Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 03, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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Janus Mott as Nat Duncan in
Fortune Hunter" tonight.
I'Vom Sun Triinriiico to SuIimii tlic li
oitiou of the Ii'ikuib world Ht'oma
o ') to e-onfiiie the linycr affairs of
the wiiitor to tho lipni'fit entertain
ments. All iniiiwiiT of charity Affairs
liavo hoen given from tens, lia.aars,
KensiiiKtons, to ilauees, liringing to
gether every element of society in u
spirit of ultruiHin which makes the gay
ety only a siilo (iroiluet.
Tonight uml l'rilay nijjht is to lie
(leilicatert to the mijijiort of the desti
tute l'uinilies. The Kortiine Hunter
will lie given .it the Orunil theatre mi
ller the auspices of the Social Service
Center of tho Knlem Commercial flub.
The supply of scuts as well as tho box
es are quite exhausted and the finan
cial results will no doubt exceed the
expectation of even tho must optimis
tic of the committee members.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Marvin will lie
liosts Thursday evening for A charm
ing five hundred party.
The card tables will be circled by
the members of a ""iilO" club and sev
eral additional guests.
Tho ladies of the home missionary
aoeiety held a meeting yesterday af
ternoon st the home of Mrs. II. V. Avl
aon on State street.
Mrs. Asahel BiihIi went to Portland
this morning for the day.
Miss Mable Wilhycoiiibe, daughter
of (Jovonior and Mrs. .lames Wjlhy
combe, will arrive from Corvallig to-
in Childhood
comes with proper training a most vital factor in
which is right food. 1
If a child is to gain physically and expand men
tally certain vital mineral elements grown in the
field grains are imperative.
These elements, such as phosphate of potash,
etc., are lacking in many foods, but abundantly sup
plied in the famous pure food
Made of whole wheat and malted barley, Grape
Nuts with cream or good milk supplies well-balanced
nourishment not only builds up the growing child,
but repairs daily the wear and tear of body and
Grape-Nuts has a delicious nut-like flavour is
specially processed for easy digestion and is always
i-eady to eat direct from the package. Economical
convenient and makes for efficiency.
"Here's a Reason" for. Grape-Nuts
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
"Bunny" Meiring as Sperry the drum
mer in "The fortune Hunter" tonight
morrow, to be the guest of her parents
for the performance of "The Fortune
Hunter." Governor and Mrs. Withy.
combe will occupy a box with Mr. and
Mrs. George I'aliuer Putnam.
In the society department if the S.in
Francisco I'xaminerj the following ap
peared of the do (loyorza concert.
Scores of weil known society men
mid women greeted Kmilo do (fogorza
yesterday ut the Columbia. A fashion
able audience crowded the theatre. The
distinguished de (iogorza has become
as popular now with music lovers mid
students us he has ahvnys beeu with
society, and his art seems more fin
ished and wonderful (him ever. The
audience gave him continued npplause,
sometimes nn ecstney of it, ufter some
of the more favorite numbers.
This superb artist will appear in 8a
loin, Monday night, and it is evident
from the large number of reservations
ami sale of seats that the fashionuble
world will also throng the Grand for
his concert hero, l'nrties of society
men and women will also occupy the
Mrs. K. 11. I'rothero entertained the
".lolly Neighbors Club" on Wednes
day .afternoon at her home on tho Jef
ferson road.
During the afternoon the guests en
joyed their sewing, followed by a duin
ty collation.
Those present were: Mrs. David
Reese. Mrs. .1. C. Outliers, Airs. Wl!
lium itoone, Mrs. John Fisher, Mrs. Jf.
Miss Hazel Erixon, as Josephine Lock-
wood, in "The fortune Hunter" to-
Miller McOilchrist as Larry ftiiuer i
"The Fortune Hunter" tonight.
II. I'tter Mrs. Walter Hatch. Mrs. Cnr-I
rie (trabeuhorst, Miss McCleery Miss
Martha tinrnjohst.
Monday evening a jolly crowd of col
lege girls entertained at a chafing
dish party, in honor of Ms. E. C. Km
mell, of Sherwood, at their club house
on Thirteenth street.
Early in tho evening the guests en
joyed u fancy dress party.
Miss Florence i'uge presided over the
Welsh rarebit and the following Dow
l)i op members wore present:
Miss Ruth Spoor, Miss Vesta Mulli
gan, Miss Carolyn Storing, Miss Flor
ence l'Jge, Miss Aetna Emmell, Miss
Itiuiiclie linker.
The invite.! guests were: Mrs. Em
nicll, Mrs. Ida Cmrrett, Miss Helen liol
tra, Miss Vera Witham, Miss Gene
vieve Avison .Miss Rosamond Gilbert:
and Miss Carrie Cooksov.
Tuesday evening Dr. and Mrs. Frank
Chase entertained about seventy-five
members of tho Methodist church choir,
at the Will.unette college of music. Tho
rooms were tastily udorued with green
ery. Music was tho chief diversion, af
ter which a tatty pull was enjoyed.
Mrs. Chase was assisted in tho serving
bv Mrs. J. 0. Van Winkle.
Tho ladies missionary society of the
I'J.csbyterian church will meet at the
church parlors on F'rid.iy afternoon at
two thirty o'clock.
A number of prominent Albuny peo
ple will attend the do (iogorza euncert
at the Grand Monday night. Mrs. An
na Marshal, on of Albany's leading
music teachers, will also attend the
concert, accompanied by a class of vo
cal pupils.
i .
! At ra Avlihel Husli wenf ht Pnrtlllllil
i this morning.
S. A. Muthiou was in the city yester
1 day. from l'ortland.
I Airs. J. M. I'rather, of Corvallis, was
i in the city yesterday,
i Judge Seubrook. of Portland, wus
j hero yestertlny on legal business.
I Miss Elizabeth Meyers, of l'ortlund,
lis visiting friends nnd relatives in the
J. B, Mann, a civil engineer of Port
land, is in the city, returning from
Mi.-s Grace Wolfurd ,of Silverton, is
; in the city for a two weeks' visit with
her sister, Mrs. I.. 1 Aldrich.
j Mrs. Walter G. Spaulding is in Ore
j gon City for a week's visit with lier
mother, Mrs. Nora (lard Miller.
Mrs. George Lnudis and daughter,
I Julia, of Modesto, Oil., nre in the city
tho guests of Mrs. K. I. Pickett.
1 Fred I Scott, a prominent fruit
giuncr or i.incrry .ami lnmiiy, nro in
the city, viiting at the home" of J. K.
( Scott. I
Mrs. I,. Baldwin, of the Movers de-j
partnicnt sture, is taking a month 'sj
vacation, to entertain her parents and'
sisrer. wno arnved m the city today
f rum the east.
4c A
; CATTON In tho city, February 2,
IP-Hi, Mrs. Frances A. Carton, in" her
6!th year.
i She is survived bv a husband, W. S
: Cut ton, of Zona, Folk rounty, seven
children and four grand-children. The
children are: Mrs. Zolk M. Baker, of
Portland; Oscar S. Cutton, Salem: Mrs.
F.ttn Koch, ,T. II. Catton. William F
! Catton, Mury I.. Catton and F. I.ee Cat-
I Funeral services will lie bold Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by
; the Rev. .McKiiilov. of Tolk county.
Burial in the City View cemetery. The
local Kelteknh lodge will have charge
I of tile services.
ThA rA nttal .Innmftl will An vmtv Inh
J and Aociul lirintitiir.
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Miss Marjory Marvin, as Angle, in
"The Fortune Hunter" tonight
V l
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Wilson Howard, who plays "Hi," the
oldest inhabitant, in "The Fortune
Hunter" tonight.
Charles Reynolds as Koland Burnett
in 'The Fortune Hunter" tonight.
ig Girl Show Is Coming
Wally Brooks and His Sunshine Flock
on Empress Bill Next Sunday
Another big girl show is headed to
wards the Grand next Sunday. When
a musical comedy cau boast of a clever
comedian and a bevy of charming and
nifty girls, that offering is bound to
bo a hit, whether it is a two or three
act affair. The most pretentious of
fering ou the list of new acts from
tho point of stage investiture and
numbers in tho presenting company
will be the musical comedy production
furnished by Wally Brooks and his sun
shine girls.
Tho girls are attractive and cau sing
and dunce exceedingly well. Pretty
costumes and elaborate scenic and elec
trical effects also add much to make
this offering a most pleasing affair.
Jacob 'b trained dogs will be a de
lightful offering fpr tho children as
well as the grownups. They perform,
many now and interesting stunts in a
most remarkable manner.
Tho three Alvarettas will offer a
comedy acrobatic act and will intro
duce a new and skillful line of gym
nastic feats that are sure to please.
George B. Alexauder the great ex
clusive song writer, will appear in a
monologue and sinking act and will al-'
so introduce a novel surprise finish.
Last but not least Carrol, Keating
and Fay will present a clever song at
traction entitled "At Crow's Nest In",
in which two appear in robe character
izations and the other iu a city fellow
part. Taking the bill as a whole it is
probably fhe best bill that has yet ap
peared in Salem. t
Who take pride in their personal
appeurance should try our face
treatment for lines, blackheads
and blotches.
Superfluous hair removed with
out the use of the electric needle.
Latest electrical appliances for
removing corns and treating the
feet. Manicures 25 and 35 cents.
Shampooing, massage, hairdress
ing. Creams, powders and lotions
for sale, our own manufacture,
guaranteed pure.
For the convenience of our
patrons who are unable to come
during the day, we will remain
open until 8:30 on Saturday even
ings. Phone for appointment.
Imperial Beauty Parlors
DR. W. E. 8T.ANT0N.
Skin and Scalp Specialist
Manicurist and Hair Dics-.t.
SOI Bank of Commerce Building,
Fhont 393
. ' : ,1
, V " '
Carl Gabrielson, who will play "Travey
Tanner" in "The .fortune Hunter",
-. ,
Larry Hofer, who plays Pete Willing in
"The Fortune Hunter" tonight.
Tho curtain will rise on the first act
of "Tho Fortune Hunter" promptly at
8:15. Everything is ready. The cast
has hud its final rehearsal, and Di
rector Mott has pronounced it prepared
to put over the best amateur perform
ance ever given in Salem. I he ticket
sellers ut tho box office have been
handing out the pasteboards in a contin
uous sTieam since uic scut sine openeu
yesterday, and all indications point to
a jammed house both tonight and to
morrow uight.
Everybody is expecting to have the
time of their lives at "Tho Fortune
iluuter" this evening. All tho boxes
have boon reserved, and the social
service .center has planned several
side attractions between acts. Ex
Mayor Eodgers will make one of
his characteristic speeches from the
stage ,the musicians' local will bring
their full orchestra nnd will render
a snecial inter-nct urntri-nni nnA wh;l
they are doing this King Bing Decka-
uiu.ii, iioc r.piey ana n seicetod crew
of Cherrians will sell peanuts for
Following are the local stars who
will shine at the Grand tonight, and
tho parts they will play in "The
Fortune Hunter":
Nathaniel Duncan, the fortune huii-
tfr James Mutt
Henry Kellogg, a rising voting fin-
, ancier Walter Denton
George Burnham, a promoter
Max O. Buren
James Long, n friend of Kellogg'..
Ealph Moores
Lawrence Miller, a Wall street voung
m"n Miller MeGilc hris
Willie Bnrtlett, a millionaire's son..
l'anl Hendricks
Rohbins, Kellogg 's butler
' Perry Reigelman
Sam Graham, the villeg druggist ..
. Kov- R- r- Tiseher
Lockwood, the village banker
Dr. W. S. V''
Traccy Tanner, the liveryman's son
Orl Gabrielson
Roland Burnett, the bunk dork
., Charles Reynolds
Sperry, the drummer , . ,
Herman Meiring
Pete -Willing ,tl,. heriff
, Lawreneo Hofer
JVattv, tho tailor .... Cooke l-attor
111, the old inhnliitmit ;!.. ti ,
Hetty Graham, the druggist's duugh-
. -iss Aline Thompson
Josephine Lockwood. the banker's
, Jrlli,'r -Miss Hazel Erixon
Angie, Tracey's sweetheart
; Miss Margery Marvin
Mary Jane Miss Ida Simmons
Dim t miss "The Fortune Hunter"
on any account. If you haven t rot
reserved vonr scuta vm. i..,..i.i i. ...
this niormng. The prices are L'5c
tl.i ....i rp. ' .
umi i or. no more; and the men-!
ey you spend for wuur ticket wi'i j
used for charity. The gallery doors'
""T mere will probab !
ly bo a big rush for the bleachers and :
the early birds will get tho norms.
To Fortify Tho Svstem Against Grip
Kn ,a prevalent LAXATIVE 1
HKOUo ut'ivivi' i 4 i..:
....... ,4 Btivitiil UV IHtvCU,
as this eonibiiiation of Quinine with
fttlll il.fTM.I ... . .
. ..thr.un:ttM, tiesiiovs erms, acts
os a Tonic and Laxative and thus1
keeps the system in condition to with-!
fltbttri cnl.ta Hi-:,, nn.l nt i
..... ...... ,, . , i uere
is onlv one " BKOMO Ol'IXINE " E
... signuiuro on bojt. 1'oc.
Redlands. Cul.. Feb. .1 Vl,;t, S.,- ;
Francisco Lorento of the Herald (Street I
Mission was baptising eight convert"
bv immersing them iu the Santa Ana j
river the flood waters khpuI h .wti.. i
nsrtv away, and they wercjosoued with j
difficulty, it was learned today.
Tjr, W. S. Mott, who will play "Blinkey
Lockwood" in "The Forunte Hua-
ter" tonight.
4c 4c
The divorce case of Ross A. Lucas
vs. Rebecca B. Lucas was heard yes
terday in department No. of tho cir
cuit court. Tiiere were no property
rights involved and the defendant was
allowed to resume her former name of
Rebecca B. Anderson.
A ni.irriago liecise was issued at the
office of t'lo county clerk yesterday
afternoon to Goorg Noaek, a Salem la
borer, ami Ethel Barnes, also of this
The doniurror to the indictment of
Atlam J. Mishler, charged with misap
propriation of fluids, -was sustained in
a ruling by Judge Kelly ycsterd.iy, and
an order issued resubmitting the mat
tor to the grand jury. Mishler is in
volved in a case arising from his in
cumbency as guardian of tho Miller es
tate at Aurora, lie was arrested in Re
no and returned to- this city for trill.
His case is now postponed until the
March term of tiie circuit court.
An order was issued by Judge Gal
loway today foreclosing the tax lien of
J. L. Cain against C. M. Smith unci oth
ers. Tho property consists of lot 1,
block 1, Smith 's addition to Jeffer
son. The amount was $rc'.51 with .t".-0
An order eon firming sale w.is issued
by Judge Galloway in tho matter of
the Horticultural Fire Helief of Ore
gon. Receiver Harvey Wells sold lots
7 nnd H, block 12, Gross addition to
Eugene, to C. L. Henderson and Clara
Henderson for $8."0.
Tho case of the state against Claud
O. lio.-s, charged with criminal assault
upon the person of Miss Ada JL Sullivan
at Mill City in 10LI, went to the jury
at 2 o'clock this afternoon. lioss, who
is a convict at the state pen, was
brought down from that institution to
be present at tho trial, but the de
fense relied mainly upon cross exiimina
ion of the state's witnesses for their
side of the case. Miss Sullivan testi
fied for the state lute yesterday after
noon and told a simple story of how
she had been over powcretl by Ross aft
er they hud been engaged to be mar
ried for about three months. She f
she submitted to his desires on one oth
er occasion. She curried her buby on
her arm to the witness stand and held
the child during her examination. The
taking of testimony for the state con
tinued this forenoon. Koss was tried
once before on this charge but the jury
disagreed. i , ;
The Matthieu will case went out on
a motion for non-suit made by the de
fendant, Stephen Alfred .Matthieu, Into
yesterday ufternoon. Judge Kelly ruled
that tho case should have come up in
the county court before Judge Bushoy.
Tho case of the state against G. H.
Tracy, charged with selling a short cord
of wood, will be called in department
No. 1 of tho circuit court tomorrow
morning. This is tho first prosecution
ou this charge that has ever been
brought in this county.
Pathe Moving Pictures
Will Be Exhibited at
Congregational Church
Moving pictures from the regular
Pathe service will constitute part of
the regular Sunday evening services of
the First. Congregational church, be
ginning next Sunday evening. A three
rod Pathe of "Joseph and His Breth
ren" will lie shown.
The First Congregational is the
first church in Oregon to use a stand
ard moving picture reel as part of its
regular Sunday evening services. A
new Pathe reel will be shown each
Sunday evening.
The services 'will open w ith the reg
ular devotional exercises, with prayer,
scriptural reading and the singing of
Goods Selling at Cost
We make up Eimonas, Wrappers, House Dresses and Underwear.
Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Mattings, Blankets, Comforters,
291 N. Commercial
Now at 426 State Street
Tubbv" Hendricks as Willie Bart-
lett in "The Fortune Hunter" to
Vanish in a Hurry
Sarprlnlndr Good Cough Syrup
Easily and Cheaply
Made at Come
If stuiie one in your family has an ob
stinate cough or u I'.ul throat or chest
cold that has been lumping on and refuses
tn yield to treatment, get from anv drug
store 2K ounces of 1'intx and make it
into a pint of cough syrup, and watch,
that cough vanish.
Pour the 2 ounces of Pinex (.rl
cents worth) into a pint bottle and till
the bottle with plain granulat 1 sugar
syrup. The total cost is about .M cents,
and gives you n full pint n family
supply of a most effective rem !y, at a
saving of Hi. A day's use will usually
overcome a hard rough. Easily prepared
in .i ininitti'R full 1 1 i ivef iniw u ii i Pin.iv
(Keeps perfectly and has a pleasant taste.
I iiildrcii like it.
It's really remarkable how promptly
and easily it loosens the dry, hoarse or
tight cough and heals the inilanual mem
branes in a pn inful cough. It uko Btops
the formation of phlegm in th throut
and bronchial tulies, thus entiiii" the per
sistent loose cough. A splendid remedy
for bronchitis, winter coughs, bionchiiil
asthma and whooping cough.
Fines, is a special and highly concen
trated compound of genuine Norway pine
extract, rich in guuiaeol, which is so
healing tu the membranes.
Avoid disappointment bv asking your
druggist for "2Vfj ounces of Pinex,"' and
do not accept anything else. A guarantee
of absolute satisfaction goes with this
preparation or uinnev promptly refunded.
Ihe Pincx Co., Ft. Wavne, Irid.
hymns and an anthem by the choir.
Tho pastor, the Hev. James Elvin will
deliver a 15 minutes address on the
subject to be shown on the screen, the
talk Sunday evening next being on
"Joseph and His Brethren.'' . After
the. pastor's talk, the throe reel Pathe
pictures will be shown.
The operating machine purchased by
the church is one of the standard
Powers' manufacture, and ecpial in
every respect to the best in use.
Screens have been specially prepared
for use in tho church. From now on,
films will be used at each Sunday
night service to assist in maintaining
an interest in tho evening services.
During tho past winter, Btereoptieon
views were shown in connection with
the sermon, but the installing of a
moving picture appuratus is one step
in advance.
The films will show educational, bio
graphical, patriotic, moral and relig
ious subjects. A regular fireproof
operating room has been constructed in
the gallery. It is entirely lined with
asbestos, and then covered with gal
vanized iron. Caro has been taken to
observe iu ojVcry particular the re
quirements of "the Insurance I'nder
writers association. Mem Pea roe, as
sisted by Koy Duncan , will bo iu
charge. of tho operating.
The Hev. James Elvin and the of
ficials of the church feel they are tak
ing an advance step, one that is sure
to come, that of entertaining the mem
bers of tho church and especially the
girls and boys. They have spared no
expense in procuring the best machine
on the market and the standard Pathe
reels. It is needless to say that there
will bo no admission charge. The pub-
1 lie is invited and especially the young
; people of the city,
j The installing of moving pictures in
; churches as a moans of keeping togeth
er tho young folks uf the church has
. boon discussed in various church pub-
lications, and it is the opinion of the
I pastor as well as of the officials of the
j church that they are pioneers in this
form of church services, which will iu
! tdude all the devotional exercises of
; the regular Sunday night services.
I Anyhow, the citizens of Salem will
have the opportunity Sunday .j;eniiig
' of seeing the first moving pictures over
j shown in the state as a part of tbi
regular church services.
I Try Capital Journal Vant nm
St, Salem, Oregon