Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 01, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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We Sell Butterick Patterns and Publications
Advance Showing of
Women's Spring Suits
Coats and Skirts
Just arrived and we have placed several models in one
of our Court street windows. These early models are
simply beautiful showing the newest fabric and color
selections for spring; also the latest features in garment
manufacturing for the spring season.
If you would know what is fashions latest in every
thing to wear visit Meyers Salem's Style Store.
To make shopping easy and
To please our custiniers in ev
ery respect.
These are reasons why we em
ploy courteous and intelligent
people to assist our customers in
making purches they are not
here merely to sell they are
here to assist. We have no room
for bankrupt stocks or trashy
mercandise. Thirty-six years as
standardizes of merchandise for
this vicinity has given us recog
nition as leaders in our field
An article must be worthy or it
cannot enter this store.
Our prices will be found lower
by a comparison of the values
Salem's largest store is a
House of Quality.
Fine Grade Cotton Comforts at $1.89
Excellent Comforts are offered in this surprise for
our mid-week event. Covered with a good quality
silkoline in many pretty designs and colorings;
choice of light or dark effects; fluffy cotton filled;
regular double bed size, and a most unusual value
for tomorrow only at
Sale starts at 8:30. No phone or mail orders taken.
See window display.
Millinery Department space on second floor after It
February 15th
Inquire, at Office.
t--.-. 4
tf t t tt ttMtt -
Says American Navy Is Fit
But Army Not Even Suf
ficient for Peace Times
I All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass
es correctly. U. S. Dank, Bldg.
Jadge Henry L. Benson will address
the Six o'clock club of the First Meth
odist church thin evening on, "The He
cull and the Judiciary."
O. H. F. Cough Byrnp will atop youi
cough. No cure, no pay. For Kilo it
the Opera Houso Pharmacy. tC
The letter writing boosting idea haaj Charles Miller, who was formerly cni
struck Kansas. Governor ( apier has. ployed as manager of the Umpqua ho
snggestcd that the 3.i(l,n00 school chil-j tel nt Itoseburg, was elected as manager
drcn of the state write their friends on! of tne Marion, tho selection having been
the, outside, telling a lot of nice things made' at a recent-meeting of the stock
about the sunflower state. Anyhow,1 holders. J. W. Church, who has been
we saw it first I j,, charge of the hotel for the pnst year
0 I will continue as manager until JIarck
Trank Light! has written his friends ! 1. His present plan is to take charge of
irom San Antonio, Texas, telling of his his farm near Hood Uiver.
i arrival and of his intentions of trvinc 1 h
semester was 350, which is about (10 life on his Hit) acre farm and hob-nob- Reserved spats for th rnrnnn TT,.nt
per cent of the entire attendance. Forcing with William Jennings Una,, who e "d F?i to 1 "n
the coming semester, the indications I also owns .1 farm in that part of theliJ ' 1, '" ...., ' , n , VY"
A rainfall of .23 of an inch was re
corded for the 24 hours Drecedinir a
o'clock this morning. The rivor in 5 mn' l,o over in timo for tho members
feet above low water mark.
' Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Tho Commons Mission services on
Tuesday evenings will be omitted this
week on account of the revival meet
ings at the Nazarine church.
Dr. Stone's drug store.
Ladies with narrow feet. Those new
style shoes for early spring wear, iu
AA widths are here. Keo them in tho
window. Fullerton's Queen Quality
Shoe Store, 270 N. Commercial street.
8. A. Manning is suffering with the
grippe, partially in sympathy with his
household, as all are reported iu the
same condition.
Electric baths and massage under
your physician's directions. N. N. lin
ns, 18 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 553. tf
The Salem fire department was call
ed out at 11:30 Inst night by a chimney
fire at tho residence of Mrs. Maud
Williams nt 340 Union street. No dam
age was done.
Attend Moose dancing party Tues
day evening, February 1st. All Mooso
and their friends invited.
The Moose hall will be the scene of
threo dances this week. The Moose
give their dance tonight, ,ho hi-ing
Quartet Thursday night and the Vt
mau Friday night.
Change In Oregon Electrio Schedule.
Effective Monday, January 31st. No.
S3, Woodhura-Salom local will arrive
Salem 3.20 p. m. instead of 3:25 p. m.
No. 64 Woodburn local will depart 3:30
p. m. Instead of 3:40 as at present
That the pupils of the advanced
grades want a practical education, is
Known iron, tne large attendance of the
commercial department of the high
school. The attendance for the lust
are that the attendance will be In riic-; lone star stnte.
ly in excess of this number. o
o I Merrit Davis of the commercial de
Piano tuning, satisfaction auaran- partment of the public schools is in re-
teed, moderate price, orders received i ''ipt of a reply to one of his boost
at Sulom hotel. i ing Oregon letters, from Dr. II. M.
Howe, of Uiiltimo.e, well known in the
east as an author, publisiier and lectur
er In his letter to Mr. Davis, ha com
mends the west on its enthusiastic
boosting spirit.
Cherry red is the fashionable color
.just now for the city dump cuts.
Order your pure milk and cream 1 Street Commissioner W. S. Low be
frou. Maple drove Dairy. 1215 Month ! "eves that the city's property to some
ommereial. i'houe Wn.
The Salem Festival Chorus will meet
at 7 o'clock next Monday evening for
its weekly practice. This early hour is
announced in order that the" practice
morrow morning. From tho advance
sale of tickets, everything points to
wards big houses both nights.
Does it pay to jeopardize your eye-
to attend tho Do (iogorza concert.
Albert Egan, the sweet singer of Hop-
extent should harmonize with the
trtrcot cars and consequently tho city
dump carts, four big wagons, and two
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
rhone72i. SaIcm,Ore.
mere, who sprang into fame at the an- "weepers and two springlers have all
nunl banquet of the Cherrians, January ,IP,'U repaired and painted in the regit-
member "uiui, nppiupriuio ior mo . ner-
ry city.
Geo. R. Bagley, of flillsboro, is a can
caudidnte for nomination by the repub
lican p.irty for the office of circuit
judge, nineteenth judicial district, com
prising tho counties of Tillamook and
O .. f i ,
, was unanimously elected a
of tho Orpheus Malo chorus at a meet
ing Held Inst evening. This brings the
membership up to 31.
It is one thing to boast of ones abil
ity. It is quite another to have oth
ers boast for you, and that is whv
those wanting their pinnns tune'd
should let It. K. Hansen refer them
to those who have had their work done
by him and see who does the boasting.
Leave your address with the proprietor
of the Salem hotel.
Washington, lie makes tho following
statement: "Devote my best efforts
to tiie faithful, fearless, economic and
imaprtial discharge of duties of such
A deal was closed last evening by
which Louis Lnclnnund becomes the
owner of the Dnniway residence prop
erty, !L!) Court street'. The considera
tion was 7,500 and possession will be
given March . The property has
been in possession of the Dnniway fam
ily for the past seven years niid has
recently been occupied by William M.
The indoor target range at the arm
ory is now iu operation and ninny of
tho boys aro taking ndvnntngo of' this
indoor work to improve their mnrka
mnnship. For the past week shooting
nns neen going on according to the
regulations, -which requires five shots
The primary grades of the Grant
school are now attending all their rcg
ulur session, as .i house has been rent
ed close to the school building ami has
been properly equipped for the two
primary grades. They are iu charge
of Airs. ( arno II. Chapel.
Everything is now In readiness for
the graduation of the mid winter class
of the Sulcm high school tomorrow ev
ening. The graduutes now number 12,
as Herald Kmmell has decided to gradu
ate with this rlnss. Tho exercises will
begin at 8 o'clock.
Sugar advanced in rH,- c.
hundred, briininff tlm rtii nf n, i..o I I'fo'ie, five shots kneeling and
neet sugar up to 7.05 a hundred. This1 " " 18 """ining, ur a instance of ;u feet.
is just 85 cents a huudred mori) than I A s''.or0 of "S 0,lt of a po.ssiblo ISO is
it was one yenr ago today; but 10 cents' focpiireil for a marksman to qualify.
a hundred less than it was Inst .lulvl ,
when the best sugar was retailing ii, I very few magaiincs coming into Oi-,
Salem for $7.13. gon now carry liquor nds since the
o law went, into effect, January 1, making
Trank Heyer, local representative ofil unlawful to advertise the sale of in
T. A. Livesley and company, reports toxicnting liquors. Of 44 of the lending
the purchaso of 230 bales ' of hops ningiuines, 27 carry no liquor advertise
around F.ugeno during tho past two ments and tho remaining 17 have noti
wecks. B. Statesman, Snlen, represen-l fied the news companies that special is
tativ of this company, wis in the' sues would be nnblisheil tnr llm (
Close Prices for
Cash Buyers
14 Pounds of Sugar $1.00
Best Hard Wheat Flour $1.50
Com Meal, Sack 30c
Tillamook Cheese, lb 20c
4 cans of Milk for 30c
No. 1 Imported Walnuts, lb. 15c
Chow-Chow, pint loc
Order your February Groceries
Damon & Son
855 N. Commercial Street
Phone 68
We undersell all Salem Stores
Chicago, Feb. 1. Fit for continuance
of his militurly preparedness stumping
tour after a strenuous day yesterday,
President Wilson arose early, and hui
breakfast with Mrs. Wilson at 8
o'clock. After seeing a number of vis
itors at his hotel, he reft shortly be
fore 10 o'clock for the Bock Island
station, destined for another full day.
His next goal is Dcs Moines, with
rear platform speeches at Joliet, Ot
tawa, Hock Island, Moline, Davenport,
Iowa City, Cirinclle mid Newton.
Tho president last night delivered
here one of the most Important speech
es of his political career, abounding in
pointed paragraphs, of which some of
the more prominent were:
"The American navy is ready for
war, but the American army is scarcely
sufficient for the requirements of peace
"This war was brought on by rulers,
not by peoples."
"Law has broken down."
"We may have to assert tho.se prin
ciples of right and humanity at any
"Tho force of American public opin
ion is not going to stop the war."
"I did not come nny from Wash
ington because I had the least misgiv
ing as to what the United States was
going to do but that yon
might have from my lips the assurance
of tllo absolute necessity that these
things (preparedness) should bo done,
thoroughly clone, and done very soon."
"It is probably a fortunate circum
stance that America has been cried
awake by those voices of the disturbed
and reddened night when fire sweeps
sullenly from continent to continent."
At the same time, he declared that
the nation must prepare itself for pos
sibilities ahead, and must lie ready to
maintain justice on this continent. He
culled it false that America has remain
ed nloof from the conflict because of
money to be made from the struggle.
A disguised Austrian arrested while
trying to see the president last night
caused a temporary stir.
The president posed for movie opera
tors in front of his hotel before depart
ing, but Mrs. Wilson tucked herself
into a corner of their limousino and
did not give them even a slanting shot.
Mounted officers kept back the crowds!
The president's train arrived at 10
o'clock. Previously n few enthusiasts
broke through the guard of secret serv
ice men at the train and cheered the
See the Chickering Grand Piano, the
latest in Kimball Pianos and Player
Pianos, the Decker & Son, the Strohber
Player Piano, the Smith & Barnes and
many others of the best. Every instru
ment is guaranteed by the manufactur
er and by Eilers Music House.
It is your opportunity to purchase a
fine piano at cost, and it is a fact that
the shrewdest, most conservative buy
ers in Salem and vicinity are taking
advantage of it.
A little each month like rent, take
two or three years time if you wish,
ivery obstacle has been removed.
Only a few days ought to suffice to
close out every piano. Store open
General Agent for Eilers Music House
and the Manufacturers
!..'" iuhii, .ii
city yesterday. Eugene Kegister.
The Cherrians will bcntn the reulnr
spring drilling tomorrow evening nt
the armory, under the command of
Captain C. L. Dick. Although the or
ganization may find it Inconvenient to
accompany the liosarinns t0 Honolulu,
tne chauces are good for them going in
a body to the opening of the rnilroul
at Murshfield.
Despite the unfavorable weather,
work on the AkUilchrist building is go
ing on today. Workmen are pouring
v.,Uii-iu iUr ,UB locking or the hollow
I tile walls which divide the basements
diuic rounia. . jen store room nud
basement of store rooms will be divided
by fire proof wulls.
A. H. Lea, the newly elected secre
tary of tho sUto fair board, arrived in
ftnlem today to take charge of the of
fice. Mr. I- went over to the fair
grounds this morning with ex Secretary
W. Al. Jones who made the formal turn
over of the office this afternoon. The
stnte fair board will meet February 10
to elect a president in place of J. II.
Booth, who resigned.
prohibiting the advertising of intoxicants.
Lieut Col. T. W. Scott, who is head
of the Salvation army work in Oregon,
Washington and Idaho, arrived in the
city today, for a general inspection of
the barracks and local work of the
army. He will conduct a meeting in t
hull of the Salvation army, 343 12
Court street. A feature of the meet
ing will be the enrolling of a number
of soldiers and nlso the dedication of
children. Tho public is invited to the
The Astoria basketball team shook
the fog from their clothes and arrived
in Salem today for a game with the
Snleiu high school this evening at the
high school gymnasium. Astoria is said
to hnve the strongest team along tho
Columbia river and has a record of vic
tories already this season. Snlem has
won every game this season nnd expects
to add another when the Astorinus line
up tonight.
Beginning with March 1, the Marion
hotel will be under now management.
sight, which should be the most valu.:l
gil't of God, with poorly fitted glasses,
or would you prefer known reliability
I fit glnsscs correctly; that one thiiig
1 do and do it right. It is no experi
ment with me. Thirty three years'
practico and study in eye work has
taught me how. Thousands of satis
fied patients to whom 1 enn n.fn,. vn
I should convince you th.it my office is
j a safe place to bring your "eve troub
les. I gu.irantc-) satisfaction iu every
: respect, and make a specialty of fitting
children's eyes correctly, "i do not
iiiso drops or drugs ns thev are danger-1
ous Dr. M. V. Jlendelsohn. Kooms
,LM0-2U V. S. Bank Bldg.
j On the bulletin board of the Salem
i postoffice is tho announcement that
ithe department will receive bids for
messenger. A messenger is responsible
ifor carrying all mail between the post
1 office and the Southern Pacific depot
i and tho work is of such volume, andj
the hours so long, that he is obliged to
secure the services of an assistant,
i Hids will be received up to February
10. The 'Applicant must be over 10
years old and the contract cannot be
sublet. C. S. Keyes is the present
The pen with which Horace Greely
wrote, "(lo west young man and grow
up with the country," is in the pos
session of II. JIcBride, lm Broadway,
Salem. It is a large sized gold pen
witii a mahogany holder and was pre
sented to Mr. Jlcltride in lx..S bv his
mother's uncle. An eiirht. inch whole-
bono cutter, also used by Horace Gree
ly is in the possession of Jlr. JIcKride.
lie also has a coin dated lsn.l with the
! stamp of (ieorg U and .i half cent Cni
Ited States copper coin ot lUl, highly
j valued by coin collectors. Jlr. McHride
inlso owns a silver badge worn bv his
father with this inscription: Th'nnin
; .McHride, Captain Kiddle's Independent
Company, Ohio Volunteer lut'untrv,
I -Mexican War. "
j Complaint has been filed with the in
: ter-state commerce commission nt
Washington by the Kast Side Business
Men's club of Portland in reference
to the rates given tourists from the
east. Krom San Francisco to Chicago,
by way of Portland and Seattle, the
dist.ince to Chicago is a.V2 miles short
er, yet the eastern railroads are com
pelling tourists to pay an additional
tare of 17.,)0 to if-'l.TJ to return home
by the shorter route. The Knst-Side
Business .Men's elb regard this as a
discrimination against the northwest
and As favoring southern California.
Kven with a shorter milage of 3.12, the
fare is about 2t more, and the matter
will be brought before the commission.
$150.00! As the rates now favor southern Cnli-
$150 00 ' for"'"' ,,mt s,u,e g?'s about fK) j,er
(eent of the tourist travel and tho tour-
$15.00 list, instead of reurning horn in the
60 feet Bail Backs, per foot 75c ?"mm,,r "l1"";'.-'1' .t,,c Krwl of
' I Oregon And Wushinetnn. are nlillir,,,!
Lard Press, Kettle and Benderer $60.00 travel through the deserts of Arizona
S7 50 ana -Now Mexico and tne long uninter-
P-....K ,,,,, luiuiiii ruuer western lex-
Broadway Juvenile a
"ReaF Daredevil
George W. I.ederer has uncovered a
"movie" hero who does not hnve to,
resort to being doubled or camera
faked, in order to register tho real :
"minch." This violator of all movie
co-eds breathes in tho person of Charles
Trowbridge, leading juvenile of Broud
way fame, who is being featured in the
forthcoming World Film release, "The
Siren's Song." Being thrown from the
upper deck of an ocean liner into a
choppy sea is no mean risk for a profes
sional daredevil.
When the time came for tho over
board thrill, the captain of the liner
refused absolutely to allow the stunt,
saying it meant certain death, for
which he, as master of the ship, declin
ed to be responsible.
Tersuasion was useless, and delay
only increased the tension. The actors
were anxious to have it over with. Af
ter a terrific fist fight on deck, nnd at
a given signal from the director, in vio
lation of all ship's rules, Trowbridge
was hurled headlong over the side into
the sea.
Immediately upon hearing the cry
"man overboard," the captain nrrcs?
ed the director and put hi in in irons
for disobeying his orders.
Tho passengers, too, believing it real,
mado a threatening Tush for him ,but
tho sailors', quickly realizing what
might follow, hustled him below.
It was only after Trowbridge had
been taken from the sen in an e xhanst
ed condition, and the boat that picked
him up had returned, that the director
was given his freedom.
This great picture will be shown nt
tho Bligh today nnd tomorrow.
Tacoma Lawyer Says
Juries Are Packed
Tacoma, Wash., Feb. I. Attorney A.
O. Burmeister, who has represented a
large portion of those persons arrested I
here since the tirst ot the yenr tor vio
lations of the prohibition law, today
charged that the justico court juries are
packed with W. C. T. U. members, be
fore whom it is impossible to obtain a
fair trial. As a result, Burmeister said
that a mnpjority of tho cases will be
tnken on appeal to the superior court,
where the system of jury summoning
assures that a jury cannot be packed.
"The justice court juries strangely
resemble a cold card deck," Burmeister
said. "I know that one of the prohi
bition committees furnished nt least "S3
per cent of the names of JV. C. T. 17.
and church women to sit iu tho liquor
Oalil.ind, Cnl., Feb. 1. As a result ul
the Aberdeen wreck a new life pre
serving invention wan introduced to
the waierfrout today. Walter H. Kei
an, an Ouklandcr, jumped into the col l
bay waters iron, the fireboat in ordci
to demonstrate the device. It consist-i
of a vest lined with rubber tubes which
can be blown up in n second ,,nd sup
port a body.
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Who Tis?
This is the' back view of a
prominent young Salem lawyer
who has held a high state office
and who counts'liis friends ky tho
regiment. Who tis.
To the first person who brings tli's
ad to us with his correct name to
The Spa
we will give a 2-pound box of our
famous chocolates.
For Sale
1 7Vi H. P. motor .
1 Hobart Meat Grinder
1 30x30 Meat Block -
Sheet Iron Meat Smoker
1100 lb. Beam Scale
150 North High Street
as or western Kansas.
Redding. Cal., Feb. 1 Two table
spoonsfull of sand, taken ns medicine
under advice from a "doctor book"
caused tho death at the county hos
pital today of (ieorge W. Lewis
Lewis had tnken no nourishment for
fifteen days wheu he was discovered in
distress and rushed to the county institution.
San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 1. The re
orts of mutiny and troublous times'
on board the steamer Mackinaw were
exploded today when Thomas Teabody,
cantnin of the shin, arrived from llono-,
lulu on the liner Wilhelmina.
brought word of the supposed trouble,
and some mystery was attached to the,
presence of the JIackinaw iu the Hono
lulu vicinity.
Captain l'eabody said he had taken
t tie long mid-Pacific, route because of
fierce winds anl seas. Six men quit
tho ship at Honolulu, he said.
Annapolis, JId., Feb. 1. Not
withstanding the serious need
for more officers in the navy,
220 midshipmen at the I'nited
States naval academy here
about one fourth of the entire
enrollment will bo asked to
"resign within a few duys be
cause of failure to pass mid
year examinations.
Phone 700
Good Oarage In connection for
Reasonable Bates.
246 State Street.
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Watch akt
Also a Nice Line of
Masonic Bldg.
Now at 426 State Street