ten cent store will have a new nianatrer beginning tomorrow. A. II. For, manager in Snlem fur the past year and a half, has been promot ed to the position of manager of the Tacoma store and will leave within a few days, Tho new Suleiu maungcr, F. splendid cold weather length stripe borders f Choice of old rose, grey, t OF QUALITY II. DcVore arrived today from Wallu Walla uud will tako charge of the store. Tho c.hnngo conies ii the way of a pro motion fur both managers. 0 Charley Maxwell, the 300 pound por ter at the Oregon Electric is glad he is alive. Tuesday evening wliilo making a quick run near tho crossing of the Oregon Electric nnd Southern Pacific, ho struck the end of a car extending over tho sidewalk, suffering a severe bruidc. Today ho is just able to be about and is tolerably satisfied wi conditions ill general, as it might have been worse. Councilman J. A. Mills is in receipt of a letter from Congressman Hawlcy, in reply to tho invitation written let ter writing week, telling Mr. llawley of the beautiful scenery to be found in and ubout Sulem. Tho letter to Mr. Mills rends: "You are certainly n past muster in the art of boosting and I con gratulate you to your letter writing ability," all of which Mr. Mills be lieves, even it another did say it. Feathers make the bird, and the col or of an autumobilo ulso entitles tho cur to move in better society. Vick Bros, have a 111 HI Ford with tho body painted cherry red, in accordance with tho pre vailing stylo color established by the cherry red street cars and the city cleaning department. In fuct, tho Ford with its new color is very attractive nnd with its new clothes is entitled to travel in tho Pierce-Arrow class. At least that is what Mr. Vick said. u The state board of control which was to conduct a hearing today of the hurges brought by Eline Curry against Dr. U, K. I.. Stniner w as unable to meet this morning and the bonrd meeting was called ut 2 o'clock this afternoon. A uumber of routino matters were brought up first and the consideration of the Curry case wiih not reached until a lute hour. Mrs. Curry is nn aged wo man who enmo hero from Jackson coun ty to bo near her husband who was confined in the asylum. o A copy of an initiative petition for tho "People's Land nnd I.onn Law," being a proposed nmendnien of section one, article one of the constitution of the state of Oregon proposed and in itiated by the Oregon State Federation of Labor, T. II. Buchard, president, and I.. J. .-itnoK, secretary, nnd tho Central Labor Council of Portland nnd vicin ity, Eugeno E. Smith, president: A. W Jones, vice-president, and E. J. stack secretary, was filed in the offico of the secretary of stnto today. o Does it pay to jeopardize your eye- sigm, wnicn snouid oo me most valued gift of Ood, with poorly fitted classes. or would yon prefer known reliability? i lit glasses correctly; tnat ono thing i oo nno no it rignt. it is no experi ment with mo. Thirty three vcars practice and study in' eye work has taught me how. Thousands of satis fied patients to whom I can refer you should convince you that my office is a safe place to bring your eye troubles. I guarantee satisfaetiou in everv ro- seet and make a specialty of fitting cciiiiiren b eyes correctly. I do not use drops or drugs as they nro dangerous. it. ni. i .Mendelsohn. Hooins 10 11 U. S. Bank llldg. Postmaster Huckestein Is in receipt loony or a check tor l,J70.t50 from an eastern mail order house, to nav for the mailing of IM.-I83 catalogs to tho three aonea irom tins office. These catalogs mil rrivn acre, snipped in two cars b freight, and will tuke tho pared post ruto. hitch catalog weighs three pounds and tho postage in tho local tone will bo six cents each, into the seconu zone, Kin miles from Salem seven cents each, and into the thii-.l lone, a distance as fur as 150 miles, 10 cents each. Formerly Itosoburg was the nipping ami mniliug poiut for thi mail order house. Through W. I. Staley, director of the iiKMi-umiini ueparimeiil or tho ."snlen Commercial club, the brown rot situa linn hn nlm, I, l.....n..l. . - .-... uiuiiui i i.iu in tention of Congressman Hnwloy, urging nun to interest department of Agricul tural in too situation. Already the matter has been taken up with Dr. W. A. Taykir, chief of the bureau of plant industry ami in a letter to Mr. Stalev, Congressman llawley writes th it tho bureau has made a beginning in its in vestigations and will continue in the work. It is hoped that a specialist Hundreds of Men and Teams Are Attempting To Break Complete Blockade Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 3 Tacoma em erged today from the worst snow storm iu its history and began tho work of restoring conditions to somewhat ap proaching normal. The task is proving to be a difficult, one to copo with, but hundreds of men and teams are em ployed in the downtown districts in loading tho accummulution of snow up on wagons and hauling it away. The suu made its appearance shortly before 10 o'clock this forenoon, but barometric conditions aro favorable for more storms. Work of clearing car tracks is pro ceeding steadily and traction officials express the belief that at least a par tial service will bo possible before ev ening. All linos are completely Mock ed and men and women employed down town were compelled this morning to walk to business in some cases several miles. The first, car over the iiiteiurb an Hue from Seattlo arrived shortly after 9 o'clock. Transcontinental railroad liiieR are still tied up, not a singlo train having succeeded in crossing the Cascades for more than 36 hours. At the offices of the Northern Pacific and Milwaukee roads here it was said at noon that all telegraph wires lire down, but that con ditions in the mountains have improved and that the date of resumption of train service to the east cannot be predict ed. A blizzard is raging at the sum mit on both lines nnd rotary plows are unable to clear away the drifts. No eastern mail is being received, except that which has been routed via Port land. Train service to the southward is being maintained but all trains are greatly delayed. Despite the chaotic conditions that have existed in this city for the past two or three days, there havo beeu no serious accidents and tho damage property is inconsiderable. Delivery of fuel ami groceries and milk are impossible in many sections of the city today, but residential streets are being opened up for traffic as rapidly as possiblo and unless more snow falls tonight, conditions are ex pected to be nearly normal by tomor row. There is no i'enr of suffering by reuson of a food shortage. Serious Food Shortage. Bellinghnm, AVasli., Feb. 3. A serious food shortage is feared hero today fol lowing the almost futile efforts to open up traffic on tho railroads, and county l.:...1 ii-,.:,- .. . , . - ,t uiKiinu.ta. n niie me snow tins not fall en hero for many hours, a high wind i." still drifting it. Tho snow is 30 inches on rue level. Alt pathways are block ed. The farmers are having a hard time to protect their stock. In the city a shortage of coal is al ready apparent. There is also a milK shortage. City mail delivery is o partially made. Tim aidmnlu ,-. i closed. Snow at Victoria. Victoria. R. (' Vuh 5 v:u:t.i 1... the heaviest snowstorm since l,H(i2, Vic toria Drncticnllv anunen.l.wl 1, hero today. Street car traffic was stnil- ...1 Af.. .... 1 ... i .unu,j iiumiivss nouses tailed to open. The schools will ,w.t ,...,., til next week. About four feet of snow is on the ground. 30 Inches at Walla Walla. Wnlln Walla. Wnsh . tvi, ing for more than 72 hours without a break, all records wern hn,bn day, with moro than 30 inches of snow n me level. The temperature has ranged from zero to 10 above during the week. All street car service demoralized. Blizzard at Aberdeen. AVterrliHui Wouk ru pained by a 10 mile- gale, tho worst Mizznrd in tho history of Grays Har bor has practically caused suspension suddenly, following a heavy rain which will be sent to the valley this summer to make a thorough and scientific study of brown rot, its prevention .ind iri-uiiitf 111. A 8trikinir casn nt in reported to the police recently by ,T. . x.vnns, a Mate street restaurant man. Mr. Kvnus khv tlmt .,.,... came to him who hnd no place to sleep ua nn iippcnrea to oe a deserving fellow, Mr. Kvans took tho man to his room and kept him for the night. All imii wen ana tne man enmo back for tho next niuM n,l ,.iu;,.i n... i...... :.i ity of Mr. Kvans which was freely giv- me uexr morning, however, the stranger disappeared and with him went a suit of clothes, a pair of shoes, two razors and a razor hono and a few other incidentals which were packed awav in a suit ease and all belonged to Mr. Kv ans. The articles were sold at a junk shop by a mnn who gave the name of Miko Murphy. Ths total number of pupils register ed in the Salem pnblio schools is ;t,011 according to the January report of Su perintendent O. M. Klliott. The bovs are going to school in a greater pro portion thnn any year in the history of the Salem schools. Of those from 14 to .0 years of age, the grades which form erly numbered such a large mnpiority for the girls, now the girls have but a bare majority of 17. Even of the r who are over the ago of 20, the bovs number 20. Th(, pop,llatioil of bov, jn the city from six to nine years of age must be greater than that of the girls as the public schools register liliO bovs to 3.18 gul. The average per cent of attendance for January was IU.7, wh! means that for every dar the school, were in session, the average attendance was 2,741. , Miss Evndue Harrison, ex '17, of Or egon City, was a enmnus visitor for a few davs this week. She was the snest of .Miss Valeria (ioldburger while here. WE HAVING A SALE But to clean up short lines are making prices at almost cost. We are in the grip of Winter and the weather man says it will continue, so why go around chilled to the bone? Buy some heavy wear now and keep comfortable you in vest a little money now, keep warm and save the Overcoat, Underwear, etc., for another season. The following list shows why you should not chill and shiver: Regular $12.50, to close out, now t $ 8.88 Regular $15.00, to close out, now $10.88 Regular $20.00, to close out, now $14.98 Regular $25.00, to close out, now $17.88 Underwear Cooper's Spring Needle Derby Ribbed included 2-piece Suits: Regular $1.00, now 70 Cents Union Suits, regular $1.25, now . . . .9gc $1.50, now '. J $2.00 now . . . . . . . -$1.58; $3.00 now $2.38; 5-00 now $3.98 G. W. Johnson & Co. 141 North Commercial St. T Street Car, Telephone and Electric Service Continues In Capital City Salem is feeling a slight touch of (lie silver t'naw todny but none of the acute throes of the chill jro experienc ed in this city ana Nilem s most inti niuto connection with trouble is through culls for help from other cities and Portland in particular. Nono of the telegraph wires from San Fran cisco or points south of Salem arc able to send messages any f.irthcr noth than Salem and train service, especially on tho Oregon Electric, has been inter rupted. The S. P. is getting its trains through though tho schedule is general ly behind. Today on tho Oregon Electric the 4:T) south bound, the 11:20 a. m. north bound and the 7:fi5 p. m. north bound were cancelled on account of the in ability to keep the ice off of the trolly wires. Last night's 0:44 south bound -arrived about four hours late and was pulled in by an electric freight engine which was covered with ice. The Western X'nion telegraph company today is making Salem the end of the division and nil messages from San Francisco to Portland are copied in Salem ind then sent on to Portland by courier on a train. While tho sun even came out for a short time at noon yesterday and tiie day was generally mild until about five thirty in the nftemodn when tho ther mometer dropped eight degrees in 1.) minutes and tho rain which fell was literally "frozen iu its tricks." No genuine silver thaw was experi enved as it fell first in tho form of rain nnd toon froze upon whatever hap pened to be on tho bottom. Tho trolly wires were the resting places of a solid string of icicles and the electric. trains were obliged to proceed with slow speet. The local street car ser vice on the Portland, Eugene & East ern was not interrupted to any extent ami me ears generally kept to their schedules. The river today is 10.5 feet above low water mnrk which is a riso of two nnd one half feet iu the last 'J4 hours. The O. ('. T. company was the only transportation company th.it delivered freight in Salem todny and the man agers state that as long as the river keeps running that there will bo no steamboat lines tied up. Hobert C. Paulus, maii iger of the Sa lem Fruit I'nion, reports that so far no damage has been done to the fruit in this section and that horticiilturulists north of Salem sny that tho damage to fruit trees and berry bushes does not extend south of Garden Home. The snow today has put a stop to the sleet and it is not expected that any limbs will be broken from tho fruit trees and there has been no damage from freezing reported to date. Salem and vicinity appears to be a lucky spot aeoerding to the reports from other points in the northern end of tho valley and the present indica tions are that no d.imago will result from the inclement weather unless a decided change for the worse is affect er. The public service commisison sent five of its engineers to Portland today to take charge of gangs which arc now working over time in Portland to rut the electric and telephone wires back AIRE Overcoats into working order. Every lineman tiiut is available and n number of la borers who are not linemen are being pressed into service to restore the elec tric and telephone wires that have fall en under the weight of ice that clung to the wires and experienced engineers to supervise th operations are much in demand. Portland Is Isolated By Sleet and Snow and One Death Is Reported Portland, Or., Feb. 3. With com munication and transportation prac tically paralyzed throughout the north west, Portland for a time today was iiterly without means of connection with the outside world. Wireless apparatus on which the city hod relied to talk to other points broke nuder the weight of ice on it. Overnight, tho silver thaw that struck the city yesterday, turned to a snow storm, but this ceased during the forenoon. Snow crippled the railroads so badly that they abandoned their schedules, while tho eastern part of the city suffered from absence of tele phones and electric lights. A ten inch snow blanket lay on the ground hereabouts, while eastern Ore gon reported nearly two feet of snow before tho wires failed. Tho storm, practically continuous since January 1, is the worst iu the history of tho northwest, and yet more snow and cold is predicted by tho of ficial forecaster. Stronger easterly winds are ex pected to add to tho cold and suffer ing already inflicted. One death in tho past 24 hours is, however, tho sole casualty report up to early afternoon. Herbert Wild dropped dead from exhaustion, while battling against the driving sleet, while he was trying to reach his home last night, WILLAMETTE NOTES t:.. Willamette freshmen were to havo played the Astoria high school last night in the Willamette gym, but nt. tho last minute the Astorinns noti fied the rooks that they would rat nor ,,in nth a team with which thev hnd souie chance of winning and so de parted for forvallis, where they played the Corvallis high. The freshmen, how ever, were not to be denied the privi lege of a game for a number of ex stars assembled and met them at the time scheduled for the original game. This game was a fast and interesting one. The final scoro was a tio, 17-17. The senior team played the Kimbnl quintet last night and defeated them 17-ti. The seniors were out of condi tion irom playing a hard game with the freshmen the night before, never theless they suecocded in playing in a umhl.ni'K of their old stvlo and idled up 1G points, all of which were made K- Vi.liiAn-at! fnnrftril. The Webstcrian literary society held their quarterly election of officers last night and the following were elected: President, :Pred McMillan! vice-president, Sam B. King; recording secre tary, Lelnnd Austin; corresponding sec retary, Errol Proctor; treasurer, Ous Anderson; critic, Arlie Walker. The program rendered before elec tion was very good and especially mirth provokintr was th. story rend bv I. a- SALBl'S . BEST MARKET PLACE Now at 426 State Street WESTACOH-THIELSON COMPANY MOT Salem, Oregon This is the back view of a popular young man who has a position at tho. state house so strong with the ladies that his smiling countenance is in grcut demand on cloudy days. Candy To the first person who brings thiH ad to us with his correct name to The Spa wo will give a 2-pound box of our famous chocolates. ban Steeves entitled "Kidnapping th' Cook." The next program will con sist of a debate on "Resolved, That President Wilson's plan for prepared ness should be adopted." Tho Philodorians elected Walter Gleiser, president, and Harold Miller, vice-president, last night. A large number of Willamette stu dents are planning to see "The For tuno Hunter" tomorrow evening at the Grand. Several old Willamctto ' crads" will nppenr in title roles of the play and naturally the present stu dents are desirous of seeing them jn dramatic action. Herman Edwards, a popular fresh man, was recently elected a member of the I). 1). club, and is now looking for ward with great pleasure to his com ing Initiation. The Y. W. O. A. girls sold all their supply of saudwiciies this morning. Tho frigid weather was the cause lor tho hungriness of every student and tho nickels dropped merrily into the wait-inn- him.1 nf the Hindwich dipcnser I in exchange for the "eats." iWATCH-and ,;cJEWELEY Also Nice Line of Jewelry. KARL NETJOEBAHXB Masonic Eldg. Who Tis? 2 i sUL ai 1 limsrff '