THE DATLY CAPITAL JOT RNAL. SALEM. ORF.flOM. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2. 1916. TWO S ociet y ALINE THK second snowrlptlon dance, Monday nijjht at the Moose hall is one of the most delightful memories of the season, that will Ions lie the premier for the gayety and bril liance. The ball room was well crowded wit'.i club members and a number of out of town guests. Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer Putnam were honts for a very informal dinner proceeding the dance Monday night. Mr. and iris. Harry Terry, of Port land, who were Mr. anil Airs. iUelvin Plimpton's guests for the dance Mon day night returned Tuesday. The next dance to be given by the Monday night dancing club will be postioiied, owing to conflicting enter tainments on the regular night. Mrs. Oliver Locke will preside over a. cnarnmijr bridge luncheon Thursday at her home in the attractive "Court Apartment. ' ' The luncheon club and several addi tional matrons will sharo tuc hostesses delightful hospitality. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Fred Stcti slolf will open her attractive home for the first of a series of Kensing tons to be given by the Phiscilla club women for the benefit of the Y. W. C. A. The Stringed Orchestra will givo the second of their gay little informal dancing parties Tlfl)rsday evening nil the Moose hall. I The Stringed Orchestra is composed) of the following clever young artists, I who wilt turnisn tnu music lor tneir dnnees. Miss Oeorgabellc llootii, Miss Mary flchiiltz, Mrs. Viola Voider Holman, I). B. Russell and C. K. DoCrastos. Dancing will begin at eight-thirty 0 Vlock. Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Ludden iinve moved from Center street .mil arc dom iciled at 1495 ( hemeketa street. . Elaborate plans arc being made by Company M, and the officers of tiie general staff for a large inspection military ball to be given at the armory the early part of March. The personnel of the committee in ehargn of the affair is: .1. K. Neer, Dana Allen, Walter Spaulding, Kvnns Houston, R. (.'. Wygnnt and II. F. Me lnturff. Mrs. Percy Cotter and small son, Francis, of Portland, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. IK Galloway. Friday, Mrs. (iholsen gnve a delight ful evening of readings under the aus pices of tiie Central Congregationnl church Endeavor society. F.ven the inclement weather did not nrevent n hirtre nttciiiliincf frnm u-hic'n lliM VnitnOvni l-Aft I i?f,i4 a irnniirimu uiim Saturday afternoon Miss Genevieve Avison entertained a group of girls 'with in informal sewing. A (0 SLICKER I FOR A large lot of BOYS' Heavy Black Slickers in three sizes, suitable for boys 6 to 12 years old; each. . .5QC MEN'S $1.85 Black Slickers, three quarter length, each $1.25 MEN'S $2.25 Black Slickers, full length, each JIJJQ RUBBER BOOTS a few more pairs of Thigh ijoots at RUBBERS Aa additional lot of Men's and Wo men's Rubbers at JjQc School Tablets A large lot of wide and narrow, ruled and un ruled Pencil Tablets the very thing for school scribblers at a saving of ONE-HALF. 2 for 5c THOMPSON Miss Florence Page assisted the host ess in serving. The Biiests included: Misses Violet and Maud Maclean, lilnnche linker, Ruth Hiioor, Vesta Mulligan, Mae Mick- ev, Mary Parounugian, Louis Drown, Fiances Gittins, Helen Moore, Hunt Winters, Dorothy Jeffrey Grace Slier- wood anil Jvarl Crowder. Thursday afternoon there will be a special meeting of the mothers club of the Highland school to welcome tne mothers of the pupils, of the sixth A grade transferred from the Grant school. Superintendent O. M. Elliott will give a talk and all mothers of the dis trict aro invited to attend. Little Miss Virginia Bergor was hostess for a charming birthday party Kiday afternoon at the home of her p.irents, Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Berger. The table was prettily arranged, a dainty color scheme of pink and white being carried out by the use of pink satin streamers .ind sinilux suspending from the chandelier, and terminating with graceful bows it the corners. A birthday cuke surrounded by glit tering en miles adorned the table. The small guests included Nancy Thielscn, Helen Darby, Kloise Wright, Virginia Unit, Edith May .leaks. Hurt Hooffhine, James Kerhy John Kerby, Arthur Scoreil, (invnol Bnckott, Kl- moro Wright, Isabella Matthew, Kath- arino Taylor, Francis Mnttic .Martin Complimenting Mrs. Hubert- Griffith and daughter, Miss Eiiimn Griffith, of Kansas City. Missouri, who are guc-its in this city, Miss Eminn Kodgers was hostess for a prettily appointed lunch eon. The table was centered with fruit and sin i lux, unioiie place curds marked covers for Mrs. William Sorrel, Mrs. T. H. Ford, Mrs. N. T. llellyer, Mrs. Einnia Cornelius. Mrs. J. L. While, Mrs. T. H. Cooksey, Mis. IT. L. liriggs, Mrs. E, J. Swnfford, Mrs. Theodore lleisler and the hostess. Eater tiie guests enjoyed an after noon of sewing. Defense Pleads Robbery. Providence, H. I., Feb. 2 Testi mony, intended to show tint Dr. C. Franklin Mohr carried large sums of money, was introduced by the defense today in t!io trial of Mrs. -Mohr and two negroes on charges of murdering the doctor. This was to support the de fense contention that George lleulis, negro chauffeur planned to rob tiie doe tor as ho rode with Miss Emily Burger on the murder night, and that lie in tended to blame the widow, llenlis has claimed tlint Mrs. Mohr hired the two negroes on trial with her, to commit the crime. The wife and sister of Henry Spell inan, one nf the negro defendants, were arrested today nn a perjury charge af ter their testimony as to the time Sjielliuaii returned home on the murder night had contradicted the evidence they gnve ut tho impiest. GOOD WORK' FOR SICK WOMEN The Woman's Medicine Has Proved Its Worth. When Lydia E. Pinkham'a remedies were first introduced, their curative powers were doubted and had to be proved. But the proof came, and grad ually the use of them spread over the whole country. Now that hundreds of thousands of women have experienced the moBt beneficial effects from the use of these mediaines, their value Bas be come generally recognized, and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the standard medicine for women. The following letter is only one of the thousands on file in the Pinkham office, at Lynn, Mass., proving that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is an article of great merit as shown by the results it produces. Anamosa.Iowa. "When I began tak ing Lydia E. Pinkham a Vegetable Com pound I suffered with a displacement, and my system was in a general run down condition. I would have the head ache for a week and my back would ache so bad when 1 would bend down I could hardly straighten up. My sister was sick in bed for two months and doctored, but did not get any relief. She saw an advertisement of yourmed cine and tried it and got better. She told me what it had done for her, and when I had taken only two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound my head began to feel better. I continued its use and now I don't have Bny of those troubles." Mrs. L. J. Hannan, R.F.D. 1, Anamosa, Iowa. lie DiDvfiNAI C Gus Moser, of Portland, is in the city on legal business. Mrs. F. A. Drake, of Silvcrton, was in the city yesterday. I. H. Ncrout, of Portland, was here yesterday on iusurance business. II. L. Whitney was registered yester day at tho Seward hotel, Portland. J. Ci. Richardson was registered yes terday at the Imperial hotel, Portfolio. E. 0. Van Slyke was registered yes terday in Portland, at the Perkins ho tel. Mrs. Juanitn Mapes went to Portland yesterday to stay during the time Mr. Mapes is on the U. S. federal grnnd jury. Miss Orn Constable, who is a student of the Oregon Agricultural college, was called homo today by the illness of her sister, Miss Iza. Only One "BROMO QUININE" To get the genuine, call for full name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. Grove. Cures a Cold in Ono Day. 25c. Salem Mission, Freed From Debt Now Has New Pastor At the business meeting of the Sa lem Mission Monday night, tho usual harmony prevailed, hr. Melnturff, who has been asking to be releuscd from the Mission as pastor that he might be free to work in a larger field persuad ed them to accept his resignation and suggested that Hro. K. K. Spiker of the Cluistinn i'Ii ii n-li and who has been working in the Mission as assistant pas tor with Hi'. -Melnturff for two years, become the pastor, it was unanimously carried, also Rev. J. T. Horning, of the Minonite church was unatniously chos en to act as assistant pastor, and Miss Charlotte Horning to play the piano. The treasurer, Miss llaverson, gnvo a most gratifying report showing that the last payment had been made on the piano and all furnishings of the hall and tlint there was not a dollar indebt edness nguiust the Mission. A tender and touching service fol lowed the business meeting over which the new pastor presided. Many were the words of appreciation for Dr. and Mrs. Melnturff 'a faithful earnest work during the past two years, as they have toiled without salary as pastor and pianist; and much of the time given to visiting the sick and poor, comforting them and relieving their needs. It was very gratifying to the retiring pastor to see the earnestness and the sweet spirit that was manifested towards the new pastors and the promises made hv them to stand by the work. The gospel wagon from tho Friends church is expected to rome down Wed nesday night, February 2. and assist in the meeting. All the members of the Mission ceine and bring your neighbor, a good time is expected. BATTLE CREEK NEWS Mr. G. L, Morris has a sick horse toe past week. There has been quite a number of sick horses in tiie neighbor hood. Mr. J. P. Naderman delivered three loads Of hoiT in Snlnm lu Wl.ln.. Mr. .1. M, Hamilton received the of-1 fice of road suervisor at the meetinirl ncld at J'loverdale Siturdav 20. Mr. W. S. l.ehiuan has been having a number of sleigh rides since the snow rame. He is about tiie onlv mm i,f tliof Pottle Crcekites that him' a sleigh for l-nsure. i ne cniiiiren that were sick air; back in school Again, the children nlll think too much of their teacher to' May out unless too ill to eome. I Robert Oaslmw, one of tho advanced pupils of district 2.-., is looking for-1 Viard to the time wrtti a 41,. a.,.1 lend and sea. OFFER TOR BIO FIGHT Chicago, Feb. 2. An offer of $.W,OO0j for a Willard bout in Lower' California was telephoned from San I Fiaacisort todav h II itprMntiii(f roftrotfl-OMfiel.l inter fM.. V:lliitri. n:anfitv Tm I. m.itui'tfd. Joiiffl mu thnt irpoits of MISS WILLIAMS IS PASTOR OF CHURCH Called By Friends to This City From Pastorate In ( Far North Country Misa Ethel AVilliam-s, of 1770 Fair grounds road, holds a rather unique po sition in the tity, that of pastor in Ka lem of the Church of God. .''he preaches at the regular services JSunduys and hag charge of the regular Wednesday evening prayer meetings. Having been in charge of the Church of Ood at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, for several years, she came here last October at the urgent call of friends, as the church here had no regular pastor. Since that time she has been actively engaged in the work, although the church at .Saska toon is awaiting her return. Misa Williams first became interest ed in the Church of God about 11 years ago, while living near Grand Valley, Ontario. Frequently at meetings heid, when no regular pastor was present, she felt called upon to speak, feeling that she had a message to deliver. Continu ing in the woTk of the church, she felt more tho responsibility of helping oth er people and as the call to preach be cuine stronger, she was ordained at Grnnd Valley "and took up her first charge at Dashwood, Ontario. Here she was in charge of the church for two years, later being pluced in charge of the Church of God at Dundalk, mid Welland, Ontario. Two years was passed as assistant pastor at Edmonston, Alberta, in a church that had members and a congre gation of several hundred. Her next charge was at Saskatoon, Saskatche wan, where she remained for two years, as active pastor of a church with an attendance of more than 100. Not only for the benefit of her health but from the calls of friends and the feeling that her work was in this field, Miss Williams came to Pulem, and since then has had active charge of the! church and its work. "The term Church of God," said Miss Williams, "is taken from the Bible. We have no discipline, no creed. We take the Bible as it is and believe that if nil Christians could get togeth er, regardless of creed, they would ex ert a greater force and influence in the world. Tho Church of God is trying to gather together His people, like in the early davs of the church. The Church of God. in its organiza tion, comes direct, from the neonle. Those with a message, may preach. The church believes in immersion after con version. Anyone having been saved mnv become a member of the church. Tho services of the church are much the same as others. The pastor is main tained ttirouch tree will offerings, with no stated snlnry. The teachings of the church eome direct from the Bible, be lievins( that unity among Christians would accomplish more for the good of peorilo than a diversity of creeds. The Church of God, of which Miss Williams is pastor, was built about four years ago at 177(1 Fairgrounds road, and at present the average at tendance is close to 50. Although the cliurch at Saskatoon is awaiting her return, Miss Williams says that her futuro depends upon what she regards as her duty and if -she remains here, it will be from tho fact that sb is called to this work. Miss Williams lives with her mother in a cosy little home near the cliurch. In explaining tho belief of the mem bers of the Church of God, Miss Wil liams said: "Wo believe to be saved and really given up to servo the Lord, brings such joy and blessing, that the heart is fully satisfied and there is a power there to enable you to do right in every circumstance." Block Is Burned In Fierce Blizzard Bellingham, Wash., Feb. 2. While tho bliz.nrd stalled fire apparatus, a 30 mile gale fanned the fire thnt clean ed out a block of Old Town property and burned one unidentified man to death here this morning. Eighteen inches of snow made fight, ing the flames almost impossible. The loss is estimated at $0,000. Old frann buildings, including the Great North em hotel and the Shields block were destroyed. The fire was under control by the middle of the forenoon. ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes cost T0U tame price. LADIES Who take pride in their personal appearance should try our face treatment for lines, blackheads and blotches. Superfluous hair removed with out the use of the electric needle. Latest electrical appliances for removing corns end treating the feet. Manicures 25 and 35 eeurs. Shampooing, mussage, hairdresa ing. Creams, powders and lotions for sale, our own Manufacture, guaranteed pure. for the convenience of our patron who are unable to coma during the day, we will remain open until 8:30 on Saturday even ings, Phone for appointment Imperial Beauty Parlors DR. W. E. STANTON. Skin and Scalp Special'! WINirSED W. DUSENBURT, Manicurist and Hair Dreni'ir. 301 Bank of Commerce Building, Phone 393 RHEUMATISM GOES IF HOOD'S IS USED The genuine old reliable Hood's Sar saparilla corrects tho acid condition of the blood and builds up the whole sys tem. It drives out rheumatism because it cleanses the blood. It has been successfully used for for ty years in many thousands of cases tie world over. There is no better remedy for skin and blood diseases, for loss of appetite, rheumatism, stomach and kidney troub les, general debility and all ills arising from impure, impoverished, devitalized blood. It s unnecessary to suffer. Start treatment at once. Get a bottlo of Hood's Sarsaparilla'from your nearest druggist. You will be pleased with the results. United States to Surrender Control at End of Four Year Period Washington, Feb. 2 With Vice President Marshall casting the decisive vote in favor thereof, the senate late this afternoon declared for Philippine independence within four years. Before he voted, the senate stood 41 to 41 on the amendment of Senator Clarke to the administration bill, proposing this step. The amendment calls for independ ence in four years with no responsibil ities attached for the United States or other untions to protect the islands from internal or external troubles. Reject Amendments. Washington, Feb. 2. The senate to day rejected the Cummins amendment to the Philippine bill, proposing to free and recognize tho islands as soon as voters approve a republic there. Senator Hitchcock introduced an amendment, proposing increase from four to six years, if a republic is set up and approved by an election. America, however, would retain coaling stations on the islands and remain the "most favored nation" in trade treaties. Ijiter, the. senate also rejected the Hitchcock amendment. COURT HOUSE NEWS : The jury in the ca?e of John Fn.vas against Frank Chnppelle, Mela tiie Chap pelle and Henry Chnpclle which was tried yesterday in the circuit court re turned a verdict last night awarding the plaintiff a judgment against the defendants in the sum of $1H4 with in terest at six per cent from January 1, 1912. The jury further found that ten der of $100 was not made by tho de fendants to the plaintiff pTior to Un filing of the amended complaint. Thi.i was a controversy over the sulo of 53.K5 acres of land near Woodburn. John Bnvne was today appointed by Judge Bushev as administrator of the estate of Xancv W. Peck, who died July 21, 1010, at Colesburu, Town, leaving an estate which consisted of personal property to the value of $000. All of the heirs reside in the east with the ex ception of two dn lighters, 'Martha C. Malvin and Mrs. S. F. Hewitt, of Sn lem. ' The county court met today to clear up some routine business and to pass upon the regular monthly claims. Engineers from the state engineer's office began this morning to sounding the bottom of the river at this city tor further information relative to the pro posed river bridge. The eountv tax collecting flonnrtnient will he moved from the sheriff's nffi 'e to the room on the first floor of the court house that was used for this pur pose last year. In order thnt tax pay ers may experience no difficulty in finding the proper office a huge sign bearing the words, "Tax Department" has beMi stretched across the corridor and all those who wish to contribute to the expenses of the state, county and city will easily find the proper place. The easo of Claud O. Ross charged with rape, was called in the circuit court department No.. 1 this afternoon after the Mntthieu estate case went to the jury. The Koss case was scheduled for yesterday rtrK was postponed for a day much to the disappointment of the large crowd that filled the court room in anticipation of some unusual evi dence. The case of Lester Francis Mntthieu against Stephen Alfred Mntthieu as an individual and as executor of the nil': of Frunos Kavier Mntthieu went to the jury this afternoon, in department No. 1 of the circuit rourt. This is an ac tio brought by one of the heirs of the estate in his own behalf and in the interest of the other heirs to secure damages from the executor on the charge that the executor withheld pos session of certain pnrccls of land which was willed to them. The plaintiff asks fur damages of about jl.500. John O. Marr, who resides at 145 South Church street in this city, today filed his application for citizenship in United States. The petitioner is 21 years of age and was bom in Seotlnnd. He is a rlcrk by occuwtion and has been in the United States since llioft. SCHALLER SIGNS CONTRACT S.n Francisco, Feb. 2. After a short1 conference with Manager Harry Wol- verroe today "Biff" Schaller, Sel eutlieldir, signed his contract lor IV 10. Commercial Basketball League Will Pull Off; Regular Series Tonight Standing of the Teams. W. L. ret. ..4 1 .SOI) 4 i .son ....4 i .son 3 2 .1100 2 3 .400 2 3 .400 1 4 .200 0 5 .000 Capital National Bank Bishops Witt Shipp Co The commercial basketball "league nf the Y. M. C. A. will stage the usual tour games tonight in the association I gymnasium. It had been formerly an inounced that bee.uise of the large uiim Iber of high school students who would participate in the graduation exercises the games would be played on Thurs day instead of Wednesday, the regu lar league night.. Tiie officials in charge, however, nave decided that the games are to he played tonight. The first game of the evening will be between the teams representing the Fry Drug Store and Wntt Shipp Co., and tiie second game will be between the Price Shoe Co. and the Hanser Bros. Hnuser Bros, will be consider ably strengthened by the addition of! Tom Wood, formerly captain of tho j Fry team and arc expecting to get out i ot the triple 0 column tonight. Tho third g.unc will be between thej Capital Business College and tho Salem j NATIONAL PSMLIST ma WOULD SEaVSCE convHiTiens eij SEVENTY-FIVE CITIES imn wanted If M!! 1915-19161 SsWr .Still LAYMEN'S MISSIONARY MOVEMENT i Interesting Points About Laymen's Missionary Poster ! The pastor is symbolical of both home and foreign missions, which aro strikingly represented. Tho non-1 Christian world is typified by a figure of a great idol with a group of wor shippers before it, and mission work at home by a man of the common peo ple, standing in a city street. Tho particular idol which has been taken as a symbol of idolatrous religion is the gigantic bronze Buddha at Kaiua kura, Japan. This wonderful idol is supposed to date from the year 12.)2, and the rea sons and particulars of its erection have been lost to history. The bronze figure, sitting uncovered in a grove of trees, is fifty-four feet high and ninety seven feet in circumference. It is made of sheets of bronze, cast separ ately, brazed together, and finished on the outside with a chisel. The length of the face is ei&ht and one-half feet and the width from ear to ear, seven ioor. feet nine inches. In the forehead there is a solid silver buss of the 'weight of thirty pounds. Each eye is I four feet in length and is made of pure J gold. The weight of the statue has ibeen estimated at four hundred nnd fifty tons, and its vnlue as brozne, at the prevailing market price, is about ;tl5.00rt. This docs not take into ac count the silver boss, the idol's fore head or the iroldcn eves. On the head are ball-shaped pro j tubernnces resembling curls. These WESTERN UNION NIGHT LETTER San Francisco, Jan. 31, 191G. Steers and Coimin, Columbia Bldg., IJurtlaud, Or gon. Pe Gogoren sang yesterday to s dd out house notwithstanding Sym phony Wagner program as opposition. Biggest business he has ever done in San Francsico yesterday and at first concert a week ago. He is in magnificent voice and never, gave finer concerts. Audiences wildly enthusiastic. WILL L. GREENBAUM. SALEM'S BEST MARKET PLACE Now at 426 State Street WESTACOn-THIELSON COMPANY ! SECRET 10 . Rub Pain From Back With Small Trial Bottle of Old Penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil" - When your back Is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, poor a little in your hand and rub it right on your aching back and by the time you count fifty, tho soreness and tamo ness is gone. Don't stay crippled! This soothing, penotrating oil needs to be used only ouco. It takes the pain right out ami ends tho misery. It is magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, seatica, backache or rheumatism so promptly. It never disappoints. Woolen Mills Store, and the Standard Cleaners and Capital National Bank will cose the show. MISSIONARY p represent snails, which, according to legend, crawled up to shelter the bald head of Buddha from the burning rays of the sun. Immense bronze plants of sacTcd lotus are in front of the figuro and at each side are great bronze lanterns. This iningo was chosen by tho Secretaries of tho Laymen's Mission ary Movement, which organized and is directing the campaign, as typical of the relegions of the non-Christian world, complacent, uiihenl'iiig, unseeing, unmoved by the millions who, without knowledge of Christ, bow in futile worship before their idols. On the poster the great idol is printed in dark green, as near as possible to the color of old bronze. The head and shoul ders stan. I above a forest, outlined against a twilight sky. Home missions is represented by a man standing bewildered in the heart of a great American city, in which much of home mission work is cen tered. He seems to need the ministra tions of a church in the picture, but, alas, the doors of the church are closed, for it is a week day. The man may be an immigrant just arrived, an alien who has been in the 1'nited States for some time, or an American-born labor er or mechanic. lie is depicted as representative of ninny thousands. The factory, the tenement and the slum in the picture, are important factors not only in his problems but in the work of the homo mission agencies. Tho man appears to be poor and tho artist has endeavored to give the impression that lie is drift ing away from spiritual and mural moorings. 1I1H.