0.000 YAH New Spring Goods Now Opened Dp and Ready for Selling PRICES SLICED AWAY DOWN for this Week's Fast, Quick Sales. Read them over care f ully-they are Money Savers. Some of following goods advertised are limited. If Aou want your share get busy Here are only a few of the Hundreds of Desirable Bargains we are now offering NEW SPRING COATS AND SUITS 100 New Spring Coats and Suits received by express. To introduce the new styles we offer them at remarkable low prices, $20.00 New ' Suits CQ QA Now $25.00 New Suits QQ $12.50 New Dresses (PC QA Now Pb'yU $15.00 New Coats (g (JQ $9.50 New Coats ff C QA Now $18.00 New Coats Trade at the Chicago Store Where You Get the Most for Your Money I CITY OF PORT Telegraph and Telephone Wires and Car Service Are Demoralized Portland, Ore., Feb. 2. After a solid month of snow, the silver thaw struck Portland with all its violence today romauu u ''" ' , Wires, trees and buildings were encaseu , street car iiumu i i A. na HnmnT. nlized and teletdionc and electric light wires breaking on every hand under the weight of the ice. Every school in Portland is closed to dav because of the silver thaw. The downtown streets are seas of slush and the gutters are running full of wate from the melting snow. Sleet, driven by a southerly wind yesterday soon developed into rain and the combi nation did not mix. All night it rained with the Willamette river rising stead ily and dry creek beds running tor rents. Rain was still falling this morning and freezing on wires, trees and build ings as it fell. Many trees have fallen from the weight of the ice which coats them. Pedestrians downtown kept well to the edge of the sidewalks or carried bomb proof umbrellas, for icicles fell con stantly from buildings. The driving sleet wns still falling to- oiWume ooaas are eaten in such enor mous quantities that it is easy to keep fresh stocks on hand. The dealer always sells out quickly. You'll find Snowflakes always fresh and crisp. 10c JTX 5000 Yards of New Spring Dress Sh .. 5c. 8 l-3c. 10c 1000 Yards New Spring Silks, ySal: 25c, 35c, 49c 11-1 Big Wool Nap Blankets now 98c 3000 Yards New Spring Percales, ry y!rd 7V2c, 8 l-3c, 10c Ladies' 25c Fleece Lined 1 P -Eib Hose, pair IOC 75c Imperial Crepe Dress Goods, all shades, on yard OJL 1000 Yards Fancy Silk OC Mulls, yard )C 400 dozen Huck r O 1 Q. 1 AA Towels, now ... The GREATER Chicago Store day in the suburbs, though it hail turned to ruin in the downtown districts. The only suburbanites who reached the busi ness district this morning either walked or rode with the milkman. j Xo trains reached Portland yc-ster-i day or this morning. Severe snow storms have completely blocked traffic through eastern Oregon. Trouble also is reported in almost every section of Washington. HAIR OFTEN RUINED BY WASHING WITH SOAP sit i Soap should be used very carefully, ! if vou want to keep your hair looking want to keep your hair looking ;i. wi Mut , o,l ,..,o,,i , " i' " i " ' " 1 ' SUdU UUa IMJIIlttlll IUU 1IIIJII1 Ulltilll. . . , , , . . , This dries the scalp, makes the hair j uruue, mm rums n. The best thing for steady use is just ordinary mulsitied cocoanut oil (which is pure ana greaseiess;, anu is neuer than the most expensive soap or any thing else you cau use. One or two teaspoonfulls will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply! moisten the hair with water and rub it be found at the public library, in. It makes an abundance of rich, Books, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, (.'onynton, M. Special cases; feeble removing every particle of dust, dirt, mindedness, etc.; how to help, p. iiS) dandruff and excessive oil. The hair:-'"- dries quickly and evenlv, and it leaves I. Coulter, K. M., The mental misfits, the scalp soft, and the hair fine and ; her hil.lren of the shadow, p. 223 silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy , .,,-,. to manage. L ll"on, f . R., Kduca ion and cus- v ... .t i.ifi.,i n:t .i "ly of ftde-minded in ms de- any pharmacy, it s very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every member of the family for months. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. and 25c package aUo in bulk Big Family Tin 50c PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY Portland, Oregon THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OKKGON, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2, 1916. I 35cPure Berry Coffee, 9Q pound &OC 60c Tea, highest grade, 4P pound '.. 3C 12 l-2c Best Sugar Peas, OP 3 cans for . uoC 75c Upton's Tea ff. now UJv Boiled Oats, best, 9C 6 for ". 0C Standard Tomatoes, OKo 3 for OC Diamond Soap Qn now 8 l-3c Crash Toweling, 01 -yard J72C Ladies' House Dresses, QC big variety 49c, 75c and i)QC Sans Silk, A a ball SALEM'S ONLY COMPLETE DEPABTMENT STORE Problem of the Feeble-Minded Dr. J. y. Smith, superintendent of the state institution for the feeble minded will give a lecture Friday ev ening, February 4th, on the "Problem of the .Feeble-minded." The care of our feeble-minded is a question about (which every taxpayer especially should : be informed heemise their care de- volves upon society and that mc.ins the ije ! taxpayer. In many eases the feeble sje 1 minded when in an institution with supervision can be self supporting, but when? turned out upon the world are incapable of caring for themselves and degenerate into criminals or vagrants. ls .,no "et way to BHininister t lie nlt is the ''are aim si supervision or ine leenie- min.Ud and what are some of the ... . , . . tilings w.ucn nave neen itone ny oth er communities in solving this problem . ... nf fhn ,.,:. ...j.:,.!, T)r Smitll will nnswer in his 1(.,.tnre Fri,av eVening. The lecture will be in the auditorium of the public library at 8 o'clock and is free. Following are some references to articles daling 'books and magazine with this problem. Tliese are all to p. 174-182. Henderson, C. P., Preventive agen cies ind methods. Consult index. .Solenbcrger, A. M., The feeble-minded in her ono thousand homeless men. p. 10.1-109. Warner, A. Ct., The feeble-minded and analogously degenerate classes, in his American charities, p. 27C-2N2. God.lard, H. M ., The Kallikak fam ily. Magazine Articles B.jorknian, F. M., An experiment ta- Ition in rice improvement. Review of Reviews 44::i27-.'i:i, H HI. Hrewster, K. T., A scientific studv of fools. Met lure 29:32H-34, Julv '12. Fernald, W. K., The Templeton farm colony for the feeble-minded. Survey 27:173-77, March 2, '12. Ooddard H. If., Social investigation and prevention, Survey 27:1 S."j2-jR, March 2, '12. Hurt. IL M., Working program for the extinction of the defective delin- I iMiss Hazel Erixon as Josie Lockivood Does Real Leap Year Stunt A short time ago a prominent New York woman gained considerable nows- paper notoriety by declaring that if a 1 woman wanted to marry a man she j should come right out and propose to i him. Well, there is really no good ren I son why she shouldn't if she thinks (she can get away with it and getting I away with it is simply a matter of I knowing how to go about it. I There are a few simple, definite j rules, by which any woman can ninny any man she wants to marry. This may sound queer, but it is an absolute, eold I blooded fact. All you have to do is to i follow the rules-, and you can't fail, i Miss Hazel Krixon, one of Salem's i best known and most beautiful young j women, will give a public demonstration I of this sure-fire method of securing I your choice of hm-lmnds tomorrow and Friday evenings of this week, when i the Social Service Center of the Snlcm j Commercial club present at the (irand j theatre Winchell Smith's world-famous , comedy, "The Fortune Hunter," w ith nn all-star cast of local talent, for the benefit of charity. j In the role of Josie T.ockwood, Miss . Erixon has the congenial job of propos ing to a man who is trying his best to keep her from it. Josie makes up her mind to marry Nat Duncan, the young fortune hunter, (James Molt), aiid she figures out a bomb-proof system of i courting that no male human in the ! world could stand up against for an ' hour. Xat is about the hardest custom er that a hushnml-seefcing- woman ever tackled, but the manner in which Josie 'lands him is so cany it seems a shame to do it. ! If you are looking for real, honest-to-goodnes.4 comedy (the kind that you can limiih rk'ht out loud at) don't fail ! to see Miss Ki ixou play Josie Lock w ood !in "The Fortune Hunter." It will be : a treat you will remember and enjoy ns ; long as your memory lasts. If, on' the other hand, you are looking for a hus ibnnd then to miss "The Fortune Hun Uer" would be an act of criminal neg j ligenee on vnur part, because .Miss F.iix- on in "The Fortune Hunter" shows' you how you can get any husband you want just for the asking. I The Social Service Center's presenta tion of "The Fortune Hunter" is tro- ing to be u much bigger thing thnn any body imagines. The piny itself is the most popular comedy on the American stage, the cast includes the most notable aggregation of amateur players ever brought together kt one time on the lo cal boards, and from the viewpoint of a theatrical production it will totally eclipse anything that has yet been at tempted. The play will be mounted throughout with new scenery, built and painted especially for it, ami it will follow in every detail the original pro duction ns oit was staged at the Gaiety . tneatre, .mhv rorK, in 1!M0. j Seats for both performances of "The i Fortune Hunter" are on sale at the box j office of the flrand tneatre now. The j prices are 25. 50 and 75 cents (no dol lar seats) and the price of vnur ticket ! will be a direct donation to the org anized charity work the Social Service ! Center is doing. Seeing "The Fortune j Hunter" will be a mighty pleasant wav ! f or you to help the organization feed I and clothe the hundred odd needv Salem families it is caring for this winter. quonr. Survey .K):277-fl, May 2t, '1.1. Johnson, A., The case of the nation vs. the feeble-minded. Survey 34:1110 7, May H, '15. Johnstone, M. R., T)iblie provision for the l'eelde-ininded. Survey OS, March 2, '12. Kite K. ('., The brothers. Survey 27: Hii MM, Miircj 2, '12. Little, C. S., hetchworlh village; the newest state institution tor the feeble minded and epileptic. Survey 27 : 1 KIU 73, March 2. '12. MacMurchy, IT., A catechism about the feeble-minded. Am. City J 3:232. Sept. '15. WAR NEWS OF OSTE YEAR AGO TODAY (icrmnny claimed I.'ussia lost 4,000 prisoners yesterday and today, (iermnns launched five rafts loaded with bombs to de stroy French bridges on the river Ancre north of Albert. Turks reni hed the Suez canal and were repulsed and many of them drowned bv the Itritish. SPOILED DENNIS NAP Marysville, Cm I., Feb. 2 Dennis O' f'.rien was so iJeepy while walking along th? Northern Electric riilroad tracks that hfl Jjw down beside them to snatch a few moments slumber. Wnile asleep he thing his hand across one of the rails and awakened to find a car running over the member. The hand wis uinputated yesterday. : f : ,..,,M,-..l,,.,,,,..-,,.,,. sc j(s sjc sc sc )(c fc s(( sfc ))c fc )(t sfc jjt COST Or GASOLINE AND TIRES KEEP MANY HOME (By United Press.) Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 2. Be cause of the high price of gaso line here 20 to 22 cents per gallon, retail many owners of " automobiles are storing their cars. Some have not taken out their 1S)1U licenses, dealers and garage men say. Tires and tub ings have also cost more. The increased cost of gasoline is ex plained by dealers here as due to the fact that but one-sixteenth moie crude oil was pro duced in 1915 than in 1914, while 27 per cent more internal motive power was in operation. However, government reports show that. there is more crude oil above ground now than ever before. ft CATARRH GERMS EASILY KILLED Only Way To Cure This Disease Is To Destroy Its Cause, If you have catarrh and want to get rid of it you must kill the germs which cause catarrh. Stomach dosing, oint ments, sprays, creams, douches, etc., fail bocause they overlook this fact. They all help by giving temporary relief but they do not reach the germ life that has found lodgemeut in your head, nose, throat, and could not destroy it if they did. The host known way of destroying ji mo dangerous germs ot Catarrh anil consequently ending the disease itself, is to breathe into the air passages of your nose and thioat the pleasant, pene trating air of Ilyomei (pronounced High-o-mc). Ilyomei is made from purest oil of L'ncalyptus combined with other powerful, healing, antiseptic and germicidal ingredients. You breathe it through a little pocket inhaler which Daniel J. Fry and other leading drug gists in Salem and vicinity are furnish ing with every complete treatment sold. Every time you inhale the sweet, fra grant air of Hyomei through this little device you are drawing into your swoll en, inflamed, germ luden membranes a medicated air which will not only re duce all the swelling and inflammation and open your clogged nosfl and stop-ped-up air passages, but will absolute ly and positively destroy every trace of Catarrh germ lifo it reaches. Drug gists are so sure of the blessed, lasting relief that Hyomei brings to catarrh sufferers that they sell it invariahh on the positive guarantee that money paid will bo refunded if successful re suits aro not secured from its use. Get I a Hyomei outfit from your druggist to day and begin at once to drive this 'dangerous and disgusting disease from your system lorever. Famous Musical Writer Talk About De Gogorza It is a great plensure to listen to Mr. Kmilo dc flogorza," said Mr. Phil ip Hale, the well-known musical writer on the Boston Herald. "He has many ipialitios nf mechanism; he has a beau- . ti t nl rich voice, In s diction is excel lent, he iias unustul intelligence, anil lot1 has both authority ami magnetism. ' No wonder that the" people hear him gladly. A song as sung by another singer might 4ie trivial '11101 dull, but J.Mr. De (logora, by his art, makes it interesting and effective, and this he does, not by .uiv laborious effort, but. i by a mastery of detail, a sense of tlio j poet s and composer's ideas, and a dis- "" play of individuality. His voice lends s" "'''(J0.- r"'- l'- 2. Vast loads itself gracefully to' the expression of'of clothing, food und medical supplies the various emotions, and the smger's today are being seat to the flooded dis ! brain, taste, what you will, enables itricts of tiie valleys swept by last ! him to run the g.tinut of emotion." j week's flood. The chamber of com I Asa recital singer Kinilio de fiogor-1 meree relief committee has organized J za ranks with that popular favorite' the work and suffering has greatly been iSchiimann-lleink. Xo male singer in 'relieved. To date a total of if2.sJS57.it4 I this country equals him in tiie artistry j in cash has been donated by local peo I essential to the successful, persuasive j pie, outside aid having been declined, ami irresistible proclamation of thc A curious feature of the flood is the i musical, poet, rom intic ami the drain-! fact, thtit in suite of the breaking of latic couienis or ine ivrics as tins rich Iv endowed and culture. I vncnlist ,-r,m-! j bines in his program. De (Jogorza is gifted with a sonorous voice, that as one eminent critic mid, "suggests a ; combination of oil and velvet." He I sings with an intelligence that enables him to- eoinmnnic.ite to his hearers the finest subtleties in the union of text mi. I music; ami he has that rare gift of j artist instinct that is unerring: and an emotional temperament that, when he ,rs ,, o , f "1, "V , songs and an .is representing widely .. .. i . - . . !;;:,;;:! -,rA tection as one can expect ty hear in I prosaic world. "When fiogorza, the baritone, sang' Keptiblienn. "The audience could not! I have enough of him. True, he is nn I a.mirable singer, his voice clear and! his enunciation perfect. His is a bari-j ;tone voice and there is x musical rintr. 1 to it that is simply captivating," j ".Not since Caruso came to San I Francisco and thrilled the public has tim singing voice of a man roused! such enthusiasm ns did liogorza's," :ays the Sin Francisco Chronicle, 'a-j lure has, indeed, lavished gifts upon :him. Me has temperament, svmpnthv. intelligence and a handsome presence, with a rare vocal power. If a man I with a voice of velvet, a big round I voice of remarkable range, can sing in tiie very mood of the composer, now sjc ringing with the buoyancy of 'The Tor- ijc eador, ' now softening to tiie tenderness :jc of a lullaby and win the hearts of men ajeiniul women alike if he can do nil this sj on a bare, iiuchnnted concert stage, s what might he not do to electrify iiis I hearers in the gl.unor of the operatic stage. This famous baritone, notwith- standing the possibiltiies of a success sjc ful career in opera, still maintains nn 9c unrivaled position in the concert world, Y and we are to hear him soon ngiin ijt when he will give a concert here." , Cosi hocton, ()., Feb. 2 V. H. Holler, Itacon Id icksniith, owns a hammer which he has used every day for .10 years. The hammer whs made i years ago (v Frnest Kunts, under whom Holler learned his trade.. t)Jls)Cl((J)( T" ! The only dentifrice with a measuring tube that scientifically insures just enough powder-- EfcLyan's PERFECT 171 100 ill Prepared by a Doctor Send 2c stamp today for a Renerous trial packape of either Vt. Lyon s Perfect Tooth Powder or Dental Cream to II 111111111 II I uIwiMWW IWBlirH tTrlillfllMMlii iiu' E WANTS MONEY FOR State Commission Would Have AH County Clerks Working For State The state fish and game commission at n recent meeting in Portland decid ed th.it the county clerks of the vari ous counties o.' the states should charge 25 cents for miking an affidavit for persons who have lost their hunting licenses. This was not the most im pctlaud part of their decision, how ever, as the commission decided that the county clerk should forward each quarter of a dollar so collected to tiie st.ite treasurer r.t once and that the muiity should not deduct five per cent as is deducted from the original sale of game licenses by the counties. It just happens that the county court of Marion county has decided that 2.1 cents is to be the fixed charge tor nn affidavit sworn to before tiie county clerk as a notary public and ih it this 2.) cents shall be turned over 'o the county treasurer. .Vow if n "oortsman loses his license he goes to t lie county records and hunts up the stub and upon this stub as evidence a pecial blank furnished by the fisil : ml game commission is filled out and f it is sworn to before the county clerk the sportsman pays two bits and takes the affidavit, and hunts on it in lieu of a license ns this affidavit shows that lie has lost the original license. In the aftidavit, however, there are no provisions tor the deer tags that are attached to the original license, and If t!:ese are lost the loser must purchase a new license to get the deer tugs. County Clerk (Ichliuir was nutifie.l today by the commission that hem list turn the 25 cents received for making affidavits over to the state treasurer for the fish and gime fund and he im- nii'iiiiitiy TiniiilllM u iiit coin III IS7.HM1 I . j'es to their authority for requiring him u itim oer to toe suite ine iiiunev,". which has heretofore always been paidi He was into the county treasury. Supplies Are Going Out To San Diego Sufferers the Lower Otny ilam, which impounded ,-t f t h ,.(,., I.- tl, ,,;i,. part of the water supply, the city has stored up in its other reservoirs due to the record rains, more water than ever was known here. Ten years' sup ply is held by the Morena and .Sweet water dams alone.- Work of repairing the pipe line from the Otny system has been started. The relief committee is working not only to give immediate aid to the stricken, but to devise plans wherebv they can rehabilitate themselves, and L,.,:. .,.!, ,. .:, , .i ,.i -fitrrform.ev,,y' .,,, ,e en,husiirtb.,ir jizations were given toduy. ., . Minister Passed Bad Checks Sacramento, Cul., Feb. 2. Rev. L. B. Stiles, arrested in Yrekn, Cal., for pass- nig a tjnn cnecK tor ifiu in unsco coun ty, Oregon, w ill have to go back to Ore-1 gon to face trial, the governor issuing i sjt an extradition today. Rev. Stiles, formerly a chiiutniKpin lecturer, hod given word that he would oppose extruumon, our. ne ma not put. in an appearance. Investigation Proves that various disease germs have their breeding place in the waste products of the body. Don't, then, let your bowels clog and throw these harmful germs back on the blood. Take no chances with se;ious illness. Keep your bowels free, and the bile regulated Willi MAI'S which promptly and surely relieve constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sink headache. They are compounded (rom drugs of vegetable origin-harmless and not habit-fofming. ' Tha experience of t'iree generations show that Beecham's Pills prevent disease and are A Great Aid to Health Directions ot (pecial Talue to women with ry hot Sold bj drugguU throug .1 th world. la box, 10c, 25c. THREE wder of Dental Surem O SURROUND yourself with Comfort - a day --a v?eek--all time" ttop at HOTEL MORTONIA Tke house of Gracious Service of Unobtrusive Ministrations. The home of the Satisfied Guest where delicious Viands with the natural HOME-LIKE flavor com pel friendship. Rooms With privilege of kith $1 or more the Jty. Roomi witK prWttt bath $1.5 0 or more the it J The thing that ppeelt-modente price). Urn off Wulungton 12m end Wnhington Portluu ii ! sc NO TROUBLE TO KEEP SKIN FREE FROM HAIRS e e $ (The Modern Beauty) There is no need for any woman to countenance Superfluous hairs, becausu with a paste made by mixing somo powdered del.itono with water it in easy to get rid of them. The paste in applied for 2 to it minutes, then rub- ' bed off and the skin washed. Tlnti treatment will rid the skin of hair without leaving a blemish, but cam should be taken to seo that you. get reivl delatone. President Tours Through Bleeding Kanasas Today (Cortinuod from rage One.) action to back up such notes if 'I In slated for ft rear platform speech at Lawrence at Id o'clock and for his main speech at Topeka at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Following thu Kansas City speech to night, he is booked for St. Louis fur the wiudup address of his tour. Then he will go directly to Washington. Welcomed By Btudents. Aboard The President 'a Special, Law rence, Kilns., Feb. 2. "It's too- cold and noisy for me to attempt to tell you anything about preparedness," declared President Wilson to a throng of 5,l") who hud gathered to greet him here on his brief stop en route to Topeka. "but it is young men like you, upon whom we may one day depend." .Students of tlm state university and Haskell industrial j school gave the executive n vociferous welcome and Mrs. Wilsmi a huge bou quet. Greeted At Topeka. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 2. President Wil son arrived here at 10 oVlock today, prepared ? test ""t Kansns sentiment toward his preparedness program, ami to urge support thereof from the .Sun flower state. After leaving the train, the president, was taken for a 4.1 minute ride through I ,i, .. .,:.!. ...i i...:.,... .i:.. bared his head despite the zero weath er. This stop is the farthest west, he will go on this trip, which he said is "to see whether or not the country is indif ferent to preparedness." Before making his Htfernoon speech. hi' and Mis. Wilson took luncheon with (iovemor Capper. kskj)cHt A Journal New Today will convert waste Into" wealth. fiii i it PILLS