Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 02, 1916, Image 4

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Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
l-Vrl.u.-ii v -2, l!Hfi.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President Vice-l'residont Sec. and Treas.
fliiW carrier, tier vear $5 00 IVr month.
Daily by mail, per year
New York Chicago
Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency Harry R. Eishor Co.
Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the. carrier does not do thin, missel you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
way we can detcruiino whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 81.
A fnitripf in the Onpn
mail order business on the
some instances is material, mis may De irue, aim no
one goes so far as to say that no article should ever be pur
chased. away from home. It is the general principle of
patronizing the home merchant where the difference in
price is not too great that is contended for. It stands
to reason that the money spent at home aids in the up
building and development of the country, and the larger
the business of local merchants become the better they
are able to supply the needs of their customers because
goods may be bought in quantities to greater advantage
and at lower prices. That is of course where mail order
houses have the advantage. They pay no local taxes,
employ no local help, sell for cash in advance, where the
local merchant must frequently give long credit, and
their margin of profit if smaller is much more certain,
and on their vast volume of business runs into fabulous
sums. ,
If the city department stores and mail order houses
. succeed in putting the small city and town merchants out
of business the town must retrograde and the farmer's
local market will be curtailed to an extent that will prob
ably more than off-set the lower price he may purchase
goods for through large stores which buy in great quan
tities direct from the factories and sell for cash, from
centrally located warehouses where many of the ex
penses of retailing are eliminated.
Farm lands lying adjacent to large, prosperous and
progressive towns are more valuable and profitable than
those farther removed from market centers, and these
cannot exist without they are supported by the sur
rounding country. That is the gravest danger facing
this country today the elimination of the small city
and the concentration of wealth, business and industry
in a few large centers. It is corrupting American life,
is the most potent cause of labor unrest, and threatens
many of the best social institutions of our national life.
The mail order business is doing more than any other
one thing to aid the drift away from the country and
the small city toward the crowded centres of business
and industrial life.
The farmer or anyone else should look out for him
self and not be bound to any iron-clad rule of buying or
selling, but he should always make a virtue of loyalty to
his home community, and give it preference whenever he
can afford to. The mail order house cares nothing for
its patron except his money in advance and denies the
priviledge of examining the goods before purchase, gives
no credit, employs no local help, pays no taxes, builds no
business houses 'in the community and buys none of the
products of farm. It is a cold-blooded business
Friends of the "Colonel" say he is willing to put aside
personal ambition in the interest of party harmony. The
friends do not say which party harmony he is willing to
make such a sacrifice for, but as ho still stands by the
progressives it is pretty certain he is not interested in
republican harmony, unless it is harmonious for the
nomination of a certain prominent progressive, whom
he could pronounce as absolutely reliable. When the
Colonel lays aside personal ambition the leopard will have
the spots knocked oil' himself and the Ethiopan will sport
a lighter cuticle.
The birds are self reliant little fellows. While de
pendent on man for sustenance while the ground is cov
ered with snow, every one of them as soon as the snow
was off at once began to hustle for himself. It is prob-
able they will need little or no help from this on, at least
this winter, and they will not ask it unless dire need
Portland is experiencing a "silver thaw" again. Any
where else it would be a sleet, and a mighty bad one at
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SG8
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Dcpesit Boxes
3.00 Per month.
Forum todav. defends the
ground that the saving in I
ml I i 1 I
A humanitarian association at Albany, New York,
had a hot discussion over the question of how to kill a
After much fervid oratory and the misplacement of
many humanitarian tears, it was discovered that the
question had long been settled by the association itself.
The way to kill a dog is to shoot him.
This is a humane association's decree, and so it is
final. The general public is likely to accept the method
without protest. Indeed, it had accepted it ever since
shooting irons were first invented.
But what has always bothered the humanitarian re
cess in the public mind is how the most kindly to cut off
a dog's tail. There is the great dog problem.
Whatever the means by which a dog is killed, his
howls of pain die with him. But in cutting off his tail it
is different. There are painful after effects; and how to
reduce these to the minimum, or any other kind of mum,
is the important question.
Who does not remember the good old humanitarians
who advocated cutting off the tail only an inch at a time.
They have their counterpart today in those who in
killing the dog would use poisons or chloroform. It
doesn't hurt so much all at once but it hurts longer.
Those who imagine the day of the horse is over, will
be surprised to read the statistics sent out by the de
partment of agriculture. In the year 1911 there were in
the United States 20,277,000; in 1914 21,195,000, and last
year 21,200,000. In their working mate, the lowly mule,
the figures are comparatively the same. In 1911 there
were 4,2:2,000' in 1914, 4,479,000, and last year 4,560,000.
The prices though are lower now than a year ago and
still lower than five years ago.
Afjjain Seattle forges ahead of Portland. Monday
nieht Seattle had eight inches of snow while the best
Portland could do was to squirm along under an inch orj
two of sleet.
We do not know just how to pronounce it, but the new
supreme justice's name does not listen good in a prohibi
tion state. Still Brandeis may be a good lawyer.
There is an eclipse of the sun advertised for tomorrow
morning at sunrise. Those who do not care to get up at
that hour can see it just as well later in the day.
If the ground hog came out today it is a dead cer
tainty he did not go back for a forty days sleep unless he
had an India rubber sleeping bag.
While Christmas shoppers, rank on rank, were throng
ing to the stores, the head push of a Pittsburg bank quite
calmly closed its doors. Some forty thousand children
had their savings treasured there, and
many a little girl and lad was filled with
black despair. 'Terhaps,''. the urbane
cashier cried, "in seven vears or so, the
grim receivers
know." The
V,,,;,. nVwuil-c.
iiiv.il v.iiti-1-wo
Weailiy lliey
Christmas time
lTf J Frick reared up and said, "This will not
k)..U do, I swow; the kids sha'n't weeping go to ,
iur l.d thev'll have their monev now Alad-
uui uil n nave lutii muiity nuvy . niau
din nibbed lllS WOndl'OUS laniP. in SlUOkV Old rittSgrad, ;
ii i ii...
cum unnv. v. .. ...v. ... ------
Christmas clad! The children, rescued from the hole by i
him, nu doubt declare "A
soul, een thougn a millionaire i
Would Run Auto Trains .
On City Sidewalks
S., Francisco. Feb. 2.-Auto trains
.,. .; , ' the successes of the
exposition transportation facilities may
be running up and down the sidewalks. The eclipse of the sun will be visible
of the business district soon. i in Salem tomorrow morning at 7 :22 and
This proposal was made to the board !wn continue for 2" minutes when the1
ot supervisors imiaj o iv .. mum-
IMirg I10 llSKCll lor u ,vr, u.
auto trains on both sidewalks Of Mar -
1. ......... .... C....,.n.l trt Vllitl,
mi fini i no.,, ...i,,i...
Vni'li train will earrv CO rras-
sengers and will make four miles an :(,,,, ,lu iH.Vi. i;l he totul or m,.,r.
hour. 1 u. s .
The promoter admits that the rurbsj , , Aj1,i!Vi1, tlu. nlroPlllor,
at the cross strec s of each dock pre-!w, f in h
scut a difficulty but offers to pay all ; ,,- ,.,.,.1,1 ,,:.,, ,i,., ., ,
expenses for fixing these curbings.
Today Is Ground Hog
Day and Shadows Are Rare
Today is Ground Hog day and if the
historic animal wiits until he can sce
his shadow today around Salem he will
1 , . 1 r , f.;, : ,!
be few and far between tod iv. The ; tod.iy to permit them to prevent carry
Willamette alley appears to lie more ing of motion picture films as baggage,
favorable than some other parts of the They pointed out this is often done,
state. It' the ground hog comes out in particularly between I.os Angeles and
Portland he will get his nose i hilled ' here, but that the practice is danger
with a siher thaw and if he should ous because of the inflammable char-
appear in Hood l!icr rountv he will belneter of the films.
'obliged to et'eud his burrow througTi
' three feet of snow.
will divide the
aSSetS J 1
heartsick little children wept, 1 only registered voters should be nllow-
n - itb. tnow irora emlorl OS11'11 H'K" r"1'! petition."
mi tvuio nut "u"tui m ;
IlOIliewaiU CltJJl Ultll ,
was spoiled. Then Henry !
1 . . .t i. u. .
1 ,,1 .
man may have a large white
Eclipse of the Sun
Visible In Salem
TomOITOW at SlMlllSe
shadow ot the moon passes lrom
, ,.,, ,,, ,, ,,, th(, c.lltll nt 7:4, . .
. At .,1,,,. imiv nl,(lllt ao ,wr ,.ent
.. . 1 .. . .
jnt ,,, sm, , ,,,(,u liv lnr. ,(, mtl
: , ...'.. i -.. 1
this time and all who visit his home nt
this time may vi-'w the eclip'e free of
charge. Mr. McAdlr.m is convalescing
from a recent illness mid is uin'dc to
set up his instrument down town as
has been his fusion ill the past.
,i,;:,, : ,, r: z;
San Francisco, Feb. Kailronds of
1 1
j T17 Capital Journal Want Ads.
Well-Known Jurist Was
Speaker at First M. E.
Church Last Night
In discussing "The Kecnll as Ap
plied to tiie Judiciary," before the Six
o'clock club of tiie First Methodist
church last evening, .lodge Henry L.
lienson of the supreme court .issuined
the general position- that it was absurd
for "the people to sit in judgment of
those whose decisions were rendered af
ter deliberate judgment and also after
hearing brilliant lawyers argue both
sides of tiie question.
The judge was of the opinion that
the decisions of the people were not
always c.ilni and deliberate and from
a historical standpoint, cited the trial
before Houtius I'ilute, who against his
own judgment, yielded to the clamor of
the public.
iFollowing Hie able paper rend by
Judge lienson the recall was general
ly dismissed, tiie general opinion among
the older men being that the recall was
. .1 - l. ...... ....,
langeroiis. while the younger lawyers
expresses Hie imiuiii mai me 't-o'ii-were
not liable to abuse the privilege
of tiie recall.
"Too many material things influence
people to vote for a recall," said Jus
tice lleorge II. Unmet t. "With the re
call, competent men could be releg.ited
to the back ground for those who know
how to shake hands and mix with the
people. There never was a legislature
in tiiis state but was the direct product
ol' the people."
"The people need to cultivate sober
judgment rather than to submit to tiie
excitement of the moment, and the pub
lic is safe as long as people .let on the'r
better impulses," said Justice llurnett.
Walter Winslow agreed with Judge
Benson that the H'ople were capable or
passing judgment on many subjects,
lint for himself, could see no danger
in the recall. "The people have not
allowed themselves to run away with
tho ree.ill so far, and I have not hoard
that it has been used with bad re
sults," said Mr. Winslow.
Opposition to the recall of n judge
for an unpopular decision was voiced
by Mr,i Winslow. "I believe the people
have made fewer mistakes than the
legislators. 1 am strong for the people
but they are to blame if the right kind
of legislators are not elected."
"I do not like a whole lot of what
is called reform and progress," said
Judge .1. C. ilorelnnd, clerk of the su
preme court. Acknowledging that the
recall, initiative and referendum were
here to stay, tiie judge thought the
next best thing was to remedy the
laws, as a man now could with but
I U. . I.. U... .1
little ditticultv, secure aamigh names
on . petition to force an election on a
recall, lie urged that a law be passed,
permitting onlv the names of registered
voters on a recall petition. He also
recalled the fact that during the sos
siou of the last egislnturo, he intro
duced a bill providing that no man
should sign A recall petition, unless a
registered voter. Like many other bills,
it died in committee.
Hoy F. Shields also agreed in general
with Judge Benson and said that often
lawyers feel that when the decision
goes against them that it did not seem
right, but later, come to the conclusion
that the judgment of the supreme court
was sustained by the evidence. As to
the recall of judges, Mr. Shields wis
of the opinion that a judge could be
tried ns any ordinary city citizen, if
found to be corrupt.
District Attorney Hingo believed that
the recall would never improperly be
useu. j ne
power to recall indues
shonlit be in the hands of the people,
state Treasurer T. 11. Knv
,i .i , .i ...
u;i' opinion nun me recall is aimseil
h;;;T .'ift'l t,"'' 'nT
in ,'. propoi'Vciii. 'go their ami :
si"- " lf ih" "'' is 'H
. .
Vu- place and un the petition-. This;""' lll:"1' l,f European market
carr.vinir around a net it ion should nnr.tho.v
no permitted, said .Mr
, Alaska Coal Fields
Ready To Be Opened
For Independent Miners
Washington, Feb. ;.--.V'tual devel
opment nf the f :l llll llmstl- h-Ii Citniiii-
ka ,Hml MA in Alaska' will begin this
Tho i,,,,,,,,,,,!,. miner
wj i,ave ,.i(ince, under the lease
system Secretary of the, Tiito'ior l.nie
is expected to announce wi'hin the
next few. weeks, to work this cod
He-fdd Uncle Sam has o carefully
.....,., fl.llm .,;., 1,M,,1 .... i. ,i.
l.arons. Tins is the prediction
Secretary of the Interior I.ane.
I from
By fall the plans to have the govern-jis
nient railroad built tot lie coul fields.
An army of railroad builders will
gin nnout March 1st to complete the
line to the Malanuska fields. "Our
immediate objective is the Matanuskn
fields,'' said Secretary I.ane today.
"We want to push tho railroad through
so that we will be in the coal fields bv
the end of this year. We have drawn
a lease on these coal lands. We hope
within "ill days to be able to announce
those parts of the coal fields that are
reserved to the government. At the
end of this vear we hope to have a
ka fields, and we ought to press on
from the Mataiuiska Kiver through the
Susitnn vallev." The immediate work1
this spring and summer on the Alaska
rniliouil according to Lane and Chair
man Kdes of the Alasls Dailrond Com
mission, will be to complete the road
from the deep water terminal nt Reward
through to Matauuska. "W jihm to
Hear Mr. Editor: , finally decided to put it into the drug
For the benefit of others, I gladly : stores of this country within iminedi
give this statement regarding the ate reach of all sufferers,
merits of Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. Simply ask for Doctor Pieree'B An
Am nearly TO years of age. I suffered uric Tablets. There can be no imita
from backache, weak back, rheunia-. tion. Every package of "Anuric" i
tism, and could not control the esc- sure to he Dr. Pierce's. You will
cretimi of the kidneys. I can safely find the signature on the package
say that "Anuric, " 'the new discovery ; just as you do on Dr. Fierce 'a fav
of Dr. Fierce, Buffalo, X. V., has done'orite Prescription, the ever-famous
me more real good than anything J friend to ailing women, and Dr.
have ever taken for these aiiments. I Pierce's (iolden Medical Discovery,
I thank him and wish him success in; proven by years to be the. greatest gen
ius field of relieving the suffering. ! eral tunic and reconstructor for any
Sincerely yours, ' one.
Mrs. 5s. M. Flint, j At any rate don't give up hope of
being cured of your malady until "An
Note: Fp to this time. " Anuric '' , uric " has been tried. Just a few
has not been on sale to the public, but : doses have proven that it will make
by the persuasion of many patients one fed like a different person,
aiid the increased demand for this won-; Editor Please insert this letter in
dcrful healing tablet, Doctor Pierce has ; some conspicuous place in your paper.
build this summer ns much as possible
of the road from Kern ( reek to Anchor
age," said Chairman Edes. The final
payment for the Alaska Northern Rail
road, bought by the government, will
be made July ii, according to Chair
man Edes. The. whole purchase price
was l,l.'if,ri0( and the government al
rondv has paid a half million. That
the Alaska Northern can be put into
Uhape for $100.0(10 is asserted bv See
. 1 . ..... .i
r.,tnr- Tune
He insists the govern-'
incut got a bargain m acquiring it,
as it cost .t.,7"0,000. Seventy pound ; diet what the cotton states will do to
rails are being laid on the new govern-1 ward prohibiting the exportation of
nieiit road and new track of 1" miles . cotton, but it is safe to predict that
from the end of the Alaska Northern I the import duty will be reduced nia-
has already been laid, and 20 more,
miles graded.
Pratuni News Notes
(Capital Journal Special Serviced
Pratum, Or., Feb. 2 Miss M.y.v liar-
per, who attends tne Capital Business
....ll...... :.. U..ln.. ui.mil ttiu u-P.i .- Ottll
iliii,-;r in ..ini.i, ..j-.... .... .. v . ....
with her father who resides east of
this city.
Miss Leiu Bnmseyer spent Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Mr. I.eo Nadon, who has been em
ployed in Portland, is visiting with his
i rents.
Miss Verna T.udi was a Salem visitor
Mr. George Schaap was a c.ipital city
visitor Saturday.
Miss Blanche Cornu is recovering
fro-r. a severe attack of la rippe.
Mr. Nadon, who resides etst of this
city is very ill with the la grippe,
A hard times party was given by
tour young ladies last Thursday even
ing in the hall. A good time was en
,)O.M'd by ill present.
The Franklin Literary society gave
its regular meeting 'Friday evening. A
large crowd attended. The debate on,
llisolver, That a spendthrift is more of
a detriment to his county than a miser,
wis handled by the following: Affirm
ative, Melvin Lien. Alicia Weltv and
K. C. I'etticrew; negative, Joe C'ralinne,
S. CI. Yates and Otto Bentler. The
judges chosen were: Miss Maurer. D.
.1. Steiner and S. S. liaunignrtncr. The
decision was in favor of the affirma
tive. The following program was giv
en: Kecitation, Isiah Stiencr; music,
S. J. Yates; reading, Harry Bischoff;
current events, by K. C. I'etticrew; and
music my Mr. Weiss, 'the next meet
ii;g will be held February 12.
Mr. V. J. Krehhiel who is on the
federal jury in Portland is home for
Mr. Karl Soamster. of Snlein, visited
Thursday with his brother. V. I.. Seani
ster, w'uo bought the Pooler store.
Brazil May Offer
Big Cotton Market
Hiu De Janeiro, Jan. 2.1 (By Mail)
Brazilians now paying big prices for
their cotton goods believe there is a
Cotton Combine here, which is takiu"'
was otjn,p,.,t.l(it. of the short northern Brazil
,.,.,, to i,,,,,,., ,.,,.,,,.,. The people be-
,!,,iff "!'"''' An-
- V.T;iX;i:;;e !" ''Z.r 'i;.;
l'assi1.-1' vo;"r 1,"war'1 m
,!"ltt ""; "'V'1' t",)l's;",n e-
mnv ,,,, hl ni.irl;et here to take
have lost. Brazil wears cotton.
i Not onlv wears it, but grows it. There
are more than three hundred Brazilian
mills manufacturing it. These mills
employ To.OOil operators. Therefore,
when a two vears' drought in the
northern states reduces the crop by
halt ami a cointiine ot buyers, pro
tected by a 4 cents a pound import
duty, vomers this half and makes the
textile industry pay an exhorbitnnt
price for it. the Brazilian sits up and
i !'"' f"'- f'" '!'"
lf t1"' l''- "" l1""1
a twentv per cent increase on it. the
""i.OoO operators are working half time
and the other Brazilians arc pnyin.i
more for their clothes, and other cot
ton goods. The onlv happv men in
r Brazil, so far as cotton is concerned.
are tne niciuoers ot the Olivers com
bine and thev are sitting tight behind
their four cent wall and savimr noth-
except that it is still te'rriblv drv
:n the northern cotton fields. ' Last
jiiveu l icsiuvni inn-. iiir-cmi a Ilivm
he-Mveek President Bra7; directed
orial to the governments ot all the cot
ton states ot Brazil, urging them to
raise tho export duties on cotton to a
Always Watch This
Wi have all kinds of Axes, Sledges, Wedges, Saws and Equipments
lor mo nuutio.
AU kisds of Corrugated Iron for both Boofs and Buildings. X
A good $S00.00 Laundry Mangel, slightly used for one-fourth original
$15 AND $20 NEW OVEHCOAT3 AT $3.00. J
I pay 1 1-2 cents per pound for old togs.
I pay highest pries for hide and fur. J
H. Steinbock Junk'Co.
The House of Half a Million Bargain. J
802 North Commercial Street. Phona 0 2
prohibitive figure. This is the extent
of his power over export duties, which
are regulated by the states individual
ly. Kecently a government measure
was introduced in the federal senate
proposing to delete or tit least reduce,
the duty oa imported raw cotton. The
memorial to the states was directed in
the hope of stopping a possible short
age in the Brazilian markets. The bill
in the senate has for its purpose the
reduction in local prices by means of
outside competition. Nobody can pre-
terinlly and that is the big hope of the
! textile industry, the hope of the Amer
, ican exporter and the benefit of all
concerned except perhaps the Brazilian
I grower and the combine. The grower
doesn't worrv. excent for oratorical
'purposes, because he produces the best
,,,,,, iH the .(irl(1 whc tho drought
. him
Bring Back Color, Gloss and
Thickness With Grandma's
Recipe of Sage and
Common garden sage brewed into a
heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol
mbled, will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri
ant; remove every bit or dandruff, stop
scalji itching niul falling hair. Mixing
the Sage Tea ami Sulphur recipe at
home, though, is troublesome. An easier
way is to get the leady-to-use tonic,
costing about 50 cents a large bottle, at
drug stores, known us "Wveth's Sage
and .Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding
a lot of 1UUU6.
While wispy, gray, faded hair is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our youth
ful appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening vour hair with Wveth's Sage
and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it
does it so naturally, so evenly. You
just dampen a sponge or soft brush
with ir and draw this through your
hair, taking one small strand nt a time;
by morning all gray hairs have disap
peared. After another aplication or
two, your hair becomes beautif ally
dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and
you appear years younger.
The nomination of Mr. Brandeis for
supreme court justice is indication
that President Wilson is not only "too
proud to fight," but is--ready to meet
a fight half way iu a good cause.
Lime Starvation
Caus.es Tuberculosis
The Medical Rc.ord (Nctt York)
of Ueeembrr IS, IVUII, lontnlni
article on "The Treatment of Pnl
monary Tuberenlosla. Haseil ea tae
AiNuniitloa That the Dietetic t'aune
of the Disease la l.lme Starvation,"
hr Dr. John F. Hussell, who aayai
T'he condition which la reeoaralaed
li preceding the active development
of tuberculuHla la the adult may be
considered a due to lime atarvatioa.
Among laorffanlc aubatancea
lime aalta appear to ba of apecial
phyaloloKical importance
but If the aalta are not In organic
romblnatloa It la difficult to auppoae
that the celia can appropriate tkeia
for food."
Tears of widespread use confirm
us In the belief thnt the success of
Eckman's Alterative In cases of pul
monary tuberculosis (consumption)
and chronic throat and bronchial
troubles Is due In large measure to
Its content of lime, so combined with
other ingredients as to bs easily ap
propriated by the cells.
Doubtless this has hsd much to
do with the results obtained in many
cases of these affections, which ap
pear to have yielded to Eckman's
As it contains no opiates, narcotics
or habit-forming drugs, it is safa
to try. Tour druggist will order It
for you or you can send direct.
Kckaiaa Laboratory, Philadelphia,
-Changes Often