FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES & Jt )jc jt 3C )C )Jt )f! 3 (t Sjfi $ & CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY '.. ii ii' m wf?, . v " ' i: , '. I I 1 1 kV THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1916 tmri? mvn rrvrc 0N trains and news rKILIli TWO CLiN la stands ftvb cents I ,- 1 1 M II H i n 11 CI t I i t J 13 1 i 4 I IJ ftJLJ -1L II II II 1 1 1 1 SH LINER A 1ST NOT LEA u UIBI . PORT While No Official Decision Has Been Announced It Is Un- derstood That Course of Officials Has Been Determined 1 -Vessel Will Be Interned at Norfolk Along With Crew Until War Is Over--Frisoners Will Probably Be Re I leased From Custody After Short Time, and Non-Com- batants Will Be Allowed to Go Anywhere ' Washington, Feb. 2 The British African liner Ap pam, brought into Hampton Roads as a German captive, will not be allowed to leave Norfolk. While no formal decision to this effect'has been- re ported this forenoon, the highest state department of ficials said that this course had been practically de termined. The Appam, standing as "the white elephant of the seas" for the United States, Germany and England, may be the source of disputes between this nation and the other two. But, her dentention is held possible first be cause as a prize that can be held for prize court adjudi cation, or, second, as a German naval auxiliary subject to internment. A formal "interlcoutory" decree to hold her pending final decision is considered. The British embassy announced today that it will ask the Appam's release and return to her owners. If the state department does not intern her as a German auxil iary officials declared they will answer England's demand by placing her in the prize court. President Wilson's approval probably will be sought as the court of last resort. As for the prize crew aboard the Appam, there is no doubt that thev will be interned, few British army and navy officers on her is a knotty problem, the solution of which may also be internment. As for prisoners, they probably will be released at an early moment, as there is no basis for holding them in a neutral country, while non-combatants undoubtedly will be discharged within a brief while. WAR CONTRATS BRING TREMENDOUS BOOM TO BRIDGEPORT '" ill i 'hnt jT -"W! 4 rwl A -.j i ill Mn Jf ' $ n , Vis"' 1 f-'1 3 .ifUl WISES ARE CEIIJFLED Only dne telograph wire is working out of Portland to the south today, due to the havoe wrought by the 'silver thaw." Instead of its regular leased wire service today The Capital .7ouru.il received its news in half hour intervals, surrender ing use of the wire for ot'uor purposes for the same length of time. This has naturally cur tailed our press report today. str 1 PEIZE OF WAR Washington, Feb. 2. The government neutrality board recommended to the state de partment this afternoon that the German seized British Af rican liner Appam at Norfolk be considered a prize of war and not a converted nuxiliary cruiser. o limington Arms Co. plant in Bridgeport as it looks today, and site of plant as it was a year ago. Bottom: plant of American & Brit ish Manufacturing Co. at Bridge Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. .2. (Special) The war in Europe litis made a boom town out of Bridgeport the Essen of America. Twelve million dollars spent in less than a year thanks to th.U war have brought into being in this city what will probably be the greatest small arms ami ammunition plant in tho world that of the lieniington Arms and Union Metallic Cartridge factories. When it is in f ull operation it- will call for the services of from But the status of the!4:0 T'JT'' J.l'V" latest word in 'Actory construction and yet in its present form it may be said to have actually sprung into existence, to have come before the eyes of Bridge port in a moment. The enormous plant of the Reming ton Arms Company was not in exist ence last March. It was turned over to t'necompany by the contractors in No vember, so that this immense creation was completed in less than 8 months, and even as far back as list August, it was so far completed that outward ly it looked as it does today. It has made such a revolution in Bridgeport that the company has been obliged to build practically another city within the city for the accommo dation of the thousunds of men who are coming from all parts of New Eng- , , yvi-.. ... V I I . f IV I : I I ,1 1 V- ..I ,.J1 ,v.. J. ,,,. .AIK.'.! VJ ' "T .V ,' . V ' . .W'A Y .... . . is1i it is'll llli J. .?i II 9 8. . is!.u,Ht? 8,. i.J . 1 " ,' "-.Jl - v "WW. 11 LATEST PS Off Railroads Are Blocked and Street Cars Stalled In Many Cities Norfolk, Va., Feb. 2. Snatched from the deep by a uerman prize crew ni for a guard of marines aboard to main tain the status quo between German and British subjects. Lieutenant Berg, German command er in charge of the prize crew gave evidence that the Moewe, which cap ture the Appam and seven other craft, was not a regular warship, but an aux iliary, when he produced a commission in the German auxiliary reserve. Much depends, too, upon what classification is given the Appam. The situation presented by her presence in this port has given officials a new problem to solve for which they have no preced ents. Lieutenant Berg had appointments with the customs collector and the Gcr- er being given up for lost, the big, man consul to prenare a formal state- British African liner Appam rode at!ieut regarding his claims to the vessel anchor today while both British andj0nd to internment in protection of the Germans aboard her awaited Wash- ( American port. iimtou word as to her disposal. i The Appam, is ehchored just off Old This decision was expected today. In- Point Comfort a quarter of a mile from volved in it was the question of wheth- the protecting cannon of Fortress Mon er the Appam privateer subject to in-roc. ternment, or a prize, subject either to; About her circles a fleet of harbor internment or release to the British craft, vainly trying to get into corn owners. I inunicntion with passengers, most of The long milk of t!ie ship was dimly, whom are believed still to be restrain Wen from shore, bobbing in the fog ed partly bv the prize crew, and rain. Aboard her, 4."0 British New features of the daring exploit of prisoners in charge of 42 Germans 'the Moewe in capturing the Appam awaited permission to go ashore, and came to light today, it was anticipated that the vessel I Confirmation of the report given the w ould go soon to Newport News to dis-1 United Press yesterday that the at charge non-combatants. Communica- tacker was the survey vessel Moewe tion with the ship was strietlv prohibit-1 came with knowledge that the prize ed and meantime port authorities asked j crew had "Moewe" on their hat bands. . in nuiuuon 10 Keeping ine iriiisu I fwilnm ftvinrr itn tho Annum while tthp i ploughed the Atlantic dodging the I cruisers, it is reported that the Ger '('mang in charge forged British papers ito present to any vessel stopping them. Berg denied that the Appam had been halted, but it is reported that an al lied pntrol wirelessed her when suspi cion was aroused by the painting out of her name. The prize crew evaded satisfactory replies and gave x ficti tious name, it is stated. Immigration officials boards the ves sel today to arrange for sending ashore such uf the crews and passengers as are entitled to liberty. Out of the strange shipload, if) persons were found to be entirely without funds. On the other hand, number of well to do Britu.t colonial authorities are reported to be on the passenger list. The British consul is making arrange ments for the return of passengers and crews to England aboard British ships trom .Norfolk. Z Abo Hartin land to form a new colony; it has gone into the work of sewering and grading, and is now about to turn its attention to the-question pi schooling for chil dren of its sub-city. Eighteen thousand men and women in tho employ of the liemtiigton' Arms, KtyluO more in that of the Union Metallic Cartridge com pany, will form the sub-city, and with tliem come their families. The com pany is now taking them on at the rate in the Reington plant alone, of 2,000 a month. There are thirty-eight buildings in the plant, and of the main units there are thirteen. They are five-story brick and steel buildings, 272 feet long by sixty feet wide. ' Instead of standing separately, or being connected only by corridors' or extensions, they are con nected with each other by five-story buildings, called 'service buildings," each of which is eighty feet long by forty-eight feet wide, so that the whole mass forms practically one gigantic building. At the end conies a single story building 272 feet by ninety-four feet, connected on the ground floor to the main units by a service building eighty by forty-eight feet. To protect this great plant the com pany has employed a small army of guards with a military organization. They arc honorably discharged soldiers or Bailors of the regular army and na vy; there are 300 of them, divided in to three companies and officered like an army company, with a captain at their head, and lieutenants, sergeants and corporals under him. Of the 18,000 men who will bring the working force of the Remington company to its full complement, there are already 0,100 at work, and the em ployment department is interviewing applicants at the rate of 500 a day. This department has a building all to itself and conducts its work pretty much oa civil service examination principles. Portland, Or., Feb. 2. Portland is in the grip of the worst "silver thaw" in history today. Everywhere trees and wires aro breaking under the strain of heavy coatings of ico, whilo a mixture of rain, slcct and snow is falling in streets ankle deep with slush. Severe snow storms throughout Washington, Oregon and Idaho have demoralized transportation, and few trains reached Portland today. Eigh teen inches of snow fell in ten hours in some parts of eastern Oregon. Intcrurban trains out of Portland were able to run slowly, but most of them wero annulled because there were no passengers. Several funerals scheduled today were postponed because it was impos sible to reach the cemeteries. Several waterfront concerns today began moving their wares from the lower docks, fearing that the melting snow will bring the Willamette river to unprecedented heights. Street car tratfie is completely demoralized. Suburbanites today re mained home or walked. Even horses could niako slight progress in the seas of slush, mixed with sleet and ice. Great damage has been done to trees throughout the city. The Plaza block is filled with the huge limbs of popular and elm, broken under the weight of ice. Many trees have been uprooted. Littlo relief is promised by tho weath er-man. Slightly collier wenuier, east erly winds and continued snow are predicted. Hood River, Or., :Feb. 2. If t e ground hog appears today he will have to burrow through three feet of snow to get a view of the cloudy sky. Thirty-six inches of packed snow covers the entire lower Rood River valley. Five feet is reported in the upper valley and snow was still falling to day. 3jc 3fc )c c )c sc ))c 3C E IS GREAT KANSAS GREETS WILSON WITH WILD ACCLAIM DESPITE ZERO WE A THER Ten Millions of Property Lost and Eight Deaths Are Reported Helena, Ark., Feb. 2. Ten million dollars property damage and a death tell of oigbt is the estimated result of floods tweepiug four Arkansas coun ties rind eleven parishes in northern Louisiana. These territories are hur ried beneath six to fifteen feet of i water, while freezing weather inflict terrible suffering on many homeless persona, and swift currents aad winds imperil rescuers. The crest of tho flood is near Littlo Rock. Levees have burst flooding; Lake Village. Three hundred workers are striving to save Laconia Circle but the levee there is threatening to go out at any moment. Still another break is imminent at Caruthersville. Passengers, prisoners and stevedores while there are number of weak joined in the task this forenoon of , r.nots in the levees at Yicksbure. taking fresh provisions aboard the Ap- Hpeakin' o' Bud hi an Elk, tax ferret nn' a night oh I. Another raiise fer erious apprehension in this country is th' growin' tendency iimong our people t' kid thcmsclos. VILLA AT PASADENA ! I'n,n- I irrom Lieutenant Berg came todav a description of conditions aboard the j. M . u.i -V- . , .1-. . -iu?vr uciore sue capiurpri me Appam, He described these as almost unbear- l: tf umr. wnn oer ivu prisoners on ine a Moose, a Ele. , i tiny frwhonter nd mnHnrn diseasef -Moewe had taken in her adventurous career were not put aboard the Ap- (Continued oa Tago Five.) Los Angeles. Cal., Feb. 2. Reports, that Francisco Villa in living near Paradena, that he strolls boldly through the streets of Los Angeles by night, and that he visits his wife here, were investigated today. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 2. Hailed Governor Caper as the man who "has sat undismayed upon the hottest lid since Lincoln's time," President Wil son spoke here this afternoon to five H.onsaiid crammed into the auditorium. And the crowd that had braved zero weather to hear about preparedness, voiced approval of the governor's "Kanas admires that kind of grit" by a mighty roar of applause. Other thousands outside battled to gain ad mission to the hall already jammed even in the aisles but upon being prom ised an overflow meeting at the high school they retired there. The Sucre as the president and gov ernor shook hands are stirring. Hun dreds of American flags, released from the top of the hall, fluttered overhead, while the crowd broke forth in enthu siasm. At one point, Wilson was Interrupt ed by the din of the crowd trying to storm the doors, but police clubbed the leaders into silence after a few mo ments. Komeone is too eager for national de fense, I guess," commented the presi dent, smilingly is he resumed. Soberly, emphatically he told his lis teners here tnat tho country may be called npon'to use its "instrumentali ties" in preserving personal and busi ness rights. Bark of his warning to Kansas to be prepared, ran a strain which some in terpreted as meaning a warning to England not to enforce an illegal block ade; a challenge to Germany not to molest Americans in their right to travel on the high seas. "America," he said, "has the right to feed the world with your wheat. When there is a blockade w recog nize the right to blockade; where there are ordinary restraints of war we rec ognize them. But, toe world neUs the wheat of Kansas; "Moreover, traveling of Americans ought not to be impeded anywhere by infractions or law. "Like true Americans," he contin ued, "we should stand shoulder to by shoulder in upholding the validity, strength and irresistible force of Am erican ideals. All other countries must be made to realize that in preserving the. rights of the people of the United States everywhere, and in prmitting them to enjoy the provisions laid down by international law, their traveling ought not to be impeded anywhere by infractions of international law. "We have the right to send the war ring nations our cotton and manufac tures. But, to do this, we must pre pare to show other nations that this nation is determined that its ideals shall be respected." In considering the Monroe doctrine and the spirit of America, be said that the country must prepare to uphold the real significance or the nag the up holding of the rights of all mankind. "In Cuba, we vindicated our prom ise," he said, "in hauling down tho flag, there was more of an honor than in hoisting it. The flag will come down in the Philippines as it did in Cuba as soon as we feel that the people are able to take over the management of their-own affairs and no longer need our protection. President Tours Through Bleeding Kansas Today Aboard The President's Special, Kan sas City, Mo., Feb. 2. President nil son swung into Kansas today to feel out the pulse of the wheat belt on the subject of military preparedness. Not many persons, however, knew that he was here for the few minutes required in switching his train en route to To peka. He will return here tonight for his final address before turning toward Washington. In this, he will indicate as he did last night at Bes Moines that he does not relish the idea of continual Iv writing "notes" and will urge that he be given the support necessary for (Ceatioued oa Pag Tare.) All Seattle Walta. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 2. Scattlo's population will have to walk until toe worst snow storm of 20 years lets up, And there is not the Bigntest hope of that happening for many hours, accord in? to the weather bureau. Hope of brc-iking the grip of the snow storm was unamioueu py me street car people this afternoon and thev announced that no more cars will be sent out. Thousands of downtown business men and employes are making hotel res ervations, rather thnn attempt to walk home. The snow fall has reached a depth of more than two and a half feet in 30 hours and It is still snowing furiously. All public schools are closed until the storm abates. Eighty inches of Snow. Wenatchec, Wash., Feb. 2. Snowfull at Wenatchec measured oighty inches on tho level this afternoon. Know is still falling with no sign of a let up, The government station at Leaven worth reports the snow there nino feet deep on the level. Four feet of snow has fallen in the last 30 hours. NSTRUCTIQNS 10 Villi BER T UFF I ROUBLE "Positive Understanding" Is Now Hoped For, Accord ing to Berlin STATEMENT ISSUED TO OFFSET BRITISH REPORTS Germany Is Pleased Over Re sults of Latest Zeppelin Raid On Britain Berlin, by wireless to Snyvillc, L. L, Feb. 2. The foreign office has sent Ambassador Von Bernstorff at Wash ington instructions which give a rea sonable hope for a "positive under standing" in the Lusitunia case, it waa scmi-officially stated today. The statement was issued because" of alarming reports from British sources regarding the present status of German-American relations over the Lusi tania case. "It is true," said the statement, "that Katurday Ambassador Von Bern storff cabled that he had found it thuB far impossible to adjust the cas in a manner satisfactory to both sides by a friendly verbal exchange. Today instructions wero transmitted which give the reasonable hope for a positive understanding. The above tends to confirm dis patches last Saturday night to Unitcl Press from Correspondent Ackerman at Borlin. In these, ho said, Germany is anxious for a settlement of the Lusitania case and will do what it can. to provide such adjustment. Turkish Heir Suicides, -Amsterdam, Feb. 2. Prince Yussuf Izzedin, heir appnront to the throne of Turkey, has committed suicide suiil unconfirmed Constantinople reports to day. It was snid tho Trlnce cut his arter ies at the pulaco this morning because ho was despondent over a protracted illness and in disfavor with the sultan, because of opposition to the Turko German alliance. Train In Atolled. TtnLnr rii. Vah 0 ThA Rnmnter Valley train due here at 4 o'clock yes terday, is stalled four . miles . from Hnmnlni- in iwnlvO foot. Ctt HlinW And the storm is still raging. Food and luel wore carried to tne passengers vy snowshoe volunteers today. io train nas neen auio 10 icave Huntington for the fast 24 hours'. . Lieutenant Accused. . . Vallejo,- Cal., Feb. 2. Charged with responsibility for the loss of a United Status navy signal book from tho destroyer Hull, of the Pacific reserve flotilla, Lieutenant Herbert A. Jones, superintendent of new work in tho machinery division at tho Muro Island navy yard must face a general court martial. If It is established that the code book was stolen, the whole code will be ordered rewritten, as it might be in the hands of a foreign power by this time. Many Lives Lost ' In Severe Alaskan Storm Juneau. Alaska, Feb. 2. Btormi and severe winter weather during the last two weeks in southeastern Alaska have cost many lives ami $100,000 property damage. Many plate glass windows in Juneau have been blown out. From Petersburg comes word that 11 men have been- lost in thut vicinity during the past fortnight. Eight were drowned and three frozen to death. The weather cleared today and the sun whs saining for the first time in several wccKs. Germany Is Pleased. Berlin, Feb. 2. Germany hailed with gratification today the news that the Monday night raid against London had penetrated to tho great citios of Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Birk enhead, Nottingham and Great Yar mouth. The war office revealed that many bombs had been hurled at docks, blast furnaces and factories, with re sultant explosions and fires. Zeppelins Bald Salonika. Washington, Feb. 2.1 The American consul at Salonika today reported 1 persons killed, 15 injured and $00,0O damage wrought in a Zeppelin raid against Salonika at 2:30 o'clock Tues day morning. Stock Market Sees General Advance Today (Copyright 191(1 by the New York Ev ening Post.) New York, Feb. 2. During the most of tho day on the stock exchange re covery continued. This was chiefly go- erncd by repurchases for the account of various speculative sellers. The buy ing affected war shares, the decline er Which in the lust month was violent and in which the bears were active. Several advanced two to three points, and several which recently had been in active, rese rapidly. Railway and steel shnres moved niroi larly, though more deliberately. The market acted as though it had conclud ed a prolonged movement in ene direc tion, had spent its force, and then de cided to close out tho speculative ac counts created in the process. Senator Sherman wants Japan warn ed to let China alone. Kut in thin time of world war a warning to senators of the Sherman type should come first. THE WEATHER fT. T7rrr I I I l,r I some. mN YE" Oregon: Tonight Vnl",? and Thursday "Sli'i 'h ruin south, rain rain south, rain or snow north portion; easterly WMldlh-: . .