THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1916. FIVE COM PRINTING THE CAPITAL JOURNAL HAS COM pleted the installation of a new. and complete JOB PRINTING plant and is now prepared to handle society, commercial, book and poster printing. Reasonable prices and best of workman' ship is guaranteed. The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited, CAPITAL JOURNAL Pupils Receive For Taking (B. United IVess.) Willows, Cal., Feb. 3. No longer do the boys of Glenn county schools pro test violently it taking their regular Saturday night bath. No longer do the givls mope and complain because tired mother calls on them to wash the dish es. The family kindling is being split with regularity and dispatch and the coal box is always full. This near-millennium for the house wife is the result, of the system estab lished by S. M. Chancy, superintendent of the county schools, of giving cred its to pupils for activities outside of the classroom, especially their home activities. The system has been in op eration for six months and still is in the experimental stage, but it has ac complished more than its inventor ever dreamed it would. I'rof. Chancy out lined these results in a statement for the United Press todav, which follows: "J n the installation of the method I of allowing credits for outside activ ities, I had in mind several purposes. Perhaps the greatest benefit we ex pected to derive from the plan was to bring into closer relationship the home and the school. "By this method we hoped to get the teacher more interested in what tht pupils were doing at home, and likewise to get the parents to under stand a little better what was being vlone at school. Another idea was to impress upon pupils the imKrtance and dignity of labor. "I find more good coming from this method than I had hoped. When the boys and girls find that tho teacher is Tf.'iily interested in what they do at lhunie and talks to them about many seemingly little things connected with their home life, they begin to regard Iheii teacher as a frieud. Thus the pos sibilities of that teacher are increased immv fold. "Then the boy or girl who finds iti almost impossible to learn things that I ere in books, and who are sometimes,! SALEM'S BEST MARKET PLACE Now at 426 State Street WESTACOH-THIESON COMPANY TUT li iiiCd ii Never Mind the Snow. It Will Be Summer Time at the Grand Tonight PRINTING CO. Credits Regular Baths VI to feel they are a failure, but who can do things with their hands, are en couiaged when they are given credit in their standings at school for doing these things. In the short time we have been try ing I. iia plan, I have had many moth ers thank me for the idea, saying that heretofore it was almost as hard work to get the youngsters to do chores and assist with the work at home as to do it themselves, but that since credit is given at school for these things, the work is done cheerfully and better. Many girls who did not want to assist with the cooking are now anxious to learn so they may be able to prepare a meal by themselves. "Not only has the work been im proved, by hygienic conditions are bet ter. From a feeling of pcrsonnl pride a pupil does not want to bring in a credit Blip showing he has not had a bath for two or three weeks, neither do his parents want such a showing. The same thing applies to several other items on the credit blank. "We havo 'rtu trying o this ,dor for about six mouths. We shall prob ably have occasion to modify the appli cation? of the principle somewhat, but T am Mire the general idea is correct. The ami.unt of credit to be given fcr this sort of activity must necessarily he limited, that is, it must not be al lowed to assume undue proportions in its relation to regular school work, and at the present time we place the maxi mum nn.ount at 3 per ceut, but as the j p'inn is as yet in the experimental stage this may be changed later on. Each pupil is given a 'Home Credit Blank'; each month, and ms credit of work is kept on this, and must be signed by the parent before presenting it to the teacher for his credits." T- f -T - T- "T" J "T" -p A Journal New Today will convert waste Into wealth, $ TELEPHONES 81 or 82 SUBE WAY TO GET RID OF DANDRUFF There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it This de stroys it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, ordi nary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not nil, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve , and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandrult you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop in stnutly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive, and tour ounces is all you will need. This simple remedy has never been known to fail, OFFICERS TO BE TRIED Washington, Feb. 3. Lieutenant Herbert Jones, commander of the re serve torpedo flotilla and Ensign Rob ert Kirkpntrick, navigation officers, were ordered court-martialed today be cause of the loss or theft of a navy department secret code book from tin destrover Hull. Jones was in command, and Kirlt- patrick next, in command of tho Jiull at Mare Island navy yard when the book disappeared. Navy officials admitted today that if the code boon had fallen into lor- elgn hands, it might prove more than merely embarrassing, even in peace tunc. X MADAME X SUNDAY and MONDAY BLIGH THEATRE TONUG A. A. A AAAiitAlii ft?? T f VTTTTTTTT1 News of Marion County j Bethel News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Bethel, Ore., I'eb. 3. The mock trial last Friday evening was a winner. .The court officers were:' Judge, W. R. Baker; clerk of court, E. '. Matten; sheriff, L. Bautenburg; attorneys for plaintiff, (i. D. l'age and li. Osborne Swales; attorneys for defendant, John Zak and Paul Baker. Tho following jurors were drawn and after a thor ough examination tney were accepted: W. L. Creech, L. Sehulz, it. Battalion, Geo. Balmscii, Mrs. E. E. Matten and Homer Holms. Numerous witnesses for the plaintiff testified to ninny peculiar acts of the defendant indicating an un balanced mental condition of the latter. They told of four distinct attempts upon the life of the plaintiff. An im portant witness for the plaintiff was Dr. E. Sehulz, the noted alienist of Bethel. He was said to be a graduate of an osteopathic college in Missouri. The witnesses for the defense told of the good moral character of the defend ant and gave testimony to indicate tnat some of the witnesses for the plaintiff were not in condition to remember whnt happened ou certain occasions about, which they testified. Witnesses on both sides were more or less mixed up on cross-examyiation. After being out only a tew minutes the jury reached an unanimous decision on the first ballot and returned ft verdict for the plaintiff. The court then appointed Miss Rose Uatalion guardian of the person and estate of the defendant with instruc tions to give the rest cure a trial. After court adjourned the following program was given: Reading, "The Ups and Downs of Married Life." .. By C. F. Johnston Hong. . .John Clark and George Matten Reading, "The Loon in the Car.". . . . By Harlan Hoffman The editor and assistant editor each read a part of tho paper, "The Bethel Sun." There will be no meeting next Fri day evening but the Bethel Literary society will give a basket social in the school house Saturday evening, Feb ruary 5. The committee in charge of the social announce a program and a piny. The play is a three act comedy called "A Kentucky Belle." Tho lead ing parts are taken by Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Swales, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sehulz and Mr. nnd Mrs. P. H. Baker. Isa bellc Douglas, the heroine, falls in love with a common lineman who turns out to be a wealthy author in disguise. They stake their happiness on a horse race and Isabelle's horse "Kentucky Belle," wins the race for them. Col onel McMillan, the stupid old nristo- cratic suitor for Isabelle's hand also wins a prize, in the antique Aunt Ma rian. Henry and Cindy, darkies belong ing to the Douglas estate, appear on the scene several times. They furnish much of the comedy. Miss Marie takes a hand and helps the colonel to find a happy ending to his love affair. The linemen fall in love with the hero. At his request they sign tho pledge and promise to be good boys forever nnd ever. The foregoing is only a brief outline of a few of the most important parts. The play must be seen to be ap preciated. Every one is cordially in vited to attend the social nnd the Indies are requested to please bring baskets. There was a debate in the school last Friday afternoon on the question, "Re solved, That the horse is more useful than the automobile." Walter Vander beck, Albert Vanderbeck and Hubert Livingston were the speaker.! on the affirmative. Walter Hain, Elmer Roth and Herman Pnney spoke for the nega tive. Tho decision was for the nega tive. Mr. A. L. Sundborg lias lost a fresh cow. Lust Thursday she got loose in the barn and foundered on ont chop and on Sunday she died. It has been reporter that others in the neighborhood havo lost cows and calves during the past month. Mr. Marchand dressed six lings Mon day. Mr. C. F. Johnston has sold his wood saw to his brother, Lewis Johnston, who lives south of Salem. Livesley News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Livesley, Ore., Feb. :!. The Literary society hail their weekly meeting last Friday night. The interest in the meetings is growing and you have got to be there on time to secure a scat. The reading of the paper by L'nrl Slmrp kept the house in good huinohr with its witticism nnd local hits. The debute "Resolved. That America is justified in preparing for war" was discussed mid brought out some fine arguments for and against. B. Roland led the affirmative and Mr. Davenport the negative. The judges decided in 77 YT 7T ii it r v ii i i WOODBURN NEWS iff (Capital Journal Special Service.)' Woodburn, Or., IFeb. 3. Mr. S. K. Brune spent Friday in Portland. Mr. mid Mrs. Raymond Fisher were Portland visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Scttlcniier were visiting in Portland Saturday. Ray McKinney and Will Jenkins Bre working at Mt. Angel this week. Tho members of the Priscilla club met at the home of Mrs. Robert Scott Wednesday evening to help celebrate her anniversary. The ladies presented Mrs. Scott with a silver spoon. Miss Avon McKinney is taking a three months' course in stenography in Portland. Miss Nora Beck was surprised Mon day when a number of her friends dropped in in tho evening to make her birthday a memorable one. Kaeii girl brought something good in tho "eats" line and After 500 was played, at which the prizes were won by Miss Nellie Binkley and Aletha Bitney. The girls were invited into the dining room where a delicious lunch was served. Those present were: Misses Ethel Bonney, Lila Jerniau, Sadie Richards, Madge aud Mary Scollaid, Louis Beo he, Nell and Gladys Binkley, Delia and Nor i Beck, Hazel nnd Aletha Bitney anil Nettie Broyles. Miss Ethel Bonney is out again af ter being confined a week at her home with the la grippe. Perle Lave visited Portland Satur da v. St. Mary's Guild held their regular monthly meeting at tho homo of Mrs. McCord last week. After the husiness meeting tho hostess served re freshments, nssisted by Mr. T. C. Poor min and Mr. II. M. Austin. Mr. Alice Kennedy is confined at her home with the la grippe. Mrs. Ft. Smidt and son spent Tuesday at Mt. Angel. Miss Gladys Binkley visited friouds in Portland Saturday. Paul Faulke, of ilortland, spent the week end with his parents hero. Mrs. Homer Alleman and daughter, A 'Lam, returned Saturday from Scotts Mills where she has been visiting her sister for the past week. Joe Fahey was a Portland visitor Saturday. A gold wrist watch which was given away Tuesday evening at the Bunga low theatre, was won by Miss Oivc Haskell. favor of the affirmative. A good pro gram was rendered by the following: Hesitation Elina iioroman. Song Mary Bargelt, Gladys Bresslor, Dollio Dutton, Uuldie Beamstcr, Jessie Ekin. Recitation Fred Davenport. Duet Melba Davenport and Gordon Green-shnw. Recitation Lorcim .Tielke. Duet Mrs. D. Fiddles and Mrs. La nk ford. Quartette F. Sheldon nnd Sharp Bros. Recitation Mrs. W. Pettyjohn. Selection By Firos club. Recitation f). Sheldon. Solo Earl Sharp. Recitation Arthur Zielke. Quartette J. Gerber, of Watson; C. D. Query, N. Carpenter. Mr. Gust Hyden lias kindly given the use of his house recently occupied by him to the Moortry family, who had their home destroyed by fire last week. Mrs. L. Johnston will entertain the G. L. club nt her home next Thurs- 'liiy. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. 10c FRIDAY and SATURDAY Iflc Maclyn Arbuckle in "THE REFORM CANDIDATE" Lasky Paramount Feature e LIBERTV THEATRE JL Y7Y7 VT MR. INCE .OF INCEVILLE Is Griffith's only rival as a producer of wonder ful Film Dramas. His productions are TRIANGLED (IN SALEM) (In Salem) every Friday and Saturday at the OREGON GF COURSE! Turner News Items (Capital Journal Speciul Service.) Turner, Ore., Fab. 3. Mrs. R. 0. Thonpas, who has been quite ill, is im proving under tho care of Dr. G. A Massey and Miss Ada Thomas. Miss Ada is a daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. 11 0. Thomas and matron of tho emerg ency hospital of tho O. W. E. & N. rail road company. While Mrs, Thomas is improving R. 0. is having quite a strug gle to keep from having the grippe, but as he is strictly obeying his daughter's instructions wo predict he will soon be out of danger from a sick Bpell. Professor Wilson was a Salem visitor Saturday. Lowrey Eoberts from Independence, spent tho week-end with I. H, Small and family. The entertainmcut given nt the lib-' school by Professor Harris, was vedy much appreciated by the students and parents of tho school. A revival service is in progress at the M. K. church, the residing pastor Boy. Mickey, is being assisted by Hcv. Jones. Carl Booth was given a farewell re eeption by tho high school and Sundin school at tho Masonic tall Saturday ev ening, January 2!). Carl is a member of the sophomore class of Turner high school, also presi dent of tho Loyal Sons and Daughters class of the Presbyterian Sunday school. Tho young people were chaperoned bv Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, Mr. and Mrs H. A. Thicjscn and Mr .and Mrs. (i. F Booth. The Booth family arc leaving for Jef ferson, Ore., where they have purchased a home, having sold their homo here. DIED AT HOSEBUHO Mrs. Anna E, Aldrich ono of tho best known women of this vicinity, died at 2:l o'clock this morning at iier home in Kdenbower, following an illness of eight months from Bright, 'a disease. She was 5!) years eld. Mrs. Aldrich had ben a resident of this city for 11 yens, and was a member of the Re hckalts, Maccabees, Artisans, Women's Mi Mci i orps and w. r. t. V. in all of which she took an active interest. The funeral will bo held at the undertak-j mg parlors Friday morning at 10 o'-, clock nnd interment will be held at the: cemetery nt 'i vi 1 ileiid beside her son. i Hcv. V, H. Eaton will conduct, the ser vices, i Prior to coming to liosebnrg, Mrs. Aldrich resided with her family near1 Olulla. She had been a resilient of the county since 1 KM. Sho wiih born n Maine, but came when a small child to Minnesota. - There she marired M. V. Aldrich, the local contractor, ami after1 a few years cnm to Washington, where tuey resided prior to coming to Olalla.' Since coming here they have made their home in I-Me nliowcr. Besides her husband she is survived bv these chil dren: Mrs. ,1. K. Kalbe, of Koscbiug;! Mrs. II. .1. Patchin, of Truman, Mum.; Mrs. Itentiii-e Treter, of Salem; Mis. A. A. Turncll of Koschurg; Mrs. I). S. llouser. of Knschurg, and Charles Al-' ilrich of Seattle liosebui-g Kcvicw. J. P. Morgan Will Float New Loan For France New York, Feb." II. J. P. Morgan's departure for Europe was on a mission involving flotation of a new French loan oi if iuu,U"w,iiuij to niL'iiiijiiiMi.ii' j 51 Annita Stewart "The Girl from Heaven" in THE GODDESS OREGON Sunday Only f jfj lENORfcUlRKrt fjfc I tmw .Ml,! wn.''.llMW i TODAY, TOMORROW AND f 1 SATURDAY LENORE ULRICH in "THE BETTER WOMAN" A Thrilling Five-Act Drama of Love Jealousy, Hate aud Heroism. MUTUAL WEEKLY BLIGH THEATRE 10 CENTS ll I llllllllll I IB Wall street circles reported today. Tho I story went that American railroad se curities owned in France would bo the collateral for an issue of fivo per cent three to five year bonds to be placed in the American market. The Morgau firm did not deny these details. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. SUNDAY ONE DAY ONLY EMPRESS S.&C. Vaudeville THE ENTIRE SHOW 20 PEOPLE 20 Including the Big MUSICAL COMEDY GRAND THEATRE PRICES; S0i JliijJ HI GHEE BHEZ3 Kl Sc NO