Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 02, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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We Sell Butterick Patterns and Publications
ffi TiVm if li "
FOR RENT Millinery
Department Space on
second floor after Feb.
IS. Inquire at Office.
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass
es correctly. U. S. Bunk. Bldg.
J. 0. Reilly has recently sold his in
terest in tho -Modern Shoe Shop, 437
Court street, to W. L. Baker.
Order your pure milk and cream
from Maple Grove Dairy, 121.') South
Commercial, l'hone 208. tf
The ladles of the First Methodist
church are preparing to give their an
nual Washington's birthday dinner,
Tuesday evening, February 22.
0. H. P. Cough Syrup will stop your
cough. No euro, no pay. For sale 'it
the Opera Houso Fharmacy. tf
The ladies of the Bast Central Circle
of the Methodist church served an ex
ceptionally fine dinner to the members
of the Six Ojclock club of tlio church
at their meeting Inst evening.
Sr. Stone's Drug Store.
To attend the wedding of Miss Clara
Montgomery and Benjamin F. Vick at
high noon today, Charles H. Viek anil
family, fieorge Viek and family and
Alfred Viek went to Fulls City on the
early morning train.
Dr. Stone' drug store.
r" dul B
truly initiated January 3, am now busy
ordering their new uniforms and hats. I
ITU w """."-"'"I-: nt 'h0
ZL ni X Sl,r'nS Bn,M C"P"
1 a,n
..... . , I
us, 218 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 553. tf
The Astoria high school basketball'
players .lid rot have even a look-in lust
niirht In the name r,!nv,l nidi tl, - 1
end of the f'rst half, the wore was ,17
to 8 i favor of the homo team with the '
final score CI to27 infavor of Salem, j
(13, WoodburnSalem local will arrive
Salem 3.20 p. m. instead of 3:25 p. m.
No. 64 Woodburn looul will doprt 3:30
p. m. instead of 3:10 as at present
Evangelistic services are now being
held each evening at tho Jason tec U.
morial church, in charge of the raster I
the Kev. J. Montcalm Brown. Tonight 1 no nl"(ulllts of tRX(,s will be given
the meeting will be in charge of thelovpr ,clTllono this year under any
district superintendent, the Rev. T B I c'r,,im,,i"l''s s it often results in mis
Ford. They will continue soverai ""''"standinR of tho amount and con
weeks. 1 fusion follows. Taxpayers must either
0 . I rl" 'n person or send in a card ask-
Dt. 0. Hartley, specialist; inflamed, '"f for statement which will be
bleeding gums and pyorrhea. 410 U. 8. clorf ully given.
nana mug. 1'none Jo.
Here is some comfort for Salem house
Veepers. Whilo eggs are retniling here 1
t i croia a 1107.cn, tne lolilung prico in
Portland is 42 cents todny and tho re-
Lincensed Lady Era
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 721. Salem, Ore.
4 j
Advance Showing of;
Women's Spring Suits ij
Coats and Skirts
simply beautiful showing the
7 selections for spring; also the
ySy manufacturing for the spring
If you would know what is fashions, latest in every
thing to wear visit Meyers Salem's Style Store.
tail up to 50 and 00 cents, and on ac
count uf local conditions and the silvi
thaw, they arc searce even at thi
Mrs. David Trester, 1148 Norway
street, received a telegram this morning
announcing the sudden death of her
mother, .Mrs. Anna K. Aldrieh, at Ituse-
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Cliipman, who
liuvo been spending the winter at l.os
Angeles, have arrived in Salem for a
visit at tho home! of their daughter,
Mrs. C. V. Faulkner, ut lllio' Ferry
Seven of the linemen of the Western
Union were called to Portland this
moruing to assist in repuiring broken
wires and tho general demoralized con
dition of nil wire service in that city.
-j 0
A. H. Lea, secretary of the state fair
board, left Snlcm lust night for Port
land uud will go from there to Seattle
tomorrow to attend the meeting of the
North Pacific Fair association which ii
to hold a meeting in tliut city. Mr. I.ea
will return Monday.
If a man la twice convicted of a crime
it is presumed that he lias a more fixed
criminal habit to retuim and he should
serve twice li i h minimum before coming
written by Attorney General Brown for
tll0 offi(.s f thHtllte
limited quantities, as the present suppl
is Bill-netted on the Columbia near CI
ton. Unless unusual floods are ex-
perienccd ,thn supply will be plcntifr
tailing at 12 1-2 cents a pound.
1 0
fil?f Xis ?'T? f
K"".' ' ' TTi l
il,!r,n8 the month of January, 30 inches
' ? L I T A?A "W
,? ,1 rl'T ,""!
"MZ& 18
n;"rdl,,K to h l'l"(!s at the office
0f tbe c Proration commissioner. This
p10n.,""n w" lumber company with
I ,oir Ucnd i fu'e Rt Mvr" 1'oi"t- Tn,
l nrnmmn,T Investment eompany, limit-
rii, i uMiiiiui, wns incorporated witn
a capital stock of $r,000.
. sllrif Escl warns all taxpayers
Sheriff Esch warns all
I The Spaulding LoKsine comnanv mill
'W1", i'l8'd U days during the month of
J"nuary, due entirely to unfavorable
weather conditions. The pinning mill
is running today ami the entire null w
be in operation in a day or two, as the
present weather conditions are favor
able to bringing logs from the mouth of
the Luckiniuute.
Notwithstanding the unusual weath
er, the evangelistic meetings in charge
of tho Rev, Harry K. Marshall at Bak
er, are meeting with success. Writing
to W. F. Foster regarding his meetings,
he says: "We ore having a great
meeting and although it is below r.ero
weather, wo are having crowded
The river is rising, this morning reg
istering 7 1-2 feet above low water.
, This is a rise of 2 1-2 feet since yester
day morning. Those fnmiliur with river
conditions do not anticipate a very sud
den rise. For the 24 hours ending this
morning at S o'clock, tho gunge nt the
O. C. T. dock registered a fall of just
one-half an inch of ruin.
A local authority in languages, refer-
Iring to the famous singer Kmclio de Go
Cnrta, 'who will appear in Salem next
.uomiay, says that tho correct pro-
These early models are X
newest fabric and color t
latest features in garment Z
nuneiation is about like this: " Ke
meel yodny-Oogor-tliay. " This is for
tho benefit of those who hope to hear
, tho great singer, but cannot talk about
I it very much on account of the unccr
j tninty of tho correct pronunciation of
1 tho lianio.
"Walter H. Smith, of the Portland
Railway, Light & Power company, re
culls tho silver thaw of 11HI7, when
he was in Portland and head of the
troublo department of the company.
Wires were then in such bad condition
that with his working crews, he was
obliged to put in 72 hours steady work,
without taking time hardly to eat."
Chief of Police Welsh has received
information from the sheriff of Kitsap
county, nt Port Orchard, Wash., that
Charles Adams, of this city, who is
badly wanted here to answer a charge
of stealing bicycles, is in the Kitsap
county jnil serving a PO day sentence
under tho name of Charles James. The
police arrested three other members
of the gnng, and one is now in jnil
awaiting trial, ono has been dismissed
and ono sent to the reform school.
With the enrollment of new men, and
the rifle practice now going on, the
soldier boys nt tho armory are keeping
pretty busy. At the meeting Inst night
committees were appointed for the
Washington birthday banquet and the
annual inspection dance, to bo given
jtinreu n. inoso on the banquet com
mittee arn Sergeant Max I.. Alford.
Corporal H. F. Mclnturff and Corporal
Arnold Grnlnpp. The dance committee
is Lieutenant J. Roy Necr, Lieutenant
Dana II. Allen, Sergeant Walter I,.
Spaulding, Corporal II. F. Mclnturff
and Private A. Evans Houston.
Prof. H. P. Barss, botanist and plant
pathologist of tho Oregon Agricultural
college, was in tho city yesterday, con
ferring with C. 0. Constable, county
fruit inspector, for the summer com
paign ngainst brown rot. Trof, Barss
has made experiments iu spraying peach
curl leaf while tho tree was dormant,
and from results obtained, now strongly
rceommcndH that spraying be done dur
ing the month of February. Heretofore,
most of the spraying has been done in
the fall and early spring, but now he
recommends spraying while the tree is
A hearing will be conducted by the
board of control tomorrow of the
charges preferred against Dr. R. K. L.
Steiner by Kline Curry, an aged woman
who resides in Jackson county. Mrs
Curry's husband, William Curry, was a
patient of the nsylum and she was sent
to this city by tho authorities of .Tuck
son county. She had little or no mon
ey and depnded upon charity while
... .v. i imrges mar rier husband was
mistreated at the asvlum but consider
ing her advanced age tho asvlum auth
orities consider her complaints tha vis-
Inn iP n ...... !l
' 01-111111 U1I11U,
Januarv wan tno rr ..v
. ... vvv U1VUM1 IOI
tires 111 Snleni nc.ni-.i;,,. .1
0 , . iv iuu jimnner
of runs by tho firo department which
"'T" " u niurma during the snow
Wt'UtlUT. For .Tn nn ni v ion .1 a
ment made 18 runs which was the rec
ord up to that time. Tho reason for the
hirgo number of calls was given by
thief Huttou ns tho tendency to heat
tin nlnvri. .1 . . : .
r o...n mum mini usual wnicn caused
chimney fires. Most of tho run were
made to chimnev firo. nK
or buildings burned during the month.
...7 ..lynmn.-in mnue a run to a chim
ney fire at H-45 n.t ..;,.).f ... i... i, ...,..
... ... ...... ...p,u. ,w .in. .luuair
occupied by W. A. Kuny at 600 Marion
a. ..... . , .
nvci, io uumnge was iloiio.
O -
Judee Charle T. MrVin u ..
" " " MS J 0 T IUVU V
ly as well known to the people of Sa
lem by tho back of his head as he is by
the front. In yesterday 'a Capital Jour
nal, the Sna's advertisement showed
the back view of a man's head, offering
a box of candy to the first person
coming to the store and giving tho cor
rect uamo. The Journal wa scarcely
issued, whea people begun coming in to
the Spa, as well as tnvphoning, and al
most every one named the picture as
being that of Judge McXary. Mrs. J.
Q. Trager was the winner of the box of
candy. . A lady, who has been an in
valid, telephoned Mr. Myers that she
had known Judge McNury when a boy,
and although she had not seen him for
many years, she vim sure the picture
was the rear view of the judge's head.
In tho Thursday Issue of the Journal,
the bsck view of tho head of a promi
nent stuto bouso official will be showu.
the ono guessing right to also receive
a box of cnudy.
No Penalty for Bringing In
Liquor Provided It Is Not
For Sale
Sied Wing whose suit cases were tak
en in charge by the Salem police Mon
day night, was not arrested yesterday
as Chief Welsh found, upon investiga
tion, that as long ns the m.in was on
tho street that liquor could be confis
cated, but 110 arrest could be made un
less the party bringing in the liquor
entered a building or attempted to
disposo of the cargo of wet goods.
When Sied Wing stepped' from the
11:25 Oregon Kleetiic with his suit
eases the police, relieved him of his
luggage which was brouulit to the sta
tion and . found to contain 15 jugs of
Chinese wine and five bottles of what
is supposed to be Chinese gin. It ap
pears however, that there is no pen
alty for bringing in to dry territory all
of the liq'uor that can be carried pro
vided no attempt is made to dispose
of it. If the earlier enters a building
then the building becomes a nuisance,
and according to tiie ruling of Attorney
fiener.il Brown the fact that the liquor
is in the building is "prima facie" evi
dence that it is for illegal use and the
burden of proof that it is not for ille
gal use rests upon the owner of the
building and the state is not compelled
to prove that tho liquor is for illegal
sale. J 11 other words, the owner of tiie
liquor is considered guilty of bootleg
ging until he proves himself innocent,
which is a reversal of the usual rule.
Under the prohibition laws, -according
to District Attorney Hingo, the of
ficers have the right tn confiscate any
liquor that is brought into the dry ter
ritory ami then compel the carrier to
prove that ho brought it in for "is own
use. If he brings it in for another
party ho is liable to a fine up to $500
or three months in jnil. If, however,
the individual brings in liquor for his
own use iie may bring in all be cm
carry and the size of the fond depends
only upon the physical strength, lie
cannot ship it in though as it then
comes under the two quarts per month
Tiie case of Sied Wing is the first,
ease of confiscation of liquor brought
into dry territory that has come up in
Salem. The liquor is still at the police
lViso, Idaho, Feb. 2. Traffic, ex
cept on the- main line of the Oregon
Short I.ino has been almost entirely
shut off by tho heavy snow storm
which l.as been raging for 24 hours. No
triins r.ie runnjiig on tho Northern
i'acilie drd Id a ho- Northern.
Most of the branch lines of the Ore
gon Shoit Line are completely tied up
an! main line trains nre hours late,
lioise is without street car service. Tho
snow is still fulling.
Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Fatton are re
ceiving the congratulations of their
many friends upon the nrrivnl at their
home of little Jeminettc Kdith Fatton,
who will make her home nt the I'atton
fireside, 88a Court street. The little
girl will be four weeks old tomorrow
and will be legally adopted within a
few days. Mr. I'atton is extremely
happy over tho increase in his family
and both he and Mrs. Fatton were busy
today in buying tho necessary things to
mnke tho little ono happy. The baby
buiigy is already in tho garage.
The next meeting of the Six O'clock
club of the First Methodist church will
be held next Tuesday evening, instead
of a week later. At this meeting the
lay delegates to the national confer
ence of the Methodist church to be held
in May at Saratoga, will be culled on to
state what mntters they will bring be
fore this conference. The delegates are
Dr. H. I,. Steeves, of this city; Mr.
Hammer, of Albany ,nnd Mr. Hughes,
of I'ortla'id. Kdgar B. Fipcr, manag
ing fiVitor of the Oregonian, will ad
dress tho meeting of February 29, and
tor .Miiicn la, I.. .1. llinpin, formerly
county agriculturist, will deliver an
address cu "The City Man's Oarden."
Twenty-two births were recorded in
tho city ot Snlcm for the month of
January, 1 0 1 fl. according to the records
of Pr. O. M. Miles, city physician. Of
this number only six were males. Five
contagious diseases were reported in the
city for the month, three of these being
scnrlet fever. Twenty deaths Were re
ported in the city for the month. This
does not include those from the state
institutions. Among tho older citizens
of the city dying in January were-Mrs.
I.cah Hn;i. aged 81: George W. Smith
aged 73; Thomas Reesbnch, aged 77;
John Petersen, need 82; Woo Ginsr, aired
71; James M. Flake, aged 72, and Mrs.
Mary B. Booth, aged 77.
mm upset?
Get at the Real Cause Take
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
That's what thousands of stomach suf
ferers are doing now. Instead of taklne
tonics, or trying to patch up a poor diges
tion, they nr attacking the real caune of
the nllmcnt clogged liver and disordered
Vr. Edwards' Olive Tahlcts arouse the
liver In a. soothing, healing way. When
the Hvcr nd bowels are performing their
natural functions, away goes indigestion
and stomach troubles.
If you have bad taste In your mouth,
tongue coated, appetite poor, lasy, don't
care feeling, no ambition or energy, trou
bled with undiKestcd food, you should take
Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel.
I"r. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely
vegetable compound nilxet with olive oil
You will know them hy their olive color.
They do the work without griping, cramps)
or pain.
Tke one or two at bedtime for quick
rellif, so you can eat whut you like. At
10c and Ha per box. All drugirlsts.
The OUva Tablet Company, Columbus. O.
WORTH $33,710.00
Marion County Has 1668 Im-
plements For Working
Roads Now On Hand
Marion county has lliti.S implements
of various kinds on hand for working
the roads according to tiie report of!
County Clerk (iehlhur .ind the estiniat-'
ed value ut present is $33,710 lor t"ue;
lot. i
The road supervisor in each of the 74
road districts of the county is required,
to make an inventory of the roud andj
highway tools in his possession each
month and this report is filed at the
office of the county clerk. When he;
goes out of office the report is check-!
cd over and any tools unaccounted forj
must be paid for mid the successor in!
office is charged with the tools re
ceived by him when lie assumes his nevj
duties. j
The following report shows the road;
and highway tools on hand January 1,!
lHKi in Marion county and their csti-i
mated value: j
1 (i. M. C. truck, $,.S!W; 2 small gas-,
oline engines, .."iO; 3 dump wagons,;
$4")U; 2 dump boxes, if 7.1; 1 tile wngou,;
75; 1 scarifier, $5"(l; ,1 ste.uu rollers,
$10,000; 12 crushers, 12,000; 39 grad-j
ers, $1,000; 30 wheel scrapers .fliOO;!
214 slip scrapers, $2,000; 4ll fivsnos.i
$400; 75 plows $1,000; 2.") rooters, $."U0;'
90 log drags, $500; Hi V drags $S0; 19 i
steel dings $400; 15 rock anil gravel!
beds, $75; 43 wheel burrows, $100; 237 j
picks and mattocks $150; 279 shovels j
and spades, $150; lid axes. $30; 89:
sledges and rock hummers, $50; -Mi erowj
lurs, $50; 147 drills, $100; l brush,
honks and brush scythes $5; 59 rake
and rock hooks, $30; 40 forks, $25; 5j
saws, $5; 1 bottomless scraper; .0 log
chains, $5; 1 pile hammer, $75; 1 post-;
hole digger, 50c; 2 dust scrapers; 1;
loading spout; 0 wedges, $3; 2 blocks,;
$5; 1 cable, $5; 1 hoe; 1 blower; $5;i
2 steam drills, $30; 3 drill pumps; 1;
level, $1; 2 anvils, $10; 2 peevies, $2; i
1 blasting spoon, $1; 1 evener; 1 lend!
bur; 1 grindstone; 4 pumps;' 2 forges,
$10; 1 vise, $2.50. Total $33,710.
Loius Take Two Games
From Oregon Bowlers
The T.ojus won two out of three;
grimes Ironi the Oregon oowling team
at the Club alleys last night after drop
ping the first game by three pins. B.
Day, of the Lojus rolled 240 for high
score and piled up an average of 211.
Tiie score:
1 2 3 Av.
Statesman 177 203 199 193
1'ilkington 173 170 179 17ti
Hill 181 152 207 ISO
Freeland 143 209 149 167
B. Day 24 201 211
.mo ysii yu.T
Team average 1S5.
Total jiins L'7S2.
1 2 3 Av.
Anibal ISO 14!) 201 ISO
Nnmtiii 1S5 Hti 171 1(17
fw "iv li-; i".s;
UN lr.u an l iri
..l(i:i IS!) US lu7
..803 8.jj S7S
Team average 17
Total pins 23ilti.
San Francisco May Get
Great Shipbuilding Yards'
San Francisco, Feb. 2. San Francis-
co may soon be the headquarters for a
great government ship manufacturing
movement according to advices received
from Washington today by Collector of
the Tort J. O. Davis.
The project, which has been rumored
for months, was indicated in a letter i cloth. '
from E. T. Chamberlain, deputy United I The official qualified his recommen
States commissioner of immigration. I dation as far as the hot bath part of
In his letter Chamberlain asked that the treatment is concerned, saying that
an investigation of port ship building j none should do this unless they were
facilities bo made and forwarded to him l very sure that they would be ablo to
not later than February 29. jKeep themselves perfectly warm during
He asked for specific, information as 'the night and the morning afterward,
to how many ship building works there "But the hot lemonade, the cathartic
are in San Francisco district capable and the warm sleep stand as the official
of handling steel merchant vessels, what preventive for the dread disease which
size ships tho local yards can handle, lis adding from 10 per cent to 40 per
the annual capacity of the ship building
Theso questions are taken to indicate
that the government's ship building
plnn, which has been a part of its na
tional program, is to be put into effect.
That San Francisco may be chosen
as tho headquarters for tho coast
buiUlini is confidently expected by
many officials here.
Preacher's Bondsmen
Accused of Perjury
Ch ico, Cab, Feb. 3. Fresh Sensa
tions popped today iu the case of Rev.
Madison Slauchter. accused of misenn-
duct by 15-ycar.old Gertrude I-amson,
ni . . t li 1 J .
Only ono of the croup is said to be
four are said to be on the assessment
roll. This development startled the
- - v.-.. ........., nutro UIIM
community anew, for all of the men
were regarded as "pillars" of Slaugh
ter 's church.
Slaughter was scheduled for arraign
ment this afternoon on the misconduct
indictment, while the gtrl was to be nr
raigncd on a charge of delinquency. She
probably will be held merely as a wit
ness against the minister.
Meanwhile supporters of thl pastor
scurried about town to get fresh bonds,
as objection was slated to the first
Paris, Fib. 2 Sixteen persons are re
ported to have Ken killed and 4." in
jured in a wreck today of the Calais
I'.iprcss at a suburb of this city.
Yesterday we sold one of the finest
Chickering Grand Pianos ever sold in
Salem; also one of the most costly
It is a fact that you can purchase a
piano now and hardly feel the cost.
Monday we sold a piano for $185 ex
actly like the one the purchaser's
brother paid $325.00 for less than two
years ago. You can have easy terms,
a little each month like rent.
Every piano guaranteed by Eilers
Music House.
Store open evenings.
General Agent for Eilers Music House
and the Manufacturers
Provide Yourself With Proper Glasses
If you have an indication of eyestrain or eye de
fect, it is to your interest that you have a thorough
and careful examination made, and if "Glasses" is
the verdict, put them on cheerfully, realizing that
by so doing you are far better equipped to fight
life's battles, with the odds in your favor. '
By special training in optics and experience, we
are qualified to give you competent advice.
ASS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
208-209 Hubbard Building. Phone 109
Health Commissioner of New York City
Sanctions Common Sense Pre
entive Treatment for
How to keep from having the grip
when everyone about you is suffering
from this aggravating disease and you
arc beginning to have the symptoms
In an attempt to answer it a repre
sentative of the New York Tribune in-
tervicwed a largo number of prominent
1 physicians and submitted to Health
Commissioner Haven Emerson a sum
mary of their advice. The latter put
his official O. K. on the following treat
ment: Take a cathartic.
"Then take a brief hot bath to warm
up the body and start the blood running
"Drink a large bowl or sot lemonade
thoroughly and waTmly, even to an ex
tra pillow to protect the head and ears,
and get nine hours' sleep,
"Take the greatest core, by dress-
jing warmly, not to catch cold in the
"If the trouble seems to be chiefly in
the throat, wrap the neck in a wet wool-
.cloth covered by
a dry woolen
; cent of the weekly death records in
many parrs or inc country."
Riverside, Cab, Feb. 2. After rous-;
ing the ten men in the l.nkc Front ho- i
tel nt Elsinore, George Weber, i Los
Angeles painter early today lost his
life in flames that swept the structure.!
The building, recently threatened by j
floods, was not yet occupied for hotel
Mirposes, having just been completed.1
The loss is placed at $100,000. !
Kew York, Feb. 2. Jack Curley and
Harry Pollock announced today thatj
duck Dillon and Jess Willard had been
; L'Tnr T t 11
be lll''d ner0 between April 10 and
Dillon has been guaranteed $10,000
anu Millard :i::,.i(Mi. v""
Vti.-a, X. Y., Feb. 2 Several sheds
of the Sav.tgo Arms company plant
were destroyed early today by a fire
which for a while threatened the main
building. Authorities are investigat
ing on the possibility that the blaze
was incendiary.
yoursclf-this is the question that has'!"'1' Bl?ir wl3 kMe'V fourteen arc miss
been uppermost in the minds of hun-i1"? stva.' a''e "'l,,re;1 'f"""01
drcds oP thousands during the present
Now at 426 State Street
Johnstown, l'a., Feb. -. Several
cars of the Pennsylvania rnilroiil'u
New York day express turned over in
n wrtvk six miles west of here tiiilav.
' but it is reported that the only casual
ties were the serious injury ot ono
woman and tho slight injury of several
other persons.
Huntington, V. Va., 'Feb. 2. C'ap-
3:J swam ashore.
Denver, Colo., Feb. 2. John Hordcn,
a wealthy sportsman, is pl.inning an
Arctic trip with Captain Louis Lano,
of Seattle: Reginald Fernald, of Santa
liaibaia, California, nml others, as soon
as the ire clears in Bearing Strait in
the spring.
When In SALEM, OREGON, (top at
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
RATES: 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PER DA?
The only hotel in the business district.
Nearest to all Depots. Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away From Home.
T. O. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bui.
Phone 700
Good Garage In connection foi
storage of cars.
Seasonable Bates.
246 State Street.
Watch and
a Nlc Line of
Masonic Bldg.